Tanzania is amazing country, full of various beauties. Kilimanjaro is also located here. The beauty of the aquatic and animal world of Tanzania is impressive. The country's natural resources are amazing.

Tanzania National Parks

Tanzania is a completely unique country, it is rightly considered one of the most interesting places in the world in environmentally. Imagine that on the territory of one state there are thirteen reserves, twelve national parks, thirty-eight nature conservation areas, as well as a large number of nature-preserving places. Unique natural complexes have brought great fame to the country, making it one of the best in the world for eco-tourism. What's missing here! Even the most experienced travelers will be amazed by the beauty of these places. Here you can go on safari, visit ecological tours, and fly in a hot air balloon over the savannah. And some reserves even allow trophy hunting.

It is impossible to even list the number of feature and scientific films that have been shot here throughout history. Here it is amazing state Tanzania. National parks countries - this is a great opportunity to plunge into and see natural environment habitats of exotic animals, admire the natural beauties known throughout the world.

Kitulo Park

Kitulo National Park is a paradise for nature lovers. This place is also called God's garden. And the area received this name for a reason. Three hundred and fifty species of vascular plants grow in the reserve. Imagine that this place is one of the richest in the world in terms of vegetation.

It has gained worldwide fame thanks to the huge flower fields that open during the rainy season. This is such a beautiful and impressive sight that it is simply impossible to put into words. There are forty-five species of orchids alone here.

Walking through the park, in the spacious meadows, you can see antelopes and goats.

Kitulo is by no means a safari park. This is more of a place for botanists and nature lovers. Here you can just walk and admire the beauty. You should definitely see the Big Ruaha River. People come to the national park to see numerous bird colonies. Here you can find a very rare African bustard, as well as a colony of endangered blue swallows and many other rare birds.

The national park was founded in 2005. More precisely, it had previously functioned, but then suspended its activities. Since this region is extremely interesting from a botanical point of view, Kitulo started working again in 2005. It occupies 466 square kilometers. It is most interesting for tourists from December to April. It is at this time that the peak flowering of plants occurs. Visitors are offered guided and unguided hiking, bird watching, and mountain climbing.

Kilimanjaro National Park

The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro, its height reaches 5895 meters. It rises majestically above the savannah. Kilimanjaro has three peaks, two of which are extinct volcanoes, the third is partially active (Shiro, Mawenzi, Kibo). Smoke from the crater has been observed here over the last century.

If desired, any tourist can climb the mountain and feel like he is on the greatest peak. For such a trip you do not need to have special climbing equipment - you only need warm clothes. Don't forget that the top of the mountain is always covered with snow. During the days of travel you will pass several climatic zones. And from the tropics you will find yourself in eternal cold.

A special six-day route for climbing the mountain has been developed for tourists.

Wildlife of Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro National Park is listed as a World Heritage Site. It was created in 1973. It is currently divided into seven zones. Only part of them is intended for hiking. The best time to visit the park is from December to February. The main purpose of the visit, naturally, is to conquer the world famous peak. Every year more than ten thousand people come here on such a mission.

Animals in Tanzania are very diverse. Kilimanjaro Park has an equally rich world of fauna. Here you can find lions, elephants, leopards, rhinoceroses, buffalos, monkeys, lemurs, hyraxes and many others. The world of birds is no less diverse and rich. The territory of the reserve is inhabited by eagles, buzzards, and bearded vultures. There are also a lot of insects here, which is due to the tropical climate.

Katavi Park

Katavi National Park is located in the west of the country. Neighboring it are the Lukwati, Rukwa, Luafi nature reserves and a large number of forest reserves. All these areas of untouched land cover twenty-five thousand kilometers. Katavi is the third largest park in Tanzania. It was named after the legend of the local tribe.

To the west of Katavi is Lake Tanganyika, as well as the Mahali Mountains and Gombe Stream parks. On the south side are the famous national parks Rauha and Kitulo.

The animals of Tanzania are very diverse and numerous; fifty species of medium and large mammals live in Katavi alone. There are more than twenty thousand zebras here. Also inhabited are giraffes, buffalos, warthogs, and elephants. Among the predators living here are leopards, lions, cheetahs, crocodiles, hyenas, and wild dogs.

The most common species found in Katavi are hippos. At the end of the dry season, two hundred animals gather together in ponds. In general, all Malomaly reservoirs are occupied by elephants, hippos and crocodiles during drought periods. There are three large reservoirs in total. So, two of them are occupied by hippopotamuses, adjacent to storks and crocodiles.

Katavi is famous for the fact that tourists have the opportunity to see a huge number wild animals. In the dry season, this is easiest to do, since all animals move closer to water bodies.

Katavi is one of the most beautiful places in all of Africa where you can get good shots of lion and crocodile hunting.

As for the flora, there are 226 species of trees in the park. There are forests, grassy fields, swamps and seasonal lakes. During the rainy season, termite fields are flooded with water. These lands are the most fertile throughout the park. White acacia trees grow on the shores of Lake Katavi.

Study of primates

Gombe Stream is the smallest of all the national parks in Tanzania. It is located on the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Its area is only fifty-two square kilometers.

The park became famous thanks to a primatologist who has been studying primates for more than forty-five years. Once upon a time there was no nature reserve here. And Dr. Goodall organized a small station to observe chimpanzees in natural conditions. This project is still in effect.

Gombe Stream is small in size, but nevertheless its ecosystem is quite diverse. There are hills covered with dense tropical forests, valleys, woodlands, waterfalls, streams, and bamboo groves. Tanzania's plants are diverse in all regions of the country.

In addition to chimpanzees, other primates live in the park: red-tailed monkeys, olive baboons, baboons, and red colobus monkeys. Here you can find antelopes, snakes, leopards and hippos.

Gombe Stream is famous for its birds. In such a small area, two hundred species of birds nest: paradise flycatcher, sparrow, screamer eagle, palm vulture, crowned eagle.

Tourists are attracted primarily by the large beaches of the reserve on Lake Tanganyika, excellent conditions for scuba diving and walking tours that allow you to observe wild animals.

Arusha Park

What do you think is famous about Arusha National Park? Tanzania is generally famous for its nature reserves, each of which has its own unique flavor. Arusha is known for the fact that, despite its small area, it is densely populated by giraffes.

In addition, experienced travelers know that in many parks in Tanzania you are not even allowed to get out of the car during excursions, so as not to become, as they say, lunch for predators. But in Arusha you can easily walk along special hiking trails and admire the animals.

In addition, more than four hundred species of birds nest here. Inhabited by white and black monkeys, baboons, elephants, hippopotamuses, buffaloes, antelopes, and leopards. Elephants are very rare, but lions are completely absent.

All dishes in local restaurants and cafes are prepared exclusively from goat meat and bananas; they are unsweetened and taste like our potatoes.

The park contains the famous Mount Meru, which is the fifth highest point in Africa. Travelers will be surprised by the local nature. The plants of Tanzania are very diverse and unique, and here in the small area of ​​the park there is sufficient species richness.

Mahali Mountains

Mahali Mountains is a national park in Tanzania, located in the west of the country. It is famous primarily for the fact that it is home to largest population chimpanzee. The creation of a national park in Tanzania occurred in 1979. This event was preceded by attempts to organize a hunting reserve.

The reserve is located on the coast of Lake Tanganyika. It is the second in depth and width after the famous freshwater Lake Baikal. Tanganyika is a freshwater lake. However, its inhabitants are very similar to marine ones. This is explained by the fact that the reservoir was formed in ancient times and never dried out, and therefore the fauna did not die, but was only replenished with new species.

Mount Mahali is located on the territory of the reserve. Vegetable and animal world The park has not been fully described or studied. It is only known that eighty-two species of mammals and three hundred and fifty-five birds have been recorded on protected lands. This data is believed to cover only eighty percent of animals.

The fauna is represented by a combination of three zones. For example, not only monkeys live in the forests, but also squirrels and wild boars. In the savannah there are lions, giraffes, and zebras. And antelopes settled in the forests. Reptiles of the region have been little studied; there are also some that are completely new to the scientific world. A quarter of the reserve is covered with miombo forests.

The importance of nature reserves for Tanzania

What is Tanzania famous in the world? National parks are its main wealth. Currently there are sixteen of them in the country. Think about it, this is an impressive figure. The reserves are faced with two main tasks. This is the protection of territories and attracting many tourists.

The National Park project in Tanzania plays a huge role for the country. On the one hand, protected areas were created to preserve and enhance natural resources, and on the other hand, there is a beneficial and non-destructive use of flora and fauna through tourism.

All parks now protect the biodiversity of areas of World Heritage significance. Each of them is engaged in restoring the disturbed biological balance on its territory. The creation of a national park in Tanzania was a solution to extensive problems caused by deforestation and destruction of animals. Each conservation zone had its own specific tasks.

Tanzania, whose national parks have become a symbol of the country, has devoted forty-five thousand square kilometers of its territory to them. In total, together with all the reserves, the reserves occupy a third of the entire country.

Tourism for Tanzania is an extremely important source of income. A significant part of it goes to maintaining the same parks. In addition, these cash allow for Scientific research in the area of ​​flora and fauna so rich in the region.

The nature of the country is so diverse that there are still a large number of corners that have not yet been reached by scientists. Representatives of the animal and plant world have not been fully studied, and their complete census has not even been carried out. So there is still a lot of exciting work and new research ahead.

Reasonable tourism policy

The National Park project in Tanzania benefited not only the animals and flora, but also the country as a whole. Tourism draws attention to environmental issues from the world community, which benefits the environment.

The very presence of crowds of tourists discourages poachers, who abound in this region. It is even surprising that the reserves did not rush to get rich quickly at the expense of tourism business. And it pleases. Many of them receive guests in very measured doses, which does not harm the environment at all.

What an amazing country Tanzania is!

Africa has the most large nature reserve in the world. It is called Kavango Zambezi. The complex is located on the borders of five Botswana, Zambia, Namibia and Zimbabwe. total area The reserve exceeds 44 million hectares. The protected area united 36 nature reserves and the lands surrounding them. Kawang Zambezi is home to almost half of all African elephants, more than 600 species of different plants and about 300 species of birds.

With the formation of such conservation complexes as the transnational reserve of Africa, called Kavango Zambezi (abbreviated KAZA), which are prone to migration (elephants and rhinoceroses) feel completely safe in a vast territory the size of Sweden.

Tourist paradise

This land is home to many world famous attractions. For example, Despite the fact that this African reserve was founded quite recently (2011), one of the main tasks that the five states set for themselves was to create conditions for the free migration of all species of animals. In addition, for these countries, nature reserves in Africa are the most important tourist sites. Thousands of tourists from all over the world come to this unique transboundary reserve every year.


Undoubtedly, the main representatives of the animal world living in the complex are elephants. It may be hard to believe, but almost half of these giants of the total number of elephants in Africa live in the protected area. These vast territories are home to 600 plant species. There are many unique ones among them. In the most picturesque areas of the region, 300 species of birds have found their home.

South Africa is the land where amazingly the incompatible is combined. Landscapes of amazing beauty are concentrated in the country's reserves and national parks.

Kruger Park

The cross-border territory, with an area of ​​20 thousand square kilometers, is located between Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Elephant and lion, buffalo and rhinoceros, and leopard feel quite comfortable here.

Statistics confirm the uniqueness of these places. The area occupied by this African reserve can be compared with the territory of Wales. It consists of countless picturesque meadows and pastures, coastal forests, which are home to about 150 species of mammals, including the largest population of rhinoceroses.

A five-hour drive from South Africa's largest metropolis, Johannesburg, you can see wildlife and have an unforgettable experience. For example, in Kruger Park you can watch a fight between a lion and a crocodile.

The most intrepid tourists can go on a guided tour, accompanied by armed guards. Nature reserves and national parks in Africa are best visited in winter. At this time, the vegetation does not grow so rapidly and does not block the view. Animals can be seen near numerous bodies of water, and at this time the risk of contracting malaria is minimal.

Royal Natal

One of the most picturesque mountain ranges in Africa is the Drakensberg. The name translates as Sharp tops of the mountains here smoothly turn into green slopes, which are covered with irregularities and hillocks.

Royal Natal National Park is located on a not too large territory (2500 sq. km), part of the Ukahlamba complex - object world heritage. Despite this, the Drakensberg is one of the most famous rock formations on Earth.

Cedeberg Nature Reserve

This mountain range is located 200 km north of Cape Town. The Cedeberg African Nature Reserve is made up of a series of sandstone hills, dense fynbos forests and the magnificent Mount Saint Roc. Excursion routes last from one hour to several days.

During this walk you will be able to enjoy the wild nature of these places. You can climb steep slopes to the picturesque hills - the Wolfberg Arch or Tourists prefer to stay at the Sanddrift base. There is an observatory and a huge wine library here. Best time for travel - from April to August. At this time the weather for walking will be the best.


National reserves in Africa amaze tourists with the beauty of pristine nature. Mapungubwe is no exception. It is located along the borders of Botswana and Zimbabwe, in a valley. In these places, giraffes and elephants, baboons and leopards stroll leisurely between the trees.

Mapungubwe is a World Heritage Site and a historical site, so if you're in Johannesburg, be sure to come here.

In ancient times, this territory was the center of the South African kingdom. In 1300 BC. Nine thousand people lived in these places. Archaeologists were able to discover hills with burials in which unique valuables were buried, for example, a golden figurine of a rhinoceros. It is better to come here in June-August.

Blyde River

Nature reserves and parks in Africa differ from each other in their natural landscape. This canyon is worth seeing with your own eyes. It rises above the Blyde River, and seems to burst from the tops of the Drakensberg ridge with the luxurious crowns of thousands of beautiful trees.

What makes this place even more beautiful are the green, gentle slopes, above which rise hills of sandstone and limestone. The most famous of them is the Triple Rondavel rock, with its huge arches and semicircular peaks that resemble the roofs of rondavels (African houses).

It is better not to visit African nature reserves from January to March. At this time, traveling here is not very comfortable - humid air descends from the mountains, and there is a danger of contracting malaria.


This place seems to be created for ecotourism lovers. The name of this wetland park means "miracle" in Zulu. You can't say anything more precise about this place. The national park covers an area of ​​3320 square meters. km is an ecosystem of global importance. The territory of Isimangaliso is covered with lakes, swampy forests, coral reefs. This is the largest river delta on the continent and about 220 km of beaches located on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The reserves of Africa are large and not very large, mostly prepared to welcome tourists. For example, Isimangaliso Park has excellent conditions for diving and horse riding. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, you can go kayaking and watch wildlife.

Within one day in these places you can see a whale and a rhinoceros. This park, located 375 km from Durban, is especially good from June to October, when there is no sweltering heat and the risk of contracting malaria is minimal.


Not all nature reserves Africa can boast such unique vegetation as Namakuwaland, located along the coast of South Africa. It is often called the African garden, blooming in spring with a thousand colors. This is a true gem of an arid continent. From the beginning of August to the end of September you can see this beauty with your own eyes.

The park is located near Cape Town. This true treasury has the richest flora. Just take into account the blooming of daisies in this park - it is a mesmerizing sight.

Kgalgadi Transfrontier Park

A “wild island” of land located on the hot sands of the Kalahari Desert. Kgalgadi Park is located in the transboundary zone between Botswana and South Africa - it is the world's largest conservation area. There are many animals here - lions and ostriches, leopards and cheetahs that survive in these arid lands.

Ktugalgadi Park - beautiful place to observe big cats. However, you must be careful - at any moment you can find yourself on the same path with a lion.

Table Mountain

A national park with such strange name, is located on the Cape Peninsula. From here you have a stunning view of Cape Town, the most... Old city SOUTH AFRICA.

This park offers many great opportunities for activities. active rest. Here you will be offered a paragliding ride from the Lion's Head rock. You can go rock climbing on the highest slope of Table Mountain and walk along the picturesque paths. Locals It is recommended to climb uphill through the meadows of the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.

Golden Gate

The Maluti Mountains are located 300 km northeast of the city of Bloemfontein. In the early morning, you can see herds of antelope grazing here. The magnificent view of the mountains in the rays of the setting sun, when the slopes are covered with golden color, gave this park its name. Mount Brandwag is especially beautiful - it can be seen from any point.

Some governments are taking great effort to protect certain territories in order to preserve the cultural and natural resources of their people for future generations.

There are more than 160 thousand protected areas in the world. In total, they occupy 10% of the entire surface of the planet. Here are the biggest ones:

The largest nature reserves in the world

1. Papahanaumokuakea (area – 1.5 million km²)

Monk Seal

He was the first to propose the idea of ​​creating a conservation area in Hawaii. ex-president USA Theodore Roosevelt back in 1909. But only 100 years later, in 2006, George W. Bush, with the support of the US Departments of Commerce and the Interior, which allocated funding, created the Papahānaumokuākea National Marine Monument.

And in 2016, Barack Obama almost quadrupled the area of ​​protected area, allowing Papahānaumokuākea to become the world's largest large nature reserve in the world.

It is home to more than 7 thousand species of various plant and animal species, including the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

2. Northeast Greenland National Park (area – 972 thousand km²)

Considering that the national park covers the entire northern part Greenland, it is recognized as one of the largest national parks in the world. Its size is larger than the area of ​​163 of the 195 existing countries in the world.

This national park is home to polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, snowy owls and many other species, some of which are critically endangered. The park was created in 1974, over time its territory increased, and in 1977 it already received the status of a biosphere reserve of international importance.

3. Marine protected area of ​​the Chagos Archipelago (area – 544 thousand km²)

The territory of the world's largest marine protected area is under the auspices of Great Britain and is the largest reserve marine flora and fauna on the planet.

The area of ​​the region is larger than France and is located 500 km south of the Maldives. The reserve covers seven atolls and coral islands with the most beautiful and diverse underwater natural world, which plays a key role in the formation of the local ecosystem.

Chagos is home to more than 1,200 species of coral, a variety of fish and one of the most rare species sea ​​turtles.

4. Kavango-Zambezi Transboundary Nature Reserve (area – 444 thousand km²)

The reserve covers the territory of several African countries: Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. There are several national parks here, including Chobe, Nhai Pan and Bwabwata, the Okavango Delta and Victoria Falls.

Kavango-Zambezi was founded to protect the migration of animals from one country to another. Biological resource The region contains one of the largest elephant populations on the African continent.

5. Phoenix Islands Protected Area (area – 408 thousand km²)

The protected area is located on the territory of the Republic of Kiribati and is the largest natural reserve sea ​​life in the Pacific Ocean.

These sites are connected to the mystery of the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, a famous female pilot whose plane is believed to have disappeared in these waters in 1937.

Five of the eight protected islands are home to extremely rare and endangered bird species, attracting attention from tourists and researchers. Some areas of the reserve can be visited, but only with special permission.

6. Great Barrier Reef (area – 344.4 thousand km²)

One of Australia's most interesting natural attractions is undoubtedly the Great Barrier Reef, the largest collection of coral in the world. Many live here in one place exotic species marine flora and fauna.

The area was declared a national park because the corals were rapidly disappearing due to pollution. environment. Now, for example, tourists and surfers, when visiting a nature conservation park, are required to comply with strict rules behavior.

The Great Barrier Reef is located near the state of Queensland and consists of a chain of more than 900 islands and 2,900 individual reefs stretching over 2,600 kilometers in length.

Tourism in this region generates billions of dollars in revenue for Australia.

7. Galapagos Marine Reserve (area – 133 thousand km²)

Marine iguana

The islands of the archipelago are located a thousand kilometers off the coast of Ecuador. The reserve is home to many species of sharks, whales, turtles, and fish. The remote location, the mixing of warm and cold sea currents, fresh and salty waters, contributed to the development of an extraordinary animal world.

Charles Darwin studied in detail different kinds animals that lived on these islands, and subsequently, based on the analysis of the data obtained, he developed his theory of evolution.

The greatest threat to the conservation of the region's biodiversity today is illegal fishing of fish, lobsters, sea ​​cucumbers(holothurians) and some species of sharks.

8. Air and Tenere National Reserve (area – 77.36 thousand km²)

The protected area is located in Niger and is protected by UNESCO. The name appeared as a result of a combination of the names of the two regions where the reserve is located: East End on the Air plateau, and the western one in the Tener desert (part of the Sahara).

The reserve is home to various endangered species, and only some parts of it are accessible to tourists.

A distinctive feature of this territory are dunes, caves, canyons, underwater caves and others of various shapes and types. geographical features, found only in this part of the world.

There is a mountain made of real marble, as well as sand dunes with an ever-changing appearance.

9. Rangel St. Elias (area – 53.3 thousand km²)

This national park and wildlife refuge was created in 1980 and is located in southern Alaska and nine US states.

The park's 16 mountain peaks are the highest in the United States, and the landscapes are reminiscent of the Swiss Alps.

10. Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (area – 37.6 thousand km²)

The protected area of ​​the park continues to expand and currently covers lands in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, uniting several national parks.

Animals inhabiting the area: African elephants, giraffes, leopards, hyenas, white rhinoceroses, cheetahs, mongooses, etc.

Tourism is developed here and various safaris are held. In addition to standard jeep tours, there are canoe tours, walking tours, and for guests various events and festivals.

Greater Limpopo 10 national parks and reserves of Russia

Ecotourism, or ecotourism, is travel to places with relatively untouched nature. The main principle for such travel is not to harm the environment, which is why ecological routes mainly run through national parks and nature reserves.

Transbaikalsky National Park.

The Zabaikalsky National Park is located within a typical mountain taiga region. The relief is mountainous. Within the boundaries of the park there are large orographic units: the Svyatonossky ridge, the Barguzinsky ridge, the Chivyrkuisky isthmus and the Ushkany Islands.

Two mountain ranges stretch across the park in the direction from northeast to southwest: the Barguzinsky ridge - gradually descending from the Barguzinsky reserve to lake. Barmashovoye (the highest elevation of the ridge within the boundaries of the park is 2376 m above sea level) and the Sredinny Ridge of the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula (the highest elevation is approximately in the middle part of 1877 m), gradually descending to the north and south. The Chivyrkuisky Isthmus connects the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula with the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. The Ushkany Islands (Big Ushkany Island and Small Ushkany Islands) are the peaks of the Academichesky Ridge, which divides the Baikal depression into two basins - northern and southern.

Altai Nature Reserve.

Altai Nature Reserve is a World Heritage Site natural heritage UNESCO since 1998. Included in the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB) - May 26, 2009. It is included in the "Global-200" (WWF) list - pristine or little-changed ecoregions of the world, which contain 90% of the planet's biodiversity.

Occupied Altai Nature Reserve the territory includes five physical-geographical regions of three natural provinces. On the spectrum altitudinal zone almost all stand out natural belts Gorny Altai: taiga lowlands and midlands, subalpine and alpine meadow midlands and highlands, tundra-steppe highlands, tundra midlands and highlands, glacial-nival highlands. Forests occupy 34% of the total area of ​​the main zone. They are located in the lower and middle parts of mountains, on steep slopes of valleys, as well as on lower parts of sloping ridges. The lower border of the forest begins at a level of 436 meters (level of Lake Teletskoye), and the upper border varies at different parts. So, if in the southeast it is at an altitude of 2000-2200 m above sea level, then in the northwest it drops to a level of 1800-2000 m.

Lazovsky Reserve.

Of particular value in the protected area is the unique grove of relict pointed yew on the island. Petrov, thickets of endemic cross-paired microbiota, populations of such rare animals as the Amur goral, Amur tiger, Ussuri sika deer.

The Lazovsky Nature Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the interfluve of the Kievka and Chernaya rivers. The Zapovedny Ridge divides the territory of the reserve into two parts - northern continental and southern coastal. Average height mountains are 500-700 m, individual peaks reach 1200-1400 m above sea level. The mountain slopes have varying steepness, on average 20-25 degrees, their ridges are narrow but flat. Significant areas are occupied by rocky placers. The height of the spurs decreases in the east towards the sea, the watershed ridges turn into small hilly ridges up to 100 m high.

Nature Reserve "Kedrovaya Pad".

The very first reserve Far East and one of oldest reserves Russia, formed to preserve and study unique for Russia undisturbed liana coniferous-deciduous forests of Southern Primorye, characterized by a high proportion of rare and endemic species of flora and fauna. The reserve and its surroundings are the only place in Russia where it lives amur leopard.

The most valuable are black fir-broad-leaved forests or black fir forests, the Far Eastern leopard; on Mount Chalban, plants are common that are very rare in other places of the Far East - currant-leaved carp, Komarov currant. In the reserve, rock primrose was found for the first time (on Mount Chalban), and species new to science were described - Far Eastern violet and Ussuri corydalis. The Kedrovaya River flows through the reserve; its length does not exceed 25 kilometers. It is the ideal of a clean river for scientists all over the world.

Samarskaya Luka National Park.

The Samarskaya Luka National Park was created in 1984 by decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, and is one of the first three national parks in Russia.

Samara Luka is a unique area formed by the bend of the largest European river Volga in its middle course and the Usinsky Bay of the Kuibyshev Reservoir. The Volga in this place makes a large arc facing the east, and then turns to the southwest. Its length is more than 200 km. The ancient carbonate rocks raised high here form something like an island.

An unusually high concentration of monuments of almost all known to science cultures of the European forest-steppe, from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age to modern times. In the territory Samara Luka There are about 200 natural and historical monuments. It is also rich in archaeological finds.

Smolensk Poozerye National Park.

The Smolensk Poozerie National Park was formed on the territory of the Demidovsky and Dukhovshchinsky districts Smolensk region in 1992 “to preserve natural complexes for recreational, educational, scientific and cultural purposes.” In November 2002, it was awarded the status of a biosphere reserve under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. The name "Smolensk Poozerie" owes its name to 35 large and small glacial lakes located in the park. Each of these lakes is beautiful and unique in its own way.

In terms of configuration, the park's territory is an almost regular rhombus. Maximum distance from west to east - 55 km, from north to south - 50 km. The geographical center of the park is located in the area of ​​the village. Przhevalskoe. The total area of ​​the park within the boundaries approved by state acts is 146,237 hectares. The security zone is 500 m of territory adjacent to the park border.

Curonian Spit National Park.

The Curonian Spit National Park is located in the part of the Kaliningrad region bordering Lithuania on a narrow strip of land between the salty Baltic Sea and the freshwater Curonian Lagoon. The northern boundaries of the park run along the Russian-Lithuanian border.

The natural uniqueness of the territory of the national park is that it is the largest sand bar in the world. The dune landscapes of the spit are distinguished by their exceptional beauty and aesthetic impact on humans and represent unique object for the development of ecological tourism.

The Curonian Spit has been regarded as “an exceptional example of a sand dune landscape under constant threat from natural forces such as wind and water. After the destructive intervention of man, which threatened the existence of the spit, it was restored through stabilization and protection work that began in the 19th century and continues to this day.” Currently, the territory of the Curonian Spit is officially protected by the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Valdai National Park.

The Valdai National Park was formed with the aim of preserving the unique lake-forest complex of the Valdai Upland and creating conditions for the development of organized recreation in this area. The basis for the creation of the park was the unique combination and richness natural ingredients, the degree of their preservation and the ability to maintain ecological balance, enormous aesthetic impact natural landscapes. A differentiated regime of special protection has been established on the territory of the park, taking into account its natural, historical and cultural features. In accordance with this, the following functional zones have been identified: reserved, specially protected, recreational, zone of regulated use around lakes and rivers, as well as a visitor service zone.

Ilmensky Nature Reserve.

One of the oldest reserves in Russia, founded in 1920 to preserve unique mineral deposits. Since 1935 it has been transformed into a complex reserve for conservation and study mineral wealth, flora and fauna of the eastern macroslope Southern Urals. In 1991, the historical and archaeological branch "Arkaim" (currently the forestry "Stepnoe") was added to the reserve to preserve and study the unique monument of the early urban civilization of the Bronze Age - the settlement "Arkaim" and the archaeological complex in the Bolshekaragan Valley. The reserve is the only mineralogical reserve in the country and one of the few mineralogical reserves in the world.

At the end of the 19th century global community came to the conclusion that if no measures are taken to protect the environment, the earth may lose many species of flora and fauna. Our planet may lose most of the natural formations that have adorned the earth for centuries. A national park serves to preserve natural land reserves owned by a sovereign state.

No matter how different the national parks of individual countries may be, they have a common idea - to preserve wildlife for future generations - as a symbol national pride. International Union The Nature Conservancy today states that there are 6,555 national parks in the world.

The first officially approved national park was the US Mackinac National Park, northern Michigan; then the Royal National Park, in 1875 - Australia. The largest national park in the world, according to the IUCN, is North Greenland National Park, created in 1974.

Major national parks and reserves of the world

Yellowstone National Park

  • Yellowstone National Park is the world's first public park. Discovered in the rocky mountains of the United States back in 1872. Millions of tourists come to see the beauty of pristine nature with bizarre hot geysers. The park is home to an almost lost species of bison;

In 1971, clear criteria were established for assessing the national park:

Minimum size 1000 hectares in zones;

Regulatory legal protection;

Budget and sufficient personnel to provide effective protection;

Ban on exploitation of natural resources.

Major national parks and reserves of the world that fall under special IUCN criteria - TOP category

1. Swiss National Park, Switzerland: IUCN Ia - Strict Nature Reserve

2. Everglades National Park, USA: IUCN Ib - Wilderness Area

13. Serra dos Órgãos - National Park.

14. Guanacaste National Park, Costa Rica

Zambia's largest park, Kafue