“Fire fox”, in English “firefox”, in Chinese - hunho, and officially, in Latin - Ailurus fulgens– fire cat, red panda – it’s all about her, about the red panda. The names reflect what is perhaps the most striking hallmark the animal is its fiery, red-orange-red color of fur.

Scientists argued for a long time about which family to include it in - there is general signs and with, and with... As a result, the work of geneticists made it possible to classify the red or small panda - the “fire fox” - into its own family of the little pandas. And this is probably fair, since little panda just like “big brother” - a very cute and photogenic animal. Moreover, it reproduces well in captivity, so the “fire fox” lives in many zoos around the world.

And in the wild, the red panda lives mainly in the Chinese provinces and Yunnan, in the north of Bhutan, Nepal, Burma and in the Indian northeastern mountains. Previously, these animals were much more widespread; scientists know about their former presence in other parts of the world - in Europe, and even on other continents - in North America. Most likely, for the stable existence of the “fire fox” red panda, certain climatic conditions and when the required range of these conditions changes, the habitat of the red panda sharply decreases... A similar phenomenon is observed for other rare animals: for the cutest Australian ones, for wild ones. Which, of course, cannot but cause regret and concern...

The red panda is a predator, but also a big fan of bamboo. Only, unlike black and white bears, it loves softer shoots and younger leaves. Bamboo makes up about 95 percent of the red panda's menu, and the rest is various berries and fruits. The "Fire Fox", like other foxes, will not disdain to feast on bird eggs or even small rodents - after all, it is a predator! Although these predators do not move very quickly and dexterously on the ground, the red panda most often feeds on the ground. And it takes her at least half a day a day to eat...

The “fire fox” leads a twilight lifestyle and often sleeps during the day with its tail wrapped around it, like a cat or our friend Red fox. Sleeps on a tree or in a hollow, climbs trees easily, thanks to semi-retractable claws.

“Fire foxes” - red pandas - are not very large animals, smaller than real foxes, males and females weigh from about four to six kilograms, their body length is about fifty to sixty centimeters, plus a tail up to half a meter long. Each individual red panda has a strictly individual “mask” pattern around the eyes.

The “conversation” of small pandas is similar to the chirping of birds; they are not aggressive and are peaceful. The red panda has few natural enemies in the wild, but the “fire fox” is still listed as an “Endangered” species in the International Red Book. This is due to the fact that, despite a fairly wide habitat, the density of this species in nature is low. And the very specific living conditions of the red panda, like those of the “big brother”, can be easily violated. For the red panda, these conditions are bamboo forests in the mountains with temperate climate at an altitude of two to four thousand meters above sea level.

But you don’t have to climb so high into the mountains to admire the “fiery fox”; you can look at these cute animals in the zoo or watch the video below!

Red panda- This is an animal that belongs to mammals from the panda family. The name comes from the Latin "Ailurus fulgens", which means "fire cat", "cat-bear". There are notes about this amazing animal in China dating back to the 13th century, but Europeans learned about it only in the 19th century.

The red panda became known throughout the world thanks to the work of naturalists Thomas Hardwicke and Frederic Cuvier. These two people made a huge contribution to the development of science and revealed to the whole world one of the cutest four-legged animals.

The red panda is often compared to a cat, but these animals have very little in common. Although this species of panda is considered small, it is significantly larger in size than an ordinary domestic panda. The body length is approximately 50-60 centimeters, and the tail is usually up to 50 centimeters. The weight of a male is 3.8-6.2 kilograms, and the weight of females is approximately 4.2-6 kilograms.

The body is elongated, elongated. They have a large fluffy tail that plays important role in the life of this animal. The head of the red panda is wide, with a short, slightly elongated and sharp muzzle, the ears are small and round in shape.

The paws are small in size, however, quite powerful and strong, with semi-retractable claws. This is explained by the fact that the animal easily climbs trees and clings to branches, and also descends to the ground with ease, caution and special grace.

The color of the red panda is unusual and very beautiful. The animal's fur is unevenly colored, usually black or dark brown underneath, and red or hazel on top.

On the back, the hairs have yellow tips rather than red ones. The paws are pure black, but the head is light, and the tips of the ears are completely snow-white, as is the mask pattern on the face.

It is surprising that the pattern on the face of a red panda is unique and special for each animal; no two identical colors are found in nature. The tail also has an unusual uneven color, the main color is red, and thin rings several shades lighter can be seen on it.

It should be noted that The red panda is included in the International Red as animals in grave danger. This class of animals is classified as endangered; according to various sources, there are from 2,500 to 10,000 individuals left on earth.

In the natural habitat, there are practically no enemies for the red panda, however, deforestation and poaching have practically destroyed the entire population. The unique beauty of the fur makes these animals a valuable commodity on the market, so there is a cruel hunting red pandas, in which he dies great amount, both adults and cubs.

Character and lifestyle

The photo shows a red panda looks very kind and affectionate, in nature they actually have to fight for their existence, but in general, they are peaceful and quite friendly.

This is not to say that it is easy to tame, but they take root quite easily in captivity, in an artificial habitat. The panda is listed in the Red Book, so now experts are doing everything possible to prevent these cute “bears” from disappearing altogether.

IN natural conditions the life of the red panda is constantly under threat, therefore, in order to preserve their lives and give birth to new ones, whole panda shelters.

Now there is evidence that about 350 animals live in 85 zoos around the world, where they are provided the necessary conditions for accommodation and food. There are cases that red pandas delight in the birth of their offspring even in captivity.

In their natural habitat, pandas are predominantly night look life. During daylight hours, they prefer to rest, sleep in a hollow, while they curl up into a ball and always cover their heads with their tail. If the animal senses danger, it also climbs high up a tree and, using its color, camouflages itself there.

Trees are a much more comfortable place for them than Smooth surface lands where red pandas feel awkward and move very awkwardly and slowly. But still they have to go down to earth in search of food. Pandas have their own language, which is more like a bird whistle or chirp. Animals make quiet short sounds that help them communicate with each other.

Reproduction and lifespan of the red panda

The red panda's breeding season is in January. Conception and fetal development in this animal occurs in a special way. Pandas have a so-called diapause, which can be of varying duration, that is, this is the time between conception and the development of the baby in the mother’s body. The development of the fetus itself takes about 50 days, but taking into account diapause, more than 120 days can pass before the baby is born.

The signal that a cub will soon be born is the so-called “nest” that the mother panda builds in the hollow of a tree from branches and leaves. In this secluded place, tiny babies appear, weighing about 100 grams, and they are blind and deaf.

In the photo there is a red panda with a cub

The color of a newborn varies from beige to gray, but not fiery red. As a rule, a female gives birth to 1-2 cubs, but it happens that she gives birth to four at once; however, most often only one of them survives.

Babies grow very slowly and at the same time constantly need care. Only on the 18th day do they open their eyes, and by the age of 3 months they begin to eat solid food.

At the same time, they leave their native “nest” for the first time in order to gain skills in obtaining food on their own. At about 3 months, the coat color also changes; every day the cub becomes more and more like its parents.

When the babies get stronger and acquire the full color characteristic of adult, they and their mother leave the cozy place where they lived and begin to wander, exploring the territory.

At the age of 1.5 years, young pandas reach sexual maturity, but pandas aged 2-3 years are considered adults. A red panda can only give birth once a year, so their numbers cannot increase quickly; it will take decades.

In the wild, red pandas live for about 10 years. There are cases when pandas live for 15 years, but these are rather exceptions. In captivity, in an artificial habitat created for them, red pandas live a little longer, about 12 years. There was a case when a panda lived for almost 19 years.


Although I classify red pandas as predators, almost the entire diet consists of vegetation. Pandas are considered a predator because special structure their digestive system, and not because of food preferences.

A special treat for the red panda are young bamboo shoots, berries, mushrooms, various fruits. Small rodents and bird eggs occupy 5% of the food consumed.

Since they eat mostly low-calorie foods, they need to absorb about 2 kilograms of food per day to provide their body with the necessary energy supply.

If a young panda feeds exclusively on young bamboo, then it needs to eat more than 4 kilograms per day. For this she will need approximately 14-16 hours. Thus, most for days the panda chews his treats.

In zoos, I feed pandas with cereals made with milk (mostly rice) to increase the calorie content of the foods they consume. In general, the red panda has a special diet, so for those who like to have such animals as pets, it will be very problematic to provide good food.

If the diet is unbalanced, then the red panda begins to suffer from various diseases of the digestive system, and this can lead to the death of the animal.

And remember we recently, today let’s get acquainted with their relatives, but red ones :-)

Lesser or Red Panda(lat. Ailurus fulgens - “cat painted like fire”, “cat-bear”, “fiery cat”).

In China, due to its color and similarity in size to a fox, the red panda is called hunho - “fire fox” (eng. firefox), this phrase was used by Mozilla when they named their browser “ Mozilla Firefox”.

A modern, poetic and incredibly appropriate name for the Red Panda, “brilliant, bright cat,” was proposed by a French naturalist and scientist F. Cuvier.

The history of the discovery and description of the red panda is interesting. Written mentions of this beast in China go back to the 13th century, but Europeans learned about it only in the 19th century. It was officially “presented” to the public in 1821 by the English general and naturalist Thomas Hardwicke, who collected material on the territory of the English colonies. He suggested calling this animal the word “wha” - one of its Chinese names, based on the imitation of the “hha” sounds made by this same animal. In addition, the general said, the Chinese call him “hun-ho” and “poonya.”

However, Hardwick failed to become " godfather» newly discovered animal. He was delayed in returning to England with his materials, and Latin name - Ailurus fulgens, which can be translated as “brilliant cat,” was given to the new animal by the French naturalist Frederic Cuvier. The English scientific community was infuriated by such “theft,” but according to the rule adopted by the naturalists themselves, only once given to the body scientific name can no longer be changed. And the “discoverer” of a species is considered to be the one who assigned this name to it.

However, writes zoologist Miles Roberts, perhaps this is for the best. After all, the poetic epithet “brilliant”, “bright” is much better suited for such a beautiful animal than the incomprehensible “hha”. Frederic Cuvier himself wrote about the new animal as “a beautiful creature, one of the most beautiful quadrupeds.”

The name proposed by General Hardwick did not take root, and as English name animal. Although the word “wha” can sometimes be found in English-language literature, the general’s compatriots liked something else more Chinese name- “poonya”, which they quickly changed to “panda”. So “haha” became a panda.

When in 1869 Pierre Armand David, a French missionary to China and a passionate naturalist, reported a new beast of prey, which has a similar tooth structure and feeds on bamboo, was also called the panda. And since this animal was much larger, it is natural that they began to call it “ big panda”, and “xha”, accordingly, became a small or red panda - most often now he is mentioned under this name.

And then the red panda was forgotten for a long time. All the scientists' attention was focused on the “bamboo bear”. To study in detail the features of the biology of “xha” - first in zoos, and then in places natural habitat- started only in Lately.

Probably everyone knows about the giant panda. This large black and white “bear” has become the symbol of the World Conservation Fund wildlife and the prototype of many cute toys. But his relative - small, or red,panda- is much less known. But in vain. This animal, although smaller in size than the giant panda, is no less cute. A luxurious thick red-red fur coat, a short light muzzle, large widely spaced ears trimmed with wool, a long fluffy tail with dark stripes... The red panda is slightly larger in size than a domestic cat: body length - 50-60 cm, tail - 30-50 cm , weight - about 5 kg.

The red panda is widespread in Southwestern China, Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan and northeast India and is found here in mountainous areas - at an altitude of 2000 to 4800 m above sea level. So, although the habitat of this animal is located at the latitude of the Persian Gulf, the climate in its habitat is moderate, one might even say cool. True, the air temperature here is relatively constant throughout the year, and winter and summer differ rather in the amount of precipitation. But it’s never really dry in those places either - rain, constant fog... In short, it’s cool and damp. And the forests growing in these conditions are by no means tropical, but mixed - of coniferous (mainly fir) and deciduous species, with a dense undergrowth of rhododendron and, especially, bamboo. It is in these forests that the red panda lives.

The paws are short, strong, with semi-retractable claws, which help the panda to easily climb and descend trees. Firefox lives up to its name. The panda's color is bright red or even red and orange. The panda's muzzle is elongated and really looks like a fox.

In appearance really has little to do with "Big Panda". Archaeological excavations have shown that the red panda is a very distant relative Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) . Their common ancestor supposedly lived millions of years ago. It was widespread throughout Eurasia.

Fossil remains of Red Pandas have been found in areas from eastern China to western UK. Archaeologists have found the remains of Red Pandas even in the territory of North America(in the states of Tennessee and Washington) and suggest that this could be some new subspecies of the Red Panda that lived in the Miocene.

The panda lives in the Yunnan and Sichuan provinces of China, northern Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and northeast India. There are two subspecies of the Red Panda that exist today. First - Western Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) lives in the western part of the above region (Nepal, Bhutan). Second subspecies - Lesser (red) panda Staiana (Ailurus fulgens) lives in the east or northeast of its habitat (southern China and northern Myanmar).

The red panda, Staiana, is supposedly slightly larger and considerably darker than its western relative, although a large number of Variations on the “color-size” theme also exist within the subspecies of the red panda. In this regard, you can find many individuals that are not red, but rather yellowish-brown.

The red panda is a fashionista and a beauty. She has a fluffy tail and very long beautiful claws on her paws.

Red or Lesser pandas lead a predominantly nocturnal, or rather twilight-evening lifestyle, and in most cases they sleep during the day. The bed for Firefox is a warm and cozy hollow in which the panda sleeps, curled up and covering his eyes with his fluffy tail.

In general, the Red Panda in this position looks like domestic cat or a fox. In its normal state, the voice of the Lesser Panda is short, weak cries, reminiscent of bird chirping. She can also make a series of whistles and snorts when she gets scared.

Despite the fact that the panda is a representative of the order of carnivores, young leaves and shoots of bamboo make up 95% of the diet of this species. The remaining 5% are various fruits, berries, mushrooms, bird eggs or small rodents, if they turn up, of course.

It should be noted that bamboo is, in fact, a rather inedible plant. In addition to the red panda, only 4 species of animals are known that are specialized in feeding on this giant cereal - a giant panda, two bamboo rats (one of which is common in China, the other in Brazil) and one of the species of Madagascar lemurs. We should not forget that carnivores stand out as a separate order not because they eat animal food - some ungulates, for example, do not disdain it - but because of the presence of special devices for obtaining it and, most importantly, assimilating it. They have appropriate teeth, a simple stomach, and not a multi-chambered one, like ruminants, and a short intestine. And fibrous plant foods are usually not good for them. The situation with the dental system of pandas is relatively good: their molars have numerous tubercles that allow them to grind and chew plant fibers well. But the digestive tract of a red panda is that of a common predator. And therefore, as special studies have shown, the animal’s body absorbs no more than one quarter of the energy contained in the eaten bamboo leaves.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the red panda, unlike its “ older sister" - the giant panda, is very selective in nutrition. If " bamboo bear"sends almost all parts of the bamboo into its mouth (except for the lignified trunks, of course), then the red panda looks for leaves and shoots that are softer. They are, of course, easier to digest, but more difficult to find. Observations have shown that red pandas spend 13 hours a day feeding. But the search for food is an expended effort, the same energy. It turns out vicious circle. Moreover, the climate is not at all hot - probably precisely in order not to waste scarce energy on heating, the red panda acquired such a luxurious fur coat and an amazing shaggy tail. The animal wraps itself around it like a scarf when it lies down to rest, curled up in a tight ball somewhere in a fork in the branches.

Males rarely take part in raising cubs, unless we are talking about small pandas that live in pairs (or in groups) permanently.

Shortly before giving birth, the female builds a nest of branches and leaves in a hollow or cleft in a rock. In this nest, little pandas are born - blind and deaf, weighing only about 100 g, whose color is more like beige than red or orange.

Usually 1-2 cubs, but sometimes four are born at once, but rarely more than one survives to independent life. The cubs grow very slowly. Around the 18th day they open their eyes. Only at the age of three months do they acquire the color characteristic of an adult, and they begin to leave the nest and feed on solid food. A little later, having left the nest, they wander with their mother around her area - until mid-winter (and according to other sources, for a whole year).

This is why Small pandas live as a family, because... the cubs simply cannot survive alone. The habitat of the Red Panda is very large territory And natural enemies she doesn't have much, but this species is included in the lists International Red Book with the status "At risk". The species was classified as endangered with only 2,500 individuals remaining.

The fact is that the density of animals in nature is very low, and, in addition, the habitats of the Red Panda can easily be destroyed. The main danger is the constant deforestation in these regions, as well as poaching and hunting of the red panda in India and southwest China because of its beautiful fur (from which hats are made).

However, unlike Giant Pandas, which refuse to breed in captivity, this problem does not exist with Red Pandas. Currently, 350 of these animals are kept in 85 zoos around the world, and the same number have been born in captivity over the past two decades.

However, the number of red panda cubs in one litter is usually no more than two individuals, and they are born only once a year. Therefore, the population of Little Pandas is still under threat, and in their natural habitat their mortality rate is very high.

But there is hope that we humans will still correct our own mistakes and be able to save Little Pandas, Giant Pandas and other animals for our future generations. Although it would not hurt to think about the fact that humanity has been engaged in Sisyphean labor for thousands of years.

Systematic position this animal is still unclear. The giant panda was eventually considered, after much debate and complex research, to be a member of the bear family. What about the small one? In various reference books they write about her either as a bear, or as a raccoon, or as a representative of a separate family. Even her family ties with the giant panda are by no means proven. Scientists made a conclusion about the closeness of these animals (back in the time of Pierre David) based on the similarity of nutrition and dental structure. But the peculiarities of the dental system are an adaptation to certain food, and the fact that two species live next door and feed similarly does not prove anything. So this question is still waiting for its researchers.

At one time, relatives of modern pandas, or, in any case, animals similar to them, were very widespread - fossil remains of predators with a similar structure of the dental system are also known from of Eastern Europe, and from North America. However, these animals, according to scientists, were adapted to a certain type of climate, with changes in which the range of pandas sharply decreased.

The red panda is a nocturnal, or rather twilight, animal. She is an excellent tree climber and spends a lot of time among the branches. But in search of food it usually descends to the ground.

Red pandas live alone. “Personal” territory of the female, as observations show recent years, occupies an area of ​​​​about 2.5 km 2, the male is twice as large. This is a lot for an animal weighing 5 kg, especially a herbivore, since bamboo grows in abundance in those places.

But let’s not forget that not the entire bamboo plant is suitable for red panda food, but only the youngest shoots, which have to be searched for a long time. So single image the lives of the animals are completely justified.

Fortunately, the red panda breeds well in captivity. Currently, about 300 of these animals are kept in 85 zoos around the world, and the same number have been born in captivity over the past two decades. These cute animals are well tamed and delight visitors with their charming view. True, it is very difficult to keep them even in zoos, and simply impossible at home: the red panda needs too specific a diet. And if fed improperly, these animals quickly die from intestinal diseases.

February 27th, 2017

Who would have thought that this is also a panda. I was very surprised at the time.

Lesser or Red Panda(lat. Ailurus fulgens - “cat painted like fire”, “cat-bear”, “fiery cat”).

In China, due to its color and similarity in size to a fox, the red panda is called hunho - “fire fox” (eng. firefox), this phrase was used by Mozilla when they named their browser “Mozilla Firefox” (so the logo is a PANDA, not a fox).

A modern, poetic and incredibly appropriate name for the Red Panda, “brilliant, bright cat,” was proposed by a French naturalist and scientist F. Cuvier.

The history of the discovery and description of the red panda is interesting. Written mentions of this beast in China go back to the 13th century, but Europeans learned about it only in the 19th century. It was officially “presented” to the public in 1821 by the English general and naturalist Thomas Hardwicke, who collected material on the territory of the English colonies. He suggested calling this animal the word “wha” - one of its Chinese names, based on the imitation of the “hha” sounds made by this same animal. In addition, the general said, the Chinese call it “hun-ho” and “poonya.” However, Hardwick failed to become the “godfather” of the newly discovered animal.

He was delayed in returning to England with his materials, and the Latin name - Ailurus fulgens, which can be translated as “brilliant cat,” was given to the new animal by the French naturalist Frederic Cuvier. The English scientific community was infuriated by such “theft,” but according to the rule adopted by the naturalists themselves, once the scientific name given to an organism cannot be changed. And the “discoverer” of a species is considered to be the one who assigned this name to it.

However, writes zoologist Miles Roberts, perhaps this is for the best. After all, the poetic epithet “brilliant”, “bright” is much better suited for such a beautiful animal than the incomprehensible “hha”. Frederic Cuvier himself wrote about the new animal as “a beautiful creature, one of the most beautiful quadrupeds.”

The name proposed by General Hardwick did not take root as the English name for the animal. Although the word “wha” can sometimes be found in English-language literature, the general’s compatriots preferred another Chinese name - “poonya”, which they quickly converted into “panda”. So “haha” became a panda.

When, in 1869, Pierre Armand David, a French missionary to China and a passionate naturalist, reported a new predatory animal that had a similar tooth structure and fed on bamboo, it was also called the panda. And since this animal was much larger, it was natural that it began to be called the “big panda,” and “xha,” accordingly, became the small or red panda - most often now it is referred to by this name.

And then the red panda was forgotten for a long time. All the scientists' attention was focused on the “bamboo bear”. They began to study in detail the peculiarities of the biology of “xha” - first in zoos, and then in natural habitats - only recently.

Probably everyone knows about the giant panda. This large black and white “bear” has become the symbol of the World Wildlife Fund and the prototype for many cute toys. But his relative - small, or red,panda- is much less known. But in vain. This animal, although smaller in size than the giant panda, is no less cute. A luxurious thick red-red fur coat, a short light muzzle, large widely spaced ears trimmed with wool, a long fluffy tail with dark stripes... The red panda is slightly larger in size than a domestic cat: body length - 50-60 cm, tail - 30-50 cm, weight - about 5 kg.

The red panda is widespread in Southwestern China, Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan and northeast India and is found here in mountainous areas - at an altitude of 2000 to 4800 m above sea level. So, although the habitat of this animal is located at the latitude of the Persian Gulf, the climate in its habitat is moderate, one might even say cool.

True, the air temperature here is relatively constant throughout the year, and winter and summer differ rather in the amount of precipitation. But it’s never really dry in those places either - rain, constant fog... In short, it’s cool and damp. And the forests growing in these conditions are by no means tropical, but mixed - of coniferous (mainly fir) and deciduous species, with a dense undergrowth of rhododendron and, especially, bamboo. It is in these forests that the red panda lives.

The paws are short, strong, with semi-retractable claws, which help the panda to easily climb and descend trees. Firefox lives up to its name. The panda's color is bright red or even red and orange. The panda's muzzle is elongated and really looks like a fox.

In appearance there really is little in common with "Big Panda". Archaeological excavations have shown that the red panda is a very distant relative Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) . Their common ancestor supposedly lived millions of years ago. It was widespread throughout Eurasia.

Fossils of Red Pandas have been found from eastern China to western Britain. Archaeologists have found the remains of Red Pandas even in North America (in the states of Tennessee and Washington) and suggest that this could be a new subspecies of the Red Panda that lived in the Miocene.

There are 2 subspecies of this animal: the western red panda ( Ailurus fulgens fulgens), living in Nepal and Bhutan, and the red panda Staiana ( Ailurus fulgens styani), living in the area of ​​southern China and northern Myanmar.

The red panda Styan is larger and darker than his western counterpart cousin, but there is considerable variation in both subspecies, and some individuals may be brown or tan rather than red.

They are, as a rule, inaudible; they communicate with each other using a set of different sounds, reminiscent of chirping, chirping or whistling. They sleep on tree branches or in hollows during the day, becoming more active in the evening. When it’s hot, the red panda sleeps, stretched out on a branch with its paws dangling, and when it’s cold, it curls up and covers itself with its tail. They are very sensitive to high temperatures and cannot tolerate temperatures above 25 °C.

After waking up, red pandas groom themselves like cats, licking their front paws and then rubbing their backs, bellies, and sides. The red panda's predators are Snow Leopard, marten, and people. If they feel threatened, they will try to escape by climbing onto a rock or tree. If they cannot escape, they stand on hind legs and use sharp claws for defense.

The red panda is a fashionista and a beauty. She has a fluffy tail and very long beautiful claws on her paws.

Red or Lesser pandas lead a predominantly nocturnal, or rather twilight-evening lifestyle, and in most cases they sleep during the day. The bed for Firefox is a warm and cozy hollow in which the panda sleeps, curled up and covering his eyes with his fluffy tail.

In general, the red panda in this position is similar to a domestic cat or fox. In its normal state, the voice of the Lesser Panda is short, weak cries, reminiscent of bird chirping. She can also make a series of whistles and snorts when she gets scared.

Despite the fact that the panda is a representative of the order of carnivores, young leaves and shoots of bamboo make up 95% of the diet of this species. The remaining 5% are various fruits, berries, mushrooms, bird eggs or small rodents, if they turn up, of course.

It should be noted that bamboo is, in fact, a rather inedible plant. In addition to the red panda, only 4 species of animals are known that are specialized in feeding on this giant cereal - a giant panda, two bamboo rats (one of which is common in China, the other in Brazil) and one of the species of Madagascar lemurs. We should not forget that carnivores stand out as a separate order not because they eat animal food - some ungulates, for example, do not disdain it - but because of the presence of special devices for obtaining it and, most importantly, assimilating it. They have appropriate teeth, a simple stomach, and not a multi-chambered one, like ruminants, and a short intestine.

And fibrous plant foods are usually not good for them. The situation with the dental system of pandas is relatively good: their molars have numerous tubercles that allow them to grind and chew plant fibers well. But the digestive tract of a red panda is that of a common predator. And therefore, as special studies have shown, the animal’s body absorbs no more than one quarter of the energy contained in the eaten bamboo leaves.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the red panda, unlike its “big sister”, the giant panda, is very selective in its diet. If the “bamboo bear” sends almost all parts of the bamboo into its mouth (except for the lignified trunks, of course), then the red panda looks for leaves and shoots that are more tender. They are, of course, easier to digest, but more difficult to find. Observations have shown that red pandas spend 13 hours a day feeding.

But the search for food is an expended effort, the same energy. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Moreover, the climate is not at all hot - probably precisely in order not to waste scarce energy on heating, the red panda acquired such a luxurious fur coat and an amazing shaggy tail. The animal wraps itself around it like a scarf when it lies down to rest, curled up in a tight ball somewhere in a fork in the branches.

Males rarely take part in raising cubs, unless we are talking about small pandas that live in pairs (or in groups) permanently.

Shortly before giving birth, the female builds a nest of branches and leaves in a hollow or cleft in a rock. In this nest, little pandas are born - blind and deaf, weighing only about 100 g, whose color is more like beige than red or orange.

Usually 1-2 cubs, but sometimes four are born at once, but rarely more than one survives to independent life. The cubs grow very slowly. Around the 18th day they open their eyes. Only at the age of three months do they acquire the color characteristic of an adult, and they begin to leave the nest and feed on solid food. A little later, having left the nest, they wander with their mother around her area - until mid-winter (and according to other sources, for a whole year).

This is why Small pandas live as a family, because... the cubs simply cannot survive alone. The habitat of the Red Panda occupies a very large area and it has few natural enemies, but this species is included in the lists International Red Book with the status "At risk". The species was classified as endangered with only 2,500 individuals remaining.

The fact is that the density of animals in nature is very low, and, in addition, the habitats of the Red Panda can easily be destroyed. The main danger is the constant deforestation in these regions, as well as poaching and hunting of the red panda in India and southwest China because of its beautiful fur (from which hats are made).

However, unlike Giant Pandas, which refuse to breed in captivity, this problem does not exist with Red Pandas. Currently, 350 of these animals are kept in 85 zoos around the world, and the same number have been born in captivity over the past two decades.

The number of red panda cubs in one litter is usually no more than two individuals, and they are born only once a year. Therefore, the population of Little Pandas is still under threat, and in their natural habitat their mortality rate is very high.

But there is hope that we humans will still correct our own mistakes and be able to save Little Pandas, Giant Pandas and other animals for our future generations. Although it would not hurt to think about the fact that humanity has been engaged in Sisyphean labor for thousands of years.

The systematic position of this animal is still unclear. The giant panda was eventually considered, after much debate and complex research, to be a member of the bear family. What about the small one? In various reference books they write about her either as a bear, or as a raccoon, or as a representative of a separate family. Even her family ties with the giant panda are by no means proven. Scientists made a conclusion about the closeness of these animals (back in the time of Pierre David) based on the similarity of nutrition and dental structure. But the peculiarities of the dental system are an adaptation to certain food, and the fact that two species live next door and feed similarly does not prove anything. So this question is still waiting for its researchers.

At one time, relatives of modern pandas, or, in any case, animals similar to them, were very widespread - fossil remains of predators with a similar structure of the dental system are known from both Eastern Europe and North America. However, these animals, according to scientists, were adapted to a certain type of climate, with changes in which the range of pandas sharply decreased.

The red panda is a nocturnal, or rather twilight, animal. She is an excellent tree climber and spends a lot of time among the branches. But in search of food it usually descends to the ground.

The “personal” territory of the female, as observations in recent years show, occupies an area of ​​about 2.5 km 2, the male - twice as much. This is a lot for an animal weighing 5 kg, especially a herbivore, since bamboo grows in abundance in those places.

But let’s not forget that not the entire bamboo plant is suitable for red panda food, but only the youngest shoots, which have to be searched for a long time. So the solitary lifestyle of the animals is quite justified.

Fortunately, the red panda breeds well in captivity. Currently, about 300 of these animals are kept in 85 zoos around the world, and the same number have been born in captivity over the past two decades. These cute animals are easily tamed and delight visitors with their charming appearance. True, it is very difficult to keep them even in zoos, and simply impossible at home: the red panda needs too specific a diet. And if fed improperly, these animals quickly die from intestinal diseases.

Fans of Mozilla Firefox, today we will talk about an animal that is directly related to this browser. Its emblem depicts an animal that looks like a fox. But is it? Firefox translates to "fire fox", that's right. But few people know that the Chinese name for the small (red) panda - “hon ho” - has the same meaning. And it is this animal, and not a fox, that is part of the logo of this browser.

Small or red panda (lat. Ailurus fulgens) (eng. Red panda)

The relationship between the red and giant panda is very distant. Many millions of years ago, approximately in the early Tertiary period, their common ancestor lived on Earth, who lived on the territory of modern Eurasia.

There are 2 subspecies of this animal: the western red panda (Ailurus fulgens fulgens), which lives in Nepal and Bhutan, and the small panda Styani (Ailurus fulgens styani), which lives in the region of southern China and northern Myanmar. The main difference between them is their size and coloring - the red panda Staiana is larger and darker than its western relative.

In nature, red pandas are now found only in a few Chinese provinces (Sichuan and Yunnan), Nepal, Bhutan, northern Burma, and northeastern India. Their habitat is coniferous forests(mostly fir), which alternate with deciduous tree species: oak, maple, chestnut and others. They are necessary for the growth of bamboo, the red panda's main food. Such forests can be found at an altitude of 2000-4000 meters above sea level. Most of the year they are shrouded in clouds, which creates favorable conditions for the development of mosses and lichens. You’ll find out why we mentioned them a little later.

Red pandas grow to size big cat, but due to their thick and long fur they seem larger than they actually are. The body length including the fluffy tail is about 80-120 centimeters, and average weight equal to 4-6 kilograms. The short legs are equipped with strongly curved claws, which only partially extend forward, and the feet are covered with short fur, which helps when walking on ice or snow. There is an “extra finger” on the front paws, thanks to which the panda can hold bamboo branches while eating. Externally, males are not much different from females.

These animals have a very beautiful coloring - dark or light red, but not everywhere, but mostly on the back, sides and tail. The belly and paws are dark brown or even black. The red tail has light rings. The animal's head is decorated with white areas on the muzzle, on the cheeks, along the edges of the ears and around the eyes.

Red striped tail.

It was not by chance that nature prepared this color for this animal. The red color performs a protective function and allows the red panda, while resting or sleeping, to remain unnoticeable among the red lichens that strew the trunks and branches. coniferous trees, in particular fir.

In the habitats of these animals average temperature air fluctuates around 10-25 degrees and precipitation constantly falls - rain or snow. This means that the fur must retain heat well. During particularly cold periods, in order to keep warm, the panda curls up on branches or in a hollow into a tight ball and covers its head with its tail, like a blanket.

They spend most of their time in trees, where they feel like fish in water. They come down to earth for food. They are most active in the evening, and during the day they settle down comfortably in hollows and sleep. A long tail helps them maintain balance while in the trees. Descending to the ground, they hold it straight without touching the ground.

Each panda, whether male or female, has its own territory, and a considerable one. For males it is about 5 km2, and for females it is 2 times less. They mark it with special marks: secretions from the anal glands, urine or piles of droppings, thanks to which the animals immediately learn which neighbors live next to them.

Adults live alone, uniting in groups only during the breeding season, which begins in January. Sometimes you can meet a small group of pandas even in the off season - this is an adult female with her grown-up offspring.

The baby is born only 90-145 days after mating, but a “real” pregnancy lasts only about 50 days. This is explained by the fact that the fetus begins to develop only after a sufficiently long period of time after conception.

Before giving birth, the female builds a nest for herself in a hollow or in a rock crevice. Typically, red pandas give birth to 1-2 cubs, sometimes there may be more, but in the end only one will survive. They develop very slowly. Up to 5 months of age they feed on mother's milk. Initially, the fur of the cubs is colored grey colour and only after 3 months they begin to acquire a red color. The cubs can stay next to their mother for a whole year until a new generation appears. By this period, most often, young animals themselves reach sexual maturity, separate from the female and begin an independent life.

Despite the fact that they are predators, the majority of their diet consists of plant foods (almost 95 . These are primarily young and fresh bamboo shoots, mushrooms, berries and fruits. But sometimes they can snack on small rodents and bird eggs.

As a result, dental system They are like herbivores - the structure of their molars allows them to grind plant foods. As we can see, this panda's food is very low in calories, and to get required amount energy, the animal has to eat about 2 kilograms of food per day. In zoos they are fed fruits, leaves, bamboo buds, grass, rice cooked in milk and sweet milk.

They have few enemies. This is a snow leopard and a man. The second one is much more dangerous than the first one. They can quickly climb a tree from a leopard, but you can’t hide from a person anywhere. Now this animal is listed in the International Red Book under the status of “endangered”. The main reasons for the decline in the number of small pandas are deforestation and hunting for their beautiful fur, which is used to make hats.

Fortunately for us, red pandas reproduce well in captivity, since zoos have all the favorable conditions for development. In nature, their life expectancy is approximately 8-10 years, while in zoos it is about 15 years.