Today, August 29, at an air force base in California, USA, the latest secret American technology was launched - the Delta IV spy satellite. The object is the most powerful rocket in the entire history of mankind. Its height is 71 meters, engine performance is 17 million horsepower, and one launch of the monster cost the United States one million dollars.


America has always been different special treatment to world organizations and their large-scale events. Therefore, the owners of the most powerful rocket in the world decided to launch it on August 29th - the International Day of Action against nuclear tests. The funny thing is that the States have never admitted what the purpose of the development, construction and launch of Delta IV was.


The men's online magazine MPORT remembers that not only the States have more powerful weapon. There are many more countries in the world that can also boast intercontinental ballistic missiles. Find out what you, a peaceful inhabitant of planet Earth, should be most afraid of?

The most mobile - Topol-M


Manufacturer - Russia, first launch was carried out in 1994. Launch weight - 46 and a half tons. Considered the basis of Russian nuclear weapons.

The most protected - Yars RS-24


Manufacturer - Russia, first launch - in 2007. Flight range - 11 thousand kilometers. Unlike Topol-M, it has multiple warheads. In addition to warheads, Yars also carries a set of missile defense penetration capabilities, which makes it much more difficult for the enemy to detect and intercept it. This innovation makes the RS-24 the most successful combat missile in the context of global deployment American system PRO. And you can even place it on a railway carriage.

The heaviest - R-36M Satan


First launch - 1970, weight - 211 tons, flight range - 11,200 - 16,000 kilometers. Missile systems located in silos cannot be too light by definition. Satan simply broke the record of all heavyweights.

The most accurate - Trident II D5


Manufacturer - USA, first launched in 1987. Weight - 58 tons, flight range - 11,300 kilometers. Trident is based on submarines, and is capable of maximum high accuracy strike protected intercontinental ballistic missile silos and protected command posts.

The fastest - Minuteman LGM-30G


Manufacturer - USA, first launch - 1966. The mass of the rocket is 35 and a half tons. Range - 13,000 kilometers. This missile is believed to be one of the fastest ICBMs in the world and can accelerate to more than 24 thousand kilometers per hour during the terminal phase of flight.

The most sophisticated - MX (LGM-118A) Peacekeeper


Manufacturer - USA, first launched in 1983. Weight - 88.44 tons, flight range - 9600 kilometers. Heavy intercontinental ballistic missile The peacemaker is simply an embodiment latest technologies. For example, the use of composite materials. It also has a higher hit accuracy, and - which is especially characteristic - increased “survivability” of the missile under nuclear conditions.

The very first - R-7

Many people believe that the arms race is an attribute of only one period of time in the twentieth century associated with the Cold War. However, if you think globally, it began long before that. Its ancestor can be called the war of shield and sword, that is, the build-up of defense and firepower.

The concept of the most powerful weapon

To figure out what the most powerful weapons in the world are, you should introduce certain categories, so to speak, classes of weapons. And divide them by lethal force exclusively within its own class. This is necessary because comparing a nuclear bomb and a sniper rifle is simply stupid and illogical.

So, we present to you the top most powerful weapons in the world. This article discusses nuclear and weapon, as well as firearms. Before each rating list there is an explanation of how this class differs from another.

The most powerful firearm in the world

Firearms use the principle of projectile acceleration using the explosion of a gunpowder charge. Since the invention of gunpowder and mass production, it has been the most diverse type of weapon. Divided into many types:

  • Small arms - this includes various pistols, machine guns, submachine guns, rifles, shotguns, carbines, etc.
  • Artillery - this type includes artillery pieces, aviation, coastal and a class that is completely incomprehensible in terms of lethal power - high-power and especially high-power artillery.
  • Guns.
  • Howitzers.
  • Mortars.
  • Grenade launchers.
  • Mortars.

In order to understand what the most powerful weapons in the world are among firearms, it is necessary to compile a list in order of increasing destructive power. It will feature exclusively superguns. This is because if you give examples from other classes firearms, the spread of calibers and destructive power will be very large.

Firearm rating

In fourth place on the list is the Gamma Mörser, a German super-heavy howitzer of 420 mm caliber.

The first copy was published back in the thirty-seventh year of the last century. Only one such weapon was used during World War II. The reason for this is that, according to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was supposed to destroy all its weapons, but one copy was hidden. And only he of the entire party participated in the military conflict.

Third place goes to the Obusier de 520 modèle 1916, a French railway howitzer. The caliber was 520 mm, and a total of two guns were built. Trouble happened to the first one - a shell exploded inside the breech and completely disabled the entire howitzer. The second one was captured by the Germans during the French campaign in 1940. However, two years later it also failed for the same reason. It was unsuitable for repair and was captured by the troops of the Soviet Union.

The second place is occupied by "Dora" - a super-heavy, unparalleled weapon on a railway base. Built in 1941 and named after the wife of the chief designer. truly possessed destructive power, which is not surprising given the caliber of 807 mm.

During World War II, it was carefully hidden by German troops, and the Allies for a long time could not understand what was causing them such significant damage. In April 1945, the remains of two guns, the Dora and the Gustav, were discovered in Bavaria and subsequently sent for melting down.

The first place is occupied by the Babylon project. He could be the most powerful artillery piece in the world if it were built. A caliber of a thousand (just think about this figure!) millimeters is incredible destructive power. This weapon can demolish skyscrapers. It was conceived during the Iraq-Iran War. Fortunately, its construction did not take place, as some parts were captured and stolen to prevent the creation of this giant.

The most powerful small arms in the world

Small arms are intended to be used as damaging element bullets, shot or similar objects. According to GOST, the definition of small arms includes all barrel weapons with a caliber of 20 mm and less. Basically, types of small arms are distinguished by the method of transferring energy to the projectile:

  • Pneumatic - uses compressed air from a cylinder or by pumping.
  • Electric - a theoretical weapon of the future, based on projectile acceleration using an electromagnetic field.
  • Mechanical - kinetic energy transmitted by a very strong spring.
  • Firearms - the basis for everything is powder charge, which is in the sleeve or charged separately.

In terms of destructive power, small arms come first on this list. In order to figure out exactly what the most powerful small arms weapon in the world is, we present to your attention a rating of the most lethal weapons.

Small arms rating

Fourth place in the ranking is occupied by the famous Colt “Peacemaker” - Colt Single Action Army. Legend of the Wild West. It was produced in many calibers, including rifle calibers. The weight of this revolver is almost four kilograms - this is done in order to reduce recoil.

In third place is the Pfeifer Zeliska, a super-heavy revolver produced in Austria.

The reason for its presence in this rating is its use as the main cartridge of the 600 Nitro Express - the largest pistol cartridge in the world. It is used in savannas for hunting elephants. The revolver's recoil is such that for normal shooting its weight is more than eight kilograms.

Second place goes to OSV-96 and similar weapons. This is the most powerful sniper rifle that exists. Its muzzle energy is almost 19 kilojoules, sighting range shooting - almost two kilometers. It is in service with the armies of the CIS countries and India. Designed to destroy lightly armored targets at long distances.

The first place on this list is deservedly occupied by the "Utochnitsa" - a shotgun of monstrous caliber, used, as the name suggests, for hunting ducks. The length of the barrel sometimes reached four meters, and the caliber - five centimeters. With its help, hunting was carried out not on a single individual, but, thanks to almost half a kilogram of shot, on a small flock at once. Handheld shooting for of this weapon was not possible in principle. Therefore, it was mounted on a boat; this also made it possible to reduce the recoil effect.

A Brief History of Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear weapons are the newest of all weapons massacre of people. His destructive force Not just enough for a house, enough for a million-plus city. Add to this radioactive vapors and an electromagnetic pulse - and you get the most powerful weapon in the world.

The history of nuclear weapons began at the end of World War II, when German scientists were targeted during secret forays into enemy territory. This was from both America and the Soviet Union. Development began almost simultaneously.

However, only America has used nuclear weapons for military purposes. The result of the use was the destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Seeing a force that could destroy entire cities, countries that did not have such weapons were horrified. This marked the beginning of a silent conflict called the Cold War. In the end, this incident was resolved, and first, in 1968, a non-proliferation treaty was concluded nuclear weapons, and thirty years later a ban on its testing was also established.

The most powerful nuclear weapon in the world

The fourth and third places are shared by the bombs “Kid” and “Fat Man”. They were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II by the United States of America. This was done in order, firstly, to show their power, and secondly, to quickly end the military conflict with Japan, since the inaccessibility of America made it too protracted and economically unprofitable. The explosions of both bombs were equal to 21 kilotons of TNT. The epicenters of the explosions are still uninhabitable and remain monuments to man’s desire to destroy.

In second place is Castle Bravo - again American bomb, but this time thermonuclear. Is the most powerful bomb, which the United States has experienced throughout its history. The energy released during the explosion was fifteen megatons and completely destroyed the area of ​​the atoll where the tests took place.

The first place, undoubtedly, is occupied by the AN602, also known as the Tsar Bomba. This is the most powerful weapon ever created by man in its entire history. The tests were carried out in the sixty-first year on Novaya Zemlya.

The explosion was so powerful that it instantly burned more than three meters age-old ice and turned the sand that was underneath him into glass. The blast wave circled three times Earth, and four hundred kilometers from the epicenter in the village, all wooden buildings were demolished. Considering that the explosion was only half the calculated power, according to experts, the detonation of the full force of such a bomb would lead to cracks in earth's crust and major natural disasters.

Bottom line

Throughout its history, humanity has come up with many ways to destroy itself. However, of all the inventions, perhaps only nuclear bomb can cope with this task most effectively. It is awarded the title of “the most powerful weapon in the world.”

Russia's military spending is among the highest in the world. In 2014 they amounted to $84.5 billion, and in 2016 they will reach $96 billion. At the Victory Parade in Moscow the fruits of this military program in the form of modern and powerful weapons - the Armata tank and the Kurganets-25 infantry fighting vehicle.

We present to you Russia's most powerful weapon according to a foreign publication The National Interest, dedicated to American foreign policy.

Let us recall that the latter, as of 2015, awarded Russia 2nd place in the list strongest armies peace.

5. Tank T-14 "Armata"

The most powerful weapons of the Russian Federation are in tank forces. Newest medium tank equipped with a new type of turret (without a crew) and armed with a 125 mm cannon. The tankers are located in the lower compartment of the tank and are separated from the ammunition supply by special partitions. Thanks to the complex active protection the tank can intercept any anti-tank ammunition. By 2020, the Russian Ministry of Defense expects to receive 2,300 T-14s. These modern Russian weapons will replace 70% of the country's existing tank fleet.

4. Tank T-90

Story vehicle, one of Russia's most powerful weapons, began in the 1940s. Now the T-90 bears little resemblance to the T-54, a tank that entered service in 1946. Behind long years evolution, the T-54 medium tank turned into the T-55, which “gave birth” to the T-62, then the T-64, T-72, T-80 and, finally, the T-90. The latter is equipped with a 125-mm smoothbore gun and the Reflex-M complex, which can destroy armored vehicles and even slow, low-flying aircraft at long distances. There are also additional weapons - 12.7 mm heavy machine gun and a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun.

3. Infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) “Kurganets”

BMPs in service motorized rifle units, have always been part of Russia's advanced weapons. The rating of the best weapons 2015 continues the model, appearance which is a radical departure from the short and squat “standard” infantry fighting vehicle. It is more reminiscent of Western cars such as Bradley and Warrior. It can “cut” both on land and on water, thanks to its water-jet propulsion. Up to 8 people can fit inside the car.

The BMP's weapons include: a 30-mm automatic cannon, a modernized Kalashnikov tank machine gun, and two Kornet anti-missile systems, which are guided by a laser beam.

2. Multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) “Smerch”

The Russian rocket artillery eventful history. Even during the Great Patriotic War, the famous “Katyushas” terrified the enemy with one or two salvos. The glorious tradition continues missile system BM-30 "Smerch" 300 mm caliber with 12 missiles. It takes only 3 minutes to prepare the RSZP for battle after receiving target designation, and a full salvo takes 38 seconds. Only a minute passes after the salvo, and Russia's powerful weapons are ready to march, emerging from the return fire.

For all its advantages, the Smerch cannot hit nearby targets. The minimum range for its missiles is 20 km, and the maximum is 70 km.

1. Self-propelled artillery mount (SAU) “Coalition-SV”

The top 5 most powerful weapons in Russia are headed by the 152-mm self-propelled howitzer, testing of which began last year. Its first demonstration to the public took place during the parade dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Initially, the Coalition-SV was equipped with not one, but two 152 mm guns, but for an unknown reason the second howitzer was abandoned. Additional weapons are a remote-controlled turret with a 12.7 mm machine gun, located on the roof of the vehicle. The crew of the self-propelled gun includes 3 people. "Coalition-SV" must replace self-propelled howitzers previous generation "Msta-S".

If you want peace, prepare for war. So says the wisdom familiar to everyone. It is not surprising that many countries spend huge amounts of money on creating and developing the most advanced the latest weapons. Most often, the purpose of such means is more psychological than practical. In this article we will talk about what the most powerful weapons in the world are, as well as the ten most destructive military weapons. Fortunately, these types of weapons were rarely used in real combat conditions, ensuring the security of their state and discouraging the desire of neighbors to carry out aggression against it.

First place - Tsar Bomba

The most dangerous weapon in the world was produced in the middle of the last century in our country. It's about about the so-called Tsar Bomba. It's very powerful H-bomb, which was tested at one of the test sites. A year and a half after the tests, the leadership of the Soviet Union officially announced the presence of a bomb with a yield of one hundred megatons. For comparison, the most powerful projectile in the United States was about four times weaker. The presence of these weapons played a big role in cold war. It was the risk of very severe damage that restrained the two opposing camps from starting hostilities.

Second place - Castle Bravo

American thermonuclear bomb, which was created as a counterweight soviet tsar bomb. Its power is much less, but still quite terrifying - 15 megatons. This force is capable of wiping out a large metropolis from the face of the earth.

The bomb was a projectile with two stages. In addition to thermonuclear fuel, it also used a solid lithium isotope, enclosed in a uranium shell. More than ten thousand people watched the test explosion of the weapon, and ships, planes, and specially fortified bunkers were used as observation posts.

The explosion itself took place on March 1, 1954. The weapon turned out to be so strong that its actual power exceeded the planned result several times. The explosion left a giant crater with a diameter of almost 2 kilometers.

Third place - Atomic bomb

The most famous formidable superweapon in the world. First atomic bomb was created in the USA in 1945. After successful tests, the American military command rushed to test the weapon in the ongoing war with Japan.

As a result, two Japanese cities were destroyed - Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The whole world was horrified by the power of the new weapon. Luckily this was the only thing combat use nuclear weapons in human history. In 1950, the Soviet Union created its atomic weapons, thanks to which a certain balance arose in the world, guaranteeing mutual destruction in the event of a new beginning hot war.

Such “cool” weapons necessitated the development of means of delivery. For strategic strikes, ballistic missiles are used and, much less frequently, strategic bombers.

Improving systems air defense, which gained the ability to very effectively shoot down aircraft, priority went to missiles. To this day, they are the main means of delivering nuclear warheads.

Fourth place - “Topol-M”

A modern missile system, which is the flagship of the Russian army. The three-stage missile is capable of bypassing any type of air defense existing today. A projectile that can carry nuclear charge, is capable of hitting a target at a distance of 11 thousand kilometers. In service Russian troops There are about a hundred similar complexes.

It is worth saying that the development of Topol-M began in the Soviet Union in the 80s. The first tests were carried out in 1994. Of the 16 test launches, only one ended unsuccessfully. Despite the fact that the weapon has already entered combat duty, it continues to be improved. The direction of modernization is head part rockets.

Fifth place - chemical weapons

First this type mass weapons was used during the First World War. Then German troops on the approaches to the city of Ypres they encountered a Russian corps. In order to win, the Germans sprayed chlorine over the Russian positions. More than 15 thousand people died due to poisoning. During World War II, deadly chemical weapons were used quite frequently by Japanese forces.

There are several types of chemical weapons:

  • Nerve-paralytic nature. Affect nervous system to a person. Used for lightning-fast output large quantity troops from the battle.
  • Blistering character. They affect humans by penetration through their skin (and/or respiratory system).
  • Generally toxic. They disrupt the transport of oxygen to cells.
  • Asphyxiating nature - affects a person through the respiratory system

There are examples of use in battle and others chemical substances, which are not lethal, but can affect the combat effectiveness of soldiers. These include odorants that create an unbearable odor and defoliants that cause leaf fall (used by the US Army during vietnam war).

The last use of chemical weapons occurred in 2013 in the Syrian Republic during the civil war. In this case, both parties shift responsibility for its use to each other.

Today, chemical weapons are prohibited by the Geneva and Hague Conventions. At the time of writing Russian Federation, which is a party to the conventions, destroyed about 80% of all chemical weapons accumulated over the years of production in the USSR.

Sixth place - Laser weapons

A fairly modern type of weapon, but still poorly developed. At the end of 2010, scientists from the USA reported the successful completion of relevant tests.

According to information released to open sources, a laser beam with a power of 30 megawatts hit several drones at a distance of 4 kilometers. Successful use has also been reported laser weapons against ballistic missiles.

Seventh place - Biological weapons

One more is enough terrible weapon. In ancient times, some peoples tried to achieve military success by spreading the plague to certain territories. The most common weapon used is a virus. anthrax. Everyone knows of cases where the virus was spread using regular letters. During the Second World War, biological weapons were actively tested and used by the Japanese.

Entomological and genetic weapons are also considered types of biological weapons. The first is to use various insects to attack the enemy, and the second allows you to selectively attack some people based on a certain genetic trait.

Modern views biological weapons, as a rule, are a mixture of different viruses. This is done in order to increase the likelihood of death of the people attacked. It is also common to use strains that are not transmitted between people, so that the disease does not spread beyond the attacked areas.

Eighth place - Multiple Launch Rocket System "Smerch"

Formidable weapon, which is a descendant of the famous “Katyusha”, which caused panic in the ranks fascist troops on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. The system prepares for its salvo in just a few minutes. Missiles easily destroy both heavy armored vehicles and infantry over a vast area.

This missile system is used by the armies of thirteen countries, including Venezuela, the United United Arab Emirates, India, Kuwait, Peru. The cost of one car on the market is about 12.5 million US dollars. The work of one complex can stop the movement of an entire division.

Ninth place - Neutron bomb

This type of weapon affects only living organisms. It is much less destructive than conventional atomic weapons, although it has a number of common features with him. Being the development of American scientists, neutron bombs were in service for some time American army, however, they are not used today.

This type of weapon turned out to be ineffective due to the fact that the atmosphere of our planet actively absorbs neutrons, due to which the power of such a projectile is reduced. As a rule, their power did not exceed 5-6 kilotons of TNT.

Neutron charges have found much greater use in missile defense systems. An anti-missile exploding in the path of an enemy projectile created a stream of neutrons that disrupted its movement.

Also today, neutron guns exist and are being developed. This type of weapon is not related to nuclear weapons. It is a generator that creates a directed flow of neutron particles. The power of such guns depends on the power of the generator itself and is limited only by this indicator. Today, similar guns serve in the armies of the United States, France and Russia.

Tenth place - RS-20 Voevoda intercontinental ballistic missile

Soviet look strategic weapons. In NATO countries, this type of missile was nicknamed Satan because of its exceptional destructive properties. “Voevoda” even ended up on the pages of the book of records as the most dangerous ballistic missile.

The weapon is capable of hitting a target at a distance of 11 thousand kilometers. The missile warheads were equipped by special means, allowing one to bypass many missile defense systems, which made Satan an even more dangerous weapon.


Humanity has survived many wars. To ensure their security, many countries have entered the arms race. The first weapons capable of killing appeared in the world thousands of years ago. The most dangerous weapons in the world are shocking - they can be firearms, nuclear, biological and even cybernetic. His ability to destroy entire countries in a matter of minutes makes one freeze with horror. Fortunately, many types of weapons are subject to a worldwide ban.

However, despite all this, the weapon is undoubtedly fascinating. Tengri MIX offers you a selection of the most lethal weapons, which has ever been invented by mankind.

Modern weapons

Nuclear bomb

It is quite natural that the nuclear bomb came first on our list. This is a weapon that causes mass death. Its action is based on the release of colossal energy that is formed when chain reaction heavy nuclei. After such explosions, everything is saturated with radiation. Behind Lately a lot of new types of cruel destruction of people have been invented, but precisely with nuclear war Everyone living on Earth is associated with the concept of the End of the World.

Phosphorus ammunition

They are equipped with white phosphorus, which, when combined with air, begins to burn, releasing temperatures up to +900 degrees Celsius. Everything that gets in the way of the molten particles burns: from buildings to people. When phosphorus gets on the skin, it burns right through a person, burning everything inside, including even bones. It is almost impossible to put it out. Combustion stops only in the absence of oxygen.

Metal Storm

A weapon system capable of firing 16 thousand bullets per second. Its author is Mike O'Dwyer from Australia. Using electrical circuit arson, bullets are capable of flying out enormous speed in frightening quantities. The breakthrough potential of the system is difficult to compare with anything.

Depleted Uranium Bullets

What makes these bullets scary is not what they do to human body- but how they interact with armored vehicles. If the enemy has depleted uranium ammunition, the worst place to be is in a tank. This is explained by the fact that such ammunition is “self-sharpening”, or to put it simply: when it comes into contact with a hard target, the bullet “hardens” and burns the surface, and when it comes into contact with air, it ignites and explodes. When one of these rounds hits a tank or armored personnel carrier, the vehicle's fuel and even its ammunition will ignite and explode, usually killing everyone in the vehicle at the time.

Volumetric explosion ammunition

When they are used, a flammable aerosol substance scatters, and when it explodes, a cloud with superpower is formed. powerful force. It is comparable to atomic energy, but differs in the absence of radiation. Everyone nearby burns instantly. But the volumetric explosion bomb is insidious in that people located a little further away die from excruciating pain, since their lungs simply explode, while the dying person is conscious. In the USA there is a MOAB with an explosion force of 10 tons; it is called the “mother of all bombs”. But in 2011, Russia acquired a bomb with an explosion force of 44 tons; it was nicknamed the “daddy of all bombs.”

Barrett M82

A sniper rifle invented in 1982. Bullets fired from it fly at speeds three times the speed of sound. Moreover, the destruction range reaches almost two kilometers. It can tear apart a person even in a building, and the sound of the shot will not be heard immediately.

Ancient and medieval weapons


Pata is a weapon invented in India. It was originally used by the ancient Maratha warrior caste, and later this weapon spread throughout most of India. In essence, it was a sword attached to a gauntlet, but unlike a regular glove, such a weapon protected the arm up to the elbow. Since the entire structure from the tip of the sword to the elbow was solid, Maratha warriors were unable to move their wrist, so all movement had to come from the elbow. It is believed that such weapons were more often used by horsemen.


A multi-bladed throwing knife favored by the Azanda warriors of ancient Nubia. The length of the knife reached approximately 55 centimeters. Three iron blades diverged from the base in different directions, which were supposed to maximize the defeat inflicted on the enemy. The kping knife was not only a weapon, but also a kind of insignia, since only experienced warriors had the right to carry it.

Greek fire

Greek fire is a flammable mixture that the Byzantines used in naval battles. The exact composition of the mixture is still unknown.

Ultra-modern weapons

Laser weapons

In the United States, five years ago, a laser gun was successfully tested, which is capable of firing beams with a power of up to 32 megawatts. With its help, it was possible to shoot down four flying objects. Earlier, a ballistic missile was successfully destroyed in a similar way. Without a doubt, such technologies are the future. Today, the laser gun is one of the most dangerous weapons in the United States.


According to media reports, such developments are already underway. Projects aim to create engineered organisms that can withstand death. In other words, scientists plan to achieve a “Universal Soldier” by maximizing the development of diverse capabilities and the ability to regenerate after injury. This technology includes the development of prosthetics, when the prosthesis is controlled by brain neurons, the implantation of computer technologies for information processing and communication, the ability to restore blood loss, and neurotechnologies that can control mental processes. In addition, a loyalty gene will be introduced into the DNA molecule.

By the way, mechanical android robots can also be used for military purposes. There is no prototype created specifically for the extermination of people or other mechanisms. However, on the Internet you can come across a number of videos that clearly demonstrate the capabilities of robots. For example, Japanese engineers have created a “hand” that can cut a pea pod lengthwise with one swing of a sword.

Hybrid insects

A subsidiary of the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), USA, has begun development, which is based on the creation of hybrid beetles, a kind of cyborgs, by implanting them with mechanical devices in the early stages of insect metamorphosis. Thanks to these devices, the beetle can be controlled for military purposes, for example, to reach hard-to-reach targets. These developments require more time and effort to improve in order to become flawless and enter service.

Computer viruses

At first glance, the maximum that viruses can do is render the computer unusable. Even in the novels of Sergei Lukyanenko, such malware was classified as second-generation viruses. The third generation, according to the science fiction writer's theory, was capable of killing a person by influencing his brain. But in the near future, the most realistic scenario seems to be one in which viruses attack the systems of objects such as, for example, nuclear power plants, and lead to their destruction. By the way, a similar version is being considered regarding the accident at Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP in 2009.

Chimera Virus

Plague, smallpox, anthrax - the most deadly viruses in the world, are not so dangerous in themselves. All yours most dangerous properties they acquired in the process of evolution. But what happens when scientists start digging into the genetic structure of these organisms and reshaping it? In Greek and Roman mythology, a chimera is a combination of body parts from a lion, goat, and snake into one monstrous form. In modern genetic science, a chimeric organism exists and contains genes foreign body. Thus, the Chimera virus is an artificial hybrid of a number of different viruses, and this organism is capable of independently evolving.

Prepared based on website materials