White shark - among the many sea ​​inhabitants(lat. Carcharodon carcharias) has long caused fear and speculation, which often turns out to be just a figment of people’s imagination. And herself white predator, as if in mockery of humanity, has been simply improving its qualities as the most cunning underwater predator for millions of years.

Man-eating shark, jawed predator, white death - whatever people called this graceful, ominously mysterious, intelligent and organized animal. She really instilled and instills animal fear in people with just her appearance in the sea. Of all shark attacks on humans, a third are attributed to the great white shark. The predator lives in all coastal waters with temperatures ranging from 12 to 24 degrees Celsius. She lives on average 30 years, and reaches sexual maturity only at 15 years.

However, the deeper scientists and enthusiasts study this predator, the clearer the understanding becomes that the largest predatory fish in the world is not as deadly as the overly exaggerated rumors say. Many different studies and underwater recordings, as well as various and often dangerous experiments, have shown that humans are by no means the favorite delicacy for the great white shark.

When a white shark attacks

Often a shark attack with fatal on a person happen because a person behaves too carelessly and forgets that it is impossible to get close to her, for example, not to dive into the water in the hunting areas of a white predator.

This animal can even cause admiration, and not just fear, because it is big White shark- This is one of the most armed predators in the world for hunting, since it has a very sensitive sense of smell, excellent hearing, vision, tactile and taste sensations and electromagnetism.

What does a white shark look like?

It has the body of a torpedo. Some individuals can reach a length of up to 12 meters, and their weight approaches three tons.

The shark has a white or very light belly, and top part bodies are gray, brown or green - so the great white shark is almost invisible in the depths of sea water. Seals, whales, fur seals, dolphins and other sharks are terrified of its huge mouth with triangular teeth arranged in several rows. The shark tears the flesh of the victim with its upper jaw, and holds it with its lower jaw.

This shark has an amazing ability to maintain its temperature higher than the temperature of the surrounding water. Therefore, it is considered a warm-blooded animal, just like all mammals. And besides, the great white shark has the most perfect sense of smell on the planet.

White shark's sense of smell

The sense of smell greatly influences the life of a shark, so two-thirds of the brain of the largest marine predatory fish is spent on its work.

Great white sharks are able to smell a substance dissolved 1 in 25,000,000 in water at a fairly large distance - 650 m.

White shark can catch electricity

The beautiful predator has a head that is unique in its ability to detect an electrical signal better than any modern laboratory, and human abilities exceed millions of times.

The great white shark has special structure the eye is like a cat, and is able to see prey in the dark, and a special organ of the shark - the lateral line - allows it to detect the slightest disturbances in the water at a distance of over 100 meters.

White shark breeding

It is noteworthy that great white sharks become predators even before they are born. Usually up to 5 sharks are born in the belly of a shark, but only one will be born. It is she who will devour all her brothers and sisters before they are born. Pregnancy lasts 11 months and occurs once every two years and a white shark is born.

Watch a video about how a great white shark lives in nature:

more about the white shark:

Sharks are a superorder in the class cartilaginous fish. Today more than 450 species of these animals are known. They are very common in the seas and oceans, but there are shark species capable of living in fresh water.

Most sharks are predators, however, three species (whale, basking and largemouth) feed on plankton.

(Cetorhinus maximus) is found in temperate latitudes and stays mainly on the surface. Swims with its mouth wide open to filter plankton. It reaches a length of 12 m. This shark is absolutely safe for large fish and humans.

The most big fish on the planet - whale shark(Rhincodon typus) can grow up to 15 m in length. This huge brown shark with white spots on its back lives in tropical latitudes. Whale shark It feeds only on plankton, krill and small fish, which it filters from the water through its gills. She has teeth, but they are small and practically unnecessary.

Mako shark

All types of sharks breathe oxygen dissolved in water, passing it through their gills. However, most of them must constantly move to maintain breathing. Mako shark(Isurus oxyrinchus) is the fastest shark in the world, can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. It has a powerful, streamlined body of deep blue color, and can reach up to 4 m in length.

Sharks do not have a swim bladder. To avoid sinking, they have special adaptations: a large liver, a cartilaginous skeleton and fins. These fish have a wonderful sense of smell; they primarily use it to search for prey. (Squatina) prefers to bury itself in the sand at the bottom and wait for prey, attacking from an ambush. Its body length is 1.5 m, the body is wide, flat, with rounded jaws.

Here's a shark sea ​​fox(Alopias vulpinus) drives fish by striking the ocean surface with the long upper part of its caudal fin. She uses her tail to stun her prey. The sea fox's tail can reach the same length as its body - 4-5 m.

(Carcharodon carcharias) is the largest modern predatory fish: its length is up to 6.4 m, its weight is 2268 kg. One of the amazing abilities of the white shark is to maintain more high temperature body than the temperature of the surrounding water.

One of the most dangerous species for humans bull shark(Carcharhinus leucas). A large aggressive shark that grows up to 3.5 m in length. Usually found in warm coasts, but can also swim into rivers.

Rare species include deep-sea frilled shark(Chlamydoselachus anguineus). Its gills are covered with folds of skin. Having a long, up to 2 m, thin body, this shark is more like an eel.

(Mitsukurina owstoni) is also a rare bottom shark species. It gained popularity due to its long snout and protruding beak-like jaws. Grows up to 3-5 m.

Hammerhead sharks(Sphyrnidae) - a family that is distinguished by a hammer-shaped head with eyes at the edges. The unusual structure of the head allows these sharks to quickly notice prey. Most species feed on fish, squid and crustaceans, but the largest representatives can be dangerous to humans.

Coral reefs are home to relatively small reef sharks(Triaenodon obesus). Their length does not exceed 3 m. This genus of sharks includes: whitetip reef shark, blacktip reef shark, Caribbean reef shark, gray reef shark.

In tropical latitudes lives a meter milk shark(Rhizoprionodon acutus), feeding on small fish and crustaceans. It is sometimes found in streams and tidal rivers. Also lives here nurse shark(Ginglymostoma cirratum), which grows up to 2.5 m in length. It usually feeds at night, sucking food from the seabed with its soft mouth.

Little ones glowing sharks(Isistius) reach only 50 cm. They have thin bodies brown in color and short snouts. These shark species feed using razor-sharp teeth, which they use to rip round chunks of flesh from their prey, such as tuna, dolphins and whales.

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Sharks – known predators marine reservoirs. Species diversity ancient fish represented unusually widely: small representatives reach 20 cm, and large ones – 20 m in length.

Common Shark Species

Only shark names will take up more than one page. The classification identifies 8 orders of fish, including approximately 450 species, only three of which feed on plankton, the rest are predators. Some families are adapted to live in fresh waters.

How many types of sharks actually exists in nature, one can only guess, because sometimes individuals are found that were considered hopelessly lost to history.

Shark genera and species are united into orders:

  • carchariformes (carcharidae);
  • heterogeneous (bovine, horned);
  • polybranchiformes (polybranchials);
  • lamniform;
  • wobbegong-shaped;
  • sawnose;
  • katran-shaped (spiny);
  • flat-bodied representatives.

Despite the diversity of predators, sharks are united by structural features:

  • the basis of the fish skeleton is cartilage tissue;
  • all species breathe oxygen through gill slits;
  • absence of a swim bladder;
  • acute sense of smell - blood can be sensed several kilometers away.

Carcharine sharks

Found in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans, in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Red Seas. Dangerous species sharks. Typical representatives:

Tiger (leopard) shark

Known for its prevalence in coastal zones ah, India, Japan, Australia. The name reflects the color of the predators, similar to the tiger pattern. The transverse stripes on a gray background persist until the shark grows over 2 meters long, then they turn pale.

Maximum size up to 5.5 meters. Greedy predators swallow even inedible objects. They themselves are a commercial object - the liver, skin, and fins of fish are valued. Sharks are very prolific, with up to 80 live-born pups in one litter.

Hammerhead shark

Lives in warm waters oceans. The record length of a giant specimen was recorded at 6.1 m. Weight major representatives up to 500 kg. Appearance sharks unusual, massive. The dorsal fin is sickle-shaped. Ahead of the “hammer” is almost straight. Favorite prey: poisonous stingrays, Sea Horses. They bear offspring once every two years, 50-55 newborns. Dangerous for humans.

Hammerhead shark

Silky (Florida) shark

Body length is 2.5-3.5 m. Weight is about 350 kg. The color includes different shades of grayish-blue with a metallic sheen. The scales are very small. Since ancient times, the streamlined body of a fish has terrified sea ​​depths.

The image of a cruel hunter is associated with stories of attacks on divers. They live everywhere in waters with water heated to 23°C.

Silky shark

Snout shark

A species of gray shark known for being the most aggressive. Maximum length is 4 m. Other names: bull shark, tub head. More than half of all human victims are attributed to this predator. Lives in coastal areas Africa, India.

The peculiarity of the bovine species is in the osmoregulation of the body, i.e. adaptation to fresh water. The appearance of a blunt-nosed shark at the mouths of rivers flowing into the seas is common.

Snout shark and her sharp teeth

Blue shark

The most common variety. Average length up to 3.8 m, weight more than 200 kg. It got its name from the color of its slender body. The shark is dangerous to humans. It can approach the shores and go to great depths. Migrates across the Atlantic.

Blue shark foraging for food

Hedgetooth sharks

Typical bottom inhabitants are of medium size. Many species are called bulls, which creates confusion with dangerous gray individuals called bulls. The squad has rare species sharks, not dangerous to humans.

Zebra shark

Lives in shallow waters off the coast of Japan, China,. Narrow brown stripes on a light background resemble a zebra pattern. Dull short snout. It poses no danger to humans.

Zebra shark

Helmet shark

A rare species found off the Australian coast. The skin is covered with rough teeth. Unusual color of dark spots on a light brownish background. The average length of individuals is 1 m. They feed sea ​​urchins and small organisms. It has no commercial value.

Mozambican shark

The length of the fish is only 50-60 cm. The red-brown body is strewn with white spots. A little-studied species. It feeds on crustaceans. It lives on the coasts of Mozambique, Somalia, and Yemen.

Polygill sharks

The order has existed for hundreds of millions of years. An unusual number of gill slits and a special shape of teeth distinguish the patriarchs of the shark tribe. They live in deep water.

Sevengill (straightnose) shark

Slender body ash color with a narrow head. The fish is small in size, up to 100-120 cm in length. It exhibits an aggressive character. After catching it, it tries to bite the offender.

Frilled shark

The length of the flexible elongated body is approximately 1.5-2 m. The ability to bend resembles a snake. Color grey-brown. The membranes of the gills form leather bags similar to a cloak. A dangerous predator with roots in Cretaceous period. The shark is called a living fossil for its lack of signs of evolution. The second name was received for the numerous folds on the skin.

Lumniform sharks

The torpedo shape and powerful tail allow it to swim quickly. Large individuals have commercial value. Sharks are dangerous to humans.

Fox sharks

Distinctive feature The species consists of an elongated upper lobe of the caudal fin. Used as a whip to stun prey. A cylindrical body, 3-4 m long, is adapted for high-speed movement.

Some species of sea foxes filter plankton and are not predators. Due to the taste of the meat, they have commercial value.

Giant sharks

Giants, more than 15 m long, are second in size after whale sharks. The color is gray-brown with speckles. Lives in all temperate waters of the oceans. They do not pose a danger to people. Feeds on plankton.

The peculiarity of the behavior is that the shark constantly keeps its mouth open, filtering 2000 tons of water per hour while moving.

Sand sharks

Inhabitants of the deep and explorers of coastal zones at the same time. You can recognize the variety by its upturned nose and the frightening appearance of its massive body. Found in many tropical and cool seas.

The average length of the fish is 3.7 m. Generally safe for humans sand sharks confused with gray predators, known for aggression.

Mako shark (black tip)

There are short-finned varieties and long-finned relatives. In addition to the Arctic Ocean, the predator lives in all other oceans. It does not go deeper than 150 m. The average size reaches 4 m in length and weighs 450 kg.

Despite the fact that many existing shark species dangerous, the blue-gray predator is unrivaled deadly weapon. Develops colossal speed in pursuit of schools of mackerel, schools, and sometimes jumps above the water.

Goblin shark (brownie, rhinoceros)

Random loot unknown fish at the end of the 19th century, approximately 1 m long, led scientists to the discovery: extinct shark species Scapanorhynchus, thought to have existed 100 million years ago, is alive! The unusual snout above the head makes shark-like on . An alien from the past was found again several times after almost 100 years. Very rare inhabitants.

Wobbegong sharks

The peculiarity of the order is the unusually smooth and rounded shapes of predators among their relatives. Different types sharks The variegated coloring and bizarre growths on the body bring them together. Many representatives lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle.

Whale shark

An amazing giant up to 20 meters long. Found in reservoirs of tropical zones and subtropics. They do not tolerate cold water well. A beautiful, harmless predator whose food consists of mollusks and crayfish. Divers can pat him on the back.

It amazes with its grace and unique appearance. Small eyes on a flattened head hide in a fold of skin in case of danger. Small teeth are arranged in 300 rows, their total number is approximately 15,000 pieces. They lead a solitary life, rarely unite in groups large groups.

Carpal wobbegong

IN strange creature it is difficult to recognize a relative of the ocean predators that terrify all aquatic inhabitants. The aerobatics of camouflage consists of a flat body covered with some kind of rags.

It is very difficult to recognize fins and eyes. Sharks are often called mustachioed and bearded due to the fringe along the contour of their heads. Thanks to unusual appearance bottom sharks often become pets in public aquariums.

Zebra shark (leopard)

The spotted color is very reminiscent of a leopard, but no one will change the ingrained name. The leopard shark is often found in warm sea ​​waters, at a depth of up to 60 meters along coastlines. The beauty is often captured by underwater photographers.

Zebra shark on photo reflects an atypical representative of his tribe. The smooth lines of the fins and body, rounded head, leathery protrusions along the body, and yellow-brown color create a spectacular appearance. Does not show aggression towards humans.

Sawtooth sharks

A distinctive feature of the representatives of the order is a jagged outgrowth on the snout, similar to a saw, and a pair of long antennae. The main function of the organ is to search for food. They literally plow up the bottom soil if they sense prey.

In case of danger, they swing a saw, inflicting wounds on the enemy with sharp teeth. The average length of an individual is 1.5 m. Sharks live in warm ocean waters, off the coasts South Africa, Japan, Australia.

Short-nosed sawnose

The length of the sawtooth outgrowth is approximately 23-24% of the length of the fish. The usual “saw” of its relatives reaches a third of the total body length. The color is gray-blue, the belly is light. With side blows of the saw, sharks injure their victims in order to then eat them. Leads single image life.

Dwarf saw-nos (African saw-nos)

There is information about catching dwarf (body length less than 60 cm) sawbills, but scientific description absent. Types of sharks very small sizes are rare. Like their relatives, they lead a bottom life on silt-sandy soil.

Golden sharks

Representatives of the order live almost everywhere in all sea and ocean waters. Since ancient times, spines have been hidden in the fins of katran-shaped fish. There are thorns on the back and skin, which can easily cause injury.

None of them are dangerous to humans. The peculiarity of fish is that they are saturated with mercury, so consumption spiny sharks Not recommended for food.

Types of sharks of the Black Sea include katran representatives, the indigenous inhabitants of this reservoir.

Southern siltworm

It lives at a depth of up to 400 m. The body is dense, spindle-shaped. The head is pointed. The color is light brown. Shy fish are harmless to humans. You can only get hurt on thorns and hard skin.

Heavy Sludge

The massive body of the fish with the characteristic shape of the silt gullet. Lives on great depths. Little studied. Rare specimens of the shortthorn shark were caught in deep-sea catches.

granular shark

A common type of fish at a depth of 200-600 m. The name appeared due to its original shape, similar to sandpaper. Sharks are not aggressive. Maximum dimensions reach 26-27 cm. Color black-brown. There is no commercial value due to the difficult production and small size of the fish.

Flat-bodied sharks (squat sharks, angel sharks)

The shape of the predator resembles a stingray. The length of typical representatives of the order is approximately 2 m. They are active at night; during the day they bury themselves in the mud and sleep. They feed on bottom organisms. Squat sharks are not aggressive, but react to provoking actions of swimmers and divers.

Squatins are called sand devils for their method of hunting from ambush with a sudden rush. The prey is sucked into the toothy mouth.

The most ancient creatures of nature, living in the ocean for 400 million years, are many-sided and diverse. A person studies the world of sharks like a fascinating book with historical characters.

Thanks to Hollywood, each of us imagines a shark as a ruthless killer huge size, chasing careless swimmers day and night. Let’s not argue, there are reasons for such an opinion: sharks are still predators, and hunting for game is a natural behavior for them. However, there are species of sharks that are absolutely not dangerous to large creatures, to which a person can safely be classified. And there are predatory fish, which in many ways (at least in their diet) are similar to whales.

And the sizes of sharks in the generally accepted view are not so clear. There are species of sharks that reach a length of 11-15 meters (in particular, large specimens, and there are 15-centimeter small ones, dangerous only for small fish and diligently fleeing from most larger organisms they encounter.

Shark in general

No matter how different the representatives of this superorder may be from each other, all sharks have common features in structure, physiology and behavior:

  1. The skeleton of these creatures is not formed bone tissue, but with cartilage, which makes sharks lighter, nimble and mobile.
  2. They all lack it, without which most other fish cannot exist.
  3. They are not covered with scales, but with skin, which is very tough, equipped with tiny sharp teeth. Many people and marine animals have died when encountering sharks, not from their teeth, but from accidental contact with the skin.
  4. Among these predators there are species of sharks that do not spawn, but are viviparous. However, even for those who have followed the more traditional path of reproduction for aquatic inhabitants, the intermediate stage of development is not caviar, but rather a kind of egg: there are very few of them (from 1 to 3), and they are protected by a very strong shell-shell . Moreover, it is not a fry that emerges from this storage facility, but a fully formed baby. So a new term, “ovoviviparity,” was coined specifically for sharks.
  5. In many species of these fish, teeth grow in several rows (from 3 to 5), which number up to 3 thousand fangs and are constantly renewed. These creatures are not afraid of caries!

A separate question is: how many species of sharks are known to science. The fact is that many of them number only a dozen or two representatives. And some are even presented in a single copy registered by scientists. In principle, there are 150 species of sharks in the world - from those that have been encountered by oceanographers in many countries, and more than once. Taking into account the endangered species (mainly due to hunting for ocean predators), their number can safely be increased to 268. Some researchers believe that the figure can be raised to 450, but the remaining species of sharks are known only from the testimony of biologists who accidentally encountered them.

Shark weirdness

This “tribe” amazes scientists with its dissimilarity, and sometimes with the antagonism (except for the menu) that individual species of sharks exhibit. So, fish are supposed to have a torpedo-like body shape - this makes it easier to hunt in aquatic environment. But there are some species of described predators that are similar to stingrays or flounders: they search for prey near the bottom. And others have a flat and very wide muzzle. Still others can boast with a sharp nose. But at the same time, all types of sharks have the main characteristic features.

Another feature: having sharpest teeth, often growing continuously, predator fish use them only for attack. That is, they grab prey and tear it, but do not chew it. That is why its entire mouth filling consists exclusively of fangs - the shark has no chewing teeth.

Species of sharks: names of the most dangerous to humans

It is very difficult to list the abundance of these predators by name. Some types of Russian-language analogues do not have names at all, there are only Latin names every species of shark. For children and adults, however, it is more important to know about the most dangerous of them, in case you find yourself near the ocean where such creatures are found.

The largest, most terrible and famous shark is the great white. It accounts for half of all human deaths from shark attacks, and three quarters of all attacks by these animals. The only consolation is that this predator prefers carrion, whales and seals. If you don’t provoke it and don’t get hurt in the water until you bleed, it will swim by.

Second place for tiger shark. She got her nickname thanks to the vertical stripes on her body. And the second reason was the bad character - the shark is aggressive and omnivorous. Again, it will not chase a person without provocation, although it may feast on it, simply out of habit, picking up everything that comes along the way.

The bull shark is recognized by oceanographers as the most aggressive of all representatives of the superorder. The worst thing is that it can also enter the mouths big rivers. It attacks everything that moves and can attack in shallow water. So if the resort warns that representatives of this species of shark have been spotted in the water, it would be wiser to get out to the beach. And don't go in until you're allowed to.

Terror of the Seas: Cigar Shark

From the point of view of curiosity, it is much more interesting to consider little-known species of sharks. There is a fish from this tribe whose length is only 42 cm, and whose appearance is scary and ridiculous. The cigar shark's long teeth make it look like a bulldog of the sea. But the predator itself is terrible: it can kill an ocean inhabitant five times its size.

The “cigar” was first caught in 1964, and since then only a dozen of its relatives have fallen into the hands of ichthyologists. So those who have already seen some sharks are unlikely to be familiar with this one.

Angel Shark: Genius of Disguise

This species of shark has certain reasons for its name. And not at all because of its docile nature: the fish simply looks quite innocent. The diver who meets her will be sure that he came across a stingray on his way. The “angels” move nearby, hunt from an ambush, and can wait in it for hours and even days, remaining completely motionless.

Fortunately, the “angels” are indifferent to people and do not hunt them. But if you step on a hidden hunter (let alone try to catch him), he will respond with a lightning-fast and merciless attack. The wounds will not be fatal, but bloody, painful and requiring surgical intervention.

Unique Lemon Shark

This representative of the predatory tribe is truly unique. Firstly, he can swim without harm to himself and for a long time live in fresh waters. Secondly, this shark is capable of lying on the bottom for a long time - and in general prefers to hunt at shallow depths, up to one meter. Thirdly, thanks to the coloring, it blends perfectly with the surrounding landscape. It won’t eat a person, but it will easily eat his beloved dog.

Unlike the angel shark, it prefers to avoid contact, but responds aggressively to an attack. However, there are very few of them left; they are found mainly in South American waters, so there is little chance of meeting her.