It is common knowledge that dozens of species of mushrooms grow in the vast forests of our country. high categories, which are a valuable food product. One of them is oyster mushrooms. There is no doubt that almost everyone knows their name, but it still wouldn’t hurt to give more detailed information about the biology of this species.

Oyster mushrooms got their name because of their “suspended” state, in which they grow on tree trunks. Note that professional foresters are not particularly fond of them, since these mushrooms belong to the category of wood-destroying ones. Another version of their origin unusual name is that they begin to grow in the spring (oyster mushroom).

It's pretty big agaric, having a practically undeveloped eccentric leg. The hat of the most prominent representatives of the species reaches a diameter of 30 cm. The shape is most often ear-shaped or round. Old oyster mushrooms differ not only in size, but also in the funnel-shaped shape of the cap.

Its surface is most often smooth, but wavy specimens are also often found. The color most often varies within ash-gray, with some deviations.

As we have already said, oyster mushrooms are distinguished by a weakly defined stalk (often it is completely invisible). It is very dense and very often has a peculiar curved shape. It grows up to five centimeters in length, while its diameter rarely exceeds two to three centimeters. The older the mushroom, the stiffer the stem becomes.

Only in young oyster mushrooms the flesh is tender and juicy, while in the “patriarchs” it becomes hard and highly fibrous, practically losing everything taste qualities. By the way, young mushrooms have a very unique taste, with hints of anise.

By the way, why have oyster mushrooms become so common in mass mushroom culture? After all, there are many types that are tastier and more nutritious!

Their important feature is the fact that they are very resistant to viral and bacterial infections, and also have excellent mechanical resistance when transported even over long distances. It's no wonder that large retail chains love them so much.

One more positive quality is the fact that in our forests there is not a single poisonous mushroom that would at least somehow copy their appearance. This is especially important for novice collectors, who often do not show special talents in recognizing potential “prey.”

As for cooking, oyster mushrooms belong to the fourth category. We remind you once again that only the youngest are eaten, since the old ones are practically devoid of any taste. In England they were once covered in batter and thoroughly fried, but since then their methods culinary processing have changed significantly.

Today, oyster mushrooms are most often cut into thin slices and fried in vegetable oil. It is common to fry them together with tenderloin, which results in amazing-tasting goulash. In Greece, oyster mushrooms, photos of which are in the article, are fried on charcoal, flavored with the ubiquitous olive oil.

Oyster mushroom (oyster mushroom) is also called oyster mushroom or oyster mushroom. This is an edible mushroom belonging to the oyster mushroom family. It has a pleasant anise taste, but does not have a special smell.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Pleurotus ostreatus

The diameter of the cap varies from 5 to 15 centimeters. The cap is fleshy, round in shape, with thin edges. The shape of the cap is shell-shaped, ear-shaped, or almost round. IN at a young age the caps are convex with curved edges, and as they grow, they become flat with wavy edges. If the mushroom grows in a humid environment, the cap is often covered with a mycelial coating. The color of the cap can vary from brown and dark gray to light gray with a purple tint, and over time the mushrooms fade so much that they become whitish, yellowish or grayish.

The leg of the common oyster mushroom is dense and short, lateral, cylindrical in shape, narrowed towards the base, and often curved. The length of the leg ranges from 2 to 5 centimeters. The leg is smooth, white, at the base it is slightly felt, brownish in color. In old oyster mushrooms, the stem becomes very stiff.

The plates are rare, their width is 3-15 millimeters, when young they are whitish, but over time they turn gray or yellow. Spore powder is pinkish or white.

Distribution of oyster mushroom

These fungi are classified as wood-destroying saprophyte fungi. They are widespread in forests growing in temperate zone. Oyster mushrooms grow on tree trunks quite high from the ground.

Most often, common oyster mushrooms grow in large bunches, which consist of more than 30 fruiting bodies. The mushrooms grow together at the base, resulting in “multi-tiered structures.” Oyster mushrooms tolerate freezing temperatures well.

The influence of common oyster mushrooms on trees

Oyster mushrooms grow on weakened trees, which cause yellow rot. More often they settle on deciduous trees, and prefer conifers less often.

Trees, as a rule, become infected with these fungi through frost cracks. In the place where rot has formed, fruiting bodies begin to grow. Oyster mushrooms continue to grow even on dead wood.

Nutritional value of oyster mushroom

This mushroom is dietary product, as it has a low calorie content - 38-41 kcal, in addition, it contains many nutrients necessary for the health of the body.

Polysaccharides contained in oyster mushrooms have a high immunomodulatory and antitumor effect. In addition, these mushrooms contain minerals: phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, which are necessary for humans.

Oyster mushroom is a source of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. These mushrooms contain a full complex of vitamins B, vitamin E, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP.

Growing oyster mushrooms

Thanks to all these nutritional quality oyster mushrooms, they are grown in many countries of the world on a production scale.

Since oyster mushrooms are unpretentious mushrooms that produce a large harvest, they use in great demand on the market, so they have been cultivated for a long time. They have gained esteem among mushroom lovers.

Similarities between oyster mushrooms and inedible mushrooms

There are no poisonous mushrooms growing on the territory of our country that would be externally similar to oyster mushrooms. But oyster mushrooms are similar to many inedible or conditionally edible tree mushrooms, for example, sawfoil, which has a very bitter taste.

Related species of oyster mushrooms

A relative of the oyster mushroom is the oyster mushroom, which is distinguished by a lighter yellowish cap. The cap of the oyster mushroom reaches 3-12 centimeters in diameter. The shape of the cap is funnel-shaped with wavy edges. The white pulp has a light floury odor. Old mushrooms have tougher flesh, so they need to be cooked longer. The leg is curved, its length is 2-6 centimeters.

Carob oyster mushrooms are harvested from May to October. They grow on stumps and dead wood deciduous trees. These are not uncommon mushrooms, but they grow in hard-to-reach places. Horn-shaped oyster mushrooms are common in Russia, the North Caucasus, China, Japan and Ukraine.

The whitish oyster mushroom also looks similar to oyster mushroom. This mushroom grows from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The whitish oyster mushroom has a lighter cap and yellowish flesh.

The oak oyster mushroom has a whitish cap with dark scales. The spore sac is creamy-gray. The stalk is whitish; in young mushrooms the stalk may be absent.

Oyster mushroom has a convex or tongue-shaped cap with cracked edges. The diameter of the cap is 4-9 centimeters. The color of the cap is white or cream. The pulp is elastic, thin, white. The spores are white.

This curious mushroom growing in wildlife on dead trees and stumps, is now sold in any supermarket, is found in pizzas and pies, and somehow, quite imperceptibly, it has become a familiar product. By the way, write and pronounce correctly oyster mushrooms, but not oyster mushrooms. Letter e appeared in the name during the active spread of this mushroom in the post-Soviet space, when no one paid due attention to the rules for writing names.

IN Western Europe and the USA call them oyster mushrooms, that is oyster mushrooms. In Southeast Asia, oyster mushrooms are considered an elite delicacy, and they are used in Asian cuisine as liberally as shiitake mushrooms. The history of growing oyster mushrooms on an industrial scale dates back to the First World War. German mushroom growers developed quick way growing unpretentious, but very valuable mushrooms. At first, oyster mushrooms were bred on the trunks of fallen trees, stumps and rotten wood, obtaining a fairly large harvest. Oyster mushroom was easy to process, and during the difficult war years such food aid was very helpful. They really took up oyster mushrooms in the early 60s. Industrial breeding, cultivation in special conditions, a fertilizing system, and ease of harvesting and storing the crop have made growing oyster mushrooms a profitable activity, and the mushrooms themselves are inexpensive and convenient to use.

Oyster mushrooms are tasty and healthy. The composition of these mushrooms is similar to meat, they contain proteins, vitamins B, C, E and a rather rare vitamin D2, which helps the proper absorption of phosphorus and calcium in the intestines. Preparations with vitamin D2 are prescribed to patients with rickets and people suffering from calcium metabolism disorders. Oyster mushrooms help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol, normalize blood pressure and even remove radionuclides. Oyster mushrooms contain calcium, potassium, iodine and iron compounds. Oyster mushrooms have a moderately low calorie content - 38 kcal per 100 g and can be considered a dietary product.

In the wild, oyster mushrooms are found in forests middle zone Russia. They grow in groups on stumps, dead wood, weak or fallen trees. Oyster mushrooms love birch, aspen and oak trees, but they can also be seen on coniferous trees. The inconvenience of collecting oyster mushrooms in the forest is complicated by the fact that the mushrooms climb high on the trunk, grow in inconvenient places and require a certain dexterity from the mushroom picker. Oyster mushrooms grow from the end of September to the end of November and even until December. But oyster mushrooms, unlike other mushrooms, lend themselves well to cultivation; their production is profitable, safe and allows you to eat fresh mushrooms all year round.

Most often, oyster mushrooms can be found in stores already packaged, which is undoubtedly convenient. Like other mushrooms, oyster mushrooms grown in captivity do not have the disadvantages of their wild brothers - worms and are corroded by slugs and insects. Most likely, they are devoid of advantages forest mushrooms. Fortunately, the huge selection of mushrooms in Russian forests allows you not to think about such trifles and enjoy the benefits of civilization, that is, artificially grown oyster mushrooms, to the fullest.

Oyster mushrooms can reach quite large sizes: caps are from 5 to 20 cm in diameter, shaped like ears. Young mushrooms are dark gray or brownish in color, mature ones are dark gray, with an ashen or purple tint. It is best to store purchased oyster mushrooms in the refrigerator, whole and unwashed. The sealed packaging should be removed - oyster mushrooms in polyethylene can become frozen and spoiled. By transferring them to glass or plastic containers, you will prolong the life of the mushrooms and preserve the taste.

Cooking oyster mushrooms is an extremely simple task. The easiest way is frying. To do this, the mushrooms need to be peeled or quickly washed. Cut them into large pieces and fry in oil for 7-10 minutes. It is very important not to overcook the mushrooms, otherwise they may lose a lot of flavor. Don’t be shy - try them while cooking, oyster mushrooms are not poisonous. Any mushrooms love onions, if you love them too, fry the onions in a frying pan first, and then the oyster mushrooms - it will turn out even tastier. If you like different versions of mushrooms with potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, carrots and cabbage, then use a simple Chinese technology: fry the oyster mushrooms separately from the vegetables, and then combine, heat and serve. If you fry mushrooms together, say, with potatoes, then either the potatoes will not be cooked through, or the mushrooms will fry and turn into what is called “tar,” that is, they will become black, sticky and tasteless, like burnt rubber. Don't do that.

If you don’t want to fry, but want soup or just make a reserve for secret purposes or salad, boil oyster mushrooms in salted water. If in doubt, cook in two waters. In the first one, let the water boil, lower the oyster mushrooms, let the water boil again and immediately transfer the mushrooms to another container with boiling salted water. Cook there for about 15 minutes. Oyster mushrooms from the store should not cause mushroom panic, and it is simply irrational to cook them twice. Although, if you are going to pickle them or just make fun of them, cook them.

An inquisitive reader has probably noticed that oyster mushrooms are often found in all kinds of fillings for pies, pizzas, buns, mushroom sauces and wherever the recipe calls for mushrooms. It’s extremely easy to identify oyster mushrooms in the filling: if it’s not champignon (light), then it’s oyster mushroom. And the mushroom is really very good for filling. Minimal preparation in the form of frying with onions or boiling (let the water drain) - and the mushrooms can be placed in a layered pie, homemade pizza of your favorite size, or even just made into pies and treated to friends at a picnic.

In the USA and Canada, oyster mushrooms, or oyster mushrooms, are considered a delicacy. There is an opinion that the popularity of oyster mushrooms is a consequence of their miraculous action. They say that oyster mushrooms increase male potency. In Asia, they love oyster mushrooms in almost the same way as shiitake mushrooms: cooked in oil, added to noodles, served with rice, prepared in sauces, used to stuff dumplings, pickled or prepared as a light spicy snack. Noodles with mushrooms are prepared according to the same principle as potatoes with mushrooms, that is, oyster mushrooms are boiled with vegetables for about 15 minutes, and then separately cooked noodles are added to them and seasoned with herbs. This is a typical dish South-East Asia can be done in cold Russia, for example, in the post. For dumplings, mushrooms are boiled, then chopped, fried with chopped onions and peppers in oil, transferred to pieces of dough, the ends are sealed and cooked like regular dumplings until they float. Served with thick hot sauces or sour cream.

600 g pork,
300 g oyster mushrooms,
2 onions,
2 tomatoes
200 g sour cream,
1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil,

Peel the onion. Wash the mushrooms and tomatoes. Trim the fat from the meat, chop it finely, and coarsely chop the mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. Cut the meat into thin slices. Heat a saucepan, add oil, heat it, add lard, fry for a few minutes. Add meat and fry over medium heat for 5 minutes on each side. Transfer the meat to a separate container and remove any leftovers. Fry the onion in the same saucepan, then add the tomatoes and mushrooms. Sprinkle with oregano. Cook for 5-6 minutes, then add meat, salt and pepper, pour in sour cream, cover and simmer for another 7-8 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

240 g thin rice noodles,
100 g oyster mushrooms,
100 g broccoli,
1 egg,
1 tbsp. spoon of sherry,
2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce,
1 chili pepper,
1 cm ginger root (fresh),
2-3 feathers of green onions,
1 teaspoon sugar,
frying oil,

Beat the egg with salt and make a thin omelette in the butter. Cool, roll, cut into rings. Separate the broccoli into florets, chop the ginger, and cut the oyster mushrooms into strips. Remove the seeds from the pepper and chop the pulp. Break the vermicelli and fry in hot deep fat. Place vermicelli on paper towel, pour out the oil, leave for a couple of tablespoons. Fry the broccoli and mushrooms over high heat for a couple of minutes, add sherry, soy sauce, sugar, ginger and chili. Remove from heat. Place noodles, vegetables with mushrooms, garnish with cilantro and onions. Serve with omelette.

Oyster mushroom will introduce novice cooks to the world of mushrooms and will help experienced chefs add a pleasant mushroom flavor to their creations. Use oyster mushrooms sparingly, cook briefly and don’t be afraid of anything!

Many fans " quiet hunt» undeservedly ignore this mushroom. Some, because they feel insecure, not knowing what oyster mushrooms growing in the forest look like, or how to distinguish edible from inedible, are afraid to collect its poisonous counterpart. Others simply have no idea where to look for it, looking at the ground under their feet instead of carefully examining the tree trunks.

Perhaps by learning more about these tasty, healthy mushrooms that can be collected practically all year round, many mushroom pickers will stop ignoring the numerous colonies of oyster mushrooms clinging to the trees.

Before going into the forest, it is important for mushroom pickers to find out how oyster mushrooms grow and what they look like. Then there will be a good chance to return home with a full basket delicious product, from which you can prepare many healthy dishes.

So where is the best place to look for these mushrooms? Where do oyster mushrooms grow?

They grow in areas with temperate climate on stumps, dry and weakened trees in multi-tiered groups, each of which consists of more than 30 fruiting bodies fused at the bases. In nature, they usually prefer birch, aspen, and rowan among all trees; sometimes they are found on oaks, growing very high from the ground; they love poplar stumps. Most often, the common (oyster) oyster mushroom grows on trees in the middle zone. Experienced mushroom pickers They know that by inspecting the treetops or visiting an old clearing, you can collect a good harvest of oyster mushrooms.

You can set up your own “mushroom plantation” on old stumps personal plot, for this you just need to study, . They will take root quickly, and you can pamper yourself with delicious food almost all year round, without going far from home.

What does an oyster (common) mushroom look like?

Even those who have never seen these mushrooms, often sold on the market, can distinguish forest oyster mushrooms from other tree crops. A fungal colony located on trees or stumps looks like this:

Varieties of oyster mushrooms

In addition to the commonly found oyster mushrooms, other mushrooms also grow in the forests of the middle zone. edible species oyster mushroom:

When can you harvest mushrooms?

Wild oyster mushroom is very prolific. It bears fruit almost all year round. Mushroom pickers have the opportunity to collect it from early spring until December, and sometimes, if the winter is warm, even in January you can find young fungi. But best time When you can pick oyster mushrooms, it will be summer-autumn time. During collection, mushroom pickers are advised to:

  • Collect specimens with a cap diameter of up to 10 cm - they are more delicate.
  • It is not advisable to take the stems of old mushrooms; they are tough and tasteless.

The collected prey can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Beginning mushroom pickers should not be afraid that they will not be able to distinguish false oyster mushrooms from real ones, since poisonous specimens are not found among this species.

The benefits and harms of mushroom dishes

Just like others food products, there are benefits and harms to oyster mushrooms when consuming dishes prepared from them. To determine how oyster mushrooms are useful, you need to consider what substances their tasty pulp contains:

  • In terms of nutritional composition, they are close to products such as milk or meat, but they are low in calories, which is important when following a diet. A small portion of these fungi dulls hunger and creates the illusion of satiety.
  • Many useful amino acids, vitamins, minerals.

Thanks to this mineral and vitamin balance, the benefits of oyster mushrooms for humans are enormous. With their regular use, it is noted that:

Despite the fact that oyster mushroom has numerous beneficial features, it is not recommended to eat it in the following cases:

  1. If there is an exacerbation of kidney disease.
  2. When pathologies of the heart or blood vessels are present.
  3. At peptic ulcer, exacerbation of gastritis or gallstones.

Sometimes people wonder whether it is possible to get poisoned by oyster mushrooms. This question can be answered this way: it is impossible to get poisoned with a fresh product prepared in compliance with all technologies. The risk of poisoning occurs if:

  • Storage rules were not followed.
  • The heat treatment was carried out incorrectly.
  • Raw materials for cooking were collected along roads or in other environmentally unfavorable places, because mushrooms have the ability to absorb harmful substances, located around them.

If you have a weak stomach, then you can’t eat a lot of oyster mushrooms, like any other mushroom dishes. Possible indigestion, manifested by nausea and vomiting, weakness.

Calorie content of the product

Despite great amount containing useful substances, the calorie content of oyster mushrooms is low. Depending on the cooking method nutritional value per 100 grams of finished portion can be:

  • 38 kcal for fresh product,
  • 23 kcal after cooking,
  • 75 kcal after stewing,
  • 50-90 kcal after frying.

What can you cook?

The oyster mushroom is universal; it is easy to prepare various culinary masterpieces from it. It can be:

Cooked mushrooms can be eaten as an independent dish or combined with other meat and vegetable products.

Features of inclusion in the diet of a pregnant woman

Doctors have different opinions on this issue: some admit that mushrooms can be consumed in small portions during pregnancy, others categorically demand that such dishes be excluded from the diet. So who should we believe? Especially if the expectant mother really wants to eat at least one mushroom?

Most studies have shown that oyster mushrooms eaten in small portions during pregnancy can be beneficial if you follow certain rules while eating:

  • Chitin contained in mushrooms interferes with the absorption of essential nutrients. To increase the usefulness of the dish and to destroy chitin, a pregnant woman needs to take a little vitamin C before meals. For many expectant mothers, this drug has already been prescribed by a doctor; you just need to change the time of administration.
  • Mushrooms must undergo mandatory heat treatment; they cannot be eaten raw, otherwise they can provoke poisoning of the female body, which is already susceptible to the development of toxicosis. Despite the fact that from high temperatures The usefulness of the product decreases; after processing, mushrooms still retain many beneficial properties.

By adding small portions of mushrooms to her diet, a pregnant woman will be able to:

Oyster mushroom is useful for humans with some exceptions. It contains many essential substances that help the human body fight stress and infections, normalizing work internal organs removing harmful toxins. It is convenient to collect it by cutting large colonies from tree bases. And you don’t have to be afraid to collect a poisonous specimen by mistake, because there are no such doubles.

Where does oyster mushroom grow? IN natural environment Oyster mushroom grows in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus. On tree trunks where oyster mushrooms grow in dense groups, you can see up to 30 clusters. You can find this mushroom from May to November. In addition to the common oyster mushroom, mushrooms similar to it are often collected: willow oyster mushroom, oak oyster mushroom, Florida mushroom, steppe mushroom White mushroom and others. All of them are edible too. Confuse her with poisonous mushroom difficult: it is unlike any inedible one. But most often, oyster mushrooms are not collected in nature, but rather cultivated and grown. She is a leader in unpretentiousness and ease of cultivation.

Oyster mushroom can be found in the forests of the European part of Russia in May-November.

Oyster mushroom

Oyster mushrooms belong to tree mushrooms oyster mushroom family. People often call it oyster mushroom, hanging mushroom, and plane tree. IN natural conditions it can be found on dried trees and rotten stumps. It feeds on cellulose, which it extracts from wood. This mushroom is grown and industrially on a specially selected substrate of sawdust, wood waste, straw, sunflower husks.

Oyster mushroom looks like a funnel. The cap can reach a diameter of 20 cm and smoothly merges into the stem. The edges of the cap can be curved, and its color varies from light gray to dark brown. With age, it can fade to whitish. The leg reaches 3–4 cm in length, has frequent whitish plates and tapers downward. The pulp is fleshy, juicy, white when cut. It has a not too strong, but very pleasant mushroom aroma. Due to these characteristics, oyster mushroom is considered edible mushroom fourth category and is actively used in cooking.

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Subtleties of breeding oyster mushrooms

IN agriculture They mainly use two growing methods: extensive and intensive.

The extensive cultivation method involves growing mushrooms in natural conditions. This does not require extra investment; it is enough to choose a suitable place where you can grow oyster mushrooms, provide the necessary substrate and hope that the weather does not affect the yield. The main disadvantage of the extensive method is its direct dependence on the time of year and weather, because excess humidity, cold or drought will be detrimental to the crop.

An intensive breeding method will require minimum costs: it is necessary to select a clean, spacious room, purchase the required amount of substrate, monitor its humidity level, as well as air humidity, and fight mold. But as a result, the harvest will be year-round, and the number of mushrooms can reach 3 kg per 1 kg of mycelium. Both growing methods are suitable for both industrial scale and small volumes.

Where does oyster mushroom cultivation begin? From the purchase of mycelium. You should choose it wisely: it is better to buy little by little from trusted sellers, monitor the quality planting material, exclude mycelium damaged by mold. You should not buy mycelium that does not have complete information about the strain of the fungus, the conditions of its storage and transportation. Material covered with spots of black, green or orange flowers. Remember that oyster mushroom mycelium also suffers from overheating: optimal temperature its storage is +3 - 4 degrees Celsius.

After purchasing mycelium, you need to select a suitable substrate - a nutrient medium for mushrooms. Straw is considered the most suitable for oyster mushrooms; dry stalks of corn, sunflowers, sawdust, and seed husks are also suitable. The substrate should not be too wet or too dry. Before laying the mycelium, it is treated with hot steam or water, and then pressed. It is optimal if the substrate is moist and elastic, but does not release water when pressed. At this stage, it needs to be crushed, placed in a disinfected room and myceliums planted.

It is best to grow mushrooms on several tiers so that there is air access from different sides at once. The room must be kept clean. Usually incubation period for oyster mushrooms it is 18 - 25 days, after which the first harvest can be harvested. After collecting it, the mycelium should be sorted out, the parts affected by mold should be eliminated, and then after 2 - 3 weeks a new wave of harvest will follow.