Underwater world - unpredictable, mysterious and immense. In this article, we have collected the most interesting facts about marine inhabitants who will learn all the verge of living beings under water.

  • 1. Mesonychoteuthishamiltoni - the so-called giant Antarctic squid. Recently, he was a legend and fiction, while in 2007 the largest mollusk was found. He was caught fishermen from New Zealand near the banks of Antarctica. The length of the squid was 10 meters, and the weight is almost half a thin. After studying the Mollusk, scientists found out an incredible fact: his digestive system was held through the brain.
  • 2. Black algelot is a fish that can swallow food weighing, more her own twice.

  • 3. Balyanus or Usonogogo Cancer is also called a sea tulip or acorns. At birth, it looks like water flea. As a result of initial development, it is growing 14 legs and 3 eyes, and after - 24 legs, and the eyes disappear. These creatures live, attaching to solid objects.

  • 4. In tropical, as well as subtropical seas dwell by mantis raks. They have the most complex eyes all over the world. If people can distinguish three basic colors, then these creatures are as many as twelve. They also see infrared and ultraviolet rays.

  • 5. Interesting facts about marine inhabitants concern and their unique ways of hunting. For example, the sea damn attracts victims of its antenna, the tip of which is reminiscent of the worm.

  • 6. In 2005, during the expedition in the Pacific, scientists discovered crabs whose body was covered with fur. Because of the unusual appearance, they were called "Crabs-Yeti".

  • 7. The only animal that can turn out its stomach inside out in the literal sense is the starfish. So, approaching the extraction (mollusks), it pulls through the mouth of the stomach, covering the shell of mining. This contributes to slow digestion of food outside the body of the star.

  • 8. Amazing flying over the water Bat Fish makes thanks to well-developed side fins.

  • 9. Interesting name was the octopus - Dambo - due to the formations on the head in the form of the ears of the elephant from the Disney cartoon of the same name. The scientific name of this creature is grimpoteuthis. This type of octopuses lives at a depth of three or four thousand meters and is very rare.

  • 10. Sea fish sword is the fastest fish that can accelerate to 130 kilometers per hour.

  • 11. The number of taste receptors in the language of people - from two to eight thousand. Somoms are much more - about a hundred thousand on the whole body. And the more fish, the more receptor data from it. Large representatives may have them up to two hundred thousand.

  • 12. The fish is a shorthower has a very unusual appearance. It's all about bright red lips on the body. Previously, scientists believed that such part attracts other inhabitants of the seas. But later it turned out that this function performs an esca - formation on the head that elames the specific smell. He attracts raffs, fish and worms.

  • 13. Despite the awesome appearance - a long direct horn - narrowing is a fairly good-natured creature that lives in the waters of the Arctic.

  • 14. Scary or Synanceia wrestler is known to the most poisonous fin spikes. Every third person dies three hours after her injection.

  • 15. Sonar allows Dolphins to move, hunt and even communicate. Thanks to it, mammals publish high-frequency sounds that create an image of the environment.

The underwater world is mysterious and unique. He keeps secrets in himself, still not solved by man. We offer to get acquainted with the most unusual marine creatures, plunge into the uncharted waters of the Water World and see its beauty.

1. Atolla Vanhoeffeni Medusa (Atolla Vanhoeffeni)

An unusually beautiful atoll jellyfish lives at such a depth, where sunlight does not penetrate. During the danger, she is capable of glowing, attracting major predators. Jellyfish do not seem delicious, and their enemies predators eaten with pleasure.

This jellyfish is able to emit a bright red glow, which is a consequence of the breakdown of proteins in its organism. As a rule, large jellyfish are dangerous creatures, but you should not be afraid of the atoll, because its habitat is where no swimmer does not get.

2. Blue Angel (Glaucus Atlanticus)

A completely tiny mollusk rightfully deserved its name, it seems to soar on the water surface. To become easier and stay at the very edge of the water, it sorts up from time to time to air bubbles.

These unusual creatures have a solid body shape. They are blue from above, and silver bottom. Nature is not in vain provided such a disguise - the blue angel remains unnoticed for birds and marine predators. The thick layer of mucus around the mouth allows it to eat with small poisonous inhabitants of the seas.


This mysterious naval predator is not yet sufficiently studied. The structure of his body resembles the harp, hence the name. Sponge is minus. She clings to the sediment of the seabed and hunting, sticking to her rapid tips of small underwater inhabitants.

Her prey sponge-harp covers a bactericidal film and gradually digested. There are individuals with two and more blades that are connected in the center of the body. The more blades, the more food caught a sponge.

4. Octopus Dambo (Grimpoteuthis)

Octopus received its name because of the similarity with the Disney Hero - Elephant Dambo, although it has a half-breeding body of quite modest sizes. His fins resemble elephant ears. He waves, when he swims, what looks very funny.

Not only the "ears", but also a kind of funnels located on the octopus body, through which he produces water under pressure. Dambo dwells at a very big depth, so we know there are not much about it. The diet makes all sorts of mollusks and worms.

Octopus Dambo.

5. Crab Yeti (Kiwa Hirsuta)

The name of this animal speaks for itself. The crab covered with a white shaggy wool, and the truth is reminded of a snow man. It dwells in cold waters at such a depth, where there is no access to light, so it is absolutely blind.

On their claysters, these amazing animals grown microorganisms. Some scientists believe that these bacteria are needed to clean the water from toxic substances, others suggest that the crabs are cultivated for themselves.

6. Dash in the short (OgCocephalus)

This fashionable fish with bright red lips does not know how to swim. Living at a depth of more than two hundred meters, it has a flat body covered with a shell, and foot-fins, thanks to which the inexperience is slowly walking slowly walks along the bottom.

It produces food using a special outflow - a kind of retractable fishing rod with a spacious bait, which attracts prey. A nonsense coloring and shells with spikes help fish hide from predators. Perhaps this is the funniest animal among the inhabitants of the World Ocean.

7. Marine Slug Felimare Picta

Felimare Picta is one of the types of marine slugs living in the waters of the Mediterranean. It looks very extravagant. The yellow-blue shoulder is surrounded by gentle air rolling.

Felimare Picta, although it is a mollusk, costs without sink. And why should he? In case the danger of sea slug has something much more interesting. For example, acid sweat that is released on the body surface. That will not be peaceful who wants to treat this mysterious mollusk!

8. Mollusk "Flamingo language" (Cyphoma Gibbosum)

This creature occurs on the west coast of the Antlated Ocean. Having a brightly painted mantle, the mollusk completely covers its one-photon shell and thus protects it from the negative impact of marine organisms.

As well as the usual snail, the "Flamingo language" hides in its sink in the case of impending danger. By the way, this name is mollusk received due to its bright color with characteristic specks. In nutrition prefers poisonous gong cannon. In the process of food snail absorbs the poison of his victim, after which it becomes poisonous and herself.

9. Deficial sea dragon (Phycodurus Eques)

Sea dragon is a real virtuosity of mimicry. It is all covered with "leaves" that help him seem invisible against the background of the underwater landscape. Interestingly, such abundant vegetation does not help the dragon to move. For the speed correspond only to two tiny floats located on its chest and back. Deciduous dragon is a predator. He feeds, sucking the prey.

Dragoners feel comfortable in shallow water of the warm seas. And these maritime residents will hear beautiful fathers, because it is the males to wear offspring and take care of him.

10. Salpidae (Salpidae)

Salps are invertebrates marine inhabitants who have a barrel-shaped caller, through the transparent shell of which internal organs are visible.

In the ocean depths, animals form long chains-colonies that are easily breaking even from a slight wave impact. Salps multiply by killing.

11. Squid piglets (Helicocranchia Pfefferi)

A wonderful and poorly understated underwater being resembles a "patch" from the famous cartoon. Fully transparent calma-piglets are covered with pigment spots, whose combination sometimes gives it a fun look. Around the eye is located, the so-called photophors are the glow bodies.

This mollusk is leisurely. It's funny that a squid-piglet is moving upside down, because of which his tentacles look at the pot. He lives on the Staterland Depth.

12. Belt Muren (Rhinomuraena Guaesita)

This underwater inhabitant is quite unusual. Throughout life, the ribbon Muren is capable of changing the floor and color three times, depending on the stages of its development. So, when the individual is still immature, it is painted in black or dark blue.

A report on marine animals will briefly tell a lot of learning information. Also, information about marine inhabitants will deepen your knowledge in biology and will help prepare for the lesson.

Message about marine inhabitants

More 2/3 of the surface of the planet is covered with oceans and seas. In marine waters, life simply boils: microscopic organisms, and major inhabitants, since the whale shark, blue whale live here. It is noteworthy that all marine animals directly or indirectly depend on the plankton, which they feed. It underlies the marine food chain. The underwater sea world is quite diverse. Picturesque animals with a variety of body shape, fin, patterns on the body, color, dwell on multi-flow depths. The inhabitants of the seas are divided into such groups - mammals; invertebrates; Turtles and snakes; Cruise and fish.

  • Invertebrates marine animals

Invertebrate animals are deprived of an axial skeleton. These include crustaceans, acts and corals, sea anemones, sponges, sea worms. In size, they are a different - tiny as zooplankton and giant as cephalopod. Some freely float in the water, others are attached to the bottom or stone, others are equipped with bristles or tentacles.

  • Mollusks

This is the most numerous group of marine animals. It includes snails, bivalve, marine slugs and octopus.

  • Marine mammals

Their life is either completely or partially associated with the marine environment. Representatives of marine mammals are (real seals, eared seals, walrus), sirens, representatives of the families of bearish (polar bear) and Kunichi (marine wizard and cailat).

  • Crustaceans

The class of arthropods of aquatic animals includes crabs, lounges, crayfish, lobster and shrimp. Crustaceans are the most valuable products, as they are rich in iodine, protein, phosphorus and other substances. Some are listed in the Red Book.

  • Fish

They make up most of the marine inhabitants. Pelagic fish lives at the surface of the sea and its upper layers, bottom and bottom fish live in the bottom horizons. In artificial water bodies, fishing seabed is bred.

The sea depths are full of amazing secrets and they are inhabited by no less amazing living beings, which will be speaking today. The largest animal on the planet, inhabiting the ocean, is KIT. Despite the fact that he himself is huge, his throat is very small, and the mouth is overplicated with horny plates with a fringe along the edges, which is also called a whale mustache. This whale whale is designed to push food. And the whale feeds: typing in the mouth of seawater, he turns it through her whale as if through a huge sieve.

Water is focused and poured, and small animals - wraps and fish, remain inside the pharynx. And although they are not fish - they are big marine animals. Whale females feed their little young milk and breathe whales, like earthly animals - air.

And there are still tooth whales that. They do not have a whale oss, but in the mouth they grow huge and sharp teeth. Swim Cachelot deep into the sea and grabbing these teeth or squid.

Octopuses are very strange animals. They are called charts, because legs grow straight out of the head. Although these legs resemble the hands-tentacles with powerful suction cups, which he grabs production. Such sucks at the octopus of the whole eight pieces. He will touch suction cups to the fish, he will stick to the tentacle. Move the octopus can be very fast, as it has its own natural jet engine. Care the octopus of water into its water bag and with a huge force will push it out, moving in the opposite direction.

The fish-sword received its name because of a sharp bone nose, which really resembles a sword. The sword-sword is rapidly breaking into the smoother of the fishing jamb and begins to disperse the mining right and left with his swords. The blow of her sword is so strong that can pierce a fishing boat.

Who only animals do not live in the sea-ocean. There are even sea horses. The sea horse is constantly merged with the environment, so as not to detect it.

And the sea cock, despite its name, squeezed, does not know how to crack loudly, as if. But it is painted so brightly, that will give odds to any earthly rooster.

We met with you only with a small number of amazing and fish living in the depths of the ocean. In fact, the varieties of living beings in the ocean are so huge as far as the ocean itself is. And oceanological scientists still open all new and new types of marine animations.

In this section of the site you will read how and where marine animals live, you can find out interesting facts about them, see photos of animals of the seas!

More than two thirds of the surface of the earth are covered with seas and oceans. This huge mass of water is necessary for life on our planet: the winds will spread moisture throughout the light, it evaporates and restores again in the form of rain and snow, her plant and an animal world. The sea is teeming with life, and oddly enough, but also microscopic, and the largest marine inhabitants, such as blue whale, manta or whale shark, feed on a large amount of food, invisible to the naked eye, - by Plankton.

Jellyfish more than 90% consists of water; Some jellyfish can cause painful burn.

W. octopus eight proven; He lives on the seabed and can change painting, adapting to the habitat.

Biss Turtle (Carette) - very clever swimmer; It feeds in main jellyfish and crustaceans. Sheets eggs in the sand on the shores of small bays.

Blue whale - This is the biggest animal in the world: one female, caught in 1947, weighed 190 tons. Young blue whale is born eight meters long and weighs up to three tons.

Sea flora consists of algae - plants devoid of trunk. Their life depends on the sunlight, and therefore at large depths where the rays of the sun are not penetrated, there is no algae.

Moon-fish It usually floats in the open sea almost at the very surface itself, because of which it seemed from the water the fin is often taken for the shark fin; Unlike her, the moon-fish is absolutely harmless.

Angler. This amazing predatory fish lures his sacrifice, sharing an "antenna", at the end of which there is a growing, similar to an appetizing worm.

Wolf zebra. Its spectacular appearance is a serious danger in itself - on the back of this fish there is a fin that distinguishes the poison as strong as the cobra poison.

Fish needle. Hunting completely unique way: she approaches the victim, often hiding behind other fish, and lightningly sucks it into his long "beak". In terms of its characteristics, the needle is very similar to the seaside skate.

Acne. For centuries, scientists, starting with the Greek philosopher Aristotle, tried to understand how this fish breeds. Today it is known that she puts the caviar in the Sargasso Sea, between the Bermuda and Caribbean Islands. Small larvae go on a trip for many thousands of kilometers to return to the rivers where their parents come from. Eel - very strong fish; It is found in fresh water and can stay outside the water for a long time: part of its path often does the land.

Sea birds. The sea gives food to many animals living on the coast. Among them are numerous seabirds. These birds have a lot in common: they all fly perfectly, can fall on the water, swim with the help of a refilled paws, and their beaks are adapted to fishing. Many of them, such as cormorants, are able to pursue fish and under water.

Cablange. Japan residents taught this bird fishing: with every caught fish, the bird returns to the owner.

Gull. Many different types of seabirds are called seagulls. It is often possible to see how flocks of chaps pursue fishing vessels, returning from fishery: they pick up waste that sailors are thrown overboard. Seagulls have learned to find food even on landfills in the inside of the mainland at a distance of tens of kilometers from the sea.

Frigate. The male of this major living on the shores of the warm seas, while taking a huge bright red goiter, to attract the attention of females.

Sea depths.

Away from the coast at great depths are not growing algae, which is necessary for sunlight; There is only phytoplankton formed by microscopic algae, freely floating in water. For this reason, at great depths, predators are found mainly; Other fish are content with phyto and zooplankton. Consisting of the smallest invertebrates.

In open water spaces, where there are no shelters, only large sizes are able to inspire the fear of the predator and prevent an attack. Therefore, only far from the coast and there are large sea inhabitants: from cetaceans, such as killeries and whales, to large fish, such as shark, tuna or fish-sword.

Small fish use other ways to protect: volatile fish are highly jumped out of the water, and Sardines and Mackerel find salvation in the fact that they are going to numerous flocks.

The Earth is washed four ocean: Indian, Atlantic, Northern Arctic and quiet. The largest is the Pacific Ocean, its area is 180 million square kilometers. The average depth of the oceans is about 4,000 meters. Huge length and depth do not allow the bottom of the oceans; In fact, it is extremely difficult and expensive to create machines capable of withstanding the highest pressure existing in marine abnumbs.

The greatest depth of the ocean is the Mariinsky chute in the Pacific: 11,022 meters.

Flying fish. The lateral fins are highly developed by side fins, with the help of which it makes planning flights above the sea surface, fleeing from predators.

A complex combination of winds, flows and alternations of tides and tide causes the movement of the waves. The waves are rarely raised above 10 meters, but there were waves and even more than 30 meters high.


The sea floats a large number of microscopic organisms that are not able to withstand the flows - animals (zooplankton) and vegetable (phytoplankton) in their origin; Together they make up plankton. It is transferred by the currents, it serves as for the smallest fish and crustaceans, and for huge mammals, for example, for blue whale. Animals capable of actively swimming, form necton.

Zooplankton - Part of the plankton formed by animal organisms.

Phytoplankton - This is the part of the plankton, which consists of microscopic algae floating in water. A large amount of phytoplankton and gives sea water a characteristic greenish color.

In one liter of water, millions of microscopic organisms are invisible to the naked eye live. They not only make up food of marine animals, but also necessary to restore oxygen.


These are large mammals, inhabitants of the seas and oceans. For millions of years of evolution, their body has acquired a form, similar to the form of the body of fish, thanks to which they quickly float. But kitto-shaped unlike fish can not breathe sparse oxygen. They need to inhale air, so they are forced to swim from time to time to the surface of the sea. Their young appear on the light in water; Immediately after birth, the mother pushes them to the surface so that they make the first sigh. This is a very responsible moment, and parents must be extremely careful not to meet a predator.

The smallest of cetaceous is Dolphin, and the biggest - Kit Side, which is the largest animal in the world.

"Fountain". It may seem that whales exhale water splashes; In fact, what we see is a jet of air mixed with a small amount of water.

Ivasoy whale (sowing), humpback and blue whales feed on plankton, which they filtered through frequent horny plates, called whale mustache. These plates hinder in the mouth of large animals, so such whales do not need teeth.

Humpback whale. Unlike other whales that prefer the open sea, humpback whale lives close to the coast, sometimes swimming even in the bay and river. Despite its weight in 30 tons, this frisky animal loves to "dance", leaning out of the water.

Sperm whale. This large animal reaches up to 20 meters long. It is powered preferably with cupping mollusks, such as squid, as well as fish. Having extracted food, it can dive to a depth of two thousand meters, where gigantic squids are found, weighing several centners. Cachelot can hold back breathing almost two hours!

Narwhal. Because of the long straight tooth, like a horn, narrowing it is impossible to confuse with anyone. This friendly animal lives in cold Arctic waters.

Kitka. Has a reputation as a cruel and very dangerous predator; In fact, the kitanka, like other carnivorous, attacks animals that feed on, but no evidence that she attacked people is not.

Dolphin. Dolphins are very easy to tame due to the fact that they are very smart and have exceptional learning abilities. Dolphins, like all cetaceans, publish many different sounds; This dolphin "language" is learning scientists. Dolphins are unusually friendly; Once, it was Dolphin that he saved a man who had fallen into the shipwreck, from attacked him sharks.

Sharks. These are very ancient fish; Due to the streamlined body shape when the shark is moving forward, the sharks are tested by the most insignificant water resistance, so very quickly float. Unlike fish, sharks multiply, laying eggs; Some placed them at the bottom, attaching to algae or rocks, other eggs are fully developed in the body of the mother, and the youngs are born already formed. Among the sharks there are predators, such as a blue shark, and peaceful panels of plankton, such as a huge whale shark, which, despite the awesome appearance, is absolutely harmless. Whale shark is the largest fish in the world, its body length reaches 12 meters! The blue shark is considered to be a glass shark, there are a lot of evidence that it attacks people affected by shipwreck, and on swimsuits.

Gray shark. He lives in the tropical seas, examining bolds in search of fish and crustaceans. It does not attack people, but if a person is scared and tried to escape, this shark can become quite dangerous.

Fish-saw. It is found in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea. Excellent feature - a long and flat shed with small teeth, located like a teeth of saws. It serves as a fish to fueling the sandy bottom in search of small mining. Occasionally Fish-Sila uses his "nose" to protect against enemies. Often shark accompany fish-pilots; They feed on the residues of the shark of food, and, oddly enough, the sharks are not attacked on them. There is an opinion that the fish-pilot indicates sharks the path to large shoals of fish. In fact, this is just a legend, devoid of every reason.

Skat. He has a strongly flexible body, because of which it seems that he "flies" along the water. Basically, the skate lives at the bottom, on moderate depths where it is wonderful. In some varieties of the scope on the back there is a long spike that distinguishes a strong poison. In the mouth, located on the belly, a lot of sharp teeth.

Tiger shark. This fish is called so due to the color of the skin. It floats close to the shore and feeds everything in a row: fish and crustaceans, birds and mammals.


Sunlight does not pass through a thickness of water deeper than several tens of meters. Below is the constant darkness, and it is impossible to distinguish the day from the night. Plants cannot live without light, so there are no algae here. This is the reason that only predatory fish live at depths, which lure prey with various ingenious ways.

Many deep-sea fish have special luminous organs, so-called phosphors; They serve as a bait, in front of which other fish can not resist and, attracted by such a "bait", are often eaten.

Deep-sea fish are capable of withstanding the highest pressure, moreover, they do not tolerate low pressure, and if they surfaced to the surface, it would be killed.

The organic substances are slowly descending to the bottom of the ocean - the remains of animals and plants that died in surface layers. All this is the food of small animals of benthos - so called the totality of organisms living at the bottom. Benthos, in turn, serves as food for fish and larger mollusks that other predators penetrate into the purple of the sea from the less deep layers, such as coushlot, which can dive to depth, despite the fact that it breathes atmospheric air.

Giant squid. One representative of this type of animal, "left stranded" on the island of Newfoundland and Canada, weighed two tons. The giant squid long body, together with tentacles, reaches 13 - 18 meters, they even assume that they are involved in the bunch of oceans in cruel battles with coushlots: whose body often notice traces left by tentacles, and the remains of gigantic squids are found in the stomachs.

Pelican-shaped bigger.

Always floats in the dark, holding a huge mouth widely opened; So he collects all the food that comes across on his way.

Treasury Linofrin. This deepwater fish is known very little due to the difficulty of studying in the natural habitat. Probably, most of the time she calmly lies at the bottom, shaking a long mustache with a luminophore - a luminous organ located on her head. Other fish caught on such a bait, inevitably finish life in the throat of linofrins.

Coral reefs.

Coral - These are small animals, in whose colonies there are millions of individuals, inhabit the tropical seas, attaching to their bottom. Over time, one generic skeleton generated by them is growing and forms in coastal areas the most real coral reefs, about which waves are broken; Because of this, there is a calmer between the shore and coral fence, as in the port harbor.

Coral reef - an ideal habitat, both for animals and plants: the sea here is quiet and warm, a lot of sunlight. If under water to look through the scuba mask, you can see countless different picturesque fish, "strolling" among nautical stars and actinium.

If you dive on the other side of the reef, in the direction of the open sea, there may be a sense of heavy dizziness: the bottom is no longer - only water is bright blue.

The largest coral reef, with a length of more than 2,000 kilometers, is located along the coast of Australia. These fortresses from corals are called a big career reef and represent a serious danger to navigators.

Atoll. The vertices of submarine volcanoes can rise above the water, forming small islands, or to be located near the surface of the ocean. If coral colonies are formed around them, they take almost a round shape, forming the atoll - coral islands.

Mad Parer. The relatives of the corals are also formed by the colonies of polyps of limestone. At night, they pull the tentacles, grabbing food consisting of plankton.

At the shore.

In the ocean not far from the coast, the most favorable conditions for the prosperity of the inhabitants of the underwater world: sunlight penetrates into water, contributing to the rapid growth of algae and providing feed animals that feed them; These animals, in turn, themselves serve food for predatory fish. And finally, the movement of the wave, which never comes to the depths of more than a few tens of meters, here is mixed at the bottom, which contributes to his fertility.

The bottom can be rocky or sandy or sandy, sometimes covered with algae. In accordance with the type of seabed, various animals are populated. For example, on the sandy day you can meet Cambalu, which hides in the sand, breaking into it half, and the octopus finds the shelter on the rocky day, where it is almost not visible among the rocks.

Among the washed by the sea, rocks that have a hospitable reception of countless animals are rich in life. Some of the local inhabitants, such as mussels, Patella, Jersie, starfish and Aktini, do not swim. In the shade of rase axis and cliffs, crustaceans are hidden, octopuses and such fish such as Sargus, group, stone perch and muren. Kambala and the dragon are hiding in the sand, and Sultanka explores him with his long mustache in search of food. All this potential prey attracts to the coast of fish-hunters living in the open sea, - la orcons, large serisis and zubanov.

Sea hedgehogs. Bathe in the sea, you need to be very attentive to not step on these animals: the consequences can be the most sad! The mouth of the sea hedgehog is called Aristotle Lonar, and there are five constantly growing teeth. In some heels, the needles are short and frequent, others have long and rare. They differ in color.

Crustaceans. All of these animals, most of their maritime, have two pairs of mustaches, and some still have two solid claws that can be closed with force. In the afternoon, they usually hide in Rasseks of the rocks, but at night they are activated and sent to search for food, as a rule, from mollusks and dead animals.

Langust It is found in the seas almost around the world; His mass can reach eight kilograms.

Omar Like Langust, this is a very popular sea product; Omarov caught with special traps - leaps. Unlike Langusta, he has a claw.

The distinctive feature of the crab is a specific way to move sideways.

In crustaceans there is a constant mink, where they certainly return after the nightly tags for food: this indicates that crustaceans have a good sense of orientation. Some of them, for example, languhsts make mass migrations over long distances.