Many different mushrooms grow in Russia. But experts quiet hunt“We are sure that special luck falls on the one who gets to the place, because here you can very quickly fill a huge basket with fragrant mushrooms. Experienced mushroom picker It is easy to distinguish this one, which has a pubescent cap and yellowish mycelium.

Why are mushrooms called that?

To answer this question, you need to know how and where they grow. These mushrooms “live” in large families; people call them piles or heaps. Many believe that it was for this feature that edible milk mushrooms were so named.

Even if you know well where these wonderful mushrooms grow, you need to learn how to look for them. They are perfectly camouflaged under a layer of foliage and fallen pine needles. Mushroom pickers go for milk mushrooms early in the morning - about five o'clock. You need to take a long stick with you, which you can use to probe all suspicious tubercles under birch trees, or near stumps. It is with these trees that these mushrooms prefer to grow in symbiosis, creating mycorrhiza.

There is another version why these mushrooms were named that way. The word “milk” comes from Hebrew and translated means “having a notch.” True, it is well known that the cap of this mushroom is funnel-shaped. Therefore, experts do not take this version seriously.

What milk mushrooms look like, types

Milk mushrooms have several varieties. They all grow in groups. The caps of adult specimens often reach 30 cm in diameter. Milk mushrooms, photos of which you can see in our article, are suitable for pickling and pickling.

Yellow milk mushroom

This noticeable fungus is distinguished by a yellow cap, which can reach 28 cm in diameter. But medium-sized specimens are more common, with a cap size of 6 to 10 cm. Sometimes it is colored brown or golden, with small scales. The cap of young mushrooms is slightly convex, then it straightens or becomes concave. Its edges are usually folded inward. It is smooth to the touch and can become slimy in wet weather.

The leg of the yellow milk mushroom is 5-12 cm, has characteristic bright yellow pits and notches, and is sticky. It is hollow, but at the same time very strong. The plates are frequent; adult specimens have brown spots. The flesh is yellow, but when cut it quickly turns yellow when exposed to air. It has a weak but very pleasant aroma.

Yellow fringed, true and purple. The fringed milk mushroom is found in deciduous forests. It does not have any dents on the leg. And the inedible purple milk mushroom is distinguished by its lilac milky juice.

Yellow milk mushrooms, which are collected from early July to mid-October, are most often found in temperate countries in Eurasia.

Mushroom pickers believe that it is very tasty. Before use, they are pre-soaked and boiled.

Bitter milk mushroom

This variety is slightly smaller than yellow milk mushrooms. Their cap rarely exceeds 10 cm. As a rule, it is colored brown or reddish, bell-shaped, over time it straightens, and a small tubercle appears in the center. Mature specimens have a depressed cap. It is smooth to the touch, has slight pubescence, and is sticky in wet weather. Bitter milk mushrooms, photos of which can often be seen in special publications for mushroom pickers, have a stem up to 9 cm high. It is thin and cylindrical in shape. Its color is similar to the hat. Covered with light light down, noticeably thickened at the base. The plates are not wide and frequent.

The pulp of these mushrooms is characterized by fragility; when cut, it secretes a white milky juice. It has virtually no odor. The mushroom was named for its bitter, peppery taste.

These milk mushrooms, the description of which resembles the inedible liver milkweed, differ in that the latter’s milky juice turns yellow in the air.

The bitter mushroom grows from the first half of July until the beginning of October in almost all countries in northern Europe and Asia. Prefers acidic soils of coniferous forests, less common in dense birch forests.

These mushrooms are suitable for pickling, but after a long (10-12 hours) soaking with a change of water. This is necessary to remove bitterness. Under the influence of brine, these edible milk mushrooms noticeably darken.

IN folk medicine these mushrooms are not used. But scientists managed to isolate from them a special substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria such as colibacillus, E. coli, and Staphylococcus aureus.

You need to know that this variety is capable of accumulating radioactive substances (cesium-137 nuclide) in its tissues, which settle in the muscles and liver of a person, so collect this mushroom in areas with increased level radioactive contamination is strictly prohibited.

Breast red-brown

Another variety of edible milk mushrooms. These mushrooms have rather large caps - their diameter reaches 18 cm. They are matte, colored in light brown tones, much less often with a bright orange or red tint. In young specimens the cap is round, but gradually it straightens and then takes on a depressed shape. It is usually smooth and dry to the touch, but sometimes becomes covered with a network of small cracks, and in wet weather it becomes sticky and slimy.

The red-brown milk mushroom has a stalk from 3 to 12 cm in height. It is quite strong, has a cylindrical shape, and is velvety to the touch. Its color usually does not differ from the color of the cap. There are frequent and narrow plates that are colored light pink or yellow, but more often they are completely white. When pressed, brown spots appear on the surface.

These mushrooms are distinguished by very brittle flesh, which can be white or reddish in color. It tastes sweet. Another one characteristic feature- freshly cut mushroom has the smell of boiled crabs or herring.

These mushrooms have a double - non-caustic lacticaria. How to distinguish milk mushrooms? Milky much smaller in size, and the skin on its cap almost never cracks.

Red-brown milk mushrooms grow from the first days of August until the second half of October in all European countries. They can be found in various forests. They do well in damp, dark areas. These mushrooms are very tasty when fried and salted.

Pepper milk mushroom

This mushroom was so named for its pungent and pungent taste. What do pepper milk mushrooms look like? They have a whitish cap, which has no zones marked on the surface, and is dense and fleshy. The plates are located very often. They are colored yellowish White color. In young specimens the flesh is white, later it turns yellow, and at the break it has a light greenish tint.

Pepper milk mushrooms are classified as the lowest-grade variety. Nevertheless, such mushrooms can be salted if they are well soaked or boiled. They are very reminiscent of violin and white podgrudok, but differ from the first by frequent plates, a hairless smooth cap and greenish flesh at the break, and from the second by milky juice.

White real milk mushroom

So we got to the “king” of all milk mushrooms. WITH early XIX centuries in Russia this was the name for pepper milk mushrooms. But in 1942, the famous scientist and mycologist B. Vasilkov proved that the real species should be considered Lactarius resimus.

Real milk mushroom- pretty mushroom impressive size. Its white or yellowish cap can reach a diameter of 25 cm. In young specimens it is flat, but gradually takes on the shape of a funnel. WITH inside The edges of the cap are curved, and there is almost always noticeable fluff.

In our article you see a real mushroom. Look carefully at the photo. There is always plant debris on its cap, which sticks to the mushroom more often than to other types of mushrooms.

The real breast stands firmly on a stalk, the height of which is from 3 to 9 cm. It can be white or yellowish, always hollow, and has a cylindrical shape.

The pulp is white with milky juice. Please note that when exposed to air, it acquires a dirty yellow or grayish color. The actual aroma is similar to that of fresh fruit.

They look like real milk mushrooms:

  • white podgrudok, which does not have milky juice;
  • violinist, whose cap is more pubescent;
  • white trumpet, a much smaller mushroom;
  • found under aspen trees, where real milk mushrooms never grow.

This wonderful mushroom appears in early July and can be collected until the end of September in Siberia, the Volga region and the Urals.

Where does it grow?

True milk mushrooms are most often found in pine-birch and spruce forests Central Russia, in Transbaikalia, in Western Siberia. In the Urals and Volga region they are called raw milk mushrooms. This is explained by the mucous surface of the cap. In Siberia they were called Pravskie milk mushrooms, i.e. real.


Real milk mushrooms are usually salted after prolonged boiling. This removes the bitterness. Juicy and fleshy milk mushrooms, after they are poured with brine, acquire a slightly bluish tint. After forty days they are ready to eat.

Traditionally in Siberia, real milk mushrooms are pickled together with saffron milk caps and volnushki. They make pies with them, and offer guests cold milk mushrooms with horseradish and butter. IN Western Europe These mushrooms are considered inedible, and in Russia they have long been called “kings of mushrooms.”

Beneficial features

Real breast milk is a low-calorie product, so it is often used in dietary nutrition and promotes weight loss. It contains easily digestible minerals and vitamins. Its vitamin D content is especially valued. Scientists have found that white milk mushroom stabilizes blood sugar levels, so it is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, these mushrooms contain substances that have antibacterial properties, so it is advisable to use them during viral epidemics. Their special activity against Koch bacilli is noted. This allows you to use real milk mushrooms, or rather an extract from them, to make a medicine for tuberculosis.

Milk mushroom poisoning

Salted milk mushrooms are a luxurious treat. We think everyone will agree with this. The mushroom is prominent, royal, and extremely tasty. Of course, subject to proper collection, salting and storage. There is an opinion that it is impossible to get poisoned by salted mushrooms, because... They are prepared using the most natural method. Is it really? Hardly. After all, even the most benign mushroom has its own storage limit, and if it is violated, then poisoning is quite likely.

We will tell you below how poisoning with salted milk mushrooms occurs and what kind of help it requires. First, let’s go on a photo trip and find out what milk mushrooms exist in nature.

Let's start with the inedible representatives.

Inedible milk mushrooms

Surprisingly, mycologists call these mushrooms inedible not because they contain any poisons, as in the case of toadstool, but solely because of their unsuitable taste! They taste painfully bitter, and this bitterness is not destroyed by soaking - salting and other intricacies of cooking.


Look at photo 1.

Here it is in front of you, very similar to milk mushrooms, a golden-yellow milkweed. It can confuse an inexperienced mushroom picker from June to October. It has almost no odor, but the taste is extremely unpleasant: bitter. If you cut such mushrooms, the milky juice will quickly change color from white to golden yellow. You can’t take their basket, these are false mushrooms.


These mushrooms are very reminiscent of saffron milk caps. Look at photo 2, the deceivers are in front of you. You should not eat such mushrooms - they are tasteless. Experts consider them unsuitable for food, but in some sources they are considered conditionally edible mushrooms of the second category. If your health is important to you, do not put the concept of conditionally edible food into practice. After all, even conditional poisoning is still possible.

Gray-pink milkies

Judging by photo 3, this milk mushroom is not very similar to the milk mushroom. Not only does it look unsightly, but the smell is repulsively bright. False mushrooms they smell like lovage, only very high concentration. The description of the smell in other sources is compared to chicory or camphor. And the bitterness is notable, like everyone else inedible mushrooms. Don't take it, be careful.

Tar black

Very unsightly, the milky sap is pink. Looking at photo 4, you understand that you don’t even want to take such a mushroom into the basket. And that's right, it's inedible.

  • Remember! Inedible mushrooms never reach the size of edible ones.
  • Their cap diameter is up to 11-14 cm, and real mushroom It can grow the size of a small plate, which you can’t even fit into a basket.

We've met our enemies, now let's talk about friends, who can safely be called primordially Russian food that decorates any feast.

Edible milk mushrooms

Edible representatives are also different. Both in color and size. Look at the photo, there are so many of them, edible milk mushrooms! I just want to wander through the forest and pick up a full basket. We will not describe the types of edible milk mushrooms in detail; we suggest you look at them carefully and remember them well. And in season - collect, salt, treat friends.

Real milk mushroom, safe

In the 1st picture there is a real milk mushroom. The same classic one that the kings respected. They say that in the old days no other mushrooms were collected at all, only these were recognized. A real milk mushroom can reach a cap size of 20 cm in diameter, however, among other edible milk mushrooms this is not the limit.

It looks like a real milk mushroom, a white or raw mushroom, as it is also called. Snow-white beauty, growing sporadically. If you find it, you won’t leave without a glorious harvest. Similar to real and porcini mushrooms – yellow and dry milk mushrooms. Look at them in the pictures.

Of particular note is the pepper milk mushroom. Surprisingly caustic, which is why many consider it inedible. However, people have learned to use pepper milk mushrooms differently - they collect pepper milk mushrooms, dry them, and then use them as a hot spice. Chopped pepper milk can easily replace black pepper for cooking. We don't think you knew about this. You can salt the pepper milk mushrooms, but it’s not for everyone. The food turns out to be painfully spicy. The description of mycologists classifies the pepper mushroom again as a conditionally edible mushroom.

Black milk mushroom

Black milk mushrooms are not much inferior to their white counterparts. Despite their greenish-black color, they look attractive and smell wonderful. Collect them boldly and eat with pleasure.

We found out how to collect and distinguish mushrooms. Now we’ll find out how to pickle them correctly.

Pepper milk mushroom

You came out of the forest

And they went home with an enviable harvest. Now the main thing is to properly process and pickle the mushrooms. Start any preparation only after you have carefully sorted the mushrooms. Remove all wormy, old and badly broken mushrooms. Clean the caps from pine needles and stuck foliage. Be especially attentive to the legs - there should be no soil on them. It is small particles of soil that can contain clostridia botulism. You can just cut it off

Yellow milk mushroom

legs and do not use them for food.

The second stage of preparation for pickling is soaking the milk mushrooms. For this, take a large container where you can put the entire harvest. Carefully place the mushrooms and pour cold water. In order for the milk mushrooms to soak properly, lightly press them with pressure. If you have collected black mushrooms, add a little vinegar to the soaking water. After soaking, you will have smooth dark cherry colored mushrooms in your hands.

Soaking time

Original Russian recipes say that mushrooms need to be soaked for at least 3 days. We won’t argue either. There are several rules that tell you how to soak milk mushrooms correctly:

It is very important to know how to pickle mushrooms correctly. There are two methods - cold and hot.

Cold way

If you decide to cold pickle, accept that the aromatic treat will appear on the table only after 2 months. Anything eaten before causes poisoning.

For pickling, use an oak barrel, glass jars, or special pickling bags.

Salt rate: 40 grams per kilogram of mushrooms.

You may or may not use spices, cherry and oak leaves, garlic between the layers. The pungent odors of additives overwhelm the mushroom aroma. Lay the mushrooms in layers of 3–5 cm and sprinkle evenly with salt. The last layer should be a layer of salt. You can easily find a description of various options for additives and spices for salted mushrooms in any cookbook.

Next, you should come up with oppression for your mushrooms. It is not necessary to make the oppression too heavy; a 3-liter jar of water placed on a wooden circle is enough. You can use a small stone instead of a jar. Instead of a wooden circle, you can use a large plate. There must be a clean cloth napkin under the pressure. If you don’t have one in the house, you can use gauze.

Hot way

The principle of salting is the same, but it has its advantages. You can eat hot-salted mushrooms in just two weeks!

Is different hot way salting by preliminary boiling. After you have washed the soaked mushrooms, boil them in salted water for 20 minutes. Cool. Then you will do everything the same as in the first method.

Attention! You cannot store prepared salted mushrooms for more than 3 months! Eating such foods causes poisoning.

If poisoning occurs

Intoxication with milk mushrooms

Poisoning with salted mushrooms has symptoms of acute enteritis or enterocolitis. Typical symptoms are severe nausea and vomiting, loose stools. Side symptoms are hyperthermia, general weakness, dizziness.

If the patient is not helped, the symptoms of poisoning increase, and a picture of dehydration develops.

What to do at home to alleviate the patient’s condition?

First of all, you should rinse your stomach. This can be done using the traditional “restaurant” method until clean wash water is obtained. Add a little salt to drinking water - rinsing will be more effective. When symptoms of vomiting and nausea subside, give the patient any laxative. If you don’t have this in your house, use regular vegetable oil.

Symptoms of intoxication - chills, weakness - are eliminated gradually. The patient needs bed rest and fasting for the first 6-7 hours after poisoning. Drinking should be plentiful.

White milk mushroom is considered original to Russian cuisine. Its taste is distinguished by its unique aroma. It crunches when salted.

It is considered great luck to encounter such a mushroom in the forest. You need to know the places where there is a high probability of encountering a cluster of milk mushrooms.

This variety of forest inhabitants is also called pravsky or raw milk mushrooms. What you need to know to collect them should be considered in more detail.


Many novice mushroom pickers wonder what a white milk mushroom looks like. Ideally, it has a concave fleshy cap. It is dense and oily. With age, white milk mushrooms develop a fringe on the cap that hangs down at the edges. Its diameter is about 20 cm.

The cap of the white milk mushroom remains moist in appearance even in dry weather. Its color varies from white to light yellow.

The pulp is dense, white. It has a pungent pleasant aroma. At the site of the break, whitish juice is released, which quickly turns yellow in the air. This liquid has a bitter taste.

The leg does not exceed 5 cm in length. It is thick, but short. Over time it becomes hollow.

To describe what white milk mushroom looks like, you need to take into account the area in which it grows.


There are several varieties of such milk mushrooms. The most common are yellow, aspen, and oak. To correctly describe the white milk mushroom, you should familiarize yourself with its subspecies.

The yellow mushroom is considered an inhabitant of coniferous forests. Its difference lies in the darker circles on the cap. This type of mushroom tastes somewhat worse than other types of white milk mushrooms.

The aspen milk mushroom is quite rare. These are inhabitants of aspen or poplar forests. They grow up in large families.

Oak milkweed is found under hazel or in an oak grove. The hat is yellowish-orange in color. Has dark concentric rings.

Each environment where milk mushrooms grow affects their appearance.

Where can you find milk mushrooms

Favorite places where mushrooms such as milk mushrooms grow are birch, pine groves, and mixed forests. Most often they can be found on sloping slopes on the north side.

They grow up in large families. They like to hide under fallen leaves. If you find one copy, you should look around. There are definitely more mushrooms under the foliage. Small tubercles reveal milk mushrooms hidden under the forest cover.

A stick will be convenient for stirring up leaves and finding hidden forest inhabitants. This must be done carefully. Only the top layer should be turned over so as not to damage the mycelium. Having violated it once, there is no doubt that the whole family here will disappear and will not be restored.

Collection season

The area where milk mushrooms grow should be visited from the end of June to mid-September. This is a classic option.

The mushroom picking season is affected by the weather. During hot, dry seasons it shifts. IN last years collection was carried out from the beginning of August to mid-October.

Wet weather is ideal for the development of a large colony of milk mushrooms. However, heavy, persistent rain will reduce the spread of fungi. In such weather it is simply useless to look for white milk mushrooms.

Weather is the main criterion influencing the season for collecting the presented gifts of nature.

False breast

Due to the impossibility of maintaining ideal appearance The mushroom is often confused with other species.

It happens that instead of milk mushrooms, varieties of mushrooms such as white milk mushrooms, pepper milk mushrooms and blue milk mushrooms are collected.

At loading white hat dry and smooth. No milky liquid appears on the fault. The pepper milk mushroom has no fringe, and the cap is also dry. But the juice, when broken, does not turn yellow in the air. The blue milk mushroom changes color accordingly on the fault.

TO false species milk mushrooms include squeakers (violins). If a mushroom picker accidentally collects a similar species, he does not risk his health much. But the quality of the creak is much lower than that of the milk mushroom. They are difficult to prepare and take a long time.

White milk mushroom false has a specific taste. It is less useful than the true form.

Externally, the false white milk mushroom is very similar to its real counterpart. It also has a large cap on a thick short stem. There is no fringe, and the plates under the cap are dark yellow.

If you rub the cap with a wet finger, it will make a characteristic squeak. This feature gave the mushroom its name. The creak tastes bitter.

The difference between a milk mushroom and a squeak

In order not to confuse these two very much similar species, a number of their features should be considered.

The white milk mushroom has a fringe. Its false brother lacks this element. They are also distinguished by their shade. In the milk mushroom it is yellowish, in the creaking fish it is white. The plates of the false species are dense, rough, and dark yellow in color.

True representatives of this species are wormy, but false ones are never.

Milk mushrooms appear in June. Creepers begin to grow in mid-July.

The appearance of the false specimens is clean. Dirt and leaves stick to true representatives of the subspecies, and they look untidy.

The main difference between creaks and milk mushrooms is the taste at the root. The former have a bitter taste, while the latter have a sweet taste.

The nutritional value

In the West, white milk mushrooms, the description of which was discussed earlier, belong to the category of inedible mushrooms. In our country, these forest gifts have been assigned the first taste category. She says that this is one of the most delicious mushrooms.

They taste best when salted. They are also usually pickled.

The white mushroom contains caustic juice. Therefore, there is a special technology for processing the product. Before salting, you should prepare the mushrooms in advance.

White milk mushrooms are soaked in water for three days. Sometimes they are even boiled. It depends on the taste preferences of the mushroom pickers who collected the milk mushrooms.

This product is dietary. It can be added to the diet of people with diabetes, since the mushroom does not contain sugar.

By eating white milk mushrooms, you can significantly diversify your diet. At the same time, you should not be afraid of accidental collection poisonous doubles. All false white milk mushrooms are non-poisonous. The only difference is taste qualities false loads.

Having familiarized yourself with the recommendations for the collection and use of such a representative of forest spaces as White mushroom, you can safely go on a hike after them. Based on advice and rules about choosing a location, as well as weather conditions, there is no doubt about the success of the undertaking. It will be quite easy to distinguish real milk mushrooms from false ones. But even if you make a mistake, there is no need to fear harm to your health. The doubles masquerading as white milk mushrooms do not have poisonous properties. Their difference lies only in taste.


  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Incertae sedis (indefinite position)
  • Order: Russulales
  • Family: Russulaceae (Russula)
  • Genus: Lactarius (Millary)
  • View: Lactarius resimus (True milk mushroom)
    Other names for the mushroom:


  • Real milk mushroom
  • White breast
  • Raw breast milk
  • Wet breast
  • Gruzd pravsky


Real milk mushroom(lat. Lactarius resimus) - a mushroom of the genus Milky (lat. Lactarius) of the Russulaceae family (lat. Russulaceae).

hat∅ 5-20 cm, first flat-convex, then funnel-shaped with a pubescent edge turned inward, dense. The skin is slimy, wet, milky white or slightly yellowish in color with vague watery concentric zones, often with adhered particles of soil and litter.

Leg 3-7 cm in height, ∅ 2-5 cm, cylindrical, smooth, white or yellowish, sometimes with yellow spots or pitted, hollow.

Pulp brittle, dense, white, with a very characteristic odor reminiscent of fruit. The milky juice is abundant, caustic, white, and turns sulfur-yellow in air.

Records in milk mushrooms they are quite frequent, wide, slightly descending along the stem, white with a yellowish tint.

Spore powder yellowish in color.

In old ones, the leg becomes hollow, the plates turn yellow. The color of the plates can vary from yellowish to cream. There may be brown spots on the cap.


The milk mushroom is found in deciduous and mixed forests (birch, pine-birch, with linden undergrowth). Distributed in the northern regions of Russia, Belarus, the Upper and Middle Volga region, the Urals, and Western Siberia. Occurs infrequently, but abundantly, grows usually in large groups. Optimal average daily temperature fruiting 8-10°C on the soil surface. Milk mushrooms form mycorrhiza with birch. Season July - September, in southern parts range (Belarus, Middle Volga region) August - September.

Similar species:

  • has a felt cap with non-pubescent edges, found most often under beeches.
  • It has a smooth or slightly velvety cap; the milky juice turns olive green when exposed to air.
  • grows in damp aspen and poplar forests.
  • smaller in size, the cap is less slimy and more fluffy.
  • easily distinguished by the absence of milky juice.

All these mushrooms are conditionally edible.


In the West it is practically unknown or considered inedible, but in Russia it is traditionally considered the best conditionally edible mushroom. After removing the bitterness, it goes to salting, salted mushrooms acquire a bluish tint, are fleshy, juicy, and have a special aroma. It is believed that milk mushrooms are superior in calorie content to meat. The dry matter of the mushroom contains 32% protein. According to the Siberian method, milk mushrooms are salted together with other mushrooms (,). The mushrooms are soaked for one day, periodically changing the water, then washed and filled with water for another day. Salted in barrels with spices. Milk mushrooms are ready for consumption after 40-50 days.

In the old days, the real milk mushroom was considered the only mushroom suitable for pickling; it was called the “king of mushrooms.” In the Kargopol district alone, up to 150 thousand pounds of saffron milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms were collected annually and exported salted to St. Petersburg. The list of dishes at the dinner party of Patriarch Adrian on March 17, 1699 is known: “... three long pies with mushrooms, two pies with milk mushrooms, cold mushrooms with horseradish, cold milk mushrooms with butter, warm milk mushrooms with juice and butter...” Apparently, during Lent, the main decoration of the table were all kinds of dishes made from milk mushrooms.

For an experienced mushroom picker, the question of how a milk mushroom differs from a squeaky mushroom will not be a reason for long thought. He knows very well all the differences that make it possible to eliminate the risk of inedible and poisonous specimens ending up in the basket. We invite you to learn how to distinguish white milk mushroom from mustard, violin, volnushka, row and other mushrooms that are similar in appearance. The page contains comparative characteristics And full descriptions similar types of mushrooms. Be sure to look at how to distinguish white milk mushrooms from false ones in the photo, which illustrates all the typical signs. This will help you feel more confident during a “quiet hunt” in the forest. Pick mushrooms very carefully. IN Lately Cases of poisoning from eating seemingly familiar types of mushrooms have become more frequent. In fact, there is active mimicry and poisonous mushrooms become very similar to edible ones in appearance.

The cap is round, usually concave inward, funnel-shaped, white or yellowish in color, with large rusty spots, moist, slightly fluffy, with a large fringe along the edges. The plates are white, yellowish. The pulp is white, dense, juicy, thick, and secretes a bitter milky juice, especially when broken. The leg is short, white, hollow inside. They belong to the “plate” mushrooms, in which the lower part of the caps consists of delicate plates. Next, we will look at the main differences between milk mushrooms and a number of mushrooms that are similar in appearance.

Grows in birch forests and mixed forests with an admixture of birch. It is found quite rarely, but sometimes in large groups, from July to October. The cap is large, up to 20 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is white, rounded-convex, then funnel-shaped, with a shaggy edge turned down, white or slightly yellowish, often with faintly noticeable watery concentric stripes. In damp weather it is mucous, which is why this mushroom is called “raw milk mushroom”. The pulp is white, dense, brittle, with a spicy odor.

The milky juice is white, acrid, bitter in taste, and turns sulfur-yellow in air.

The plates descending along the stalk, white or cream, with a yellowish edge, wide, sparse. The stem is short, thick, bare, white, sometimes with yellowish spots, and in mature mushrooms it is hollow inside. Conditionally edible, first category. Used for pickling, less often for pickling. Salted milk mushrooms have a bluish tint.

What is the difference between a white breast and a black one?

Grows in coniferous and deciduous forests. Occurs singly and in groups from July to October, and sometimes in November. The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, almost flat, with a depression in the middle and a curled edge. Later, the cap becomes funnel-shaped with straightening edges. The surface is slightly sticky, olive-brown, lighter towards the edge. The first thing that distinguishes a white mushroom from a black one is the color of the outer color. The plates are dirty whitish, later with brownish spots. They darken when pressed.

The leg is short, thick, at first solid, then hollow. The pulp is dense, white or grayish-white, with abundant white acrid milky juice, darkening at the break. Black milk mushrooms are good for pickling. Thoroughly washed and soaked, they lose their bitterness, their flesh becomes crispy and dense. When salted, the cap acquires a beautiful dark purple-cherry color. Black milk mushrooms in salting do not lose their strength and taste for years. Conditionally edible, third category.

The difference between a white load and a milk mushroom

The cap of the milk mushroom is more concave than that of a real milk mushroom, less fluffy. In young caps, the edges of the cap are also turned inward, but not completely lowered. The hat and rare plates are white. The pulp is white; when broken, a bitter milky juice is released. Dry surface and white color – distinctive features this mushroom.

Grows from late July to late autumn. The main difference between white mushroom and milk mushroom is that it is found in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests in the northern part of the forest zone. Grows from July to October. The cap is white - up to 20 cm in diameter - at first flat-convex with a curved edge and a depression in the middle, then funnel-shaped with straightening edges, pure white, sometimes with brownish-yellow spots (scorches). The leg is up to 5 cm long, smooth, at first solid, then hollow, white. The flesh is white, does not change at the break, the flesh in the cap tissue is moist, in the plates it is caustic. The plates are descending, narrow, clean, sometimes forked towards the outer edge, bifurcated, white.

Usually this mushroom is salted. The salted load acquires a slightly brownish color. In many places, white milk mushrooms are called “dry milk mushrooms” in contrast to real milk mushrooms, which usually have a slightly slimy cap. White milk mushrooms differ from real milk mushrooms in other ways. The edges of their caps are not pubescent, and the flesh does not contain milky juice. Conditionally edible, second category, used salted and pickled. In the northern half of the forest zone there is another type of podgrudok - black podgrudok. The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, flat-convex with a depression in the middle and with a curled edge, later funnel-shaped, glabrous, slightly sticky, from dirty gray to dark brown in color.

The pulp is white or grayish-white, without milky juice.

The plates are often grayish-dirty in color and turn black when pressed. Because of the dark color of the cap, the mushroom is sometimes called “grain”, and because of its fragile flesh – “black russula”. These mushrooms are often wormy. Its plates are very caustic. For salting, it must be boiled. When salted and boiled, it is dark brown in color. Conditionally edible, third category, used only for salting. Salted mushrooms turn black.

Look at the difference between milk mushrooms and subloads in the photo, which shows the main differences.

How do milk mushrooms differ from milk mushrooms?

Grows from late August until the first frost, for the most part alone through the birch forests and mixed forests, mainly in the northern part of the forest zone. The cap is up to 12 cm in diameter, at first flat with a hole in the center and with a rolled edge, later funnel-shaped, fibrous, shaggy and woolly along the edge. Let's figure out how milk mushrooms differ from milk mushrooms and how to differentiate them in the field.

In wet weather, the middle of the cap is sticky, pink or yellowish-pink, with pronounced dark concentric zones. The plates are adherent or descending, thin, white or slightly pinkish. The leg is up to 6 cm long, up to 2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, hollow, one-color with a cap. The pulp is loose, brittle, white or pinkish, with white, pungent, acrid milky juice. Volnushka is used for salting. It is pickled only after thorough soaking and boiling, otherwise the mushrooms can cause severe irritation gastric mucosa. It is best to take young mushrooms for pickling, up to 3–4 cm. Their cap is strong, with the edge curled deep inside. Such small waves are called “curls”. When salted, it has a pale brown color with an admixture of pink, and retains pronounced dark zones. In the northwestern and central regions countries and in the Urals, usually on the edges of young birch forests from the beginning of August to October you can find the white moth. It is in many ways similar to the pink wave, but smaller. The cap, up to 6 cm in diameter, is fluffy-silky, at first convex, later funnel-shaped, white with yellowish-reddish, blurred spots, with a curled hairy edge. The white milky juice is pungent and sometimes bitter. The plates are light fawn, slightly pinkish, adherent or descending, frequent, narrow. The leg is dense, brittle, short, smooth. The flesh is white or slightly pinkish. Belyanka is sometimes confused with white podgruzdka. But the latter has a much larger cap, and the edge is bare or slightly pubescent. It is only used for pickling after preliminary soaking in water or scalding with boiling water. Belyanka is valued for its delicate pulp and pleasant taste. When salted it is light brownish. The mushroom is conditionally edible, second category.

Differences between violin and milk mushroom

Quite often found in coniferous and deciduous forests middle zone, in large groups, from mid-June to mid-September. The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, at first flat-convex, depressed in the middle, with a curled edge. The difference between the violin and the milk mushroom is that later the cap becomes funnel-shaped with a wavy, often cracked edge. The surface is dry, slightly pubescent, pure white, later slightly buffy. The plates are sparse, whitish or yellowish. The leg is up to 6 cm long, thick, somewhat narrowed at the base, solid, white. The pulp is coarse, dense, white, later yellowish, with abundant white, pungent, pungent milky juice. Collected mushrooms in the basket they rub against each other and make a characteristic squeak. For this they were called “violinists”, “creakers”. Mushroom pickers do not always take these mushrooms, although they are used for salting, becoming strong and acquiring a mushroom smell. The mushroom becomes white with a bluish tint and squeaks on the teeth. The mushroom is conditionally edible, category four. Used for salting and pickling. It must first be soaked and boiled to remove bitterness.

How to distinguish white milk mushroom from bitterling

You need to know how to distinguish white milk mushroom from bitterling, since it is found everywhere, but mainly in the northern half of the forest zone. Prefers several rain forests. Usually grows in large groups. The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, initially flat-convex, then funnel-shaped, usually with a tubercle in the middle, dry, silky, red-brown. The plates are descending or adherent, frequent, pale reddish-yellowish, usually with a white coating from spores. The leg is up to 8 cm long, smooth, cylindrical, at first solid, then hollow, light reddish-brown, with white felt at the base. The pulp is dense, at first white, then slightly red-brown without much odor. The milky juice is white and very caustic; it is not for nothing that the mushroom is called bitter. Because of the very bitter, pungent taste, mushrooms are only salted, they must be boiled first, and only then they are salted. When salted, the mushrooms are dark brown in color, with a noticeable sharp lump on the cap. The mushroom is conditionally edible, category four.

Differences between black milk mushroom and pig milk

Pig, kind lamellar mushrooms. The difference between a pig and a milk mushroom is that it has a cap with a diameter of up to 20 cm, initially convex, then flat, funnel-shaped, with an edge turned inward, velvety, yellow-brown, sometimes with an olive tint. The flesh is light brown, darkening when cut. The plates are decurrent, connected at the bottom by transverse veins, and are easily separated from the cap. Leg length up to 9 cm, central or shifted to the side, narrowed downwards, the same color as the cap. The mushroom grows in forests of various types, in large groups, from July to October, and can form mycorrhiza.

It is imperative to know the difference between black milk mushroom and pig milk, since in recent years pork milk has been classified as poisonous mushrooms(can cause poisoning, even death). It contains substances that lead to a decrease in red blood cells in the blood. Moreover, the manifestation of poisoning depends on individual characteristics the human body and can occur either a few hours later or several years after consuming these mushrooms. The fat pig is distinguished by its larger size and dark brown velvety leg. Forms mycorrhiza or settles on wood. Conditionally edible. Pig animals have the ability to accumulate harmful compounds of heavy metals.

What is the difference between a milk mushroom and a spruce row?

Grows on sandy soil in coniferous trees, mainly pine forests from August until autumn frosts, alone and in small groups. Distributed everywhere, but quite rare. The cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, fibrous, mucous-sticky, initially flat-convex, then semi-prostrate, light gray to dark gray in color, often with a yellowish or purple tint, darker in the center than along the edge, with radial dark stripes .

The most important thing that distinguishes milk mushroom from spruce row is that its flesh is not brittle, white, does not turn yellow in the air, has a faint smell of flour, and tastes fresh. The plates are white, then light yellow or bluish-grayish, sparse, wide. The leg is up to 10 cm long and up to 2 cm thick, smooth, white, then yellowish or grayish, fibrous, sits deep in the soil. The mushroom is edible, category four. Used boiled, fried, salted and pickled.

Differences between white milk mushroom and white milk mushroom

In the northwestern and central regions of the country and in the Urals, usually on the edges of young birch forests from the beginning of August to October you can find the white moth. It is in many ways similar to the pink wave, but smaller. The difference between the white milk mushroom and the white milk mushroom is as follows: the cap, up to 6 cm in diameter, is fluffy-silky, at first convex, later funnel-shaped, white with yellowish-reddish, blurry spots, with a curled hairy edge.

The white milky juice is pungent and sometimes bitter. The plates are light fawn, slightly pinkish, adherent or descending, frequent, narrow. The leg is dense, brittle, short, smooth. The difference between milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms is that their flesh is always white, and not slightly pinkish. Belyanka is sometimes confused with white podgruzdka. But the latter has a much larger cap, and the edge is bare or slightly pubescent. It is only used for pickling after preliminary soaking in water or scalding with boiling water. Belyanka is valued for its delicate pulp and pleasant taste. When salted it is light brownish.

What is the difference between a false breast and a real one?

The first thing is different false breast from the present, it is a cap with a diameter of 4-12 cm, densely fleshy, convex or flatly spread to funnel-shaped, sometimes with a tubercle, initially with a bent edge, and later with a drooping edge, dry, silky-fibrous, finely scaly, almost naked with age, ocher-fleshed -reddish, ocher-dirty pinkish-gray or pinkish-brown, with vague spots when drying. The plates are descending, narrow, thin, whitish, later pinkish-cream and orange-ocher. The leg is 4-8×0.8–3.5 cm, cylindrical, dense, eventually hollow, tomentose, hairy-tomentose at the base, the color of the cap, lighter in the upper part, mealy. The pulp is yellowish with a reddish tint, the lower part of the stem is reddish-brownish, sweet, without much odor (when dried, it smells of coumarin); The milky juice is watery, sweet or bitter, and does not change color when exposed to air. Grows in moist coniferous and deciduous forests. Fruiting bodies are formed in July – October. Poisonous mushroom.

Watch how to distinguish a white milk mushroom from a false one in the video, which shows all the features.

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