In this section of the site you will read how and where sea animals live, you will be able to find out Interesting Facts about them, see photos of sea animals!

More than two thirds of the earth's surface is covered by seas and oceans. This huge mass of water is necessary for life on our planet: winds carry moisture throughout the world, it evaporates and is restored again in the form of rain and snow, feeding plant and animal world. The sea is teeming with life, and strangely enough, both the microscopic and the largest sea inhabitants, such as the blue whale, manta ray or whale shark, eat big amount food invisible to the naked eye - plankton.

Jellyfish more than 90% consists of water; Some jellyfish can cause a painful burn.

U octopus eight tentacles; he lives on seabed and can change color to adapt to its environment.

Hawksbill turtle (caretta)- very dexterous swimmer; feeds mainly on jellyfish and crustaceans. Lays eggs in the sand on the shores of small bays.

Blue whale- this is the largest animal in the world: one female, caught in 1947, weighed 190 tons. A blue whale calf is born eight meters long and weighs up to three tons.

Marine flora consists of algae- plants without a trunk. Their life depends on sunlight, and therefore great depths where the sun's rays do not penetrate, there are no algae.

Moon fish usually swims in the open sea almost at the very surface, which is why its fin emerging from the water is often mistaken for the fin of a shark; In contrast, the moon fish is completely harmless.

Angler. This amazing predatory fish lures its prey by swinging its “antenna”, at the end of which there is a growth similar to a delicious worm.

Zebra lionfish. Her spectacular appearance conceals within itself serious danger- on the back of this fish there is a fin that secretes poison as strong as that of a cobra.

Needlefish. Hunts completely in a unique way: it approaches the victim, often hiding behind other fish, and with lightning speed sucks it into its long “beak”. In terms of its characteristics, the pipefish is very similar to the seahorse.

Acne. For centuries, scientists, starting with the Greek philosopher Aristotle, have tried to understand how this fish reproduces. Today it is known that it lays eggs in the Sargasso Sea, between Bermuda and the Caribbean islands. Small larvae travel many thousands of kilometers to return to the rivers where their parents come from. Eel - very strong fish; found in fresh water and maybe for a long time stay out of water: part of its journey often travels on land.

Seabirds. The sea provides food for many animals that live on the coast. Among them are numerous seabirds. These birds have a lot in common: they all fly well, can land on water, swim with webbed feet, and their beaks are adapted for fishing. Many of them, such as the cormorant, are capable of chasing fish underwater.

Cormorant. The inhabitants of Japan taught this bird to fish: with every fish caught, the bird returns to its owner.

Gull. A lot of various types sea ​​birds are called gulls. You can often see flocks of seagulls chasing fishing vessels returning from fishing: they pick up waste that sailors throw overboard. Seagulls have learned to find food even in landfills in the interior of the continent, tens of kilometers from the sea.

Frigate. The male of this large, coastal-dwelling warm seas, during courtship, it inflates a huge bright red crop to attract the attention of the female.

Sea depths.

Far from the coast on great depth the algae that need it don't grow sunlight; there are only phytoplankton, formed by microscopic algae that float freely in the water. For this reason, at great depths there are mainly predators; other fish are content with phyto and zooplankton. Consisting of tiny invertebrates.

In open expanses of water, where there are no shelters, only large sizes can instill fear in a predator and prevent an attack. Therefore, only far from the coast are large marine inhabitants found: from cetaceans such as killer whales and whales, to big fish such as shark, tuna or swordfish.

Small fish use other methods of defense: flying fish jump high out of the water, and sardines and mackerel find salvation by gathering in large schools.

The Earth is washed by four oceans: Indian, Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. The largest is the Pacific Ocean, its area is 180 million square kilometers. The average depth of the oceans is about 4,000 meters. The enormous length and depth do not allow exploring the bottom of the oceans; in fact, it is extremely difficult and expensive to create machines that can withstand highest pressure, existing in the abyss of the sea.

The greatest depth of the ocean is the Mariinsky Trench in the Pacific Ocean: 11,022 meters.

Flying fish. The flying fish has highly developed lateral fins, with the help of which it makes gliding flights over the surface of the sea, escaping from predators.

A complex combination of winds, currents and tidal cycles causes waves to move. The sea rarely has waves higher than 10 meters, but waves even higher than 30 meters have been observed.


A large number of microscopic organisms float in the sea that are not able to withstand currents - animal (zooplankton) and plant (phytoplankton) in origin; together they make up plankton. Carried by currents, it serves as food for both the smallest fish and crustaceans, and huge mammals, such as the blue whale. Animals that can actively swim form nekton.

Zooplankton- part of plankton formed by animal organisms.

Phytoplankton- this is that part of plankton that consists of microscopic algae floating in water. A large number of phytoplankton and gives sea ​​water characteristic greenish color.

One liter of water contains millions of microscopic organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. They not only constitute food for marine animals, but are also necessary for the restoration of oxygen.


These are large mammals, inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Over millions of years of evolution, their body has acquired a shape similar to that of fish, thanks to which they swim quickly. But cetaceans, unlike fish, cannot breathe rarefied oxygen. They need to breathe air, so they are forced to swim to the surface of the sea from time to time. Their young are born in water; immediately after birth, the mother pushes them to the surface to take their first breath. This is a very important moment, and parents must be extremely careful not to encounter a predator.

The smallest cetacean is the dolphin, and the largest is the sea whale, which is also the largest animal in the world.

"Fountain". The whales may appear to be breathing out sprays of water; in fact, what we see is a stream of air mixed with a small amount of water.

Willow whale (sei whale), humpback and blue whales They feed on plankton, which they filter through dense horny plates called baleen. These plates prevent large animals from entering the mouth, so these whales do not need teeth.

Humpback whale. Unlike other whales, which prefer the open sea, the humpback whale lives close to the coast, sometimes even swimming into bays and rivers. Despite its weight of 30 tons, this frisky animal loves to “dance” when it sticks out of the water.

Sperm whale. This large animal reaches up to 20 meters in length. It feeds mainly on cephalopods, such as squid, as well as fish. When getting food, it can dive to a depth of up to two thousand meters, where giant squids weighing several centners are found. A sperm whale can hold its breath for almost two hours!

Narwhal. Due to its long, straight, horn-like tooth, the narwhal cannot be confused with anyone else. This friendly animal lives in cold Arctic waters.

Killer whale. Has a reputation as a cruel and very dangerous predator; in fact, the killer whale, like other carnivores, attacks the animals on which it feeds, but there is no evidence that it has attacked people.

Dolphin. Dolphins are very easy to tame due to the fact that they are very intelligent and have exceptional learning abilities. Dolphins, like all cetaceans, make many different sounds; This dolphin “language” is being studied by scientists. Dolphins are incredibly friendly; Once upon a time, it was a dolphin who saved a shipwrecked man from attacking sharks.

Sharks. These are very ancient fish; Due to the streamlined shape of the body, when moving forward, sharks experience the negligible resistance of the water, so they swim very quickly. Unlike fish, sharks reproduce by laying eggs; Some place them at the bottom, attaching them to algae or rocks; in others, the eggs develop completely in the mother's body, and the young are born already formed. Sharks range from fearsome predators, such as the blue shark, to peaceful plankton eaters, such as the huge whale shark, which, despite its terrifying appearance, is completely harmless. The whale shark is the most big fish in the world, its body length reaches 12 meters! The blue shark is considered a man-eating shark, and there is considerable evidence that it attacks people injured in shipwrecks and swimmers.

Gray shark. Lives in tropical seas, exploring the shallows in search of fish and crustaceans. It does not attack people, but if a person gets scared and tries to escape, this shark can become very dangerous.

Sawfish. Found in the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. A distinctive feature is the long and flat snout with small teeth arranged like the teeth of a saw. It serves the fish to comb the sandy bottom in search of small prey. Occasionally, the sawfish uses its “nose” to protect itself from enemies. Often the shark is accompanied by pilot fish; they feed on the remains of shark food, and, oddly enough, sharks do not attack them. There is an opinion that the pilot fish shows the shark the way to large schools of fish. In fact, this is just a legend without any basis.

Scat. It has a highly flattened body, which gives the impression that it is “flying” on water. Basically, the stingray lives on the bottom, at moderate depths, where it is remarkably camouflaged. Some species of stingray have a long spine on their back that secretes a strong poison. The mouth, located on the belly, has a lot of sharp teeth.

Tiger shark. This fish is called so because of the color of its skin. It swims close to the shore and feeds on everything: fish and crustaceans, birds and mammals.


Sunlight does not penetrate water deeper than several tens of meters. Below there is constant darkness, and it is impossible to distinguish day from night. Plants cannot live without light, so there are no algae here at all. This is the reason that only predatory fish live at the depths, luring prey in various ingenious ways.

Many deep-sea fish have special luminous organs, so-called phosphors; they serve as bait that other fish cannot resist and, attracted by such “bait,” are often eaten.

Deep-sea fish are able to withstand the highest pressure; moreover, they cannot tolerate low pressure, and if they had floated to the surface, they would have died.

Organic substances slowly descend to the bottom of the ocean - the remains of animals and plants that died in the surface layers. All this constitutes the food of small benthic animals - this is the name given to the collection of organisms living on the bottom. Benthos, in turn, serves as food for fish and larger shellfish, which are watched by other predators that penetrate the abyss of the sea from shallower layers, for example, the sperm whale, which can dive to depths, despite the fact that it breathes atmospheric air.

Giant squid. One representative of this species of animal, “stranded” on the island of Newfoundland in Canada, weighed two tons. Giant squids have a body length together with tentacles that reaches 13-18 meters; it is even suggested that they get involved in fierce battles with sperm whales in the depths of the oceans: traces left by tentacles are often seen on the bodies of which, and the remains of giant squids are found in the stomachs.

Pelican-like largemouth.

Always swims in the dark, keeping his huge mouth wide open; in this way he collects all the food that comes his way.

Arboreal linophryne. Very little is known about this deep-sea fish due to the difficulty of studying it in natural environment a habitat. Probably most of the time she lies calmly on the bottom, swaying a long antenna with a phosphor - a luminous organ located on her head. Other fish, having been caught on such bait, inevitably end their lives in the throat of linophryne.

Coral reefs.

Corals- these are small animals, in whose colonies there are millions of individuals, they live in tropical seas, attached to their bottom. Over time, one calcareous skeleton generated by them grows and forms real coral reefs in coastal areas, on which waves break; because of this, between the shore and the coral fence the sea is calmer, like in a port harbor.

coral reef- an ideal habitat for both animals and plants: the sea here is calm and warm, there is a lot of sunshine. If you look underwater through a scuba mask, you can see countless different picturesque fish “walking” among starfish and sea anemones.

If you dive on the other side of the reef, in the direction open sea, you may experience a feeling of severe dizziness: there is no bottom anymore - only bright blue water.

Biggest coral reef, more than 2000 kilometers long, located along the coast of Australia. These coral fortresses are called large quarry reefs and pose a serious danger to mariners.

Atolls. The peaks of underwater volcanoes can rise above the water, forming small islands, or be located near the surface of the ocean. If coral colonies form around them, they take on an almost circular shape, forming atolls - coral islands.

Madrepores. Relatives of corals are also formed by colonies of polyps of calcareous nature. At night, they extend their tentacles, grabbing food consisting of plankton.

By the shore.

In the ocean near the coast, the most favorable conditions for the prosperity of the inhabitants of the underwater world: sunlight penetrates the water, promoting the rapid growth of algae and providing food for the animals that feed on them; these animals, in turn, themselves serve as food for predatory fish. And finally, the movement of the waves, which never reaches a depth of more than a few tens of meters, here causes mixing at the bottom, which contributes to its fertility.

The bottom can be rocky, muddy or sandy, and sometimes covered with algae. Depending on the type of seabed, it is inhabited by different animals. For example, on a sandy bottom you can find a flounder that hides in the sand, burying itself halfway into it, and an octopus finds shelter on a rocky bottom, where it is almost invisible among the rocks.

Among the rocks washed by the sea, which provide a hospitable welcome to countless animals, there is a rich life. Some of the local inhabitants, such as mussels, patellas, urchins, sea ​​stars and sea anemones do not swim. Crustaceans, octopuses and fish such as sargus, grouper, rock perch and moray eel. The flounder and the baby dragon hide in the sand, and the sultan explores it with her long antennae in search of food. All this potential prey attracts hunter fish that live in the open sea to the coast - bayfish, large serioles and zubans.

Sea urchins. When swimming in the sea, you need to be very careful not to step on these animals: the consequences can be very sad! Mouth sea ​​urchin called the Aristotelian lantern, and it contains five constantly growing teeth. Some hedgehogs have short and dense spines, others have long and sparse spines. They differ in color.

Crustaceans. All these animals, most of them marine, have two pairs of antennae, and some also have two solid claws that can close forcefully. During the day they usually hide in rock crevices, but at night they become more active and go in search of food, which usually consists of mollusks and dead animals.

lobster found in seas almost all over the world; its weight can reach eight kilograms.

Lobster is like lobster, it's very popular seafood product; Lobsters are caught using special traps - tops. Unlike the lobster, it has claws.

A distinctive feature of the crab is its specific way of moving sideways.

Crustaceans have a permanent burrow, where they certainly return after night forays for food: this indicates that crustaceans have a good sense of orientation. Some of them, for example, lobsters, make mass migrations over long distances.

Yesterday, September 26, was World Maritime Day. In this regard, we bring to your attention a selection of the most unusual sea creatures.

World Maritime Day has been celebrated since 1978 on one of the days of the last week of September. This international holiday was created in order to attract public attention to the problems of sea pollution and the extinction of animal species living in them. Indeed, over the past 100 years, according to the UN, some types of fish, including cod and tuna, have been caught by 90%, and every year about 21 million barrels of oil enter the seas and oceans.

All this causes irreparable damage to the seas and oceans and can lead to the death of their inhabitants. These include those that we will talk about in our selection.

1. Dumbo the Octopus

This animal received its name due to the ear-like structures protruding from the top of its head, which resemble the ears of Disney's baby elephant Dumbo. However, scientific name this animal is Grimpoteuthis. These cute creatures live at depths of 3,000 to 4,000 meters and are one of the rarest octopuses.

The largest individuals of this genus were 1.8 meters in length and weighed about 6 kg. Most From time to time, these octopuses swim above the seabed in search of food - polychaete worms and various crustaceans. By the way, unlike other octopuses, these swallow their prey whole.

2. Short-snouted pipistrelle

This fish attracts attention, first of all, with its unusual appearance, namely with bright red lips on the front of the body. As previously thought, they are necessary to attract marine life, which the pipistrelle bat feeds on. However, it was soon discovered that this function is performed by a small formation on the fish’s head, called the esca. It emits a specific odor that attracts worms, crustaceans and small fish.

The unusual “image” of the pipistrelle bat is complemented by an equally amazing way of moving in water. Being a poor swimmer, it walks along the bottom on its pectoral fins.

Short-snouted pipistrelle - deep sea fish, and lives in the waters near the Galapagos Islands.

3. Branched brittle stars

These deep-sea marine animals have many branched arms. Moreover, each of the rays can be 4-5 times larger than the body of these brittle stars. With their help, the animal catches zooplankton and other food. Like other echinoderms, branched brittle stars lack blood, and gas exchange is carried out using a special water-vascular system.

Typically, branched brittle stars weigh about 5 kg, their rays can reach 70 cm in length (in the branched brittle stars Gorgonocephalus stimpsoni), and their body is 14 cm in diameter.

4. Harlequin pipe snout

This is one of the least studied species that can, if necessary, merge with the bottom or imitate a branch of algae.

It is next to the thickets of the underwater forest at a depth of 2 to 12 meters that these creatures try to stay in order to dangerous situation they were able to acquire the color of the soil or the nearest plant. During “quiet” times for harlequins, they slowly swim upside down in search of food.

Looking at a photograph of a harlequin tubesnout, it is easy to guess that they are related to seahorses and pipefish. However, they differ noticeably in appearance: for example, the harlequin has longer fins. By the way, this shape of fins helps the ghost fish bear offspring. With the help of elongated pelvic fins covered with inside thread-like outgrowths, the female harlequin forms a special pouch in which she bears eggs.

5. Yeti Crab

In 2005, an expedition exploring the Pacific Ocean discovered extremely unusual crabs that were covered in “fur” at a depth of 2,400 meters. Because of this feature (as well as their coloring), they were called “Yeti crabs” (Kiwa hirsuta).

However, it was not fur in the literal sense of the word, but long feathery bristles covering the chest and limbs of crustaceans. According to scientists, many filamentous bacteria live in the bristles. These bacteria purify water from toxic substances, thrown away hydrothermal springs, next to which “Yeti crabs” live. There is also an assumption that these same bacteria serve as food for crabs.

6. Australian coneberry

This one that lives in coastal waters Australian states of Queensland, New South Wales and Western Australia are found on reefs and bays. Due to its small fins and hard scales, it swims extremely slowly.

Being a nocturnal species, the Australian conefish spends the day in caves and under rocky outcroppings. Yes, in one marine reserve In New South Wales, a small group of coneworts has been recorded hiding under the same ledge for at least 7 years. At night, this species comes out of hiding and goes hunting on sandbanks, illuminating its path with the help of luminescent organs, photophores. This light is produced by a colony of symbiotic bacteria, Vibrio fischeri, which has taken up residence in the photophores. Bacteria can leave the photophores and simply live in seawater. However, their luminescence fades a few hours after they leave the photophores.

Interestingly, fish also use the light emitted by their luminescent organs to communicate with their relatives.

7. Lyre sponge

The scientific name of this animal is Chondrocladia lyra. It is a type of carnivorous deep-sea sponge, and was first discovered in the California sponge at a depth of 3300-3500 meters in 2012.

The lyre sponge gets its name from its appearance, which resembles a harp or lyre. So, this animal is held on the seabed with the help of rhizoids, root-like formations. From 1 to 6 horizontal stolons extend from their upper part, and on them, at equal distances from each other, are vertical “branches” with spade-shaped structures at the end.

Since the lyre sponge is carnivorous, it uses these “branches” to capture prey, such as crustaceans. And as soon as she manages to do this, she will begin to secrete a digestive membrane that will envelop the prey. Only after this the lyre sponge will be able to suck in the split prey through its pores.

The largest recorded lyre sponge reaches almost 60 centimeters in length.

8. Clowns

Living in almost all tropical and subtropical seas and oceans, fish from the clown family are among the fastest predators on the planet. After all, they are able to catch prey in less than a second!

So, having seen a potential victim, the “clown” will track it down, remaining motionless. Of course, the prey will not notice it, because fish of this family usually resemble a plant or a harmless animal in their appearance. In some cases, when the prey comes closer, the predator begins to move the tail, an extension of the front dorsal fin that resembles a “fishing rod,” which forces the prey even closer. And as soon as a fish or other sea animal is close enough to the “clown”, it will suddenly open its mouth and swallow its prey, spending only 6 milliseconds! This attack is so lightning fast that it cannot be seen without slow motion. By the way, the volume oral cavity When catching prey, the size of a fish often increases 12 times.

Besides the speed of clowns, no less important role Their hunting is influenced by the unusual shape, color and texture of their cover, which allows these fish to mimic. Some clownfish resemble rocks or corals, while others resemble sponges or sea squirts. And in 2005, sargassum was discovered sea ​​clown, which imitates algae. The "camouflage" of clowns can be so good that sea ​​slugs They often crawl over these fish, mistaking them for corals. However, they need “camouflage” not only for hunting, but also for protection.

Interestingly, during a hunt, the “clown” sometimes sneaks up on its prey. He literally approaches her using his pectoral and ventral fins. These fish can walk in two ways. They can alternately move their pectoral fins without using the pelvic fins, and they can transfer their body weight from the pectoral fins to the pelvic fins. The latter method of gait can be called a slow gallop.

9. Smallmouth macropinna

Living in the depths of the northern part Pacific Ocean The smallmouth macropinna has a very unusual appearance. She has a transparent forehead through which she can look out for prey with her tubular eyes.

The unique fish was discovered in 1939. However, at that time it was not possible to study it well enough, in particular the structure of the cylindrical eyes of the fish, which can move from a vertical position to a horizontal one and vice versa. This was only possible in 2009.

Then it became clear that the bright green eyes of this small fish (it does not exceed 15 cm in length) are located in a head chamber filled with a transparent liquid. This chamber is covered by a dense, but at the same time elastic transparent shell, which is attached to the scales on the body of the smallmouth macropinna. Bright green color The fish's eyes are explained by the presence of a specific yellow pigment in them.

Since the smallmouth macropinna is characterized by special structure eye muscles, then its cylindrical eyes can be in either a vertical or horizontal position, when the fish can look straight through its transparent head. Thus, macropinna can notice prey both when it is in front of it and when it swims above it. And as soon as the prey - usually zooplankton - is at the level of the fish’s mouth, it quickly grabs it.

10. Sea Spider

These arthropods, which are not actually spiders or even arachnids, are common in the Mediterranean and Caribbean seas, as well as in the Arctic and Southern oceans. Today, more than 1,300 species of this class are known, some representatives of which reach 90 cm in length. However, most sea spiders are still small in size.

These animals have long legs, of which there are usually about eight. Moss spiders also have a special appendage (proboscis) that they use to absorb food into the intestines. Most of these animals are carnivorous and feed on cnidarians, sponges, polychaete worms and bryozoans. For example, sea spiders often feed on sea anemones: they insert their proboscis into the body of the sea anemone and begin to suck its contents into themselves. And since sea anemones are usually larger than sea spiders, they almost always survive such “torture.”

Sea spiders live in different parts world: in the waters of Australia, New Zealand, off the Pacific coast of the United States, in the Mediterranean and Caribbean seas, as well as in the Arctic and Southern oceans. Moreover, they are most common in shallow water, but can also be found at depths of up to 7000 meters. They often hide under rocks or camouflage themselves among algae.

11. Cyphoma gibbosum

The shell color of this orange-yellow snail seems very bright. However, only the soft tissues of a living mollusk have this color, and not the shell. Typically, Cyphoma gibbosum snails reach 25-35 mm in length, and their shell is 44 mm.

These animals live in the warm waters of the western Atlantic Ocean, including the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and in the waters of the Lesser Antilles at depths of up to 29 meters.

12. Mantis crab

Living at shallow depths in tropical and subtropical seas, mantis crayfish have the most complex eyes in the world. If a person can distinguish 3 primary colors, then the mantis crab can distinguish 12. Also, these animals perceive ultraviolet and infrared light and see different types polarization of light.

Many animals are able to see linear polarization. For example, fish and crustaceans use it to navigate and detect prey. However, only mantis crabs are able to see both linear polarization and a rarer, circular one.

Such eyes enable mantis crayfish to recognize Various types corals, their prey and predators. In addition, when hunting, it is important for the crayfish to deliver precise strikes with its pointed, grasping legs, in which its eyes also help.

By the way, sharp, jagged segments on the grasping legs also help mantis crayfish cope with prey or predators, which can be much larger in size. So, during an attack, the mantis crab makes several quick strikes with its legs, which causes serious damage to the victim or kills it.

In 1996, on International Black Sea Day (October 31), six countries with access to this part of the World Ocean - Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey - signed a plan to rehabilitate and protect the unique ecosystem.

The flora and fauna of the Black Sea is diverse: more than 2.5 thousand species of various animals and plants live here. On the one hand, the Black Sea is considered one of the safest: there are no sharks or other dangerous sea ​​inhabitants. On the other hand, the depths of the Black Sea are fraught with many mysteries, including zoological ones. “Around the World” talks about the most amazing of them.

Scorpionfish and rays

The Black Sea is notable for the fact that at a depth of more than 200 meters, the water in it is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, which is why it is sometimes called the sea with a “dead depth”. Traditional inhabitants of the bottom feel great in areas with a depth of up to 150 meters.

Sea fox and sea cat

The largest stingray living in the waters of the Black Sea is considered sea ​​fox, or spiny stingray, reaches a length of 120 centimeters and can change color. The sea fox is also armed with spines different sizes on the tail. At the same time, it is not dangerous for humans, unless, of course, you try to grab the animal by the tail with your bare hands.

The sea fox is a master at camouflage

Another large stingray that lives in the Black Sea is the sea cat, or stingray, reaching up to 70 centimeters in size. The main weapon of this stingray is the poisonous spike on its tail. If you touch the animal, it plunges its spike into the victim with phenomenal speed. It sounds scary, but in reality such stingrays are very shy and almost instantly hide when people approach. However, history also knows several fatal encounters sea ​​cat with a person.

Sea ruff

The Black Sea scorpionfish is one of the most poisonous fish in the world and really looks like a monster: scorpion fish can reach 40 centimeters in length and 1.5 kilograms in weight. Add to this bulging eyes, a huge mouth and a body covered with bumps, growths and twenty spines with poison.

Black Sea scorpionfish

An amazing feature of the scorpionfish is that, like a snake, it sheds its skin several times. Despite the fact that almost the entire body of the fish is covered with poison, its meat is eaten and even considered dietary.


Since childhood, we have all been familiar with the jellyfish of the Black Sea, which sometimes washes up to the shore in hundreds. Fortunately, their poison is not very dangerous to humans if it does not get into the mucous membranes, for example, into the eyes. The burn may be similar to a reaction from nettles, in in rare cases Allergy possible.


The largest jellyfish not only of Cherny, but also Mediterranean Sea- Cornerot - reaches half a meter in diameter and can weigh up to 10 kilograms. This is also one of the most beautiful jellyfish - it has a large umbrella dome and eight long openwork tentacles, which are equipped with stinging cells that can cause a burn to a person.

Cornerot - one of the most beautiful jellyfish in the world

Unlike its fellow aurelia jellyfish, the Cornerot is an excellent swimmer. It is also surprising that under the dome of this jellyfish, some small fish and crabs often hide from predators.

Bright fish

Of course, diving in the Black Sea is unlikely to compare with a similar activity in tropical waters, but here you can also meet bright and unusual fish. So, in rocky crevices they grow dense thickets algae, including peridinea algae, which give the water a strange glow thanks to its inhabitants - nocturnals. Algae is also an excellent environment for many fish.

Marine Firebird

The black-headed troper is one of the most colorful fish in the Black Sea. In contrast to the black head, its bright red, fiery body with a golden tint looks especially noticeable.

Black-headed Tripper

However, only males fighting for territory during the mating season have this coloration. Females of the triple fin are inconspicuous gray-green in color.


Rulena, or greenfinch - another one bright fish Black Sea. Its body is colored green or greenish.


Male greenfinches also have red and blue stripes on their sides, while females have brown stripes and bright yellow fins. It is noteworthy that after death, roulena very quickly loses color.


Since the Black Sea is practically isolated, large and dangerous predators. However, two species of sharks are found in the Black Sea waters.


The Katran shark, or sea dog, is not at all large compared to its dangerous ocean counterparts. It reaches 1.5 meters in length and has special poisonous thorns on the dorsal fin.


The shark usually lives in the depths and is afraid to approach people, so it poses a danger only to fishermen who, through carelessness, can run into a spike with poison. It is noteworthy that the katran has the longest “pregnancy” period among all sharks - the eggs develop in the female’s body for about 20 months.

cat shark

This deep sea shark is no different either large sizes: Its length ranges from 60 centimeters to a meter, and its body is covered with spots.

cat shark

Cat sharks do not live in the Black Sea permanently due to insufficient salinity, but swim here from the Mediterranean through the Bosphorus.


The undisputed decoration and symbol of the Black Sea are dolphins. Many tourists go on long boat trips to see these graceful and intelligent animals. Three species of dolphins live in the Black Sea: the Azov dolphin, the white-sided dolphin and the bottlenose dolphin.

Common dolphin

Common dolphins, or white-sided dolphins, were the first of their brethren to settle in the Black Sea. The bobwhite's body is colored on the sides light color, which creates a contrast with the dark color of the rest of the body.

Common dolphin or common dolphin

The common cetacean is one of the fastest-swimming cetaceans, its speed can reach 55 km/h. In addition, the dolphin can jump five meters out of the water.

bottlenose dolphin

The bottlenose dolphin is the same species of dolphin that we know by its charming “smile”, and also the most major representative of the entire dolphin family: bottlenose dolphins can reach 3–3.5 meters in length.

The charming “smile” of a bottlenose dolphin

It is bottlenose dolphins that can most often be found in the coastal zone, as they usually look for food at the bottom. The number of Black Sea bottlenose dolphins is about 7 thousand individuals and is constantly declining. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Harbour porpoise

The smallest "dolphin" of the Black Sea is the Azovka, or porpoise. It is worth noting that the azovka was originally classified as a dolphin, but after reclassification it was moved to a porpoise.

The porpoise also looks quite friendly

It is unlikely that you have met this animal, since the Azov is quite secretive, it does not jump out of the water, and besides, dorsal she is poorly developed. Your name porpoises received due to a thick layer of subcutaneous fat and noisy breathing, which looks like puffing or grunting.

Photo: Paul Kay / Getty Images, Borut Furlan / Getty Images, Pasquale Vassallo / Getty Images, Gavin Parsons / Getty Images, Franco Banfi / Getty Images, Mark Webster / Getty Images, Ethan Daniels / Stocktrek Images / Getty Images, Sergio Hanquet / Getty Images, Rajni Singh / EyeEm / Getty Images, Visuals Unlimited, Inc./Solvin Zankl / Getty Images

I don’t walk or fly, but try to catch up! I can be golden Come on, look into a fairy tale FISH

Don't you know me? OCTOPUS I live at the bottom of the sea. A head and eight legs, that's all I am...

What peoples lived on the shores of the Black Sea in ancient times? Taurians, Khazars, Scythians, Turks, Circassians, Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Tatars, Italians. What countries are located on the shores of the Black Sea? Russia, Türkiye, Bulgaria, Rumy Georgia, Ukraine

What cities are located on the shores of the Black Sea? Sochi, Crimea, Tuapse, Batumi, Sukhumi, Gelendzhik, Yalta, Gagra, Novorossiysk, Anapa. What fish living in the Black Sea are of commercial importance? Beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, herring, anchovy, red mullet, horse mackerel, mackerel, sprat, sprat, tuna.

What determines the color of aquatic organisms? The color of organisms depends on environment. What swimming devices do fish have? Fish have air sacs inside; fins, tail; body streamlining

What swimming devices do jellyfish have? 90% of a jellyfish's body consists of water, they push water out with their dome. What is the industrial significance of algae? In terms of vitamin content, algae are not inferior to apple pineapples. Soups, salads and side dishes are prepared from seaweed. Raw seaweed is added to chocolate candies, pastille, sauces, syrups, etc. They are used in the manufacture of cosmetic products and a number of medicines.

What is the area of ​​the Black Sea? 422 thousand sq. km What is greatest depth Black Sea? 2245 m What is the greatest and shortest extent of the Black Sea? 580 km, 265 km At what depth of the sea is there no life? Why? From 150 m, hydrogen sulfide

Ivanna Yakovenko

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development".

Target: to introduce children to the understanding of beauty underwater world of the Black Sea.



Expand children's understanding of the sea and its inhabitants;

Learn design Make a figurine of a fish from paper using the origami technique, strengthen the ability to fold paper in different directions.


Continue to develop coherent speech, enrich lexicon using comparisons, figurative expressions;

Develop constructive creativity through paper.


Cultivate a desire not only to be an observer of beauty, but also to create beauty around you.

Activating the dictionary: undersea world, journey.

Preliminary work: conversations “What the sea gives us”, “How to take care of marine life”, looking at the photo album “Animals” different seas", reading literary works on the topic, drawing.

Equipment: Drawing of the seabed on whatman paper, photographs of the inhabitants underwater world, colored paper, scissors, glue, record "Noise" seas".

Course of the lesson

Guys, do you like to travel? (children's answers)

Today we will go on a trip. Do you know the name of the place where we live? (children's answers).

What sea surrounds our peninsula on three sides? (children's answers).

Today we will become travelers and go down to the bottom Black Sea to admire the beauty underwater world and get to know its inhabitants. What can you use to go underwater? (children's answers).

Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are underwater boat and sink under the water, lower and lower. Through special windows - portholes, we observe this beautiful and mysterious world.

The recording "Noise" plays seas".

This is the sea, without end, without edge

Waves rush onto the sandy shore.

The wind on the sea will stop getting angry

Will it become clear who is hiding in the depths?

Guys, what do we see in deep sea? (children's answers).

What grows there at the bottom of the sea? (children's answers).

Why do you think they are called that? (children's answers).

They are different color- green, brown, red. Who knows what the shells on the bottom are called? (children's answers)

And what is this star at the bottom, as they call it? (children's answers)

She moves very slowly along the bottom and picks up food leftovers from other animals. Does this animal look like a spider, what is it called? (children's answers)

He walks sideways and sometimes goes ashore. But some sea inhabitants got scared when we appeared and hid. For them to appear again, we must solve riddles.

1. The waves carry a parachute to the shore - not a parachute

It doesn’t swim, it doesn’t dive, just touch it and it burns. (Jellyfish)

Small jellyfish that look like saucers can be picked up with your hands, but large ones with tentacles cannot be picked up - they can burn you.

2. What kind of wonderful horse is this? Very strange habits:

The horse does not sow or plow; it dances underwater with the fish. (Nautical

They are very similar to horses, only very small. They cling to algae with their tails and swim like that.

3. This is the fish, just a miracle! Very flat, like a dish.

Both eyes are on the back, and lives at the very bottom. (Flounder)

She buries herself in the sand so that she is almost invisible and waits for her prey.

4. C he was friendly with sailors for which he is still famous.

Of the sea animals, which one in the world deserves a monument? (Dolphin)

Dolphins often accompany ships at sea and show the way. There were cases when they saved drowning people. Well done! That's how many inhabitants have appeared in our sea! But some residents hid so well that we couldn’t find them. Who do you think it is? (children's answers) The sea without them is boring and uninteresting. What do we do? (children's answers). I suggest we make fish out of colored paper using the origami technique and place them in our sea.

The teacher demonstrates how to perform origami “Fish”.

And before work, let's do some exercises for fingers:

The fish splashed happily

In clean warm water

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Children's work as shown by the teacher.

Now let’s “release” our fish into the “sea”, smear the fish on one side with glue and glue it to the drawing.

This is how beautiful our sea is, how many inhabitants there are in it. You like?

Guys, do you know what is necessary for the fish and other inhabitants to have a good time in the sea? (children's answers)

That's right, first of all they need pure water. How should people behave so that the water in the sea is always clean? (children's answers)

if people do not scatter garbage, do not pour waste into the water, then sea inhabitants will always have good conditions and they will make people happy.