When the "Spider" is crushed, most people will enjoy, because they are not associated with nothing good word. The first thing that wakes up to the mind is that the spiders of poisonous, and they are just unpleasant ... The view of them is so strange, and they will fly in the corners. But it is only worth getting acquainted with these creatures closer and fear will change if not delight, then respect. Few people can compare with them on the variety of structure, lifestyle and the complexity of behavior. From the point of view of the systematics, spiders constitute a separate class of the class of spiderman, numbering 46,000 species! And this is not a complete list, because new types of spiders continue to open so far. The nearest relatives are ticks, rigging and scorpions, and long-range anti-shouton-elders like relict swords. But with insects, to which spiders are often ranked, they have nothing to do with anything.

Caurouris Sexcuspidata (Caerostris Sexcuspidata), inhabitants in arid areas of Africa, using a body shape, coloring and poses imitates a dry tree.

The body of spiders consists of a pitchflower and the abdomen connected by the so-called stem. Head Hood is usually small, and the abdomen is strongly stretching, so in size is much more chest. Most types of skelts have so short that almost invisible, but the spiders of the Mirmetysiums mimicing for ants can boast a thin waist.

Spider out of the genimecyc (Myrmecium Sp.) It is pretended by ant, but his trick is easy to solve if it is considered to calculate the number of legs.

All spiders have eight legs and on this sign, they can be unmistakably distinguished from insects who have them six. But besides the legs, spiders have several more limbs. The first, called helper is located at the mouth itself. In terms of its intention, Helicers - something average between rhives and hands. With their help, the spiders are enough and separated by prey, and still hold the female during the pairing, cut the web - in one word, perfect types of work. The second pair of limbs - pedpalp. They are also located on puments, but longer and more like their feet. This is a specific tool that spiders are deployed with liquid semi-steamed victim fabrics. In males pedipals, they transmit sperm with the female. At the tip of the abdomen, several pairs of limbs have changed and turned into a warts. Each such wart is connected to a large spider iron located in the trouser. Colebel glands come in different types and each of them produces their sort of cobwebs.

The enlarged portrait of an earthen wolf-wolf (Trochosa Terricola) allows you to spit into the details of spray anatomy: black eyes are visible on the sides of the pair of large eyes; Brown grabbing bodies right under the eyes are helper, and short light yellow "paws" - pedpalp.

All spiders breathe atmospheric oxygen, so the respiratory authorities serve as light or trachea. It is noteworthy that their lungs have 4 pieces (or the same number of trachea), and there are species that have a pair and the other. The digestive system of spiders is relatively simple. Almost all kinds have poisonous glands whose secret is fatal for their victims, and sometimes for large animals. In production, paralyzed toxin, the spider injected saliva containing highly active enzymes. This juice partially digesting the fabric of the victim, the hunter remains only to suck the semi-liquid food. Outdoor covers of spiders are not stretchable, therefore, for uniform growth, they have often to lift. During molting and immediately after it, the spider defenselessly, during this period it does not hunt, but is sitting in a secluded place.

Dolophones Sp.) Is obliged to mask the patronage painting and pose at the same time.

The most amazing in the anatomy of these animals is the senses. Compared to other invertebrates, spiders are well developed and diverse. The first thing you pay attention is. They are usually eight for spiders, two of them are turned forward, and the rest are located on the top of the head and on the sides of the head, which gives them the owner a three-dimensional review of 180 °. True, there are species with six, four and even two eyes, but it is not so important, because they see all the spiders only light spots (but at the same time distinguish colors!). The exceptions make up stray spiders-horses that are not fusing cobwebs, and attackers for a sacrifice with "bare hands." They produced acute binocular vision for an accurate throw, which makes it possible to distinguish clear contours of production and correctly evaluate the distance to it. Cave types of spiders are completely blind.

So that it is forever to overcome the fear of spiders, it is enough to look into the expressive intellectual eyes of this female spider-jumping (with the front side of their four pieces). Presented in the photo View - Fidippus Mysteusus (Phidippus Mystaceus) reaches about 1 cm in length.

Much more important for hunting touch. It has all spiders unprecedentedly sharp. Sensitive receptors and hairs on the legs allow them to capture insignificant fluctuations not only by web, but also the air itself. It can be said that spiders are hearing legs. It was noted that the sound of a violin, some spiders wake up a hunting instinct. Probably, air fluctuations caused by the tool remind them the buzz of flies. By the way, spiders, and ourselves are not goodless. Large species can hiss, buzzing, finish, obviously, to scare up enemies. Small singing marriage songs, but so quiet that this sound is not caught for the human ear, but it is perfectly heard of females. The sound of spiders arises from the friction of different parts of the body from each other, that is, on the same principle as the grasshoppers. But these abilities of spider legs are not exhausted. It turns out that spiders kick themselves to smell! In fairness it must be said that the olfactory receptors are also located on the trouser. The smell is important not so much for catching mining, how much to continue the kind. Walking along the smell trail of the female, the octopods of the knights overcome long distances and unmistakably distinguish ready for mating a girlfriend from immature. Another feeling that spiders captured perfectly, this is a sense of equilibrium. Spiders, without looking, unmistakably determine where the top, where the bottom, which is not surprisingly for animals, most of the life of conductive in a suspended state. Finally, there are no taste receptors for spiders, but there is a taste. Lacrefacing from the tasteless, they distinguish again with their legs!

Blonde Terafoz (Theraphosa Blondi) in the natural environment.

Spider sizes vary widely. The length of the body of large spiders-birds reaches 11 cm, one of them - the Terafoz Blonde - even got into the Guinness Records Book with a Loan of Legs at 28 cm. Equally astonished spider-crumbs. So, the smallest view - a foot of the Digua - grows only to 0.37 mm!

Spider Patu Digua is so small that it is bad to distinguish even with such an increase when the papillary pattern of the human finger is visible.

At the expense of a spherical or pear-shaped abdomen of the body outlines in most spiders closer to the circumference. But the nefil-Nefil circle is elongated, in some types of abdomen can be in the form of a rhombus, heart or severely flattered.

Female Gasteracantha Cankriformis in his cellular network. This species of spider received its name (in a free translation from Latin "Crabicidoid") for an unusual body shape, unlike crab spiders, named so for the ability to move sideways.

Body outlines can distort long hairs and spines.

Curved, or arched gastercanta (Gasteracantha Arcuata) - a relative of the previous species, but it looks even more exotic.

Spiders are hypers from the genus Simaetha - tiny (a couple of millimeters) inhabitants of the Tropics of Southeast Asia. All representatives of this kind are outdated with the golden pattern.

The length of the legs is also changing. In land species, it is usually small, and spiders, wearing networks and a lot of time spent in the dense of foliage, more often than long-legged.

The color of these arthropods can be, without exaggeration, any, but given the predatory spiders, it is almost always a patronage. Accordingly, the types of moderate belt are usually painted in an unbroken: in gray, black, brown tones - under the land, sand, dry grass. Tropical spiders are often bright, with a complex pattern.

An exceptionally beautiful tweeisia, whose body is inlaid with brilliant spots similar to sequins.

Silver Tweetesia (Thwaitesia Argentiopunctata).

By covering the territory of spiders, you can safely be called cosmopolitans. They live on all continents, in all climatic belts and in all natural environments. The most diverse spiders in the steppes, in the meadows and in the forests, but they can also be found in the deserts, tundra, caves, among the glaciers of the Arctic islands and high spirits, in fresh reservoirs, a person's dwelling. By the way, spiders are among the most highly mountainous animals - the Himalayan spider-chakn dwells on Everest at an altitude of 7000 m!

The extraction of the Himalayan Spider-Skakuna (Euophrys Omnispeurstes) - insects listed on Everest by the Wind.

The habitat laid an imprint on the lifestyle of different types. For all spiders, are except for predation and associated tendency to loneliness, although there are exceptions here. Public philoponells and stegodifus prefer to build a common network, on which they hunt together ...

Sarazin Stegodyphus Sarasinorum (Saradyphus Sarasinorum) are angry with a unlucky butterfly. This species dwells in India, Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.

and the spider-jumping of Bagiir Kipling, contrary to his predatory name, herbivorous.

Baghera Kiplingi (Bagheera Kiplingi) carries a bloodless victim in the Helicers - juicy appendages that grow in the leaves of some tropical acacia. Trees thus attract the ants who simultaneously guard them from pests, and the herbivan spider uses these gifts.

Most spiders are settled, although among the spiders-horses and spiders-wolves a lot of vagrants that are free of those who have worst across the expanses and attackers on counter-insects. Domestic species are equipped in different ways. The most primitive of them is hidden from prying views in soil deepends: it hurts more convenient, and defend. Spiders-Blowways (spiders-crabs) are hiding among the flower petals, in the process of seating on one flower, they gradually change the color to become their asylum.

What can be idyllish than a butterfly drinking nectar? But we are unfolding the tragedy: the beauty actually landed the pawka-boom paws, indistinguishable in the color of the flower on which he hunts.

But good disguise does not solve all the problems, because the sacrifice to grab a little, it is necessary to keep it, and it is still tedious to look out for the prey for days. Therefore, spiders gradually moved from an active ambush hunting to more reliable and passive methods of preyment. At the first stage, they began to dig deep minks, for more convenience, losing them with a web.

Capturing the Cebrenus Rekhenberg tube (Cebreennus Rechenbergi) is woven from the web, inlaid from the outside by the sands.

More advanced species began to stretch the threads from the mink to the neighboring stalks - the perfect alert system turned out: the owner can rest in a mink, and the creeping insect, hooking a web, will notify the spider about his approach and will be caught by surprise the sudden appearance of a predator from under the earth. In some species, such signal threads have turned into complex web funnels and tubes.

Other species began to improve the alert system, but mining retention methods. To do this, they began to close the minks by earthen traffic jams and not simple, but on hinges! Spider, sitting on the inside of the hatch, holds it in a closed state, so that it is absolutely impossible from the surface from the surface. It is worth the victim to hook a signal cage, as a spider jumps out, drains the stunned insect in a mink, slams the cover and paralyzes the bite. With this situation, even strong mining does not have a chance to escape.

Opened spider mink with a raised lid and pulling in all sides by signal web.

However, the norny hunting does not give spidens away from the ground, so the most advanced species stopped equipping Logov and began to be content with one web, pulling it among herbs, leaves and other above-ground items.

Creating a web, spider places it in places of the most likely movement of production, but so that the winds of the wind, the fluctuations of the branches, the movement of large animals did not break it.

The fact is that the creation of the spider's web is spent a lot of deficient protein, so they value this material. They are often torn to the web, using it as raw materials for the production of new. The structure of the web perfectly takes into account the features of the favorite production of a particular type of spiders: In one case, it can be randomly extended in all directions of the thread, in the other - the circle sector stretched into the corner of the shelter, in the third - the full circle.

The rainbow game of light on a circular web stretched into the gorge of the Karijin National Park (Australia).

The thin web seems fragile, but in terms of the thickness of the thread, it is one of the strongest fibers on the ground: a cobweb conditional thickness of 1 mm is able to withstand the weight from 40 to 261 kg!

Water drops in diameter is much more web, but cannot break them. When they dry, the web will restore the form at the expense of their elasticity.

In addition, the cobweb is very elastic (able to stretch by a third of the length) and sticky, so the beating victim only confuses itself even more. The web of the Nefil circle is so strong that it is capable of holding even a bird.

The colt is entangled in the web of the Broad-Nephila's Circulation in the Seychelles. From the side of the spider, nothing threatens her, since the bird is too great for him. Typically, in such cases, nephiles simply cut off the capes so that the beating mining does not spoil them the entire network. However, the sticky web gluits feathers, which is why the bird can lose the ability to fly and die from hunger.

Some spiders additionally strengthen the web with special threads - stabilization.

The North American Spider Uloborus Glomosus has strengthened his web on spiral zigzag stabilization.

It is difficult to imagine the creator of the web outside the air environment, but they were found among the spiders. Spiders from the kind of hunters are cared among the coastal vegetation in search of the incoming insects, but at the case it is easily moved along the surface of the water and even plunge into its thickness, keeping the plants.

Crossing with a reservoir, a cut-off hunter (Dolomedes Fimbriatus) is similar to the clouds-water meters relied on the water tension film.

The water spider does not leave the reservoir at all, among underwater vegetation, he creates a dome of the cobweb from which stretching threads. The caller of this spider is covered with hairs holding air bubbles. The spider periodically pops up to the surface in order to update their margin, and large bubbles pulls along with them and fills them with space under the dome. In this air charter, he lives and displays the offspring.

Water Spider (Argyroneta Aquatica) and the air bell created by it. The body of the spider itself is also surrounded by an air bubble that gives him a silver shade.

Spiders in the tropics all year round, in a temperate belt - once a year, in the summer. Usually, the males of spiders are much smaller than the females (some species 1500 times!), Less often - almost the same size with them and only water spider males for a third more girlfriends. In addition to the size, males, as a rule, stand out also with a bright color. Pairing in these arthropods occurs unusual - without direct contact of the genitals. First, the male fills the sperm of the pedipalps and goes on the journey with this gift. Coming to the female trail by smell, it starts solving the main task: how to get to a voracious and huge girlfriend, without waking up her hunting instinct? Different species adhere to different strategies. Some spiders warn about their appearance of a tytine twisting - this "call" should give to understand the female, which is not prey before it, but it does not always work, and often the Uhager has to fly from all his feet. Other males build a small marriage network near the web of the female: rhythmically twitching her, they invite her friend to a closer acquaintance. Males of stray spiders, not fusing web, make a marriage dance, raising his paws in a certain sequence, as if adjustors. Some types of brand are managed to engage in dance and pachechu. The males of amazing Pisaura (Pisaura Mirabilis) rely on the tested reception: go on a date with a treat - a fly-wrapped in a web. The most timides from spiders are matered only with the recently iridescent female: with soft covers, she itself is defenseless and is not inclined to attack. During the mating, the male introduces pedipals into females seeds, sometimes overstaving her web.

Acrobatic etude performed by the male peacock spider. In addition to raising the paws, the males of all kinds of this kind demonstrate also an unusually colorful abdomen, raising him like a peacock tail. It is almost impossible to see this miracle, since the size of the peacock spiders is just a couple of millimeters.

Usually, the intimate meeting is passed alone, but sometimes several males take care of one female and then they arrange fights among themselves. It happens that the female mates consistently with several males. After mating a pachechik, often eats one or all partners. In some species, males survive thanks to a prompt escape or tricks.

Flower Spider Misumena (Misumena Vatia) climbed on the back of the female and became unattainable for her. For him, this is the only way to protect yourself after mating, as the forces of partners are too unequal. The same methods also enjoy some types of cross-shutders.

In more rare cases, the male and female break peacefully or even live in the same nest, sharing prey. After a few days or weeks after mating, the female lays eggs into a cocoon cocoon.

Agroeca Brunnea Cocoon (Agroeca Brunnea) Two-chamber: There are eggs in the upper chamber, and in the bottom - nursery for newborn packs.

The fecundity of different species varies from 5 to 1000 eggs, if there are many eggs, then cocoons can be up to a tent. The size of the cradle is small - from a pair of millimeters to 5 centimeters in diameter; Coloring can be white, pink, green, golden, striped.

Cocoons Gasteracants Cankrobeism are the same unusual as these spiders themselves. His golden-black-rolled lips of females are attached to the bottom of the leaves.

If there is a dark side of their nature in relations with the males of the pachecheki, then in handling of offspring - light. Females carefully attach cocoons in a secluded corner of a trap, their own nest, hole, and stray views we carry them with them, holding helpers or sticking to the abdomen. The female of the Venezuelan Cross (Araneus Bandelieri) weave the common cocoon, and some species like cuckoo throw their offspring in the nests of the neighbors. If the cocoon is left in a secluded place, then after hatching, the pauses are provided by themselves. Before the expiration of the first three lines, they keep them boring and then spread out. Females, wearing cocoons with themselves, often show care of the offspring and after birth, they are afraid. Kids they wear on their own body and provide food.

The female of one of the types of Pisaur (Pisaura Sp.) With a precious wear, glued to the abdomen.

Young spiders living in open landscapes are often resorted to resettlement with a cobweb. To do this, they climb on the skelter or a branch higher and produce a web, but do not attach it as when weaving the network, but leave to hang out free. When the thread turns out to be sufficient long, the wind picks it up with a spruce and takes away, sometimes for a hundred kilometers. Years such a web is especially noticeable in August-September.

Powl with brood pause. While the kids are small, they keep boring.

At the species of moderate belt, wintering often passes in the stage of the egg, if young spiders are winter, they often demonstrate cold resistance and can appear in the snow in winter thaws. Most small spiders live no more than a year, the largest poultry spiders in nature live to 7-8 years, and in captivity they can live and all 20.

This is not snow, but a carpet from a web covering the coast of one of the reservoirs of Australia.

Mining spiders is diverse. First of all, their victims become mobile, but not too strong insects - flies, mosquitoes, butterflies - it is they who have the greatest chances to please in the network.

If the victim is particularly slow and defenseless, the spider will not bend the attack and for mining many times more than himself: caterpillar, rainwater worm, snail.

Wasy species and spiders living in minks often come across non-flying beetles and straight bumps.

A very unusual way of hunting applies Mastophora Hutchinsoni (Mastophora Hutchinsoni). She wars a cobweet with a sticky drop at the end, hes with this painpool in an elongated paw and waving them, while some insect sticks to the drop.

The largest poultry spiders hunt mostly on small vertebrates - lizards, snakes, frogs. Occasionally, their prey become small birds (more often than chicks), which was reflected in their name and at the same time gave rise to prejudice, as if the poultry worship were eating only birds.

Spiders Deinopis (Deinopis SP.) First, the square network is first, and then, holding it in the massacled form, sneak up and attach to prey.

Amphibiotic and water spiders catch tadpoles, larvae of water insects, fry fish and even adult small fish. Some types of spiders have a narrow food specialization, for example, hunt only on ants or spiders of other species.

On large vertebrates, they never attack, but some poisonous spiders can bite in order of self-defense. Poison poison is local and common. The local action poison causes severe pain in the bite place, redness (satellite), swelling and color of the fabrics, in some cases so deep that the internal organs are exposed. A common poison causes headache, nausea, vomiting, cramps, mental excitement, skin rash, heartbeat disinfaction, kidney dysfunction, in severe cases, suffocations and death. Fortunately, most poisonous spiders belong to tropical exotions, and the South Russian Tarantula and Karakurt and Karakurts are most dangerous in densely populated areas.

South Russian Tarantula (Lycosa Singoriensis), although it is not famous, but not as dangerous as Karakurt.

These spiders live in the grass steppes and semi-deserts of southern Europe, Asia and North America, and domestic cattle suffers from their bites, which in the past sometimes led to a massive case of grazed camels, sheep, horses. Karakurt poison is 15 times stronger than poison Gurza, but unlike snake, spider bite shallow, therefore, as first aid, the caustic of the bite of a burning match is effective. True, this rescue is only due to the immediate (within 1-2 minutes) of use. If the first assistance was not provided, then you can save the life of the victim only in the hospital using anticarakurt serum.

Daikurt's female (Latrodectus tredecimguttatus) guards cocoons with eggs, during this period it is especially aggressive. The view presented in the photo dwells in arid areas of Europe and Asia.

Although spiders seem dangerous and invulnerable predators, they are defenseless in front of many enemies. All sorts of birds are hunting, small animals, lizards, frogs. Drops, roses and ragged Sony will not pass even before poisonous species: birds stuff their stomachs of Karakurts, and the animals hunt for tarantulas. Among the invertebrates there are also bravets, ready to eat in the octopographem. Mantis, bear, predatory beetles and even ... flies, truth, not ordinary, and predatory are attacked on spiders.

These females of scorpion spider (Arachnura Melanura) demonstrate a variety of intraspecific coloring. The females of this species have an elongated abdomen, which can be stirred like scorpions. Despite the formidable appearance, they have no stale, and the bite of these spiders is painful, but not dangerous. Males smaller and ordinary form.

Dead tarantula infected with Cordyceps. Growth similar to deer horns, this is the fruit bodies of the mushroom.

This Thai ARGIOPE (Argiope Sp.) Sits in a tracker with pairwise folded and stretched along stabilizers with legs. So it becomes part of a web pattern and ceases to interest others.

In this regard, spiders have developed a variety of security tools (some of them simultaneously serve as adaptations to the hunt). This should include a patronizing color and body shape, as well as special postures.

Some spiders die in the center of the web with elongated legs, becoming like a wand, Frinarakhans and Pacobuses in such a posture imitate bird excrement and even make the appropriate smell that attracts flies!

Envy the danger, the ongoing species are launched in Spiders, wearing web, on the contrary, landing on the ground; Some species take a threatening pose with high-altered legs; Small spiders oscillate the web so that their contours in the trembling network seems to be blurred.

Pasilobus Lunatus (Pasilobus Lunatus) is indistinguishable from the excrement of small animals, but so it looks only with sunlight.

As if, as a reward for the unassuming appearance, nature endowed this spider's ability to glow in ultraviolet light.

Poisonous spiders bite, and spiders - poultry… Shake, while hairs covering their body, are clouded and rising into the air. If you get into the respiratory tract and on the skin, they cause irritation.

Already familiar cerebrennus Rekhenberg never ceases to amaze: in case of danger, he is sprinkling, kwwing through his head!

Surpass it can only dwelling in the desert Namib Golden-Yellow Carparakhna(Carparachne aureoflava), which it does not run away from enemies, but rolls the cubera from the dune, developing speed up to 1 m / s. This speed is not so small, because to reach it, Karaparan must take 40 knuckles through the head!

Paraplectana spider (Paraplectana Sp.) In the outfit of God's cows.

Some holes for protection from the OS create three-chamber underground shelters: if the enemy managed to hack the first door, the spider turns into the next compartment of the hole, which is also locked with a cover, and so on. At the same time, the normal moves may have such a configuration that the enemy is simply not able to find a spider in the underground labyrinth.

Cyclocosmia Truncata (Cyclocosmia Truncata). This Norny Spider comes from Mexico uses the most original way of protection - it plugs the entrance to the hole with his own body. A stupid end of the abdomen perfectly corresponds to the size of the hole, so it turns out a perfect cork, stretch which is very difficult outside.

The front side of the cyclocosmy abdomen resembles an ancient print.

Spiders have long caused mixed feelings in humans. On the one hand, they were afraid due to an unpleasant species and poisonousness. The notorious Karakurt in North America received the nickname "Black Widow", and the word "Karakurt" itself translated from Kazakh means "Black Death". The subconscious fear of spiders is so strong that some people and now, practically not contacting hazardous species, are also afraid of these arthropods - such a mental deflection is called arachnophobia. On the other hand, people always admired the ability of spiders to weaving the web, attempts were made to extract from this practical benefit. Even in ancient China, they were able to make a special "Eastern Sea Fabric", Polynesians used a thick web for sewing and manufacturing fishing networks. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, single attempts were made to make fabric and clothing from cobweb, in the modern industry, web is used in instrument making. However, the industrial production of this material is failed to give rise due to the difficulties of the content and breeding of a huge number of manufacturers. Now spiders are bred in captivity as exotic pets, and lovers of the most popular large-scale poultry spiders, which are convenient to observe. But the remaining species of these arthropods deserve protection as useful and very effective regulators of the number of harmful insects.

Smith Brachiphelma (BracHypelma Smithi; female) is one of the most popular poultry spiders. Because of the mass catch on sale at home, in Mexico, became rare.

Read about the animals mentioned in this article: swords, ants, grasshoppers, mantis, ladybugs, crabs, snails, frogs, snakes, lizards, peacocks, curtains, deer.

About 25 thousand species are known. These arthropods are adapted to habitat on land. For them, air respiratory organs are characteristic. As a typical representative of the Paukecamine class, consider the spider-crushes.

External structure and nutrition of spider-shaped

Spiders have a piece of body merge, forming headband and abdomen, separated by interception.

The body of the spider-shaped is covered chitinized cuticle and the cloth underlying it (hypoderma) having a cellular structure. Its derivatives are web and poisonous glands. Poisonous glands at the spider-cross are located at the base of the upper jaws.

Distinctive feature of the spooform - availability six pairs of limbs. Of these, the first two pairs are the upper jaws and the Nudobupalz are adapted to capture and grind food. The remaining four pairs perform the functions of movement - these are walking legs.

During embryonic development, a large number of extremities are laid on the trouser, but in the future they are transformed into spider wartsopened by the channels of the web glands. Scattering in air, the allocation of these glands turn into a spider threads, of which the spider builds a cellular network.

After the insect fell into the network, the spider envelops his web, plunges into it to the upper jaw claws and injected poison. Then leaves his prey and hides in the shelter. The secret of the poisonous glands not only kills insects, but acts as digestive juice. After about an hour, the spider returns to its extraction and sucks the semi-liquid, partially digested food. From the killed insect there is one chitinist cover.

Respiratory system A spider-cruster is represented by pulmonary bags and trachea. Pulmonary bags And the tracheas of spoofers open out with special holes on the side parts of segments. In the pulmonary bags there are numerous sheet folds in which blood capillaries pass.

Trachea There are a system of branched tubes that are suitable directly to all organs, where the tissue gas exchange is performed.

Circulatory system Spider-shaped consists of a heart that is on the dorsal side of the abdomen and vessel, along which the blood moves from the heart to the front of the body. Since the blood system is open, then in the heart the blood returns from a mixed body cavity (mixtox), where it is washes the pulmonary bags and tracheas and is enriched with oxygen.

Selective system The Cross Spider consists of several pairs of tubes (Malpiyan vessels) located in the body cavity. Of these, vital products come to the rear sector.

Nervous system Spider-shaped characterized by merging the nerve knots with each other. For spiders, the entire nervous chain merges into one puppiest gangli. Touch organ - hairs, covering limbs. Animal of vision - 4 pairs of simple eyes.

Splitting of spider-shaped

All spider-shaped separates. The female spider-cruster lays out the fall of eggs into a woven cocoon with a silky cobber, which attracts in secluded places (under stones, stumps, etc.). By winter, the female dies, and eggs overwhelmed in the warm cocoon, spiders come out.

Other spiders also show care for offspring. For example, the Tarantula female wears your young on the back. Some spiders, postponing eggs in a webcone cocoon, often carry it with them.

Spider-crushes can be found in the forest, park, on the window frames of village houses and cottages. The bulk of the spider time is sitting in the center of his catchal from the adhesive thread - web.

Spider's body consists of two departments: a small elongated pumped and a larger shed abdomen. The belly is separated from the penny tightening. Four pairs of walking feet are located on the sides of the pumped. The body is covered with light, durable and fairly elastic chitinov.

Spider periodically lines, dropping chitinous cover. At this time he grows. There are four pairs of eyes at the front end, and the pair of hook sulking solid jaws is Helizer. They have enough sacrifice.

Inside Helisser has a channel. On the channel of the poison from poisonous glands, located at their foundation, enters the body of the victim. Next to the Helicers are short, covered with sensitive hairs of tanging - Nudoborza.

At the bottom end of the abdomen there are three pairs of spider warts that produce web - these are modified abdominal legs.

The fluid released from the web warts is instantly hardening in air and turns into a solid cobweb thread. Different parts of web warts highlight the web of different types. Cowital threads differ in thickness, strength, stickiness. Different types of spider web uses for the construction of a mobile network: in its base, more durable and not sticky threads, and concentric threads are thinner and sticky. The spider uses a web to strengthen the walls of his shelters and for the manufacture of cocoons for eggs.

Internal structure

Digestive system

The spider digestive system consists of mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, guts (front, middle and rear). In the middle intestine, long blind growing increases its volume and the surface of the suction.

Unauthorized residues are outlined through the anal hole. Spider cannot eat hard food. After catching prey, (some insect), with the help of a web, he kills her poison and admires digestive juices into his body. Under their influence, the contents of the caught insect dies, and the spider sucks it. Only an empty chitinary shell remains from the victim. This method of digestion is called extraordinary.

Circulatory system

The blood system at the spider is unlocked. The heart has a look of a long tube located on the dorsal side of the abdomen.

Blood vessels depart from the heart.

A spider body cavity has a mixed nature - during development it occurs when the primary and secondary body cavities are connected. In the body circulates hemolyimph.

Respiratory system

Breath organs at spider - light and trachea. Light, or pulmonary bags are located below, in front of the abdomen. These lungs developed from the gills of the distant ancestors of spiders who lived in the water.

The spider-cruster has two pairs of unreasonable trachies - long tubes delivering oxygen to organs and tissues. They are located in the back of the abdomen.

Nervous system

The nervous system of spider consists of a headband nerve node and numerous nerves derived from it.

Selective system

The excretory system is represented by two long tubes - malpigay vessels. One end of Malpigiyev vessels blindly end in the body of spider, others opened in the rear part of the intestine. Through the walls of Malpiani vessels, there are harmful products of life activity, which are then derived out. In the intestine there is absorption of water. Thus, spiders save water, so they can live in dry places.

Reproduction. Development

Fertilization of spiders internal. Female spider-cruster larger than male. The male carries the spermatozoa to the sexual hole of the female with the help of special increases located on the front legs.

She lays eggs into a cocoon woven from a thin silk cobweb. Cocoon breaks in various secluded places: under the bark of the stumps, under the stones. By winter, the Schuka-Crusader female dies, and the eggs winter in a warm cocoon. In the spring of them are young spiders. In the fall, they produce cobwebs, and on them, as in parachutes, are spread by the wind over long distances - the spiders are resettlement.

Spider (Araneae) refers to the type of arthropod, the class of spiderman, the soldering order. Their first representatives appeared on the planet approximately 400 million years ago.

Spider - Description, Features and Photos

The body of spider-shaped consists of two parts:

  • Headband, coated with chitin shell, with four pairs of long joint legs. In addition to them, there is a pair of a pawniculers (pedipalp) used by half-arms for pairing, and a couple of short limbs with poisonous hooks - Helicers. They are part of the oral apparatus. The number of eyes from spiders ranges from 2 to 8.
  • Abstormo with breathing holes located on it and six pawless warts for weaving web.

The size of spiders varies depending on the type of 0.4 mm to 10 cm, and the limb switches can exceed 25 cm.

Coloring and drawing on features of different types depend on the structural structure of the cover of scraps and hairs, as well as the presence and localization of various pigments. Therefore, spiders can have both dull single-color and bright color of various shades.

Types of spiders, titles and photos

Scientists described more than 42,000 species of spiders. There are about 2900 varieties in the CIS countries. Consider a few varieties:

  • Blue-green poultry (Chromatopelma Cyaneopubescens.)

one of the most spectacular and beautiful spider coloring. Poultry Poultry, red-orange, limb bright blue, Carapas green. The size of the poultry is 6-7 cm, in the sweep of the paws up to 15 cm. The homeland of the spider is Venezuela, but this spider is found in the countries of Asia and the African continent. Despite belonging to the poultry, this type of spiders does not bite, but only mosk special hairs located on the trouser, and even that in case of severe danger. For a person, the hairs are not dangerous, but they cause small burns on the skin, on the effects of nettle reminiscent burns. Surprisingly, the females of chromatpoch are long-livers compared to the males: the life expectancy of the female spider is 10-12 years, while male individuals live only 2-3 years.

  • Flower spider (Misumena Vatia.)

refers to the Blood Spidering Family (Thomisidae). Coloring varies from absolutely white color to bright lemon, pink or greenish. Spiders Males are small, 4-5 mm long, females reach the size of 1-1.2 cm. The type of flower spiders is distributed throughout the European territory (excluding Iceland), it is found in the USA, Japan, in Alaska. The spider lives in an open area, with an abundance of the blooming disinfect, as it feeds on the juices caught in their "hugs" and.

  • Grammostola Pulchra (Grammostola Pulchra)

Spiders-Blood (Spiders-Crab) Most of the Life spend sitting on colors in anticipation of prey, although some of the family representatives can be found on the crust of trees or the forest litter.

Representatives of the family of funnel spiders have their own web on high grass and shrubs branches.

Wolf spiders prefer raw, grassy meadows and a marshy wooded area, where there are found among fallen foliage.

Water (silver) Spider builds a nest under water, attaching it with the help of web to various bottom items. It fills its nest with oxygen and uses as a diving bell.

What do spiders eat?

Spiders are quite original creatures that eat very interesting. Some types of spiders may not eat for a long time - from week to month and even the year, but if they start, then little will remain. Interestingly, food weighing that all spiders can eat during the year is several times more than the mass of the entire population living in our time on the planet.
How and what eating spiders? Depending on the type and size of the spider, food is produced and powered in different ways. Some spiders weave the web, thereby organizing cunning traps, which insect is very difficult to notice. In caught prey, digestive juice is injected, energizing it from the inside. After some time, the "hunter" pulls into the stomach formed "cocktail". Other spiders during the hunt "spit" adhesive saliva, thereby attracting prey to themselves.

snail or rainworm and there calmly eat them.

The Queen Spiderman is hunting only at night, creating a sticky bait-celon for careless moths. I noticate the insect next to the bait, the queen-risky quickly swings the thread, thereby attracting the attention of the victims. Moth gladly wakes around such a bait, and touching her, immediately stays on it. As a result, the spider can calmly attract him and enjoy the prey.

Big tropical poultry spiders gladly hunt small,

Senake spiders prefer grains of cereals.

Judging by the numerous notes of scientists, a huge number of spiders destroys small rodents and insects several times more than animals that live on the planet.

And) can reach 20 cm long. Some poultry spiders have larger sizes.

Traditionally, there are two divisions in the body of spoofers - mind (headband) and opistosome (abdomen). The prosma consists of 6 segments carrying the limbs: Helicers, pedipals and four pairs of walking feet. Representatives of different detachments have a structure, development and functions of formos differ. In particular, pedipals can be used as sensitive appendages, serve to capture production () to act as copulative bodies (). A number of representatives are not used by one of the challenges' pairs to move and takes on the functions of the tangibility. Mind segments are tightly connected to each other, in some representatives their spine walls (tergites) merge between themselves forming Carapaks. The dragging tergites of the segments form three shields: propteltidium, mesopheltidium and metapeldium.

Optistosome originally consists of 13 segments, the first seven of which can carry modified limbs: light, comb-body organs, spider warts or sex appendages. Many sparrow segments are merged with each other, right up to the loss of external segmentation in most spiders and ticks.


Poworkoons carry a relatively thin chitinium cuticle, under which there is a hypoderma and a basal membrane. Cuticula protects the body from moisture loss during evaporation, so spoofly populated the most arid areas of the globe. The strength of the Cuticle gives proteins inlaid chitin.

Respiratory system

Respiratory authorities serve as tracheas (y, and some) or so-called pulmonary bags (y and), sometimes those and others together (y); At the lower spider-shaped separate respiratory authorities; These organs open on the underside of the abdomen, less often - and pumped, one or more of the respiratory steam (Stigma).

Pulmonary bags are more primitive structures. It is believed that they occurred as a result of the modification of the abdominal limbs in the process of mastering the terrestrial lifestyle of the ancestors of the spikes, and the finiteness was filled into the belly. The pulmonary bag in modern spine-shaped is a deepening in the body, its walls form numerous leaf plates with extensive lacunas filled with hemolymph. Through the thin walls of the plates, gas exchange occurs between the hemolymph and the air entering into the pulmonary bag through the holes of the peg located on the trouser. Lonanty breathing is available in scorpions (four pairs of pulmonary bags), climbing (one or two pairs) and low-organized spiders (one pair).

Lzhescpionov, haystone, solid and some of the ticks are trachea, and most spiders (except the most primitive) also have lungs (one - front pair) and trachea. The tracheas are thin branching (in the hayfosters) or challenges (in lznespions and ticks) tubes. They permeate inside the body of the animal and open outward holes in the first segments of the abdomen (in most forms) or at the I breast segment (at solpug). The tracheas are better adapted to air gas exchange than lungs.

In some small ticks, specialized respiratory organs are absent, they have gas exchanges, as in primitive invertebrates, through the entire surface of the body.

Nervous system and senses

The nervous system of spiderifies is characterized by a variety of buildings. The general plan for its organization corresponds to the abdominal nervous chain, but there are a number of features. In the brain there is no dealerbraum, which is associated with the reduction of Acron's appendages - antennal, which is innervated by this brain department in crustaceans, multi-ninexes and insects. The front and rear brain departments are preserved - protocerebraum (innervates eyes) and Tititocerebraum (innervates Helicers).

The abdominal nervous chain ganglia is often concentrated by forming a more or less pronounced ganglion mass. Senokossev and ticks all ganglia merge, forming a ring around the esophagus, however, scorpions retain a pronounced abdominal chain of ganglia.

Sense organs Poworkoys are developed in different ways. The greatest value for spiders has a touch. Numerous tactile hairs - trichotry - in large quantities, they are scattered over the body surface, especially their many on pedipalpars and walking feet. Each hairs is movably attached to the bottom of the special hole in the covers and is connected to a group of sensitive cells that are found at its base. The hairs perceives the slightest air fluctuations or web, which is sensitive to what is happening, while the spider is capable of fluctuating intensity to distinguish between the nature of an irritant factor.

The chemical sense authorities serve as lire-like organs, which are cracks in covers with a length of 50-160 μm, leading to a deepening on the surface of the body where sensitive cells are located. Lire-like organs are scattered throughout the body.

Vision bodies Weather-sifted are simple eyes, the number of which in different species varies from 2 to 12. They are located on the punching shield in the form of two arcs, and in scorpions one pair of eyes is located in front and several more couples on the sides. Despite the significant number of eyes, the vision of the spine-shaped weak. At best, they are capable of more or less clearly distinguishing items at a distance of no more than 30 cm, and most of the species - and less (for example, scorpions are seen only at a distance of several cm). For some stray species (for example, scakwin spiders), the vision is more important, because with it, the spider is looking out for production and distinguishes individuals of the opposite sex.