In the southwestern part of the warm Indian Ocean there is a small, but at the same time amazingly beautiful island of Mauritius. This is a small corner located several hundred kilometers from Madagascar. Despite the small size of the island and the distance from Europe, holidays in Mauritius are very popular among our compatriots and residents of many other countries. Tours there are purchased by those who value comfort and convenience of living and are willing to spend a lot of money on their trip.

Vacationers' paradise

Holidays in Mauritius allow you to escape from worldly worries and civilization, touching the origins of nature, without forgetting about comfort. The island is famous for its luxury resorts along the white sandy coastline. This separate world, which provides an unforgettable holiday in Mauritius. Reviews from tourists say that there is everything to have a good time. For travelers there are swimming pools and restaurants, spas, golf courses and much more.

Holidays in Mauritius are not cheap. But despite this, this tourist destination is among the most popular. In addition, the flow of vacationers continues to increase every year. Even couples in love come here to get married. This island is preferred by divers because of its amazing nature. Holidays in Mauritius are suitable for fishermen and for those who simply want to fully experience the bliss of vacation.

High season

The largest flow of vacationers is observed on the island from November to April. This season is considered the most active. IN this period About one million tourists come to Mauritius to relax. Most of the travelers here are from France and Great Britain, China and Germany. Not last place Russia is also on this list. Holidays in Mauritius (see photo below) are preferred by lovers of comfort and high service.

But a particularly large flow of tourists is observed on the island during the period New Year's holidays. It comes to the point that the local airport has to work extra hard to meet planes arriving in Mauritius. Holidays in January on this island are preferred by those who want to spend time on the ocean shore, warmed by the rays of the warm tropical sun. That is why, despite high prices, trips to Mauritius become even more expensive during this period.

Low season

There are no budget boarding houses or hotels being built on the island. This is the policy of the Government of the Republic of Mauritius. The holiday season for those who want to spend minimal amounts, therefore, you need to choose a low one. As for June and July, during these months the weather on the island is often disappointing with gusty winds. However, in May, August and September you can have a wonderful holiday, saving your family budget. During this period, there are few tourists on the island and hotel room prices drop slightly. In addition, the low season is the best time to holiday in Mauritius for those who do not tolerate heat well and do not like hustle and bustle.

Island attractions

For many travel lovers, a holiday on the island of Mauritius is not only a permanent stay on magnificent beaches. Many people prefer to leave their comfortable hotel for a while in order to get to know the island better.

Often, many entertainments are already included in the tours to Mauritius. Among them:

  • deep sea fishing for marlin;
  • a trip to the distillery with a tasting of strong pure rum;
  • excursion to the sugar cane factory-museum.

However, for those who wish to get to know the island better, there are even more varied tours that can be booked directly with the hotel after you have already arrived on holiday. Tourists are recommended to visit the capital's Port Louis, on whose territory there is a historical interactive museum. Its most famous exhibits are the unique stamps of the 18th century - the “orange” and “blue” Mauritius. Deserves the attention of tourists and natural phenomenon“Colorful Lands”, located in the very center of the island.

Travelers will also like the sacred Hindu lake, as well as the nearby uninhabited islands, which can be reached by a regular catamaran.
Tourists are also offered excursions during which they can explore Hindu temples and colorful churches, ancient ruins and ancient castles, protected areas and botanical gardens. Despite the fact that the island is quite small (you can cross it on foot in just a day), you will need to set aside several days for sightseeing.

Time for excursions

The best time to see the sights is in the autumn season and in the second half of spring. In other words, the optimal time for excursions is the period starting from September and lasting until December, as well as April and May. At this time, the island experiences the calmest weather. But even during these periods, according to tourists, for comfortable excursions you will need durable shoes, a hat and bottled water.

Beach season

Relaxing on the warm sand of the coastal zones of the Indian Ocean is the main part of tours to Mauritius. And this is no coincidence. After all, the island is not only protected coral reefs, but also has an excellent climate. All this together makes it possible for the swimming season to last a whole year. Nevertheless, the best time for a holiday in Mauritius is considered to be the period from late autumn to mid-winter, as well as from mid-spring to its end.

In winter in coastal waters The average temperature is +23 degrees. The air warms up to 25-27 degrees during the daytime. In season climatic summer Ocean waters are warming up more. Their temperature reaches 27-28 degrees. The tides on the Mauritian coasts are very insignificant. Every tourist can get acquainted with their schedule in any of the hotels on the island.

According to reviews from vacationers, the most favorable times for the beach season are the periods from November to January and from April to May. It is then that the most hot weather. Easy to carry high temperature air is allowed by constantly blowing southeast trade winds.

Diving season

For lovers scuba diving you need to go to Mauritius in September-January. This is the best period for diving, when you can observe a wide variety of waters in the waters of the Indian Ocean. tropical fauna and flora. These are giant turtles and sea eagles, blue marlin and whitetip sharks, thickets of gargonaria and much more.

Diving in the island's coastal waters is safe due to the continuous ribbon of coral reefs. They allow you to safely enter the water both during the day and at night.

Diving from the outside of the reefs will delight tourists with no less spectacular spectacle. Here, lovers can see underwater grottoes, marble caves and rocky plateaus. But due to the strong current in these places, diving is only possible with an instructor.

In total, there are about thirty specialized diving centers on the island of Mauritius. The most popular of them are those located in the northern and southeastern parts of the island.

During the best period for diving, the temperature of the coastal waters is 25-27 degrees, and visibility reaches twenty meters.

Surf season

IN winter months The biggest waves can be seen in Mauritius. That is why this period is considered the most favorable for surfing. Fans of this sport prefer Tamarina Bay. It is located in the southwestern part of the island, facing the winds. Sometimes special camps are organized here for tourists.

It is worth keeping in mind that beginners can come to the island to ride the “training waves” at any time of the year. But experienced athletes will prefer the period from November to April, as well as from June to July. They may even need a wetsuit at this time. It is safest to ride at high tide, if there are no serious undercurrents.

Season for fishermen

For those who like to hunt marine life, it is advisable to go to Mauritius in September-May. It is at this time, after swimming and spending time on the beach, that you can engage in another (second most popular) entertainment on the island - deep-sea fishing. The exotic catch will impress any tourist. These are the gray-blue shark and blue marlin, barracuda and goldenfin tuna, as well as many others interesting species inhabitants of the depths.

Of course, fishing in Mauritius can be done all year round. However, from September to May this activity will bring the greatest satisfaction due to the good bite. The most adventurous are invited to participate in mini-tournaments. This is a competition for the fastest deep-sea fishing, in which up to four teams participate.

Professional competitions are also held in Mauritius. The most prestigious of them is the Marlin World Cup. These are international competitions that are organized in December-March.

Wedding season

Probably, none of the loving couples seeking to legitimize their relationship would refuse to get married in Mauritius. That is why it is played on the island great amount weddings for which the autumn season is chosen. Newlyweds are attracted by this wonderful region, where they can spend an unforgettable experience. The island also attracts experienced spouses. Couples who have been married for more than one year flock to Mauritius to refresh their relationship by arranging a symbolic wedding ceremony in this exotic land.

It is on this amazing island that many couples realize their wildest dreams of registering a marriage. This is an underwater painting, where exotic giant fish are witnesses, as well as a wedding on a snow-white yacht sailing in the waters of the dazzling ocean, or the legalization of relationships on a mountain top.

The maximum number of such ceremonies occurs in autumn because at this time the weather on the island is relatively dry. It is worth keeping in mind that anyone who decides to hold a pleasant ceremony must book services three to four months before registration.

Climate Features

Mauritius is located in the tropical zone. The temperature regime on the island is fairly even throughout the year. Only from April to November the air temperature here is two degrees lower than in October-May.

The climate on the island is different high level humidity. This is especially observed from June to August, as well as from December to May, when the rainy season hits Mauritius. Precipitation in the form of showers can be quite heavy, but their duration is short. During the same season, the island is subject to the influence of cyclones, often causing storms.

The weather in Mauritius can change up to several times a day, but in general it remains favourable. After all, the local cyclones do not have destructive power.

Numerous tourists who have previously visited this piece of paradise prefer to holiday in Mauritius in February and January. These are the warmest months of the year.

Hospitable hotels

When it comes to tourists, Mauritians are very strict strict rules. They believe that only a select few can visit their island. At the same time, local residents do not want to turn their motherland to a place for mass tourism. This is precisely the reason that hotels in Mauritius belong only to the first line, and tours to the island are offered only with the luxury label.

Buildings designed to accommodate tourists are located along the entire perimeter of the island. There are about eighty hotels here, each of which was built with the participation of the best designers on our planet.

There are practically no free beaches in Mauritius. The entire coastline is divided into territories belonging to four- and five-star hotels, whose staff pampers and surprises their welcome guests.

Vacation with children

Traveling to Mauritius with the whole family seems like a bad idea to some tourists. However, it is not. A holiday with children on the island of Mauritius will not be spoiled at all. In addition, they, like you, will be glad to see such a beautiful and exotic place.

But how can you arrange a holiday with children on the island of Mauritius? Feedback from tourists suggests that first of all you will need to find a suitable hotel. Many hotels have children's clubs and various additions that will not allow the children to be sad.

If your child is still an infant, then to buy diapers and special food you will have to visit stores located in major cities. In such cases, the most preferable option is to stay in a hotel near a large populated area.

IN spring months the weather on the island can change up to 4-5 times a day, which significantly complicates planning not only a beach holiday, but also excursions. In March itself rainy month, there are showers every day, although the daytime temperature does not drop below +30. The Hindu holy festival of Maha Shivarati usually falls in March. Also this month, on the 12th you can catch the celebrations in honor of Mauritius Independence Day.

April is also considered rainy, but average daytime temperatures drop to +28 degrees. This month marks the Holi festival and Hindu New Year, as well as Catholic Easter.

It gets drier in May, the season opens sea ​​fishing. This month is also ideal for excursions and visiting local natural attractions. May 1 is Labor Day.


With the beginning of summer, strong winds come to Mauritius, due to which daytime temperatures drop to +23-25 ​​degrees. The stable wind creates high and long waves, which attract experienced surfers and kite surfers to the island.

June is considered the beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. It still rains this month, but precipitation is generally light. The same weather continues throughout July. August is relatively cool, but its proximity to the dry season makes it ideal for tourists who want to stay away from the massive influx of vacationers on the beaches.


Autumn is the best time to holiday in Mauritius. There is no wind, showers or heat, and the weather is optimal for any type of pastime. Total rainy days do not exceed 12 in all three months.

In September, the air warms up to +29 degrees during the day. This month marks the celebrations of Ganesh Chaturi and the Day of the Pious Jacques Désiré Lavalle. In October, the driest month of the year, the average daily temperature rises to +32 degrees, and the water heats up to +26. The main cultural event of October is Diwali, the Hindu festival of light.

November in Mauritius is characterized by a sharp increase in daytime temperatures to +34 degrees. This month closes the conditional high season. On the 1st you can take part in the colorful feast of All Saints.


The winter months are optimal for a beach holiday, but it is worth considering that during this period the weather is cloudy and short-term rains often occur. In December, the number of tourists at the resorts is large, especially on Christmas and New Year's Eve. This month is considered “velvet”: the November heat subsides, and the water warms up to +28 degrees.

In January, almost every day in the afternoon there are short showers, which, however, are quickly replaced by sunny weather. Holidays in Mauritius in February can be marred by rain in the first half of the day. Precipitation occurs at approximately the same time, so it does not interfere with planning excursions and holidays on the beach.

“The Pearl of the Indian Ocean”, an island with the best beaches in the world, a place of a unique natural phenomenon of colored sands, and truly a paradise on earth - this is Mauritius.

Being here is everyone’s dream, isn’t it? Many are convinced that in this heavenly place there cannot be bad weather, and you can come whenever you want. But even in this amazing place like Mauritius, nature sometimes puts on “light shows” in the form of weather surprises. Let's figure out all the nuances of the climate in Mauritius together.

Climate zones of Mauritius

Mauritius is the main island of the state of the same name. That the Republic of Mauritius includes several more islands - Agalega, Rodrigues, as well as the Cargados-Carajos archipelago. But 99% of tourists always choose the island of Mauritius, where the most beautiful beaches, picturesque lagoons, excellent infrastructure and service.

Fact! Despite the fact that Mauritius is remote from African continent for more than 2 thousand kilometers, it is geographically part of it.

Climate of Mauritius – tropical monsoon. Sometimes the weather on the island is determined by the southeast trade winds. But the climate is still predominantly tropical, and given Mauritius' location below the equator, in the southern hemisphere, summer and winter are directly opposite to our seasons. Winter lasts from May to November, summer - from December to April.

In winter the temperature does not rise above +32°C, in summer there is never frost, and the most low temperature– this is 22 degrees Celsius.

Among the features:
winds are stronger on the east coast of Mauritius;
It rains often, but usually in the central part of the island, at this time the bright sun shines on the coast

This is interesting! The highest point in Mauritius is the 800-meter Mount Piton.

Tourist seasons in Mauritius

Mauritius is definitely a paradise. And you have to pay quite a lot to stay there. But this does not stop more than a million tourists from all over the world from coming here all year round. Most of the wealthy holidaymakers in Mauritius are from France, Great Britain, China and Germany. Couples from the CIS countries also go to this romantic place for their honeymoon.

Residents of Mauritius consider the best times of the year to be April-July and September-October, when it is not so hot. But not all tourists agree with this opinion. Most tourists come in winter - from November to May.

Fact! Thanks to the coral reefs, the ocean around the Mauritian islands is always calm, there is no big waves, strong storms, there is no tsunami.

The weather in Mauritius does not define a specific season when it rains. Tropical downpours can take you by surprise any month. But they do not last long (although there are exceptions to every rule - in January-March there are the most of them, and some showers can go for a week without a break), but the main plus is that precipitation does not affect temperature regime.

All year round, the water temperature in the coastal zone is about 23+28 °C. The best time for a beach holiday is November-January and April-May.

Most cold month– August, the warmest – February.

The temperature difference between seasons is about 7-10 degrees.

Weather in Mauritius by month

Mauritius is different in that the temperature here is almost the same all year round. But there are features of the winter and summer months that determine the nature of the holiday.


A period begins when hurricane winds - typhoons - are possible. But this is also one of the warmest months of the year. High season: many tourists, high prices. Temperature above +30°C. The water warms up to +27°C.

Fact! The Chinese New Year is celebrated in January-February, which is also widely celebrated in Mauritius.


The sultry weather of the hottest month of the year is smoothed out by short-term tropical showers. Water – fresh milk at a temperature of +28°C.

This is interesting! Mauritius is famous for one of the unique wonders of the world, the origin of which is still being debated by the best minds on the planet. In a small village in the southwest of Mauritius called Chamarel, you can see a natural phenomenon with the naked eye. The land here is like a rainbow - the dunes of Chamarel are seven colors! It is impossible to walk on the sands - they are fenced off, you can only admire them. And also buy a souvenir as a souvenir - a test tube with seven-colored sand, the different colors of which do not mix with each other even in glass! Chamarel is still famous amazing beauty waterfalls - the result of a local river flowing into the crater of an extinct volcano.


The most generous in precipitation. It rains almost every day, but they are short-lived. Average daily air temperature is +30°C.


The changeable weather forces tourists to either hide in the shade from the scorching sun or take out an umbrella. Cyclones dominate. But if at this time you are vacationing in the western or northern part of the island, then storms and downpours can have a much lesser impact on your vacation.

The air temperature in Port Louis and Mahebourg will differ by one or two degrees in favor of the coolness of Port Louis (up to +26°C during the day). Ocean water temperature is +26°C.

On a note! April is a great time for surfing. Going to “catch a wave” in Tamarina Bay, you can enjoy excellent surfing in the southwestern part of the island.


The windy season begins in the eastern part of the island. But the rest of Mauritius is dry and warm - May is one of the most comfortable months for a holiday.

On a note! At this time, the deep sea fishing season begins.


It is considered a cold month. Winter is beginning in Mauritius. At this time there are few tourists, prices are typical for the low season. Dry. At this time, it is worth relaxing in the western or northwestern part of the island. The temperature during the day is up to +25°C, so at a water temperature of +24°C, swimming season continues.


The number of rainy days is practically reduced to zero. Cool weather is setting in. But the water temperature in the coastal zone is +24°C, which creates conditions for a beach holiday. True, sometimes strong winds make entering the water problematic. Waves appear on the coast.

For your information! For experienced surfers, this is a great time to “catch a wave.”


The coldest month. Temperatures reach +22°C on a sunny day. Happens often overcast, sometimes it rains for a short time.

Fact! Mauritius and several other neighboring islands were formed more than 10 million years ago, and are the result of a large-scale volcanic activity. Today the island's volcanoes are considered extinct and do not pose any danger.


The weather is not hot, with minimal precipitation. At this time there are still few tourists in Mauritius, so the period is suitable for those who love peace and tranquility.

On a note! The islands of Mauritius are surrounded by coral reefs of stunning beauty. Local rich undersea world make diving and snorkeling exciting activities. The most popular place for scuba diving is the resort town of Flic-en-Flac. The diving season in Mauritius begins in September. For lovers of the underwater world and extreme sports enthusiasts, not only daytime but also night dives are held.


Off-season. There are few tourists, the weather is unstable - sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy. But there is practically no rain.

Fact! Mauritius is truly a diver's paradise. The rich flora and fauna of the reefs create a luxurious underwater world. There are more than three dozen dive centers in Mauritius, where there are instructors and everything necessary equipment. The southeast and north of the island are where the best scuba diving spots are located.


The Mauritian summer begins. Every day of November it becomes hotter, the air humidity increases, up to 80%.

Fact! The diving season continues. Underwater kingdom perfectly visible at 20 meters. This visibility creates excellent conditions not only for wonderful impressions, but also for colorful photographs.


The height of the tourist season in Mauritius. Christmas and New Year tours are a bestseller; at this time, numerous tourists from Europe come to the island. Hot weather typical of the tropics with short-term showers sets in.

Fact! This time also records the highest number of outdoor wedding ceremonies in Mauritius. The height of wedding tours also occurs in September-November, therefore, negotiate wedding ceremony on the ocean coast is in advance - no less than 3-4 months before the date.

What clothes to take with you

Everything for a beach holiday - definitely. Plus – sunglasses, sunscreen. It is better to take the latter with maximum protection - you can burn under the bright Mauritian sun even if you are already tanned.

On a note! When there is silence in Mauritius, and the island is out of the cyclone zone, renting a yacht is considered a popular entertainment among tourists. On it you can take a cruise around the main islands of Mauritius and see the most breathtaking beauty of nature from the ocean.

If the vacation falls on summer months, especially in July-August, when it is very cool in Mauritius, it is worth stocking up on warm clothes. During the day it can reach +20°C, at night - even less, so a warm sweater, jeans and even a windbreaker will help maintain comfortable warmth.

On a note! For those who come in the border months (May, September) and did not expect cold evenings, cashmere sweaters are sold on the island.

Among the mandatory accessories that you need to take when going on excursions around the islands of Mauritius are a hat, comfortable shoes, bottled drinking water.

For surfing in summer period(June-August), you should make sure you have a wetsuit.

Weather in cities and resorts by month

Port Louis

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 32 31 32 31 29 28 27 27 28 29 30 31
Average minimum, °C 24 24 24 23 22 20 19 19 19 20 22 23

December 6th, 2014 , 06:31 pm

I worked in Mauritius as a tour guide for almost a whole year, and since then I really like to talk about it :) Today I’m going to tell you about how the different coasts of the island differ from each other, and what the island has in general for tourists.

First of all, I want to show you a map of the island and explain a little what's what there

The island of Mauritius is very small; you can cross it lengthwise by car in 2 hours. Across an hour and a half. Therefore, it makes no sense for tourists to choose the location of the hotel relative to certain attractions, because they can get to any point on the island very easily.

However, it makes sense to pay attention to which coast the hotel is located on, because everywhere there are pros and cons.

The north of the island is the city of Grand Bay and Pereybere beach, which is considered one of best beaches on the island. There really is sand everywhere, it’s not very windy, and what’s most valuable is that there is “civilization” here. The city of Grand Bay is perhaps the most party place in Mauritius. There are restaurants, discos, and hotels here that are quite good. In general, it is extremely comfortable to relax and live here.

(I just want to warn you right away that when I say “the most party place”, as well as “the most big lake" or "the coolest reserve" - ​​do not forget to make allowances for the scale of the island, because what is “the best” for Mauritius may be quite common or even a “provincial” phenomenon for us :) Be objective!)

In the north of the island there is a submarine anchorage, the largest Botanical Garden in the Southern Hemisphere, Pamplemousses Botanical Garden, which I definitely recommend you visit, and here is the capital Port Louis (don't forget to visit the post office, market and English fortress).

Grand Bay

Botanical Garden of Pamplemousses

Port Louis is the capital of the island

Next we move to the west, the pearl of which can be called the city of Flic-en-Flaq. It is also quite touristy, although a little smaller than Grand Bay. The advantage of the west coast is the extraordinary beauty of ocean sunsets and relative windlessness. Among the attractions located in the west, we can note the best reserve on the island, Casela (where you can fly between the mountains on a tight rope, hug with lions and tigers, go hiking in the mountains, go on a safari and much more), the treasure of the island - the Colorful Lands of Chamarel (islanders they claim that you will not find anything like this anywhere else in the world) and the Chamarel waterfall is the highest on the island. Further to the west are the Tamarin region and Cape Le Morne, where surfers love to relax.

View of the West Coast from a helicopter

Kasela Nature Reserve

Colored lands of Chamarel

The southern coast of the island is more agricultural than tourist, since here sugar cane plantations descend from the mountains and almost to the coast. Local hotels are quite secluded, in the sense that there is absolutely nowhere to go outside the hotel. If you are a fan of discos, then in the evenings you will have to travel either west or even north to Grand Bay. But it's very calm here, beautiful place for a family vacation, and if you are not vacationing in a hotel, then renting an apartment or room from local residents is relatively inexpensive. A landmark of the south can be called Cape Gris-gris, the most southern point islands from where they say you can see Antarctica! (no one, of course, had ever seen her, because before south pole It’s several thousand kilometers from here, but local guides like to repeat that there is no more land from here to Antarctica itself :)) And of course, the La Vanille nature reserve, where you can see crocodiles and ride a turtle!

View of the south coast from a helicopter

The helicopter on which the most amazing excursions are made :)

The coolest turtle in the world)

There are no "tourist centers" on the east coast of Mauritius, but there are many settlements of local people who mostly engage in agriculture. In such settlements there is absolutely no entertainment, but there are indeed tourist shops where you can buy souvenirs, cashmere products and branded items at affordable prices (some fashion houses, for example, Hugo Boss, have their factories on the island). There are many good hotels here, but you need to keep in mind that the wind in Mauritius blows from the east (from the open ocean), so East Coast the windiest. And of course, the most fantastic sunrises over the Indian Ocean are also here.

The central part of the island is mostly large (on an island scale!) cities with a population of several tens of thousands of people. Administrative center islands - the city of Cure Peep - is distinguished by interesting colonial-type buildings and very high humidity - it almost always rains here.

IN various parts In the central region of the island you can visit the ancient estates of former colonialists, the crater of an extinct volcano, several nature reserves where you can ride horses, hunt deer or ride quad bikes, tea plantations, tea, sugar and rum factories, the sacred Hindu lake Ganga Talao with a giant statue of Shiva and various Hindu temple-boxes.

Hindu temple on lake Ganga Talao

Another Hindu temple

Lost on an Island an old house planter

Getting around the island is possible (and better) by car, because the local climate loves to delight tourists with sudden tropical downpours. If you are not afraid of getting wet, you can rent a scooter. For those who like to immerse themselves in the environment, there is a fairly developed bus network, the only drawback of which is the early end of work (if my memory serves me correctly, then after 9 pm buses no longer run around the island).

Motorists need to remember that, firstly, there is left-hand traffic here, and secondly, there are many very narrow serpentine roads, so you need to be extremely vigilant! Local drivers, of course, rush around like crazy, and they can also be classified as “obstacles on the roads.” Renting a car per day costs about 50 euros. The cost of gasoline is about 2 dollars per 1 liter. You can also rent a car with a driver - about 150 euros per day, or hire a taxi driver, who will most likely agree to take you around the island all day for ridiculous money, but along the way will insist on visiting all the shops you come across in order to get a percentage of your shopping. If you are still going to buy souvenirs, then let the guy earn some extra money - this will still not affect the final cost of your souvenirs, but the taxi driver will be happy. Single taxi trips around the island will be quite expensive, for example, the cost of travel within one city is about 10 euros.

I have already listed some of the island’s attractions above, but I would also like to say a few words about where you can go here.

The island has not a rich history, so you shouldn’t count on a variety of historical attractions. Nevertheless, you still need to travel around the island, at least to visit the capital, the botanical garden, the house of some planter, a rum or sugar factory, the sacred lake of the Hindus and the colorful lands of Chamarel.

There is also a lot of active entertainment here, the same zip-lining flights between the mountains, ATVs, horses, helicopter flights, walks with wild animals, etc. Highly recommend.

Naturally, the island has a huge selection of sea activities - traveling on catamarans, scuba diving, fishing for big fish, surfing, walking along the seabed, etc.

Walk along the ocean floor on an underwater scooter and fish for big fish

All these excursions cannot be called cheap, but a holiday in Mauritius itself is not a budget event :) So, if you have the financial means, you can take a full two weeks of vacation here.

Keep in mind that despite the presence of active entertainment, this is not a youth place at all. Well, judge for yourself - there are less than a dozen discos on the entire island. And at 9 everyone goes to bed..

No, of course young people will also be interested if they have money. And if you just want to hang out, dance and not go completely broke, then it’s better to fly somewhere else :) But married couples 35+, people retirement age and for lovers of complete relaxation, Mauritius will seem like a paradise. I even think that I would like to meet my old age here... but spending my youth is unlikely :)

*All the photos in this post were taken with my then point-and-shoot camera, so the quality is not always brilliant) I don’t mark my photos, so if you need them for some reason, you can safely take them and use them for any purpose.

A tiny but incomparably beautiful island, nourished by the luxury of the tropics, Mauritius - small state V East Africa, located several hundred kilometers east of Madagascar. Read our article on the Tour Calendar, where we tell you why the best time to visit it is from November to April-May.

Tourist season in Mauritius

Waves quietly roll onto the shore, gently rolling tiny grains of sand, slender rows of stately palm trees sway to the beat of the light wind, and in the gaps of the mangrove forest, where the sun rises, the purple tops of gigantic mountains are visible. The style of holiday in Mauritius can be described in a nutshell as follows: away from civilization and worldly worries, closer to the sources of pristine nature, but at the same time - maximum comfort. Hundreds of kilometers of white sandy coastline are lined with luxury resorts, representing a separate world where there is everything for true pleasure - restaurants, swimming pools, spas, golf courses and much more. This tourist destination is currently one of the most expensive in the world, however, from year to year the volume of tourist traffic to Mauritius is only gaining momentum: people vacationing here are not at all inclined to complain about high prices, and for many this island becomes favorite. Wealthy travelers choose tours to Mauritius first of all for swimming and sunbathing bliss, a considerable number of couples in love rush here to get married, divers are attracted by the rare beauty of the underwater world, and fishermen, of course, have excellent opportunities for ocean fishing. Thanks to warm climate tourist season on the island lasts all year round.

High season in Mauritius

The peak influx of holidaymakers is observed from November to April. This is the active season, when about 1 million tourists fly to the island. The key countries providing the main foreign flow are the UK, China, France and Germany. Russia is not the last place on this list: the number of our compatriots this year reached 19.5 thousand people. All of them are united by a weakness for impeccable service, comfort and elite recreation. During the New Year, the island's airport operates at increased capacity. There are a lot of people who want to celebrate the winter holidays on the ocean shore under the rays of the tropical sun, despite the fact that prices for tickets during this period of time soar to sky-high heights and it rains periodically. As a rule, the highest density of holidaymakers is observed on the northern and western coasts of Mauritius, where the most luxurious hotel complexes, and the sun shines all year round.

Low season in Mauritius

Mauritius policy does not provide for the construction of budget hotels or boarding houses on the island, the main objective government - to preserve the ecology of the island and make sure that tourists do not relax in the crowd. Rooms in luxury hotels are never idle. However, you can still relax on a more modest budget. For example, planning a trip for the low season. In June and July the weather is marred by gusty winds, but in May, August and September - beautiful time for small savings, because during this period there are not many tourists on the island, and hoteliers give some relief to prices. And if, in addition, you do not tolerate heat and general turmoil, consider that these terms are the only ideal option for you.

Best time for excursions

Theoretically, the island can be crossed on foot in 24 hours, but the sights of Mauritius are so impressive that it can take several days to explore them: colorful churches and Hindu temples, ancient castles and ancient ruins, botanical gardens and protected areas. And this is not the entire list of what the island can boast of. The best time to explore it is from September to December and from April to May, when it is calmest. climatic conditions. Bottled water, a hat and sturdy shoes to protect your feet from coral fragments on some beaches are essential items for an excursion in Mauritius.

Beach season in Mauritius

Beach holidays are the main component of package tours to Mauritius. And for good reason, because thanks to its protection along the entire coast by coral reefs and the excellent climate, the swimming season here can last 365 days a year. Minimum temperature water in Maurican winter is +23 °C, while the air warms up to +25..+27 °C during the day. In the climatic summer, the ocean becomes even warmer - within +27..+28 °C. The ebb and flow of tides are not significant, their schedule changes every time, the exact schedule can be found in each hotel on the island. The best time for a “seal” holiday on the coast is from November to January and from April to May; during this period the weather is quite hot, but due to the constantly blowing south-eastern trade winds it is not at all debilitating. If you prefer peace and tranquility, you can safely take tickets for the first half of the calendar autumn or last month spring. At the same time, it is worth knowing that solitude can also be found in high beach season, you just need to go to the western part of Mauritius.

Diving season

Diving in Mauritius is truly exciting. In the turquoise strata of the Indian Ocean there is a wide variety of tropical flora and fauna: barracudas, blue marlin, sea eagles, giant turtles, white-tipped sharks, thickets of gargonaria, coral gardens, etc. A continuous ribbon of coral reefs forms safe lagoons for diving not only during the day, but and at night. Diving from the outside of the reefs, beyond the so-called “perimeter”, is no less exciting. There are huge marble caves, rocky plateaus and underwater grottoes here, but the currents in such places are very strong, so diving without an instructor can end in failure. In total, the island has up to 30 specialized dive centers. The most popular dive sites should be found in the south-eastern and northern parts of the island. By the way, the east coast is interesting for fans of wreck diving. Most favorable time for diving - from September to January, when the water temperature ranges from +23 °C to 27 °C, and visibility reaches 20 m. In some years, this period is sometimes extended due to December and March, but sometimes storms occur during this period of time .

Surf season

Mauritius has quite a few " tidbits"for surfers. For example, Tamarina Bay in the southwest of the island, facing the winds. Special camps are organized from time to time for foreigners and Russian-speaking tourists. In principle, beginners can surf, kite and windsurf on the “training waves” all year round. However, for experienced athletes, the best time to travel to Mauritius is between November and April and June and July (a wetsuit may be required). It is safest to ride during high tide, provided there are no strong undercurrents.

Fishing season

Deep sea fishing is probably the most popular activity in Mauritius after swimming and languidly reclining on the silky sands. The exotic catch is always impressive: blue marlin, blue-gray shark, yellowfin tuna, barracuda and many other “trophy” fish. In principle, fishing is possible at any time of the year, but the best bite is from September to April/May. For particularly adventurous tourists, it is possible to participate in mini-tournaments for the fastest deep-sea fishing, which usually involve up to 4 teams. Well, you can only enjoy a professional competition as a spectator: in December-March, the “Marlin World Cup” is held here - the most prestigious international competition.

Wedding season

Probably, no couple in love would refuse a wedding package to Mauritius. Newlyweds come here to have an unforgettable honeymoon, and experienced spouses come here to refresh their relationship by arranging a romantic affair in the form of a symbolic wedding ceremony. Here the wildest fantasies come true: registration under water, where giant fish act as silent witnesses, a wedding on the top of a mountain or on a snow-white yacht in the open ocean - whatever your heart desires. The greatest number of ceremonies are held between September and December, when the weather on the island is relatively dry. If you decide to take this pleasant adventure, try to book these services at least 3-4 months before the hour “X”.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Despite the fact that Mauritius is actually a tiny dot in the Indian Ocean, this compact island has a very rich culture, so its festive calendar is filled with various events throughout the year. Moreover, each village has a number of its own local celebrations. The island's widely celebrated holidays include the following: January-February - Chinese New Year and the Tamil festival of Kazadi (purification festival); March 12 - Mauritius Independence Day; March-April - Hindu spring festival “Holi”; end of March - May - Catholic Easter; the night of September 8-9 is the Day of Remembrance of the French missionary Laval; November-December - International Festival of Creole Culture. Magnificent celebrations in Mauritius are also held on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Muhammad Imam Hussein and the Night of Shiva / Maha Shivaratri; for Muslims, the most sacred holiday of the year is Ramadan.

Climate in Mauritius

Typical in Mauritius tropical climate, typical for island countries Southern Hemisphere. The annual variation of temperatures is quite even, the only thing is that in the period from April to November the average daily values ​​are a couple of degrees lower than from October to May. Humidity levels are quite high, especially during the rainy season from December to May and June to August. Rainfall is quite heavy, but its duration is short. At this time, cyclones come to the island, which often cause storms. The weather tends to change several times a day, but in general the climate of the island is quite favorable - if only because there are no active volcanoes, the dominant cyclones do not have destructive power, and tsunamis do not occur at all.

Mauritius in spring

Until mid-late April, Mauritius is dominated by rainy weather. Western and northern regions the islands, unlike the southern ones, are least affected tropical cyclones. Humidity levels are as high as in winter, but air temperatures become more moderate and the ultraviolet index drops slightly. However, one should not think that cloudiness prevails on the island in spring. The weather is very unstable, so in one day you can witness rain, gray clouds, and clear blue sky with a piercingly bright sun.

Temperature and weather in Mauritius in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Port Louis +28 +27 +27 +27 +26 +26
Maheburg +29 +28 +26

Mauritius in summer

The calendar summer on the island is the Mauritanian winter, since the air temperature at this time of year becomes slightly lower than usual - from +17..+18 °C at night to +24..+26 °C during the day. The first two months are characterized by not entirely pleasant weather. Reigning cyclones provoke strong winds that are quite cool. And getting into the water can be very difficult. Basically, all swimming comes down to jumping on the waves. However, this is not the only reason why most of the island’s beaches are empty. The water temperature drops to +23..+24 °C, and when it’s very windy, it’s chilly to leave the ocean. “Winter” cannot go without precipitation, the smallest portion of which occurs in August. As a rule, the central mountainous plateau and the south of the island “go to” in greater volume.

Temperature and weather in Mauritius in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Port Louis +24 +25 +23 +24 +23 +23
Maheburg +24 +24 +24