The bats have important For various ecosystems around the world. Often, people relate to them biased and fear them. Let's take advantage of the moment and estimate the charming side of these small animals. And 25 of the most pretty species bats Will help us in this.

Bats are mysterious and incomprehensible creatures. They are frequent heroes of dark and scary stories and myths. They copied bad fame over the centuries. But in fact, bats are vital members of ecosystems around the world, acting as natural methods of combating pests, and also help pollinate plants and distribute seeds. While some species can look a little terribly, other types of volatile mice are completely charming. We have gathered here 25 of the most pretty species of bats to show you as cute they can be.

This is a photo of a tiny baby egyptian volatile dogThe species occurs throughout Africa and the Middle East.

California Liston-eyed Bat

The view dwells in Mexico and the USA, loves warm deserts. This bat can be found in Sonora and Mojave deserts, where they feed, such as crickets, grasshoppers and moths. California leaf-eyed bat - Specialist in flights and maneuvers.

White sheets

The species differs from most bats, charming white, yellow ears and nose. White sheets is only 5 cm long. During overnights, they are located along the Röbember of large leaves, where they make structures in the form of a tent. This technique protects them from bad weather and predators while they rest.

Indian Bat Fox.

This species is one of the largest volatile mice, with a scope of the wings of 120-150 cm. During the day, the Indian bat can fly from 14 to 65 km, so its importance for widespread seeds and pollination should not be understated.

Large brown leather

Cute leather with a wonderful name. This species is found in North America, Central America and the northern part of South America. They pose a huge benefit to people, destroying such pests as moles, beetles and.

Dwarf Epoles Cribol

This ridiculous and cute view reaches only 7-9 cm long. Upholstered in Africa, they feed on small fruits, nectar and pollen.

Vaccoless bats

This is a family of volatile mice with amazing skin forms around the nose and quite large ears. They are insect eaters. The honeycomb use their ears for echolocation, and wide wings for a particularly flexible flight during the permanent of prey.

Brown Ushman

This type of European volatile mouse also has especially long ears with characteristic folds at the bottom. But even with such ears, this kind is more relying on your vision. Brown Ushan, mainly feeding with a mole that finds among the leaves and the bark of trees.

Striped gratuchi leaves

This delightful copy lives in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Panama in mature evergreen forests. The number of individuals of this type of sheets has decreased dramatically due to the invasion of a person on the environment of its habitat.

Mediterranean horseshoes

Continuing a list of 25 of the most pretty species of volatile mice Mediterranean horseskone, which is listed in the Red Book of IUCN. Dwell in warm woodlandespecially S. large quantity Cave and water sources. There they hoot on butterflies and insects.

Bellochih Rutheh

Belobryukh Rutheshuh lives in the desert areas of Morocco through the entire Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula. He perfectly adapted to arid and non-microgenic regions. Blobrahih Rutheshuh The first enemy for scorpions, which it usually feeds. He has immunity to their poisons.

Small bat

This european View It is one of those who love to dwell near the rivers and streams. Small bat hunts in forests and waterfrosts on water midges and other insects.

Big false vampire

Type found in South Asia and South-East Asia in wet tropical forests. Through the charming appearance of this bat hides an exceptional predator. A big false vampire can eat everything from large insects Lizards, frogs, rats, small birds and even other types of small bats. Surprisingly, it can detect and catch prey, a mouse or a frog in full darkness and without echolocation.

Small false vampire

Mini version of large false vampires. Instead of large prey, they feed insects. Small false vampires Live in groups from 3-30 individuals in crevices, caves and hollow trees.

Large fruchad leaf

This is a fairly common view of South and Central America. In the Red List of ICC, this species is considered one of those that are under the minimum risk of extinction.

Red HairyThe

This proud female of red hairy makes his three tiny babies. Such hugs retain the required amount of heat. Very often, twins or even two twins pairs (fourths) are born in the females of this species.

Pigtone banya mouse

Another tiny view of our list of 25 of the most pretty species of bats, which is only 2.5-3.3 cm long. A pigtime bat is the smallest among his related species and perhaps also the most little mammal in the world.

Malay Shortonovy Kryllan

Inhabited in South and Southeast Asia and Indonesia, this bat loves mango dishes. It is powered by other fruits, but mango prefers. Also eat nectar and pollen, like other fruitic bats and are important for pollination of plants.

Spotted Ushan

Very nice tiny bats with stains. Spotted Ushan has big earsCompared to its body size. First of all hunts the grasshoppers and butterflies.

Gray bully

This species can be found throughout the northern and South America. He got his name because of the gray coat color. Gray Hairy Activost is a single, sleeping on the trees and hunts first of all to mole.

Point flying fox.

These bats live in forest and tropical regions of Northern Australia. Their diet makes tropical fruits and flowers. Baby are located near their mother up to 5 months. After they join the other minors at the "Children's Trees", where they continue to learn flights.

Southern Small Yellow Radio

This species dwells in the Atlantic forest in the southern part of Brazil and in the east Paraguay. In addition, it is very cute, very little is known about him.

Slavsky Kryl

Slavsky koplan is a well-known nyline species of the subregion of Sulawesi. Local residents They consider this baby carrier of luck. Like other species that feed on fruit, this also makes its meaningful contribution to the ecosystem.

Pale speyna

This type of Central and South America is powered mainly by nectar, pollen and flowers, but they can also catch insects. In some areas, their diet can move from plants to insect depending on the season.

Gambian Epolen Krylila.

Finishes a list of 25 of the most pretty species of volatile mice Gambian Epoles. Living mainly in Africa, they feed on figs, guava, mango and banana trees. And also use vision and scent, not echolocation to search for food.

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Bats belong to the detachment of manochable. It means that Both front limbs are turned into large wings, and highly elongated fingers serve for them framework.

Such a structure does not allow them to soar, like birds, causing constantly waving the wings.

The flight rate of bats can vary from 15 km / h with a simple movement, up to 60 km / h During insect fishing.

One more distinctive feature These animals - method of landing. In a short period of time, volatile mice need to pay off the speed and sit on the horizontal surface of the head down. Nests they do not create.

REFERENCE! Feed on the fly, catching different insects right in the air. Usually one animal may catch up to 200 mosquitoes per hour.


You can get closer to get acquainted with volatile mice in the photo with the names of the species.

White bat in the photo:

Bulldog bat:

Bat dog fruit:

Gladkone Bat:

Bat nightnight:

A hormone bat:

Swine-eyed bat in the photo:

Bat Mouse Ushan:

Bat Mouse Vampire in the photo:

Battle battleship:



Neighless or Honduran White Bat - one of the small representatives Family. In addition to Honduras, lives in Central America - Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.

Body - up to 4.5 cm long, Little ears, nose unusual shape. Through it, animals produce echolocation - such a structure makes it possible to focus and strengthen the sent signals.

Live under large sheets Heliconia, having broken down in them holes in such a way that the ends, hacking, formed a tent. Feed fruit.

Usually, a family of volatile mice from 5-6 individuals lives under one sheet, but there are several families to be united into a large clan. Females give birth one young per year.


Swine bang or mouse-shmel was discovered in 1973. Due to the size of the bat, thanks to the size of the bat body not more than 3.3 cm, and the weight is up to 2 grams. This is the smallest bat.

In addition, there is a typical nose resembling pork patch. The ears are large, but the tail, unlike other animals of the family, does not have a swine mouse.

Main habitat - Thailand And some neighboring lands. Lives in limestone caves, hunting departs with groups of 4-5 animals.

Not deleted from the place of housing by more than 1 km. Insects are looking for bamboo in thickets or teak tree. There is no exact data on the reproduction of the exact data, most likely for the year of the female brings one young.


Avnaya is one of the large birth of bats, which includes 8 species and 13 subspecies. Live in Europe and North Africawhere are large bats themselves from yourself like.

Body Length - from 10 to 50 cm. It dwells predominantly B. deciduous forests, in flavored spaces it does not settle.

Hunts at dusk and at dawn, preferring beetles and butterflies. The largest spells are gigantic, can eat small patriot birds.

REFERENCE! They are the fastest flyers - can develop speed up to 60 km / h, rising to a height of up to 100 meters.

Sensitive to frosts, because with the onset of cold weather make migrations at distances to 1000 km. Females bring one or two, rarely three young.

Fly dog \u200b\u200band fox

Volatile dogs or volatile foxes, a fruit bat is a common name of the whole type of animal, Krylanov.

In fact, they are not volatile mice, which are insectivore, and closer in their structure and development purbitious Primat..

Main differences from each other - food used, wing structure, the use of echolocation in mice and vision in the Krylov.

Data animals do not meet in RussiaTheir main residence is the Asian Tropical Forests of Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Laos and other countries.

The nickname "volatile dogs" they got due to characterized stretched face. Adult wings have large sizes - body up to 42 cm, wings to 1.7 meters. Weight up to 900 grams.

Live in big colonies, settled on the trees. Feed on tropical fruitsEspecially love bananas, papaya, coconuts, grapes and others.

Due to the gastronomic addictions of the Krylnov, they are called "fruit mice." Fruits do not eat, but only saw juice and flesh.

IMPORTANT! A flock of Krylov can cause significant damage farm economy, "Ombols" fruits on all garden trees.

Sleep animals down head. You can often watch the picture when in the cold night one wing is used as a blanket, biting the whole body, and in the heat - instead of a fan.

The female a year appears one young.


Smooth Bats - big familywhich includes more than 318 species.

Their name was obtained due to the fact that they do not have any characteristic distinctive signs, morda smooth without cartilage growing.

The family of smoothness includes leather, bats, spells, Ears and many others.

Live around the worldwhere there is wood vegetation. There are 37 species of such mice in Russia.

Activity show at dusk or at night when hunt for different insects. Separate species Nightnots use fish.

IN cold period There is a hollowbut some (like, for example, evening) fly away in more warm places. Females for the season give birth once every 1-2, less often 3-4 individuals.


Ushans - a variety of bats having ears big size used for echolocation. Sleeping animals are hiding under folded wings.

Thanks to short, but wide wings, this animal can flag and even briefly hang in the air for insect hunting. Body Length - 5-6 cm.

Distributed throughout the mainland from the Atlantic to Pacific Ocean, in the northern part of Asia, in North Africa.

Feed on mosquitoes, night butterflies, beetles, and other similar insects. The female gives birth to one, less often two young.

Night minute

Night lights or short bats - a kind of smooth banya mice.

REFERENCE! The main difference from all such animals is a very late departure to hunt, after the onset of complete darkness. At the same time, the flight itself passes slowly and calmly.

Body Length - 3.5-8.5 cm. Distributed around the worldexcept Arctic zones.

In general, are single viewwhich adapted in life in completely any natural conditionsEven the fatal mice for other bats. Russia has about 19 species.

Food at night insects. The female brings one, less than two young.


Bonquies - the type of bats that were so named because of cartilage growing around the noseLooking like horseshoe.

Such a structure is necessary for echolocation, the signals of which are emitted through the nostrils. Distributed in the eastern hemisphereIn Russia live only in the Caucasus.

Eating insectswhich are hunted on the fly. They may briefly hang on the spot.

The hunt is flying around after half an hour after sunset, and show activity first half of the night. The females give birth to only one young one during the year.


Bulldog bats are a family that differs from all other tribesmen more advanced wings - They are narrow, long and pointed.

Because of this, the frequency of the wave is slightly higher than that of other mice. Medium body length - 4-14.5 cm. Live in tropical regions Both hemispheres.

Can form groups from several tens to millions of individuals. Flying rapid, echo signals of very high intensity.

Some species can bring 3 source per year consisting of one young every time.


IMPORTANT! They are dangerous for people and pets, because during the bite can transmit rabies and various infectious diseases.

They feed only fresh blood other animals or birds, occasionally can attack and on sleeping people.

Echolocation developed weak, during the hunt, they are more relying on magnificent rumor and infrared receptors. With the help of the latter, the least protected area of \u200b\u200bleather is determined.

Live in Central and South America.


The world of volatile mice is very diverse. There are also animals of very tiny sizes and individuals with wings of more than 1.5 meters.

Most of the volatile mice feeds on insectsWhat benefits a person and agriculture.

However, there are species that fruit can eat, or even attack sleeping animals And birds in order to preemring blood.


A small film about the types of volatile mice and their features of life:

Mostly a variety of insects. Some major individuals eat fruit. Some kinds feed on fish. BUT vampire Bat From Central and South America biting other animals and feeds on blood, which flows from the wound. All bats are good hunters and can detect the slightest sounds and the smallest movement.

Types and names of volatile mice

There are about 1000. different species volatile mice and not surprisingly that their eating habits may differ. What is eating a bat? Most of these animals eat insects and are called insectivores. These bats especially love to eat mosquitoes, beetles and moths. And they eat them in huge quantities. For example, one small brown bat can eat more than 1200 mosquitoes in just one hour. This is the form for which small body sizes are characteristic. Medium weight It is approximately 14 grams, and the length reaches 8-9 cm.

Indiana is a bat of the medium size, the painting can vary from brown to gray or black. They reach 2.5-5 cm long in adulthood. Weight is about 7 grams. Egyptian Kryblan (bat) - Animal, which is a reduced variety and is in length about 15 cm. Nevertheless, they have a lot of wings that can reach two meters. They weigh no less than 230 grams.

Giant Golden Crowned Fly Fox - This is a rather rare species, which is characterized by very long wings. Another one rare species is Kitty. His uniqueness is how the bat looks like. Her rolling nose with his appearance and shape resembles a pork patch, in addition, because of the tiny sizes they were given a nickname bumblebee.


Fruit volatile mice are often denoted as volatile foxes due to their similarity with red foxes. They live in tropical forests and do not spend a lot of time in dark caves, like many other species. Instead, they can be discovered hanging with fruiting banana palm trees and mango trees. Daily activity An animal is mainly in finding food.

Their food habits are useful for ambientSince in parallel they are engaged in pollination of plants. Their favorite delicacies are the figs, mango, dates and bananas. Manochable fruit representatives feed on fruits, seeds and nectar and are the most large representatives of his family.

Vampire Bats

There are bats that eat birds, fish, frogs, lizards and even other bats. There are even such species that drink blood. They are called vampire vampire mice. There are only 3 types of them, and they all live in Central and South America. People about this is not worth worrying - vampire bats do not like to drink human blood.

Basically, they prefer the blood of cows, sheep and horses. Vampire's bats bite animals while those sleep, and lick the appealing droplets. To saturate one individual it is necessary about 2 teaspoons per day. Thus, the cow or sheep often does not even have time to wake up, and the bat was already saturated. This charming creature was associated with numerous legends over the centuries. This special view Bathing has a short face instead of standard conical.

Features of the structure

Bats, the dimensions of which may vary depending on the species, have about the same body structure. They have a well developed ear. They use it to find food and care for young. Species that feed insects and fish, large ears help with echolocation. As a rule, such echo signals are accepted by funnel-shaped ears, which are directed forward.

The smell is also well developed and used to find and identify certain products. Fruit bats can find themselves food by smell of matured fruit. The bats are not blind, for example, a flying fox has very good eyesight and use their eyes along with its excellent sense of smell to find food in the dark. In general, these manochable see in darkness. Most species see everything around in black and white tones, but some froneware representatives have color vision.

Paws with powerful claws help animals hanging down their heads on their indices, as well as catch and retain fish. Bats are flying with their hands and wings, they also know how to crawl around the trees, moving the membrane between the body and the fifth finger. This is called "elevator".

This mammal is covered with wool, which protects the body from cold, and various coloring options can serve as camouflage if it is necessary to hide from danger. Its mouse wool contains clean, regularly licking it, something like a cat makes.

Predator can also be a victim, or who eats volatile mice

Surprisingly, despite the fact that the bats look quite frightening, they themselves can become the prey of a number of predators. Hawks and owls regularly kill and eat these little monsters. Snakes I. predatory mammals (Morney, minks, caress and raccoons) are closed in asylum and attack defenseless sleeping manochable.

There are many different predators in the world that can create problems for bats. Danger for small species of bats represent spiders - poultry. Cruel there are even small birds that fly into the caves and can squeeze the bats to death. Then the birds pull them out and rehaust.

Myths and delusion

  1. "All bats are dealt with infection." In fact, less than 0.5% of the total amount of rabies virus. In addition, rabid bats are rarely aggressive. For example, in the United States, only 40 cases of infection with rabies from volatile mice over the past 40 years have been revealed.
  2. "Bats are confused in the hair of people." Although bats can sometimes fly very close, especially when catching insects, they are not stuck in the hair of people, since due to their ability to echolocation can easily avoid such a big obstacle as a person.
  3. "Bats drink human blood." The most famous are vampire mice. These amazing creatures were found in Mexico, Central and South America. What eats a vampire bat? It feeds on blood of warm-blooded animals, such as birds, horses and large cattle. In the process of food absorption, saliva is distinguished, containing anesthetic, which reduces the likelihood that the animal will feel something. In general, these little bloodsuckers rarely cause great harm.
  4. "Bats blind mice." Although most species cannot distinguish colors, they can see at night with echolocation.

Bats are the only flying mammals that relate to the detachment of manochable and mainly lead night image Life. Most females produce only one offspring per year. The period of pregnancy lasts only a few weeks. The kids are developing very rapidly, and most of them can learn how to fly from two to five weeks after birth.

They live relatively long, up to 30 years, which is not characteristic of mammals of small sizes. The fact that the bat is eating mainly depends on its species. The carnivores are powered by insects, fish and even other bats, and vegetarians prefer pollen plants and fruits.

Dark mysterious night creations with outstretched leathery wings?

Multiple colonies in giant caves, where only the foul air serves reliable protection Does this low-imparable creatures? In most cases, these ideas are pretty close to the truth, but all of the above has nothing to do with white volatile mice.

These fragile tiny creatures live in the tropical forests of Central America and in their sizes do not go to any comparison with other representatives of the Listonos family.

White bats (lat. ECTOPHYLLA ALBA.) Grow only 4-4.5 centimeters and have a very pretty appearance: their nose and ears are yellow, and all the torso is covered with fluffy white fur. Nights they spend behind eating fruits, and in the daytime rest from this tedious lesson.

But as a refuge for the daily siesta, white bats do not attract neither dark crowded caves, nor dried trunks of fallen trees.

Little workers prefer to build sheds from the leaves of Heliconia: Torture the lateral veins on the sheet, they cling to it and bend almost halfway, forming a peculiar awning that covers them from the Sun and the tearful eyes of predators.

Construction awning - a great idea, because there are no noisy neighbors, always fresh airAnd under one sheet freely placed the male and his harem of five females.

So why are these bats whites? It's believed that sunlightpassing through the leaves of heliconia, gives them a white fur greenish tint.

And he, in turn, serves as an excellent camouflage, vital for such miniature creatures.

Peer as follows. Yes, yes, these little creatures pressed to each other, really bats. These are Honduras White Bats (Ectophylla Alba), and they do not fall under the main stereotypes of bats: they do not live in the caves and do not suck blood. In addition, as you see, their fur is white.

This species dwells only in some countries of Central America. If you are very, very lucky, you can see him in Nicaragua, on Costa Rica and, of course, in Honduras, from where he took his name.

In addition to the fact that this kind is very rare, the size of individuals is extremely small: the length of the largest ever found mouse did not exceed 5 centimeters. In addition, the white fur of these mice evolved over a good reason: it serves as camouflage.

As you know, the forests of Honduras do not contain any white vegetation, so how do they use their camouflage? The answer is quite simple and geniant, this species has been preserved in nature due to the fact that the mouses made themselves "tents" from the leaves of the Heliconium tree. The look even has the second unofficial name "Honduran tent bat".

Geliconia leaves have long veins that stretch from the center to the edges. Mice cut these veins, forcing the leaves to curl, providing mice a tent for petition. When the sun penetrates through these huge leaves, their white fur takes green tintAnd mouses are hidden from predators.

Despite the fact that the tents in nature can only serve as a temporary chain, at one colony of Honduran White bat (also known as the "cloud") constantly whole line Such tents, therefore, if they are worried in one of them - they will go to another.

Mice is not very concerned if the leaf itself is moving. They remain in place in confidence that their camouflage will protect them. However, if the stem moves, it can mean the predator approximation, and they instantly fly into another tent, harvested in advance.

Almost all mice in these photos - females. Each colony consists of one male and about six females that make it a harem. Each female can give birth to only one cub, in spring. So, if you think that the male is a bit selfish, remember that he just tries to convey his genes to the next generation.

Most likely, the Honduras White Bat Mouse will soon be classified as a threat of disappearance. Let's hope that appropriate measures are being taken in order for this unique view I could survive.