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With the onset of heat in regions with temperate climate Many people commonly experience health problems associated with fever. However, within a week a healthy body adapts to high temperature and humidity. But even in this case, there is no complete guarantee of invulnerability. But let’s try to figure it out why.

  • How is a constant body temperature maintained?
  • When the heat is especially difficult to bear.
  • For whom is heat most dangerous?
  • What is overheating of the body and why is it dangerous?
  • Types of overheating of the body: heat fainting, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke.
  • What to do in case of any type of overheating.
  • How to cool the body in the heat.
  • Why is fluid intake especially important in hot weather?

How is a constant body temperature maintained?

Our body temperature is maintained constant by working thermoregulation center located in the brain. Its function is to maintain optimal temperature deep areas bodies in conditions of changing temperature environment.
Information about the temperature state of the body and external environment it receives from special heat-sensitive cells - thermoreceptors.
If the body is in danger of overheating, the thermoregulation system comes into play and the following compensatory mechanisms are triggered:
1. Blood is redistributed from internal organs to the surface of the body and in the limbs, where vasodilation occurs, and here the blood more easily releases excess heat to the external environment.
2. The person begins to sweat profusely. At the same time, the moisture that evaporates from the surface of the body cools it. Moreover, the second mechanism works only if the first one is not enough.
However, if these mechanisms operate for a long time, the negative consequences of this mode of operation begin to appear. Due to the abundant outflow of blood to the periphery, the brain receives an insufficient amount of oxygen and, as a result, dizziness, loss of orientation, and fainting appear. If you lose a large amount of fluid through sweat, sweating stops to preserve the remaining fluid, but then the body loses the ability to cool itself. If sweating continues, a loss of microelements occurs with sweat, and electrolyte imbalances with convulsions, cardiac dysfunction, etc. may occur.
The main condition for maintaining a constant body temperature is the balance between heat production and heat transfer. If this balance is disturbed and heat production exceeds the heat transfer capabilities, overheating occurs.
Heat production- this is the amount of heat produced by the body per unit of time as a result of ongoing energy processes (protein synthesis, digestion, muscle contraction, etc.).
Heat dissipation- this is the amount of heat that the body gives off to the environment during the same time. The main route of heat transfer is the evaporation of moisture through Airways and from the surface of the body.
It is important to consider that overheating has nothing to do with the primary dysfunction of the body’s thermoregulation function. In hot climates, on the one hand, there is an increase in heat production, because all physiological processes are intensified, and from the second, heat transfer decreases, because The ambient temperature is high.

When the heat is especially difficult to bear.

The combination of heat with the following factors is especially difficult to tolerate and can affect health:
High humidity and air stillness (poor ventilation).
Difficulty in heat transfer from the surface of the body (dark, thick, dirty clothes).
Physical activity and fatigue.
Dehydration of the body.
Inadequate nutrition.
Drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

For whom is heat most dangerous?

Everyone handles heat differently. Therefore, special attention to your health should be paid to those who already probably know that a hot summer will be torture for him, and therefore will need to take additional measures precautions.
This category includes:
Anyone who, due to the innate characteristics of their body (genetics), does not feel well in a hot climate. These are those people who have an increased basal metabolism - then minimal amount energy, which is necessary to maintain the functioning of internal organs and all body functions in a state of complete rest on an empty stomach. And this is the energy for constant contractions of the heart, movement of the respiratory muscles, functioning of the kidneys, liver, etc.
Anyone who has had a history of fever or heat stroke in the past is more likely to experience similar health problems in the future.
Overweight people.
Children are not strong enough developed system thermoregulation.
Persons with cardiovascular pathology, with increased function thyroid gland, with diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system and kidneys.
Pregnant women.
Elderly people due to the presence of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and disorders in the thermoregulation system.
Persons who drink alcohol.
Heat poses a threat to those whose work involves physical exertion.
Those who are not acclimatized to the hot climate are also at greater risk.

What is overheating of the body and why is it dangerous?

Overheating of the body is a condition in which heat production exceeds heat loss. An increase in body temperature above 37 °C is called hyperthermia.
It can develop if the air temperature exceeds 37 ° C with 100% humidity, when it becomes impossible for sweat or moisture to evaporate from the surface of the body.
But hyperthermia can also occur at lower air temperatures if factors that contribute to overheating act simultaneously.

At high air temperatures, the thermoregulation mechanisms described above are activated, and a stable adaptation to the heat occurs.
With prolonged exposure to high temperatures, adaptive mechanisms are disrupted. The thermal load is no longer compensated by either dilated blood vessels or evaporation of moisture, and heat accumulation occurs in the body.
Body temperature gradually increases depending on the degree of overheating. Systolic pressure increases and diastolic decreases. The heartbeat quickens, breathing becomes rapid and deep. The skin turns red and sweating increases.

There are several types of body overheating:

Heat syncope
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
Heat syncope– occurs when the peripheral skin vessels expand and there is a sharp fall as a result blood pressure and blood flow from the brain.
Heat cramps. Their main cause is the loss of minerals by the body. They appear during physical activity in the heat as painful muscle contractions, most often in the abdomen and legs. They are more common in people in good physical shape or with great muscle mass. When overexerted on a hot day, the muscles produce a lot of heat, the body sweats intensely and loses salt. Loss of sodium in the blood causes muscle cramps.
In this case, you need to rest and replenish fluid loss, preferably with mineral or salted water. You can also gently massage the muscles to help them relax.
Heat cramps can progress to heat exhaustion, and heat exhaustion to heat stroke.
Heat exhaustion. If measures are not taken to prevent overheating, heat exhaustion may subsequently develop.
This condition usually occurs in the absence of acclimatization and severe physical fatigue in combination with air temperatures above 32 ° C and humidity above 70%. You may not even notice the deterioration of your condition, because... Heat exhaustion can develop over several days. It can occur in athletes training on a hot day. In this case, the body loses a lot of water and salts through sweat. There is a thickening of the blood, an increase in its viscosity, difficulty in blood circulation and oxygen starvation of tissues. Athletes lose accuracy and endurance when dehydrated.
Weakness and uncertainty of movements and stupor appear.
There is pressure in the temples, headache with nausea and vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, palpitations, thirst.
The skin becomes damp and cold, sweating increases.
Body temperature may be normal or slightly increased.
With a large loss of minerals, heat cramps, nausea and diarrhea may occur.
If treatment measures are started on time, then body functions are normalized.
To prevent seizures, you need to consume large quantities water, preferably mineral water with the presence of salts and avoiding overexertion.
If left untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke.
Heatstroke- a form of hyperthermia, in which the temperature rises to a critical 41-42°C very quickly. Heat stroke occurs when rapid exhaustion and failure of adaptive mechanisms occur.
This is the most serious health disorder that requires urgent action, as it causes up to 30%-40% of deaths.
According to statistics, middle-aged men who abuse alcohol are most susceptible to heatstroke. Risk groups also include children, the elderly, people with heart disease, diabetes and overweight. Heatstroke is less common in younger people, especially if they play sports or work in the heat.
Heatstroke is a combination of hyperthermia, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body. The cardiovascular and central nervous systems are primarily affected. The regulation of breathing and kidney function, all types of metabolism (protein, carbohydrate, fat) are disrupted. Hyperemia and swelling of the membranes and tissues of the brain, and multiple hemorrhages in them develop. Due to the increase in temperature of the internal organs, they become full-blooded, and small-point hemorrhages occur under the pleura, epicardium, and in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Pulmonary edema and myocardial dystrophy may occur.
With rising body temperature, rapid destruction of all organs and systems of the body occurs with a gradual decline in their function. If appropriate measures are not taken, the consequences may be irreversible.
The first symptoms are the same as with heat exhaustion: weakness, dizziness, headaches, nausea.
Heatstroke differs from all other forms of overheating in that cold and damp skin turns red, becomes hot and dry, sweating stops, and body temperature rises. If the temperature rises above 41°C, seizures, coma and possible death may occur. The pulse and breathing rate increase even more, and the urine becomes dark.
You feel very thirsty and your mouth becomes dry.
Pronounced signs of disturbance in the central nervous system appear: coordination of movements and orientation are disturbed, stupor appears, delirium appears, and there may be loss of consciousness. Sometimes heat stroke can even resemble the picture of an acute cerebrovascular accident.

What to do in case of any type of overheating of the body.

Stop all stress.
Find a cool place in the shade.
Lie quietly with your legs raised higher than the rest of your body.
Try to cool the body faster (see below). At elevated body temperatures, it is necessary to cool to a temperature of 37.5-38 ° C, but not lower.
Replenish fluids and mineral salts in the body (see below). Take the liquid little by little. If you are severely dehydrated, it is preferable to drink mineralized drinks.
Gently rub your limbs to stimulate blood circulation.
If you have a fever, do not take aspirin, acetaminophen, or other antipyretics.
In cases where the above measures do not help within half an hour, or if there are signs of fainting or disturbances of consciousness, seek medical help. Any uncontrolled hyperthermia requires immediate medical intervention, because If delayed, irreversible changes in brain structures may occur.
If you have to transport a heatstroke victim to the hospital, transport him wrapped in a cold, wet sheet with his head elevated.
People who suffer from heatstroke tend to become more sensitive to the effects of heat.

How to cool the body in the heat.

The ideal option is to find a cool place with air conditioning or blow a fan over your entire body, removing excess clothing if possible.
Apply cold, wet wipes to the head and neck, changing them frequently.
Place containers with ice water or apply cold towels.
Take a cold shower or douse yourself in any other way.
Wrapping in a wet sheet is effective.

Why is fluid intake especially important in hot weather?

Fluid for the body is much more important than food, because you can live for a month without food, but only 3-4 days without water. An adult's body contains about 55-60% water, and children have about 70%. Under certain conditions, up to 1 liter of fluid per hour is lost through sweat. When the body loses 10% of fluid, serious health problems occur, and when it loses 20%, death can occur.
Water is a component of blood, lymph, bile, gastric juice and even bone tissue. All biochemical processes can occur only in aquatic environment. Therefore, when a person sweats a lot and drinks little fluid, the course of many important biochemical processes in the body is disrupted. When dehydration occurs, the volume of circulating blood decreases, it thickens, and its chemical composition due to loss of electrolytes. Due to blood thickening, blood circulation becomes difficult and oxygen starvation of tissues occurs. If there is a significant level of dehydration, shock may occur.
Those who take diuretics and the elderly have an increased risk of dehydration, because... they have a dulled sense of thirst, as well as children due to the high activity of metabolic processes.
With dehydration, dry lips, dry mouth, thirst are observed, the skin becomes flabby and dry, the amount of urine decreases and it becomes dark.

How they do it:

In summer, air temperatures in the northern hemisphere can rise to very high levels. Extreme heat can cause serious harm to our body. Moreover, if you do not comply with several simple rules, then the summer heat can even lead to a fatal outcome.

The most important:

- drink plenty of fluids

- do not leave the house at lunchtime

- do not drink alcohol in hot weather

- limit physical activity (this especially applies to older people and hypertensive patients).

Here are some examples of the horrifying effects of heat on our bodies:

5. Strange behavior of our body

The normal temperature of the human body is +37, and it does not really like it when this temperature varies greatly.

Have you ever had cramps on a hot day, especially after physical activity, most likely, high temperature is to blame. The person begins to sweat a lot, loses a lot of fluid, and even replenishing it does not help, since you are not getting enough electrolytes. As a result of a violation of the water-electrolyte balance, a person begins to have convulsions.

There is a risk of heat edema. To avoid overheating, our body dilates blood vessels, which leads to blood pooling in the ankles.

Even sweat sometimes can't help. If you have red, itchy spots on your body, it's heat rash, which occurs when your sweat pores become clogged. High temperatures can cause a person to stop sweating altogether, which can lead to heatstroke.

4. The brain stops working normally

In 2014, a Canadian tennis player at the Australian Open became too stressed while playing in the hot sun. As a result, he lost his balance, began hallucinating (he “saw” comic book characters in front of him), and fell unconscious.

What happened to him is called heat syncope, a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain that occurs when a person loses a lot of fluid (due to excessive sweating) and low blood pressure.

Confusion and dizziness are a natural effect of excessive exposure to high temperatures. This is very dangerous for those who must be extremely concentrated while working. As a rule, in such conditions it is more difficult for a person to perform mental tasks.

3. Heat exhaustion sets in

This occurs when you have lost so much fluid and salt that it becomes difficult to do anything. Your body temperature rises, you sweat even more, you become very thirsty, your head begins to feel dizzy, and you begin to feel very tired.

Your nausea may get to the point where you just start vomiting. In addition, diarrhea may occur. Muscle cramps become more intense, and you will feel a rapid heartbeat and tingling or numbness in your arms or legs.

You may not feel all these symptoms at once, but the appearance of even a couple of them is already a reason to call an ambulance.

How to help someone in the heat:

* Call a doctor.

While help is on the way, you need it quickly:

* Move the person to a cooler area away from sun rays.

* Remove as much clothing as possible (including shoes and socks).

* Wipe your head, face and neck with a cool wet cloth. Spray with cool water.

* Make a person drink more water, fresh juice or sports drink.

2. Heat stroke can kill

With heat stroke, the body temperature exceeds 40 C, and the body mechanisms that are responsible for cooling the body stop working.

The symptoms of heat stroke are similar to those of heat exhaustion, but you should pay closer attention to the following symptoms:

- very high body temperature

- hot, dry skin or excessive sweating

- dizziness

- headache

- weakness

- muscle spasms

- loss of consciousness.

First aid for heatstroke:

* Call an ambulance.

While you need help along the way:

- move the person to a cool place protected from the sun;

- remove as much clothing as possible;

- cool the person with a cool wet cloth or towel;

* Do not force a person to drink a lot of liquid if he does not want to.

* All this must be done quickly.

1. Heat waves kill thousands of people every year.

The reason for the heat was heavy rains that occurred in West Africa. Because of them, a powerful anticyclone appeared, which began its movement towards Western Europe. Having reached the countries central Europe it stopped, and the whole area turned into one large area of ​​​​high pressure.

In France alone, 14,802 people died due to abnormal heat, A total heat-related deaths that year reached 35,000 people.

In this heat, young people should look after the elderly, as they are the most vulnerable during this period. Scientists reported that in August 2003, most elderly people died due to living in poorly ventilated areas. The heat came inside due to heat transfer (when thermal energy transferred from a hotter body to a less hot one), and the temperature in the room continued to rise.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to understand whether a person’s death was due to the heat or not, since many bodies are usually discovered after temperatures have dropped. This means summer heat can be even more harmful than we think.

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With the onset of the warm season, the period of country holidays and picnics begins. Prolonged stay under sun rays A rapid pulse in the heat is often harmful - a common reaction of the body to environmental influences. Tachycardia as a result of overheating is not a serious disease and does not require special treatment. It is enough to eliminate the symptoms and prevent this phenomenon from recurring.

The body's response to heat

To prevent overheating, human body uses all its forces and reserves.

Enter your pressure

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The body's first reaction to heat is an increase in heat transfer by 90%. This is ensured by the expansion of peripheral arteries. At the same time, swelling appears, especially the legs and arms swell. A person’s blood pressure drops to the point of fainting (heatstroke is often accompanied by loss of consciousness). This is due to the redistribution of blood in the body: there is an outflow of blood from the brain and its concentration in the vessels close to the surface of the skin. As a result of intense sweating and evaporation of sweat from skin To cool the body, dehydration occurs and the blood becomes thick. So that the tissues receive maximum amount oxygen, the pulse quickens.

The human condition worsens when the ambient temperature is 24 °C at high humidity or at 27 °C if the humidity is low. In this case, within 1–2 hours the body loses about 2 liters. fluids, which negatively affects the condition of all organs and systems. This indicator increases with increasing temperature, because sweat is produced and evaporated more intensely.

Cause of seasonal tachycardia

For people living in countries with tropical climate, there is no tachycardia due to heat. An increased heart rate from the heat is typical for those who know first-hand what the change of seasons is. Due to the impact of high temperature on the body, heart rate reaches 80 or more beats per minute. At the same time, additional symptoms appear that do not allow you to lead your usual lifestyle. The main reasons why the heart rate increases with the onset of heat are:

  • low oxygen content in warm air;
  • a decrease in blood pressure as a result of an increase in the level of heat transfer;
  • dehydration of the body, which causes the blood to become thick.

Symptoms of pathology

The main manifestation of tachycardia is increased heart rate. The condition occurs when a person literally hears it, feels it with his whole body and can count his heart rate without looking for a pulse on his wrist. Along with this we observe:

  • increased fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • suffocation (a person does not have enough air);
  • feeling of fear, anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • pain in the heart due to nervous tension.

In hot weather, drink frequently to prevent dehydration. clean water without gas, even if there is no thirst.

Heart rate value

During the hot season, you need to monitor your health and periodically measure your heart rate. This will prevent tachycardia and complications associated with this pathology. The values ​​of heart rate indicators are given in the table:

Heart rate, beats/minWhat does it mean?What happens in the body?
Up to 60Slow heartbeat (bradycardia)Blood flow slows down, nutrition and oxygen supply to organs and tissues deteriorates. There is a high probability of loss of consciousness.
60―80 Normal indicatorAll processes are normal
81―100 CardiopalmusIt negatively affects the condition of the entire body, especially the cardiovascular system. Requires rest in a cool, semi-dark room.
More than 100TachycardiaIf a person has a pulse of 100, then as the ambient temperature increases, the heart rate will increase by 10 beats. The load on the heart increases, the blood supply to tissues and organs is disrupted, it is required health care.
More than 200Extremely dangerous conditionSevere stress on the cardiovascular and nervous system. It may be a sign of dangerous pathologies or an individual reaction to heat. Emergency medical care is required, examination by a cardiologist and neurologist.

The summer heat is difficult to bear even for adults, let alone children. It is not uncommon for an apparently healthy child, in the absence of any visible reasons, to develop a fever in the middle of summer. The safest thing to do in such a situation is to seek qualified help from a pediatrician. But it’s still worth understanding the possible reasons.

The content of the article:

Can a child develop a fever from the heat?

Due to the heat, the temperature can be elevated even in an adult. And in children such failures occur even more often. This is explained by the fact that the process of natural thermoregulation of the baby’s body is not yet fully formed. Excessive heat can cause a child's body temperature to increase to an average of 37.5 degrees. But considering individual characteristics each organism, you need to understand that quality indicators can change.

If the child’s fever has exceeded 38 degrees, then excessive heat, unless we are talking about the only reason. After analyzing all the symptoms, the pediatrician will determine the root of the disease and prescribe treatment.

Fever or illness?

To help you understand that the cause of the malaise lies precisely in the heat, the following signs will help:

  • pallor;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • fatigue, drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the skin of the cheeks;
  • nausea.

Severe overheating of a child can lead to heatstroke, and if the body has been exposed to direct sunlight for some time, this can cause. With these forms of overheating, body temperature can rise much higher.

What to do if your child has a fever due to the heat

If it turns out that in the heat the mark on the thermometer has creeped up, then you need to take urgent measures to help the baby:

  • Give more to drink. Movement of blood in blood vessels provided by water. In the heat, water is lost more intensely and this can lead to blood becoming thicker, there is a risk of blood clots and this can provoke elevated temperature. An excellent remedy for quick recovery water deficiency is rehydron. If you don’t have it, you can make an analogue yourself by adding a teaspoon of soda and salt to a liter of water. Besides water one-year-old babies It’s good to drink a decoction of raisins, and for older children, a compote of dried fruits.
  • Wipe the body with a damp cloth.
  • If it’s hot at home, then try as much as possible to create coolness: curtain the windows, ensure air circulation. But at the same time, physical cooling methods in the form of heating pads with ice, wet cold sheets, or, even worse, cold enemas are very dangerous. Such radical measures lead to spasm of skin blood vessels, slowing blood flow and impaired sweating.
  • To prevent illness in hot weather, it is worth changing the feeding regimen for infants. The baby needs to be breastfed more often, but little by little, because sucking is a lot of work for a child’s body and there is a slight increase in heat production from it.
  • For older children, it is advisable to review the menu and diet. Food should be light and not heavy. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of protein foods.

In the hot summer, you should go for a walk at a cool time of the day: in the morning or in the evening. Great importance worth paying attention to. Preference should be given to natural and lightweight fabrics. Also, we must not forget about the mandatory headdress for the baby. Indeed, according to statistics, children are treated with overheating much more often than with hypothermia.

Air conditioners are not only expensive, but also harmful to health (they dry out the air and collect a lot of dust and bacteria). In addition, air conditioners consume a lot of energy, which has a negative impact on the environment as a whole. It turns out that you can live without air conditioners (our parents and grandparents lived without them). 40 tips on how to escape the heat at home, at work and in the car.

How to escape the heat at home?

    Hang curtains or blinds on the windows. If light enters a room, it raises the temperature of the home by 3-10 degrees, which also creates a greenhouse effect.

    Windows can be covered with reflective film and removed in the fall. This film is inexpensive, but produces an effect. As an option, you can sew the film to the curtains from the window side.

    Buy a fan (it is several times cheaper than an air conditioner). Place several frozen water bottles or a plate of ice under or in front of the fan. This will create an air conditioning effect (cold air will blow). The disadvantage of the fan is that it consumes a lot of electricity.

    Close the windows of the premises during the day, and early in the morning or in the evenings, create a draft. This cools the room. At night, sleep with the balcony open or the windows wide open.

    Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs. They emit 80% less heat than incandescent lamps.

    The easiest way to cool down is to drink drinks with ice (you can use water from the refrigerator). Drink in small portions, this will help you avoid not only hypothermia, but also excess sweating.

    If possible, take cool or warm showers regularly. A cool shower will lower your body temperature, while a warm shower will give you the illusion that the temperature in the room is lower than it actually is. In addition, a shower will moisturize the skin, which is very important in the heat.

    During the hottest part of the day, wrap a wet towel around your head or neck.

    Avoid using the stove and oven. In the heat, as a rule, you don’t feel like eating; this is a natural reaction. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits or snack on cold snacks.

    Take the example of pets, they are inactive in the heat. Try to reduce your activity during hot times of the day, get up earlier or do things in the evening.

    If the heat makes it difficult to sleep, a couple of hours before bedtime, fold your bed linen in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Over time, of course, the bed will warm up, but falling asleep will be much more pleasant. In addition, bed linen and pillows should be made of light and natural fabrics.

    Keep a bottle of it near your bed cold water, so that at night you can moisten your throat and wipe your face without getting out of bed.

How to escape the heat at work?

    Dress wisely - in summer it is easiest to cope with the heat in loose, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics, ideally cotton.

    If you have a long commute to work, stock up on cold water by placing a bottle of water in the freezer overnight. The water will slowly freeze, and you will be able to drink cold and then cool water for a long time, albeit just a sip at a time.

    It’s a good idea to carry a fan and a handkerchief with you when it’s hot. You can moisten a handkerchief with water and wipe your face and hands in stuffy transport. Well, the breeze from the fan will please both yourself and your neighbor.

    In summer, try to avoid makeup, creams and antiperspirants. It's already hard for your skin to breathe.

    Place a small aquarium on your desktop, not necessarily with fish. The water will evaporate and cool the air slightly.

    Keep a small spray bottle near you and periodically spray your face, hands and surrounding area.

    Drink green tea, it regulates heat transfer well.

    It's good to have plants in the office large leaves(begonia or ficus), by sprinkling them with water, you will enjoy the moisture around you for a long time.

    During your lunch break, try to eat less heavy food (meat, cakes), limit yourself to salad or fruit.

    Try to do all important things in the first half of the day, while the sun is not so hot.

    As an option, you can put a small fan under the table, it will blow your feet, thereby cooling the whole body, and there is almost no noise from it.

How to escape the heat in a car?

    Hang sunshades with suction cups on all car windows. They will help reduce the temperature in the cabin by 5-7 degrees.

    Buy a refrigerator for your car and keep ice cubes and water in it at all times. With a cube you can easily wipe your face and neck, and cold water take it with you to the office.

    Install the “mirror” screen on the windshield (press the edges with the doors). If you install the screen inside (as many do), then the heat reflected by it and sunlight remain in the cabin.

    The cleaner your car is, the better it reflects sunlight. Wash and polish your car often.

    Place a bag with plastic bottles with frozen water or rubber heating pads with ice, the air in the car will be cooler.

    Use inside the car essential oil coniferous trees. When inhaled it gives a refreshing effect.

    Walk barefoot on the ground, grass and houses.

    Replace water with vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon). They will not only quench your thirst, but also saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

    Persimmons or bananas, as well as green and white fruits and vegetables, have a cooling effect.

    Try to spend more time near the water. But remember, at high temperatures it is not recommended to dive into the water, because... Due to temperature changes, there may be a spasm of the heart vessels.

    In the heat, give up alcohol, including beer (it dehydrates) and coffee - this is an extra load on the blood vessels. Lemonade is highly undesirable, because... it contains a lot of sugar and increases blood pressure, which is undesirable in the heat.

    In hot weather it is better to drink water with lemon, mineral water, fresh juices, compotes.

    If possible, go outside before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m.

    Always in summer high level ultraviolet radiation. Wear a hat, such as a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and open areas Lubricate your body with sunscreen.

    When taking a shower, try not to use detergents, they dry out the skin. A shower will perfectly wash away sweat and cleanse your skin.

    Try not to turn on your computer or other energy-consuming devices during the day. This will help keep your room cooler.

    Any heat is easier to bear outside the city. If possible, go to the village to relax, eat natural vegetables and fruits.

    Adapt. After all, people lived without air conditioning for hundreds of years, and many still continue to do so. Lead healthy image life, keep it good physical fitness, and in any weather you will feel comfortable.