The catfish is a fish that lives in northern waters. In Europe, she was given a second name - "sea wolf". It belongs to the representatives of the perciformes, but in appearance it does not look like a perch at all. What kind of fish is this and what benefits and harms does it bring to the human body?

Description and varieties of catfish

Her appearance is intimidating. Large, ugly and protruding teeth. The body is spotted, about 1 meter in size, and weighing up to 30 kg. It is found in the North, Barents, Baltic, White Seas at a depth of 600 m. The food of the "sea wolf" is crayfish, mollusks, jellyfish.

In nature, there are several varieties of catfish.

In warm time, the fish is located near the coast and lives at a depth of 150 m, in the cold it sinks lower. Changes are also observed in appearance: the color becomes light, spots and stripes are invisible.

Depending on the habitat, the process of reproduction occurs in different time. In the south, in warm waters- in winter, in the north - in summer.

Chemical composition

Fish pulp is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It does not contain carbohydrates at all, due to which it is actively used for diet.

Benefits for the body

"Sea Wolf" - white fish, which is valued for its delicious meat and tender caviar. The pulp of catfish is nutritious, with a pleasant taste. Experienced craftsmen make unusual souvenirs from beautiful leather. What is the use of a marine product?

Dietary properties, calories

Catfish is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of which contains 95 kcal. Depending on heat treatment the energy value may vary:

  • boiled - 110 kcal;
  • baked in the oven - 130 kcal;
  • fried - 210 kcal.

For this reason, nutritionists are allowed to include in the diet to reduce excess weight. Muscle fibers are not destroyed, their volume is not reduced. As a result of the diet excess weight goes away smoothly due to the elimination of the fat layer.

Unlike other types of diets, there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins. You can not replace the usual ingredients with sea fish. You can simply increase the frequency of intake by reducing your daily calorie intake. In order to reduce weight, it is recommended to include catfish in the diet no more than 2-3 times in 7 days.

Fish may be used for unloading day. Use it in steam or boiled form along with vegetables. This method of removing toxins from the body is recommended to be used twice a week.

Interesting fact! Unlike river species, the catfish is not infected with helminths, which is no less important for the human body.

To buy delicious useful fish it is important to follow the basic rules.

  1. Initially, pay attention to the catfish's eyes. They should be bright and clean. The presence of turbidity, rust indicates the staleness of the product.
  2. Fish flesh should be light and elastic. If you press on the meat with your thumb, then the resulting hole smoothly returns to its original state. If the place of pressure remains unchanged, you should refuse to buy a catfish.
  3. It is recommended to purchase the product chilled. The freezing process affects the safety of vitamins and other useful substances.
  4. Shelf life chilled - 24 hours, after this time the seafood becomes useless.

It is best to freeze catfish on your own at home. Confidence in the freshness of the product will be 100%. You can store this method for no more than 60 days.

Cooking methods and recipes

Fish meat is very tender, so just roll in flour, fry or bake will not work, as the product will lose its integrity and turn into porridge. For a side dish, it is better to serve rice and vegetables with catfish pulp. It goes well with creamy types of sauces, fresh herbs. Consider how to cook a delicious, fragrant "sea wolf".

fish soup


  • carrots - 80 g;
  • millet - 20 g;
  • onion turnip - 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • catfish - 400 g;
  • lavrushka - 2 sheets;
  • potatoes - 4 medium-sized tubers.

Clean all vegetables from inedible parts, rinse. Cut the tubers into medium-sized cubes, onions and carrots into strips.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil, salt. Remove the scales from the catfish, wash and cut into pieces. Put in boiling water, cook for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. Remove with slotted spoon, cool, remove pits.

Strain the broth, pour into a saucepan. Put the processed fish, add vegetables and washed cereals. Cook until the products are completely softened. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, put spices, bay leaf.

Leave under a closed lid to infuse. Pour into portioned plates, adding finely chopped greens to each.

"Sea Wolf" in foil


  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • onion turnip - 100 g;
  • catfish steak - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/4 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • fresh parsley - 20 g.

Rinse the acquired fish under running water. Put on a napkin, dry. Grate with spices, salt as desired. Peel the onion head, chop into thin rings. Cut the foil of the same size, grease with a little oil, put the onion, and fish on top of it.

Rinse fresh parsley, dry and finely chop, sprinkle on the dish. Citrus fruit cut into slices, lay out. Wrap tightly with foil in the form of a pocket. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour, preheating it to a temperature of 200 degrees.

Advice! Lemon left on the fish can give the product a slight bitterness. In order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste, you can simply squeeze the juice and pour over the finished dish before serving.

Harm and contraindications

Nutritionists and scientists argue among themselves about the positive and negative properties of fish. Having a rich mineral composition and low calorie content, the nutritional value catfish is undeniable, but harm is not excluded. The main contraindications for use.

  1. The pulp of the "sea wolf" contains many substances, causing allergies in a person. Even after heat treatment, their concentration does not decrease. Therefore, people prone to allergies are strictly prohibited from eating fish. Otherwise, itching, burning, rash may appear, in the worst case, Quincke's edema.
  2. Seafood intolerance.
  3. With pancreatic dysfunction, it is not recommended to include catfish in the diet.
  4. period of pregnancy and breast-feeding baby. The composition adversely affects the formation of the central nervous system in a baby.
  5. For children under the age of 5 years, catfish meat is contraindicated.

Negative consequences are possible only if you abuse the intake of fish. From small portions of harm to the body will not.

"Sea Wolf" is a useful marine fish. Proper storage and cooking technology preserve the vitamin composition and minerals in the product. Before use, do not forget to read the contraindications.

In contact with

The main habitat of catfish is the northern waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. The people call the catfish "sea wolf" because of its appearance.

Among the beneficial substances that catfish contain are antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, internal organs and mood. There is a lot of protein in catfish, so athletes eat fish.

Useful amino acids in catfish are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Phosphorus, magnesium are useful for human bones.

Fatty catfish contains unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Magnesium is involved in protein, fat and energy metabolism. By eating catfish at least twice a month, you will get a set of vitamins: A, B, E, D, PP.

The energy value

Catfish is a low-calorie fish. Calorie content of 100 grams of a serving of catfish is about 126 kcal. The fish contains almost no carbohydrates, and the amount of fat is approximately 5 grams.

Boiled catfish is considered the least low-calorie - 114 kcal per 100 grams. Baked fish contains 137 kcal, and fried fish contains 209 kcal.

Medicinal properties

Fish is useful for those who have a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Catfish eliminates dangerous cholesterol and strengthens muscles. Unsaturated fatty acids prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and stimulate brain activity.

The fish contains a large number of potassium, so it should be used by people prone to swelling and increased pressure. It removes salt from the body.

During the diet, it is necessary to include catfish in the diet, because the body lacks nutrients.

With arterial hypertension, the use of catfish is mandatory.

1. What is this fish

Catfish- marine fish of the perch-like order with strong, strong teeth. It was not for nothing that people called these fish catfish - their powerful teeth, and, above all, fangs sticking out of their mouths, are striking. Length: up to 125 cm; weight: up to 21 kg. Common, or striped, catfish is common in the Barents and White Seas, in the North Sea - off the coast of Norway, occasionally reaches the Gulf of Finland; found at depths up to 500 m. Food fish.

2. Culinary properties

Catfish is considered very tasty fish. Of the two varieties of this sea ​​fish- blue and motley (spotted) - the latter is much better, tastier and fatter. The meat of the motley catfish is almost devoid of bones. The meat of the striped catfish is tasty both in the ear and fried, as well as smoked and salted. Freshly salted catfish caviar is not much inferior in taste to chum salmon caviar. Catfish liver is considered a delicacy by Scandinavian fishermen.

3. Short story

There is very little information about catfish. For example, in the Middle Ages, it was believed that catfish gathered in advance at the place where a shipwreck would occur in order to feast on its victims. And English and Latin names connect catfish with a predatory wolf. However, the catfish is not an active predator, as it feeds mainly on mollusks: prominent front teeth serve to tear shells from stones, and powerful back teeth to crush them.

4. Positive and negative qualities

Catfish is useful for athletes because it contains a large amount of quickly digestible protein, which is important for training. Thanks to amino acids, vitamins and minerals, the work of the cardiovascular system improves.

5. How it is prepared

Catfish is best recommended to bake.

There are many recipes for baked catfish, mostly catfish are baked under different sauces, for example, under sour cream sauce: Breaded fish is laid out in a pan along with a side dish, poured over with sauce, sprinkled with cheese and baked.

It is also recommended to bake catfish with vegetables according to this recipe: Roasted onions and carrots are laid out on the prepared fish, the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in the oven.

Catfish can be boiled, stewed, fried, stewed, in soup, minced meat and in a pie.

You can cook catfish in a spicy broth: The fish fillet is cut into pieces, placed in a bowl in one row, poured with hot broth and boiled for 12-15 minutes. Cooked pieces of fish are laid out on a plate and watered. butter or tomato sauce.

You can boil catfish with garlic-nut sauce: The fish is cut into portions, boiled in 1/2 cup of water and removed with a slotted spoon on a dish. Purified walnuts, garlic, salt are crushed, finely chopped onion, vinegar are added, everything is mixed and cooked for 8-10 minutes. When serving, the fish is poured with the resulting sauce, decorated with tomatoes and herbs.

There are several options for preparing catfish soup, one of them is pickle: The fish is boiled and removed from the broth, fried onions and celery, cucumbers are boiled in it. Sorrel and brine are added. Served with sour cream and herbs.

You can cook fish soup: Boil potatoes until half cooked, add onions and fish. At the end of cooking add Bell pepper and greens.

Fried catfish for a very simple recipe: Fillet marinated in lemon juice with salt, spices and pepper. The fish is rolled in flour and fried.

You can also cook fried catfish in batter: Pieces of fish are poured with a mixture of garlic, mayonnaise, soy sauce and flour, infused. Fry on one side, turn over and fill with the remaining mixture; or with mushrooms: Mushrooms with onions are fried, cheese is added and stewed. The fish is salted, peppered, rolled in flour, fried. A cheese-mushroom mixture is laid out on the fish, steamed and sprinkled with dill.

Let the catfish in milk: The fish is cleaned and butchered. Served in a greased saucepan along with milk and spices. Served with garnish and sauce; or in brine: The fillet is cut into portions. The fish is admitted to cucumber pickle. Served in a portion pan with vegetables and mushrooms with sauce. Garnished with lemon.

You can stew catfish, for example, with wine and bean pods: Catfish fillet is rolled in flour and fried in oil. Fried fish laid out with boiled beans and onions in a cast iron, poured with wine and stewed until tender.

How mince-second cutlets are prepared from catfish: Cutlets formed from minced fish are fried in a pan, and then baked in the oven; or zrazy: The fish fillet is passed through a meat grinder, bacon is added, a raw egg, bread and skipped again. Minced meat is mixed with spices. From the resulting mass, zrazy are formed with a filling of fried onions, boiled eggs and garlic. Zrazy are breaded in egg and breadcrumbs and fried.

Catfish is used as a filling for baking pies, such as pies: Catfish fillet is cut into pieces and mixed with onions, vegetable oil and spices. From yeast dough and toppings are formed pies and baked in the oven.


Catfish is a fish that lives in cold northern waters. She has a rather intimidating appearance: eyes large sizes, strongly protruding forward, flattened body.

Such a marine inhabitant does not inspire confidence, but dishes prepared from catfish will please even the most capricious gourmet.

We will tell (and even show in the photo) what catfish fish looks like and where, what are the benefits, harm to health, contraindications for use, how many calories are in it, what are its nutritional value and composition, what can be prepared from this fish.

Features of the marine life, the family where it lives

Residents of many European countries very often called her "sea wolf". Perch-like fish lives in the ocean environment. But her appearance doesn't look like perch at all.

All types of catfish differ from each other in useful properties. What are:

  • spotted species lives in northern sea ​​waters, sometimes found in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean;
  • Far Eastern live in the waters of the northwestern Pacific Ocean;
  • striped live in almost all seas of the North Atlantic;
  • acne-like found in Pacific waters off the coast of North America;
  • exclusive blue look or, as it is also called, the widow can be caught in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

Photo and description

Photo of what catfish looks like:

The fish has a body up to about one and a half meters long. Weight reaches more than thirty kilograms. There are individual individuals that have even greater parameters.

This species is unlikely to be a rare, exquisite food, however they don't pick it up on purpose. Such animals fall into fishing nets quite by accident.

Its name appeared in connection with the presence in individuals a large number very sharp teeth, slightly concave inwards oral cavity. With such fangs, they have a slight resemblance to a real wolf.

But before they are sold, they are cleaned, so consumers do not pay any attention to their teeth.

Residents of some countries different parts peace this meat is positioned as a delicacy; they have a very expensive product.

How to choose

In order for a dish made from catfish to be tasty and very satisfying, you need to choose the right fish.

Assess the condition of her eyes. They need to be light color and practically did not differ from the pupils of a living inhabitant of sea waters.

If they are cloudy, then there is no doubt that the product is stale.

Meat is also an indicator of freshness.. The fish fillet should be sufficiently elastic, have a light, pleasant shade.

It is not recommended to buy fish of this species if it was previously frozen - this means that the fillet has been stored for a long time, it could have been thawed and refrozen many times. Such "procedures" negatively affect her taste.

Fresh product must be stored in the refrigerator. During the day, it will not lose its freshness, pleasant taste, and its quality will not deteriorate. You can keep the fish in the freezer, but not longer than a couple of months.

Delicacies - caviar and liver derived from the "sea wolf". fish skin - good material for the manufacture of such high-quality products as bags, belts, wallets.

About what useful catfish is, what is its calorie content per 100 g, the program “Live healthy!” will tell:

Useful properties for men, women and children

In cooking, a part of the body of a fish is used - fillet: it is quite tender, slightly sweet, very fatty and contains almost no bones. It is sold already cleaned, with the head and skin completely removed.

Catfish have a very high nutritional value.

According to research results, it contains many vitamins, useful trace elements, nutrients:

One of the advantages of the product is that it is quite easy to digest. Calorie content per 100 g of catfish fish is only 109 kcal.

If you include it in the permanent menu, you will not have to spend money on expensive vitamin complexes: its meat contains everything that is necessary to ensure the full functioning of all organs and systems.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, including Omega-3, help to effectively lower blood cholesterol levels.

Also Positive they affect work brain, prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system.

Potassium, which is abundant in fatty fillet, helps to remove accumulated salts from the body. Therefore, regular consumption of dishes from the “sea wolf” prevents the formation of edema in different organs of the human body.

Fresh meat is rich vitamins E and A. Their intake favorably affects the work of the whole organism and its general condition, helps to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system.

There is also vitamin D, which is necessary for good blood clotting, heart function, functions of the central nervous and skeletal systems.

Regular use of vitamin PP promotes the expansion of blood vessels, protecting against the development of atherosclerosis.

The use of dishes from such fish fillet helps to get rid of the following diseases and conditions:

  • violation of the functions of the digestive system;
  • destabilization of metabolic processes throughout the body;
  • hypertension;
  • coronary artery disease.

Fillet in different form will be useful to adult women, men and small children.

value and great the usefulness of the "sea wolf" will be appreciated by the elderly, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding breast milk.

Potential danger and contraindications

The benefits of the "sea wolf" are well known to people in different corners peace. There are several contraindications for eating meat obtained from catfish.

Catfish can harm health only in exceptional cases, for example, at allergic reaction for fish fillet.

Quite often the product becomes harmful to health due to the use of excessive amounts of cooked dishes, calling poisoning.

You can eat it without worrying about your well-being.

People often ask: why? Can they be harmful or even dangerous to health? Look for answers to questions in this article.

Read about the benefits of chokeberry, contraindications for use in the material.

The health benefits of everyone's favorite plum are discussed in

Catfish (Catfish) (lat. Anarhichadidae) is common name a whole family of fish, including 2 genera and 5 species. The catfish family itself belongs to the perch-like order. Catfish live in cold and temperate zones all oceans and seas northern hemisphere. Many species of catfish are valuable objects of trade and recreational fishing.

The general thing that characterizes them from the outside is an elongated body and rather large sizes. But the most important hallmark put in the name of these fish are large front teeth, which are very similar to canine ones. There are also crushing teeth in the mouth, in the back, and on the palate.

So, the Catfish are represented by 2 genera: 1) the genus Anarhichas and 2) the genus Anarhichthys. The first genus includes 4 species:

  • Far Eastern catfish (lat. Anarhichas orientalis), lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean;
  • Striped catfish (lat. Anarhichas lupus), lives in North Atlantic, including in Northern Norwegian, Baltic and Barents Seas, as well as in the White Sea (basin of the Arctic Ocean);
  • Spotted catfish (lat. Anarhichas minor), lives in the North Atlantic;
  • Blue catfish (lat. Anarhichas denticulatus), also lives in the North Atlantic.

The genus Anarhichthys is monotypic, that is, it is represented by only one species - the eel catfish (lat. Anarhichthys ocellatus), which lives in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean.

Description of catfish

The common thing that characterizes all types of catfish from the outside is an elongated body and rather large sizes. But the most important distinguishing feature put in the name of these fish are large front teeth, which are very similar to canine ones. There are also crushing teeth in the mouth, in the back, and on the palate. Moreover, they have powerful jaws, thanks to which catfish can crush shells of mollusks. Teeth are renewed annually. In addition to molluscs, catfish also feed on echinoderms, jellyfish, crustaceans and smaller fish, that is, they are predators.

Adult specimens reach a length of 1.1-2.4 m with a weight of 20-32 kg. Catfish, although they do not go out into open ocean, prefer to stay near the bottom (at depths up to 300-1700 m).

Cooking catfish

In the store or on the market, catfish can be found both freshly frozen and chilled and otherwise. Preference, of course, should be given to fresh catfish. And the point here is not even that there are always more useful substances in fresh fish. Catfish is a special product! The fact is that after defrosting, it will release so much water that its mass will be halved!

It should also be noted that this fish is quite oily, and its pulp is gelatinous. Therefore, if you do not follow some of the nuances of cooking, then the dish can be spoiled: the fish will boil and the dish will lose its attractive appearance.

If smoked catfish is sold, it can be bought for cooking various fish salads. However, if you care about your health, then it is better not to buy such a catfish, because in smoked fish contain carcinogens.

In general, catfish is a very "democratic" fish in culinary terms. You can cook fish soup from it, cook second courses (boil, fry, bake, etc.), make pates and cold appetizers from it, use it as a filling for pies.

Consider a few traditional ways cooking toothfish.

Boiled catfish

After cleaning (gutting and trimming the head and fins), the carcass of the fish must be cut into steaks. Dissolve 3-4 tablespoons in a liter of water table salt, place the fish in the brine and room temperature last at least two hours. In this brine, it can also be put in the refrigerator overnight.

After that, the catfish should be removed from the brine, washed cold water. Grate the fish pieces with pepper and wrap each of them in several layers of cling film.

The water in which the fish will be boiled must first be heated to a temperature of 70 ° C. If there is no thermometer, then the water must first be boiled, then turn off the fire, after an hour put it on fire again, but already weak.

Dip the fish pieces into the water and cook for 20-30 minutes. After that, the catfish must be removed from the broth, unfolded and put on warmed plates. If you do not do the last manipulation, then it will stick to the bottom of the plate and will fall apart while eating. Before serving, it can be poured with sauce, which is best suited for yogurt or sour cream, mixed with dill, garlic and lemon juice. A sauce made from a mixture of soy sauce, lime juice, hot peppers and cilantro will also be very good. The easiest option: mix mayonnaise with dill, garlic and lemon juice.

You can cook fish soups from catfish - potato, vegetable or rice.

Here is one of the recipes:

  • sauté vegetables in butter or vegetable oil, pour water over them, adding diced potatoes or washed cereals (rice, pearl barley);
  • boil potatoes or cereals until fully cooked;
  • add boned pieces of catfish, cook for another 10 minutes.

If fish soup or the ear is cooked simultaneously from several types of fish, then the catfish is put in the very last place, because otherwise it will fall apart due to the softness of its meat.

Fried catfish (for 4 persons)

Take 1 kg of frozen catfish (if bought fresh - freeze a little), remove all bones and skin and thus get a fillet, which is then lowered into salt water(4 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Immediately add a couple more lemon slices. Marinate the fish in this brine for 2 hours. After that, we take out the fillet and dry it.

In three different bowls, prepare: 1) flour, 2) breadcrumbs, 3) beaten eggs with one tablespoon of milk (beat everything with a fork and lightly salt).

First roll the fish fillet in flour, then in the egg with milk, and finally in breadcrumbs. We shift the breaded fillet to a dry surface (for example, on a cutting board).

We take a deep thick-walled pan and heat vegetable oil or fat in it. Dip the fish in oil and fry until golden brown.

You can serve fish fried in this way with potatoes or rice, flavoring the dish with any of the sauces proposed above. Grilled catfish also goes well with curry, cilantro, dill and garlic.

Baked catfish

Catfish is best baked along with other ingredients that will have a binding effect on it. In this regard, suitable: potatoes, rice, semolina, couscous, flight, etc. This can also be done in a thick sauce, such as béchamel.

Catfish fillet should be cut into slices, salt and roll in flour. At the bottom of the form put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes or cereals (rice, etc.) boiled until half cooked, and sprinkle with fried onions on top. Then lay a layer of breaded fish, and then again a layer of potatoes or cereals. After that, pour everything over eggs whipped with cream, pepper and salt.

If the catfish is cooked with potatoes, then the surface of the dish can still be sprinkled with grated cheese before being placed in the oven.

Bake at a temperature of 180-200 ° C for 30-40 minutes.

Baked catfish is served to the table on warm plates, sprinkled with herbs beforehand.

Alternatively, catfish can be baked in a pot with mushrooms, pouring dry white wine.

Another option: catfish baked in foil with tomatoes. The acidity of the tomatoes will make the flesh of the fish firmer.

Catfish cutlets

Very delicious dish there will also be oven-baked catfish cutlets. To obtain minced meat, fish, along with onions soaked in milk and squeezed bread, eggs, spices and salt, are passed through a meat grinder. Cutlets are molded and placed in a greased, sprinkled with breadcrumbs or flour baking dish. The surface of the cutlets can also be smeared with beaten eggs. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Cool and serve with vegetable salad.

Catfish stuffed cabbage is prepared in the same way, only boiled rice is added to minced meat instead of bread. In this case, it is no longer necessary to beat the egg. before being placed in the oven, stuffed cabbage is poured with tomato sauce or cream.

Catfish for a couple

Baked with vegetables. Pieces of fish are pre-salted (2 hours in brine - 4 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), then rinsed with water and dried. The fish is laid out on the upper grate of the double boiler, and potatoes, broccoli, green pea pods, carrots, zucchini - on the lower one. Ready for 25 minutes. Served with a white sauce, for the preparation of which the flour is sautéed, low-fat cream is poured in, salt to taste, pepper, bay leaf is added. The sauce is stirred until it thickens. They are watered with fish and vegetables.

Nutritional value of catfish spotted (per 100 g)

The nutritional value


trace elements

Useful properties of catfish

The nutritional value of this fish is very high. Its calorie content is about the same as that of chicken. However, unlike the latter, catfish contains very few saturated fatty acids in its composition, therefore it can be attributed to dietary products nutrition.

It has a lot of vitamins and mineral elements. Of particular note is the high content of potassium, which restores the water and electrolyte balance in the body. Catfish holds the record for iodine and cobalt content among fish.

Indications for the use of catfish are:

  • elevated blood cholesterol, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • edema, including cardiac origin;
  • violation of blood microcirculation, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • obesity, metabolic disorders;
  • diseases thyroid gland;
  • mental and physical exhaustion, neuroses;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduced immunity.

Harm catfish

Catfish should be used very carefully with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, as it contains a lot of iodine.

In case of individual intolerance to fish and seafood, allergic reactions are possible.