The southern continents include Africa, South America, Australia and Antarctica. Connects their location in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth, as well as for the most part hot climate, with the exception of Antarctica. Natural areas southern continents have a lot common features, however, the characteristics of vegetation and fauna determine geographical zones on which they are located.


It is the southernmost continent, but its entire surface is covered with blocks of ice and snow. Even in summer, the temperature here rarely exceeds 0-5 degrees Celsius. Soils are constrained permafrost, which does not allow vegetation to develop. In the natural zone of the Antarctic deserts one can find only a sparse growth of mosses and lichens. The local fauna is also very poor. Polar bears live here, seals and walruses can be found on the coast, and in summer bird colonies form on the rocks.

Rice. 1. Antarctica is the southernmost continent on the planet.


Africa is rightfully considered the hottest continent on Earth. Its distinctive feature is its symmetrical location relative to the equator. This means that the equatorial line divides the continent into two equal parts. As a result, Africa is characterized by the presence of several natural zones, including humid equatorial and variable-humid forests, savannas, tropical desert, hard-leaved forests.

On African continent is the most big desert in the world - Sahara. Despite the apparent lifelessness, here you can still find sparse vegetation and representatives of the animal world that have adapted to life in the difficult desert conditions.


Australia is considered the driest continent, so it is not surprising that you will not find lush and varied vegetation here. There are practically no forests in Australia, but there are many deserts.

Due to the flat topography of the continent, latitudinal zoning is most pronounced here. Since the main part of the continent is located in tropical latitudes, tropical deserts and semi-deserts predominate here. A much smaller area is occupied by savannas, tropical and subtropical forests.

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Rice. 2. Nature of Australia.

For a long time Australia was in great isolation. This is precisely what explains the antiquity and originality of the local flora and fauna, the majority of which are endemic - species that live exclusively on this continent.

South America

This is a unique continent on which more than half of all tropical and equatorial forests planets. The climate on the mainland is moderately humid and warm, the temperature difference between seasons is insignificant.

Rice. 3. Equatorial forests South America.

Natural zones are distributed unevenly due to the strong differences between the western and eastern parts of the continent, and are represented by several species:

  • selva- equatorial rain forests;
  • Llanos- zone of savannas and woodlands;
  • pump- subtropical steppes;
  • Patagonia- deserts and semi-deserts;
  • temperate forests.

Animal and vegetable world mostly represented by endemic species.

Research of Antarctica In 1959, twelve countries of the world, including the USSR, USA, France, Norway, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, etc., signed the Antarctic Treaty. The treaty proclaimed freedom scientific research and use of this region only for peaceful purposes. Antarctica became the first continent in the world where all military activities are prohibited; it is called the continent of peace and international […]

Climate of Antarctica The territory of Antarctica is located in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic climatic zones. The border between them lies in the ocean and only the northwestern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula belongs to the subantarctic belt. The Antarctic polar climate is determined by the Antarctic anticyclone over Antarctica and the Antarctic air masses. The snow line is everywhere near the coast near sea level. In winter, for several months there is a polar […]

Peculiarities geographical location Antarctica Antarctica is the southern polar continent, occupying central part southern polar region Antarctica. Almost all of the continent's landmass is located south of the Antarctic Circle. Coastline(more than 30 thousand km long) is slightly indented; almost along its entire length it consists of glacial cliffs, up to several tens of meters high. The area of ​​Antarctica is twice the size of Australia and is […]

Antarctica is a unique continent of the Earth, the snow-white icy crown of the Southern Hemisphere. This is the highest of all the continents on the planet. The average height of Antarctica, taking into account the ice cover, is almost 3 times higher medium height of the entire landmass of the Earth and is 2360 m. The climate of Antarctica is the harshest on Earth. Norwegian polar explorer Karsten Egeberg Borchgrevink, the first man to set foot on […]

Even after the discovery of the New World and circumnavigation, questions remained unclear about the possibility of the existence of hitherto unknown continents in the Southern Hemisphere. Their searches led to important geographical discoveries. Discovery and exploration of Australia and Oceania Unknown Southern land- Terra Australis incognita - was searched by the Portuguese, Spaniards, Dutch, and English. In 1642, the Dutchman Abel Tasman proved the existence of a southern continent by walking along its entire […]

The discovery of the sixth continent of the planet - Antarctica - is an event of world-historical significance. Roald Amundsen decided to repeat Nansen's drift in 1909. To do this, he purchased an old, but still strong Fram. However, during preparation, he learned that Cook and Peary had already reached the North Pole (as was later proven - only the pole area), and Scott was only preparing the expedition for […]

Antarctica is the most severe continent on Earth in terms of climatic conditions. Over almost the entire area of ​​the continent, the air temperature does not rise above zero degrees. This is all due to the location of the Antarctic Plate at the South Pole of the planet. Antarctica has not always been like it is now. IN Mesozoic era, when Pangea had just begun to break apart, the climate of the entire Earth was much more humid […]

Antarctica is located on the Antarctic plate of the same name. After the breakup of Pangea, the plate moved in the direction South Pole and over the past tens of millions of years it has completely appeared in its area. The creep of large continental plates towards the poles has already happened several times in the history of our planet. At the same time, the climate on Earth became more severe and arid (arid), as glaciation occurred over vast areas. […]

Antarctica was discovered later than other continents, since it is remote from all centers of human civilization. Even in ancient times, people assumed the existence of a large area of ​​​​land in the south, however, for many centuries travel here remained almost impossible. Only at the end of the Middle Ages, with the beginning of the era of the Great Geographical discoveries, the level of European navigation has finally reached such a development that […]

The geographical position of Antarctica is unique - there is no other continent on Earth that is entirely located in the polar region of the planet. This arrangement led to the emergence of permanent glaciation on the continent and very difficult climatic conditions. The area of ​​Antarctica is 14 million km2. Due to the peculiarities of the location, there is no need to talk about the length from north to south and […]

Antarctica is the coldest continent on Earth. Antarctica owes its unique natural features to its geographical location. Almost the entire continent is located beyond the Antarctic Circle. The sun never rises high above the horizon. In the summer the polar day comes to Antarctica, and in the winter the polar night, the duration of which at the South Pole reaches up to six months - only once a year you can […]

Antarctica is not represented on almost all soil maps of the world. Meanwhile, the glacier-free land surface in Antarctica is larger in area than the entire Great Britain, and on this continent not only there are soils, but even their law is manifested latitudinal zonality. This means that the soil is more warm coasts very different from the soils of the frosty interior regions of the mainland. Soils […]

Antarctica is the southernmost continent, on whose territory the South Pole is located. The area of ​​Antarctica is 14.1 million km2, it is the fifth largest continent. Antarctica is located only in the southern hemisphere. Antarctica is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans, along its coasts there are the Ross Sea, the Amundsen Sea, the Bellingshausen Sea and the Weddell Sea, the latter two being separated by the Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctica […]

The Antarctic continent appeared on the map last - 300 years after the discovery of America and 200 after Australia. The honor of the discoverers belongs to the Russian sailors who, on the sailing ships “Mirny” and “Vostok” under the command of M.P. Lazarev and F.R. Bellingshausen, approached the shores of Antarctica in 1820. Previously, it was believed that there was a large […]

The main part of the territory of Antarctica belongs to the zone of Antarctic deserts, which is practically devoid of vegetation and wildlife. Like centers of life on icy continent you can consider the oases of Antarctica. Modern vegetation of the mainland is presented lower plants: mosses - 80 species, lichens - 800 species, as well as microscopic algae. And in the region of the Pole of Cold, bacteria were found in the snow. Animal world […]

Antarctica is the coldest continent on the planet. In the conditions of the polar night in winter there is a strong cooling of it. And in the summer, glacial and snow cover Antarctica reflects almost 90% solar radiation. In inland areas, even in summer, average daily temperatures are around -30°C, and in winter they reach -70°C. The Vostok station recorded the lowest temperature on our planet (-89.2°C). […]

In the light modern ideas(first geological map continent, published in 1978 based on materials from domestic and foreign expeditions), the basis of the continent is the ancient Antarctic platform. Its area exceeds 11 million km2. The Antarctic platform has a complex geological history development as part of Gondwana, a characteristic three-tier structure. Coal-bearing strata were found in the upper structural layer, or cover of the platform. In them […]

The hypothesis about the existence of Antarctica is associated with the name of the ancient Greek geographer and astronomer C. Ptolemy, who lived in the 1st-2nd centuries. ad. Then the assumption was born that the ratio of land and sea areas in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres should be approximately the same. For many centuries this hypothesis was not confirmed. In 1774-1775 The English navigator James Cook, during his round-the-world expedition, […]

Geographers distinguish between the concepts “Antarctica” and “Antarctica”. The name “Antarctica” comes from the Greek words “anti” - against, “arktikos” - northern, i.e. lying opposite the northern polar region of the Earth - the Arctic. Antarctica includes the continent of Antarctica with its adjacent islands and the southern polar waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans to the so-called Antarctic Convergence Zone, where the cold Antarctic […]

The article contains information that allows you to better understand the features and distinctive features mainland. Supplements data from the 7th grade geography course. Explains the difficulties that prevent the start of mining in Antarctica.

Nature of Antarctica

The nature of Antarctica is fascinating and at the same time mysterious. This is the least explored continent on the planet. This is explained by unique climatic conditions. The territory is almost completely covered with ice.

Difficult climatic conditions also affect the possibility of using natural resources mainland.

The ice of Antarctica contains 80% fresh water planets. The main continental territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle, so here you can observe the phenomenon of polar day and polar night.

Interesting: At the pole, the duration of this phenomenon reaches 6 months. Only once a year does the sun rise and set in this area.

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Extremely tough natural conditions and climatic features caused most of The mainland has no flora and fauna. This phenomenon is referred to in the scientific community as the Antarctic ice desert.

The basis species diversity Antarctica is composed of:

  • bacteria,
  • lichens,
  • mushrooms,
  • seaweed,
  • several species of angiosperms.

Rice. 1. Antarctic mushrooms.

The species range of the coast is richer. South ocean contains enough fish in its waters, and therefore a lot of birds nest on its shores: penguins, skuas, petrels, cormorants.

Rice. 2. Petrel bird.

IN sea ​​waters There are blue whales, sperm whales, and pinnipeds.

Many representatives of the animal world are protected by wildlife conservationists.

Natural areas of Antarctica

Much of the continent is dominated by the icy Antarctic desert.

Representatives of the local fauna are mostly inhabitants of the ocean depths.

Rice. 3. Glacial relief.

The continent is conventionally divided into two natural areas. The western tip of the continent is represented by subglacial mountain-like and glacial relief. East Antarctica conquered a large area of ​​the mainland.

More than one and a half dozen states (16), and Russia is no exception, have established scientific bases here on which research activities regarding the nature of the continent. In 1959, at the proposal of the USSR, the International Treaty on Antarctica was ratified, which categorically prohibits testing of any types of weapons here.

The prospects that will make it possible in the future to mine what is still hidden in the ice are tempting for most countries. Natural resources Antarctica.

Some states have taken initiative in the development of mineral deposits. Since 1991, a proposal has been made to ban such activities. The reason is that human intrusion into the fragile ecosystem of the mainland can become a factor that will lead to irreversible consequences.

Geological exploration is still being carried out in order to find out the exact amount of reserves that may be located in the bowels of the continent. Total ratings received: 178.

The territory of Antarctica is located in the Antarctic and subantarctic climatic zones. The border between them lies in the ocean and only the northwestern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula belongs to the subantarctic belt. The Antarctic polar climate is determined by the Antarctic anticyclone over Antarctica and Antarctic air masses. The snow line is everywhere near the coast near sea level.

In winter, there is polar night for several months. During the long polar day, the continent receives a lot of solar radiation, but up to 90% of it is reflected by the ice surface. The continental coast is influenced by stable areas of high and low pressure Antarctica, defining unsustainable weather. The territory of the Antarctic ice sheet by complex natural features and processes are divided into four concentric zones: central, katabatic winds, Antarctic coast and oceanic.

Low temperatures prevail throughout the year in Antarctica. Average winter July temperatures range from -60°C inland to -32°C on the coast. The lowest temperature on Earth was recorded in Antarctica - 91.2 °C. The previous record, recorded at the Vostok station, was two degrees higher. Summer January temperatures are much higher, but they are also negative and range from –32 °C to –16 °C. On the coast of the mainland, the air temperature rarely drops below –40 °C in winter, and rises to 0 °C in summer.

Over the continent, due to strong constant cooling of the air, a huge area of ​​high atmospheric pressure, which, together with the World Ocean, has great importance on the general circulation of the Earth's atmosphere. Cold air masses flow from high central regions and ice domes to the outskirts of the continent, forming strong katabatic winds (up to 30-50 m/s or more). Maximum speed wind in Antarctica was recorded by the Belarusian polar explorer A. Gaidashov - 88 m/s. Winds are very powerful and tear off and move loose loads over long distances. The dry snow they carry can saw through thick ropes. At low temperatures, due to hypothermia, the metal loses its properties and breaks into pieces, like glass.

At high blood pressure and low temperatures in the central part of the continent there is little rainfall atmospheric precipitation(50-100 mm). Much more precipitation falls on the Antarctic islands located in the subantarctic belt. Climatic conditions here they are less severe: winter temperatures are slightly below 0 °C, summer temperatures rarely exceed +10 °C. But even here hurricane winds blow (up to 75 m/s), which are caused by strong sea storms. The Antarctic coastal zone and the oceanic zone are characterized by the most intense snow accumulation and ice cover consumption.

Flora and fauna of Antarctica

Antarctica is an almost universally cold Antarctic desert - the surface of a glacier with harsh conditions for the development of life (lack of soil, low temperatures, strong winds). Life on the mainland exists only in coastal zone, on subantarctic islands and in oceanic waters. The vegetation of the mainland is represented by mosses, lichens, algae and microscopic fungi.

In the zone of Antarctic deserts, three subzones are distinguished: the northern - northwestern part of the Antarctic coast and adjacent islands, the middle - coastal oases, islands and mountain ranges, and the southern - land within the continent. Lichens are found in Antarctic oases - in areas free of ice. They differ in color in Antarctica - from black to bright orange. This is how lichens adapt to local conditions and strive to get as much solar heat. Algae appear in lakes that form in summer. And only in the north of the Antarctic Peninsula and on the islands are low-growing higher plants with small flowers found.

Despite the harsh natural conditions, Antarctica exhibits altitudinal zone: lower coastal belt with maximum diversity of nature (oases, ice shelves), middle belt (icy deserts with snowy relief forms) and a belt of eternal frost without signs of life.

The fauna of Antarctica is poor. Crustaceans, wingless insects, and some bird species live here. Penguins are the most interesting representatives birds. Penguins move slowly on land, but are good swimmers. In total, four of the 18 species of penguins found on Earth live in Antarctica. IN coastal waters About 10 species of penguins are known on the islands.

The most common species is the Adelie penguin. Its height is up to 30 cm, weight - several kilograms. The biggest - emperor penguin. Its height reaches more than a meter, and its weight reaches 50 kg. These penguins breed their offspring in harsh winter. Females lay eggs, and males, holding them on their paws and pressing them to the down of their warm belly, “raise” the chicks.

The richest plant and animal world coastal waters. Here are the most large mammals- cetaceans, including blue whale, or vomit (up to 33 m in length, weighing up to 150 tons), fin whales, sperm whales, killer whales (predators from the dolphin family), as well as pinnipeds - seals, elephant seals, sea ​​lions. Antarctic waters are home to several species of seals that differ from their northern relatives. This indicates their adaptation to the harsh Antarctic waters. Petrels, gray gulls, and skuas nest along the shores of Antarctica. Birds feed on fish or small sea animals.

Gray gulls are the most predatory birds of Antarctica; they feed on the eggs of penguins, petrels, and also attack small chicks.

There is an abundance of fish in Antarctic waters. In the vast expanses of the sea, microscopic algae form “ocean pastures.” There is a lot of krill - the smallest crustaceans.

Scientists believe that the annual catch of krill in the amount of 70-80 million tons (at the level of the world fish catch) without damaging the Antarctic ecosystem can provide half of the world's population with 20 g of animal protein per day. Sales of food products from 10 million tons of krill are equivalent to 3 million tons of beef in slaughter weight. Scientists have calculated that the annual production of this species in the oceanic zone of Antarctica is 1.7-1.8 billion tons, and the total biomass is up to 6 billion tons. And if no other products are grown on the planet, then the biological resources of Antarctica can feed everything humanity for 7 years.

The harsh climate of Antarctica is formed due to the peculiarities of its geographical location, the presence of ice cover and is the cause of extremely poor organic world. The continent is almost universally a cold Antarctic (biological) desert. Antarctica plays a key role in general circulation atmosphere and climate of the planet.