Temperature in Moscow in May 2017

Average monthly temperature in Moscow in May 2017 was + 10.112 ° С (average for 1999-2018 + 13.5 ° С). Average monthly humidity 54% (average for 1999-2018 67%)

Coldest day in Moscow in May 2017 was May. Average daily temperature that day dropped to ° С. The warmest day took place in May with an average temperature of ° С.

The absolute minimum temperature in Moscow in May 2017 was −1 ° С (May 11, 2017 at 02:00:00), the absolute maximum + 24 ° С (May 24, 2017 at 11:00:00)

Humidity in Moscow in May 2017

Average monthly humidity in Moscow in May 2017 amounted to 54% (average for 1999-2018 67%).

The most low humidity in Moscow in May 2017 was May. Average daily humidity on that day was only%. The wettest day took place in May with an average humidity of%.

Absolute minimum relative humidity in Moscow in May 2017 was recorded on May 1, 2017 at 10:00:00. Humidity at that time was only 16%

The most common wind in Moscow in May 2017- northern (on average it blows 26% of the time). In second place is western (16%), in third - southwestern (14%). The rarest winds in Moscow in May 2017 are: east (3%), south (7%) and southeast (10%).

Maximum gust of wind in Moscow in May 2017 is 4m / s and was recorded on May 29, 2017 at 08:00:00.

Average daily wind speed in Moscow in May 2017 ranges from m / s (May 2017) to m / s (May 2017).

Temperature in Moscow in May in different years

Average monthly temperature in Moscow in May varies in the range from + 8.8 ° С to + 16.9 ° С. Most cold may was in 1999, and the warmest in 2013. Average temperature in May according to statistics for 1999-2018 it is + 13.5 ° С.

More detailed information presented at on the graph of average monthly temperature in Moscow in May... The graph confirms that 2013 was the warmest May (+ 16.9 ° С). The second in a row - in 2010 (+ 16.7 ° С), the third - in 2007 (+ 16 ° С).

Respectively, coldest May in Moscow happened in 1999 (+ 8.8 ° С), the second in a row - in 2017 (+ 10.1 ° С), the third - in 2000 (+ 10.8 ° С).

May Moscow is like a young maiden - fresh, beautiful, a little windy, but sunny and bright! It is difficult to imagine a better time to visit the many sights of the Russian capital than the last month of spring. But despite the fact that during this period local weather rarely shows its complex "character", it is better to know what the weather will be like in Moscow in May 2017 in advance. Fortunately, a preliminary and very accurate weather forecast for the beginning and end of the month of May 2017 for Moscow and the Moscow region from the Hydrometeorological Center is already known. We invite you to learn more about the upcoming meteorological situation in the capital in May this year.

Weather in Moscow for May 2017 - the most accurate forecast for the month

Of course, even the most accurate weather forecast for the month of May 2017 for Moscow can make mistakes. Still the weather is under control heavenly office and meteorologists cannot always predict its plans with 100% accuracy. But nevertheless, thanks to many years of experience and the latest scientific advances we know in advance what the weather will be in Moscow in May 2017 according to the most accurate forecast for a month. So, according to the latest data, the weather situation in the capital at the end of spring will be more than pleasant. Forecasters expect a predominance of warm and clear days throughout the month. Precipitation in the form of intermittent rains will be possible in mid-May, but they will not spoil the warm weather.

What will be the air temperature in Moscow in May

If we talk in more detail about what the air temperature will be in Moscow in May 2017, then according to preliminary data, the thermometer columns during the day will vary within 15-20 degrees above zero. At night, these indicators will be slightly lower - on average, the marks of the thermometers will keep within 8-12 degrees with a plus sign.

Weather in Moscow for May 2017 - preliminary forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia

Generally speaking, the weather in Moscow in May 2017, according to preliminary forecasts from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, will delight you with warmth and sun. Also, forecasters do not expect particularly windy and cloudy days. Precipitation is expected in the middle of the month - from 13 to 23 May. Also, a few rainy days are possible in the last days May.

Weather forecast for the beginning and end of May 2017 for Moscow from the Hydrometeorological Center

If we talk in more detail about the weather in Moscow in May 2017 at the beginning and end of the month, then according to the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center, the temperature indicators will differ. So, in the first days of May, the long-awaited warmth will come to the capital - the thermometers will rise from 10 to 21-23 degrees in just a week. In the middle of the month due to frequent rainfall average temperature air will drop to 13-19 degrees. The second wave of warming in the capital should be expected after May 25th.

What will the weather be like in Moscow and the Moscow region in May 2017

Speaking about what the weather will be in Moscow in May 2017, one cannot fail to mention the meteorological situation in the Moscow region during this period. As a rule, in most of the region, weather conditions overlap with weather forecasts for the capital. In other words, the last month of spring will be predominantly warm and clear for the residents of the Moscow region.

What will the weather be like in the Moscow region in May 2017

As for the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center regarding precipitation, the cyclone, which is responsible for the rainy weather in mid-May in the capital, will also affect the region. There may be a slight difference at the beginning and end of rainy days, but in general, the duration of precipitation and the average daily air temperature during this period will be similar to those in the capital. It is also worth noting that solar and warm weather in Moscow in May 2017, which is expected at the beginning and end of the month, will spread to the region. We hope that information on what the weather will be like in Moscow and the Moscow region in May 2017 will be useful to you and help you plan a great vacation!

To date, it is rather difficult to give accurate data regarding that. Forecasters doubt their predictions, but preliminary results can still be identified. To begin with, it is required to indicate that the last spring month no longer frightens the population with various unforeseen weather situations. If at the beginning of this month it gets a little colder, but by the middle and end of the spring period, the temperature regime becomes almost identical to that in summer.

Let us dwell on the problem of what the weather forecast for May 2017 is expected for Moscow and all of Russia. Let us determine what possible changes in the temperature regimes of past periods with the present time.

Any weather forecast for any time is investigated using various meteorological data. Also, the weather regimes of previous years are compared, so that it is possible to indicate the most accurate data regarding future weather at one time or another. As a rule, the most accurate forecasts can be made a couple of weeks before a certain period. If the period is expected to be longer, then we can only make appropriate assumptions.
In May, the weather is expected to be warm, but slight soil frosts are not excluded. This, however, happens from year to year. The beginning of the month will delight us with a little coolness. This time will serve as a kind of preparation for a hotter time. In the first days of the last month of spring, the temperature column will not rise above 18 degrees. Moreover, this data applies only to the central part of Russia. In the south it is expected hot weather, the thermometer will exceed 20 degrees. But the northern regions will suffer from a lack of heat. In the cities of the northern part of our country, during this period, such weather is expected, which is comparable to the month of March. That is, nature wants to awaken from its winter sleep, but she still lacks the strength to fully awaken. In the North, it is likely to receive precipitation in the form of snow or hail. However, central part countries can also fall under the influence of a cyclone with precipitation. But in these areas, precipitation will be only in the form of rain, in last resort, in the form of a hail.

What will the weather be like in Moscow in May 2017? This part of our home country, as a rule, falls under the influence of a warm cyclone. At the beginning of the month cool weather is also expected here, the thermometer rarely warms up to 15 degrees. In the middle of the month, real warmth will begin to wake up. Temperature air environment already warms up to 20 degrees. But at the end of this period, real summer begins. The heat will take over the cities and regions of the Moscow region, it can be assumed that the thermometer will exceed 28 degrees. Such a heat, as a rule, does not last long, and in a few days the coolness and a little dampness of the atmosphere will again come. As for sedimentary phenomena, in this case, it is even more difficult to indicate forecasts. Abundant rains in Moscow will not pass, but the rolls of the first thunder will surely sound.

The weather in Russia and Moscow in May is similar, especially in the central regions. So, making predictions about natural phenomena, you can rely on the above data. It is important to highlight the southern regions of the country a little. In the month of May, the weather is set there, which attracts tourists and vacationers with its warmth and comfort. Surprisingly, in the given time you can already swim in the sea of ​​southern cities, the warm sand gives you a wonderful mood, and the scorching sun gives you a wonderful tan. The complete opposite are the northern towns. Although the air there begins to smell of spring, there is still no full sensation of the spring period. In May in northern regions the snow will still freeze, and the beginning of their melting will take place only in the middle of the last spring month.

The weather calendar for May 2017 in Russia can now be created only with conjectural data. Accurate forecasts can be obtained only at the end of April. But the good news is that spring is expected to be swift and lightning fast. That is, we will not see how the snow melted and then fell again. This pleases, therefore, in the month of May in weather conditions the sparkles of summer will shine through.

All people who want to spend the May holidays of the coming year in full armor are worried in advance by the question: "What kind of weather will be in Russia in May 2017?" According to long-term weather forecasts as well as numerous people's observations, May 2017, will greet us like a real warm spring, even almost summer month.

What will the weather be like in May 2017 in Russia

You will have to celebrate the beginning of May and the Spring and Labor Day in jackets and boots, because May will start with coolness and rains. weather forecasts from forecasters... This month is not considered too rainy and windy, however, thunderstorms will come in middle part Russia just in time for the beginning of the last spring month and will spill heavy rains just to the Central Russian region.

Weather from 1 to 10 May 2017

The northern parts of our country will meet the month in moderate coolness: at night the thermometer will rise to + 2-5 degrees, but the day will please with a pleasant + 10-12, which is certainly not bad for the cold regions of Russia. The southern regions of the Russian Federation already at the beginning of the month, they will take off all warm clothes: at night + 10-14, and during the day the temperature can rise to + 20-24. And this will certainly be used by those who dream of visiting the warm regions of our country to spend their holidays there. You won't be able to swim yet, but soak up the warm sunbeams- the very thing.

Weather from 11 to 20 May 2017

The middle of the month will delight residents Central Russia steady + 15-17 degrees during the day and up to +10 at night. This is a moderate and “correct” temperature for a given time frame. But do not rush to hide warm things in long drawers: more than once it will show its cocky character and amuse itself with frosts.

Weather from 21 to 31 May 2017

May will end with the anticipation of a real sultry summer. There will be practically no rain by the end of the month. But if they do come, then it should be remembered that by the amount of precipitation v last month spring it is easy to judge how many rains await us by the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Dry May - sure sign dry September.

Weather forecast for Moscow and Moscow region for May 2017

For Moscow, the region and nearby regions, the end of May will be held at a temperature of + 21-24 degrees during the day and up to + 10-12 at night. The wind force should not exceed 3.6 m / s. Such indicators characterize pleasant May weather and a comfortable transition to summer period... Below are the average temperature indicators in Moscow over the past 9 years.

May folk signs about the weather

Remember that when the bird cherry and apricots bloom, a cold snap is sure to come. The same can be said for oak trees: the unfolding buds of these trees portend a significant drop in temperature.

The warm spring month - May is wonderful. As a rule, during this cheerful period of spring time throughout huge Russia moderately hot weather is set, especially with high temperature regimes, it pleases Russians in the middle of the green month. But this period of green spring is also distinguished by its inconstancy, for example, temperature conditions can sharply "jump" towards the minimum and maximum limits... What will be the weather forecast for May 2017 for Moscow and the whole vast Russia?

Forecasters on this period moment can only make tentative predictions. It is important to point out that long-term forecasts are usually preliminary. Moreover, in last years nature loves to surprise Russians, it becomes completely beyond the control of various studies and forecasting. What the weather will be like in May 2017 in Russia can only be determined in advance, but some folk signs can tell about accurate forecasts.

Signs of May

  • The early flowering of bird cherry foreshadows that the summer season will be sultry and dry. The fact that the bird cherry blossoms profusely also speaks of a hot summer.
  • The later flowering of bird cherry pieces indicates a late arrival summer season... Moreover, the same folk omen indicates that the second part of the summer moment of the year will become very rainy.
  • What will be the weather in Moscow in May 2017, you can find out at the beginning of flowering bird cherry. As soon as the shrubs become lush and prepare for abundant flowering, you can very confidently await the imminent arrival of coolness. It is a rule that at this stage of the month, all temperature limits of the ambient air reach up to stable plus 10 cool degrees. At exactly the same moment, quite frequent and very prolonged precipitation of heavy sedimentary phenomena in the form of heavy and cold rains is quite possible.
  • Well, the frequent warm May fogs promise the imminent arrival of heat and even heat.
  • May thunderstorms are a harbinger of freshness and a little coolness.

May weather

According to famous folk omens, it is determined exactly what the weather will be like in May 2017, and what temperature regimes do forecasters promise us for the same period of time?

The early days of May can please all Russians with a friendly warmth and very sunny weather... Over such a period in time, natural temperature limits are able to reach levels up to about 18 warm degrees. In the sultry south, similar regimes will rise to 25 sultry degrees.

The situation will change dramatically to The 9th, v the surrounding nature rain will appear and temperature limits will drop 5-7 degrees. But the weather calendar for May 2017 in Russia definitely assures that the relative natural coolness and abundance of rain will last. until the 15th. After the specified period, the air will begin to gradually warm up. Spring month it is often such a hot period that is rarely observed in the summer season. This will not be the case in this month of May. The middle and the end of the month will become warm, but the temperature regimes will not exceed the generally approved standards.

Closer by May 20th extreme heat is manifested in nature. At this moment the temperature environment will be able to grow within its own limits and up to a mark of 25 sultry degrees. The hot sun will instantly heat up the air space, so many people will feel stuffy in the atmosphere. In the North, during the same period in time, no heat is expected yet, moderately warm weather reigns there, when street columns of any thermometer do not exceed the limit at 18 moderately warm degrees. And in the south, on the contrary, nature begins to rejoice at the imminent arrival of the summer season and actively prepares local residents for abnormal temperature marks.

At the final stage of the spring season, the weather in Russia and Moscow in May 2017 will definitely become a little frosty and cooler. But the temperature of the ambient air will be located in the middle temperature marks up to about plus 18 moderately warm degrees. At the end of May warm month in the surrounding nature, frequent occurrence of heavy and fairly frequent rains is likely.