Animal world The planet is full of a variety of representatives that amaze the human imagination with their size. There are both the smallest individuals, and surprisingly huge specimens that feel quite comfortable in natural environment a habitat. It is the latter that especially attract the attention of a person and make one only guess what caused such an impressive weight and height. What is the largest animal on Earth?

The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet that a person had the opportunity to measure and weigh. The weight of a newborn whale is 2-3 tons, and average weight adults - 100-120 tons with a body length of up to 30 meters. But larger animals are also known in history:

  • in 1926 whalers met a female weighing 150 tons;
  • in 1947 a whale weighing 190 tons was slaughtered.

Due to its incredible size, it is not possible to weigh a whole animal on a whaling ship, so a special method of weighing in parts has been developed.

On a note! Only one tongue of the blue whale weighs about 2.7 tons - this is exactly the body weight of the average Indian elephant. The heart of a mammal has a weight of at least 600 kg, which can be compared in weight and size with the dimensions of a Mini Cooper car.

You can meet this champion in the water areas of many countries: Russia, Japan, China, Malaysia, India, USA, Norway, Iceland, Chile, Colombia, etc. They usually live alone, very rarely - in groups of 2-3 individuals. During the day, the whale spends up to 1 million calories, to replenish which he needs to eat 1 ton of krill or other small mollusks.

Other giants of the planet

In addition to the blue whale, other large animals that belong to different categories live on our planet. So, among birds, rodents, reptiles and other representatives of the animal world, there are champions that attract attention with their abnormally large dimensions.

The largest animal among those living on land. The average weight of males is 7-8 tons, body length is 6-7.5 m at a height of 3-3.5 m, and the weight of their tusks can reach 100 kg. They practically do not meet enemies in wild nature, only cubs sometimes suffer from the attack of lions or crocodiles. But these elephants are often subjected to human destruction (elephant tusks are a valuable hunting item), therefore they are listed in the Red Book.

Interesting! African elephants sleep standing up and are still able to mourn the dead, in which they can be compared with humans

The largest predator alive today, since the weight of adult males reaches 4 tons, and the length is 2.6-3 m. They spend most life in aquatic environment, and very rarely get out on land (mainly during the breeding season). Unique Feature of these animals is that males are usually 5-6 times heavier than females.

It is considered the largest bird: an adult can weigh up to 150 kg and grow up to 3 m in height. Birds huge size live in the flatlands of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula and are also the holders of the title of the fastest bipedal animal. In addition, they lay eggs weighing up to 2 kg, which are considered one of the world's delicacies.


Most big representative rodents on the planet. Adult animals can grow up to 150 cm in height and weigh up to 100 kg. They live near water in temperate and tropical latitudes South America. Capybaras adapt well to life with humans, so they are sometimes used by local residents as pets.

Is the most large reptile. He lives in South-East Asia, off the eastern coast of India and northern Australia. The body length of adult crocodiles can exceed 6 m, and weight - 1 ton. This is very dangerous predator, which is capable of attacking any living object in sight, regardless of whether it is on land or in water.

A giant among snakes, whose weight can reach 200 kg. The maximum recorded length of a snake is 11.43 m. But scientists believe that in wild forests South America, you can meet individuals with large parameters. The anaconda wraps itself around its prey until it is completely suffocated and then swallows it whole, after which it can go without food for up to 1 month.

The largest arthropod, since its weight reaches 19 kg, and the body length with paws is 3.9 m. This giant lives in the waters Japanese islands, feeds on small mollusks and is able to live up to 100 years.

Modern large animals of the Earth are by no means inferior in size to their prehistoric predecessors. But if a person does not treat them with respect and continues to destroy their habitat, they risk disappearing from the face of our planet, like dinosaurs millions of years ago.

Our world is full of amazing animals, big and small, short and tall. In this article, we will look at the 15 largest animals in the world, classified into various categories such as mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, etc.

The largest living animal is the Blue Whale.

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal. With 30 meters in length and 180 tons or more in weight, it is the largest known animal ever. The Blue Whale's tongue weighs approximately 2.7 tons, about the size of an average Indian elephant, and its heart weighs approximately 600 kg and is the largest known from any animal. Not only is the heart of a blue whale comparable in size to a Mini Cooper car, but it is also comparable in weight.

Heaviest land animal in the world: African elephant.

The African Elephant is the largest living animal on earth. With males reaching 6 - 7.5 meters in length and 3.3 meters in height, and weighing 6 tons. Females are much smaller, reaching 5.4 - 6.9 meters in length, 2.7 meters in height, weighing 3 tons. natural enemies because of him big size, but cubs (especially newborns) are vulnerable to lion and crocodile attacks, and (rarely) to leopard and hyena attacks.

Tallest land animal in the world: Giraffe.

Giraffe ( Giraffa camelopardalis) is African artiodactyl mammals and the tallest terrestrial animal. It reaches 5-6 meters in height and has an average weight of 1,600 kg for males and 830 kg for females. It has an extremely elongated neck, reaching over 2 m in length, accounting for almost half of the animal's vertical height. Long neck results from a disproportionate lengthening of the cervical spine.

The largest carnivores in the world: the southern elephant seal.

The southern elephant seal is the largest carnivore living today. The size of these seals varies greatly between males and females, perhaps more than any other mammal. Males are usually five to six times heavier than females. While the average weight of females is 400 - 900 kilograms, and the length is from 2.6 to 3 meters, males usually weigh from 2,200 to 4,000 kilograms.

The largest land carnivores in the world: White polar bear and Kodiak bear.

The largest land carnivores are the polar bear ( Ursus maritimus) and the Kodiak bear, a subspecies brown bear. Since their body sizes are approximately the same, it is not clear which bear is definitively larger. Their height exceeds 1.6 meters, and the total length reaches 3 meters. The heaviest polar and brown bears recorded weighed 1.003 kg and 1.135 kg, respectively.

The most big reptile in the world: Saltwater crocodile.

The saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) is the largest living reptile. It can be found in suitable habitats from Northern Australia to Southeast Asia and east coast India. The weight of an adult male saltwater crocodile is 409 - 1,000 kilograms, and the length usually ranges from 4.1 to 5.5 meters. However, mature males can exceed 6 meters and weigh more than 1,000 kilograms. This variety is the only one in existence that regularly reaches and exceeds 4.8 meters in length. The saltwater crocodile is exceptionally predatory, capable of attacking almost any animal that intrudes into its territory, whether in water or on land. In the selection of interesting facts about alligators you will also find a lot of interesting information.

The largest amphibian in the world: Chinese giant salamander.

The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is the largest salamander in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm. Although they rarely reach that size today, as they are often eaten. Found in rocky mountain streams and lakes in China, the salamander is critically endangered by habitat loss, pollution and overexploitation as its meat is considered a delicacy and used in traditional Chinese medicine.

The biggest Rabbit/Hare in the world: Flemish Giant.

The Flemish Giant is an old breed of domesticated rabbit originating from the Flemish region. They were bred as early as the 16th century around the city of Ghent, Belgium. Rabbits can weigh up to 12.7 kg

The biggest bats in the world: Giant golden-crowned flying fox.

Most great view bats- Giant golden-crowned flying fox (Acerodon jubatus), an endangered fruit bat from rainforest Philippines, which is part of the megabat family. Maximum size is believed to be approaching 1.5 kg. weight, and 55 cm in length, and the wingspan can be almost 1.8 meters. Simple big flying fox(Pteropus vampyrus) is smaller in body weight and length, but exceeds the golden-crowned varieties in wing span. Instances reached a span of up to two meters.

Most big rodent in the world: Capybara, or cavy.

The largest rodent is the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), an inhabitant of most tropical and temperate parts of eastern South America and the Andes, living near water. Adult capybaras can reach 1.5 meters in length and 0.9 meters in height when maximum weight at 105.4 kilograms. This is a very social variety and easily gets along with a person.

The biggest bony fish in the world: Ocean sunfish.

Osteichthyes, or bony fish - taxonomic group fish that have a bony, as opposed to cartilaginous, skeleton. It is an extremely diverse and rich group of fish, comprising over 29,000 species, and is also the most big class existing vertebrates.

The largest bony fish is the widespread ocean sunfish (Mola mola). It resembles the head of a fish with a tail, and its main part is flattened from the side. A mature ocean sunfish has an average length of 1.8 meters, a fin-to-fin length of 2.5 meters, and an average weight of 1,000 kilograms. There were fish up to 3.3 meters in length, weighing up to 2,300 kg.

The most big snake: Green Anaconda.

The most massive reptile in the world is the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). The maximum recorded size is 7.5 meters in length and 250 kg in weight, although rumors of more large anacondas widespread. The python (Python reticulatus) of Southeast Asia is longer but much lighter, reaching as much as 9.7 meters in length.

The most big bird in the world: Ostrich.

The largest bird is (Struthio camelus), an inhabitant of the plains of Africa and Arabia. A large male ostrich can reach a height of 2.8m, weighing over 156kg. The eggs laid by an ostrich can weigh up to 1.4 kg and are the largest eggs in the world. They can also run at top speeds of approximately 97.5 km/h, making the ostrich also the fastest bird on earth and the fastest bipedal animal in the world.

Heaviest flying bird in the world: Dalmatian pelican.

The Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) is a member of the pelican family. Distributed from southeastern Europe to India and China in swamps and shallow lakes. It is the largest of the pelicans, averaging 160-180 cm in length, 11-15 kg in weight and just over 3 m in wingspan. dalmatian pelicans are the heaviest flying bird species in the world on average, although large male bustards and swans can exceed the pelican in maximum weight.

On Earth you can find a wide variety of mammals. They live in water, on earth and even in the sky. Each of them is different in something special and they are completely different from each other. But the question arises: which mammal is the heaviest or largest?

If we talk about weight, then the choice is not so great, but considering the issue of size, you can find several suitable mammals, because some of them are very tall, while others are long, and others are voluminous. In a word, everyone can find something outstanding.

Mammals: who wins?

It is well known that the most large mammal- this is blue whale . Its length reaches 35 meters, and its weight fluctuates within 130 tons. Truly a giant! More than half a century ago, a blue whale was caught, the weight of which was 190 tons, although its length was slightly more than 27 meters. Whales are also notable for having the largest newborns. Only a born whale weighs neither more nor less - more than 2 tons and its length is more than 6 meters.

For the most part, the most large mammals have the most big weight. But there are exceptions to everything. For example, mammals include giraffe. It reaches a height of more than 5 meters, but its weight varies within one ton. Exactly this tall mammal.

Along with the blue whale, which plows the oceans of the planet, the largest land animal lives on earth. It - African elephant. Its height is almost 4 meters, and its weight can be up to 7 tons. Almost 40 years ago, the largest specimen was killed - a 12-ton elephant, whose height without 4 centimeters was 4 meters. Also in Namibia, the highest elephant was recorded, on account of which 11 human lives. In length, it reached almost 4.5 meters, and in height - 4 meters 20 cm. Its weight was 8 tons.

Predators on land and in water

The largest predatory mammal is the southern elephant seal. He is carnivorous and amazing. Uniqueness sea ​​elephants in that their males are almost 6 times larger than females. Those. if the female usually weighs from 450 to 900 kilograms with a length of up to 3 meters, then the males weigh from 2 to 4 tons and reach 6 meters in length. And the record among its brethren was broken by a sea elephant 6 meters 85 centimeters long and weighing 5 tons.

Ground predators are also formidable. Among them are polar bear and Kodiak bear. The latter is found in Alaska on the island of the same name. Its height is 1.5 meters, length - 3 meters, and the weight of the absolute champion was 1135 kilograms.

But along with large animals, it is worth mentioning them. complete opposites. After all, the most small mammal no less fascinating and surprising than the largest. It is pig-nosed bat. Its body is no larger than the size of a bumblebee and, together with its head, is 3 cm with a wingspan of 14 cm. This tiny creature weighs 2 grams and lives in limestone caves in Thailand.

Indeed, there are many unusual things in nature. Both large and tiny creatures cause admiration and surprise. True, the first ones also inspire fear, but this is only because of them. appearance, which is really impressive in size!

Some marine life is much larger than land animals. In this material, we will consider the ten largest animals in size and weight that live in the world's oceans.

The length of an adult walrus is 4 m, and the body weight exceeds 2 tons. A distinctive feature of walruses is their huge elongated upper fangs, which are called tusks. The tusks reach 1 m in length and are used by walruses during battles for females, as well as to facilitate climbing onto ice floes. Because of these tusks, the walruses were given scientific name, translated from Greek which means "walking on the teeth."

Despite their formidable appearance, walruses are very shy animals. While resting on land, they put up sentries who closely monitor the situation and warn the entire herd of the danger that has arisen. They are very sociable and constantly supporting each other animals. After the mating fever, when the males can fight for the right to mate with the female, they all bring up the young together, help with feeding.

Walruses live in the north, rookery on the pack ice.

A huge seal growing up to 6.5 m in length and reaching a weight of more than 4 tons. The elephant seal got its name from its proboscis nose. The male elephant seal is extremely aggressive behavior during mating season when, for the sake of mating, he is ready to trample and tear other rivals, not paying attention to anything. Gathering in groups and sorting out relationships among themselves, elephant seals can easily crush young calves or females, which are significantly smaller than males. Every year, during the mating season, a significant number of young animals die from strangulation and strangulation, and males die from wounds received earlier than from natural death.

Elephant seals live on the west coast North America and in Antarctica. The Antarctic (southern) elephant seal is significantly larger than its northern counterpart.

8 Saltwater Crocodile

- not exactly a marine animal. It lives in the swamps and mangroves of the tropical region, but can sometimes travel by sea, covering distances of 600 km or more. Therefore, it can be seen, for example, off the coast of Japan, although it never lived there and does not live there. The reasons for such long migrations are not fully known. According to some assumptions combed crocodiles, which are loners by nature, seek more secluded habitats, others - more food-rich regions. But whatever the reason, such guests in sea bays and gulfs terrify not only local residents but also on local predators. The crocodile easily displaces from the chosen coastal zones even sharks, which simply retreat, unable to oppose anything to the impenetrable armor of the reptile.

This crocodile is the only reptile that grows over 5 m in length. Adult combed crocodiles grow up to 7 m in length and reach a mass of 2 tons.

Adult killer whales are large marine predators. In captivity in aquariums, we see not record specimens, but in nature their length reaches 10 m, and their weight exceeds 8 tons. Every day, adult killer whales require up to 150 kg. meat, and in their search they spend most of their lives attacking all living things that can satisfy their hunger. The killer whale is nicknamed “killer whale” for a reason – it is the largest carnivore on the planet. They are at the top the food chain, preying on others, and large fish.

Killer whales are extremely intelligent animals. They make perfect use of their group skills while hunting. There are well-known and documented cases of attacks on walruses and fur seals that tried to hide on a lonely ice floe. Accelerating towards the ice floe, they raise high wave, which washes the poor victim into the water, where she is not destined to be saved. Killer whales are also the only marine predators that can jump ashore and grab fur seals their favorite prey.

Killer whales live everywhere, but prefer the cool waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Most often kept in the coastal strip.

Humpbacks grow up to 15 m, and the maximum recorded length was 18 m. Weight - 30 tons. It would seem that he should have a characteristic hump, but the main distinguishing feature hunchback - long pectoral fins and huge "warts" on the snout. The length of the fins can reach 34% of the body length. They are playing important role in the life of an animal - they participate in thermoregulation, increase maneuverability and help in hunting. Humpback whales often hunt in a group, diving under a flock of fish and surrounding it with small air bubbles. Surrounded by such a wall of bubbles, the fish is lost and huddled into a dense lump, which is swallowed by humpbacks, which suddenly appear from the depths.

Buckles of humpbacks and their blows with their tail and fins on the surface are known. They are even able to completely jump out of the water.

Humpback whales live throughout the world's oceans. They often come to the coast for feeding.

It grows up to 20 m in length and reaches a weight of 30 tons. This is a slender whale and can accelerate to a speed of 50 km/h. (according to other sources maximum speed is 25 km / h) in contrast to their more "fat" relatives. The sei whale dives well, plunging to a depth of up to 300 m and remaining under water for up to 20 minutes.

The sei whale was the most important object of commercial fishing, after the man almost destroyed the blue whale and fin whale. Currently, fishing for this whale is completely prohibited.

Sei whale lives in all oceans, preferring warm tropical waters.

The weight of an adult sperm whale reaches 50 tons, and the body length is 20 m. This largest representative toothed whales - unlike baleen whales, they have teeth and prey on fish, cephalopods and rare cases on others marine mammals. The sperm whale is known for its huge head, which occupies 35% of its body length. The word "sperm whale" itself comes from " cachola", which means "big head". On a huge head, the whale's mouth looks small, but the impression is deceptive. One of his teeth weighs 1 kg.

The whale lives in all oceans, but avoids cold areas. Keeps far from the coast, where great depth and their favorite prey lives - squids. The sperm whale hunts, among other things, huge giant squids. Fights with them “reward” the whale with characteristic scars from the suckers of these mollusks.

The record length of the bowhead whale was 22 m and a weight of 150 tons. This weight is comparable to the weight of the animal that won the first place in our top, but it is seriously inferior to it in length. But the bowhead whale holds the record for life expectancy. At medium duration life in 40 years, according to some estimates of scientists, this whale can live up to 211 years. Among vertebrates, this is an absolute record, although it was recently discovered that the polar shark lives even longer - up to an unthinkable 512 years.

The bowhead whale spends its entire life in cold polar waters. northern hemisphere, retreating south from the growing ice in winter, and returning back in spring. If the whale is caught in ice, it breaks it with its huge body.

Adult individuals reach a length of 27 m and a mass of more than 70 tons. These giants have chosen open ocean, rarely approaching the coast. They prefer loneliness, although sometimes there are small groups of 4-6 whales. Despite their huge length, fin whales are quite plastic and “slim”. They swim faster and dive deeper than many other cetaceans. The maximum recorded speed of the fin whale is 50 km/h, and the depth of submersion under water exceeds 250 m. Its speed allows it to feed not only on immobile krill, but also on medium-sized schooling fish.

After uncontrolled fishing for fin whales in the middle of the 20th century. the extraction of this whale was completely prohibited. In 2006, Iceland again allowed hunting for him. Contemporary assessment the number of fin whales is 50-55 thousand individuals.

Not only the largest modern animal, but also the largest of all that has ever lived on our planet. Maximum length this giant is 33 meters, and the weight can exceed 150 tons. They live for 80-90 years, and the oldest known blue whale was 110 years old. Like other cetaceans, it feeds exclusively on plankton, consuming 1 ton of it every day.

The uncontrolled fishing of the blue whale has almost completely destroyed it. In the 1960s, its population was estimated at only 5,000 individuals. In a timely manner Taken measures on the protection of the whale gave their results and at present scientists estimate the number at 10,000 heads, which is already enough not to worry about the safety of the species.

The blue whale lives throughout the world's oceans.

There are many amazing animals in the world. Birds, fish, insects - who is not on our inhabited planet! Some species are very rare and cannot be found in the wild, others are common on only one continent, and others can be found on the territory of our country. What is the largest animal on earth? A few million years ago, dinosaurs could certainly boast of their size. Now it is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, but we can present you a list of huge birds and animals.

1. Blue whale

The largest animal in the world is a creature that does not leave the depths of the waters. This is a blue whale. Its length reaches 30 meters, and weight - up to 180 tons! It is impossible to imagine, but one whale tongue weighs 3 tons. The fountain of water that the whale releases when breathing reaches a height of 10 meters. The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. one heart sea ​​monster weighs 600 kg, it is the largest internal organ on the planet. The lungs of a blue whale pass 3,000 liters of air in one breath. The diet of the animal consists mainly of shrimp. The blue (blue) whale is the largest animal in the world.

2. African elephant

If we talk about land representatives of the terrestrial fauna, then here too there is someone to boast of their size. We are talking about elephants: the African elephant weighs approximately 6 tons and its body length is 7 meters. The adult female is almost half the size of the male, but it is still the largest land mammal. About African elephants known amazing facts: they sleep standing up and know how to mourn the dead, which makes them look like people.

3. Giraffe

In another plane, the largest animal on Earth is elongated in height. Of course it's a giraffe. A five-meter adult male weighs at least 1500 kg. The neck is half the height of a giraffe. Nature rewarded the animal with a long cervical spine.

4. Elephant seal

Among predators, the place of the largest animal on Earth is occupied by the sea elephant. The spread in the weights of individual individuals can reach a difference of several times, which cannot be the case for other living beings. Huge warlike males weigh almost four tons in their better times. The weight of females rarely exceeds 800 kg. The body length of elephant seals can reach 6 meters.

5. Brown and polar bears

On land with elephant seal another predator can compete in size. Brown and polar bears weigh almost the same, so both will get the palm. The three-meter owner of the forest and ice has a body more than three meters long.

6. Hippo and rhinoceros

Don't forget the giant hippos. Their weight is from 3 tons, and the length is from 3 to 5 meters. After the hippopotamus, it is impossible not to say about the rhinoceros - the formidable guardian of Africa. Despite a solid horn located on the nose and a huge mass (from 3 to 8 tons), rhinos are herbivores.

7. Crocodile

The largest animal in the world of reptiles was the crocodile. Residents of India, Australia and southern regions Asians can admire it daily amazing creation, not forgetting that the crocodile preys on all living things in the area, on land and in water. An adult crocodile weighs about 1000 kg, body length is 4-5 m. At the same time, a five-meter individual is not something out of the ordinary. Old crocodiles can be larger than the largest animals in the world. Interestingly, the closing force of the crocodile's mouth is so great that if it is slammed shut, it is almost impossible to open it. Such tricks may be subject to a person, but random prey from the mouth of a crocodile will never get out.

8. Rabbit

The more defenseless and fluffy inhabitants of the planet deserve special attention. The Flemish rabbit is raised under special conditions. An adult male weighs about 15 kg, which is approximately equal to the weight of a heavy average dog. Breeding began in medieval Ghent.

9. Bat

Among the miniature-looking bats there are large individuals. This is not the largest animal in the sea, but one of the creepiest. The appearance of bats in cinema and literature is often associated with the appearance of something dark and mystical. The width of the wingspan of the bloodsucker is almost two meters. Weight of the golden-crowned flying fox, the largest bat, about 1.5 kg.

10. Capybara

The capybara (guinea pig) is one of the largest rodent animals in the world. Translated from the language of the Guarani Indians, "capybara" is translated as "lord of herbs." Lives in South America in the Andes. Them habitat habitats - in caves near the water. Surprisingly, a huge guinea pig easily gets along with a person. The weight of the animal can reach up to 100 kg, the length of the creation is equal to the height short girl(150 cm). Capybaras live in small groups of 15-20 individuals. Interestingly, such a group includes one dominant male, females and their cubs. If another male wants to join the group, then he will have to fight with the dominant male.

11. Sunfish

Let's go back to marine life. The ocean sunfish has a bony backbone. Her skeleton is solid bone, not cartilage. The sunfish looks like a head that flows smoothly into the tail. Due to its size (1.8 meters long), it often scares diving enthusiasts.

12. Snake

The largest animal in the world of snakes weighs 200 kg. it green anaconda. Some scientists say that individuals still live in wild forests. greater length. The anaconda does not kill its prey, much less chew it - it swallows its prey whole.

13. Ostrich

A huge bird lives in Arabia and Africa. An ostrich can weigh about 150 kg, and its height is 3 meters. Ostrich eggs are a delicacy; one egg can feed ten people. In addition, the ostrich is the fastest bird on earth. It accelerates to 100 km/h.

These are the animals that have large sizes inhabit our planet.