If a hurricane finds you in a building, move away from windows and take a safe place against interior walls, closets, hallways, bathrooms, pantries, closets, sturdy cabinets, under tables. Put out the fire in the furnaces, turn off electrical energy, close the taps on the gas networks.

At night, use lamps, lanterns, candles; turn on the radio to receive information from the management of emergency situations and civil defense and the commission for emergencies, if possible, stay in a recessed shelter, in shelters, cellars, and so on. If a storm, hurricane or tornado caught you on the streets of a settlement, stay as far away as possible from light buildings, bridges, buildings, overpasses, power transmission masts. transmission.

Try to quickly take cover in basements, cellars and anti-radiation shelters that are in settlements. Do not enter damaged buildings, as they can collapse with new gusts of wind. During a snowstorm, take cover in buildings.

What should not be done during a tornado, storm or hurricane?

During a storm, tornado or hurricane, you should not:

1. Use gas stoves or any electrical appliances in the house.

2. Go inside dilapidated, damaged buildings.

4. Be near masts and poles, as well as objects with flammable and poisonous substances.

5. Touch the pipes of gas supply, water supply, central heating, as well as broken wires of power lines.

6. Be on bridges, elevated places, as well as near power lines and pipelines.

After a tornado, storm or hurricane follows:

1. Beware of fallen trees, as well as swinging banners, signs, billboards, shutters.

2. Be careful when walking around broken power lines, as they may be live.

3. Beware of gas leaks in homes, disruptions in the electrical network.

4. Use of any electrical appliances is allowed only after they have been checked and thoroughly dried.

5. In cases where a storm is accompanied by a thunderstorm, beware of defeat electrical discharge(lightning).

What to do if there is a storm warning?

First of all, listen carefully to the instructions of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters. They will report the estimated time and strength of the hurricane, recommendations for the use of shelters and evacuation. Then you need to take personal measures of self-defense:

- on the windward side of the building, tightly close windows, doors, attic hatches and ventilation openings; paste over window glass, if possible protect it with shutters or shields; to equalize the internal pressure, on the leeward side of the door and window, open and secure in this position;

- prepare an autonomous supply of water and food, medicines; take a flashlight, a kerosene lamp, a candle, a camp stove or a kerosene stove, a battery-operated receiver; take documents and money with you;

- remove from balconies, window sills and loggias things that can be captured air flow; the same applies to objects in the yard or on the roof;

- put out the fire in the stoves, prepare to turn off the power grid, close the gas valves;

- leave radios and TVs on: they can receive a new important information;

- move from light buildings to more durable or GO shelters.

Children from kindergartens and schools must go home, all events are cancelled; if the storm warning comes too late, the children are housed in the basement or central part of the buildings.

It is best to wait out a hurricane in a shelter, a pre-prepared shelter, or at least in the basement. If this fails and you have to meet the offensive natural disaster in the building, you need to choose the safest place - in the middle of the house, in the corridors, on the first floor. Shards of flying windows can hurt, so you should stand in the wall, close to the wall, hide in a built-in closet or protect yourself with mattresses.

How dangerous a hurricane is can be judged in advance if its strength is known. Hurricane, storm, storm - all these are, in general, names for the same wind. But between them the most important difference is in speed.

If during a hurricane or storm you find yourself on the street, you need to be as far away from buildings as possible and hide in a ditch, pit, ditch, clinging tightly to the ground. This will save you from flying fragments of tiles, slate, glass, various items, broken road signs and bricks - the most likely sources of danger. Of course, if there is an opportunity to be in the shelter or the basement of the nearest building, then you need to do it as quickly as possible.

Large structures - bridges, overpasses, pipelines - must be avoided at all costs. It must be borne in mind that man-made disasters and fires are a common result of severe natural disasters, so it is best to stay away from chemical and oil refineries, various high-risk facilities and power lines. By the way, a defeat by atmospheric electricity is also possible, since a thunderstorm often comes along with a storm.

When the wind has died down, you should not immediately go outside: in a few minutes the squall may repeat. Then, when it becomes clear that the hurricane has ended, leaving the house, first look around - if there are any hanging objects and parts of the structure, broken wires. Is there a smell of gas. The fire should not be lit until there is confidence that there were no leaks. You can't use elevators either.

One type of natural disaster is a snowstorm. It can last for several days, but even in a few hours a snowstorm can seriously disrupt the life of the city. At this time, you can leave the house only in exceptional cases and never alone. Let your neighbors know where you're going and when you'll be back.

Vehicles may only be driven on big roads and highway. If you lose your bearings and want to look around, you can not move away from the car out of sight. In general, it is better to wait snow storm in the nearest village.

Hurricane, storm, tornado: advice from rescuers

Only by preparing in advance can you prevent colossal damage from the raging elements. In our article, we will talk about how rescuers advise to behave during the onset of a storm, tornado or hurricane.

So, if you notice that a storm, a hurricane or a tornado is coming, you need to find shelter as soon as possible: a metro station, a basement, an underpass, a foundation pit of a building under construction.

If you are on open area where there are no buildings, railway embankments, roadside ditches, beams, hollows and ditches can come to your aid. Find any recess in your path, lie down on its bottom, face down, try to snuggle as close to the ground as possible.

If you are in the house, quickly close all the vents and sash windows, lower the blinds and curtain the windows. Remove vases and flowerpots from windowsills first. During a storm, it is better to stay away from the windows, otherwise you can get hurt by the glass if the window breaks.

Relatively safe places in the house can be considered doorways, niches, built-in wardrobes. During a storm, tornado or hurricane, it is forbidden to use any electrical appliances.

If the weather caught you off guard on the street, beware of fallen and damaged trees, as well as swaying banners, signs and shutters.

If the storm did not come alone, but along with a thunderstorm, beware of being struck by lightning. Try to find a safe place where you can hide.

Inner rooms and corridors are the best cover. The central stairs fit but the lifts don't. If the building is de-energized, you will remain locked.

Hurricanes are an exciting and extremely dangerous weather phenomenon. Although hurricanes usually weaken on land, they destroy homes and cause flooding due to heavy rains and stormy weather. Now a powerful storm is raging over the Atlantic tropical cyclone With gentle name"Irma". It is stronger than Hurricane Harvey, which hit Texas in August and caused catastrophic flooding. The island of Cuba and the Bahamas suffered the most from Irma.

According to forecasts of meteorologists, both Harvey and Irma can surpass Maria, which will sweep through the Caribbean islands.

According to statistics, over the past 200 years, almost 2 million deaths have been caused by hurricanes. About 90% of deaths caused by hurricanes are due to flooding.

Here are the top 10 most interesting facts about hurricanes.

Hurricanes are powerful tropical storms (or cyclones) that appear in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.

Hurricanes Born in the Northwest Pacific Ocean(near Japan) are called "typhoon", and those that occur in the South Pacific or in Indian Ocean called cyclones.

9. When a hurricane is considered a hurricane

A tropical storm is classified as a hurricane when its winds reach at least 119 km/h. The fastest recorded hurricane wind speed reached 345 km / h when Hurricane Patricia raged in 2015.

By the way, the word "hurricane" comes from "hurucane", the word of the Indians from the Quiche tribe, which means "evil spirit of the wind", which is not surprising.

8. How do hurricanes form?

Ranked eighth unusual facts there is an interesting concept about hurricanes, which is not yet fully supported by the actual material.

The origin of hurricanes usually occurs between June and November, when there are all conditions for the formation of tropical storms: the sea is warm (from 26 degrees), and the atmosphere is humid.

  • Hurricanes form over warm waters when there are large pressure and temperature differences between warm water and clouds. Clouds pull moisture and heated air near the surface of the water rises to the clouds, which creates a column of fast moving air.
  • A zone is created at the top reduced pressure, where new masses of hot air rise and condense, giving rise to a chain reaction.
  • Air flows swirl above the water, and rising up, the air becomes colder and turns into thunderclouds. They combine and go through three stages of "development": a tropical depression (an area of ​​low atmospheric pressure with wind force less than 50 km/h), storm and hurricane.

However, a hurricane does not always occur, even if there are all conditions for its development. This confuses scientists, because such a situation means the presence of unknown factors that have yet to be discovered.

7. A hurricane is a "heat engine"

Hurricanes "work" on the heat obtained from the formation of clouds and precipitation. To understand this process, imagine yourself getting out of the shower. You feel that it has become cooler than usual, because droplets of water evaporate from your skin into the air. Hurricanes, on the other hand, do the opposite, pulling water out of the air and releasing heat.

So powerful storms generate an incredible amount of energy. Every second major hurricane releases the equivalent of 10 atomic bombs. Therefore, hurricanes are sometimes referred to as "heat engines".

6. The biggest hurricane

Hurricanes are the largest storms on Earth. Their size varies considerably - from 100 to 2000 km. The largest documented hurricane was Typhoon Type, which hit the Pacific Northwest in 1979. It had a diameter of about 2220 km. Fallout caused by Type caused 55 deaths and shipwrecks at sea left 44 missing or dead. Usually, in large-scale disasters caused by a hurricane, its name is excluded from the list of names for new cyclones. But this did not happen with "Type", and this name was used in 1983, 1986 and 1989.

5. Thunder and lightning

Hurricanes rarely produce thunder and lightning because they are formed by vertical wind currents that force water and ice together.

Those who saw the hurricane up close say that the sky becomes foggy about a day before the storm weather events. This haze is due to the cirrus clouds that are part of the hurricane and are made up of ice crystals. These cirrus clouds also look very beautiful on satellite imagery.

However, in 2005 Hurricane Emily, hurricanes Rita and Katrina were accompanied by intense thunder and lightning.

4 Eye of the Storm

All hurricanes have the so-called "eye of the storm" - usually it is 30-65 km in diameter, calm weather reigns in it. That is why, if the eye of the storm passes over an area, the storm subsides there. Still the eye is surrounded by a wall strong wind where the most severe weather. At big hurricanes fixed cycles of changing the wall of the eye, while the eye becomes smaller. It fills with clouds, and then "opens" again.

3. How many servings of soul in a hurricane

One hurricane generates over 9 trillion liters of rain per day. In just one day, so much rainwater falls that every person on Earth can take a shower 20 times.

2. Names of hurricanes

Hurricanes were first given names in the 19th century. The tradition was started by Clement Rugge, employee meteorological service Australia. Very severe storms he gave the nickname of people he did not like. During the Second World War, US military forecasters gave Caribbean hurricanes the names of their spouses and mothers-in-law, apparently the temperament of both was quite severe. And only after 1945 appeared in America special list, consisting of female names alphabetically.

Currently alphabetical list names are compiled annually for hurricanes that will appear on next year. This helps not to confuse them if several hurricanes are operating in the same area at once.

1 Deadliest Hurricane

Topping the list of shocking hurricane facts is Tropical Cyclone Bhola, which hit Bangladesh in 1970. This hurricane created flooding that claimed the lives of over 500,000 people and over a million buffalo, goats, and other livestock.


In 1958, in Wichita Falls, a town in the south of Texas (USA), one of the most strong tornadoes who was assigned the highest category F5. It was a tornado, the speed of which was 450 km / h.

An atmospheric whirlwind of incredible strength, the consequences of which the state government had to deal with for a long time, and the damage was estimated at $ 10 million.

But sunny weather and good mood does not dispose us to write about the damage and victims caused by the elements. It is more interesting to find out what else can accelerate to the same incredible speed. And today we will consider the top five fastest objects on the planet.

Motorcycle Dodge Tomahawk

Dodge Tomahawk is one of the fastest motorcycles in the world. It accelerates to a hundred in 1.8 seconds. Maximum speed - 480 km / h. It has a 10-cylinder engine from a Dodge Viper with 500 horsepower. Because of this, manufacturers had to install four wheels on the bike instead of two. There are only 10 Dodge Tomahawks in the world, 9 of which were sold for astronomical sums- $555 thousand per unit.

Hypercar Koenigsegg

Koenigsegg is a Swedish manufacturer of exclusive sports cars. One of the most recent is the Koenigsegg Agera R. This is one of the fastest production cars in the world. Max speed limited to 375 km / h. But if you put the car in Supersport tires from Michelin, then you can accelerate it to 420 km / h. And development engineer Christian von Koenigsegg (the owner of the company) states:

"With more durable tires and no headwind, the Koenigsegg Agera R can reach 453 km/h on a straight track."

As for the Bugatti Veyron, you've obviously been buzzing around for a long time about its incredible speed abilities. Not surprising, because the official manufacturer says that the sports car is also capable of accelerating to a speed of at least 430 km / h.

Which of these two four-wheeled monsters do you think is faster? So that you do not suffer in conjectures, watch the following video. Everything will immediately become clear.

Train JR-Maglev MLX01

JR Maglev MLX01- absolute record holder among the fastest trains on the planet. On December 2, 2003, this monster accelerated to 581 km / h at railway connecting Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. Unfortunately, he is still waiting for his turn to ride extreme passengers. What it is in business - find out in the next video.

Aircraft X-43A

The hypersonic X-43A is recognized as the fastest aircraft in the world. This is a drone that during testing showed a fantastic speed - 11,230 km / h. This is almost 9.6 times more speed sound. For comparison: the speed of jet fighters, if it exceeds the speed of sound, is no more than twice.

As you know, every year atmospheric eddies sweep over the tropical seas, the wind speed in which often exceeds 120 km / h (33 m / s). They are formed when moist air heated over the ocean rises to the upper atmosphere, where less high temperatures. There, water vapor condenses and turns into rain clouds, heat is released, goes into kinetic energy and forms a spiral of rain and wind.

How more difference temperatures between lower and upper bound hurricane and the narrower the center, the greater the force of the wind. Once overland, a hurricane loses its sustaining source warm water and quickly weakens, having managed, however, to bring serious destruction.

Attempts to combat the raging elements have been made by scientists since the 60s of the XX century. It was then that American researchers first tried to tame hurricanes by artificially creating clouds. Based on the information that hurricanes receive most energy from heat released when water vapor condenses over the ocean and rain clouds form, experts from the Project Stormfury Scientific Advisory Committee conducted a series of experiments in which they tried to slow the development of these atmospheric vortices.

It was planned to reduce the power of hurricanes by increasing the amount of precipitation in the first rain band, which begins behind the so-called wall of the eye of the storm - a cluster of clouds and strong winds surrounding an area of ​​calm at the center of a tropical cyclone.

To create artificial clouds, scientists dropped silver iodide from aircraft. Particles of this substance, as meteorologists hoped, were to become centers of crystallization of cooled water vapor, which had already managed to rise into the cold upper atmosphere. Thus, the clouds had to form an order of magnitude faster, and during the formation, they naturally had to absorb heat and moisture from the surface of the ocean. In other words, additional clouds, according to scientists, expanded the calm zone, where weak winds dominate and clear or almost clear skies are observed. The strength of the hurricane itself was weakening.

The first results of such an impact on atmospheric vortices were successful.

However, in subsequent studies, experts found that the method reduced the intensity of hurricanes by no more than 30%. Thus, the invention was found to be ineffective.

Until recently, some experts preferred to state that effective method in the fight against hurricanes, it is worth recognizing passive defense methods, such as, for example, the construction of low-rise buildings, strengthening dams, and so on. As for the management of hurricanes, then, according to experts, it is possible only in the initial stages of formation, and also if people learn to stimulate the emergence of hurricanes away from settlements or can organize a more frequent occurrence of atmospheric eddies, each of which will this is weaker.

Meanwhile, all the above proposals of scientists concerned the preventive fight against the elements, however, as it turned out in 2005, none of the possible protective measures saved New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina. It was then, in 2005, that teams of scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, working independently of each other, began work on the creation computer models, demonstrating how you can change the direction of the hurricane, as well as weaken the strength atmospheric vortex. Model testing has just ended.

As one of the participants in the MIT project, Moshe Alamaro, told in interview Sunday Telegraph, he and his colleagues managed to simulate on a computer a scheme for changing the trajectory of a vortex.

According to the method developed by Alamaro and other researchers, carbon particles are sprayed with the help of an aircraft into a cloud of vapor close to freezing temperature, already at the top of the hurricane. Enterprising Americans suggest using soot as a “paint”, as well as by-products from the production of tires. As the authors of the model note, dark particles accumulate a part of solar heat. As a result, the temperature in the cloud rises and the wind speed falls. The researchers note that even greater changes can be caused if you try to heat the clouds located above the center of the hurricane using microwaves from satellites.

If all manipulations are carried out in right place and in right time, you can influence the strength of the hurricane,” said Alamaro.

On the this moment researchers were only able to conduct computer simulations of their method using the most strong hurricanes, however, as noted by Alamaro's colleague Ross Hoffman, who conducted the testing, the results of this intermediate stage of testing the work already showed that a change in wind speed can indeed quite strongly affect the route of atmospheric vortices.

“By pushing the hurricane a little from one side or the other, we can change the trajectory of its movement,” Alamaro said, emphasizing that scientists are not going to stop at the stage of computer experiments and plan to soon test their method on a real small hurricane.

Meanwhile colleagues and competitors American specialists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, led by Daniel Rosenfeld, just a month ago, during a conference in Trieste, presented their method of weakening hurricanes.

Unlike the method of their American counterparts, Israeli experts decided not to "warm up" the top of the hurricane, but to "cool" the base of the stream. Scientists have proposed a kind of bombardment of rain clouds with microscopic dust particles. As a result of this "seeding" small particles very quickly absorb water, but the droplets formed, according to the researchers, are too small to fall out as precipitation and rise up, where they evaporate. Such a process will lead to cooling of the air at the base of the hurricane, and hence to a decrease in the speed of the vortex and a change in the direction of its movement.

However, despite all the optimism of meteorologists, lawyers have already had to point out some Negative consequences their discoveries.

The fact is that even a change in the route of a hurricane does not mean that no one will suffer from the elements. Of course, a hurricane that is over land and controlled by people will weaken faster, but give a one hundred percent guarantee that the vortex will not touch even the smallest locality, none of the groups of scientists can. And this means that any intervention during the storm can result in numerous statements of claim, which the victims will be able to present to scientists, motivating this by the fact that now it is the meteorologists who “led” the hurricane to land that are responsible for the destruction, and not the elements.

Far-sighted Americans have already hired a risk specialist, in addition, they turned to the authorities with a request to amend the current US legislation, as well as issue a special international agreement regulating the behavior of neighboring states in similar situations.