Cod is a genus of ray-finned fish of the order Gadidae, family Gadidae.

In the old days, cod was called “labardan”, and its modern Russian name the fish received due to the characteristics of the meat, which cracks when it is dried. According to another version, cod got its name due to the peculiar crackling sound made by huge schools of fish going to spawn. The origin of this sound, the crackling sound, is associated with the contraction of the muscles of the swim bladder.

Cod - description and characteristics of the fish. What does cod look like?

Cod fish grows throughout its life, and most fish by the age of 3 grow in length to an average of 40-50 cm. The size of mature cod individuals depends on the area, the largest representatives of the Atlantic cod species reach 1.8-2 m in length, the weight of cod can be about 96 kg.

The body of cod has an elongated spindle-shaped shape. There are 2 anal fins, 3 dorsal fins. The head of the fish is large, the jaws are of different sizes - the lower one is shorter than the upper one. One fleshy antennae grows on the chin.

Cod scales are small and jagged. The back may be greenish-olive, yellowish-green, or brown with small brownish spots. The sides are much lighter, the belly of the cod is pure white or with a characteristic yellowness.

The longest-lived fish is the Atlantic cod, some of which can live up to 25 years. Pacific cod lives on average about 18 years, Greenland cod - 12 years. The lifespan of Kilda cod is only 7 years.

Classification of cod.

  • Cod (Gadus) – genus
    • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) – species. Subspecies:
      • Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua morhua)
      • Kildin cod (Gadus morhua kildinensis)
      • Baltic cod (Gadus morhua callarias)
      • White Sea cod (Gadus morhua marisalbi) (According to Russian sources stands out as a subspecies of the Atlantic. According to foreign sources, it is synonymous with Greenland cod)
    • Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) – species
    • Greenland cod (Gadus ogac) – species
    • Pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) – species
  • Arctic cod (Arctogadus) – genus
    • Ice cod (Arctogadus glacialis) – species
    • East Siberian cod (Arctogadus borisovi) – species

Types of cod, names and photos.

The modern classification includes several species and subspecies of cod, which have some differences related to their habitats:

(lat. Gadus morhua)- the largest type of cod, the average length of adults is about 1 m, the maximum is about 2 m, the weight of cod can reach 96 kg. Atlantic cod is found in temperate zone Atlantic Ocean and, depending on the specific habitat, forms a number of subspecies that are found from the Bay of Biscay to the Barents Sea, as well as from North Carolina to Greenland.

Subspecies of Atlantic cod:

  • Atlantic cod (lat. Gadus morhua morhua). The average body length of fish aged 5-10 years is from 40 to 80 cm, older individuals reach a length of 1.6-1.8 m. The color of the back of cod is dominated by shades of green, olive or brown tones interspersed with small spots of gray brown tint. The abdomen is white or slightly yellowish.
  • Kildin cod (lat. Gadus morhua kildinensis) is an inhabitant unique lake Mogilnoye, located in Murmansk region on the island of Kildin and is a hydrological natural monument. The exclusivity of this reservoir lies in the fact that the water in the lake has varying degrees salinity: the surface layer is almost fresh, the middle layer is the same as sea water, and the lower layer of water is extremely salty and saturated with hydrogen sulfide. Cod appeared in this reservoir back in the 10th century, when it was an ordinary sea lagoon. Then the lagoon was cut off from the sea by a rocky shaft, the upper layer of water was desalinated, and the cod remained to live in Lake Mogilnoe, sinking into the middle, moderately salty layer of water, about 4 m thick. As a result of consuming too small food, Kildin cod, compared to other representatives of the species, has a small mouth and short jaws. The body size of cod is also small: males grow up to 50 cm in length, females up to 40 cm. The largest individual of the Kildin cod reached a length of 70 cm with a body weight of 2.5 kg. A distinctive feature of the subspecies is the brighter color of its scales than that of Atlantic cod. Representatives of this subspecies are not capable of living in other places, and pollution of the lake and uncontrolled fishing of this fish have brought the Kilda cod to the brink of extinction. Currently, the subspecies numbers several dozen individuals and is under the protection of the Russian state.
  • Baltic cod (lat. Gadus morhua callarias) lives massively in the middle part of the Baltic Sea, east of the island of Bornholm. Slightly less common in the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Body dimensions do not exceed 80-100 cm in length, and the weight of cod is 11-12 kg.

  • White Sea cod (lat. Gadus morhua marisalbi). According to Russian sources, it is distinguished as one of the subspecies of Atlantic cod. According to foreign sources, it is considered synonymous with Greenland cod. The main habitat of large populations of the subspecies is Kandalaksha Bay White Sea, a smaller concentration of White Sea cod lives in the shallow Onega and Dvina bays. The body color of the White Sea cod is significantly darker than that of the Atlantic cod, the size varies from 55 to 60 cm.

Pacific cod(lat. Gadus macrocephalus) differs from the Atlantic more massive and wide shape heads, but smaller body sizes. Pacific cod also differs from Atlantic cod in the structure of the horn-shaped outgrowths of the anterior end of the swim bladder, which are much shorter in it than in Atlantic cod. In addition, Pacific cod does not have floating pelagic eggs, but bottom-dwelling, adhesive eggs. The average length of Pacific cod is from 45 to 90 cm, rarely reaching 120 cm. Weight, as a rule, does not exceed 22.7 kg. The habitat of the species passes through the northern regions of the Pacific Ocean: through the Bering, Okhotsk and Japan seas. Cod feeds on pollock, navaga and other fish, shrimp, crabs, worms and octopuses.

Greenland cod(lat. Gadus ogac)- a type of cod that is not recognized by all scientists as separate species and is often considered a subspecies of Pacific cod. A feature of the species is its small body size (the maximum length of Greenland cod does not exceed 75-80 cm). The species is distributed off the coast of Greenland. Cod feeds on small fish and invertebrates.

Pollock (lat. Gadus chalcogrammus). Representatives of the species are distinguished by a rather narrow body, the length of which rarely exceeds 90 cm, and the weight is 4-4.5 kg. The color of the pollock's back varies from light to dark gray, almost black. The sides and belly are whitish, less often with a slight yellowish tint, sometimes covered with dark spots. The species is widespread in the Pacific Ocean, especially in its northern part. Pollock lives in the Sea of ​​Japan and Bering Sea, in the Gulf of Alaska and Monterey, as well as in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Two species of cod are classified into a separate genus, Arctic cod (Arctogadus). This includes the following types of cod:

Ice cod (lat. Arctogadus glacialis) lives mainly in the western part of the waters of the Northern Arctic Ocean, off the northern and northwestern coasts of Greenland, smaller populations occur north of the Bering Strait and in the waters near Wrangel Island. The length of the body of ice cod, painted in gray tones, does not exceed 30-32 cm. The head of the fish is large, the eyes are large, the antennae on the chin are very poorly developed or may be completely absent. Ice cod mainly feed on plankton.

East Siberian cod (ninefin) (lat. Arctogadus borisovi) – fish that lives off the coast of Greenland, North America and Siberia (east of the deep-sea Yenisei Gulf). Far from the coast, it is sometimes found near the New Siberian Islands and in the northern part of the Bering Strait. Adults reach a length of 52-56 cm, while the weight does not exceed 1.5 kilograms. Cod feeds on crustaceans - mysids and amphipods; large individuals eat juvenile cod.

Cod lifestyle.

The lifestyle of cod directly depends on its habitat. The Pacific cod species leads a sedentary lifestyle, seasonal migrations pass over short distances: in winter, schools of fish migrate to a depth of 30-60 m, and with the onset of the warm season they return to the coast.

The life of Atlantic cod is closely connected with the ocean current; this determines long seasonal migrations, forcing schools of fish to cover distances of up to 1.5 thousand km from spawning grounds to feeding grounds.

Young cod become predators by the age of 3-4 years, and before that the juveniles feed on plankton and small crustaceans. The basis of the diet of adult Atlantic cod consists of various types of fish: herring, cod, saury, sprat, smelt, as well as young and medium-sized individuals own kind. In summer, krill and bivalves, in which the cod bites off the legs extended from the shell.

Pacific cod feeds on pollock, navaga, worms, mollusks and crustaceans.

Kilda cod eats mormysh, representatives of the order of higher crayfish, polychaete worms, bell mosquitoes, juvenile smelt and butterflies.

Young pollock feed mainly on plankton with small crustaceans. As the fish grows, it begins to feed on prey that is more impressive in size: capelin, squid, smelt. Cases of cannibalism are common among representatives of the species: adult individuals eat fry of their own species.

Cod fish- This freshwater species fish that live in the Atlantic Ocean or are bred in industrial scale. It can reach up to two meters in length if grown in wild conditions, and in captivity cod are usually bred from forty to eighty centimeters in length.

The fish has an uneven color: dark brown, olive, brown or green color, closer to the sides the shade becomes much lighter, and the belly has a white or yellowish color. Cod scales are small and jagged and easy to peel.

For the first two years, cod feeds small crustaceans and shellfish until he grows a little. In the third year of life, the fish can migrate to other areas of the ocean in search of food.

In 1992, the amount of cod caught in the United States significantly exceeded the norm, as a result of which the country experienced a major fishing crisis. For this reason, more than four hundred fish factories were closed, and fines were imposed on fishermen who caught cod in quantities exceeding the established maximum.

An interesting fact is that many consider fish a waste-free product, because all its parts can be used.

  • Cod liver is usually stuffed into its stomach, resulting in delicious sausages.
  • The boiled fish head is used as fertilizer by gardeners, as are most cod innards.

In the USA and Portugal, there are several national dishes that are prepared from this fish.

They love to cook cod in almost all cuisines of the world, adding it to first courses and salads, as well as baking it in the oven. Cod liver and roe are also very popular. There are many ways to cook this fish. In our article we will tell you about the most popular and simple recipes for preparing delicious cod dishes.

How to cook cod fish?

There are many ways to prepare cod fish in various ways: it is baked in the oven, fried in a frying pan or on the grill, boiled in a saucepan or in a slow cooker, steamed, made into cod aspic, fried in batter, and also added to many delicious dishes as a main or additional ingredient.

Cod cutlets are very popular, which many housewives love to make. Fish baked in foil or boiled is also equally popular.

The calorie content of cod in any form does not exceed 90 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. This fish cannot be called fatty, which is a good reason for preparing dietary dishes from it.

Cod - not at all bony fish, so its meat can be minced to make delicious cutlets. But there is one problem: cod meat is quite dry. That is why you need to add various sauces and gravies to make it more appetizing.

Here are some of the most popular ways to cook cod at home:

  • Baking is a simple and delicious way to cook fish for lunch or dinner. To do this, you need to stock up on the necessary ingredients and follow our recommendations.
    Take a sheet of foil and grease it with vegetable oil, place onions cut into rings on it. Then take the cod fillet, rinse and dry, season with salt and spices, and then place it on the onion rings. Sprinkle the fish fillet with finely chopped herbs on top, put some lemon rings, and also cover the dish with tomato slices. Now carefully pack the ingredients to form an airtight envelope and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the cod fillet with vegetables for twenty minutes.
  • Fried Cod cooks even faster than baked cod. In order to fry this fish, you can take both fillet and peeled pieces of cod carcass. They need to be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, and then pour oil into a frying pan and place it on the fire. When the oil begins to sizzle, add the cod to the pan. The fillet needs to be fried for 5-7 minutes, and for pieces of the carcass it will take a little longer. Do not cover the dish with a lid to ensure a crispy crust.
  • You can also try cooking the original fish casserole. To do this, you need to boil and mash the potatoes, without mashing the mashed potatoes too much so that there are whole pieces of potatoes in it. Grease a baking dish and place the puree in it, then fry the onion and carrot rings in a frying pan, placing them on top of the puree. Then place the cod fillet, pour fresh milk over the dish and sprinkle with grated cheese, putting it in the oven for half an hour. You can also use a slow cooker to prepare this delicious casserole from cod.

Exists great amount methods and recipes for preparing wonderful dishes from this fish, starting with fish soup and ending with cutlets and casseroles. You can experiment on your own by preparing cod at home using your own recipe.

Benefits and harms

Cod fish can be beneficial, but also harmful if contraindications are not taken into account. Like any other food, fish needs to be cooked properly and not overused as this can ultimately lead to problems.

Since cod contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, eating this fish prevents joint deformation. Therefore, it is better to include cod food in the diet of people with arthrosis or rheumatism.

The liver of fish contains important Omega-3 acids, which help remove cholesterol from the body. What if you make it from cod? fish fat, then it can be used as a means to improve memory. Fish oil can also help get rid of thrombophlebitis and depression.

As for harm, stale cod, and especially its liver, can cause it. Therefore, try to choose fish more carefully, carefully examining the product and making sure there are no unpleasant odors.

Varieties of cod

There are several varieties of cod, which differ in the color of their meat and size. For example, cod with white meat, as well as red and pink, is very common. However, all types of cod can be divided into four groups:

  • Atlantic cod is large in size and can weigh about ninety kilograms, reaching two meters in length. The color of such fish is usually greenish or olive.
  • Pacific cod is slightly smaller in size than Atlantic cod. It is about 120 centimeters long and weighs up to twenty kilograms. The head of this fish is large in size.
  • There is also Greenland cod, which differs from the Pacific cod only in size: the maximum length of such fish is 70 centimeters.
  • Pollock is the smallest type of cod, since with quite long length can weigh up to four kilograms.

All types of cod are united by almost similar colors, as well as characteristic antennae on the beard. In industry, any known species can be bred, grown to a certain weight and sent for sale.

Family cod fish consists of almost 100 species living mainly in the waters Northern Hemisphere. All of them, with the exception of burbot, are representatives of the marine ichthyofauna. In addition to the usual cod, saffron cod, haddock and pollock, the order of codfish includes such exotic fish for the Russian consumer as menek, gadikul, and molva.

Some species - object commercial production, others are of interest only to amateur fishermen.

General features and distinctive features

The main signs of belonging to the cod family - a fleshy mustache on the lower jaw and spots of various sizes and shapes scattered throughout the body - are not shared by all representatives of the order. Some fish have silvery scales and absent or poorly developed antennae.

But almost all fish of the family have other “family traits” (pictured).

A characteristic of the cod order is large eyes disproportionately big head and a light longitudinal stripe along the body

TO characteristic features family should include the absence of spiny rays in the fins and large gill openings. The body of cod is covered with small cycloid scales.

The table provides a list and brief description of the commercial and most nutritionally valuable cod fish.

Name Appearance Size Main range
Men (or menek) The main difference is that there is a single long soft dorsal fin (85–100 rays) along the entire back. Body light yellow with a brown tint, dark lateral line from head to tail Can grow up to 1.2 m, weight up to 30 kg Distributed off the coast of Norway, Great Britain, Iceland
Whiting The body is silver-gray, the surface of the back and head is grayish-brown, and there are small dark spots on the sides. The three dorsal fins are separated by a short distance, the anal fins are almost fused with each other Length 30–50 cm Black Sea (off the coast of Crimea), south-eastern part Barents Sea, northeast Atlantic Ocean. Lives at depths from 30 to 100 m
Pollock The body coloration is spotted, the whiskers on the chin are very short. The pelvic fins are located in front of the pectoral fins. Distinctive feature - big eyes Length (maximum) 90 cm, weight up to 4 kg At a depth of up to 300 m (sometimes drops to 700 m and below) in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, and the Sea of ​​Japan
Molva (other names: ling, sea pike) The head and back are reddish-brown, the belly is white or yellowish, the sides are marbled brown. The fish has an elongated head, long anal (58 to 61 rays) and second dorsal (61–68 rays) fins Body length 1.5–2 meters, weight up to 40 kg At a depth of up to 400 m in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, North and Mediterranean seas
Navaga (trivial name for vakhnya). There are two subspecies: Far Eastern and northern. They differ in size from each other The spotted back is gray-brown, the sides and belly are white. The body is slightly rounded, the head is relatively small. The lower jaw is shorter than the upper The northern navaga has an average length of 25–35 cm. The Far Eastern one is larger: it grows up to 55 cm and can reach a weight of 1.3 kg Almost never found in open water. It lives near the shores of the Bering, White, Okhotsk, Chukchi Seas, the Arctic Ocean, and the North Pacific Ocean. Can enter fresh water bodies
Haddock The tall, flattened body is painted silver. The back is gray with a light purple tint. There is a large dark spot on the black lateral line between the first dorsal and pectoral fins. Length 50–70 cm, weight 2–3 kg The largest numbers were recorded in the Norwegian, North and Southern Barents Seas, the North Atlantic Ocean
Blue whiting (there are two subspecies: northern whiting and southern whiting) The body is elongated, its upper part is greenish or gray-blue, the sides are silvery, and the belly is white. The three dorsal fins are widely spaced. The lower jaw protrudes noticeably forward. The antennae is missing The average length of the northern blue whiting is 35 cm, weight 500 g. The southern subspecies is larger: length up to 50 cm, weight up to a kilogram Northern whiting: northeast Atlantic Ocean, western waters of the Mediterranean and Barents seas. Southern whiting: southwest Pacific and Atlantic
Pollock, the genus includes two species: pollock and lure (other names: silver pollock, pollack) The upper part of the body is dark olive in color, transitioning to a lighter tone on the sides. The belly is yellowish (in the Lure it is silver-gray), the muzzle and lips are black. The scales of caught fish quickly darken when exposed to air. Length 60–90 cm, weight 3–12 kg Coastal waters of Norway, Spain, North America. Large flocks appear off the coast of Murmansk from time to time
Cod (obsolete name labordane). There are several species, the most common are Atlantic cod and Pacific cod (subspecies differ in size and range) It is distinguished by a clearly defined large mouth and the presence of several dorsal fins. Color ranges from dark brown to light olive, with small spots all over the body. Pacific cod has a larger head than Atlantic cod. The length of Atlantic cod is from 70 cm to 2 meters, the Pacific species reaches 1.2 m Pacific cod is common in the Bering, Japanese, and Okhotsk seas. Both species live in waters North Atlantic. Note! Atlantic cod is listed in the Red Book
Esmark codfish The gray-brown body with silvery sides is covered with cycloid scales. The eyes are large, their diameter is slightly more than 30% of the length of the head. There are dark spots at the base of the pectoral fins Body length 20–30 cm Arctic Ocean, northeast Atlantic Ocean. Denmark and Norway are actively fishing

In addition to commercial species, the list of fish of the cod family includes popular recreational fishing objects:

  • cod or arctic cod, small fish(average length 25 cm), living in the Arctic Ocean. They catch it in the White and Barents Seas;
  • Gadikul (another name is big-eyed cod), the smallest representative of cod reaches a length of 12 cm. A distinctive feature is the huge eyes, occupying a third of the head. The antennae is missing. The sides are silvery with dark small spots. Gadikula are often used as bait for catching other cod fish;
  • tomcode ; The genus includes 2 species that differ in size and habitat: the Atlantic tomcod (average length 35 cm) and the Pacific tomcod or American cod (length 30 cm). In Russia they are caught in the Barents Sea, off the coast of Murmansk. In the USA and Canada it is an object of sport fishing;
  • luska (kapelan, French cod), a beautiful copper-brown fish with yellowish sides, decorated with 4-5 transverse dark stripes. The average length is 30 cm. They are caught with a fishing rod in the Mediterranean, White, Barents, Kara, and Chukchi seas.

The usually gray, dull color of the back of the viper may vary depending on its habitat

Common burbot

It is no coincidence that burbot (the outdated name is men) stands in a separate row. This is the only representative of cod species that lives in fresh water.

The fish feels comfortable in cold rivers and lakes. The largest population is found in the northern reservoirs of Russia. The freshwater predator can be found in smaller numbers in rivers flowing into the Black and Caspian Seas. Northern burbot is larger than its southern counterpart. His average weight fluctuates between 3–6 kg with a length of up to 80 cm (in warm waters it rarely exceeds 600 g).

Note! Burbot always looks for the coolest place in the river; it often settles in the area of ​​springs. In the absence of underwater springs, the fish chooses snags, deep holes or large rocky placers as a habitat.

The color of the fish largely depends on the type of bottom (pebbles, sand, clay) and the degree of transparency of the water. The traditional color is brownish or dark brown, which becomes lighter as the fish grows and ages. The belly of the burbot is olive, the fins are dark gray, almost black. Like most cod fish, burbot is decorated with dark, chaotically scattered spots.

When in ambush, burbot puts forward a moving whisker, which attracts small fish

A flat head with small eyes, three whiskers (on the chin and along the edges of the upper jaw), and mucus covering the body make the burbot look like a catfish. It is not difficult to distinguish fish. The body of the burbot is covered with cycloid scales (the catfish does not have scales). Burbot is a nocturnal predator. The structure of its sense organs is designed for hunting in complete darkness.

Note! The fish has exceptional hearing and is very curious. Having caught an unusual sound, the burbot rushes to the source of the noise, sometimes covering a considerable distance. Fishermen often take advantage of this behavioral feature.


Fish belonging to the order Codfish, with a few exceptions, are predators.

IN at a young age They feed on bottom invertebrates: crustaceans, shrimp, worms. As you get older, your diet changes. Now it is based on small fish, including representatives of its own family. For example, cod actively eats young pollock. Blue whiting often becomes prey for haddock.

Small representatives of the order (gadikul, cod) feed on plankton and benthonic crustaceans, but sometimes they diversify their menu with fry or eggs of their fellow creatures.

Strong, fast pollock hunts in a flock. The noise made by the school can sometimes be heard on the surface of the reservoir

Cannibalism is very common among cod fish: their own young often become their prey.

Interesting fact! The accumulated fat is deposited in cod fish in the liver, which due to this acquires a lot of useful properties. Saturated with vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids, liver is useful in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases.


Sexual maturity in the vast majority of the family occurs after 3 years of life. Large individuals (cod, moth) begin to spawn upon reaching 6–8 years of age. Spawning occurs at the end of winter or in early spring. Codfish are very prolific. Large individuals can lay up to 9 million eggs. Navaga lays up to 90 thousand eggs, small representatives of the family - no more than 6 thousand. The eggs and hatched larvae lead a predominantly pelagic lifestyle. The current carries them over considerable distances from the spawning site.

The fry spend the first year of life in shallow water near the shore. They often hide under the bell of jellyfish. As they mature, the juveniles move deeper and begin to make seasonal migrations.

Cod and haddock fry use the Cyanea jellyfish as shelter

Interesting fact! From the eggs laid by blue whiting, only males are born. As they grow older, some fry show signs of females. By the age of sexual maturity, the ratio of males and females of blue whiting becomes equal. Towards the end of life (a fish lives on average 20 years), all individuals gradually turn into females.

Cod fish are a priority object of domestic and world fishing. They are valued for their tasty low-calorie meat and low bone count. Not last role Affordable price plays a role.

Codfish are a coveted trophy for fans sea ​​fishing. Trolling and vertical fishing are the most popular methods. Representatives of the family are successfully caught from the shore using spinning rods or bottom gear. Either way, cod fishing is a lot of fun.

The cod family includes more than a hundred species of fish, which are distributed mostly in the northern hemisphere. They are all sea creatures,the only exception is one representative of the family - burbot, which is found and lives in fresh waters.


Scientific classification involves dividing the species of the cod family into two subfamilies:

  1. The cod-like subfamily has 5 fins: 3 on the back and 2 more in the anal area.
  2. The burbot subfamily is distinguished by the presence of 3 fins, 2 of which are located on the back.

Description of cod

Despite the variety of breeds included in the cod family, most representatives have a similar anatomical structure and behavior, all of these features are discussed in the list below.


Most members of the cod family have similar external signs, consisting of the following:

  1. There are 2-3 fins in the back area, as well as 1-2 more fins in the anal part.
  2. There is a developed caudal fin; in different breeds it can merge into a single whole with the anal and dorsal fins or be clearly demarcated from them.
  3. Spiny rays are absent in all fins, regardless of location, this anatomical feature characteristic of each member of the family.
  4. In the chin area there is a single antenna.
  5. Gill openings are large in size.
  6. The body is covered with small but well-fitting scales.


Representatives of the cod family can have different dimensions and weight depending on the specific breed.

Typically, these parameters depend on the diet of a particular variety:

  1. Herbivores or plankton feeders are smaller in size. The smallest representative of the family is considered to be the deep-sea viper, which lives in the northern part of the Atlantic: rare specimens have a body length of 15 cm, usually it does not exceed 10-12 cm.
  2. Sizes of predatory representatives Cod families can be varied, but they are usually larger than herbivorous fish. The largest breeds are considered to be Molva and Atlantic cod; the body length of individual individuals can reach 2 meters.


The habitat of representatives of the cod family is vast; they can be found in the following places:

  1. All seas, located in the northern hemisphere, are the habitat of most species.
  2. Five varieties can be found in the seas of the southern hemisphere.
  3. Burbot is the only breed that is found in fresh water bodies located in North and South America, northern Europe and Asia.
  4. Eastern Atlantic is a place where a large number of breeds belonging to the family live.
  5. In the Baltic Sea There are a large number of cod, but it is the only representative of the family here.
  6. The coasts of South America, New Zealand and South Africa are places where you can find 3 species of cod.

Equatorial waters are the only place where fish belonging to the cod family are completely absent.


The diet is individual for each individual breed. Among cod there are both predators and exclusively herbivorous fish, they differ in size and weight. In some species, the diet is based on zooplankton, for example, blue whiting or Arctic cod.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates her appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.


Spawning for most cod fish takes place in salt water, although some species temporarily move to desalinated water bodies and only a small part migrates to rivers for this purpose.

The main features of this process are discussed below:

  1. Most species reach sexual maturity at 3-5 years, but cod and some other breeds go to their first spawning at 8-10 years of age
  2. Spawning lasts for several days.
  3. Cod and molva are characterized by increased fertility, they are capable of laying more than a million eggs at a time. Otherwise, navaga reproduces: during spawning it lays only a few thousand eggs.
  4. All codfish prefer cool water, therefore, spawning occurs in winter or early March, when the temperature does not exceed 0°C.

The spread of fish occurs from the first days of their life, since not all fry remain in the water column: many are carried away to other places by rapid currents. Haddock fry prefer to hide behind jellyfish, which is their reliable protection from most natural enemies.

Representatives of the cod family can make several long migrations throughout their lives, moving over long distances. This is usually due to a decrease in the food supply in inhabited areas, a change in the direction of currents or temperature conditions.


Many cod fish have nutritional value, so they are bred on an industrial scale. Most of the fish are caught in the Atlantic, annual volumes reach 6-10 million tons. Important breeds include haddock, Atlantic cod, pollock and pollock: their fillets and liver, which contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, are valued. Given the specific habitat of these species, bottom trawls are used for fishing.

Types of cod

The cod family includes a large number of fish, common and well-known breeds will be discussed in detail below.

Gadikul is known for being one of the smallest representatives of cod, The characteristics of the breed are discussed below:

  1. Gadikul is a deep-sea fish, which tries to stick to the bottom surface.
  2. The main distinguishing feature is large eyes occupying a third of the head.
  3. Average body dimensions range from 9 to 12 cm, rare specimens reach a length of 15 cm.
  4. Main habitat– Mediterranean and seas located near the northern part of Norway.
  5. The breed is also found in ocean waters, it can live at depths from 200 to 1300 meters.
  6. Experts distinguish between southern and northern viper, the only differences are anatomical structure, determined by the number of vertebrae and fin rays, as well as in the habitat.


Most of the representatives of this cod breed live in the Atlantic and Mediterranean and try to stay close to European shores. Sometimes whiting is also found near the Crimean coasts; it ends up there randomly after strong storms.

Other features of this fish are discussed below:

  1. The average body length varies from 30 to 50 cm, some large specimens grow up to 60-65 cm.
  2. Merlang is a predatory breed, the basis of its diet consists of sea crustaceans, fry and small adult fish.
  3. Commercial fishing for whiting established in most northern seas.
  4. Whiting has a large number natural enemies : It is included in the diet of large predators and dolphins.
  5. Whiting rarely descends to depth, he prefers to stay in the water column closer to the surface.
  6. Whiting goes to the first spawning at the age of 2 years, during this process it sinks to a depth of one meter. Reproduction begins if the water temperature does not drop below -5°


Pollock is one of the most valuable and famous representatives of cod fish, The features of this type are discussed below:

Molva is a predatory fish, one of the largest representatives of cod.

Its main features are as follows:

  1. Molva tries to stay close to the bottom surface, it rarely rises above a depth of 500 meters.
  2. The body length of most individuals is 1 meter, although the largest specimens reach almost 2 meters.
  3. The basis of the diet is fish, inferior in size to moth.
  4. Molva becomes sexually mature very late, she goes to her first spawning only at the age of 8-10 years.

Far Eastern navaga

Far Eastern navaga is the name of another commercial cod breed; Its main habitat is the northern territories of the Pacific Ocean, although it can also be found in many northern and Far Eastern seas.

Other features of the fish are given below:

  1. A related breed is the White Sea navaga, but it is significantly smaller in size than its Far Eastern relative.
  2. , but some trophy specimens grow up to 50-60cm.
  3. For most of the year Far Eastern navaga tries to stay close to the coast, but during summer season she swims far out to sea in search of food.
  4. Puberty occurs at the age of 2-3 years, spawning occurs in winter, when water temperatures drop to minimum levels.
  5. Far Eastern navaga is a very common cod breed, thanks to this, its commercial fishing is well established, which is 10 times larger in volume than the catch of the White Sea species.

Northern navaga

Northern saffron cod is a marine cod fish; it can be found in the Kara, White or Pechora Seas.

Features of this breed are as follows:

  1. Meet the northern navaga possible in shallow water areas near coastline, and before spawning begins, it goes to the nearest rivers. Despite this, reproduction is carried out only in salt water. sea ​​water, this process occurs during the winter season. To lay eggs, the female descends to a depth of 10 meters, the eggs stick to the surface of the bottom and undergo further development there over the next 4 months.
  2. The average body length is 20-35 cm, but the largest individuals live in the Kara Sea, often growing up to 45 cm.
  3. Northern saffron cod is a predator, its diet includes crustaceans, fry of other fish and worms.
  4. The meat of this fish is valued due to its excellent taste , commercial fishing is carried out in autumn and winter.


Burbot is a unique representative of cod, since it is the only freshwater cod breed, common in the rivers and lakes of Europe, America and Asia.

The main features are discussed below:

  1. The largest population lives in Siberian rivers, where both commercial burbot fishing and recreational fishing are established.
  2. Burbot is found only in cool and clean rivers , an important condition is the rocky structure of the bottom.
  3. Spawning occurs in winter, with spring and summer warming, burbot begins to hibernate and seeks shelter near underwater snags or in burrows at the bottom. Activity returns only in autumn and burbot begins to actively feed, gaining weight before the upcoming spawning.
  4. Burbot is an exclusively nocturnal breed, intolerant sunlight. However, in the dark season, his attention can be attracted by lighting a fire on the shore.
  5. The average body length is from 40 to 60 cm, and weight 1-1.5 kg. Some individuals grow very large, they can reach a length of up to 12 meters and weigh 20 kg.
  6. The basis of the diet is food of animal origin: crustaceans, various larvae and small fish.


Haddock is found mainly in the northern part of the Atlantic; it tries to stay close to the American and European coasts.

Below are the main features of this breed:

  1. It is easy to recognize haddock by appearance : The laterally flattened body has a characteristic silvery color, a thin black line runs through the sides, and a noticeable spot is located above the pectoral fin.
  2. , sometimes there are trophy specimens growing up to 100 cm.
  3. Diet includes food of animal origin: crustaceans, mollusks, herring caviar, fry and worms.
  4. Commercial fishing is well developed in the Barents and North Seas, haddock is one of the most valuable representatives of the cod family.

Northern whiting

Northern whiting is found in the northeastern part of the Atlantic, this codfish has the following features:

  1. Body length is about 30 cm, rare individuals grow up to 40-50 cm.
  2. Find this fish possible at a depth of 30-800 meters.
  3. The breed is characterized by very slow growth.
  4. The diet is based on various crustaceans, fry of other fish and plankton.

Southern blue whiting

The main distinguishing feature of the southern variety is its larger size: most individuals grow up to 50 cm in length. Individuals living in the Atlantic Ocean usually stay close to the surface of the water, but their relatives from the northern territories rarely rise above a depth of 100-300 meters. Today, commercial fishing for southern blue whiting is well developed; this cod fish is mainly used for making canned food.


Pollock is a schooling cod species that can be found both near the surface of the water and at considerable depth.

The features of this fish are as follows:

  1. Body length is 50-70 cm, the largest individuals grow up to 90-100cm.
  2. Pollock lives in the North Atlantic, but this breed is characterized by migration over very long distances.
  3. Commercial fishing for pollock is very well developed, most of the fish is used to make canned food. Its popularity is determined by the taste of the meat, which is very similar to salmon, but at the same time costs much less.

Atlantic cod

Atlantic cod is one of the rarest representatives of the cod family, therefore this breed was listed in the Red Book.

The features of these fish are discussed below:

  1. The body length of most individuals reaches 40-70 cm, but some fish grow to almost 2 meters.
  2. Atlantic cod feeds on marine crustaceans, shellfish and herring.
  3. Puberty comes late, most representatives of this breed go to spawn at the age of 8-10 years, when their weight reaches at least 3-4 kg.
  4. The breed is highly prized for its liver., rich in fats; Canned fish is also made from it. Populations in Lately are significantly reduced, so in many places the fishing of Atlantic cod is prohibited.

Pacific cod

Pacific cod has a number fundamental differences from the Atlantic variety, The characteristics of the breed are given below:

  1. Body size smaller than Atlantic cod, but the head is much larger. Maximum length is 120cm.
  2. You can meet Pacific cod in northern territories Pacific Ocean, as well as in the waters of the Barents, Sea of ​​Japan or Okhotsk Sea.
  3. This breed goes to spawning at the age of 5-6 years., the average life expectancy is no more than 10-12 years. Females are highly fertile and lay millions of eggs.
  4. The basis of the diet is invertebrate marine life, as well as other representatives of the cod family, mainly navaga and pollock.
  5. Pacific cod is a commercial fish, which is valued for its meat.

Codfish are the largest family, distributed in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. They are hunted for their low-fat dietary meat. Not only his taste qualities, but also beneficial properties, since it contains a large amount of vitamins and useful chemical elements, including phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron and manganese.

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Find out more about the bait!

Cod is a marine fish of the cod family. It has a greenish-brown color with brown spots and a white belly.

The size of cod depends on its age: the length reaches 1.8 - 2 meters, while the weight of the fish caught ranges from 4 - 12 kilograms. This fish has a barbel on the chin, three dorsal and two ventral fins without spiny rays, movable premaxillary and maxillary bones. Its scales are cycloid and its gills are comb-like.

In terms of the structure of the fins, representatives of the cod-like family are similar to the Cyprinidae, and in the position of the ventral fins, they are similar to the Perciformes.

Historical information

Cod has been playing for over a thousand years important role in the history of Europe and America. The Vikings who lived on the Lofoten Islands ate dried fish. Immediately after the catch, it was hung in an open, well-ventilated area; after three months, the carcasses were beaten until the meat became soft and edible. Such nutritious food was stored for a long time, which was ideal for a wandering tribe.

Fish then gained popularity in Europe for religious reasons: unlike meat, it could be eaten during Lent.

Between 1958 and 1976, a diplomatic conflict arose over cod. The controversy stemmed from the first state's imposition of a 200-mile economic zone around the island, which prohibited fishing in Icelandic waters where British fishermen were casting their nets.

Interestingly, the maximum weight of the largest cod caught in history was 96 kilograms.


The fish's habitat covers the Atlantic Ocean (Baltic, White Sea, Arctic cod). In the east of the Atlantic it is distributed from Spitsbergen and the Barents Sea to the Bay of Biscay, in the west - from Greenland to Cape Hatteras. In particular, it lives in the Norwegian Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and off the coast of Iceland. Interestingly, only two types of fish are most often found under the trade name cod - Pacific and Atlantic. Baltic, White Sea, and Greenlandic ones are in less demand.

Cod can withstand low temperatures(from minus 1 degree Celsius and below). Her life expectancy reaches 25 years.

The young individual feeds on mollusks, small crustaceans. At the same time, by the age of three she becomes a real predator and begins to eat other fish: capelin, pollock, herring, and her own young. To catch cod, they use fixed and purse seines, snurrevods, bottom and pelagic trawls, and longlines.

This is a prolific fish that begins to lay offspring in March-April, making long 1,500-kilometer migrations to spawning grounds. Cod spawn in the water column; their numbers can reach up to 2 million in a few weeks.

In 1992, the Canadian government imposed a moratorium on fishing due to a sharp decline in the number of individuals and the threat of complete extinction of the species. This is the most important commercial fish, which is a raw material for the production of canned food and a source of valuable fish oil.

Large exporters of cod: Canada, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, Russia, Iceland.

Beneficial features

Cod fish meat is very dietary: 100 grams of product contains 82 kilocalories, and the range of nutrients is extensive and impressive (see paragraph “Chemical composition”).

Effect on the human body:

  1. Gives strength and accelerates the body's recovery after illness.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Strengthens teeth and bones.
  4. Reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes heart function.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on mental activity and improves oxygen supply to the brain.
  6. Strengthens the structure of the hair fiber and gives strength to the nail plate.
  7. Improves condition skin, joints.
  8. Stabilizes mood, calms the nervous system.

According to research by British scientists, cod oil inhibits the activity of enzymes that cause the destruction of cartilage tissue and blocks the transmission of painful impulses to the brain.

Fish should be on the menu at least 3-4 times a week for people who suffer from:

  • arthrosis;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the brain, heart;
  • hypertension;
  • osteoporosis;
  • rickets;
  • alopecia;
  • frequent colds;
  • depression, emotional breakdowns, nervous disorders.

Due to the abundance of vitamins B12, D, carotene and cod, it is recommended that women eat throughout the entire period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. At the same time, doctors recommend gradually introducing meat, liver and fish roe into the diet of children from the age of three.

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotension;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.

You should not combine fish with dairy products, as this can lead to indigestion and disruption of the digestive tract.

This is an expensive northern delicacy, which owes its popularity to its bright individual taste, unique properties, high nutritional value, and compatibility with numerous dishes. It can be eaten on its own or combined with stews, creamy soups, salads and sandwiches.

home distinctive feature cod liver – no heat treatment during canning. Interestingly, to make most canned fish, fish is boiled, marinated or smoked. This leads to partial or complete loss of vitamins, macro- and microelements. Cod liver is placed in jars exclusively in its raw form and filled with its own fat. Thanks to this, the active substances of the by-product and the piquant taste are preserved throughout the entire shelf life of the product.

The energy value of canned cod liver reaches 613 calories, the amount of B: F: Y is 3%: 96%: 1% per 100 grams of product.

What are the benefits of offal?

  1. Improves vision, sharpens the perception of light rays in the dark.
  2. Protects the body from carcinogenesis.
  3. Supports the coordinated functioning of the endocrine system and the normal condition of the joints.
  4. Normalizes metabolic processes in cartilage and bone tissues.
  5. Promotes the full functioning of the circulatory system, increases hemoglobin.
  6. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of anemia, atherosclerosis, cancer, rickets.
  7. Improves skin condition, smoothes wrinkles

Who needs to eat cod liver?

This by-product is equally useful for children, adolescents, mature and elderly people. However, athletes and people suffering from:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • diseases of joints, bones;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • inflammatory processes of internal organs;
  • high content of “bad” cholesterol;
  • heart problems.

Remember, 40 grams of canned cod liver per day covers the body’s daily need for healthy fatty acids, compensates for the lack of vitamins necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body, prevents the development of Alzheimer’s disease, arrhythmias and physical exhaustion.

The disadvantages of fish by-product include high calorie content, so overweight people should avoid eating it.

When buying canned food, pay attention to the inscription on the can. The “correct” product will have the “highest grade” label indicating GOST, confirming the preservation of cod liver according to technology regulated by the state. Pay attention to the composition of the product. Cod liver is preserved in its own juice and no other oil can be used in its preparation. The presence of “foreign” ingredients (flavors, dyes, stabilizers, flavor enhancers) in the composition indicates the introduction of harmful chemical additives into the product. Avoid purchasing such a product.

Chemical composition

Cod is an ideal fish for people who are watching their figure and counting calories. It contains a minimum amount of fat maximum quantity nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phospholipids). White dense fish meat contains 19% protein and 0.4% beneficial triglycerides.

Table No. 1 " The nutritional value cod meat and liver"
Name Content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Meat (boiled) Liver (canned)
Calorie content 69 calories 613 calories
82.1 grams 26.4 grams
0.6 grams 65.7 grams
16 grams 4.2 grams
0 1.2 grams
0.04 grams 0.25 grams
Ash 1.3 grams 2.3 grams
0.1 gram 10.6 grams
0 0.2 grams
and disaccharides 0 1.2 grams

The energy value of cod depends on the method of cooking: salted - 98 kcal, stewed - 101 kcal, fried - 111 kcal, hot smoked - 115 kcal, grilled - 172 kcal. Fresh fish can only be purchased at the places where it is caught, since its meat is not suitable for long-term transportation; in other cases, it is immediately frozen and salted.

Table No. 2 “Chemical composition of cod meat and liver”
Name Content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Meat (boiled) Liver (canned)
0,01 4,4
2,3 1,8
0,09 0,05
0,07 0,41
0,2 0,23
0,0013 0,11
0,0016 0
1 3,4
0 0,1
0,9 8,8
0,01 0
340 110
210 230
200 42
165 165
55 720
30 50
25 35
1,02 0,7
0,7 0,43
0,5 1,9
0,15 0
0,135 0
0,08 0
0,055 0,055
0,03 0
0,009 0,006
0,004 0,004

Remember, cod can accumulate arsenic and mercury, which cause poisoning in the body. Fish caught off the coast of Alaska is considered safe.

In terms of nutritional properties, cod caviar is not inferior to red and black. It is used for making sandwiches, salads, sauces, and snacks. Caviar is produced from mature cod eggs using vegetable oil and sodium benzoate. It goes on sale in ready-canned form.

Cod caviar is a valuable delicacy, a source of vitamins A, B, C, D, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iodine, and potassium. In addition, the product contains omega-3 amino acids, which are essential for the human body. Interestingly, the degree of protein absorption in cod fish eggs is 2 times higher than in the livestock sector. It gives strength to people with low vitality (old people suffering from nervous disorders, stress), restores impaired metabolism, and supports the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is believed that cod caviar has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman: it develops high intellectual abilities in the baby.

Despite its many benefits, it should not be eaten on a daily basis as it contains salt and can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

The nutritional value of cod caviar is 115 calories per 100 grams of product, the ratio B: F: Y is 42%: 55%: 2%.

Using fish in cooking

Cod meat is lean, tender in taste, and white in color. In salads, boiled or smoked fish fillet goes harmoniously with radishes, herbs, and apples. Cod is widely popular in cuisines around the world. It is used to prepare appetizers, puree soups, casseroles and pie fillings. They can also be grilled, dried, smoked, canned, fried, boiled and served as an independent dish.

To preserve vitamins, macro- and microelements, it is recommended to steam cod. When purchasing, pay attention to the condition of the carcass. Frozen fish will be watery and tasteless during cooking.

Sea fish has a characteristic strong odor, which intensifies during heat treatment, so it must be boiled in water with the addition of large quantity spices, roots (onion, celery, parsley) or sprinkle with lemon juice first.

Without loss of beneficial properties, chilled cod can be stored in the refrigerator for three days, and frozen cod can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. To prevent the fish from overcooking during cooking, boil it in water with cucumber brine at the rate of 1 liter of liquid per 80 milliliters of pickling.

Acceptable replacements for cod in dishes: hake, pollock, haddock.

In modern cooking, this type of fish is actively used in salads and casseroles. In India, it is marinated in vinegar with local spices, then fried over an open fire. In Russia, fish salad is prepared with the addition of radishes, herbs, green sour apples, seasoned with mayonnaise, in Scandinavia - with mustard, dill, onions, sour cream, in America - with peanut butter, cinnamon, white pepper, noodles, ginger, lettuce, soybean sauce, noodles. In Europe, cod is grilled in a honey mustard glaze.

Cod for pancreatitis

Cod fish meat is dietary and is recommended for consumption by patients with pancreatitis. Unlike pork, lamb, veal, and poultry, it lacks coarse fascia and tendons, it is tender and easily digestible. With minimal culinary effort, cod can be made into a dish with a puree-like consistency, which is especially important for a diet for pancreatitis, which involves grinding all food products in order to spare the digestive organs.

Fish is allowed to be consumed during the period of remission and exacerbation of the disease from the second week of the attack. It is boiled, steamed, served in the form of meatballs, cutlets, soufflés, quenelles, and meatballs. In addition to dishes prepared from minced cod, during the period of remission it is allowed to eat whole fish (baked, stewed, steamed). It makes nutritious casseroles and pies that will help diversify the patient’s diet.

Fish dumplings are recommended to be served with vegetable and cereal side dishes and vegetarian soups. In case of chronic pancreatitis, animal meat is replaced with cod, which is allowed to be consumed no more than 3 times a week. At the same time, the following fish dishes are prohibited: canned food, liver, aspic and broths that stimulate gastric and pancreatic secretion. In addition, avoid taking dried, smoked, or salted cod.

Remember, the healthiest fish is fresh. It should have a strong, elastic surface, be moderately shiny, and have a marine scent. The presence of yellowish stains on the carcass, damage, and foul odor indicate long-term storage product on store shelves that has been re-frozen. Avoid eating such fish.

The maximum daily portion of cod for a patient with pancreatitis is 200 grams.

Before cooking, cut off the head, tail, and fins of the fish, gut it and wash it. If necessary, cut into pieces and rinse again under water. When purchasing frozen cod, be sure to defrost the carcass before cooking in the refrigerator. naturally. When using a microwave oven or hot water, the fish will lose its taste and consistency.

You can cook the cod whole or in pieces (in portions). However, the finer the fish is cut, the less nutrients it will retain after heat treatment. Cod is cooked in a regular saucepan, double boiler, slow cooker, or pressure cooker.

  1. You can put cod in both cold and hot water. In the first case, there is a guarantee that the tough fish meat will be cooked evenly.
  2. When placing cod in a regular pan, the water should completely cover its surface.
  3. Once defrosted, meat cannot be re-frozen.
  4. You can cook fish under a closed or open lid.
  5. To enhance the taste of cod, add cucumber pickle, tomato paste, citric acid, salt, carrots, onions, peppers or spices to the water.
  6. The fish is cooked exclusively in gutted form.
  7. Throughout the entire period of cooking cod, constantly control the heat: at first it should be high, when the water boils, reduce it to medium level, at the final stage reduce it so that it is weak.
  8. To preserve the structure of the fish, add 15 milliliters of vegetable oil to boiling water.
  9. If you do not have suitable kitchen equipment, you can cook the cod in a deep frying pan, adding water periodically. In this case, the cooking process sea ​​fish will be no different from the traditional method.

The duration of cooking cod depends on the size of the carcass (cut) and averages 15 minutes. Small pieces will be ready in 5 minutes. The fastest way to cook fish is in a pressure cooker. And the cooking time in a double boiler or multicooker will not differ in any way from heat treatment in a regular saucepan. The readiness of cod can be checked based on two factors: the ease of separating the fillet from the skin and bones, and the degree of meatiness of the meat.

Remember, regardless of the serving size, fish boiled for a baby is cooked for at least 20 minutes, then crushed until creamy and carefully checked for the presence of cartilage and bones.

Note to housewives

Classic recipe for cod with vegetables


  • cod – 1 carcass;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • lemon – 0.5 pieces;
  • potatoes - 8 pieces;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • rosemary – 2.5 grams (0.5 teaspoon)
  • olive oil – 45 milliliters (3 tablespoons);
  • black allspice, salt - to taste.

Cooking principle:

  1. Clean the carcass from scales, remove the entrails, cut off the head, and wash.
  2. Cut the back diagonally with a sharp knife.
  3. Grind pepper and salt in a mortar. Coat the cod with the mixture inside and out.
  4. Insert lemon slices into the slits.
  5. Cover a baking sheet with foil and place the fish on it.
  6. Peel potatoes, onions, carrots and cut into strips or rings.
  7. Drizzle vegetables olive oil, salt and place on both sides of the cod, sprinkle with rosemary.
  8. Cover the top of the dish with foil, place in a preheated oven for 40 minutes, set the temperature to 180 degrees. Cook until potatoes are soft.
  9. When serving, decorate with herbs.

Cod casserole with rice


  • cod fillet – 400 grams;
  • cream – 100 grams;
  • rice – 250 grams;
  • tomato sauce – 250 grams;
  • hard cheese – 150 grams;
  • egg - 2 pieces.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Cut the cod fillet into portions.
  2. Boil the rice until half cooked, grate 100 grams of cheese, and combine these ingredients.
  3. Place half of the resulting mass in a baking dish, then spread the fish over the surface, cover the cod with the remaining mass on top.
  4. Grate 50 grams of cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Boil the eggs hard and chop. Combine with grated cheese and sprinkle on top.
  6. Mix cream and tomato sauce, pour over the casserole. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and onions and cabbage can be added to the rice-cheese mixture.
  7. Preheat the oven, bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve hot.

Dishes based on cod are tasty, light and satisfying. They can be eaten for dinner along with fresh vegetables and herbs.


Cod is a meaty fish with dense flesh and a light amount of bones. It contains a unique set of nutrients that, according to American clinical studies, improve performance nervous system, help metabolism, strengthen immunity, reduce arterial pressure, reduce the formation of blood clots in the arteries.

Nutritionists recommend eating fish dishes twice a week. If these proportions are observed, the risk of stroke is reduced by 2 times. However, if you increase the frequency of consumption to double the dose per day, the risk of cerebral hemorrhage increases by the same amount.

To prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, oncology, rickets, and vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to consume cod oil.