Tatiana Drozdova
Educational activity"Signs of Autumn" in middle group


1. Teach children to notice and name changes in nature: it’s getting colder, precipitation, wind, fruits and roots are ripening, birds are flying south;

2. Practice the ability to classify pictures by seasons;

3. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and living phenomena inanimate nature(it got colder - the insects disappeared, the birds flew away warmer climes, leaves change color, etc.); develop logical thinking.

4. Improve dialogical speech, participate in conversation, practice the ability to use adjectives: rainy, windy, cold, cloudy, damp, gloomy, clear, foggy, dull, beautiful;

5. Develop the ability to listen to peers and maintain a conversation, express your point of view.

Previous work: observing the weather while walking, talking about autumn, looking at the album « Autumn» , d/i “When does this happen?”.

Material: ICT with presentation « Signs of autumn» , a set of cards for each child for children « Signs of autumn» , cards depicting different seasons for the game "Lay out the pictures", drawings A4 with signs of autumn to sum it up.

1. A surprise moment - the arrival of Autumn

Hello guys! Did you recognize me? (children's answers). Yes I autumn and came to tell you about myself, oh signs of autumn. Sit on the chairs and listen.

2. Presentation « Autumn»

1slide-Look at autumn leaves . They used to be green, but what are they like now? (yellow, red, orange, brown). Do you know why? Think about it.

Slide 2 - Happy Advent autumn the sun begins to shine not as brightly as in summer, it becomes cooler and the leaves do not have enough light and warmth, so they change color.

Slide 3 - How people dress in autumn? People are starting to wear warm clothes clothes: hats, jackets, boots. Why? Because in autumn It's getting cool.

4 slide It starts to rain in autumn, and you start using umbrellas and wearing rubber boots to run through puddles.

Slide 5 - Birds fly to warmer climes. Why? Because in winter they will not have enough food, because... insects disappear in autumn, there are fewer berries and seeds.

Slide 6 - Mushrooms appear in the forest, which are collected not only by people, but also by animals (hedgehogs, squirrels, this is how they stock up for the winter.

7 slide in autumn people begin to harvest. What is a harvest? (vegetables fruits)

Slide 8 - What were we talking about now?

3. D/i "Lay out the pictures"

Guys, I noticed an interesting box on the table, let's come and take a look. Here are cards with at different times of the year. I suggest you divide them, cards with the seasons Autumn Place on one tray and the rest on another. Semyon, why did you decide that this is shown here? autumn? Varya, maybe this autumn(pointing to the image of animals after hibernation? Why? Sasha, what signs indicate that, What is this autumn?

4. Physical exercise.

Autumn came to visit us. (lean forward)

I brought my paints: yellow (circular movements right hand) and red ones, (circular movements with left hand)

different leaves (circular movements with both hands)

the wind blew - one, two, three, (we wave our hands in front of us)

Let's fly and have a look. (jumping, arms to the sides)

Spun and fell (circle around themselves and squat down)

The earth was covered with leaves.

5. Word game"Weather in autumn"

I have a multi-colored one ball: ball autumnal and magical,

He will jump into your arms and ask questions. (to all children)

Children, what is the weather like? in autumn:

When it's raining- rainy.

When the wind blows - windy

Cold - cold

Cloudy - cloudy

Damp - raw

Gloomy - gloomy

Clear - clear

Fog - foggy

sad - sad


6. Playing with cards « Signs of autumn»

Now I suggest you play with interesting cards. Take a seat at the table. Look at this table, in each column and on each line there is one picture of a mushroom, rain and leaves. This is what we can meet in autumn. What should we put in the empty window? (answers) Now fill out your table. There are plates of cards in front of you, which card will you put in the empty window?

7. Independent work children

8. Individual explanations, assistance.

Kirill, why did you choose this card? Katya, why are you?

9. Summary. What do you remember? Which signs of autumn? (for each answer I will post drawings on the easel with signs of autumn).

What did you like today? What was difficult for you?

Today you tried your best, answered questions, completed various tasks. Well done! Goodbye!

Publications on the topic:

Integrated-game educational lesson in the middle group “Eco-travel” Topic: “Eco travel”. Program content: To give an idea of ​​miracles-transformations in nature; introduce forest masters to spiders;

Summary of direct educational activities on ecology in the middle group “Gifts of Autumn” Goal: to consolidate and organize the ideas about autumn accumulated by children. Clarify children's ideas about fruits and vegetables, names of trees.

Progress: Children enter the hall and see many paintings depicting autumn. -Look how beautiful it is! What do you see in the pictures? (nature).

Summary of GCD in the senior group “Spring. Signs of spring." Cognitive development Goal: Activation vocabulary By lexical topic"Spring. Signs of spring." Educational objectives: Consolidate and improve knowledge.

Lesson summary “Autumn. Signs of autumn. Trees in autumn" Goals: correctional and educational: - consolidation of ideas about autumn and its signs; - clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary.

Cognitive development and speech development in the middle group on the topic: “My favorite thing.” Prepared and conducted by teacher Tkachenko L.V.

Now it's time for the golden one again autumn period, when the planet slowly sheds the burden of emotions accumulated over the spring-summer period and prepares for the upcoming winter renewal, and smart people, who know how to correctly interpret the folk signs of autumn, try not to miss the signs given by nature in order to use them to their advantage. Let's not lag behind the majority, because the observations of our ancestors are truly unique and largely confirm their correctness.

What does autumn warn about?

The mysterious time of transformation of nature, sung by the classics of poetry and prose, reveals its secrets through various widespread changes, which everyone is able to notice, but only a few use this gift.

Folk signs about autumn that have reached our contemporaries can be divided into the following groups:

  • classification will be based on months;
  • beliefs based on animal behavior;
  • signs based on change climatic conditions, temperature;
  • interpretation of precipitation (type, frequency, amount) and associated phenomena;
  • weather features on folk and Orthodox holidays;
  • signs of significant days for a person (birth, wedding, name day, death).

Based on various signs of the surrounding nature, you can understand what it will be like. current time the year that the coming winter will bring will be fruitful next year or not, and even determine what awaits you personally in the near, and perhaps distant, future.


  • The September day is fine, but the morning is bad.
  • In September the forest thins out, the bird's voice weakens.
  • September birds in long journey drives
  • The September nights are windy and the days are gentle.
  • Dry and warm September- for the long autumn.
  • In Indian summer there is a lot of grass in the swamps - autumn will delight you with clear weather, and winter will disappoint you with cold.


  • Thunder in October means a snowless, short winter.
  • The October day is divided into two: in the morning - autumn, and in the afternoon - cold winter.
  • If the moon is visible in a circle in October, it means a dry summer.
  • Overnight, October rains and snows.
  • In October - goodbye to the sun, warm stove - welcome!
  • Whatever date of October will be marked by warming, by that date the spring of April will appear.


  • The struggle between autumn and winter can be seen in November.
  • November can surprise you with dawn and twilight during the daytime.
  • The November morning is met with rain, and the evening with snowdrifts.
  • November snow promises a year of grain.
  • The sun smiles through the rain and snowflakes in November.
  • Those who don’t mind the November frost will bravely face December without freezing.
  • November is the forged gate of winter.
  • November nights are black until the first snow.

With the onset of autumn days, representatives of the fauna begin to behave differently than in summer, and much can be learned from the peculiarities of their habits.

Signs of autumn:

  • The ants have built large anthills - a fierce, icy winter is expected.
  • The cat hides its muzzle in the warmth - it smells the cold winter with its nose.
  • IN late autumn mosquitoes are flying - it will be warm in winter time.
  • A flock of cranes is flying high and cooing - the autumn is warm and soft.
  • The geese have gathered in warmer climes - wait for the rains, the swans are flying away - winter is on the doorstep.
  • Chickens began to molt early - winter warm weather will please.
  • Squirrels stock up on nuts for future use - the frosty winter period will drag on for a long time.
  • The hare's coat has turned white - the cold weather is about to arrive.
  • During the cold winter hut, moles drag straw into their holes.
  • If you find a mouse brood in the flax, heavy snow will fall in winter.
  • Mice dig holes on the warm side - expect cold and frost from winter.
  • The bees sealed the evidence with wax before the fall - an early cold snap is expected; if the evidence remains open, there is no need to fear severe frosts.

Basically, based on the characteristics of the weather, they determine what autumn itself will be like, and what winter will bring to people.

Signs about autumn:

  • September thunder - for a calm, dry autumn.
  • Rare clouds - for a clear but cold day.
  • Red sunset at the beginning of autumn - there will be little rain.
  • Warm, dry autumn – long, frosty winter.
  • A large bright cloud in the sky after sunset - expect long, lingering bad weather.
  • In the early morning the sky is clear and cloudless - the following days will be light, without precipitation.
  • After a cloudy day, definitely clear weather they will come.
  • Cobwebs are flying in the air - Indian summer has arrived.
  • Bright stars dotted the sky. The next day is expected to be clear and fine.

If you watch surrounding nature, you can understand how the weather ahead will surprise you:

  • The leaves began to fall early - winter will soon make itself felt.
  • A good wheat harvest foreshadows a cold winter.
  • The birch trees began to turn yellow unusually - from the top - they won’t feast for long in the winter, spring will be early.
  • Rowan berries hang on the tree in thick clusters - it will be a rainy, damp autumn.
  • Winter will not set in until the last leaf falls from the cherry tree.
  • There are a lot of nuts, and mushrooms are hard to find during the snowy, frosty winter.
  • Oak acorns have a thick skin -.
  • If the leaves quickly fall from the trees, the winter will be harsh, frosty, but with little snow.
  • And if the leaf, although yellow, is in no hurry to fall, winter will not come for a long time.

Watch how the leaves fall from the aspen: they lie with the light side up - icy the winter is coming, on the contrary, soft; and this way and that - different weather will replace one another.

Precipitation in autumn time are often unexpected and abundant. Of course, rain happens more often than snow or hail, but such phenomena also happen, and the more unusual they are, the more clearly we can imagine the picture of the future that nature draws for us.

  • The morning rain is short, and the afternoon rain is long.
  • Frost in autumn sometimes means clear, dry weather.
  • Daytime snow does not lie for long; only nighttime snow can be considered the first serious harbinger of winter.
  • After the first frosts and ice, rain will once again fall on the ground.
  • In the morning, the trees are covered in frost - it means frost, there is fog outside the window - a thaw will come.
  • Snow fell early in the fall - spring will replace winter earlier than usual.

There are also certain autumn days, when significant events in nature:

  • on September 6 - there will be a rich harvest next year;
  • on September 9 (Samson's day) - rain will come again in seven weeks (weeks);
  • on October 8 (Sergius Day) the first snow began to fall - on November 21 (Mikhailov Day) winter will come;
  • on October 9 there will be rain and snow - there will be strong thaws in January;
  • on November 25, rain or snow will pass, the cold will recede until December 4 (Introduction).

Full-fledged folk calendar describes in detail the signs that should be taken into account according to each day. Let's try to highlight the main dates, and at the same time remember what holidays are celebrated during this period.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the following dates in the fall:

  • September 8 (21) – Birth Holy Mother of God. The bees are removed, the Most Pure One is greeted with loaves of bread and jelly.
  • September 14 (27) – Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Legend says it’s time to take off your caftan and put on your sheepskin coat.
  • October 1 (14) – Intercession Day. Determine what kind of wind is blowing:
  • eastern - to frosty winter; southern - warm; western - to snowy; northern - cold, windy.
  • October 22 (November 4) - honoring the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan. On Kazanskaya, rain portends early winter. Getting married on this day means finding family happiness.
  • November 15 (November 28) - the beginning of Lent (Rozhdestvensky). If the snow falls in a thick ball, it will lie until the spring flood.

In addition, there is also the folk calendar of the ancient Slavs, in which each date contains a certain sign. For example, people celebrated the arrival of golden autumn three times in September:

On September 14, on Simeon the Summer Conductor, the first Osenins took place. This day is credited with starting Indian summer. People thanked mother earth for harvested. And the men carried out the sacrament of renewing the fire: they burned bonfires and spread the blessed flame into the houses, where the owners fumigate their homes, livestock, barns and prayed for the preservation of their home from disasters.

September 21 - in parallel with the Nativity of Mother Theotokos, the Slavs celebrated the second Autumn. Beliefs said that every summer comes to an end. In addition, the 21st day of September is a period autumn equinox. Women prayed to the Mother of God, old men taught wisdom to young lovers, and harvest festivals were held everywhere.

It is from this moment on ancient legends, creeping reptiles (snakes) and flying birds went to the blessed country - Iriy (aka paradise), and through them people could convey news to the dead.

It was also common practice to organize cabbage parties - to chop cabbage and store it for the winter.

And in October, with the Feast of the Intercession, weddings began. After all, it’s good to go for a walk when the heat has already gone, but the cold has not yet set in, the harvest has been harvested. But many impatient couples did not wait until October, and wedding celebrations began to boom everywhere from the beginning of autumn.

According to popular belief, what does a wedding celebrated in autumn promise? The signs are as follows:

  • A wedding in September means a calm, measured married life.
  • Wedding in October - hard life, with many obstacles that love will overcome.
  • - the family will not know poverty and hunger, there will always be prosperity in the house.

You should also pay attention to the weather on the day of the ceremony:

  • Clear weather gave way to sudden rain - wealth awaits the newlyweds.
  • A storm or thunderstorm overtook the newlyweds at the wedding - misfortune will happen soon.
  • A strong frost has arrived on this special day - the first-born will be a boy, strong and healthy.
  • The winds blow at the wedding - the inconstancy of one of the couple, a volatile relationship.
  • The snow has fallen and glistens in the sun - the family’s life will be independent and prosperous.

What about horror stories? Our ancestors couldn’t do without terrible predictions! Here's what scares people's beliefs:

  • An apple tree blossomed in the garden in the fall - imminent death awaits one of the household members.
  • The summer rain is falling (at the same time the sun is shining) - the drowned man will soon be found.
  • Any flower that blooms in autumn portends a young death, only if its color is blue, an older person will pass away.

Traditionally autumn in Rus' it is time for agricultural holidays and harvest rituals. At this time, the harvest was being harvested, which ensured a happy and well-fed winter, prosperity and well-being in the family.

Small forms of folklore, such as proverbs, preserved in speech and reflected the importance of the fruitful season in the life of a person dependent on nature. Through a proverb, in a short, concise form, people drew analogies between a good harvest and wealth ( “In autumn and the crow has a shock of bread”), noted seasonal changes in the world of animals and plants.

The importance of weather became the reason for the division of proverbs into phenological periods, that is, according to climatic features. So they highlight early autumn– a bright, joyful period, reflecting the beauty and generosity of nature, golden – beautiful time the withering of leaves and the travel of migratory birds, and the pre-winter period is a time of unpredictable bad weather, a sign to prepare for winter. All these phases thematically correspond to their own types of proverbs. Every autumn month also honored with special sayings.

Proverbs about autumn express the primary interests of the farmer: livestock health, folk signs to the weather, which can affect the economy, the desire for prosperity and peace.

  • Russians folk proverbs about autumn (from Dahl’s collection),
  • Proverbs - signs about autumn,
  • Proverbs about autumn for children, schoolchildren,
  • About the autumn months (September, October, November).

Russian folk proverbs about autumn

(from Dahl's collection)

Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full too.
The cart carries bread to the house, the sleigh to the market.
Don’t be overpriced in the fall, be rich by spring.
In autumn, the worker turns red, and the owner turns pale.
Autumn says: “It’s rotten” (on the ground), and spring: “It’s nice, if only it was.”
Autumn says: “I will harvest” (harvest); spring says: “And I’ll look again” (or: “As I look”, or: “And I’ll look into her eyes”).
Autumn says: “I will tidy up the fields”; Spring says: “I’ll take a look.”
They don’t put autumn winter grains in bins (they don’t pour them).
Autumn is the queen: jelly and pancakes; but in the spring, sit, sit and watch!
In autumn, the crow also has a head of hair, not only the black grouse.
Veil is not summer, and Candlemas is not winter (October 14).
The cover will cover the ground (some with a leaf, sometimes with snow).
White snow covers the ground: isn’t it preparing me as a young woman to get married?
The veil did not cover, and neither will Christmas.

Father protection, heat our hut without firewood!

Proverbs - signs about autumn

Warm autumn means a long winter.
One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn
Lenten Ivan came and took away the red summer (September 11).
One leaf fell from a tree - wait for autumn.

A lot of nettnik for Indian summer, for clear autumn and cold winter.
If there is a lot of web, wild geese land, and starlings do not fly away - the autumn is long and dry.

In September, if cobwebs spread across plants, it means warmth.
October thunder - snowless winter.
Warm autumn means a long winter.
Indian summer is stormy – autumn is dry
The drier and warmer September stays, the later winter will come.
If there are a lot of nuts and few mushrooms, the winter will be harsh.

Autumn - eight weather conditions.
The first snowball doesn't lie down.
The autumn night travels on twelve carts.
Seed day, seed away. It is a sin to sow bread. (September 14).
Semyon says goodbye to summer. Semyon is bringing Indian summer.
Little pure one. Aspas day. Autumn. Second meeting of autumn (September 21).
In Fedora, summer ends and autumn begins. Third meeting of autumn. And Indian summer will not reach Fedora (September 24).
On Artamon, snakes go into the forests (dens) and hide (September 25).
Movement - the caftan with fur coat moved (September 27).
He moves his caftan off his shoulders and pulls on his sheepskin coat.
The bird began to fly away.
It’s no problem for the peasant to move up the winter.
On Astafya, note the wind: north for cold; southern to warmth; western to phlegm; eastern to the bucket.
If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree (that is, not all the leaves fall to the snow) - a cold winter (sign)
On Kupriyanov's Day, the cranes gather in the swamp to make an agreement, which way - on the road to warm water fly (September 13).
Birds fly low - to a warm winter, and if they fly high - to a cold winter.
It will be a severe winter if the birds fly away together.
The rise of autumn moves towards winter.
Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter. Early leaf fall means early winter. If the leaves fall soon, we should expect a cool winter.
Pokrov is the end of round dances, the beginning of gatherings.
Pokrov is the first winter. Weddings. Deadline for hiring and transactions (October 14).
For cover, the cattle are fed with the harvesting (last) sheaf and from that day on they are kept at home.
The wind is blowing from the east - the winter is cold.
The veil will come and cover the girl’s head.
If snow falls on the cover - happiness for the young.
The departure of the cranes to the cover is early, cold winter.
If the squirrel's cover is clean (has moulted), then autumn will be good (Perm).
The hare is gray and has seen enough trouble (it began to shed and became noticeable in the fallen snow)
In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.
With the cold it will become cold and angry (November 25). Since Studit the cold has gotten worse every day. Fyodor Studit - chills the earth.

Proverbs about autumn for children and schoolchildren

There is no turning back from autumn to summer.
Autumn is boastful, and spring is fair.
In autumn, livestock gets fatter, and people become healthier.
In autumn the sparrow is also rich.
In autumn, the crow has heaps of bread.
Autumn is coming and the rain is coming with it.
It is not out of goodness that a tree drops a leaf.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Autumn rain sows thinly, but lasts a long time.
Three sisters lived with my brother: spring - young woman, winter - white-faced, and autumn - watery.
In summer, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; in autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.
In spring the rain steams, and in autumn it wets.
In the spring, whatever the river sheds, you won’t see a drop; in the fall it will be sifted with chintz, and you can even scoop up the water with a bucket.
Autumn will come and ask for everything.
Autumn is stocky, winter is stocked up.
Autumn - eight weather conditions.
The first snowball doesn't lie down.
In the autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it twists, it whistles and tears, it pours and blows snow.
Autumn is the womb: jelly and pancakes. And spring is a stepmother: sit and watch (meaning that by spring the reserves stored in the fall are running out)
Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and nourishing.
Autumn says: “It’s rotten!”, and spring: “If only it were.”
Spring rain grows, and autumn rain rots.
Don’t be too busy in the fall, you’ll be rich by spring.
In autumn, a gray morning, a red day.
Autumn will give orders, and spring will say its own.
Autumn is long, winter is long.
Road by wheel! - they shout to the cranes to turn them away.

About the autumn months


In September, summer ends, autumn begins
In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.
Thunder in September foreshadows a warm and long autumn.
September is a time of wet weather and, above all, fertile.
August cooks, September serves.
September sent the birds on the road.
September is cold, but it’s filling (It’s cold, but it’s filling)
There is no September without fruits.
In September there is one berry, and that bitter rowan.
In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.
In September, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.
In September, the tit asks autumn to visit.

September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn
Father - September does not like to be pampered.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.
It’s cold, my dear, September, but there’s a lot to feed.
In September, summer ends and autumn begins.
There are a lot of acorns on an oak tree in September - for a fierce winter.
A lot of shading in the Indian summer - for a clear autumn and cold winter.
September is the evening of the year.
September is deciduous.
Since September there has been fire in the field and in the hut.
September takes the caftan off his shoulder and puts on a sheepskin coat.
In September, the fur coat trails behind the caftan.
September sees off the red summer, welcomes the golden autumn.
In September the forest is thinner and the birds' voices are quieter.
September is cold, but full.
September smells like apples, October smells like cabbage.


October is a mess. Know autumn in October by mud.
October is a dirtbag: it doesn’t like wheels or runners.
October is the month of near powder. October is winter.
October will cover the earth with leaves and snow here and there.
In October, winter is removed from the white nest, she dresses up to visit a peasant: “Let me stay in Rus', visit villages, eat pies.”
In October, before lunch it is autumn, and in the afternoon it is winter-winter. In October, before lunch it is autumn, and after lunch it is winter.
In October it rains and snows at the same hour.
In October, neither on wheels nor on a sleigh. October rides a piebald mare: she loves neither the wheels nor the runner.
October is crying cold tears.
In October, say goodbye to the sun, get closer to the stove.
An October day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the fence.
There is thunder in October - winter is snowless, short and mild.
October crowns White snow with great dirt.
October is the month of near powder.
October loves neither wheels nor runners.
October is crying cold tears.
October will carry you, November will pick you up.


In November, it may rain in the morning, and by the evening the snow may lie in drifts.

November is the gate of winter.
In November there will be snow and bread will arrive.
In November, the first lasting snow falls overnight.
In November, winter fights with autumn.
In November, the man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh.

November is the twilight of the year.
November is a semi-winter road: he loves both the wheel and the runner. The man says goodbye to the cart and climbs into the sleigh.
In November, dawn meets dusk in the middle of the day.
In November the frost subsides.
October is cold, father, and November made him too cold.
November frosts are too much for December frosts.
November builds bridges without an axe. December without a nail is stinking.
November with a nail, December with a bridge.
In November, the sun smiles through tears and “white flies”.

In November, warmth and frost are not a decree.
If the sky cries in November, then winter will follow the rain.
Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
Whoever does not feel cold in November will not freeze in December.
It's no wonder there are white flies (snow) in November.
The river cannot be bound in winter without November, the blacksmith.
November's forge is small, but it forges fetters for all the rivers.
November - off-road: now snow, now mud, now mud, now snow - neither the wheel nor the runner can move.
November to December brother, September grandson.
November semi-winter road: a man says goodbye to a cart and climbs into a sleigh.
November nights are dark before the snow.
November is the gate of winter.
November - September's grandson, October's son, winter's dear father.
November is the twilight of the year.
November will nail it - December will pave it.
November nights are dark before the snow.

Scroll autumn signs about living and inanimate nature.

Autumn is the time of thinkers and philosophers. Indeed, many people think so. But this is also the time of harvest, as well as a sharp change in weather. After all, now the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. If you pay attention to the weather in autumn, you can find out what awaits us in winter, spring, and whether there will be a harvest next year. Thanks to numerous observations of our ancestors, folk signs have emerged that help predict the weather in certain months, as well as the time of year.

Folk signs of early and late autumn

Autumn is glorified by many classics of world literature, because it is at this time that they can write a lot and inspiration appears. Wise people In addition to harvesting, preparing for winter, they are also attentive to changes weather conditions, precipitation, as well as animal behavior. All these signs will help determine exactly what winter, spring, and summer will be like.

Signs are divided into several types:

  • Based on animal behavior. On changes in their mood, as well as color, thickness of the fur coat, changes in the skin.
  • On changes in precipitation. That is, how heavily or lightly it snows, rains, and possibly hails.
  • On how insects behave.
  • How does the color of leaves change (some features of trees, plants).
  • Observation of the moon, stars, wind, and clouds.

The list will accept:

  • If the summer was quite humid, there was a lot of precipitation, and the fall was very warm, then most likely the winter will be very long and cold.
  • If there is a strong shower of stars in the fall, this indicates that next year there will be a weak harvest of wheat, as well as fruits and vegetables.
  • The snow fell very early, which means the onset of spring will be quite early.
  • If the stars are hidden behind the clouds, expect bad weather the next day. If they shine brightly, then tomorrow the weather will be very good.
  • If a little frost or hoarfrost is found on the grass early in the morning, the autumn day will be warm and nice.
  • During velvet season There are a lot of cobwebs flying, which means that autumn will be warm and clear. But it's a long winter.
  • There are a lot of cobwebs on the trees, indicating that the winter will be harsh and cold.
  • If you find mosquitoes in your house in November, then the winter will be warm.
  • If you have a farm and chickens and ducks hide their heads under their wings, expect a very cold winter.
  • If birds fly high enough to warm regions, then the winter will be warm. If it's low, expect bitter frosts.
  • If this year you have collected a huge harvest of nuts, but there are very few mushrooms in the forests, expect that in winter there will be a lot of snow, precipitation, and severe frosts.
  • A lot of rowan trees in the forest indicate that autumn will be rainy and gloomy. In winter there will be a lot of wet snow and rain. If there are few rowan trees, then the winter will be dry.

Folk signs of warm and cold autumn

Many of our ancestors have been collecting signs for thousands of years. They were collected mainly thanks to the attentiveness of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. One person noticed one event, and the other noticed another. This is how folk signs appeared, which now also do not lose their relevance and are often used by summer residents, as well as people who own a farm. They help determine and predict the weather, and better prepare for a cold and snowy winter.

ABOUT autumn signs:

  • The leaves begin to fall very late, which means that the winter will be cold and snowy.
  • If leaf fall begins very early, this portends good harvest next year.
  • Notice how the leaves fall from the trees. If they fall face up, then the harvest will be good. If on the wrong side, then scanty.
  • If rowan, viburnum, and raspberry ripen very early, the winter will be difficult and very cold.
  • If yellow leaves appear at the top of a birch tree, then autumn will be early. If from below, then expect a long winter.
  • If on coniferous trees a lot of cones, expect a difficult, frosty winter.
  • If you find viburnum cysts that are fully ripe, but the leaves are still green, there are a lot of them, wait for a warm winter.
  • If the leaves on the trees begin to change color gradually, very slowly, then the winter will be warm. If the leaves suddenly turn yellow and fall off, expect a cold winter.
  • If the autumn is warm and clear, then in the spring expect heavy downpours. If, on the contrary, the autumn is rainy and slushy, then the spring will be long, clear, and will soon turn into a hot summer.

    If squirrels build their nests closer to the ground, then the winter will be very cold and snowy. Closer to the treetops, warm weather is expected.

    If your cherry tree in the yard still has leaves, but snow has fallen, it will quickly melt and continue to melt until the tree sheds its leaves.

    If in the autumn you find a huge pile of anthills that seem to be buried and insulated, this promises a very cold winter.

Folk signs in the animate and inanimate nature of the weather in autumn

You can predict the weather, as well as predict what will happen in the winter next year, not only by the behavior of birds, animals, and also plants. Inanimate nature has a lot to say. These are precipitation, wind, rain or lightning.

The most interesting thing is to predict what awaits us next year or in soon, it is possible not only according to the weather. Trees or plants, animals also have a lot to tell about. Leaf fall, as well as a change in wind direction, also means a lot and can predetermine weather conditions further.

Folk signs autumn in living and inanimate nature:

  • If squirrels store a huge amount of nuts for the winter, then she will be very cold and hungry.
  • If moles pull a lot of straw and dry leaves into their holes in the fall, this indicates that the winter will be harsh.
  • If you saw a key of cranes in the sky, flying slowly and cooing very quietly, this indicates warm autumn and that winter will not come very soon.
  • You can also predict the weather by looking at hares. If you are going hunting in the fall and shoot a hare, pay attention to the amount of subcutaneous fat. If there is a lot of it, then the winter will be fierce; if there is a thin layer, expect a warm winter with a small amount of snow.
  • If the chicken begins to lose its feathers at the very beginning of autumn, the winter will be warm.
  • If early autumn hares are in no hurry to change their gray coat to white, starlings do not fly away, then most likely the autumn will be long and the winter late.

Signs about inanimate nature:

  • If there is thunder in September and heavy rain, this means that winter will not come soon.
  • If there is thunder in October, the winter will be practically without snow.
  • If you watch a beautiful golden sunset in the evening, then expect a sunny, cheerful and pleasant morning.
  • If the moon is blurry and does not have clear outlines, expect rain or cloudy weather the next day. If it is clear and round, the day will be clear.
  • If the first snowfall fell during the day or in the morning, which means the snow and frost will not stay long. Soon the temperature will be above zero and the snow will melt. If it falls at night, expect a snowy, long winter. This snow will not melt soon.

Autumn signs in living and inanimate nature for the winter

Signs based on dates can also tell a lot about something. Our ancestors paid attention to certain days and connected them, deducing some kind of pattern.

Signs by day:

  • September 8th is considered harvest day. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the amount of rowan and viburnum. If there are a lot of berries, the winter will be cold and snowy.
  • September 14 is considered the beginning of Indian summer. If the weather is sunny, then almost all autumn you will bask in the rays of the sun and also enjoy the warmth.
  • On October 8, the first snowflakes fell on wet ground, the snow will last long enough. If the soil was dry, the snow would soon melt.
  • On October 14, the cranes flew away, wait imminent arrival winter, and also that it will be long.
  • On November 5 you detected hail or snow pellets - it will come soon real winter and severe cold.
  • Snow fell on November 8th - expect snowy weather for Easter too. If everything has melted, then almost the entire winter there will be above-zero temperatures.
  • On November 12, many tits and sparrows fly near the house - expect a fierce, cold winter that will come soon.
  • On November 19, snow will fall, then precipitation in the form of snow will be observed throughout the cold season.
  • November 29th will be strong wind, which means a snowstorm is expected, and also huge quantities snow until mid-December.

A clear change of all seasons is visible. Each of them is unique and has its own distinctive features. The most striking signs of autumn, winter, spring and summer are reflected in the works of great poets, writers, and artists. In addition, observations of seasonal changes played in nature important role in the organization of human economic activity.


September is considered the first month of autumn. It is at this time that changes associated with the life of living and inanimate nature begin to occur. First of all, this concerns a decrease in air temperature, changes in precipitation, and a decrease in clear days. It is no coincidence that in ancient times September was called spring or gloom. Many signs of autumn characterize it exactly this way.

Quotations that were born many centuries ago have survived to this day:

  • September is cold, but full;
  • thunder in September - for warm autumn;
  • cranes fly high, coo loudly - for a good autumn.

The first month of autumn is the time of Indian summer. Many folk signs of autumn are associated with this period. For example, inclement weather that prevails from mid-September to the end of the month will certainly be replaced by a long, dry autumn. A clear Indian summer indicates that the winter will be frosty.


Gryaznik, Podzimnik, Svabednik - all these are names of the same month - October. The ancient names reflect the main features of the second autumn month, as well as general signs of autumn. In October, rains become more frequent, snow may fall, and night frosts become regular. It has long been customary to have weddings at this time, because the time of hard agricultural work was ending. In addition, after the harvest it was not difficult to organize a festive feast.

There were beliefs among the people that had to be followed strictly. In order for the cranes to return to their native land, it was necessary to shout out after the flying flock: “The road is on the road!” In the first half of October there was always honey on the table. At the end of the month, it was recommended to hang all clothes out in the morning frost to get rid of evil spirits.

There are signs of autumn that any modern person knows about. For example, a flying cobweb in early October indicates that cold weather will not come soon. October 4th will indicate what the weather will be like for another four weeks.


Jelly, half-winter, chestnut, leaf fall. This is what the ancestors called the last month of autumn. Dark nights- its main feature. But after the first snow, which covers the ground in November, it becomes lighter at night.

A large amount of snow fell in last month autumn, allows us to hope for a good harvest next year. The appearance of mosquitoes in November indicates what is to come warm winter. Frosts will linger if the last leaves fall from the trees slowly.

In November, both nature and people prepare for the arrival of winter. Therefore, many signs of November indicate what the coming time of year will be like. Knowing the signs and knowing how to use them helps people adapt to natural conditions, feel more secure. It is for this reason that familiarity with the basic signs related to different times years, should occur in childhood.

Signs of autumn for preschool children

Seeing the distinctive features of each season is a very important skill that a child should master before going to school. Getting to know the signs of a particular season occurs on a practical level during walks in the forest, park, square, or near a pond. Even simply observing nature from the window of your room can teach a child a lot.

Autumn is a bright time of year. Its signs cannot go unnoticed by the child. Children usually themselves begin to ask questions about the changing color of the leaves on the trees; they are amazed by the thick fogs and the farewell cries of birds. It is important for an adult to support the child in conversations, give him the opportunity to reason and provide him with new knowledge.

Walking through the park and watching squirrels, you can mention that a large number of squirrel pantries with rich supplies may indicate harsh winter. This is also evidenced by a good harvest of rowan berries. By the leaves on a birch tree you can learn about the timing of the approaching cold weather. If they turn yellow below, frost will not come for a long time. If the crown of birch trees begins to turn yellow at the top, the approach of the cold season is just around the corner.
Regular conversations with your child about the signs of autumn will lead to the fact that he will gradually develop a cognitive interest; he himself will easily notice the main changes occurring in nature.

Phenological observations

Children begin to conduct systematic observations of changes in nature associated with the changing seasons while studying at school. This is required by the requirements of the program in the subject " The world", which is included in the list of compulsory disciplines.

As a result of studying individual topics, children will learn that the nature of the work of residents rural areas depends on the season. The signs of winter, spring, and summer are listed by children without any difficulty, as are the signs of autumn. 2nd grade is the stage of learning when students begin to keep diaries of nature observations. The folk signs that were discussed in the lessons must be observed, if possible, and made sure that the conclusions made by the ancestors are correct. Systematic work in this direction is not only interesting, but also useful for the child for further study of nature.