See also:
  1. BG: How to invent, after all that Kerrigan made and transferred, with such a burden on the shoulders, is she at least a tiny chance for a normal human life?
  2. I'm just trying to help you "(YAPV).
  3. And foreigners speak envy, and we are the worse two together more than ten apartments
  4. What does it mean - good seedlings?

    The best seedlings are when the plant grows without transplanting, without interference, in an outdoor sunny place, with heat, nutrition and moisture.

  5. BUT.

    Binding to abstraction and quantity

  6. Alan flew to her sister with hugs, just half a day as they did not see each other, but he had already missed her wildly.
  7. Alain Badew.

    Distribution of sunlight and heat

    19 answers on a lot more objections

1 Polar belt

2 Moderate belts

3 Geographical belt

Tropical belt

136litosphere is the upper sheath of the Earth and top part mantle.

Earth's crust under the mainland consists of

Sedimentary rocks

2 igmatic

3 volcanic

4 Metamorphic



Ground Cort thicker under


2 Oceans

3 lakes

4 Plains

139k internal land shells include:


2 Litosphere

3 platform


5 ground bark

Install the sequence of the location of the Earth shells in the order of their removal from the center.

3: Asthenosphere

4: Ground Bark

141 to exogenous processes include:


2 Vulcanism

Eolic processes

4 Magmatism

5 Earthquake

142 Endogenous processes include:

Tectonic movements


3 Weathered


5 accumulation

6 Eolk processes

143 Set the correspondence between the sources of external and internal forces Earth.

1: external forces

2: Internal Forces

A) Sun.

B) disintegration of radioactive elements of rock

C) earth bark

D) weathered

144 Powered by the origin of the mountain:


2 folded



6 young

145 plains are:



4 Vpadina


146 mainland Eurasia:

West Siberian

2 La Plati



5 Central North American

Specify the method of determining absolute height Places on the map

1Bala depth

Scale height

3 Scale

4Gradus grid

The composition of the hydrosphere includes:

Water of the World Ocean

Water sushi.

The groundwater

4rd in living organisms

55th in the bowels of the earth

6Atimospheric water

Install the sequence of oceans in order to reduce their maximum depth.

2: Atlantic

3: Indian

4: Arctic

150. Water, providing its cycle in nature:

1 yield

2 Solvent

3 heat capacity

Free transition from one physical condition to another

151 Inland sea is an:

1 Beringovo

2 karso


4 Barents

152 Material Oven or Shelf is a shallow part, bordering mainland with depth:

From 0 to 200 m

2 from 0 to 2500 m

3 from 0 to 1000 m

4 from 0 to 6000 m

153 The temperature of surface waters in the ocean drops from:

Equator to Poles

2 poles to the equator

3Nely Meridian to the West

4grlandes to Equator

154 reserve fresh water On Earth is:

Read in the same book: Geographic longitude is measured from ...

| Any point on the mainland Australia has ... | Spiral | Geysers | Main property of the biosphere | Dubrava | Selects forms and methods for the development and education of schoolchildren by natural sciences | - 2015-2018.

Corners of the fall of sun rays

The height of the standing of the sun significantly affects admission solar radiation. When the angle of falling the sun's rays is small, then the rays must pass the way through the thickness of the atmosphere.

Solar radiation is partially absorbed, part of the rays is reflected from particles suspended in the air, and reaches ground surface in the form of scattered radiation.

The height of the Sun is continuously changing as it moves from winter by summer, as when changing the day.

The highest value angle of falling sunlight reaches at 12 h 00 min ( sunny time). It is customary to say that at that moment the sun is in Zenith. At noon, the radiation intensity also reaches maximum value. The minimum values \u200b\u200bof the radiation intensity are achieved in the morning and in the evening when the sun is low above the horizon, also in winter. True, in winter it drops a slightly more direct sunlight.

This is because absolute humidity Winter air is below "and therefore it absorbs solar radiation.

In fig. 37 It shows which large values \u200b\u200bof the radiation intensity reaches on a perpendicular surface, oriented towards the Sun, despite the fact that the sharp angle of falling the sun's rays is changing.

The initial part of this curve quite accurately reflects the position in a clear March day. The sun rises in 6 hours 00 minutes in the east and slightly illuminates the eastern facade wall (only in the form of radiation reflected by the atmosphere).

Topic: Distribution of solar heat heat on Earth

With an increase in the angle of falling sunlight, the intensity of solar radiation falling on the surface of the facade wall increases.

Approximately 8 hours, the intensity of solar radiation is already about 500 W / m2, and the maximum value equal to about 700 W / m2, it reaches a little earlier afternoon on the southern facade wall.

Enlarge image

When rotating the globe around its axis for one day, t.

e. With the visible movement of the sun around the globe, the angle of falling the sunlight changes not only in the vertical, but also horizontal direction. This angle in the horizontal plane is called an azimuthal angle. It shows how much degrees the angle of falling the sunlight deviates from the northern direction if the full circle is 360 °.

Vertical and horizontal angles are interconnected in such a way that when the time of the year changes, the angle of the altitude of the sun on the sky is always the same with the same values \u200b\u200bof azimuthane angle.

In fig. 39 Showing the trajectory of the sun with his visible movement around the globe in winter and summer in the days of spring and autumnal equinox.

Designing these trajectories on the horizontal plane, the plane is obtained by which it is possible to accurately describe the position of the Sun on globe. Such a map of the solar path is called a solar diagram or simply solar card. Since the trajectory of the Sun varies when moving from the south (from the equator) to the north, then for each latitude there is its own characteristic solar card.

Page 1 of 4

Distribution of heat and light on Earth

Sun - Star Solar systemwhich is for the planet Earth source of a huge amount of heat and dazzling light. Despite the fact that the sun is from us at a considerable distance and only a small part of its radiation comes to us, this is enough to develop life on Earth. Our planet rotates around the sun in orbit.

If with spacecraft Watch the Earth throughout the year, then it can be noted that the sun always covers only any one half of the earth, therefore, there will be a day, and at the opposite half at that time there will be a night. The earth's surface gets warm only during the day.

Our land is heated unevenly.

Distribution of sunlight and heat on Earth, thermal belts, seasons

Uneven heating of the Earth is explained by its spherical form, so the angle of falling sun beam In different areas, differ, and therefore, various parts of the earth are obtained various number Heat.

At the equator, the sun rays fall again, and they heat the ground strongly. The farther from the equator, the angle of falling the beam becomes less, and therefore, and fewer heat get these territories. The same power beam solar radiation Heats at the equator a much smaller area, as it falls sharply. In addition, rays falling at a smaller angle than at the equator - permeating the atmosphere, pass in it a larger way, as a result of which part of the sun's sun is dissipated in the troposphere and does not reach the earth's surface.

All this indicates that when removing from the equator, the air temperature decreases to the north or south, since the angle of falling the solar beam is reduced.

23 4 Next\u003e at the end \u003e\u003e

How many different lighting? 5 columns Belt for dogs ...

how many different lighting?

  • 5 POL
  • Lighting light luminance belts - surfaces of parts of the Earth, limited by tropics, polar circles and various conditions Lighting.

    It is located between the tropics in tropical belt, where twice a year (and in the tropics - once a year) you can see that the midday sun is in Zenith. From the polar circle to the pole in each hemisphere polar belt, here is a polar day and a polar night.

    Distribution of sunlight and heat on Earth

    In moderate areas located on the northern and southern earthly hemisphere during tropical and polar circles, the sun is not found in the zenith, the polar day and the polar night is not observed.

    TJ Emit illumination zone 5: -sever and southern polarity, getting only a little light and heat. Tropical belt with hot climatic and southern moderate zonesthat get light and more heat than polar, but less tropical.

ATTENTION, only today!

Posted by the Administrator on January 1, 0001. This entry was published in homework. Bookmark Permalink.

§ 30. Distribution of sunlight and heat on Earth (textbook)

§ 30. Distributional light and heat on Earth

1. Recall why on earth there is a change of night days and seasons.

2. What is called an orbit of the Earth?

Changing the Sun over the horizon during the year.To understand why throughout the year the sun at noon happens on a different highland horizon, remember with the lessons of nature movement of the Eartharound the sun.

The globe shows that the earth's axis has a slope.

During the land around the Sun, the angle of inclination does not change. Thanks to this, the landscarly to the Sun is more northern, then the southern hemisphere. From this, the angle of falling the sunlight on the ground surface. And accordingly, it becomes more and heated, then the other hemisphere.

If the earth's axis would not be tilted, aperpendicular plane of the Earth's orbits, then the number sun heat On each Parallel, the flow of the year would not change.

Then in his observations of the High Sun, you would write the same long-term gnomon for a whole year. This would indicate that during the year the duration of the day is always equal to night.

Then the earth's surface was heated during the year equally and the participant would not exist.

Lighting Heating The surface of the Earth during the year.On the surface of the spherical land, solar heat and light are distributed to the vehicle.

This is explained by the fact that the angle of falling rays on different latitudashes.

You already know that the earth's axis is inclined to the plane at the corner. With his northern end, she is directed towards the polar star. The filler always illuminates the half of the earth.

At the same time, it is more litto the northern publishes (and the day there lasts longer than in a single hemisphere), then, on the contrary, the southern. Longs in the year both hemispheres are covered in the same way (then the duration of the day of the day in the same way).

When the Earth turns to the Sun of the North Pole, then there is more illuminating and heats up the northern hemisphere.

Days are getting longer than the night. It is a warm season - summer.

Distribution of heat and light on Earth

On the pole and in the suplar part, the sun is shining and does not go beyond the horizon (the night does not occur). This phenomenon is called polar day. On the pole, it lasts 180s (six months), but the farther south, the duration decreases to the leenses on the parallel 66.50pn. sh. This meparallel is called Northern Polarkrug.

The south of this line the sun is lowered by the horizon and the change of day of the night takes place in the usual order for us - daily. On June 22, the solar salues \u200b\u200bwill fall over (under the highest angle - 900) withparallel 23.5 pn. sh. This day will be the longest, and nights in the year. This parallel is called NorthTrofopic, And day June 22 - summer solstice.

Currently South Pole Obtained from the sun iono less illuminates and heats the southern hemisphere.

There is winter. On the pole jipolar part of the day the sun's rays do not fall at all. Solon appears due to the horizon and the day does not occur. This phenomenon is called polar. On the pool itself, it lasts 180 days, and the farther north, the one turns up to one day on the parallels of 66.50 yu. sh. This is parallel Southern Polar Circle.The north of it the sun appears on the horizon and the change of the day and turns around every day.

After three months, September 23, the Earth will occupy relative to the Sun, when the sun's rays equally illumine both both the southern hemisphere.

Stepped solar rays fall to the apparatus. On the whole earth, except for poles, the day is equal to the night (12 hours). This day is called happy autumn equinox.

After three months, on December 22, Sun will be back to the sun. Summer will come there. This day will be the longest, and the night is the shortest.

Polar day will come the francular region. The rays of the sun falling down parallel 23.50 yu. sh. But, in the northern hemisphere will be winter. This day will be the shortest, and the night is long. Parallel 23.50 yu. sh Southtropicand day December 22 - winter Full Topic.

After another three months, March 21, again the oppolusushai will be covered in the same way, the day will be equal to the night.

Rays can fall at the equator. This day is called springness.

In Ukraine, the greatest height of the sun at noon - 61-690 (June 22), the smallest -14-220 (December 22).

Entertaining geography

WordsSlavic Bogsman

The ancient Slavs of God Light and the Sun called Dazhbog.

In the famous literary work "The word about the regiment of Igor" of our ancestors - Rusich is called grandchildren of the gathering. Along with the other gods delivered by Prince Vladimir in Kiev, there was a dazbog. According to the ancient myths in the sky, there are three solar bears: Yaril - God spring equinox, Sexyro - God of summer solstice and Kolyada - God winter Solstice.

The birthday of the young sun was considered the day of wintering platform. The guardian of this luminous troika was considered God Troyan - Lord of Heaven, Earth and Outdoor Kingdom.


The annual movement of the earth around the sun

Thermal Poems of the Earth.Uneven heating of the earth surface condition different temperatures Air on different latitudes. Latitude strips with defined airproofs of air are called heat woe. The belt differ in the amount of heat coming from the sun. And the stretch of dependence on the temperature distribution is well illustrated isotherm (From the Greek "Iso" - the same, "Terma" - heat).

These are lines on the map, connect points with the same temperature.

Hot belt It is located along the equator, between the northern June tropics. It is limited on both sides by isotherm 20 0s. Interestingly, the boundaries of the belt coincide with the borders of the proliferation of palm trees on the land of the icoralles in the ocean.

Here, the earth's surface gets the greatest solar heat. Twice a year (December 22 and June 22), noon, the sun's rays fall almost obscure (at an angle 900). Air from the surface is very heated.

Therefore, there is hotters for the year.

Moderate belt (In both hemispheres), adjoin the roasting belt. They are in both hemispheres between the polar circle and the tropical. Solar radiations fall on the ground surface with some inclination. And than north, the darkaklon is greater.

Therefore, the sun's rays heats the surface less. In the performance heats up and air. That is why in moderate belts is colder than magician. The sun is never happening there in Zenith. Clearly pronounced seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn.

At the same time, the closer to the polar circle, the winter is colder than winter. The closer to the tropic, the longer and the warmer summer. Moderate belt side of the pole limits isotherm warm month 10 ° C. It is the limit of forest spread.

Cold belts (North and South) Both hemispheres lie between 10 ° C and 0 0 ° C of the warmest month. The sun there winteripo does not appear over the horizon for several months.

And in the summer, although it does not come the horizon of months, however it is very low above the horizon. It is racing glide on the surface of the Earth and heats it weakly. The surface of the Earth does not only increase, but also cools the air. Therefore, air temperatures are low there. Winter and harsh, and the summer is short and cool.

Two salary cold (North South) Complete the isotherm with temperatures of months below 0 0С. This is the kingdom of eternal sloping and ice.

So, heating and illumination of each locality and dependent on the position in the thermal belt, that is, from geographic latitude.

The necator, the greater the angle of falling the sun's rays, the stronger the surface and high air temperature. Conversely, with the removal of the emission to the poles, the incidence of drops of rays is reduced, respectively, temperaravromium decreases.

It is important to remember that the lines of the tropics and the polar circles are the limits of thermal belts are assigned conditionally. Since in reality the temperature is still determined by a number of other conditions.


Thermal belts of the Earth

Questions Izadachi

1. Why is the height of the Sun during the year changes?

2. The land will be addressed to the Sun, when in Ukraine: a) in the north of 22 yyunny; b) noon December 22?

3. Again the average annual temperature Air will be higher: in Singapore or Paris?

4. For example, average annual temperatures are reduced from the equator to the poles?

5. In which heat belts are the main students of Africa, Australia, Antarctica, North America, Eurasia?

6. In what thermal belt is the territory of Ukraine?

7. Include on the map Hemissemen city, if it is known that it is located on 430s.

Lesson 4. Light belts (§ 4)

Purpose: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe uneven distribution of sunlight and heat on Earth, about the illumination belts of the Earth.

    Give definitions of terms and concepts.

    Teach to explain the geographical consequences of the earth's movement, non-uniform distribution Light and warmth on the surface of the earth, the effect of space on earth and the life of people.

    Compile characteristics of natural objects and phenomena.

    Denote and show on maps geographical objects on the subject of the lesson.

    Continue the formation of substantive and meta-delicious training actions based on the thematic content of the lesson.

Solved educational task:

Basic concepts: illumination belt, northern tropic, southern tropic, north polar circle, southern polar circle.

Equipment: globe, physical map Hemispheres, contour cards.

Organizational structure of the lesson

I. Checking homework

1. How many times a year the sun stands in Zenith at the Equator?

2. What days is the zenital position of the Sun at the equator observed?

7. Why is the change of seasons on earth?

8. Why is solar heat and light on the ground surface is unevenly distributed?

9. What are the noteworthy days of autumn and spring equinox?

Extra. the task:

1. Determine the objects by geographic coordinates:

28ºС.Sh. 87ºV.D. - Jomolungma;

32º 70ºЗ.d. - Akokagua;

16º 6ºЗ.d. - O.Sv. Lena.

II. Actualization of knowledge

Let's remember

2. What areas of land get the greatest number sunlight, what are the smallest?

III. Studying a new material

Formulation of the problem

How would the degree of geographical latitude of tropics and polar circles change when changing the angle of inclination earthly axis?

And for the beginning, let's find these "special" lines on the map and on the globe, they are conducted by a dotted line. What do you think for what?

Consider Figure 15, C.25 textbook. Doesn't you confuse anything in this picture? (There is no shadow.) This phenomenon can only be observed on the latitude of the tropics. On them in the days of the Solstice, the sun at noon is in Zenith, that is, exactly above the head. With this position, the sun rays fall on the ground surface strictly vertically. On the day of the summer solstice, the sun is accurately over the northern tropical, and on the day of the winter solstice - over the southern.

Consider the drawing 17 of the textbook, p.27. Litness where you can observe the sun in the zenith, are located in a hot illumination belt. It is located between the Northern and South Tropics. Areas where polar day and polar night are observed, called polar belts. There are two of them: the northern polar belt is located north of the northern polar circle, and the southern polar belt is suitably lying south of the southern polar circle. The belt between the tropics and the polar circles are called the northern moderate and southern moderate. They have the most significant differences in the height of the sun over the horizon in winter and summer, and therefore, pronounced four seasons of the year.

Writing in tetrajes

    Northern Tropic - 23.5ºС.Sh.

    Southern Tropic - 23.5º

    Northern polar circle - 66.5ºС.Sh.

    Southern polar circle - 66.5ºС.Sh.

What do these numbers mean? Find the answer in the textbook.

Practical task:

1. Indicate the line on the contour map, which are boundary boundaries of illumination belts. Sign the names of the belt lines.

The borders of the tropical illumination belt are the North and Southern Tropics. In the tropical belt you can observe the sun in the zenith, that is, exactly above the observer's head. At this point there is no shadow of items. Belt borders - tropics - designated on all maps.

Determine the territory, the country of the world, where you can observe the sun in Zenith, and, on the contrary, the territory where this phenomenon is impossible.

In the tropical illumination belt, the sun occurs in the zenith, therefore, these parts of the earth's surface are stronger than all the sun, that is, these are the hottest territories of our planet. The average annual air temperature here does not fall below 20ºС, so palm trees are fruited in the tropical belt, and corals develop in the seas.

The most cold ones are the northern and southern polar belts, and for moderate belts are characterized by clearly pronounced seasonal differences.

So, let's identify the pattern: different latitudes of the Earth are illuminated and heated in different ways - the closer to the equator, the stronger the heating and the more heat and light gets the earth's surface. The closer to the poles, the less light and heat. Light belts replace each other from the equator to the poles.

We work in RT p.13-15 ( test tasks and thematic workshop C.1).

We work with the table "Changing the duration of the day on different latitudes during the year in the northern hemisphere" (in h and min). - What is the polar night?

What is a polar day?

Analyze the table "The duration of the polar day and polar night on different latitudes of the northern hemisphere" (day).

IV. Fixing

Answer on problematic question lesson.

What did A.S. Pushkin mean, writing these lines?

... when I'm in my room

I write, I read without a lamp,

And clear sleeping bulk

Deserted streets, and light

Admiralty needle,

And not launching darkness night

On golden skies,

One dawn will change another

Hurry up, giving night half an hour.

Answer the questions

1. What is the feature of the distribution of sunlight on the surface of the Earth?

2. What areas of the Earth get the greatest amount of sunlight? The smallest number?

3. What special days related to different levels Earth illumination, is there a calendar?

And now more complex questions

1. What is the minimum duration of the polar night?

2. With what corner of the earth's axis in your settlement could be observed polar night and day?

Practical task:

Make a characteristic natural conditionscharacteristic of different illumination belts.

V. Homework

§ 4. Complete tasks and answer questions at the end of the paragraph.

Table "Changing the duration of the day on various latitudes during the year in the northern hemisphere" (in h and min).

Table "The duration of the polar day and polar night on different latitudes of the northern hemisphere" (day).

I, like everyone, love summer for its warm rays of the sun, which warmed after the cold winter. But in other countries hot weather may be round year Or, on the contrary, in some places, only a couple of months can be called summer. Why is solar heat so unevenly distributed? Now I'll figure it out.

Solar warm on earth

Everyone knows everything and it is clear that our sun is the only and unique star in the solar system, and all space bodies Make a rotational movement around it. Radiation from the Sun allows you to maintain life on our planet. At the same time, plants, people and animals are very dependent on the light of the sun. For example, in the tundra because of the small amount of sunlight is established very low temperature, vegetation - small sizes and short periodWhen plants grow. Sunny energy Get lower air layers of the Earth (troposphere), in which clouds are formed. For living organisms, by the way, the sun is useful by its ultraviolet rays, which are given very important vitamin D.

The main reason for uneven solar heat distribution

If we take a look at the globe, we immediately note that the axis of the earth has a certain slope. That is, while the earth is spinning around our main star, its angle of inclination is unchanged. In this regard, the Earth goes through the larger side to the Sun Northern Hemispheres, then South. Accordingly, the angle under which the rays of the sun fall on the surface of the planet. Therefore, it is more heated and the southern, then the northern hemisphere is illuminated.

Additional influencing factors

The angle of falling rays is not the only factor on which it depends temperature mode Our planet. There are still a number of signs:

  • terrain;
  • precipitation;
  • the presence of glaciers;
  • the state of the atmosphere.

Each of them depends on the territory. For example, in the UK, the temperature will be lower due to the continuous presence of clouds. After all, because of this, the sun's rays can not reach the earth's surface to the fullest. All these additional factors are some obstacles to the passage of the rays of the Sun.

The sun is the star of the Solar System, which is for a source of huge amount of heat and dazzling light. Despite the fact that the sun is from us at a considerable distance and only a small part of its radiation comes to us, this is enough to develop life on Earth. Our planet rotates around the sun in orbit. If you observe the Earth from the spacecraft during the year, then it can be noted that the sun always illuminates only one half of the earth, therefore, there will be a day, and at the opposite half at that time there will be a night. The earth's surface gets warm only during the day.

Our land is heated unevenly. The uneven heating of the Earth is explained by its spherical form, so the angle of falling the solar beam in different areas is varied, and therefore various parts of the earth receive a different amount of heat. At the equator, the sun rays fall again, and they heat the ground strongly. The farther from the equator, the angle of falling the beam becomes less, and therefore, and fewer heat get these territories. The same in power, the beam of solar radiation heats a much smaller area, as it drops sharply. In addition, rays falling at a smaller angle than on the equator, penetrating, pass in it a larger way, as a result of which part of the sun's rays is dissipated in the troposphere and does not reach the earth's surface. All this indicates that when removing from the equator to the north or south, it decreases, since the angle of falling the solar beam is reduced.

The degree of heating of the earth's surface also affects the fact that the earth axis is tilted to the orbit plane, according to which the Earth makes a complete turn around the Sun, at an angle of 66.5 ° and all the time is directed by the Northern end towards the polar star.

Imagine that the earth, moving around the Sun, has an earth's axis, perpendicular to the plane of the orbit of rotation. Then the surface on different latitudes would have received the number of heat in different latitudes, the angle of falling the solar beam was permanent all the time, always the day would be equal to the night, the change of seasons would not occur. At the equator, these conditions would have a little different from the current ones. A significant impact on the heating of the earth's surface, which means that the entire slope of the earth's axis has it moderate latitudes.

During the year, that is, during full turn The lands around the sun, especially noteworthy four days: March 21, September 23, June 22, December 22.

The tropics and polar circles share the surface of the earth on the belt, which differ in the solar illumination and the amount of heat obtained from the Sun. 5 illumination belts: North and South Polar, which receive little light and heat, a belt with a hot climate and northern and south beltwhich get light and heat more than polar, but less than tropical.

So, in conclusion, you can do general conclusion: Uneven heating and lighting of the earth's surface are associated with the shag-likeness of our Earth and with the slope of the earth axis to 66.5 ° to the orbit of rotation around the Sun.