The first secret society of the Decembrists was preceded by several earlier organizations. All of them served as a school of future movement, his immediate prerequisite. After the end of the Patriotic War of 1812, secret organizations existed in the form of officer companions, the circles of young people associated with relatives and friendly uzami. In 1811-1812 Circle "Cle" from 7 people created by N.N. Muravyov. In 1814 in St. Petersburg A.N. Muravyov was formed by the "Sacred Artel". Also known for the "Order of Russian Knights", founded by M.F. Orlov and MD Dmitry-Mamonov. These organizations actually did not take active actions, but were of great importance, since they were formed ideas and views of future movements of movement.

The secret society of the Decembrists was born in 1816. In Petersburg. His first name was the "Salvation Union". Russia had to save, she stood on the edge of the abyss - the members of the society arose thought so. It was the first actual Decembrist organization. His founder was the colonel of the Guards General Staff A. Muravyev. In the sixth founders of the Union, Prince S. Trubetskoy, Brothers Sergey and Matvey Muravyov-Apostles, N. Muravyev and I. Yakushkin. Later in the society included the lieutenant of the cavalier regiment P. Pestel, Prince E. Obolensky, I. Pushchin. In total, 30 officers were listed in the Union. When the society was formed and developed his charter, it was called the "society of the true and faithful sons of the Fatherland." The name itself spoke about the desire to dissociate the "patriots" of another variety - not true and not true.

At first, the purpose of the secret society was only the liberation of peasants from serfdom. But very soon to this goal joined the second: the fight against autocracy and absolutism. At the first stage, it resulted in the requirement of the constitutional monarchy.

The "Union of Salvation" is the first Russian political organization who had a revolutionary program and the Charter - "Statute". The charter of the first society of the Decembrists did not reach us: the Decembrists themselves burned him when in 1818 transformed their society. The solemn introduction explained the common goal of the secret society - "Wake up" for the benefit of the common all forces in the name of the good of the Motherland. To do this, it was necessary to deal with the elimination of serfdom and autocracy: instead of autocracy, it was necessary to introduce a representative form of government in the form of a constitutional monarchy. Members of the new secret society believed that it was necessary to "force" the tsarist government to agree to the representative of the Board. It is more convenient to do this at the time of changing emperors on the throne. Members of the Society have pledged to "not first bring the oath to the new emperor,", as noticeing that in Russia, autocratic power will be limited by the national representation. The Charter obliged to multiply the number of members of society, to ensure that members of the secret society occupy important posts in the state - both by military and civil line; At the same time, the charter obliges members of the Society to fight for the removal of foreigners from influence in the state. The texts of the solemn swirls on the Masonic pattern were attached to the "Statute".

Members of the Union demanded the elimination of military settlements. However, none of them raised the question of the elimination of the monarchy as the form of government in Russia. On the contrary, the members of the "Union of Salvation" were convinced monarchists, believed that the king, in the end, would be able to introduce the Constitution in Russia. It only needs to help him.

The horrors of the People's Revolution scared the unfortunate revolutionaries, therefore, it is necessary to act for the people, but without people, not through the people, they thought. The main goals of the struggle were, in general, clear: to eliminate serfdom and autocracy, introduce a constitution, representative board. But funds and ways to achieve this were foggy. It was decided to require the Constitution at the time of the change of emperors on the throne. However, how to ensure the fulfillment of your requirements? It remained unclear.

Thoughts about the tsarubiyism were kept (this thought arose in 1817. After it became aware of the ill-suppression of the Government troops of the uprising of the Novgorod military intense). Disputes regarding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe queuity, awareness of the extreme limitedness led in 1818 to the Samorem of the "Union of Salvation".

The refusal of the government from reformist designs and the transition to the reaction in external and domestic politics made the Decembrists change the tactics. In 1818, a secret society under the name "Union of welfare" was obtained with the "Union of Salvation", which was wider in composition. It was a strictly centralized organization with a clear structure, which assumed unconditional discipline, the complete conspiracy of all its members. Its composition still remained predominantly noble. The organizers and leaders of A.N. and N.M. Muravyov, S.I. and M.I. Muravyov - Apostles, P.I. Pestel, I.D. Yakunin, M.S. Lunin et al. To master the public opinion "Union of Benencies" was supposed to, according to the plans of the Decembrists, to create a whole network of secret and explicit (legal) organizations and lead them. Local organizations "Union of Benencies" appeared in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod. It was planned to create everywhere literary, scientific, pedagogical, economic societies, female organizations and youth circles. Established the publication of the magazine "Russian XIX century". According to the new charter in secret society, not only nobles, but also merchants, gentlemen, spiritual faces and free peasants were taken. It was assumed for twenty years to prepare public opinion and about 1840 a revolution will occur.

The program and charter of the Union were called the "Green Book". The conspiratorial tactic and the conspiracy of managers caused the development of two parts of the program. The first associated with legal activities was intended for all members of society. The second part, where it was said about the need to overthrow the autocracy, the elimination of serfdom, the introduction of the Constitutional Management Board and, the main thing, on the implementation of these requirements for violent means, was known particularly initiated. The "Green Book" offered members to interfere with the serf peasant before the landowner, urge the latter not to trade by people, fight for justice in the courts and institutions so that there was no evil to the people, to promote the development of trade, industry and agriculture.

The members of the "Union of Benencies" openly protested against serfdom, outraged by Arakcheev, military settlements, defended their time to the best science, betrayed the shame of cruel landlords, freed talented self-tauchek, etc. In the hungry 1820, the "Union of Benencies" provided all the holling in the Smolensk province and fed thousands of people. This caused great concern from Alexander I. However, members of the Union still did not take revolutionary methods of action and relied mainly on the means of propaganda, the combination of a secret organization with legal actions, etc.

The "Union of prosperity" is numerical rapidly and had to 1921 to 200 members, and, in addition, there were "side councils" around him, organizations in one degree or another ideologically related to the "Union". These are the "green lamp", the literary society, the active member of which was Pushkin A.S., "Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature", "Society for the spread of Lancaster schools" and others that existed legally. Particularly sought to the members of the "Union of Beneference" to attract young people to themselves, tear it from the old camp; They understood that it was necessary to counteract the "Experts of the Socialic Nobility" and be able to influence the "opinion of youth."

Despite the definite success of the "Union of Benency", it began to grow contradictions between supporters of moderate and radical views. Proponents of radical views, speaking for decisive measures, referred to the example of the revolutions of the early 1820s. In the countries of Southern Europe, they proved the impossibility of continuing peaceful propaganda in the growing conditions of a government reaction. In addition, it became known that the government is preparing to begin the persecution of movement. All this prompted the supporters of decisive measures to declare in 1821 on the dissolution of the "Union of Benency" and to create two revolutionary organizations on its basis - North and South Society. Taking such a step, the management of the Company intended to get rid of traitors and spies, which, as it, not without reason, believed, could penetrate the organization.

Output. The "Union of Salvation" and the "Union of Benencies" were active organizations and did a lot over the years of their work. But all that they did, in essence, did not bring them to the goal. The main task of the ball is the abolition of serfdom, the elimination of an autocably-serf system, the introduction of legitimate-free representative government. Members of alliances did not take revolutionary methods of action and relied mainly on the means of propaganda. It is important to note that none of the members of the societies set the question of the elimination of the monarchy as the form of government in Russia, they were all convinced monarchists.


Introduction ....................................................................................2
1. Causes of the occurrence of the Decembrists .............................. ..4
2. The first Decembrist organizations: their activities, goals
and programs ............................................................... ..............8
3. South and Northern Society: goals, programs, activities ............13
3.1. The main programms of "Russian truth" ............... ...14
3.2. The main provisions of the Constitution of the Muravyov ............................18
4. Purpose plan. Causes of defeat and meaning
Speeches of the Decembrists ......................................................... ..22
Conclusion .............................................................................. ... ...27
List of used literature ................................................ ..29


On December 14, 1825, a bold challenge was made autocracy in the capital of the Russian Empire - St. Petersburg, in the Senate Square. The Decembrists' uprising is the starting date of the beginning of the revolutionary - liberation struggle in Russia. With a protest against serfdom, feudal institutions and arbitrariness, in unusually difficult and difficult historical conditions, when Russia was still clogged and still, only a small part of the formed advanced nobility spoke, while in general the Russian nobility remained a fastened and faithful throne.
Decembrists constitute a whole era not only in revolutionary motion in Russia, but also in the history of public thought and Russian culture at all. The uprising of the Decembrists against tsarism - gained great international importance and received a significant response in the mills of Western Europe. The influence of the Decembrists on all sides of the socio-political and cultural life is not only their time, but the subsequent era was exceptionally great. The Decembrist topic was widely reflected in the fiction, in music, in fine art. This explains the relevance of the topic chosen by me. Because the noble ideals and the high moral values \u200b\u200bof the Decembrists, the significance of their revolutionary rake is incredit.
The purpose of the course work is to study: - the causes of the death of the Decembrists; - the activities of the noble revolutionaries, which was preceded by an armed uprising; - program requirements and tactical principles of the Decembrists; - the uprising of the Decembrists - as a culmination event and at the same time the outcome of the Decembrists; - The value of their activities and the cause of the rebellion of the uprising.
The main task of this course work is to show that the Decembrists first realized that autocracy and serfdom were the main reasons for the backwardness of Russia, therefore the elimination of autocracy was considered by them as a deeply patriotic task of "salvation" of Russia. In their program documents, the Decembrists put their primary task to delivering Russia from the yoke of serfdom and arbitrariness of autocracy, the transformation of Russians into an advanced nation with a highly developed national culture.
The first section of the course work is devoted to the study of the causes of the first revolutionary movement in Russia and the formation of the worldview of the Decembrists.
In the second and third section, the period of creating the first organizations of the Decembrists, the activities of the South and Northern Decembrist societies are considered. The constitutional projects of the Decembrists are studied - "Russian True" of Pestel and "Constitution" Nikita Muravyov.
In the fourth section of this course work, it is described about the preparation and course of the uprising on December 14, 1825 in St. Petersburg and the speech of the Chernihiv regiment in Ukraine. The causes of the defeat and the value of the Decembrists are analyzed.

1. Causes of movement

The birth of the movement of the noble revolutionaries was determined by both the internal processes occurring in Russia and the international events of the first quarter of the XIX century. Consider the main reasons that influenced the occurrence of the Decembrists' movement.
The main reason is an understanding of the best representatives of the nobility that the preservation of serfdom and autocracy is disastrous for the further fate of the country. Decembrists gradually realized the fight against serf and autocracy as the main goal of their activities. Objectively, the flow of the Decembrists is generated by the crisis of the feudal-serf public formation and goes with its roots in the leading process of the era - the decomposition of the aging, which has exhausted the feudal-serf system and the emergence of new ones, at the time of progressive, capitalist relations. The serfdom and autocracy was the country's development brake. The autocratic-serf system was shot by the productive forces of the country, slowed down their further development. The main manufacturer of life benefits - a serf peasant - a landowner could buy, sell, lose cards and others. Everything was subordinate to the interests of the noble class, on the guard of the interests of which stood autocracy. The decomposition of serfdom under the influence of the development of capitalist relations was the soil on which the natural peasant movement against serfdom increased and developed. In an effort to get more bread-goods, the landowner went to the offensive on the peasant land, reducing them to put on.
After woning in the war thanks to the people, the royal government did not slow down to show his true face - the oppression of the people was even harder. The landowners were rampant over the peasants, and the new royal laws supported their power. The fortress oppression intensified in the army. In 1815-1825 Alexander I conducted an internal and foreign policy course with AA. Arakcheev and created a military-political regime in Russia. Military settlements were created throughout the country - the worst form of the military-serf bean. The peasant soldiers were to engage in military teaching and at the same time handle the land themselves, to make themselves, extracting food.
Trade and industrial layers of the population experienced obstacles to the manifestation of the entrepreneurial initiative, as well as the rise and expansion of the profitability of factories and factories (due to the lack of free working hands, Arakoreevshchina in domestic politics). Part of the nobility, striving for trade and entrepreneurship, also experienced discontent. Nortified fasteners-noblemen did not feel confidence in the inviolability of the foundations of the existing order.
The Power War of 1812 and the stay of the Russian Army in Europe in 1813-1815 became a powerful motivating factor. The vast majority of the Decembrists are the combat officers of the Russian army, the participants of the war of 1812, for two years they could observe European society, lifestyle and principles on which it is based on. Upon returning home, they saw their reality surrounding their other eyes. Acquaintance with European reality convinced the foremost of the nobles in the fact that the fortress state of the Russian peasantry must be changed. They saw that the victory in the war was ensured primarily with the participation of a simple people suffering from the arbitrariness of serve-personkers and not having a prospective to improve their position in the conditions of an autocrete-fastened state. The influence of military events on the conviction of the Decembrist M. Muravyev - the Apostle expressed this: "We were children of 1812. To sacrifice everything, even life, for the benefit of the Fatherland was an inclusion of the heart. "
______________________________ _
1.Inosifova B. Decembrists. - M: 1983.- S. 5
Thus, in the atmosphere of general discontent, critical statements to the government, and most importantly - in anticipation of an increasing catastrophe and an revolutionary movement occurred in Russia, indicating
the beginning of a conscious political and organized struggle against serfdom and autocracy. The advanced noble intelligentsia was expressed by the bourgeois-revolutionary ideology. For the first nobility revolutionaries, which began their speech against tsarism in December 1825, the name "Decembrists" was established.
The leading role of the nobility is explained by the fact that the Russian bourgeoisie during this period did not speak more actively in public movement. Bourgeoisie quite satisfied the economic policy of tsarism, aimed at the development of capitalism from above. In addition, in the medium of the bourgeoisie, at that time, its own intelligentsia has not yet developed. The political capacity of the Russian bourgeoisie was much lagging behind its economic power.
The main ideas of Future Decembrists were drawn from the works of French enlighteners, which showed the futility of preserving feudalism and absolutism. Wolter works, Rousseau expanded the revolutionary horizon of future Decembrists. The ideology of the noble revolutionaries was also on domestic soil. Freedom-loving poems Pushkin, "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" A.N. Radishcheva, "Woe from Mind" Griboedov, etc., nourished and deepened advanced ideas in society.
Of great importance in the transition of future Decembrists to the active struggle with the autocracy also had international events of those years. The national liberation and revolutionary movement, which manifested itself in a number of countries in South and Western Europe, initiated their sympathy and strengthened the conviction that Russia would have to follow this path.
Historical reality suggested the Decembrists of the fighting methods, forced to think about the revolution. The overall excited atmosphere of their cultivated and accurately characterized one of the most outstanding Decembrists - P.I. Pestel. He wrote: "Accidents 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, as well as preceding and subsequent times, showed so many thrings of lowered, so many other decisions, so many kingdoms of destroyed, so many newly established, so many kings of the expelled, so much returned or designed and so much again Cuts, so many revolutions committed, so much coupped produced that all these incidents familiarized the minds with revolutions, with the possibilities and conveniences of these. It has every century its distinctive feature. The current is marked by revolutionary thoughts. From one end of Europe to another can be seen everywhere, from Portugal to Russia, not excluding not a single state, even England and Turkey ... The spirit of the transformation makes it, so to speak, everywhere the minds mulk ... Here are the reasons, I believe that I gave rise to revolutionary thoughts And the rules and rooted in the minds. "
Output. The main reason for the occurrence of the Decembrists is an understanding of the best representatives of the nobility that the preservation of serfdom and autocracy is disastrous for the further fate of the country. The conditions in which the first Russian revolutionary movement ripe were closely related to the public excitement, which has increasingly increasing both in Western Europe and in Russia after Napoleonic Warrior. Staying in countries where there was no serfdom and where there were constitutional institutions and Russia with its backstand forms of life, the terrain right, the autocratic Arakcheev arbitrariness, was forced to think about the future Decembrists about the fate of their homeland. The highest goal of the Decembrists was the transformation of Russians in an advanced nation with a highly developed national culture.

1.Necchina M.V. Decembrists. - M: 1982.-s. twenty
2. The first Decembrist organizations of them
Activities, goals and programs

The first secret society of the Decembrists was preceded by several earlier organizations. All of them served as a school of future movement, his immediate prerequisite. After the end of the Patriotic War of 1812, secret organizations existed in the form of officer companions, the circles of young people associated with relatives and friendly uzami. In 1811-1812 Circle "Cle" from 7 people created by N.N. Muravyov. In 1814 in St. Petersburg A.N. Muravyov was formed by the "Sacred Artel". Also known for the "Order of Russian Knights", founded by M.F. Orlov and MD Dmitry-Mamonov. These organizations actually did not take active actions, but were of great importance, since they were formed ideas and views of future movements of movement.
The secret society of the Decembrists was born in 1816. In Petersburg. His first name was the "Salvation Union". Russia had to save, she stood on the edge of the abyss - the members of the society arose thought so. It was the first actual Decembrist organization. His founder was the colonel of the Guards General Staff A. Muravyev. In the sixth founders of the Union, Prince S. Trubetskoy, Brothers Sergey and Matvey Muravyov-Apostles, N. Muravyev and I. Yakushkin. Later in the society included the lieutenant of the cavalier regiment P. Pestel, Prince E. Obolensky, I. Pushchin. In total, 30 officers were listed in the Union. When the society was formed and developed his charter, it was called the "society of the true and faithful sons of the Fatherland." The name itself spoke about the desire to dissociate the "patriots" of another variety - not true and not true.
At first, the purpose of the secret society was only the liberation of peasants from serfdom. But very soon to this goal joined the second: the fight against autocracy and absolutism. At the first stage, it resulted in the requirement of the constitutional monarchy.
The "Union of Salvation" is the first Russian political organization who had a revolutionary program and the Charter - "Statute". The charter of the first society of the Decembrists did not reach us: the Decembrists themselves burned him when in 1818 transformed their society. The solemn introduction explained the common goal of the secret society - "Wake up" for the benefit of the common all forces in the name of the good of the Motherland. To do this, it was necessary to deal with the elimination of serfdom and autocracy: instead of autocracy, it was necessary to introduce a representative form of government in the form of a constitutional monarchy. Members of the new secret society believed that it was necessary to "force" the tsarist government to agree to the representative of the Board. It is more convenient to do this at the time of changing emperors on the throne. Members of the Society have pledged to "not first bring the oath to the new emperor,", as noticeing that in Russia, autocratic power will be limited by the national representation. The Charter obliged to multiply the number of members of society, to ensure that members of the secret society occupy important posts in the state - both by military and civil line; At the same time, the charter obliges members of the Society to fight for the removal of foreigners from influence in the state. The texts of the solemn swirls on the Masonic pattern were attached to the "Statute".
Members of the Union demanded the elimination of military settlements. However, none of them raised the question of the elimination of the monarchy as the form of government in Russia. On the contrary, the members of the "Union of Salvation" were convinced monarchists, believed that the king, in the end, would be able to introduce the Constitution in Russia. It only needs to help him.
The horrors of the People's Revolution scared the unfortunate revolutionaries, therefore, it is necessary to act for the people, but without people, not through the people, they thought. The main goals of the struggle were, in general, clear: to eliminate serfdom and autocracy, introduce a constitution, representative board. But funds and ways to achieve this were foggy. It was decided to require the Constitution at the time of the change of emperors on the throne. However, how to ensure the fulfillment of your requirements? It remained unclear.
Thoughts about the tsarubiyism were kept (this thought arose in 1817. After it became aware of the ill-suppression of the Government troops of the uprising of the Novgorod military intense). Disputes regarding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe queuity, awareness of the extreme limitedness led in 1818 to the Samorem of the "Union of Salvation".
The refusal of the government from reformist designs and the transition to the reaction in external and domestic politics made the Decembrists change the tactics. In 1818, a secret society under the name "Union of welfare" was obtained with the "Union of Salvation", which was wider in composition. It was a strictly centralized organization with a clear structure, which assumed unconditional discipline, the complete conspiracy of all its members. Its composition on the prudence remained mainly noble. Organizers and managers became A. N.I.M. Muravyov, S.I. and M.I. Muravyov - Apostles, P.I. Pestel, I.D. Yakunin, M.S. Lunin et al. To master the public opinion "Union of Benencies" was supposed to, according to the plans of the Decembrists, to create a whole network of secret and explicit (legal) organizations and lead them. Local organizations "Union of Benencies" appeared in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tambov, Nizhny Novgorod. It was planned to create everywhere literary, scientific, pedagogical, economic societies, female organizations and youth circles. Established the publication of the magazine "Russian XIX century". According to the new charter in secret society, not only nobles, but also merchants, gentlemen, spiritual faces and free peasants were taken. It was assumed for twenty years to prepare public opinion and about 1840 a revolution will occur.
The program and charter of the Union were called the "Green Book". The conspiratorial tactic and the conspiracy of managers caused the development of two parts of the program. The first associated with legal activities was intended for all members of society. The second part, where it was said about the need to overthrow the autocracy, the elimination of serfdom, the introduction of the Constitutional Management Board and, the main thing, on the implementation of these requirements for violent means, was known particularly initiated. The "Green Book" offered members to interfere with the serf peasant before the landowner, urge the latter not to trade by people, fight for justice in the courts and institutions so that there was no evil to the people, to promote the development of trade, industry and agriculture.
The members of the "Union of Benencies" openly protested against serfdom, outraged by Arakcheev, military settlements, defended their time to the best science, betrayed the shame of cruel landlords, freed talented self-tauchek, etc. In the hungry 1820, the "Union of Benencies" provided all the holling in the Smolensk province and fed thousands of people. This caused great concern from Alexander I. However, members of the Union still did not take revolutionary methods of action and relied mainly on the means of propaganda, the combination of a secret organization with legal actions, etc.
The "Union of prosperity" is numerical rapidly and had to 1921 to 200 members, and, in addition, there were "side councils" around him, organizations in one degree or another ideologically related to the "Union". These are the "green lamp", the literary society, the active member of which was Pushkin A.S., "Free Society of Lovers of Russian Literature", "Society for the spread of Lancaster schools" and others that existed legally. Particularly sought to the members of the "Union of Beneference" to attract young people to themselves, tear it from the old camp; They understood that it was necessary to counteract the "Experts of the Socialic Nobility" and be able to influence the "opinion of youth."
Despite the definite success of the "Union of Benency", it began to grow contradictions between supporters of moderate and radical views. Proponents of radical views, speaking for decisive measures, referred to the example of the revolutions of the early 1820s. In the countries of Southern Europe, they proved the impossibility of continuing peaceful propaganda in the growing conditions of a government reaction. In addition, it became known that the government is preparing to begin the persecution of movement. All this prompted the supporters of decisive measures to declare in 1821 on the dissolution of the "Union of Benency" and to create two revolutionary organizations on its basis - North and South Society. Taking such a step, the management of the Company intended to get rid of traitors and spies, which, as it, not without reason, believed, could penetrate the organization.
Output. The "Union of Salvation" and the "Union of Benencies" were active organizations and did a lot over the years of their work. But all that they did, in essence, did not bring them to the goal. The main task of the ball is the abolition of serfdom, the elimination of an autocably-serf system, the introduction of legitimate-free representative government. Members of alliances did not take revolutionary methods of action and relied mainly on the means of propaganda. It is important to note that none of the members of the societies set the question of the elimination of the monarchy as the form of government in Russia, they were all convinced monarchists.

3. Southern and Northern Society: goals
Programs, activities

The new period of the Decembrist movement is associated with the creation of two secret societies: southern and northern. The secret organization that emerged on the basis of the Tulchinsk government began to be called since 1821 by the Southern Society, headed by the Colonel P. Pestel. In 1822, the Northern Society with the Center in St. Petersburg appeared, at the head of which were N.I. Muravyev, E.N. Obolensky, S.P. Trubetskoy and other members of the "Union of Salvation" and "Union of Benencies", who lived in St. Petersburg.
At first, the Program of Action at Yuzhan and Northerners were different. Northern society, as well as southern, realized themselves with a single organization and supported close contacts with each other. By the time of the formation of the Northern and South Society, the leading tactical slogan of the Decembrists became the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "military revolution" - the coup by the forces of the army without the participation of the masses. A number of factors influenced the choice of such tactics. Many Decembrists inspired the example of the Spanish revolution of 1820, committed relatively quickly and organized under the leadership of officers - members of secret societies, as well as an example of Russian palace coups XYIII century, in which guards shelves took an active part. The Decembrists feared the prospects for the repetition of "Pugachevshchyna", inevitable when retracting into the political struggle of enormous masses embittered by the serfdom of the peasantry.
As already noted, at the first pores of the program of action, the UZHAN and Northerners were different. The South Society represented by radically tuned Pestel, and also expelled to the south of the former officers of the Semenov Regiment, stood on more revolutionary, decisive positions. The leaders of northern society, on the contrary, confessed constitutional, moderate views.
This has found a bright reflection in the program documents of both societies.

3.1. The main programms of "Russian truth"

Of great importance in the southern society had the activity of a motley. P.I. Pestel is bright, talented in all respects the figure among the Decembrists. Widely educated, with a great mind, he was distinguished by an adamant will and stand out as an experienced organizer and a strong theoretical. Pestel on behalf of the organization outlined the revolutionary ideas of society in his "Russian truth", which became its program. He worked over the project of his constitution. The constitutional project of Pestel not only was repeatedly discussed at meetings and congresses of the leaders of the South Society, but also the work on the text of the project was attracted by separate members of society.
Pestel was a supporter of the dictatorship of the temporary Supreme Board during the revolution, considered the dictatorship with a decisive condition for success. According to Pestel's thoughts, after a temporary revolutionary coup, the authorities must go into the hands of the temporary revolutionary government and constitute a merciless revolutionary dictatorship. From the standpoint of dictatorship, centralism, repression towards opponents conceived Pestel the future reorganization of Russia. Dictatorship, according to his ideas, was supposed to last 10-15 years. The measures aimed at achieving the future of the overall good, justice, universal equality, he envisaged the kingdom, extermination of the entire royal family, including children. Thus, Pestel strongly rejected the possibility of preserving the monarchy in Russia.
The main programms of "Russian truth" were: - liquidation in the country of the monarchy; - the institution of the republic; - the abolition of serfdom and the estate; - the transformation of Russia and a single unitary state - without taking into account the national characteristics of its regions; -the of all citizens of Russia before the law; - The decision of the "Jewish question". In Russia, the republic was established in the following state authorities scheme:
Supreme Council People's Eve
(out of 120 members - boyars, elected funds (single-palate) - the highest legislation
nennoe) - an observant body in a relative body, elected by 5
nii Veche and Duma in terms of formal-years.
noi legality of their actionsPower Super - the highest execution
belt power (out of 5 members)
Thus, the legislative authority possessed a unicameral parliament, and the executive - "Power Duma". Every year, one of the members of the "Power Duma" became the president of the republic (occupying this post within one year). Pestel proclaimed the principle of universal election law. The voting law, according to the "Russian truth", was provided to all citizens of Russia who had reached the 20th age. In accordance with the ideas of Pestel in Russia, the parliamentary republic was established with the presidential form of government. It was one of the most progressive political projects of the state device of that time.
Pestel was the enemy of any federal device and a supporter of a single and inseparable republic with a strong central government. The republic shared on the province or region, which in turn shared on the counties, and the treasures were on parish. Every year, in every parish, a meeting was to be collected, which chose their deputies to various local authorities. District pupil assemblies were chosen by representatives to the highest legislative body of power - People's Eve.
Nizhny Novgorod should be the capital of the Russian republic in Russian Pravda.
The Pestracy project proclaimed the fundamental destruction of serfdom. He announced that "the serfdom is a shameful, nasty humanity", slavery should be resolutely destroyed, and the nobility should certainly be completely renounce against the vile benefits to have other people. " Pestel extremely highly appreciated the personal freedom of man. "Personal freedom," the "Russian truth" says, is the first and most important right of every citizen and the sacred duty of each government. It is based on all the construction of a state building, and there is neither peace of calm, no prosperity. "
Liberation of peasants without land, i.e. Providing them only to personal freedom, Pestel considered unacceptable. Pestel stood for the liberation of peasants with the ground. His agrarian project was developed in detail in the Russian Pravda. All the processed land in every parister project should be divided into two parts: the first part is public property, the second part of the Earth is private property. Earth from the Public Foundation was not subject to sale and pledge. Half of the country's land foundation, according to the Pestracy Project, remained in private property. She could buy, sold and laid. The ownership of this land should have ensured the profitability and marketability of the economy. Every citizen of the future republic must necessarily be assigned to one of the volosts and has the right at any time free of charge of the land owed to him and process it.
For the implementation of its agrarian project, Pestel considered it necessary to alienate landlord earth with partial confiscation. There was an alienation of the Earth for the remuneration, there was a free alienation, confiscation (if the noble estate had 10 thousand tents and more than half of the land was taken from him without any retribution; if the noble estate had less than 10 thousand tents - then half of the earth He was also selected, but it was given a retribution for it). Thus, landowner land tenure still remained partially. Mercilessly estimate of the foundations of feudal-serfdom, seeking deeply transforming the state on
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1. Nechkahna M.V. Decembrists. - M: 1982.- s. 78.

bourgeois paw, Pestel, however, did not decrease to defend the slogan of transferring the entire land to the peasants. Such a path of agrarian reform was supposed to

In the first half of the XIX century, the state and society in Russia is in the same condition as before, state grounds have not changed. For this period, the nobility is still not a dominant, very small part of the population. At the same time, it takes a dominant, privileged position. The landowners at the moment do not carry any service, do not have duties in relation to the state. As a result, they become a consumer class, their functions are almost fully concluded in slavement. Nobles go to work in the office, replenishing the bureaucratic apparatus of the Russian Empire. Reforms during this period practically did not undertaken, even what was done by the government, was observed by the fact of the existence of serfdom in Russia.

"The whole half of the population of the empire, which was then considered over 40 million shower of both sexes, - wrote V.O. Klyuchevsky in his "course of Russian history" - a whole half of this population depended not from the law, but from the personal arbitrariness of the owner ... The Russian village turned into the Negro North American plantation of the Uncle Tom.

This provision caused a collision of two ideologies: liberal and conservative. As a result, various secret societies arise, the presentation of the Decembrists becomes the apotheosis of this movement.

Today, it becomes important to study this first fact of social and political protest, which arose from the top of society, is becoming important, the relevance of studies in this direction is no doubt.

The purpose of our work is to consider the plans of the state transformations of the Decembrists.

This goal is implemented in solving the following tasks:

Consider the causes of the death of the Decembrists;

Describe common for various groups of the Decembrist views on future necessary state transformations;

Analyze separate ways of state transformations in the "Constitution" N.M. Muravyova and in "Russian Pravda" P.P. Purse.

The objective causes of the occurrence of the Decembrists were caused by the beginning of the formation in the depths of the feudal society of capitalist defendant. From the beginning of the XIX century. Weak, but begin to manifest themselves to develop the country's framework and autocracy framework.

However, the main factor in the emergence of the movement was subjective. A large role in the formation of the ideology of the Decembrists was played by the Patriotic War of 1812 and foreign hiking of the Russian army. The war brought together the advanced noble officer with a simple soldier, with a peasant-militia, caused sympathy for troubles and needs of a simple people. Foreign hikes introduced their participants with the advanced European trends of public thought, with the life of people in the West. Comparison of the level and lifestyle of the population in Europe and Russia, European and Russian orders were far from the latter. Reflections on the causes of such a provision led future participants in secret organizations to the conclusions that the Western European public device is required to improve their lives in Russia. The influence on the mood of advanced youth was also provided by revolution in Naples (1820-1821), Piedmont (1821), Spain (1820-1823). The main goals of the Decembrists, drove to the destruction of serfdom and autocracy.

The first secret societies in the country arose in the officers environment. These were founded in 1814 "Sacred Artel", headed by A.N. Muravyov, "Order of Russian knights" led by M.F. Orlov and others. They considered transformation plans in Russia.

The first organization of the Decembrists is considered to be created in 1816 "Union of salvation" or "Society of true and faithful sons of the Fatherland". The numerical composition of the organization was 30 people. It addressed various ways to eliminate serfdom and autocracy, up to rearness.

The purpose of this organization is the liberation of peasants from the serfdom and the achievement in Russia of the Constitutional Management Board. Two years later, the Society was self-extracting and on its basis was created "Union of prosperity" (1818-1820). He consisted of more than 200 people. Members of the Union set their task to bring to their part of public opinion, which, in their opinion, the rule of the world. The numerous and motley composition of the participants of the Company did not allow him to be repaired by the effectiveness of the activities of the "Union of Benency". As a result, he was dissolved and on its basis arose Northern (Petersburg) and South (Ukraine) secret societies. Both South, and Northern Societies were going to change the system in Russia, with the aim of which prepared plans for projects on the reorganization of the state.

2. Common goals of the Northern and South Societies

Northern (Petersburg) and South (Ukraine) Secret societies had the following common goals:

1) the destruction of serfdom;

2) the destruction of autocracy; Building a republic or constitutional monarchy in Russia, while the creation and development of representative institutions necessary to achieve this goal are assumed;

3) legislative consolidation of equality before the law of all civil laws, the abolition of the nobility;

4) To achieve the above-mentioned goals, a "military revolution" was assumed. The officers who were supposed to force the government to resign here with a decisive force here.

A similar action plan has emerged from members of secret societies primarily as a result of the influence of successful military revolutions in other countries (for example, in Spain).

Although largely the figures of the southern and northern societies were solidar, but against the background of common goals, there were some disagreements that concerned first of all some tasks and how to solve these tasks. Available disagreements related to questions:

1) about Earth;

2) on political rights;

3) on the form of the board;

4) on the form of state unity of future Russia;

5) On the ways of transforming state and social system.

In South Society, his head Paul Poist developed a "Russian truth", in Northern Nikita Muravyev - "Constitution". Both documents assumed the elimination of autocracy and the abolition of serfdom.

Consider these documents from the point of view of the state-transformation plans contained in them.

The draft constitution amounted to Nikita Mikhailovich Muravyev (1795-1843). The first two projects have been preserved in the papers of members of society, the third was written by N.M. Ants in the mousette fortress as directed by the Investigative Committee.

In general, the "Constitution" considered future Russia as a constitutional monarchy with a federated device, provided for the preservation of landlord land ownership, endowing the peasants with a small plot of land. The adoption of the "Constitution" was assumed by the Constituent Assembly.

There were several projects of the Constitution. State transformation plans changed in these projects.

So, in the first version of the project, it was noted: "landowners remain behind them." There was even a compensation for damages that could be caused by the resettlement of people from one place to another.

In the third, the project was already established completely different: "The landlords of the peasants receive in their own property, in which they live, livestock and agricultural tools, in these are, and two tenth of the Earth for each courtyard, for their somewar."

In projects N.M. Muravyova stipulated that empowered by political rights is associated with the value of the property of the property qualification. Here for N.M. Muravyova existed direct addiction.

At the meeting of 1820 N.M. Muravyov agreed with Pestel in the fact that the republic is necessary. However, already in 1821, he changed his opinion and recognized the advantages of the monarchy, which, according to his thoughts, it is necessary to build on the separation of the authorities.

According to the constitution, N.M. Muravyova, the legislature was supposed to be carried out by people's versions. People's Eve was divided into the Supreme Duma and the Chamber of Representatives.

The Supreme Executive Power in the state should belong to the state of the Emperor: "The emperor is a supreme official of the Russian government." The emperor brings oath to the people's versions, and part of the oath is an oath to maintain and defend the constitutional charter of Russia. Despite the sufficient amount of the rights of the emperor, its activities, as well as the activities of the executive officials, are subject to control and evaluation of the People's Weff.

The supreme body of the judiciary is the "Supreme Court". The project also provided a system of courts that consisted of their regional, county meetings with the participation of jury.

The republic was allowed by N.M. Muravyov only if there is no sufficiently significant and authoritative dynasty, consonant occupy the throne in the above conditions. The need for Russia is the monarchical rule N.M. Muravyov argued primarily the large territories of the state, which cannot be protected without strong sole power.

N.M. Muravyev also noted that this power of power may face the beginning of freedom, there may be contradictions here. To agree, the authorities began and began freedom, increased control of representative institutions for the actions of the executive body.

In this regard, the "Constitution" says: "Any official executive official is responsible for every effect, no one can be justified by the ordered order ... And every performer of the illegal venue will be punished as the signatories. The emperor is not subject to judgments (if the emperor himself personally will personally learn any crime, for which no one else is responsible, then this is attributed to the moral fellowship by popular versions, which, in this case, establishes the regency through a special law). "

Future Russia appeared to N.M. The Muravyev and his supporters of the Federation, which will consist of several powers and regions or only from the regions (according to the first project - 14 powers and 2 areas, on the second - 13 powers and 2 areas, according to the third project - 15 regions). Power and regions are grouped by the territorial principle (Baltic, Zavolzhskaya, Western, Black Sea, Lena, etc.). In each of the powers, a two-bearet "Legislative" was elected (Governing - on the Second Project) Meeting; The executive authority carried out the "Holding Ruler", chosen by the people's versions and approved by the emperor. The Supreme Duma (as part of the People's Wew) was elected by the meetings of the powers.

N.M. Muravyov believed that the military revolution would occur in the capitals and other parts of the country where there are armed forces led by officers - members of secret societies. The Senate will be forced to publish a manifest about the abolition of serfdom, about the equality of all before the law, the freedom of printing and other freedoms and rights; The election of elected representatives of people who will establish the procedure for the Board and state submission to the future.

Even more radically the same problems solved Pavel Ivanovich Pestel (1793-1826). They were written "Russian Pravda" - a software document of the South Society. In their philosophical views of P.I. Pestel was a materialist and an atheist.

According to the "Russian truth", Russia was supposed to become a republic with a unitary state structure, the ending of the land of the Earth was supposed. The introduction of the "Russian truth" was assumed by the revolutionary government with the dictatorial authorities.

The land on natural law is the property of all people, and therefore everyone should have its own share in it, as the Earth is the main source of "feeding humanity". But according to modern positive laws, private property was established, and the ownership of the ownership was so deeply rooted in the consciousness of people, it is impossible to completely break it, nevertheless it is necessary to find ways to combine these two trends and resolving the contradiction between them. Plan PI Pestel consists not in the elimination of ownership of land, but in turning all Russians to the owners.

He assumes all the Earth to divide into two parts: the volost (public) and private. "The first represents the ownership of public, the second is the property of the private." The volost land is inviolable, and it, in turn, is divided into areas that are distributed to members of the parish. Thus, all Russians become landlords. In the event of a resettlement of any peasant to other places, the Earth turns out the parish and does not participate in the turn. Upon returning the former member of the parish to the village, the amount of land is issued to he from the volost fund. The right of private property named P.I. Pestel "sacred and inviolable." He believed that due to the natural inequality of people in the abilities and physical strength in society, the division on the poor and rich, but nevertheless, each "Russian will be completely in need, and will not fall into anyone's dependence."

The transition "From the current state" to future orders is supposed to be gradual. The land in the landlords redeems the lifting or work, with the leaving in private hands no more than ten thousand tents on the farm, and with the payment of only half of the earth seized, the rest is expropriated free. Initially, new orders are entered only on government lands, and then a gradual and consistent plan for the transition of all lands into this legal regime is being developed.

Agricultural project P.I. Pestel is based on, freeing the peasants, improve their position, "and not imaginary freedom to bestow." To achieve this goal of Earth, each parish was supposed to be divided into two parts, one of these parts will be public property, the other - private property. Public, or volost, land are provided to the use of all citizens, they do not render them; These lands can not be sold or laid.

Each Russian has the right to receive a plot of land in his parish, sufficient to feed one tax (husband with a wife and three children). Lands privately sold and bought; They will serve and deliver abundance. " The purpose of the agrarian project is to provide every Russian living a subsistence minimum that protects it from poverty and from the aristocracy of wealth.

One of the first domestic thinkers pp Pestel reflected in theory of new public contradictions, developing in developed countries of the West: "The distinguishing feature of the present century," he wrote, "the aristocracy of wealth, the aristocracy of wealth begins to occur during the time, the aristocracy of the wealth, much harmful aristocracy. The emergence of "aristocracy of wealth" in Russia is inevitable, since in civil society, property, freedom of fishers, private initiative and competition will be provided. That is why Pestel considered, it is necessary to take special measures against the allists of the rich and impoverishment of the masses.

Pestel opposed the property qualification: "Rich will always exist, and it is very good, but no other political rights and advantages to wealth are not necessary." According to the "Russian truth", all Russians who have reached 20, have the full full of civil and political rights.

Pestel was a supporter of the republic. According to his project, the Supreme Legislative Power in Russia will exercise people's eve / elected for five years (1/5 of it is updated each year). The cherished (constitutional) laws "are published and on the judgment of all Russia are offered."

The Supreme Executive Power is entrusted to the High Duma, consisting of five people chosen by the people (then one annually is elected by the people's versions from candidates proposed by provinces). Under the departments and the authorities of the Power Duma are all ministries (orders). The Supreme Cathedral should verify the legality of all measures taken by government agencies.

Unlike N.M. Muravyova, P.P. Pestel was a supporter of a single Russian centralized state. In Russia, he considered the federation particularly detrimental and harmful, as Russia is a country where many tribes and peoples, languages \u200b\u200band ver. In the future Russia, P.P. P.P. Pestel, all these tribes and nationalities will be worked out: "All different tribes that make up the Russian state are recognized by the Russians and, the founding of various names are one people Russian."

For the implementation of the "Russian truth" was assumed to establish temporary supreme board for a period of at least 10 years. The temporary government out of five directors in support for secret societies and military units should draw public (volost) and private lands, prevent and suppress possible unrest and unrest.

In the "Russian truth" it says: "Slavery must be resolutely destroyed and the nobility must certainly renounce the vile advantage to possess other people."

As a result, the disagreements of the Northern and Southern Societies prevented them with association. "South and Northern Duma took two different directions: the first one launched a democratic coup, the second is the monarchist-constitutional," he wrote one of the Decembrists later. - Despite this disagreement of goals and funds, both Duma, who are not aggregate, did not stop intercourse between themselves. The engine in South Duma was a sandbrecy, in North - Nikita Muravyev. "

The result of the activities of secret societies is the uprising on the Senate Square of St. Petersburg on December 14, 1825. The revolutionary coup was planned for the summer of 1826. However, the unexpected death of Alexander I made adjustments to their plans. Using the emergence of international sections, on December 14, 1825, members of Northern Society were deceived by troops (about 3 thousand people) to the Senate Square of St. Petersburg. Poor preparation of uprising, disagreements among managers, in particular, the absence of a designated "dictator" S.P. Trubetsky, revised the rebellion. By evening, it was depressed. Speech in St. Petersburg tried to support the leaders of the South Society. They raised the uprising of the Chernigov regiment, which also ended in failure.

Decembrists were arrested and tried. Five of them were executed. The rest were exiled to the cautious and settlement in Siberia.

The main reason for the defeat of the Decembrists's movement is the unpretentiousness of Russian society to serious liberal transformations.

In Soviet times, the Decembrists' movement was estimated unequivocally positively: they were perceived as advanced people who first began the struggle for freedom of the labor nation. However, the defeat of their movement was explained by the immaturity of society, insufficient organizedness, etc.

To date, in historical literature, there are many estimates of the movement: from the speech of traitors who have made to the sacred foundations of the Russian state system to the "First People's Freedom", heroes, which posted the beginning of the revolutionary liberation movement in the country. Such a scatter of opinions is associated primarily with the changed political orientation of Russia and the appeal to the monarchy as the origins of the Russian society.

1. History of political and legal exercises: Tutorial [Text] / Ed. O.E. Least. - M.: Legal literature, 1997. - 420 p.

2. Muravyev, N.M. Constitution [Electronic resource] // Materials for the history of the Decembrists.

3. Pestel, p.p. Russian True [Electronic resource] // Materials for the history of the Decembrists movement.

4. Semenova, A.V. Temporary revolutionary government in the plans of the Decembrists [Text]. - M.: Thought, 1982. - 206 p.

1. Decembrists - a revolutionary movement in Russia 20s. XIX century, who asked for the revolutionary way of large-scale reforms of the Russian state and the abolition of serfdom. The peculiarity of the Decembrists was that for the first time the carrier of revolutionary ideas was the class of nobility. The Decembrists movement originated in the second half of the second decade of the XIX century. The main prerequisites for the emergence of the movement was the spread of progressive and patriotic views among the nobility as a result of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 and more closely acquaintance with the life of Europe.

2. In its evolution, the organization of the Decembrists passed the following stages:

1816 - Education in St. Petersburg of the first secret society of the nobles of the "Union of Salvation" (P.I. Pestel, M.I. Muravyev-Apostle, Sp. Trubetskaya, etc. There are only 28 people);

1818 - the transformation of the "Union of salvation" in the "Union of prosperity", in which more than 200 people entered;

1820 - the elimination of the "union of prosperity" of communication with the internal contradictions (the desire of the majority to act exclusively peacefully), as well as the threat of the organization's disclosure;

The beginning of 1825 - the creation of the Northern (St. Petersburg) and the South (Ukraine) Societies of Decembrists.

3. The main software documents of the Northern and South Societies were:

Constitution of the Muravyov;

- "Russian truth" of Pestel.

The Muravyov Constitution is the main program document of the Northern (St. Petersburg) society, a leading role in the compilation of which played the leader of the Muravian Company. The Muravyov Constitution had a dual nature:

on the one hand, contained a number of revolutionary ideas; On the other hand, there was a moderately monarchical character. According to the Constitution:

In Russia, a constitutional monarchy remained, in which the power of the emperor was significantly limited to the law;

The emperor became a symbol of the state and almost did not have real power;

Parliament was established - two-bearet national people;

The serfdom was canceled, but preserved land ownership landlord (the peasants should have redeem the land).

Russian Pravda is the constitutional project of the leader of the Southern Society of Pestel, was more radical. According to the "Russian truth":

In Russia, the monarchy was completely eliminated, the presidential form of the Board was established;

Parliament was established - People's Eve;

The government is the present Duma, consisting of 5 people;

The Supreme Cathedral was envisaged - a body of 120 people, designed to follow the legality in the country;

The serfdom and major landowner land ownership were liquidated;

The peasants received freedom together with the Earth.

4. The uprising, during which the noble revolutionaries were going to kill the king and take power into their hands, was planned for the summer of 1826. However, a number of circumstances forced the rebels to speak for half a year earlier:

On November 19, 1825, the emperor Alexander I and Russia unexpectedly died almost a month left without the emperor;

There were problems with the Prestrol Chairter - according to the decree of Paul I, a childless Alexander I had to inherit his brother Konstantin and the army initially swore on loyalty to him, but Konstantin refused the throne. The new heir was to become his younger brother Nikolai, the oath to the loyalty that was scheduled for December 14, 1825. This day - on December 14, 1825, who gave the name very movement, was chosen as the date of the uprising. The uprising was as follows:

on the morning of the Senate Square in St. Petersburg, part of the Moscow Regiment, led by a member of Northern Society, MP Reversion-raised;

According to the plan of the rebels on the square, other forces of the rebels were to go to the square, after which the heads of the Decembrists planned to enter the Senate building and show senators to the manifesto on the overthrow of autocracy;

Contrary to the expectations of the rebels, a significant part of the parties planned to speak to the square did not come out, the head of the S. Trubetskoy rebellion was also not appeared - the plans of the rebels were violated;

At this time, the senators swore at the loyalty to the new emperor Nicholas I, and the Governor-General of St. Petersburg M. Miloradovich came to the rebel, with a call to disperse;

M. Miloradovich was killed by the Decembrist P. Kakhovsky, after which the peaceful path of development of the uprising was exhausted;

Soon, the rules of troops approached the square and opened fire on the rebel;

The rebels were forced to disperse and the uprising in St. Petersburg was suppressed.

5. The defeat of the uprising caused a wave of repression by the authorities:

About 600 people were brought to justice;

131 people were convicted and convicted mainly to reference to Siberia;

Five people - the leaders of the Decembrists (P. Pestel, K. Ryleev, S. Muravyev-Apostle, M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin and P. Kakhovsky) - were executed.

The main causes of the defeat of the Decembrist uprising:

The lack of deep roots in the people;

The small number of rebels;

The weak organization of the uprising, contradictions inside the Decembrists, the reluctance of the parts of the rebels to go to the end.

6. The uprising of the Decembrist 1825 had dual consequences:

It laid the beginning of the revolutionary movement of the XIX century;

Gave the reason to the authorities to tighten the repression, which continued throughout the entire 30-year-old reign of Nicholas I.

20. Internal policy of Nicholas I - turn to political conservatism. Social and economic reforms.

Nicholas I rules in Russia in 1825-1855. He considered his main task to strengthen the power of the nobles with a support for the army and the bureaucratic apparatus. Created II branch of his own imperial majesty of the office. By order of the king, the systematization of all existing laws existing in Russia was undertaken. This work was instructed by M. M. Speransky. In 1832, a full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire were published, in 1833 the arrangement of the current laws of the Russian Empire was issued. In 1826, the III department of the Office, headed by Graph A. Kh. Benkendorf, establishes. In addition to the police, the gendarme housing was introduced - in fact the political police.

In 1837-1842 A number of transformations in the peasant question was conducted. According to the draft Minister of State Protection P. D. Kiselev, the reform of state peasants was carried out. This category of peasants was given partial self-government, the order of endowment of the peasants of the Earth and the taxation of the contracts was revised. Schools and hospitals were opened. By decree of the "required peasants" (1842), the landowners could give the peasants personal freedom, and for the use of the land the latter were obliged to perform certain contract of service.

Finance Minister E. F. Kankrin in 1839-1841 He conducted a financial reform by introducing a silver ruble to the basis of the cash circulation and setting a mandatory amount of appliances than the financial situation of the country strengthened.

In the 30s Hih in. The industrial coup begins, that is, the transition from manual labor to the machine, from manufactory - to the factory. The specialization of the regions increased, the urban population increased, transportation developed.

In 1837, the first railway St. Petersburg - Tsarskoye Selo was laid, the Nikolaev Railway Moscow was opened in 1851. Petersburg.

The feudal stroke has become a brake of economic development. The bargaining system of agriculture did not meet the requirements of the time, hired labor was introduced. The country's development required the abolition of serfdom.

The most important issue of the internal policy of Nicholas I, the peasant question becomes. He believed that he had to try to alleviate the positions of the peasants with all their might. During his reign, many legislative acts were issued, facilitating the life of the peasantry.

In the conditions of strictest secrecy, the entire 11 committees who tried to consider the decisions of the peasant question. The emperor returned to the active state activities of Mikhail Speransky and instructed him to streamline the legislation of the Russian Empire.

Speransky brilliantly coped with the task, having prepared a "full meeting of the laws of the Russian Empire for 1648-1826" and "Code of Laws of the Russian Empire". Most of all historians criticize Nicholas I for the activities of the 3rd separation of the Imperial Office. This body carried out the supervisory function. The Russian Empire shared on the gendarme districts, he managed the generals who had a large state in their submission. The third department was engaged in investigating political affairs, accurately followed the censorship, as well as for the activities of officials of various ranks.

22.Nontracted policy of Nicholas I - turn to political conservatism. Social and economic reforms.

Organizations of Decembrists

The first officer circles were formed immediately after the return of the army from the overseas campaign. Already in 1814, General M.F. Orlov created a semi-legal organization "Order of Russian knights" . Orlov assumed to cancel the serfdom and limit the autocratic power of the emperor. The king was deprived of the right to wage, change laws, introduce taxes without the consent of the Senate, which includes 200 representatives of the highest nobility, 400 provincial nobles and 400 deputies from other classes.

At the same time, "Sacred Artel" arose, headed by officers of the General Staff - by the brothers Nikolai and Alexander Muravyevaya. Artel did not have a program, nor the Charter, but it systematically contained conversations about the desirability of changes in the existing system.

The largest of the pre-pectacher organizations was the Artel of the Semenov Regiment, which included future Leaders of the Decembrists: Prince S.P. Trubetskaya, F.P. Shakhovskaya, S.I. and M.I. Muravyov-Apostles, I.D. Yakushkin and others. In 1815, Alexander I, having learned about the existence of this society, ordered to dissolve him.

The first, actually, the Decembrist society appeared in February 1816. It was called the "Union of Salvation", and after the adoption of the Charter (1817), the "society of the true and faithful sons of the Fatherland." It was a secret, well-minded organization, which included about 30 people. Founded the "Union of Salvation" by A.N. Muravyov, his members were Prince S.P. Trubetskoy, S.I. and M.I. Muravyov-Apostles, M.S. Lunin, P.I. Pestel, I.I. Pushchin, I.D. Yakushkin and others.

By its structure and the organization, the Union has reminded Masonic Life (many of the Decembrists were masons). The uniqueness was absent, but there was a strict hierarchy and discipline. All members of society were divided into three categories (steps): "Bolyar" (founders), "men" (which held a long time in the organization) and "brethren" (newly accepted). Upon joining the Salvation Union, a person gave a solemn oath of loyalty. As already noted, the Company's Charter was "Statute". The main objectives of the organization were considered the abolition of serfdom and the introduction of a constitutional system with a national representation. But the circle of issues under discussion was wider: from the establishment of control over the activities of officials before combating the dominance of foreigners in the state apparatus.

The society did not have a clear program of action, and therefore the most difficult problem was the choice of methods of struggle. Here opinions diverged. Someone performed for an armed uprising, many were inclined to the conspiracy, and some (M.S. Lunin, I.D. Yakushkin) actively supported the idea of \u200b\u200bKingubius.

At the end of 1817, the "Union of True and Faithful Sons of the Fatherland" had exhausted himself and was dissolved, and in January 1818 he came to the "Union of Benencies" - the Second Secret Decembrist Organization.

From the very moment of foundation, she was distinguished by a greater openess (about 200 people). Her backbone was the former members of the "Union of Salvation", but, of course, there were new faces: Prince S.G. Volkonsky, P.Ya. Chaadaev, N.I. Turgenev et al.

The organization was led by a fundamental government (the indigenous union) - 29 people who had confused by the temporary Council of the Indigenous Union - 6 people headed by the Chairman of the Council, whose authority was continued for two months. Each member of the indigenous union organized around himself a cell of a secret society - a sideboard. A total of 15 such counters were created.

The charter of the "Union of Benency" was called the "Green Book" (in the color of the binding). It recorded the main software tasks and methods of struggle. Unlike the "Union of Salvation", the new organization made a special emphasis on the creation of a public atmosphere favorable for the revolution. Each member of the "Union of Benency" was obliged to contribute to the humanization of society, the development of education, to engage in charity, honestly and worthy to fulfill his official debt. It was also said that the "Union" is ready to help the government "to the construction of Russia to the degree of magnitude and prosperity." Of course, they did not forget about the main "secret" task: the abolition of the "humiliating serf slavery", as well as the "Introduction of the Constitution and Law-Free Board".

By 1820, serious contradictions between the supporters of radical actions and those who were inclined to have a moderate educational activity were discovered in the "Union of Benencies". In January 1820 PI Pestel spoke at the meeting of the indigenous council. He defended the idea of \u200b\u200ba military revolutionary coup and argued the advantage of the republican form of government. Most organizations supported him.

The emperor knew perfectly on the existence of a secret revolutionary organization, but manifested the indifference peculiar to him at the end of life. "I do not judge them," he said.

A much greater impact on Alexander I was rendered to the perturbation of the Guards Semenovsky Regiment (October 1820). The soldiers refused to carry out orders and demanded to replace the Sadist's hated commander of Colonel E.F. Schwartz. It came to the point that the entire regiment was planted in the Petropavlovsk fortress! On November 2, the emperor issued a decree on disbanding the Semenov regiment, and his soldiers and officers sent in different parts.

In January 1821, the congress of representatives of the Company decided to dissolve the "Union of Benencies". In this way, the leaders of the organization sought to get rid of unreliable people and distract from themselves the attention of government, frightened by Semenov history.

IN march 1821 Instead of a dissolved "Union of Benency" formed south (with center in Tulchin) and North (centered in St. Petersburg) secret societies .

Southern Society

At the head of the Tulchin Native Administration (Directory) stood PI. Pestel (Chairman) and A.P. Yushnevsky (chamber). Commander of the Vyatsky Infantry Regiment, P.I. Pestel, concentrated in his hands all the threads of the management of the southern society and possessed, in fact, dictatorial power. Many who knew this person celebrated his powerful mind, erudition, discipline and ... Despotic, exorbitant ambition, the commitment of the doctrine "The goal justifies the funds." One of the contemporaries so talked about Potelle: "He was especially distinguished by high forehead and long front teeth. Clean and Tubat! ", A.S. Pushkin wrote simply: "Smart man in the whole sense of the word".

In accordance with the "Russian Truth", the republic was established, the supreme power in which was obtained by a temporary revolutionary government, clothed with dictatorial powers. After determining the solid, the principle of separation of the authorities.

Legislative powers were transferred to the chosen to the people of the one-chamber parliament - the People's Eve.

The executive power was carried out by the government - the High Duma, and the control and judicial functions carried out the Supreme Cathedral. The first two organs numbered 500 and 5 people, respectively, were elected (the Duma elected the vessel) for a five-year term, and the third consisted of 120 members and was elected for life.

The selective right received all men who have reached twenty years. Divided all kinds of class differences.

The main civil and political rights and freedoms were guaranteed.

Nizhny Novgorod should be the capital of the Russian republic.

No less radically Pestel solved the peasant question. The serfdom was canceled, of course. All agricultural land shared for two approximately equal parts - public and private funds. Earth of the Public Fund belongs to the volost community, are in the use of peasants and are not subject to alienation (sale, mortgage, exchange, etc.). Any person attributed to the parish can get a decent one from public land. The second foundation was intended "for abundance", and therefore the owners of the private land of liberty dispose of it at their discretion.

Northern Society

Alternative transformation project was developed by N.M. The Muravyov - the leader of the northern society, which was finally imposed only in 1822. The activities of this organization were led by the Duma: N.M. Muravyev, M.S. Lunin, N.I. Turgenev. Prince S.P. was also active in the work of the Company. Trubetskoy and Prince E.P. Obolensky (soon they entered the Duma, replacing Lunin and Turgenev), as well as I.I. Pushchin, k.f. Railings (from 1823) and others.

Software document compiled by M.N. Muravyov, got the name "Constitution". The leader of the Northern Society assumed that after the military coup in Russia, a non-republic should be established, but a constitutional monarchy. At the same time, a federal administrative and territorial division was introduced (14 major autonomy and two areas). According to Muravyova, it will protect Russia from the formation of a despotic regime.

The Supreme Legislative Power in the country should belong to the two-challenge parliament - the People's Eve. Deputies of both chambers were chosen for a six-year term.

The highest executive powers retained the emperor, who also had the right of "veto" on the decision of the People's Eve.

In addition, the Supreme Court was created, and the court should be vowels, inexpressible, contene and with the participation of jury.

The classified division of society was abolished, all men who have reached 21 years and past property values \u200b\u200bcould participate in the elections.

"Constitution" M.N. Muravyova proclaimed all the peasants with free and endowed them with relevant civil rights. However, the landowner land ownership persisted, and the peasants issued to the peasants (2 decishes) could not be the basis of a prosperous economy.

Also N.M. Muravyov advocated the abolition of military settlements, the abolition of recombine and the introduction of universal military service.

Summing up the analysis of the content of both program documents, it is important to emphasize that "The Constitution" was predominantly liberal, reformist And that is why it was unlikely to be implemented in the Russian conditions. Radical, revolutionary project PI. Purse, implied the formation of a dictatorial regime, more clearly corresponded to the spirit of the Russian people, his history and culture. It is unlikely that it will be an exaggeration to say that it is from the time of the Decembrists, the dispute of Russian liberals and radicals, ended, as you know, the victory of the latter in October 1917

1824-1825 - The period of the most active activity of both Decembrist organizations. In St. Petersburg, there are meetings of leaders to discuss the most important issues and developing a unified program. The number of conspirators is growing rapidly. In 1825, the "Society of the United Slavyan" joined the Decembrists, who spent the creation of a Panslavian state in Europe. Begins direct preparation for armed coup. The joint speech was appointed for the summer of 1826, but the sudden death of Emperor Alexander I (11/19/1825) forced revolutionaries to change their plans.