NPF "Adron" has developed a protection system against portable air defense systems for helicopters, but plans also include means of destruction.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine adopted the combined decoy ejection device "Adros" KUV 26-50-0 and the screen-exhaust device "Adros" ASh-01V produced by LLC "Research and Production Company" Adron ".
To achieve maximum efficiency in protecting military helicopters, these devices will be used in conjunction with the Adros KT-01AV optical-electronic suppression station. Such protection will make it possible to protect aircraft from damage by modern man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems with a probability of 95%.

A new screen-exhaust device (ESD) masks the infrared radiation of helicopter engines, significantly reducing the likelihood of being hit by missiles with infrared homing heads. A series of tests by the crew of the State Scientific Testing Center of the Armed Forces of Ukraine demonstrated that the device has a number of significant advantages over manufactured ECUs former USSR. Namely:
— The ability to release/remove the electronic device by the pilot directly in flight, depending on the existing threats, that is, use for its intended purpose, based on the conditions of tactical necessity;
— Reducing the IR radiation of a helicopter with an electronic device deployed in all flight modes in all hemispheres by more than eight times.

EDU "Adros" ASH-01V has virtually no effect on the main flight performance helicopter. Unlike the new device, standard ECUs reduced power power plant helicopter by 10%. Outdated electronic devices led to a decrease in the practical flight ceiling of a helicopter (Mi-8MT) by approximately 200 m and a maximum take-off weight by 300 kg, as well as an increase in fuel consumption by 6%.

On this moment The ASh-01V EVU has passed control tests on the Mi-8MTV helicopter, after which its control tests are planned on the Mi-24. In addition, the company is developing documentation for the electronic control unit for the Mi-2MSB helicopter.

The combined Adros KUV 26-50-0 decoy release device will replace the ASO-2V protective equipment on Mi-24 helicopters. It is placed on aircraft to release false thermal and anti-radar targets of 26 and 50 mm caliber from one device.

According to the developers, shooting traps is carried out according to special programs how to achieve effective removal of infrared homing heads from a helicopter guided missiles such as “Igla”, “Igla-1”, R-60M, R-73, FIM-92 Stinger, AIM-9 Sidewinder and the like.
One more interesting news from Hadron in the aviation defense segment is the expansion of the line of systems for shooting false thermal targets (LTC). Currently, work is underway to adapt such a system for military transport aircraft produced by the Antonov State Enterprise, in particular, the An-26, An-30 and, apparently, the An-178, as well as for the Il-76 aircraft. In addition, as part of the state defense order, the company began developing new systems for shooting decoys for tactical aircraft Su-27, MiG-29 and Su-24. The main difference between the new systems and those already installed on Su-25 aircraft is the new design and LTC shooting programs adapted for these types of aircraft.
As for weapons of destruction, from the practically implemented projects it is necessary to highlight the aerodynamic control unit "Adros" BAU-01KT, which is used as part of aircraft bomb rounds of 500, 250 and 100 kg calibers and is designed to effectively destroy stationary, including small-sized and protected ground-based ones goals. Today, the operating principle of this unit is based on an inertial system with GPS correction.
The pilot batch of Adros BAU-01KT products produced by the enterprise is currently undergoing state tests. In the future, the unit will have an already developed laser seeker and a thermal imaging seeker under development.
The next stage of the work of the Hadron illegal armed group in the segment of adjustable ammunition should be planning aerial bomb. It will be a munition with a wing installed on it, which should provide a gliding range of at least 30 km. In other words, the company plans to create an aerial bomb that can be dropped without entering the enemy’s air defense coverage area

Russian onboard complex Defense "President-S" reliably protects aircraft and helicopters from missile and artillery weapons.

The safety of civil aircraft and helicopters has become a constant headache. international importance. An effective “medicine” for the entire global community represented by the participants of the world’s largest aerospace salon, Dubai Airshow 2015 in the United United Arab Emirates Russia proposed. The President-S airborne defense system (ADS), presented by the Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET) concern, has attracted increased attention: according to reports from the air show, negotiations are currently underway on its supplies to Algeria and Egypt.

Onboard means of protection against MANPADS

main reason creation of on-board means of protecting aircraft - the emergence of relatively inexpensive portable anti-aircraft missiles complexes with thermal homing heads to target. It was MANPADS that radically changed the situation in the field of safety of operations of manned aircraft and helicopters at altitudes of up to 3500 meters. These complexes caused the death of many planes and helicopters in the Arab-Israeli wars; with their help, more than 200 US aircraft were destroyed in Vietnam, and Soviet helicopters were shot down in Afghanistan.

Over time, the problem of protecting aircraft from MANPADS only worsened. For example, it was from the Igla type MANPADS that a heavy transport and landing helicopter Mi-26 was shot down in the Khankala region in August 2002, which led to the death of 115 people. Today portable missile systems Along with Kalashnikov assault rifles, they have become the most common weapons used in various hot spots around the planet.

But more terrible and inhumane is the use of MANPADS by terrorists to fire at civilian aircraft and helicopters, especially at the time of their takeoff and landing. Especially for protection against these highly mobile small anti-aircraft weapons with thermal homing, they began to actively use artificial targets-traps, which the aircraft shoots when flying at low altitudes. However, modern MANPADS have become “smarter”; their guidance system instantly selects (filters) such decoys and directs the missile towards the real target.

Therefore, today, in the context of a serious increase in the terrorist threat, work to create more effective means protection against MANPADS for civil aviation conducted by specialists from the USA, Great Britain, Israel and other countries. Russia is one of the world leaders in this field.

"President-S": features

BKO "President-S" was created by a cooperation of enterprises and organizations of the Russian military-industrial complex, headed by OJSC "Research Institute "Ekran"" from Samara. According to information on the website of the Radioelectronic Technologies concern, “President-S” is intended for active individual “protection of aircraft and helicopters from damage by aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery systems by detecting the fact of threats and countering attacking weapons.”

BKO "President-S" was shown for the first time general public in June 2010 in Paris at the international arms exhibition and military equipment Eurosatory-2010, where it immediately aroused great interest. Subsequently, the main elements of the complex were demonstrated at the MAKS-2011, Farnborough-2012, Paris Aeroshow-2013 and other exhibitions.

In fact, the complex is a collection of various stations and devices that provide threat detection and warning of the aircraft crew, including a missile attack, the use of disposable decoys, as well as active radio and optical-electronic jamming. All equipment of the President-S BKO can be placed both inside and outside the fuselage of an aircraft (helicopter).

Protection against damage from air-to-air and surface-to-air guided missiles with infrared homing heads is provided by an optical-electronic suppression laser station based on a multispectral solid-state or gas laser. The station weighing 100–150 kg is capable of detecting and selecting targets, tracking and sequentially suppressing at least two simultaneously attacking missiles at a range of 500–5000 m in a sector of 90 degrees vertically.

Another main element of aircraft (helicopter) protection is an active radio jamming station. It counters missiles with radar guidance systems by producing electronic interference at the stages of detection, tracking, guidance and attack of the aircraft. In the working sector of 120 and 60 degrees horizontally and vertically, a station weighing 51.5 kg can suppress at least four enemy electronic means using all main types of interference. For the protection of long-range, military transport and front-line aviation an active towed radar decoy may also be used.

Efficiency Russian development confirmed practical and repeated attacks on the Igla MANPADS, which is more effective than the American Stinger, on helicopter targets and other aircraft. Thus, a Mi-8 helicopter was repeatedly fired at a target from a distance of 1000 m at point-blank range. Despite the maximum infrared radiation from the target, all the missiles on approach to it went to the side. The reason for this was laser irradiation, which created a phantom target in the missile’s control system, which its electronic “brain” mistook for a real one.

Earlier, based on test results, KRET General Designer Yuri Mayevsky stated that Russia has created “a very reliable technology for protecting aircraft and helicopters from being hit by missiles with any optical homing heads.” It is known that a number of military transport aircraft of the Il-76 type are already equipped with the President-S optical-electronic suppression subsystem, including the aircraft of the first person of the state, combat helicopters such as Mi-28 and Ka-52, as well as heavy transport and landing helicopters such as Mi-26.

Fully automatic protection

Some questions about the President-S airborne complex were answered by a representative of the Radioelectronic Technologies concern, who asked not to be named. According to him, the MANPADS defense station called “Vitebsk” “is a standard feature today and is installed on almost 100% of combat helicopters.” He also noted that “a program is being implemented to equip this highly efficient protective agent all Su-25 aircraft, as well as military transport aircraft.”

The KRET representative emphasized that the President-S complex is a civilian version of this protection station and can be “installed on civil airliners, which is what it was created for” and “is already installed on the aircraft of a number of specific carriers.”

According to our interlocutor, in light of the latest tragic events In the field of international air travel, the President-S complex is in great demand, including abroad. “Negotiations are being conducted not only with Egypt and Algeria, but also in other areas,” he emphasized. At the same time, the specific cost of the President-S complex is determined by the type of aircraft and the customer’s requirements for its protection.

The KRET representative drew particular attention to the fundamental difference between Russian and foreign developments, including American ones: “Unlike foreign semi-automatic analogues, our product operates fully automatically.” And this, according to him, excludes human factor, significantly increases the speed and final efficiency of the system, “increasing overall performance complex, which was created based on achieving maximum effect in the fight against modern means air defense».

By the way, the capabilities of the President-S are not limited to protection against MANPADS. “Depending on the requirements, our products can provide protection for a manned aircraft from fire by any means - from a slingshot to a Patriot (American anti-aircraft missile system),” the concern’s representative summed up proudly.

I came across on the Internet another achievement of the “unparalleled” Russian defense industry.
I tried to Google more but found nothing, it became suspicious.
does anyone know anything about this?

Stinger has gone crazy
There was a sensation at the largest arms show in Paris. And she is ours!

Sergey Ptichkin
"Russian newspaper" - Federal issue No. 5208 (129) dated June 16, 2010

At the international arms salon Eurosatory-2010, which opened yesterday in the capital of France, many interesting new products were presented. But one sensational one is Russian.

The domestic defense industry today is harshly criticized even by the highest leaders of the state. It seems that nothing worthwhile can be born in its depths. And at the Eurosatory-2010 salon they did not expect any surprises from our delegation. And Rosoboronexport went ahead and showed that our defense industry is still capable of military-technical miracles.

The special design bureau "Zenit" from Zelenograd near Moscow demonstrates the operation of the system active protection helicopters from modern anti-aircraft anti-aircraft missile systems(MANPADS), including those from the Stingers. Russian designers managed to do what no one else in the world could do.

The problem of repelling missile strikes guided by the thermal radiation of engines has been struggled with since infrared homing heads appeared. The first solution was the simplest but most effective. Missiles fired from MANPADS began to deceive with thermal interference. For some time the deception worked. That's all today combat aircraft and helicopters are equipped with special devices that, in case of danger, missile strike they shoot off fireworks from brightly burning traps. Such fireworks look beautiful during air shows and parades. But heat traps do not save an aircraft from being damaged by the American Stinger, and especially by our Igla. The rockets have gotten smarter. The latest generation MANPADS control system instantly selects all sky lights and directs the missile in pursuit of a moving target - an airplane or helicopter.

In the mid-1990s, the Americans publicly announced that they had created a comprehensive system for protecting aircraft from heat-seeking missiles. This system supposedly includes radars that scan the airspace, laser systems, classic heat traps and light suppression devices. They called her mysterious name"Nemesis". And it’s as if such impenetrable protection is installed on the presidential plane. It is quite possible that “Nemesis” really exists, but... Most likely, in a single copy and only on “Air Board No. 1”. In any case, over the past fifteen years, no one has seen a device with a mythical name on the world market.

But Russia is showing the system of protection against MANPADS to the whole world. The complex was created by specialists from Samara, Moscow and Zelenograd. Its basis is a unique optical-electronic suppression station, developed under the leadership of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Ivanovich Kobzar.

The protection complex was once called by someone for promotion on the market: “President-S”. Under this “modest” name it is demonstrated in the general exposition of Rosoboronexport. The heart of the complex, as was said, is the optical-electronic suppression station. This is a metal ball with a diameter of about half a meter. The whole secret is in the filling of the ball and in the completely unique mathematical algorithms underlying the software control of the system. Mathematics was developed by specialists from Samara and Zelenograd - this is Russian know-how.

The large screen shows how the complex works. On the hill, on a special tower, a target is fixed - a Mi-8 helicopter, the engines of which are reaching almost maximum power. Three balls are mounted under the helicopter fuselage and on the tail boom. An operator with an Igla missile on his shoulder chooses the most advantageous shooting position - behind and to the side of the helicopter. The minimum opening range for a helicopter is 1000 meters. The brightly glowing nozzles of the rotorcraft's engines are clearly visible in the "Needle" sight. Start!

The rocket rushes towards the helicopter almost in a straight line. And suddenly a real fiery pandemonium forms around the rotorcraft. It is impossible to convey in words. Where the helicopter was just clearly visible and the most important thing for the rocket - the heat spot of its engines, a bright cloud appears, in which a myriad of lights shimmer, mini-lightning flashes and something sparkling, swirls, reminiscent of the special effects of "Avatar" . The rocket, as if frightened by what it saw, abruptly leaves the planned and absolutely correct course somewhere to the side, towards self-destruction.

The USSR specifically conducted comparative tests of the Stingers captured in Afghanistan and the Eagles developed in Kolomna. Our MANPADS showed best characteristics than American. And if the Needle missed the target, then protection from the Stinger is guaranteed.

This is what the general director of Zenit, Professor Alexander Kobzar, told the RG correspondent:

The operation of our complex is based on highly targeted and specially modulated radiation from a specially designed sapphire lamp. A phantom image of the target appears in the missile's control system, which its electronic "brain" perceives as the main target. A certain transcendental virtual reality appears, which persistently beckons. The rocket rushes into empty space, where at the estimated time it self-destructs. And the fiery cloud around the helicopter is the optical effect of a very powerful sapphire lamp. It would seem that everything is very simple, but no one except us has yet solved this “simplest” problem and embodied it in metal

Throughout its history, humanity has constantly modernized its methods of conducting military operations. Airspace has become an environment that can be effectively used to solve ground combat missions. In an effort to protect themselves from airstrikes, military engineers invented air defense systems. As it turned out, air defense is not capable of providing 100% protection against attacks from the sky if there are “heat traps” on aircraft. What are these devices? What are they for? Information about the “heat traps” of fighter aircraft is presented in the article.


“Heat traps”, or false thermal targets (FTC), are special pyrotechnic devices. They received this name because during the combustion of fuel they are capable of releasing large volumes of heat.

About the device

A “heat trap” is a small box containing a flammable substance inside. It can also be in the form of a checker. For “heat traps”, pyrophoric and pyrotechnic flammable compositions are provided. Structurally, the LTC is very similar to signal and lighting flares.

About the location

The place where the LTC is installed on board the aircraft are special holders or launchers. Professional military personnel call them “reset machines” or “jamming machines.” When aiming air defense systems at a fighter, the pilot shoots “heat traps”. The onboard defense complex is associated with launch systems. In some aircraft, this function is automated, and the launch is carried out without the participation of the pilot.

About purpose

The purpose of “heat traps” is to create a false target for enemy air defense systems. Military engineers have developed several variants of special projectiles used aircraft guns. Since a high-temperature combustible mixture is provided for such projectiles, a large amount of heat is released during its combustion. Air defense missiles operate according to a program designed for them to respond to thermal signals in the sky. Since as a result of combustion of both pyrophoric and pyrotechnic compositions, a large number of thermal energy, the air defense missile is automatically rebuilt from the aircraft to a more powerful thermal source, which is the LTC.

On the relevance of using BKO

Airborne defense systems (ADS) have found their wide application both in military and civil aviation. Before the systems were introduced into airplanes and helicopters, both were subject to intense attacks by terrorist groups. According to experts, the situation has especially worsened after the looting of military warehouses in Libya. Despite the assumption that the stolen weapons would eventually be used by the rebels against the existing government, it could not be ruled out that some of them would still fall into the hands of terrorists. It soon turned out that five thousand units really did not reach the rebel army.

Having assessed the current situation, American intelligence officers and analysts came to the conclusion that total number There are at least 150 thousand air defense missile systems that are not recorded anywhere. In 2015, the President-S airborne defense system from the Russian concern Radioelectronic Technologies was presented to the attention of the world community, namely the participants of the largest aerospace salon, Dubai Airshow.


The task of the President-S BKO is to provide protection for an airplane or helicopter from attacks by aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft artillery guns. BKOs are special devices and stations that detect a threat in the form of a missile attack and warn the crew about it.

In addition to launching a disposable decoy target, President-S creates active radio and optical-electronic interference. The equipment of this LTC is designed for indoor and outdoor locations. Protection against guided missiles fired from the ground and air-to-air missiles is provided by a laser station, which, using multispectral or optical-electronic suppression. The mass of the station is 150 kg. "President-S" detects, selects and tracks a target with its subsequent suppression. According to experts, the “heat trap” is capable of simultaneously responding to two attacking missiles.

Using a radio station active interference the aircraft becomes invulnerable to missiles using radar guidance systems. In this case, the LTC produces electronic interference at the first stage of detection of an aircraft by the missile. The mass of the station is just over 50 kg. Its tactical and technical characteristics are sufficient to simultaneously suppress four enemy electronic weapons.

After repeated attacks on aircraft equipped with “heat traps” from Igla anti-aircraft missile systems, which are superior to the American “Stingers” in their characteristics, it became obvious that the “President-S” is a very effective example of the Russian LTC.

Despite the presence of maximum infrared radiation from the target aircraft, all missiles fired at it “went away” on approach. The explanation for this was the use of President-S in BKO laser irradiation, which enemy missiles mistook for a real aircraft.

One of the main threats to helicopters is man-portable air defense systems. Such weapons make it possible to attack various low-altitude air targets at distances of no more than a few kilometers, which makes it a convenient means of protecting troops from possible air attacks. As a result, special equipment is required that can protect a helicopter or other aircraft from attack by anti-aircraft weapons. The main method of protection is false thermal targets. In addition, to date, our country has developed new complex protection of President-S helicopters.

The project of the President-S airborne defense complex (ADS) has been developed since the middle of the last decade. Several enterprises that are part of the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern (KRET) were involved in its creation. The Moscow Scientific and Technical Center "Reagent", SKB "Zenith", Scientific and Technical Center "Elins" and the Research Institute "Ekran" were involved in the project. All these organizations were engaged in the creation of individual components of the complex intended to solve certain problems. The main task of the President-S BKO is to protect the aircraft from surface-to-air missiles, including portable air defense missiles. The existing elements of the complex are capable of monitoring the situation and potentially finding dangerous objects, detect missile launches and take measures necessary to disrupt the attack.

The first public information about the President-S complex appeared in June 2010. Some components of the promising BKO were shown at the Eurosatory 2010 exhibition in Paris. At the same time, KRET representatives spoke about the purpose of the new system and some of its features. In addition, five years ago it became known not only about the existence of the project, but also about some of the successes that its authors managed to achieve.

Laser station for optical-electronic suppression. Photo

Domestic funds mass media with reference to the developers, they reported that the President-S BKO had already passed some tests. At the same time, the tests went as far as checking the operation of systems on the base platform. As it was said then, the stand for such tests was a converted Mi-8 helicopter, which was installed on a special mast on an elevated platform. The helicopter engines were brought to maximum power, which was supposed to facilitate the operation of the missile guidance systems used in the tests.

From a distance of about 1 km, Igla MANPADS were fired at the helicopter. Despite the maximum operating mode of the engine, the large amount of heat generated and the relatively short distance, the President-S defense complex successfully detected missiles and thwarted attacks. All missiles missed their target.

To date, enough has been published detailed information about the President-S complex as a whole and its individual components. According to the Ekran Research Institute, the complex includes the following means: a control device, warning stations for radar and laser irradiation, a missile attack warning station, an aircraft jamming device, an active jamming station, an incoherent optical-electronic suppression station, as well as optical-electronic suppression laser station.

The complex's equipment is mounted on a base helicopter and, after appropriate training, is capable of performing search tasks for potentially dangerous missiles with their further suppression and disruption of the attack. To detect enemy anti-aircraft weapons, a set of stations operating in various parts spectrum Several units for detecting radar and laser irradiation are mounted around the perimeter of the helicopter. In addition, ultraviolet missile launch detection systems are provided. Thus, the automation of the President-S BKO is capable of independently identifying enemy radar and laser systems, as well as timely detection of missile launches.

The central system of the complex, the control device, receives signals about irradiation or missile launches. The detection means of the complex are capable of not only detecting the fact of irradiation or launch, but also determining the direction to the detected object. This data is taken into account by the control device, which makes decisions about the use of protection systems. To counter various threats, the President-S complex provides different systems.

Architecture of one of the complex options. Drawing

It is proposed to suppress enemy radar systems using an active jamming station. This station must be activated when the enemy uses radar or anti-aircraft missiles with radar homing heads of all types. The active jamming station of the President-S complex can emit interference in a sector 120° wide in azimuth and 60° in elevation. The manufacturer notes that the sector sizes depend on the type of base aircraft and are subject to change.

Consuming up to 2500 VA from a 115/200 V 400 Hz circuit or 300 W from a 27 V circuit, the active jammer has an energy potential of 150 W. A nomenclature of the main types of interference in the ranges from G to J has been implemented. Total weight active jamming stations - 51.5 kg.

Additional countermeasure radio-electronic means the enemy are the so-called disposable jammers (SPOI). These products are small devices (weighing no more than 600 g) with low-power (energy potential up to 2 W) radio transmitters. It is proposed to shoot disposable jamming transmitters from existing aircraft expendable ejection devices. Thus, depending on the situation and the existing situation, the automation can shoot false thermal targets or throw out PPOI.

From the available data it follows that in the first versions of the President-S BKO, there was only one optical-electronic suppression system - incoherent. Later, a laser system for a similar purpose was added to it. Despite the use of various equipment and emitters different types, both stations are intended to solve the same problem. With their help, the complex should divert incoming missiles with infrared homing heads from the aircraft.

Back in 2010, KRET specialists described general principle operation of an incoherent suppression station. It was reported that the “working part” of this device is a special sapphire lamp. The automation of the complex, using data from existing sensors, determines the position of the missile relative to the helicopter, after which it aims the optical device of the suppression station. The lamp's radiation “deceives” the missile's homing head, causing it to lose its target in the form of an aircraft and pass by it. After a miss, the missile self-destructs after the estimated flight time has expired. It was noted that at that time no one in the world was able to solve this problem and put new equipment into series.

Active jamming station equipment from the President-S BKO. Photo

By now, it has become known about the existence of another optical-electronic suppression station proposed for use as part of the President-S airborne defense complex. This station can be made in the form of a block for installation in the internal volumes of an aircraft or in the form of a hanging container. Regardless of its design, the laser suppression station is capable of effectively solving the assigned tasks of countering infrared homing heads of missiles various types.

The main element of a laser station is a laser installation based on a multispectral solid-state or gas laser. Associated with the laser is an optical-mechanical unit responsible for pointing the laser beam at the target. The station is also equipped with a power supply, control system and other components for various purposes. The design of the station makes it possible to suppress missiles in a working sector with a width of 360° in azimuth and 90° in elevation. In standby mode, the station consumes no more than 2000 VA, in operating mode – 5000 VA. The total weight of the equipment does not exceed 150 kg.

The laser power of the President-S BKO station allows you to perform assigned tasks at distances from 500 to 5000 m. Missile suppression is ensured both during single launches and in salvos. In the latter case, the laser beam sequentially “blinds” the homing heads of several missiles. Targeting is carried out based on target designation of other means of the defense complex. The fact of hitting a target is recorded by the station independently. A signal that an enemy missile has been suppressed is the “reverse glare” of the reflected beam.

In 2015, the press service of the Radio-Electronic Weapons Concern and the domestic press mentioned the President-S complex several times. Thus, in early June, publications appeared reminiscent of the existence promising project and its main features. There were no new information in these messages.

On November 2, RIA published information received from the deputy general director KRET for R&D of technology electronic warfare and innovations of Yuri Mayevsky. The specialist said that the promising President-S airborne defense system was tested at the training grounds of the Ministry of Defense and confirmed its characteristics. During inspections carried out jointly with the military department, latest system defense showed high efficiency in protecting the base aircraft from fire using various guided missiles.

Disposable jammer. Photo

During the checks, testers carried out a large number of launches of portable missiles anti-aircraft systems"Igla" on helicopters equipped with equipment of the "President-S" system. Both single and salvo launches were carried out. At the same time, two missiles were launched simultaneously, including from different directions and from different distances. According to Yu. Mayevsky, all the missiles during the tests were unable to hit their targets. As a result of the actions of the President-S BKO, the missiles moved away from their targets without causing any damage to them.

The test results, according to the expert, allow us to assert that Russia has created a reliable system for protecting airplanes and helicopters from various guided missiles equipped with optical homing heads.

According to Mayevsky and RIA Novosti, some components of the President-S complex are already installed on several types of aircraft. Thus, optical-electronic suppression subsystems are mounted on Mi-28 and Ka-52 combat helicopters. In addition, Mi-26 transport helicopters and Il-76 aircraft receive such equipment.

According to KRET and the media, the President-S airborne defense complex and its individual systems can be mounted on other types of aircraft. For example, the development organization previously mentioned the possibility of using such equipment to protect civil airliners. It was argued that such equipment could be a convenient and simple response to emerging threats. Recent coups d'etat and local wars led to the fact that in arsenals terrorist organizations There may be man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. To protect against possible attacks using such, air carrier companies can use the President-S BKO, which provides reliable protection from MANPADS.

This summer, First Deputy General Director of the Radioelectronic Technologies Concern Igor Nasenkov said that the possibility of effective protection against MANPADS missiles makes the President-S complex interesting for foreign partners. As potential customers states of the Middle East are considered, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

The materials on the President-S project mention that this complex is capable of protecting aircraft not only from MANPADS of the Igla family. The promising BKO can also counter missiles of previous models, such as the Strela, as well as foreign weapons of this class, for example, the American-made Stinger systems.

Also, the “target” of the equipment of the President-S complex can be optical-electronic systems of various anti-aircraft artillery systems. In this case, apparently, the complex’s means operate according to the same algorithm as when suppressing missile homing heads, but taking into account the characteristics of ground-based air defense systems. The detection systems of the complex determine the location of enemy optical-electronic means, such as sights or laser rangefinders, after which a laser or incoherent suppression station is aimed at the target and sends a powerful pulse of radiation at it, making it impossible further work in normal mode.

Despite statements by the heads of the development organization, information about potential orders for the supply of the President-S BKO foreign countries not yet available. So far, there is only information about the supply of equipment of this complex to domestic aircraft manufacturing enterprises, which use it in the construction or modernization of various types of aircraft. Thus, the carriers of various elements of the promising complex so far are only Russian planes and helicopters.

According to the latest data, the President-S airborne defense complex was recently tested at the training grounds of the Ministry of Defense. The complex successfully solved all the tasks assigned to it, as a result of which not a single one of the MANPADS missiles launched during the tests was able to hit its target in the form of a helicopter equipped with a BKO. Information also appeared about the installation of this equipment on domestic aircraft and helicopters. There is no information yet about the adoption of the President-S complex into service. Perhaps the corresponding orders from the command will appear in the very near future.

Based on materials from sites: