The orthopedist traumatologist, which is called simply and briefly orthoped or a traumatologist, is a specialist who mastered the practical skills to provide planned and emergency patients injured or having diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In Moscow, traumatologists own the most modern techniques that allow it clearly and with minimal soreness to fix fractures, adjust the solar bone defects, as well as defects of soft tissues of the joints and limbs. Appeal in Moscow to such specialists avoids the serious consequences of injury to the musculoskeletal system.

What treats orthopedist?

The orthopedist traumatologist is directed with any problems:

  • blades
  • stop,
  • backs
  • tendons
  • ligaments,
  • muscles
  • nerves
  • shoulder bones
  • hip and knee joints.

Orthopes are treated with dislocations, fractures and serious, very serious injuries.

For treatment in Moscow, the traumatologist applies not only standard methods of research and treatment, but also such as redrests, i.e., closed or bloodless surgery. With their own hands, a specialist carries out a phased, violent correction of deformations and pathologies in the joints. This can be corrected:

  • arthrogriposis
  • rachitic curvature of the limbs
  • contracture
  • fibrous ankylosis,
  • clubfoot,
  • incorrect fractures and others.

The orthopedist in Moscow not only treats the disease, he tries to prevent them, examines the processes in the body of patients arising under the influence of factors:

  • radioactive or radiation,
  • electrical
  • mechanical
  • thermal
  • chemical and others.

Special studies are conducted in the field of combined forms of lesions, which cause the most difficult violations of the activities of important systems of the affected organism.

In which cases should contact orthopedic?

To the orthopedist traumatologist in Moscow is sent with bone fractures, with impaired function and repeated fractures, as well as:

  • with residual phenomena of transferred polio;
  • with bruises,
  • with stretching
  • with burns,
  • frostbite
  • with serious animal bites,
  • with complaints about constant pain in the limbs,
  • with strong pains in the joints and spine.

In Moscow, they treat orthopes with such problems as:

  • fibrous osteodysplasia;
  • parathyroid osteodistrophy;
  • flatfoot;
  • deforming osteosis;
  • posture defects;
  • tumors and so on.

The traumatologist will also be sent with deformations discovered during research:

  • chest,
  • spine
  • limbs
  • large and small joints and so on.

Where in Moscow you can get the education of the orthopedic traumatologist?

In order to become a specialist, the future traumatologist need to get a general medical education and to study at the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics:

  • RUDN,
  • Rfficking them. N. I. Pirogova,
  • MGMS them. A. I. Evdokimova,
  • The first mgm them. I. M. Sechenov or other universities in Moscow.

After that, orthopeds will have to be ordinatura, a long practice, continuous advanced training.

Famous doctors orthopedics and traumatology worked in Moscow

Healers and healers were engaged in treating injuries in Russia. In 1707, the first professional Russian medical institution opened. It was a Moscow medical and surgical school. It was she who began to prepare professional doctors.

The introduction of foreign principles of training specialists in the field of traumatic orthopedics took place very hard. The situation has changed with the arrival in 1809 in Moscow University of Mudry. His Russia is obliged to approve the school of phased clinical and theoretical education.

At the end of the XIX and the beginning of the XX century, the period of the formation and heyday of the orthopedics. The founder of reconstructive traumatology is pies. A brilliant member of Basov, who was a teacher of at least genius Sklifosovsky, introduced a huge contribution to the development of the direction.

Movement is an integral part of a person's life, one of the most important functions of the body, which is carried out due to the operation of the musculoskeletal system. The violation of its functioning may have irreversible consequences, so it is so important, to turn to a specialized doctor to a specialized doctor, which treats diseases of the locomotor system, based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Orthopedist: What is the doctor? Specificity of activity

Answer a common question: "Orthoped, this is what doctor?": This is a doctor whose work is aimed at diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The structure of the musculoskeletal system includes:

2. Bundles (fibrous compounds binding bone structure);

3. Muscles (totality of muscle fibers);

4. Tendons (part of the muscles responsible for fixing the bones);

5. Fascia (connective tissue, which is covered with various body structures)

The doctor's competence includes a consultation, where orthopedes look visible damaged structures, clinical diagnosis of the patient, followed by the direction for additional radiation (MRI, ultrasound, radiography, etc.) or laboratory diagnostics (surrender analyzes).

Based on the obtained reviews of patients and survey results, the orthopedist is an individual treatment plan, accompanies the patient throughout the entire therapeutic period, taking into account his reviews, and also observes the dynamics of the state on repeated inspections.

When to make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor? Symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as a rule, manifests itself in:

2. Violation of functions;

3. Sensitivity violation.

The main symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, feeling that, it is necessary to make an appointment with the orthopedist doctor, are:

Pain in the affected area or around it;

Restriction of the volume of movement, violation of the function;

Deformation of the affected area (joint, spine);

Impaired limb axis (for example, broken hand);

Changes in soft tissues (swelling, bruising, color change);

Local temperature increase (hot joints);

Numbness (for example, in hand, legs);


It is necessary to pay special attention that the lack of visibility of external damage in obtaining injury (the axis of the limbs is not impaired, there are no inflammations, skin redness, pain) does not yet indicate the absence of internal damage, since a person may experience traumatic shock, and in the meantime can be damaged organs or tissues (for example, with a fracture of ribs)

With the manifestation of the above symptoms, you need to start with the choice of the best orthopedist in Moscow, based on feedback from Internet resources. Next to make an appointment with a highly qualified orthopedic.

You can get a competent consultation in Moscow as a fee and free. As a rule, it does not depend on the qualification of the orthopedic, but is determined by the clinic - the medical center, where the orthopedic leads. Special promotions, which often spend both clinics with high and low prices will be helped to make an appointment for the best orthopedist.

If the consultation is free, the patient will be able to spend savings, for example, on orthopedic insoles, which will eventually bring more benefits than just paid an orthopedic reception. According to patient reviews, the doctor's paid reception is almost always accompanied by the provision of services at an overplicable price. Free reception of the orthopedic does not oblige the patient and can be advised by a good doctor without risk costs.

Reception and consultation of an orthopedic doctor in the center. What does the orthopedist watching?

The primary reception of the doctor, the consultation of the orthopedist in Moscow passes by recording and includes:

Collecting anamnesis that implies a conversation with the patient.

The doctor asks questions about the presence of complaints, previous diseases and injuries that may be directly related to health problems in the field of orthopedics.

At the same time, the doctor's orthopedist is important to know about the diseases that, at first glance, do not belong to the current ailments. This is due to the fact that, for example, one of the reasons for rheumatoid arthritis is to enter the streptococcus to the blood and its further settlement in the joints, for example, due to an angina, which a person once got silent.

The following stages of the primary reception of the orthopedic doctor by writing:

Inspection of the limb / spine function;

Conducting specific tests aimed at determining the characteristic features and the degree of illness (the presence of extra sounds (crepitations), difficulty in flexing / extending the joint (contracture), swelling, hot joint during palpation).

Upon completion of the primary reception, inspection and consultation, the orthopedic doctor may assign a diagnostic examination to the patient aimed at a detailed study of the area to which the patient complains and determining the cause of the disease.

Diagnosis of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

The diagnosis of the disease of the musculoskeletal system is an integral stage of the treatment process by a doctor, which allows an orthopedic to determine the disease and its causes, degree of damage, and also make a detailed treatment plan on the basis of the results of the survey, and not just a patient's responses about the body's condition.

Depending on the investigated area, the orthopedic doctor in the diagnostic center in Moscow prescribes the following diagnostic methods:

1. X-ray (visualization of bone tissue and articulation);

2. MRI, magnetic resonance tomography (research of soft tissues of muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints);

3. CT, computed tomography (consideration of bone structures in many cuts, planes);

4. Scintigraphy (shows the accumulation of radioisotope materials that are assembled in modified tissues);

5. Ultrasound (surface leakage of the structure of the limb);

6. Arthrofeography (writes the sounds of rubbing parts of the knee joint, which indicates inflammation (arthritis, synit), arthrosis, etc.);

7. Biomechanical research (verification of the rhythm of movement, determination of the speaker).

Since, as a rule, with a detailed examination, the doctor does not relieve on one diagnostic method, when determining the specifics of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the orthopedist may assign a laboratory diagnostics: surrender analyzes (in particular, when treating patients aged after 40 years).

It should be noted that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most popular method of diagnostics due to absolute safety, affordable price and accuracy in determining the disease of the musculoskeletal system, which can be seen by reading the reviews of patients in Moscow. For example, thanks to the results of magnetic resonance tomography (MRI), the orthopedic doctor identifies non-epithelial out-of -ilet tissues of muscles, tendons, fibrous plates, features of the structure of the skeleton.

What treats orthopedic doctor?

The results of the research, which is watching the orthopedic doctor, allow it to compile primary recommendations, determine the plan and a comprehensive treatment algorithm that the patient must observe.

In general, those diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which treats the doctor orthopedist can be divided into:

The most common diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus, which treat orthopedist are:

Spondylise (change of vertebral structures in the spine);

Hernia (change in the disk of the spine, protrusion of its parts);

Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of the joints);

Entozopathy (inflammation of the tissues around the joint, the capsular-ligament);

Gouty arthritis (inflammatory process in the joints due to improper metabolism)

A good orthopedist, according to patient reviews, not only treats the disease of the musculoskeletal system, but if necessary, he guides the patient to the best profile doctors in Moscow - a neurologist, a traumatologist, a rheumatologist, an endocrinologist, etc., depending on the specifics of the disease and the degree of its complexity .

Comprehensive treatment compiled by a orthopedic doctor includes:

Invasive procedures: intra-articular and all-digit injections (corticosteroids, hyaluronic acid preparations enriched with plasma platelets). Their main action - the removal of inflammation, pain syndrome;

Physiotherapy: manual, ultrasound and current therapy;

Massage (contributes to improved blood circulation);

Therapeutic physical education, compiled by an individual plan, and aimed at strengthening muscles;

The late diagnosis of the diseases of the musculoskeletal system can lead to serious, irreversible consequences associated with the failure of the organism's motor function, which increases the importance of the doctor's timely assistance - an orthopedic doctor who is diagnosed with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

After taking patients, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the orthopedic doctor: to keep a healthy lifestyle, it is easy to eat, to engage in physical education - swimming, fitness, medical gymnastics, and to undergo prophylactic examinations and make an orthopedic doctor in a timely manner, if they felt the slightest indisposition.

The best doctors orthopedic in Moscow.

This is a doctor involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. The competence of the doctor's orthopedic traumatologist includes various traumatic injuries, as well as innate and acquired diseases and deformities of bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Highly qualified specialists, doctors and candidates of medical sciences, authors of unique medical techniques lead to the "SM Clinic".

When it is necessary to refer to the orthopedist traumatologist

The orthopedic traumatologist must immediately contact upon receipt of various types of injuries:
  • fractures of bones (pelvis, hips, legs, ankles, feet, clavicle, shoulder, forearm, brushes)
  • dislocation Any localization (dislocation of shoulder, clavicle, patella)
  • injuries joints and damage to soft-intestinal structures (the usual removing shoulder, breaking ligaments and tendons, damage to meniscoves, etc.)

What diseases treats the doctor traumatologist-orthopedist

The competence of the orthopedic traumatologist applies to the following sharp and chronic diseases and pathology of the musculoskeletal system:
  • Deformation of the bone-articular device of the spine and lower extremities (osteochondrosis of the spine, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, valgus and varetle deformation of the lower extremities, flatfoot, heel spur, etc.).
  • Diseases of the joints:arthritis and arthrosis (rheumatoid, post-traumatic, dysplastic, etc.)
  • Diseases of tendons (epicondylitis, styroiditis, etc.).
  • Inflammatory diseases of soft-woven structures (Bursitis, etc.)
  • Aseptic necrosis (Heads of the femoral bone, hips and dr.)
  • Benign tumors and tumor-like diseases (giant tumors, osteoid osteomes, chondromes, fibromes, bone-cartilage exotic, fibrous dysplasia, bone cysts of various genes, etc.).
  • The consequences and complications of injuries (slow fractures, limb deformations, false joints, contractures.)

Services traumatologist-orthopedic

Consultation of the doctor of the orthopedic traumatologist.

At the reception doctor, the orthopedist traumatologist will ask your symptoms and complaints, will inspect the additional surveys to clarify the diagnosis. A qualified specialist will help warn, recognize and cure various musculoskeletal system diseases.

Diagnosis in orthopedics traumatology

When diagnosing diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the main types of surveys are:

  • radiography,
  • ultrasonic diagnostic methods,
  • laboratory diagnostics - additional information gives laboratory diagnostic methods: clinical and biochemical blood tests and other studies
Treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

A good orthopedist is salvation for your spine and joints. But before proceeding directly to therapy, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis. It is easy and easy to implement by visiting the reception of the orthopedic in the Medical Center "Free Movement".

Why is preliminary consultation?

The list of diseases of the human musculoskeletal system is extremely extensive. But the clinical manifestations of various pathologies can be largely similar. And naturally, effective treatment is possible only if the diagnosis is exactly established. Then the specialist completely imagines a picture of the disease and a clear scheme of therapy is generated.

Medical Center "Free Movement" offers its patients to undergo a free consultation of the orthopedic. It is necessary to identify the reason for the symptoms who worry you and decide on the tactics of further treatment.

In addition, the course and manifestation of diseases in each patient is different. And therefore, the treatment plan should be individual. Dr. Orthoped already during the preliminary examination in our clinic will be diagnosed, and also assign additional research you need.

In the case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, self-diagnosis and self-treatment are simply unacceptable! After all, in case of even the slightest mistakes, you not only do not improve your health, but you can, on the contrary, seriously harm your body. It is explained by the fact that different orthopedic diseases, with the external similarity of symptoms may have different contraindications to therapy.

The main symptoms pointing to the fact that you need an orthopedic consultation:

  • stiffness of movements and difficulties when lifting weights, especially in the morning,
  • periodic appearance of pain in the back, neck or limbs,
  • swelling on the legs by the end of the day, the appearance of gravity and pain in the lower limbs,
  • crunch and pain in the corners of the body or movements in the joints,
  • posture disorders
  • changes in sizes, their swelling and redness
  • suspicion of the development of flatfoot.

Free consultation of the orthopedic doctor in the Medical Center "Free Movement" is a great opportunity to complete the full examination of your bone-articular apparatus. A visit to the reception of our specialists will allow to establish a preliminary diagnosis and choose the most effective in your case the treatment regimen.

Orthopedist - A doctor who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and deformations of the musculoskeletal system.

➤ On our portalyou can choose an orthopedic traumatologist from the best clinics of Moscow and sign up for a reception online or by phone. Find a good specialist to you help the questionnaires of doctors with information about their experience, education, as well as patient reviews.

Frequently asked Questions:

Where does an orthopedist accept? Where to find a good specialist?

Good doctor you can find on the site. Here you can choose a specialist based on criteria important for you, as well as record to the orthopedist via the Internet.

You can see the reviews of patients about orthopedic doctors and choose a suitable doctor. It is also worth paying attention to the education and experience of the specialist specified in the questionnaire.

What treats orthopedic doctor?

Orthoped is engaged in treating diseases and defects of the musculoskeletal system. The spectrum that treats the orthopedist doctor is entitled to congenital pathologies, defects of the development of the bone system, complications after infectious diseases, chronic and primary domestic injuries and injuries, as well as the post-antimacious states and diseases of the bone system.

In addition, orthopedes treats professional diseases associated with disrupting the operation of the musculoskeletal system.

What diseases treats orthopedist?

The main diseases in which the orthopedic intervention is necessary:

  • osteochondrosis is a severe chronic disease of various spinal segments;
  • congenital diseases (Krivoshi and displays of hip joints);
  • closure, curvature of stop, flatfoot;
  • rheumatoid arthritis is a lifelong chronic system-wide disease, affecting the bone system and causing severe deformation of the joints up to disability;
  • fractures of bones and dislocations of the joints;
  • arthrosis and Bursitis are inflammatory diseases of the joints and the near-handing bag.

In what cases should you contact an orthopedist?

There are a number of symptoms when to go to the orthopedist is urgently, since these symptoms may indicate serious diseases. Specialist help is needed if observed:

  • swelling of the joint with pain when moving;
  • tugaway and crunch in the joints;
  • backache;
  • simultaneous numbness of hands;
  • violation of posture and fast fatigue;
  • lomotic and laundering pain in connection with weather change.

How are orthopedic and neurologists related?

Orthopedists are engaged in the treatment of musculoskeletal system, neurologists violations in the work of the nervous system. Often these specialists work in parallel.

Orthopedist traumatologist

Orthopedics and traumatology are closely linked by some diseases and a common subject of study - the musculoskeletal apparatus. For this reason, there is a general specialty "orthopedist-traumatologist", after which individual doctors can choose a narrower specialization.

Orthopedist surgeon

Orthoped doctor, conducting operations in the dissemination of bones during curvature, tenotomy (operation for tendons), ligamotomy (operation to increase the penis in men) and transplanting tendons (with paralymps).

What kind of doctor is the orthopedist vertebrologist?

The vertebrologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats the disease of the musculoskeletal system. Previously, orthopedists and neuropathologists were engaged in such problems, but recently a new direction appeared in medicine, which studies the effect of the spine to the entire body. Some doctors receive additional education and have both qualifications at the same time.

How is the admission of orthopedic?

At inspection, the doctor polls the patient for the nature and intensity of the symptomatic picture. Collected detailed history. For detailed information on the state of health and in order to clarify the causes of the appearance of diseases, the peculiarities of the professional field of activity are being studied. An inspection of the area on the body, in which painful signs arose. A diagnosis is made based on the results of medical examination, putting laboratory tests and the passage of instrumental diagnostic methods.

How to prepare for accepting orthopedic?

It is necessary to take a hygienic shower, choose comfortable shoes and loose clothing, which allows you to make an external inspection and is easily removed if necessary. If there are already diagnosed orthopedic pathology, medical documents should be prepared, which are related to this disease: extracts from diseases of the disease, X-rays with descriptions, conclusions of doctors according to the results of ultrasound, MRI, CT and other instrumental research, analyzes.

How is the record via DocDoc?

Choose an orthopedic help doctors with information and reviews about them or a call center operator. You can log on-in by selecting the desired date and time, or by phone.

Note! The page is available for reference. For appointment, consult a doctor.