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Our ancestors also knew about the healing properties of green tea, only recently scientists scientists proved all the benefits of drink. Now very many give preference to him. The representatives of weak gender drinking infusion to acquire beauty and youth. He is also popular among people who are engaged in sports. How to brew green tea and what properties it has the properties now we will define.

Green tea properties

The Japanese and the Chinese are very respecting the infusion, he became an integral part of their culture. He is able to cure various diseases, slow down aging and improve the whole organism. Green tea is rich in vitamins and microelements, with which you can increase the protective functions of the body, establish the work of the digestive system. Also, the receipt of infusion has a positive impact on the work of the heart and the endocrine system, helps to remove tension and stress. It is well drinking as a refreshing and toning drink, as well as in various diets. All benefits will open when we learn how to brew green tea.

Tea production

Both green and black grade are made from the same leaves of one tree. They just have different. Black grades are subjected to stronger oxidation, so the product loses some properties when processing. And the green varieties are practically not fermented, all elements and vitamins are preserved in it. Green tea in the content of vitamin C exceeds black ten times. How to brew and drink it to preserve all substances, we will define below.

What to use water

Green tea welding should be poured only with clean soft water. Water is not suitable from under the tap, it is better to purchase water or type it in the spring. Supermarkets sell bottled spring water. At home, you can make such water yourself, for this type water from the crane into the container and send it to the freezer not a few hours. Then defrost water and can prepare tea from it. It turns out a melt purified water without impurities and metal salts. It should be boiled to the temperature of ninety degrees, not higher. Disconnect the kettle at the beginning of the boiling, so water will be the desired temperature. If you boil the kettle for a long time, then oxygen in water will not be saved.

What a teapot is needed

To properly brew green tea, you should choose a suitable kettle. It is believed that the perfect option for the preparation of infusion is a clay kettle. Clay is perfectly holding heat and revive the leaves. Other dishes are suitable, such as glass or porcelain, but the drink will cool quickly in it. Now the teapots are already sold with a pitch inside, it is very convenient to brew tea. When the drink was invested, you just need to get a siter with welding. Also for brewing one portion of green tea there are special mugs with a sieve and a lid, so you can easily prepare infusion at work and at home. How many times can you brew green tea.

How many times can you use one brew

How many times you can brew sheet tea so that useful substances retained in it. Green tea is allowed to prepare several times, it all depends on a certain variety. Basically large and Chinese teas are suitable for re-welding. On average, drink can be prepared from three to five times. True gourmets say that only with the second welding leaves reveal their taste and aroma.

Cooking process

To brew correctly, follow the following recommendations:

  • Finger the kettle, hide it with hot water;
  • Pour into it one teaspoon of welding;
  • Pour water, the temperature of which is not higher than ninety degrees;
  • After a few seconds, drain the water;
  • Pour the leaves with one glass of water again;
  • Cover the lid and give a drink about one minute.

Flowing with infusion run through cups and enjoy a delicious tea party.

How to drink tea

It can not be taken hot, it is better to drink a drink warm. A constant reception of very hot drinks can lead to esophagus cancer, so be careful. The people of the East drink infusion two hours after meals or an hour before meals. Do not abuse the drink, the day will be enough five cups. Due to the content of caffeine, do not drink it in large quantities, it can cause a load on the liver. In the east, tea drinks without additives, but it will be nice to diversify it with honey, ginger or lemon.

Choosing green tea

An important indicator of a good quality variety is the color of his infusion. It can be different shades from yellow-green to dark green. Quality Chinese teas have bright green. If the product was prepared with a violation of production technology, the color of the welding will not be light. In this case, the tea sheet loses its useful qualities. Mostly in fresh varieties remains great benefit. The product of the spring harvest is characterized by sweetness in taste, summer - some mustard.

Green tea with ginger

This beautiful drink will not only refresh, but also help get rid of excess weight. How to brew Chinese tea so that he will benefit. It will take:

  • One liter of water;
  • Fresh ginger root, a piece of about three centimeters in length;
  • Half of lemon;
  • Dry tea brewing;
  • Two pieces of carnations;
  • Cinnamon or cardamom.

Prepare tea in the usual way and let it insist about five minutes. Ginger root Cut strips. Clawed with infusion strain and pour into the dishes, pull out the juice of half of the lemon and also put the remains of the citrus. Add spices to a pan and send it to a small fire. Boil the mixture of about half an hour. Straighten your drink and drink it. Spices in tea can be replaced by mint leaves or melissa and add honey.

The uniqueness of green tea is that, thanks to the healing properties, it is useful for a person. Only following the rules of brewing and culture of green tea consumption, it is possible to evaluate its unique taste and aroma.

Recently, many more often choose green tea, appreciating his exquisite taste and useful qualities. This drink helps to reduce the risk of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diseases of the teeth, kidney stones.

Due to the properties of the antioxidant, is a means for cancer prevention. In addition, green tea has a tonic effect, contributes to metabolic processes in the body. Let's find out how to brew green tea.

What to brew

The taste and quality of green tea depends on the dishes in which it is cooked. The usual dishes for brewing tea is a brew. Welders are different, depending on the material of the manufacture.

View of the jelly Dignity disadvantages
Glass You can observe the process of brewing tea leaves. Inexpensive price. Poor keeps warm.
Fayansova Keeps the desired water temperature. -
Porcelain Keeps warm. It is more expensive than a faience weld.
Ceramic Holds heat, allows you to reveal the taste and fragrance of tea. -
Clay Helps "breathe" tea leaves. It is rarely found on sale.
Metal Well keeps warm. It is amenable to oxidation with poor-quality manufacture.

What kind of water it is better to choose

The taste of green tea is a lot of water and water. Spring water is considered the best, but not everyone has the opportunity to use it.

Therefore, it is better to prefer bottled water or use water from under the tap, having previously cleaned it using a filter. If there is no such possibility, you can prepare water yourself.

To do this, pour it into a bottle and put in the freezer for a while until the water is partially zero. Now the bottle can be taken out of the cold, merge non-freeze water, and the ice is defrosting. As a result, there will be melting water, purified in this way of metals and other impurities.

As correct

Now you can proceed to boiling water, but not up to 100 ° C. The optimal temperature for brewing green tea is 85 ° C. As soon as the first boiling bubbles appear, the water is ready.

Such boiling is called "Silver", when boiled water still retains the oxygen contained in it. Now you need to warm up a savage, pulling it with boiling water. This allows tea to completely breed and quickly cool.

The volume of water depends on the number of cups. On the calculation of one cup you need to take one teaspoon of dry leaves.

This tea requires less time for brewing than black. After 1 minute, he is ready for drinking. If the drink beware more, it will become stronger, as there will be more tannins in the water.

Therefore, tea is desirable to drink right away as soon as he was brewed. So it will be tastier and more useful. Green tea can be repeatedly brewing (up to 7 times) using the same welding, increasing the time of insteading. With each subsequent cup in tea, more beneficial substances are released.

Green good quality tea usually has one-piece leaves, which in the brewing process are completely disclosed. Green leaves color with silver or golden tint. The product in bags may be low quality, as often it is waste from tea production. To taste, drinks of different manufacturers may differ significantly. Therefore, everyone makes his choice, trying several varieties.

How to brew tea in a cup

Not everyone prefer to use a brew, someone suits the process of making tea in a cup. At the same time, the same rules are followed as when applying a savory.

How to brew sheet green tea right in a mug: water is heated to the desired temperature, then a cup of boiling water. Dry teaspoon in a cup you need to pour dry leaves and pour water.

A minute later you can already use a hot drink. After the first cup of the beverage, you can re-pour the remaining welding to the remaining welding to prepare another portion.

Milk Ulong

This tea with an unusual name in our country managed to evaluate only a few, since until recently no one heard about him. But more and more often in tea shops began to offer this exotic tea drink.

He received his name because milk and creamy notes are felt in his taste. It costs such tea is expensive, and it is sold exclusively in specialized stores.

The method of cooking milk oolun is similar to the technology of brewing of ordinary green tea.

Preference is given to clay or porcelain dishes. Water at boiling is heated to a temperature of 85 ° C or, if necessary, gets cold to this limit. It is advisable to use if not spring water, then at least bottled dining water.

So, how to brew green tea milk ulong? Aweta need to quiet hot water to fall asleep welding. Then pour the bulk amount of welding heated to the desired temperature with water.

On 500 ml of water takes 8-9 g of dry welding. After a couple of three seconds, water from a jelly need to merge, leaving inside the sawn welding. This procedure helps to "wake up" tea, clean it from unnecessary impurities and dust.

After that, you can move to the main brewing of tea. It is necessary to pour water into the brew and wait a minute.

Then the drink can be poured in cups and proceed to use it.

The brewing of milk uluna from one portion of welding is allowed to 8 times. The main thing is not to forget to control the temperature of the heated water and gradually increase the brewing time, adding each time half a minute.

Drinking Milk Ulong is preferably preferably in the morning, but not before bedtime, since this drink is burtered and gives strength.

How to drink

  1. Green tea needs to drink as soon as he was brewed. The blurred time of the drink loses its own benefit;
  2. Cannot drink cooled green tea. It has no vitamins and nutrients;
  3. You should not add sugar or honey to the drink. If you really want to eat, drink, drinking tea;
  4. Drink tea should not immediately after eating. It is better to prepare it in half an hour, sitting for myself a small tea ceremony;
  5. On the day you can drink no more than 10 g of dry green sheet. In one teaspoon, 1-2 g welding is placed depending on the grade of tea and the size of tea leaves.
  1. Green tea is called China. They prefer to drink tea from low cups, and then inhale the aroma of high;
  2. In Japan, green tea can drink from one cup, but the first cup is offered to the main guest;
  3. In England, it is customary to offer several varieties of tea to choose from;
  4. The leaves of green and black tea are collected from one plant - Chinese camellia. Green tea retains its painting due to the fact that it is not subjected to fermentization;
  5. The product may be leaf, tiled and powder. Large-hearted green tea is more high quality;
  6. In order to avoid unpleasant odors, it should be kept dry welding in hermetic packaging. When you fall asleep welding in the kettle, it is better to touch her hands, it is better to use a dry spoon;
  7. Green tea is actively used in cosmetology and in perfumery.

Once typifying the taste and aroma of green tea, it is impossible to abandon it in the future. Only having tried several varieties of tea, you can find your favorite taste. Compliance with certain brewing rules will allow you to enjoy this drink daily and benefit from it.

The phrase "green tea" is firmly associated with a healthy lifestyle. The benefits of this drink is unconditional and tested by time. It contains about hundreds of different nutrients. One of them is polyphenol - has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, stops the growth of cancer cells. Those who daily use such tea protect themselves from many diseases and strengthen immunity. However, all the benefits of this wonderful drink can manifest only if you know how to brew green tea. Without observing technology, you can save the taste, but to deprive the drink of the healing properties!

How do green tea get?

Many people think that this is some kind of special variety. As, for example, the grapes "Isabella" and "Ladies' fingers". In fact, green, and black tea is obtained from the same bush. The difference between them is manifested in the fact that it is a process of fermentation to obtain black tea.

Fermentation is the process of treating tea leaves, in which its oxidation by bacteria with simultaneous drying.

With such a processing, it is natural that the sheet loses a certain amount of beneficial substances (however, it becomes more rich taste and aroma). Green tea is not subjected to the fermentation process (or undergoing completely short time). That is why he retains natural use of nature. For example: green tea contains 10 times more vitamin C than black. And we need to know how to brew green tea so as not to lose these properties.

Basic principles

There are several basic rules that need to be followed in the preparation of green tea:

  1. The dishes in which the drink will prepare, should be warm. For this, it is before putting a dry tea sheet, rinse with boiling water. A cold boiler teapot takes the heat of water on itself, so tea may not be turned out completely.
  2. You can not pour green tea with boiling water. The maximum possible water temperature - 85 degrees. The recommended temperature is usually indicated on the packaging of tea and lies in the range from 60 to 85 degrees. If you use boiling water, the drink will acquire an unpleasant, bitter taste and loses some of the beneficial properties.
  3. Green tea welding time is much smaller than black. It is usually not more than 1 minute for the first welding. If you brew longer, the sheet will give a large number of tannins into water. With each subsequent welding, you can slightly increase the time of insteading the drink, but not more than 4 minutes.
  4. You can not drink such tea in a cold form! Despite the fact that in the heat I want to drink it cold, this drink will not benefit. It will not remain vitamins or antioxidants nor essential oils.

Water for welding

In order to prepare a healthy drink, you need to use good water. The one that flows from the crane is not used without filters. Recommended to apply soft, purified water, for example, artesian or spring. If there is no such possibility, you can soften the tap water in a simple way. To do this, you need to type it in the bottle and send to the freezer. Wait until the ice layer is formed on the walls of the bottle with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Disposable water to drain. Ice defrost: resulting in melt water, which will be cleaned of metal salts and other unnecessary impurities.

It is necessary to boil water to about temperatures. 95 degrees. It is very convenient to use special electric kettles, where you can set the disconnection temperature. In the usual kettle, you can focus on air bubbles: as soon as they begin to form on the day, it's time to turn off the heating. If you allow strong boiling water, it will lose the oxygen contained in it.

Choosing a kettle

The choice of the right utensils is important if you want to know how to brew tea. It is best to use clay: it retains heat well, does not distinguish any harmful substances and allows you to "breathe" tea. In second place is the glassware from glass and porcelain, but the welding in it quickly becomes cold.

It is prohibited to use plastic or metal dishes for welding: plastic extracts toxic substances when heated, and metal gives tea an unpleasant taste.

The ideal option will be clay kettle With a pitch for dry sheet. It is very convenient: after brewing, the sitechko is removed, and nothing floats in the finished drink. For re-welding, the sietchko returns to the place. There are also cups with cereals in which it is convenient to cook tea for one person. Such cups have their own lid.

How many times brew?

We all know that in contrast to black tea, green can be brewing several times. How much exactly - depends on the specific variety. Perfect tea for multiple welding - large-grained. Well suited for multiple welding Special varieties, which in the process of welding spin the leaves. For example, green curly tea dropped in a brewing kettle like a flower.

On average, the green tea can be boiled water 3-5 times. Connoisseurs of the beverage claim that the most delicious - the second welding, it is it that allows the most fully to feel the taste.

Welding process

So how to brew green tea? Let's go through the main stages:

  • Heat prepared water up to 95 degrees, rinse the boiler teapot.
  • Pour a tea leaf in a brew at the calculation of 1 tsp. For 1 cup of water.
  • Cooked to the necessary water to pour leaves with water. Immediately drain the first welding.
  • Pour leaves with water again. Close the lid and give it in no longer 1 minute (or following the recommendations on the package).
  • Pour ready-made drinks in cups and enjoy the taste and benefit!
  • If necessary, pour the leaves with water again (remember that you need to have time to drink green tea while it is warm).

Visibility to see the steps of welding can be on the video.

How to drink?

Of course, green tea is very useful, but everything should be a measure. Do not use more than 6 cups per day: This is fraught with an increase in pressure, headache, dizziness. After all, this drink contains caffeine, which tones to the body. In addition, in large quantities, it is able to provide a load on the liver.

Green tea can be drunk with the addition of sugar, honey, lemon. However, in the east it is preferred to drink in pure form.

A leisurely traditional tea ceremonies allow you to enjoy the exquisite taste of green tea and bring the soul and body to harmony. In its pure form or with additives, it is equally useful, especially for those who know how to brew tea!

As soon as the green adhelers are called the green tea: and the elixir of eternal youth, and a storage room of nutrients. All these folk titles are largely justified, not in vain, appearing in our diet much later black, he quickly won his circle of unchanged fans. But in order to fully disclose and evaluate all the advantages of green tea, it is just enough to use it, you still need to know the secrets of the correct brewing, about which we will tell on.

What is useful green tea

Elixir youth green tea is called antioxidants due to it, which protect cells from premature aging. The drink also has a property to reduce blood pressure, prevent cholesterol accumulation and even slow down the development of malignant neoplasms in the body.

What is the peculiar tea feature

A distinctive feature of the green tea, highlighting it among a multi-faceted tea diversity, is a special processing technology, consisting in the prealtation of fermentation of tea leaves. Thanks to this, tea retains a green color, and its infusion has a flavor of fresh greenery. There are about 200 species of green tea, each of which has its own unique notes and a certain production technology. The only thing that unites all these varieties is a hand-held harvest, which is used in our time in the same way as in antiquity.

Tea preparation for brewing

Most of the habit of grooming green tea with almost bullous tea in the kettle boiling water and immediately distinguishes in cups. But, from the point of view of true connoisseurs of this drink, this is an unforgivable error, because tea leaves must first be prepared.

This is done as follows:

  • The portion of tea, which we plan to brew, put into a small pile.
  • Pour it with water, the temperature of which is about 80 degrees.
  • We cover the capacitance with a lid and leave for 10-15 seconds, after which the water merge.

Only after such a washing tea is ready for brewing.

What water to use for cooking drink

For drink to be delicious, it is important not only to choose a good grade tea, but also apply the right water to prepare it. It is best to take purified or live water from a spring with a minor content of mineral salts, otherwise tea will acquire an unpleasant taste and will seem stralywed.

Rules of brewing tea

When brewing green tea, adhere to such recommendations:

  • A common mistake when brewing green tea is to pour leaves with boiling water. Because of this, the drink loses half of its valuable properties. As a rule, manufacturers indicate on the packages, at what temperature it is desirable to stroll one or another grade of green tea.
  • If such information does not mean anywhere, it is unambiguously not lost, the bay of the leaves does not swallowing with a temperature of about 80-85 degrees.
  • Before brewing all the tea dishes we definitely rinse boiling water so that it is warm.
  • The optimal proportion that reveals all the taste quality of tea will be 1 teaspoon of welding at 150-200 ml of water.
  • We insist the tea for no more than two minutes and immediately spread to the heated cups, while not leaving anything in the boiler's teapot, since the remaining drink will acquire a bitter taste.
  • The secret of green tea leaves is that they can be insistant 5-6 times. And each time new fragrant notes and a unique taste will appear in tea.

Green tea love almost everything, but the true taste of this tea can only be obtained if you brew it correctly. In fact, many of us do not know how to brew green tea. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you how to do it correctly to achieve the most delicious tea.

What is necessary for brewing green tea

First of all, in order for you to boil delicious green tea, you need high-quality tea. To date, green tea is produced everywhere. Of course, if you are a lover of green tea, then it is best to give preference to expensive tea brought from China. Green tea We recommend purchasing in special tea shops or tea houses.

No less important and quality of water you will brew tea. In no case do not use water from the crane for welding, as well as water that has passed several degrees of cleaning and, in fact, is "dead". The best water for brewing green tea: water from well or dining water.

How to brew green tea

To brew green tea you will need:

  • Teapot;

  • Jelly

  • Cups for green tea (small sizes).
So, in order to brew green tea, water is needed with a temperature of 80 degrees. Thus, if you have a water heating kettle with a heating temperature regulator, then we install this temperature, if there is no such kettle, prepare a cold water container in advance to dilute boiling water in the kettle for brewing, in proportions: 80% boiling water and 20% Cold water.

How to brew chinese green tea

When the water for brewing is ready, we embarrass the required amount of tea into the brew. Then we pour water into the kettle, having achieved a temperature of 80 degrees. After that, if you mixed boiling water and cold water, then shake the kettle. Fill with a small amount of water with welding and cover this container with a lid. Next, we drain the water from the brew in the kettle, we retain the tank with tea to the side, and we rinse the cup with a fusion with water so that they are warm, after pouring water. Thus, we made the first brew of tea: we were washed, and also heated cups.

Then we go to the next procedure - second brewing. We pour into the kettle the required amount of water of the desired temperature and pour it into a savain. Tea insisters literally a few seconds, and after that the water merges back to the kettle, in fact, it is already tea. Next, tea is bottled on cups and ready to use.

It is important to note that the Chinese green tea drinks without sugar. If you can't do without sugar, it can be added to very small quantities, as the more it is, the more the taste is distorted. Also in use of tea there is one very important nuance: it is drinking with the so-called "worship".

Video How to brew green tea in China

In order to visually you could see and understand the procedure for brewing green Chinese tea - we offer watch a video about it.

In the video located below, the girl is a resident of China, holds a master class to brew green tea, according to all the rules.

Of course, it also has the way you feel about this procedure. The Chinese argue that brewing green tea is needed with clean thoughts and good soul. Also be sure to purchase a special kit for brewing green tea.