
Brazil is largest state South America. In addition, it is one of the five largest countries in the world. In terms of area, this country is second only to Russia, the USA, China and Canada. The vast expanses of Brazil amaze with the diversity of nature. Everything is here: rainforests, impenetrable jungles, majestic mountains, waterfalls of unique beauty, arid deserts, full-flowing rivers, cozy bays and wonderful golden beaches. The climate in Brazil is no less diverse.

The main part of the country is located between the equator and the southern tropic. This has a significant impact on climatic features. In addition, an important role is played by the fact that almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe state rises significantly above sea level. Therefore, almost throughout the entire territory, with the exception of only the extreme southern regions, there is a very hot weather.

The average annual temperature in Brazil is from +14.7 to +28.3ºС. Maximum temperature seen in the northern part. The closer to the south, the lower it is. The highest average annual rates are registered in the Middle and Eastern Amazon. And the lowest - in the central part of the states of Santa Catarina and Parana. Winter frosts are not uncommon here, although residents of other regions are characterized only by positive thermometer readings.

Annual temperature fluctuations are very small. For northern regions this figure is one and a half - two and a half degrees, for areas located in the Brazilian highlands - four - seven degrees, for states in the eastern part of the country - two - six degrees. Maximum annual fluctuations temperatures are different central regions(12 ºС).

Quite different indicators of temperature fluctuations during the season or day. Moreover, they differ greatly depending on the location of the area. For example, if in the Amazon this value is in the range of 5-6ºС, then in the southern regions it is 40ºС.

Influence the climate in Brazil and regular rainy seasons. This country is distinguished by an increased amount of precipitation falling during the year. The annual average for all states is often higher than 1000 millimeters. It rains most abundantly in the Eastern and Western Amazon. Here annual amount rainfall is 2000 millimeters. The driest is the northeast (less than 500 millimeters).

From early October to late April, there is a long rainy season. At this time, the humidity of the air rises significantly. The northeast coast is characterized by autumn and winter rains. But in the southern part of the state, precipitation is evenly distributed throughout the year.

Brazil is in southern hemisphere, and the seasons change in reverse order compared to the Northern Hemisphere.

Most of Brazilian territory lies in a hot climatic zone between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn. It is warmest in the Amazon, where humid equatorial climate with constantly high temperatures(25-28C) and abundant year-round precipitation (2900-4000 mm per year). This area is characterized by an unusual high humidity air and the absence of a pronounced change of seasons.

Guiana and central part The Brazilian Highlands lie in the zone of humid subequatorial climate with a pronounced alternation of rainy (summer) and dry (winter) seasons. The average annual temperature in these places is kept at 25C, and the precipitation brought by the summer monsoons from the Amazon falls in the form of heavy showers.

The southeastern part of Brazil lies in the tropical climate zone with average annual temperature within 16C and uniform distribution of precipitation throughout the year (up to 1500 mm).

Best time to visit:

The best time to visit Brazil is summer months, as well as the period when the famous carnival takes place.

The best time to visit Rio de Janeiro is from April to September. At this time, it is not as hot as from November to March, although it often rains. day temperature in summer period fluctuates from +22 to +32 degrees, and a light warm breeze blows from the ocean. It is always humid in Rio de Janeiro, from November to March it is hot, from April to September it is cool, it often rains. The "worst" month is July, because cold and it often rains.

The best time to visit the Amazon is between August and early December. There is almost no rain during this time. From December to April there is also little rain, but it is very hot. May, June and July are the rainiest months.

Average water temperature in Rio de Janeiro

The official name of the state is the Federative Republic of Brazil. The country of Brazil ranks 5th in terms of its area of ​​8,515,770 km2. At the same time, the size of the population of the country is, as of 2018, approximately 212,804,996 people, with a population density of 22 people / km2.

Brazil became independent on September 7, 1822. Today, the country of Brazil is a federal presidential republic. Michel Temer is the President of the State. State language recognized Portuguese. The monetary unit is the Brazilian real. The capital of Brazil is the city of Brasilia.

Brazilian flag:

Brazil is divided administratively into 26 states and 1 federal (capital) district. There are also 5 regions: Northern, Northeastern, Central-Western, Southeastern and Southern regions.

Brazil focuses on oil production, natural gas production, automotive, and development Agriculture. This country is the largest exporter of sugar. It also supplies oranges, soybeans, coffee and other products to the world market.

rich country and Natural resources. In terms of hardwood reserves, Brazil comes out on top. The longest river in the world, the Amazon, flows through the country. Also on the territory of the country there are deposits of minerals, such as manganese ore, iron ore, zinc, nickel, titanium ores. One of large deposits gold is located in the south of the country. Gems are also mined.

Relief of Brazil

The relief of the country changes from north to south. The Guiana Plateau is located in the northernmost part of the country. Moving lower to the south of the country is the Amazonian lowland. The rest of the southern part of the country is on the Brazilian Plateau.

most high point country is Mount Bandeira, whose height reaches 2890 meters.

Climate of Brazil

The country of Brazil is located in the warmest climatic zones - equatorial, tropical and subtropical. In connection with such an arrangement of the country, the climate has developed in it rather hot.

The climate in the country varies not only from north to south, but also in length from east to west. This is due to the location of the regions, the proximity of the ocean and many other factors. The hottest region of the country is the northeast, where the equatorial climate is located. In the most warm months daytime temperature does not fall below +35 degrees Celsius.

Most of the country is located in tropical climate, but it differs significantly along the coast and inland. Temperatures are more moderate inland, while the climate is hotter and more humid along the country's coast. At higher elevations, the climate is marked with a large temperature difference. southern part The country is located in a subtropical climate. The climate here is not so hot. In the cold months, the temperature can drop to +18 degrees during the day, and up to +11 at night.

Brazilian inland waters

The country of Brazil is rich in inland waters. In the north of its territory flows the most long river in the world - the Amazon. Its system irrigates the south of the Guiana Plateau, the Amazonian lowland and the north brazilian plateau. This river is flooded and navigable all year round.

The rest of Brazil is irrigated by smaller rivers such as the Uruguay and Parana rivers in the south, the Paraguay river in the west, and the San Francisco river in the east. The rest of the Brazilian Plateau is irrigated by short rivers. There are also several lakes in the country, which are located in the very south: Lakes Patus and Mangueira are the largest lakes. Also on the territory of the country, due to its relief, there are many waterfalls, including beautiful waterfalls Iguazu.

Fauna and flora of Brazil

Due to the diversity of climate and topography in the country, the variety of animal and flora just huge. In the country great amount species wild monkeys, fish, reptiles, wild animals, etc. Scientists still find and discover new species of animals in the Amazon jungle. Of the most unusual animals, margay, armadillos, opossums, anteaters, peccaries, guara, anaconda, caiman and many other unusual and such bright animals should be distinguished. The symbol of Brazil is the Toucan bird, which lives in this country.

The flora of Brazil is also diverse. Species diversity vegetation reaches about 50,000 species. Brazil became famous for its forests on red lateritic soils. Grows in its territory a large number of palm types, chocolate trees, dairy trees, coniferous araucaria and many other species exotic trees. Brazil also became famous for its huge water lily and orchids.

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Brazil is a huge country, most of which is in the tropics. The climate in some of its regions is very diverse, but mostly hot. Let's look at the features of the weather and find out how the climate of Brazil changes by months.

Features of weather conditions in Brazil

The stretching of the territory has led to the allocation of six different types climatic conditions countries:

As you can see, each of these climatic zones strongly influences the weather conditions of a certain area and causes the formation of a characteristic flora and fauna. Large territory Brazil is influenced by the equatorial and tropical climate.

Summer. Brazilian climate from December to March

At a time when snowstorms are raging and frosts are cracking in Brazil, it is warm and humid in Brazil. This is due to the fact that the seasons there are directly opposite to the European seasons. brazilian summer starts on December 22 and lasts until This season is characterized by the presence of heavy rainfall and warm temperature air. The thermometer in December shows an average temperature of +33 ˚С during the day and +25 ˚С at night. Average temperatures are 3-4 degrees lower. And in its central part they are equal to +29˚С - during the day and +19˚С - at night.

The heat subsides at the end of January, and February is no longer so sultry. The average daily temperature can vary from +27 ˚С to +32 ˚С depending on the territory. As already mentioned, in winter months Brazilian weather is different high humidity. In December, there are 15-25 rainy days.

Such air contributes to the warming of water on the coasts. At this time, the indicator can reach +29 ˚С.

Autumn. What is the climate in Brazil from April to June

On March 22, Brazilian autumn begins. can be described as moderately hot. In the northeast, the average temperature during the day is about +29˚С, and in the central part of the country this figure is 1-2 degrees lower. Accordingly, at night the thermometer reaches +23˚С and +17˚С.

In April and closer to May, the average temperature drops by a few more degrees. The water in the waters of the seas is still warm - +27 ˚С. Rains can last 10-20 days in one month.

Brazilian winter (July-September)

The beginning of the Brazilian winter is June 22. It lasts until September 21st. At this time, there is a significant decrease in air and water temperatures. This is especially noticeable in the southern part of Brazil. Frosts can occur here from July. average temperature in July June and August it fluctuates from +11 ˚С to +15 ˚С at night and from +25 ˚С to +27 ˚С during the day. In the southern regions, the temperature during the day can drop to +17 ˚С.

The number at this time is significantly reduced. September usually has 3-5 rainy days.

Spring. The climate of the country from October to December

September 22-December 21 is the period of the Brazilian spring. The hot and dry season is coming. From the north-eastern regions of the country, the average daytime temperature ranges from +32 ˚С to +34 ˚С. In the center of Brazil, the same figure is + 30˚С. Night temperatures can vary from +11 ˚С to +25 ˚С depending on the territory. On the coasts of the country, the climate is milder, not so hot and there is more rainfall.

The tourist season starts from October and lasts until March, when hot climate Brazil. Photos of travelers who have visited this tropical country are striking in their beauty. picturesque nature, formed against the backdrop of such specific weather conditions, makes this country very attractive for tourists.

Briefly, the climate in Brazil can be described as the opposite of Europe. Most of the country is located in the tropics, so the weather is hot. This allows tourists to go to Brazil at any time of the year.

What is the climate in Brazil?

B is counted immediately six types of climate, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. equatorial type- characterized by heavy rains and average air temperatures. Predominates in the Amazon. It rains here almost every afternoon;
  2. Typical vegetation for this type of climate is humid equatorial forests.

  3. semi-arid type- characterized by high temperatures and dryness. Precipitation here is rare and short. A semi-arid climate is characteristic of the Sao Francisco Plain and the Northeast Sertan. Typical vegetation is cacti and thorny bushes;
  4. tropical type- characterized by hot weather, high air temperatures. The year is conditionally divided into two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. The tropics are rubbed in Central Brazil, eastern Maranhao, Piauí and Minas Gerais. The vegetation is predominantly represented by shrubs with deep roots. The soil is saturated with aluminum;
  5. Tropical type high density- differs in average annual temperatures with minimum amplitude. In summer there are heavy rains, and in winter frosts and hoarfrost are frequent. Typical vegetation is tropical forests, not as saturated as equatorial ones. This type of climate is characteristic of the areas of the Atlantic Plateau;
  6. Tropical Atlantic type- characterized by heavy rains and average air temperatures. The weather here is often changeable and unpredictable. The dominant vegetation is the Atlantic forest. Territory - the coast of the country from Rio Grande do Norte to Parana;
  7. subtropical type- characterized by high annual air temperatures, moderate precipitation. soft, warm summer and cold winter with snowfalls. Subtropics are typical for the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, Parana.
  8. Typical vegetation for subtropical climate- pines, cereals, araucaria.

    Weather and temperature by months

    The weather in Brazil depends not only on climate zone but also on the time of year.

    in winter

    in winter water temperature on the east coast equals + 26-28 degrees, and on the western - + 16-20 degrees.

  • AT december Spring ends and summer begins in Brazil. The air temperature is quite high - during the day it varies from +28 to +36 degrees, and at night it drops to +23-24 degrees. Humidity is 75-80%.
  • Januaryrainy month. The average air temperature during the day is + 26-28 degrees, and at night - + 16-17 degrees. Hottest in January south coast countries. Also the month is different high level humidity.
  • - the height of summer in Brazil, it rains almost every day. This month is very humid and very hot weather. The average air temperature during the day is + 28-32 degrees, and at night - + 18-20 degrees.


In spring, the water temperature on the east coast is + 28-29 degrees, and on the west - + 17-21 degrees.

  1. AT March autumn comes to Brazil, although the weather is still hot and humid. The average air temperature during the day is + 26-28 degrees, and at night - + 18-22 degrees.
  2. The number of rainy days in the month of March in Brazil is about 10-14.

  3. AT April the onset of autumn becomes more noticeable - cool breezes begin to blow from the coast. Precipitation is declining, and drought is setting in the Amazon. The average air temperature is +26 degrees during the day and +18 degrees at night.
  4. The weather is quite varied. The rainy season begins in the Amazon. Rio de Janeiro gets a lot of rainfall and is getting cooler. Drought occurs in the flat areas. The average air temperature during the day is + 26-30 degrees and at night - + 10-14 degrees.


Summer water temperature on the east coast it is + 26-29 degrees, and on the west coast - + 16-18 degrees.

  • Junetransition period from autumn to winter. It is getting cooler - the air temperature during the day varies from +20 to +30 degrees and at night +10 to +15 degrees. It gets cooler on the coast, and warmer in the flat areas.
  • July in Brazil it is considered the coldest month. Daytime air temperature varies from +18 to +20 degrees, and nighttime can drop to +6 degrees. Frosts of -10 degrees are not uncommon. Precipitation is almost non-existent.
  • August It is characterized by aridity - precipitation falls one to three times a month. It is warmest on the coast - the air temperature reaches + 24-26 degrees. It is cooler on the plain - the air does not warm up more than +20 degrees. At night, the air temperature varies from +8 to +11 degrees.


autumn water temperature on the east coast it is + 22-25 degrees, and on the west - + 13-17 degrees.

  1. In Brazil, spring is coming - the weather is getting hot. Precipitation falls 5-7 times a month. The average daytime temperature reaches +30 degrees, and at night - +18 degrees.
  2. October hot and dry month. In some regions the air temperature reaches +38-40 degrees. Humidity is very low and there is almost no precipitation.
  3. In October, even at night, the temperature level is kept at around +20 degrees.

  4. AT november unpredictable and uneven weather. The coast is very humid, and the Amazon is dry. The weather is hot - during the day the air warms up to +35 degrees, and at night - up to +24 degrees. Humidity is high.

When is the best time to rest?

because of warm weather high season in Brazil lasts all year round . At any time of the year, this country is suitable for a good rest.

The best time to relax

The best time to visit Brazil is European winter . It is from February to February that tourists are most willing to buy tours to this country. This is due not only to favorable weather conditions, but also with the proximity of the holidays.

Brazil is also actively visited in August-September. It is during this period that many fruits ripen - including the famous mango.

Rain season

The rainy season in Brazil lasts from October to. At this time, it rains abundantly and the air humidity is high. Rain season - not an obstacle for tourists and those wishing to relax on the Brazilian shores.

See video about climate change one of the regions of Brazil: