Kira Stoletova

The mushroom Gigrofor has unique properties, which have a positive effect on the human body. Studying the characteristics of a plant allows you to enjoy the harvest and benefit from consuming the crop.

Description of appearance

The mushroom is a lamellar plant, belongs to the Hygrophoraceae family. Externally, it has a convex cap with mucus, cream, olive color, its diameter reaches 5-13 cm. The leg grows to 3-6 cm, is presented in the shape of a cylinder. The plates are descending, with a diverging layer.

Types of mushroom

The Gigrofor mushroom has about 40 varieties. They grow among trees and grass, forming a joint root system. The most famous types of the Hygrofor mushroom are:

  • larch;
  • early;
  • late;
  • fragrant;
  • white (sweet tooth, olive-white);
  • black;
  • Russula;
  • beech.

They grow in spruce and birch areas, where a layer of moss predominates. Distributed throughout Asia, North America, Europe.


Larch hygrophorus has a light yellow cap with a diameter of 3-7 cm, with mucus. The leg of the edible species grows up to 3-8 cm, is cylindrical in shape and thickened at the base; there are rarely mucous threads that connect the leg and cap.

Larch Hygrofor has white or yellowish flesh. The fungus is common under larches in the south European countries from August to September.


Early hygrophorus grows in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. They grow in small families in last year's foliage and old pine needles. Description of the mushroom:

  • the cap is white in a young species, there are convex places, with a crooked part;
  • the pulp is odorless, tender and white;
  • short, fleshy leg;
  • an adult mushroom dries and turns out gray, less often black;
  • white plates.

Early Gigrofor has a pleasant taste; soups and other dishes are prepared from them.

Late (brown)

The late Hygrofor mushroom begins to grow in the fall and reaches small sizes before snow falls. Brown hygrophorus - a mushroom hiding in moss thickets, is found in large groups. This species has a small brown or light brown cap with a smooth surface, its diameter is up to 4 cm. The stem of the Hygrophora mushroom is of a late brown color, thin and long.


Fragrant hygrophorus is found from late August to November in shady areas where there is spruce and moss. Forms small groups, which in damp weather have a persistent anise-almond aroma.

The cap is gray-brown, gray-green, reaches a diameter of up to 8 cm. The pulp is tasteless, loose, and smells of anise. The plates are thick, sparse and gray, are located under the cap. The leg is light gray with a dense structure, 5 cm high.

White (sweet tooth, olive-white)

You can meet families of Hygrofora white, olive-white in the fall; they form large colonies. The sweet mushroom begins to grow from September until the end of October. Hygrophor white has the following description:

  • the hat is white and convex, after a while it becomes yellow and smooth. diameter 2-8 cm;
  • the pulp is white, bitter, has no odor;
  • the leg is high and cylindrical in shape.

In humid weather, mucus appears on the surface. This species is popular among mushroom pickers.


Hygrofor black has the following description:

  • the cap is convex, over time turns into depressed, with wavy edges, up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • the flesh is brittle and white;
  • the leg is in the shape of a cylinder, covered lengthwise with grooves;
  • plates are white and blue.

Black Hygrofor grows in damp autumn among mosses and is a delicacy.


Russula hygrophorus is not common in forests. This species is larger than others, the cap is burgundy, dark pink, with mucus, 12 cm in diameter. The pulp has no smell. The leg is dense, grows up to 10 cm.

Hygrophorus russula is an edible species.


Beech Hygrophorus is characterized by a thin elastic cap, smooth skin, sometimes sticky when damp. The leg is fragile, cylindrical in shape, covered with plaque, the plates are thin. It is an edible species, not very popular due to its small size and volume of pulp.

Beneficial features

Eating these mushrooms will improve metabolism, improve the functions of the thyroid gland, digestive, immune systems, normalize well-being.

The beneficial effects of Gigrofor are as follows:

  • normalizes the gastrointestinal tract - food is absorbed through the gastric walls, peristalsis is normalized, the mucous membrane becomes elastic;
  • blood microcirculation accelerates - neutralization of inflammatory processes;
  • control acid-base balance– the lymphatic system works better, wrinkles are smoothed out, aging slows down;
  • prevents the development of diabetes;
  • improves kidney and liver functions;
  • tones the body - stimulates metabolism, develops resistance to inflammatory processes;
  • helps fight excess weight;
  • sedative properties - reduces nervousness.


Not everyone is allowed to use Hygrofor. The mushroom is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of Hygrofor - manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, yellowness in the sclera of the eyes, salivation, stomach cramps, increased temperature, internal hemorrhage;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy – headache, nausea, confused thoughts, pressure changes, temperature rises, complexion changes.

Use in cooking

Hygrophores have a delicate taste. They are used for pickling, pickling, boiling and frying. Before cooking, remove mucus.

Cabbage and mushroom pie

For preparation you will need:

  • 250 g minced meat;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 700 g cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Wash the mushrooms, clean them, cook for 15-20 minutes, salt the water. Onions are fried, mixed with minced meat, mushrooms, salt, and spices. The cabbage is chopped finely, eggs, flour, herbs, and salt are added to it. Place half the cabbage in the pan, mushroom filling on top, then the rest of the cabbage. The pie is fried on both sides until cooked. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs.

Black hygrophorus - Hygrophorus camarophyllus. Late autumn mushroom.

Hygrofor - a tasty and edible mushroom, in the late November forest for an experienced mushroom picker

Application in medicine

Gigrofor contains minerals and vitamins. Thanks to its composition, the mushroom is widely used to treat colds and illnesses, relieves inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Hygrophores have antibacterial and antifungal effects and are used to prepare a strong antibiotic.

Growing methods

Hygrofor can be grown at home by sowing mycelium. One package per 1 m². The seeds are mixed with soil or sand. Planting is carried out under trees at any time of the year; the soil requires loosening for deepening.

The mycelium is placed on a loosened area and covered with forest or garden soil. The planting is watered at the rate of 10 l/m². Harvesting is carried out 4 times a year: 2 times in spring and autumn. It is possible to improve the planting yield with the help of humus fertilizers not during the growth period.

Hygrophores can also be grown indoors; the yield with this method is low.


Hygrofor - tasty and healthy mushroom. Proper Use Its properties in medicine and cooking make it possible to obtain benefits for the body.

Hygrophor brown – agaric family Gigroforov, genus Gigrofor. It is also called late hygrophorus, woodlice and sweetweed.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Hygrophorus hypothejus.

The diameter of the brown hygrophore cap is 2-5 centimeters. The shape of the cap is initially slightly convex or flat with bent edges, but as it grows, the shape becomes funnel-shaped, with a characteristic small tubercle in the center. The color of the cap is yellow-brown, often with an olive tint; this tint is especially characteristic of young, moist specimens. The surface of the cap is smooth, very slimy.

The pulp is whitish in color, without a pronounced taste or smell. The fork-shaped plates, quite sparse, yellowish in color, descend deeply along the stem. White spore powder. The leg of the sweet woman is long and thin - its height is 4-10 centimeters, and its diameter is 0.5-1 centimeter. The shape of the leg is cylindrical, often tortuous. The leg structure is solid. The surface of the leg is more or less slimy, and the color is yellowish.

Distribution of brown hygrophores

These mushrooms bear fruit from mid-September and are found until late autumn, without fear of frost and even the first snow.

Brown hygrophores grow in mixed and coniferous forests. They are found next to pine trees. They often settle among the moss, hiding up to the cap. At good conditions brown hygrophores can bear fruit in large groups.

Edibility of brown hygrophores

Slastena is a completely edible mushroom, despite its small size. Since these mushrooms bear fruit very late, when it is no longer possible to find other mushrooms, they are especially valued among mushroom pickers.

Other representatives of the genus

Golden hygrophorus is an edible mushroom. The shape of its cap is convex, but over time it becomes prostrate, the surface is lumpy. The skin is sticky with thin scales. The leg is also sticky, cylindrical, slightly narrowed. The color of the mushroom is whitish, and the scales covering the cap are yellowish.

These mushrooms grow in small groups. They are found in coniferous and deciduous forests, most often under beech and oak trees. They bear fruit from summer to autumn.

Hygrophorus early or March is an edible representative of the family. His cap is thick and fleshy, at first spherical in shape, and then spread out, sometimes even depressed. The cap is covered with silky skin. The color of the cap can be light gray, gray-lead and blackish. The leg is short and thick, shimmering with silver.

This edible mushroom is one of the first to appear. During the spring thaw, they can be found under the snow. Early hygrophorus – rare view, but in some places it is found quite abundantly. They grow mainly in the mountains, in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Hygrophorus meadow is also an edible mushroom. The fruit body is pale brown or golden yellow. The shape of the cap is at first strongly convex, then opens up and becomes flat with a central tubercle. The leg is smooth, cylindrical in shape.

Hygrophorus meadow bears fruit from summer to autumn. It is most often found in dry and moderately moist meadows, pastures and sometimes in light grassy forests.

Hygrophorus maidens is a conditionally edible representative of the family. At first the cap is convex in shape, but over time it straightens out. A wide tubercle is noticeable on the cap. Its surface is often bumpy. The leg is quite thin, cylindrical in shape. Hygrophora maiden is completely white, only the cap in the center can acquire a yellowish tint.

Hygrophora maidens bear fruit from summer to autumn. They are found in numerous groups in meadows, clearings, and along forest paths. They can grow on plains and in mountainous areas.

The kingdom of mushrooms is vast and diverse. In nature there are both edible and poisonous mushrooms. Entering the forest in mushroom season, a simple inexperienced person will not immediately be able to find those hiding under the foliage or at the roots of trees forest inhabitants. Some mushrooms are especially popular among mushroom pickers, others can be eaten, but are less popular. Hygrophorus can also be classified as such forest dwellers.

General characteristics of the mushroom

Not everyone has heard of hygrophore, or, as it is also mistakenly called, hydrophore. These mushrooms are quite common both in our forests and in other areas. European countries and even in North America.

Despite its unpopularity , the mushroom has about 40 varieties, most of of which are suitable for consumption immediately or after boiling in salt water. Its other name is sweet tooth, as the mushroom has a sweetish taste.

The mushroom belongs to the lamellar representatives of the Hygrophoraceae family. Its cap reaches a diameter of 4 to 12 cm. The stem and cap are always the same color - grayish-brown or grayish-olive.

A young hygrophorus mushroom can be distinguished from a more mature one by the characteristic bulge on the cap, which smoothes out over time. Sweets like to grow in meadows and forests, where they grow at the roots of trees - birch, beech, oak, spruce, pine.

This mushroom also loves wet places and an abundance of moss, near which it can also often be found. Hygrophores usually grow in groups, so experts do not recommend collecting individual individuals. Basically, the harvest of sweets begins in August and ends in November, but there is also an early variety that appears from under the snow along with snowdrops and blueberries.

Fragrant hygrophor appears in meadows and at the roots forest trees in August along with all the rest of his brothers. The diameter of the mushroom umbrella usually does not exceed 10 cm, and the color is light at the edge, darkening towards the center of the cap. The strong almond smell that a growing individual exudes gives it its name, since in wet weather this member of the family can be found by its aroma alone. You can enjoy it from August to early October.

Hygrophorus alba is also called the ivory mushroom. The diameter of the cap of this representative of the family reaches 8 cm, it is covered with a thick layer of mucus. It appears in early September, but despite the fact that it creates large colonies, it is common and edible. in great demand Mushroom pickers don’t use it.

The hygrophorus mushroom is one of the edible species of forest fauna. on this page you can find a description of the hygrophorus mushroom and the family as a whole, as representatives of the edible group. It is also suggested to look at the hygrophorus mushroom in the photos that illustrate each description. Popularly known as the blackhead mushroom, which is actively collected in the autumn season. The sweet mushroom can have a specific taste and aroma. Hygrophorus brown is distributed almost everywhere.

Hygrofor olive-white


Synonyms: blackhead, sweet tooth, brown hygrophorus

Description. The cap is 2-6 cm in diameter, hemispherical to conical, then spread out with a rounded tubercle, mucous, in young mushrooms gray or olive-brown with a dark brown, sometimes almost black center, slightly lighter with age. The plates are sparse, thick, pure or creamy white. The pulp is dense, white, usually lemon-yellow in the tubercle under the skin, without much taste or smell. The stalk is 4-10 X 0.4-1 cm, cylindrical, in young mushrooms it is covered with a mucous blanket connected to the edges of the cap, above the blanket zone it is dry and white, below it is mucous, olive-brown, with age with dark olive-brown concentric scaly belts.

The olive-white hygrophorus mushroom is found in coniferous and mixed forests on acidic soils and among mosses, throughout the forest zone of Russia, it forms mycorrhiza with spruce and pine. Fruits in August-November.

Similar species. The hygrophore Person (H. persoonii), which is most similar to this mushroom, forms mycorrhiza not with coniferous trees, but with deciduous trees.

Derivatives of cyclopentenones, called hygrophorones, were isolated from the fruiting bodies (the fungus produces them as secondary metabolites). They showed high antibacterial and antifungal activity, especially against gram-positive bacteria. In view of this, H. olivaceoalbus can become a promising source of antibiotics, aimed primarily against those bacteria that have already acquired resistance to many modern drugs (methicillin, ciprofloxatin and vancomycin).

Traditional and folk medicine. The mushroom is used in traditional Chinese medicine for its general health-promoting effects due to the presence of 4-, 6-, or 4,5,6-tri-O-acetyls (Hygrophoron B14).

Use in cooking. A good edible mushroom, eaten fresh, pickled and salted.

White hygrophor - description and photo of the mushroom

Family: Hygrophoraceae.

Description. The cap is 2-10 cm in diameter, of medium thickness, convex, often with a wide tubercle, less often blunt-conical, smooth, slimy, with a sinuous drooping edge, initially white, later ivory-colored, slightly yellowish when dry. The cap, when wet, is covered with a thick layer of mucus so much so that it makes collecting the mushroom difficult. When you rub the mushroom between your fingers, it feels like wax. The pulp is white, dense, with a pleasant taste, with a specific smell (reminiscent of the smell of odorous woodworm caterpillars). The plates are descending, dense, thick, sparse, white, sometimes with a faint cream tint. Leg 4-12 X 0.5-1.5 cm, central, cylindrical, formed, later often hollow, white, slightly mealy or granular in the upper part, mucous in the lower part, with white point-shaped scales.

Hygrophorus white grows on soil in mixed and deciduous forests(under oaks, beeches, elms), bears fruit from August to November. In the southern forest zone - often, in places abundantly.

Similar species. To loved ones appearance fungi include yellowish disc hygrophorus (H. discoxanthus). We can easily distinguish it by the rusty-brown spots that appear when touched. Several other white-colored hygrophores grow only in spruce or birch forests or have a distinct mucous ring on the stalk.

Pharmacological and medical properties. Fruiting bodies contain a large number of trace elements (magnesium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, tin, cadmium).

A yellowish-white hygrophore was isolated from the fruiting body whole line biologically active substances, including fatty acids with bactericidal and antifungal activity. Fatty acids are formed on the basis of the substance y-oxocrotonate. One of these acids, (E)-4-oxohexadeca-2-enoic acid, showed fungicidal activity against the potato and tomato pathogen Phytophthora infestans.

Other secondary metabolites have been isolated, such as the ceramide component called hydrofamide, as well as the P-carbonyl alkaloids known as harmane and norharmane, characteristic of higher plants. This discovery, made in 2008, was the first to show the presence of such substances in the fruiting bodies of mushrooms.

Use in cooking. It is eaten fresh, pickled and salted. In China, a drink is prepared with it from yak milk, fermented with a mixture of Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Hygrofor fragrant

Family: Hygrophoraceae.

Synonyms: fragrant hygrophor, fragrant hygrophor, gray hygrophor.

Description. The cap is 4-10 cm in diameter, convex, then flat, often with a flat tubercle or depressed, smooth, slimy or slightly sticky, gray, yellowish-gray, sometimes with an olive tint, lighter along the edge (to whitish), sometimes dirty white. The plates are sparse, thick, white, grayish with age. The pulp is white or grayish, with a strong odor of almonds or anise (or a combination of both), and an inexpressive taste. Leg 5-15 X 0.6-2 cm, cylindrical or narrowed towards the base, dry or wet, with pubescence, powdery granular coating or small yellowish scales, initially white, grayish with age.

Hygrophorus fragrant is found in coniferous and mixed forests, on calcareous soils, often among mosses, throughout the forest zone of Russia, not often and not abundantly, it forms mycorrhiza with spruce.

Fruits in August-October.

Similar species. The combination of characteristic odor (anise-almond) and color does not allow this hygrophorus to be confused with its other relatives.

Medicinal properties. Studies on antioxidant activity have shown the presence of at least five organic acids: oxalic, citric, malic, quinine and fumaric. In tests for antimicrobial activity, the fungus showed growth inhibition wide range bacteria pathogenic for humans: Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and Bacillus subtilis. Antifungal activity is shown against the yeast pathogens Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Use in cooking. An edible mushroom with low taste, eaten fresh, pickled and salted.

It cannot be said that hygrofor (see photo) is considered a popular mushroom, but some of its varieties have a great taste and aroma. That is why today there are many fans of this variety. Hygrofor is very common and its advantage is that some species can be found in late autumn, in snowy forest clearings, when other mushrooms no longer grow.

However, when going into the forest, you need to arm yourself with information that will help you distinguish edible species from poisonous ones, and will also help to accurately determine the place where it grows maximum amount mushrooms Let's consider a description of the edible varieties of hygrophora, the place where they grow and a description of the beneficial properties of this mushroom.

Mushroom Hygrofor description.

The name hygrophorus unites a numerous genus lamellar mushrooms, which are part of the Hygrophoraceae family. Mushrooms are common almost all over the world, but they are not considered edible everywhere. In our latitudes grows about 10 various types, including both edible and inedible. The peculiarity of the genus Hygrophora is that almost all varieties have small fruiting bodies with convex mucous caps. Let's look at descriptions of edible species.

  1. Snow-white hygrophor.

Tiny mushrooms that are common in meadows and deciduous forest areas. Due to their small size, they are difficult to notice, so the “prey” goes to only the most attentive mushroom pickers. The cap of the snow-white hygrophorus is small, reaching a maximum diameter of 3 cm. In young mushrooms, the cap has a hemispherical, convex shape, but with age it noticeably flattens and can become funnel-shaped. In young mushrooms, the color of the cap is white; with age, it acquires a cream or beige hue.

At high humidity the surface of the caps becomes slimy. A distinctive characteristic is thin and sparse descending plates. The leg grows from 3 to 6 cm in height. The leg is painted in the same shade as the cap. When cut, the pulp is snow-white, with a weak aroma and very thin, almost tasteless. Hygrofor snow-white belongs to the fourth category edible mushrooms, it can be consumed only after soaking and heat treatment.

  1. Russula hygrophor.

Another edible species from the genus Hygrophorus. Most often, this mushroom can be found in coniferous forests and birch groves, but not earlier than mid-September, and no later than the end of November. Russula hygrophor has a rich taste and a light mushroom aroma; its flesh is white, does not change color during oxidation, but is slightly bitter, so it is soaked before cooking to get rid of the bitter taste.

Pinkish caps can grow from 2 to 9-10 cm, have a hemispherical, convex shape, but over time they become flat and prostrate. Small scales are observed on the surface of the cap closer to the center. The leg is thin, erect or curved, up to 10 cm in height, closer to the cap it is covered with small scales, and at the base it is colored beige. The plates of the mushroom are thick, descending onto the stalk.

  1. Hygrophor brown.

This mushroom should be looked for in damp, dark and mossy places of coniferous and mixed forests, and it is considered one of the latest, since it begins to bear fruit only in early October. The mushroom caps are depressed in the center, medium-sized - maximum about 5-6 cm in diameter. The surface of the cap is covered with thin, sticky, brown or brown-olive skin, which is slightly lighter at the edges.

Thick, waxy plates are yellow in color, descend onto the stalk and are sparsely located. The legs are thin, up to 1 cm in diameter, long – up to 10 cm, cylindrical in shape. The leg can be colored beige or olive-brown, slimy, with a barely noticeable membranous ring - the remains of a veil. Brown hygrophorus good for pickling and pickling, can be eaten boiled.

  1. Olive-brown hygrophor.

An edible and tasty hygrophora, found mainly in coniferous forests. The fruiting season begins in August and ends with the first frost. The legs of this mushroom are white or brown or light olive, covered with ring-shaped scales of a darker shade. The caps can grow up to 10 cm in diameter, are slimy and sticky, and have a glossy shine in dry weather. The color of the cap is light olive, the shade becomes more saturated closer to the center, and lighter at the edges.

Where and when to look for hygrophor?

Hygrophores form mycorrhizae with various foliage and coniferous trees, as well as with herbs, which explains their frequent appearance in areas far from forests. Mostly, edible varieties Hygrophoras begin to bear fruit no earlier than August, although some specimens appear as early as June-July. In any case, peak fruiting occurs in August-October.

Brown and olive-brown hygrophorus is most often found in coniferous and mixed forests with a predominance of coniferous species. Snow-white hygrophorus can be found in large quantities in sunlit clearings in forests where broad-leaved crops predominate.

Russula hygrophora forms mycorrhiza with oak and birch, but is also found under other deciduous crops. Mushrooms bear fruit abundantly and are practically never found alone - they grow in numerous colonies of 20-40 pieces.

Precautionary measures.

The hygrophorus mushroom is highly valued not only for its prevalence and taste qualities. Mushroom pickers also highlight the recognition of this variety as an advantage. There are no poisonous or dangerous species in the Hygrophora genus, therefore, even if you make a mistake on mushroom hunting, the mushroom picker will not pay for it with life and health.

But, there are conditionally edible varieties that can cause digestive upset. As a rule, such varieties are very easy to identify by their quickly darkening flesh, strong aroma, which is not typical for edible ones, and brightly colored caps.

Mushroom Gigrofor benefits and harm.

Almost all types of edible hygrophores have a similar composition and nutritional value. This mushroom has a very low calorie content - up to 18 kcal per 100 grams of product. When finished, most of the beneficial substances are retained unchanged in the pulp of the mushroom. Who is this mushroom good for?

  • For people with problems with the cardiovascular system. Calcium and magnesium, which these mushrooms are rich in, strengthens the heart muscle, and rutin and ascorbic acid have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Hygrophor is also useful for diabetes mellitus– in the early stages, its use can even stop the further development of the problem.
  • The mushroom can be an indispensable source of protein for vegetarians. It is easily absorbed by the body.
  • The mushroom is also suitable as a choleretic agent - it increases appetite and helps cleanse the liver.

We must not forget about contraindications, ignoring which can lead to the fact that the mushroom will cause harm rather than benefit. Pregnancy and breastfeeding, peptic ulcer stomach, serious problems with the kidneys and liver are contraindications for consuming this mushroom in any form.

Hygrofor edible is often underestimated by mushroom pickers, but it beneficial features and taste qualities deserve attention. The mushroom is useful not only when boiled or fried, it can be harvested for the winter without losing its taste and nutritional value.

Mushroom Gigrofor photo.