First you need to draw two lines - horizontal and vertical - to make a cross. Then you can draw two more diagonal lines, but shorter.

    Then draw connecting lines, having previously outlined the thickness of the compass rose in a small circle with the center in the center of the cross.

    Then, at the discretion of the painter, you can apply shadows, that is, paint as it falls on the light. This will give it some volume. Then you can write the names of the cardinal directions. You can draw even more rose petals by drawing lines between the already drawn petals.

    This is roughly what I got:

    The wind rose is a vector diagram that characterizes the direction of the wind, and to draw it you need to calculate everything well, have white clean paper and multi-colored pencils.

    First you need to draw two intersecting lines, then draw four lines from the center at an angle of 45 degrees. Then mark North, South, West and East.

    To build a wind rose corresponding to a given area, you must first build a coordinate system in which the axes will reflect the cardinal directions: north, south, west, east. And through the center you also need to draw additional axes: northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest. And we also need data on the winds in this area and how many days in a given period of time the wind blew in a certain direction. And on the axes you need to mark the number of days corresponding to each wind direction. Then the end points are connected. And in the center you should mark the number of windless days with a circle. It turns out to be a wind rose.

    It's simple. We draw 2 long intersecting perpendicular lines, then 2 more short ones, also intersecting at the same point, only at an angle of 45 degrees. And we connect the protruding ends in a row. We designate the cardinal directions with the letters S, E, S and W.

    Rose of Wind is a vector diagram characterizing the direction of the wind in a specific area over a certain time.

    To draw a compass rose, you need to start drawing intersecting lines that will indicate the sides of the horizon. We apply strokes on these lines that will indicate months or days, even hours, depending on what interval you have chosen for measurement. We put dots on these strokes, depending on which direction the wind was blowing in this segment time. Next we connect these points. Now we can do it.

    To construct a compass rose these days you don’t even need paper and a pencil. Now there are excellent programs and applications with the help of which a wind rose can be built in no time. As an example, I can give an application that we created independently for our own needs of our design institute: To build a wind rose, just enter into the table the number of days during which the wind blew in a certain direction (for January, July and the whole year), press the button and the compass rose is ready!

    The wind rose is a circular vector diagram, and it reflects repetitions of the wind in its different directions over a certain period of time.

    A wind rose is often constructed using averaged and long-term statistical data for a particular season, year or month.

    To draw a Wind Rose you will need a weather calendar, a pencil and a sheet of paper.

    To do this, you need to know the wind directions over a certain period of time.

    And then, based on the rays of the wind rose diagram, it is quite possible to draw conclusions about the winds for some period of time you need in your area. There are also modern applications for construction.

    Rose of Wind This is a vector diagram.

    To construct a wind rose, average long-term data for a year, season, month are usually collected.

    • In order to draw a wind rose, you first need data on the daily wind direction over a certain time.

    An example of such observations could be wind direction for 1 month, during which wind direction is measured and recorded.

    • Next you need to draw lines that will indicate the wind directions. Scientifically they are called horizon points, namely north and west east. We draw additional 2 lines through the center of our axes.

    There should be eight points. You need to mark them with wind directions. These marks are then connected by lines.

    Below detailed view on how to draw a compass rose.

    Everything will depend on what kind of Wind Rose we want to depict. After all, the concept of the Wind Rose is very deep and multifaceted, and is rooted in the thickness of history. And not only does it symbolize man’s victories over the elements, the exploits of the first pioneers and shipbuilders, but also daily work hundreds and thousands of meteorologists. And how close this symbol is to every sailor, and to any person whose clothes smell of the sea and the evening breeze.

    Like an albatross in the sky, a meteorological star spread its wings on paper, and it’s time for us to think about eternity, about what people thought when looking at the Wind Rose, looking at the Compass Rose, and looking at the Rose of Points.

    No, no, this is not a rumba, these are rumbas, but first things first!

    Personally, I tried to quickly sketch sixteen ray compass rose.

    Here she is in the presented video.

    What other wind roses are there, the question immediately arises?

    They are quadruple radial,

    eight rays,

    sixteen radial,

    360 - beam,

    with numeric values.

    Also, the wind rose can display, in addition to heraldic symbolism, also information about wind directions, for a certain period of time, for example like this:

    or like this.

    Also, for the correct display of the Wind Rose, we need to know that along the circumference the field is divided into Rumbas, and all of them 32 rumba(that is, the rhumb is one thirty-second circle).

    This one Compass rose also called Rose of the rhumbs, or Compass rose, since it completely coincides with the compass card.

    Even in those distant times, when I was a cadet at a naval school, and later went to sea and stood watch at the helm, on the captain's bridge, in the control room, I could spend hours watching her leisurely rocking and turning, now in one direction or the other, in time with the waves, currents and winds. And to this day the sounds of phrases about the gyromagnetic compass make me transport myself back to that distant past and plunge into the elements...

    And in order to correctly depict what we want, we need to arm ourselves with the right pencils of different softness, an eraser for wiping and correcting the drawing, a sharpener and art paper, since it is of higher quality than ordinary paper, if, of course, we want to end up with a masterpiece.

    I have already answered in more detail about the rules and techniques of drawing with a simple pencil earlier, and I would like to provide here a link to my answer in my own question:

    What are the main canons of drawing with a simple pencil? What are the rules?

    Here is a small quote from my answer, specifically about drawing techniques:

    To do this, we go to an art store and buy a set of artistic pencils. Their peculiarity is that they all differ in softness and hardness. The corresponding marking about the brand of the pencil is applied to it. Let's look and try. The letter M is soft, the letter T is hard, the letters TM are hard-soft, the letters MM or 2M are very soft, and so on. Here we also buy a good sharpener so that the lead does not break off, and the correct eraser (we consult the seller - it must be soft so that it does not damage the paper).

    Of course, you can sharpen pencils with a knife if you know how, but the point should be thin. We bring it to perfection by wiping off the excess on thick paper (to form a point).

    Alternating between hard pencils, which give more thin line and a lighter tone of the drawing, and soft pencils, which give thicker lines and a darker tone of the drawing, we achieve depth and volume of the drawing.

    Now that we know a lot about the Compass Rose and drawing techniques, we can draw something really impressive.

    In order to draw a compass rose you need clean paper and pencils.

    First, we draw two perpendicularly intersecting lines, then from the center we draw four lines at an angle of 45 degrees. Then at the end of the top line we mark the North and at the bottom - the South. On the left we mark the West, on the right - the East. Intermediate marks: at the top left is North-West, at the bottom is South-West. The upper right corner is North-East, the lower right is South-East.

    Next, we need data on the direction of winds in a given area. Then on the axes we mark the days that correspond to each wind direction. After this, we connect the end points, and then in the center we write a number that shows us how many days there were no winds. it turns out to be the so-called Wind Rose.

Beautiful meteorological term The “wind rose” has long been a favorite of poets and artists, who managed to form a cloud of romantic images around it. Meanwhile, the wind rose has a completely utilitarian meaning for many sectors of the economy.

To compile a wind rose for any area, data is needed meteorological observations for a certain period, pencil, ruler and calculator for calculations.

What is a compass rose?

In meteorology and geography, a wind rose is usually called a diagram of the directions and strength of winds blowing in a certain region. Perhaps someone appearance The diagram was reminiscent of a rose flower, after which this beautiful, but not very realistic term was born.

However, the study of meteorological statistics makes it possible to understand the patterns of wind directions and, based on them, try to make a weather forecast for the near future. The wind rose most clearly shows the prevailing wind directions in a given area.

What is a compass rose for?

Knowing the direction of prevailing winds is important in many cases. It is necessary:

— to predict weather changes: knowing the location of warm and cold air fronts, you can understand how the weather, cold or warm, will change in the coming days air mass will bring us prevailing wind;

— for development planning settlements: knowledge of the prevailing wind directions helps to locate residential and industrial areas in such a way that polluted air from enterprises is not blown towards residential areas by the wind;

- to select the orientation of house walls, entrance openings and other architectural elements: so that winter time keep houses warm as much as possible, entrance doors need to be oriented in the direction opposite to that prevailing in the wind rose.

We can recall many more ways to use wind roses in various areas of human activity.

How to build a compass rose?

The wind rose is built in accordance with the cardinal directions. Before you start building it, you need to draw the main and additional axes on paper:

— vertical north-south;

— horizontal east-west;

— diagonal southeast-northwest;

- diagonal southwest-northeast.

On these axes it is necessary to note the directions and strength of the winds that were observed in your region over a certain period - say, for three summer months. This information can be taken from a meteorological calendar on the Internet or any other reliable source.

It is necessary to choose the right scale for the future diagram so that the compass rose is visual, large enough, but not excessive. On each axis there are divisions corresponding to the number of days in the period under consideration.

So, if you are building a compass rose summer period, the length of each of the axes can be 9 centimeters, where one millimeter mark will correspond to one day of summer.

After this, you can begin to build a wind rose. On each of the axes, a segment should be noted, the length of which will correspond to the number of days during which the wind blew in this direction. So, on the southern axis we mark 34 millimeters, on the northeastern axis 12 millimeters.

If on some days there was, their number is marked by a dot in the center of the diagram with a written number quiet days.

After all the points corresponding to the winds are marked on the axes, the last stage remains - serial connection these points are separated by segments.

The result should be an irregular polygon. If in any direction the wind did not blow at all during the entire period under consideration, there will be no marks on the corresponding axis, which means that on this side the polygon remains open.

Inner part the polygon can be shaded. The longest rays of the wind rose will show the prevailing wind directions in your region.

Geography 6th grade

Lesson topic: Practical work on the topic “Constructing a compass rose”

The purpose of the lesson:

1. formation of skills to conduct independent observation of weather elements in one’s area, analyze and process the results obtained, and formulate conclusions;

2.working on skills to work with different sources information; analyzing data and drawing conclusions;

3.skill training correct design work results...

Educational objectives :

using data from your own observation diaries for 2014, construct wind roses for each month

using the data obtained for the months - January and July and the year, construct a wind rose for the city of Morozovsk

analyze the received material and draw appropriate conclusions about the interdependence of weather elements (wind direction, temperature, precipitation).

Organizing time

Updating basic knowledge:

1.define the concept of “wind”;

2. remember the reasons influencing the formation of wind;

3.What device is used to determine the direction of the wind? to determine the direction of the wind;

5.On which side of the horizon is the name of the wind determined?

Theoretical part.

Teacher's explanation of the material being studied.

Rose of Wind A diagram showing the directions of the prevailing winds in a given area is called a wind rose.

Wind rose - a diagram characterizing the wind regime in this place according to long-term observations and looks like a polygon in which the lengths of the rays diverging from the center of the diagram are different directions, are proportional to the frequency of winds in these directions (“from where” the wind blows). The wind rose, constructed from real observational data, makes it possible, based on the length of the rays of the constructed polygon, to identify the direction of the prevailing or predominant wind, from which the air flow most often comes to a given area.

Explanation of the basic elements of a compass rose

The main and intermediate sides of the horizon.

    It is conventionally accepted that one segment on the graph corresponds to a certain number of days.

    On the lines of the corresponding directions, the number of days with winds of this direction is laid off from the center and a dot is placed.

    The points marked on the lines are connected sequentially, a circle is drawn in the center, in which the number of days without wind (calm) is written.

2. practical work"Constructing a compass rose"

Instruction card

 1 weather observation calendars; K.: table data, p. 118.

1 Draw a base of eight lines with one intersection point.

2. The lines are signed in accordance with the sides of the horizon.


 3. The lines are divided into equal segments. 1 segment - 1 day.

4. Weather observation data is taken (Ch. weather observation calendars; k.: table data, p. 119 or your own weather observation data).

5. The number of days with a north wind is plotted along the “north” line, a dot is placed, and thus differs in all directions.

6. If there was no wind in a certain direction for a month, then the mark is not placed.

7. The points are connected in the sequence: north - northeast - east - southeast - south - southwest - west - northwest - north. In the absence of any wind, the line at a given location is interrupted.

8. The number of days with calm is recorded in a circle inside the wind rose.

2. Using the data from the application table, construct a wind rose graph for Morozovsk on a notebook sheet.







Draw a conclusion:

1. Analyze the received material and draw appropriate conclusions about the interdependence of weather elements (wind direction, temperature, precipitation).

2. Analyze the diagram for the city of Morozovsk.

Lesson summary

    Pass practical work

Homework paragraph 39 terms

Place of this lesson in the topic- lesson No. 5 in the “Atmosphere” section. In the previous lesson, children studied the topic “Wind”, where the concepts of “wind”, “reasons for the formation of wind”, “breeze” were worked out. This lesson was dedicated to familiarizing with the concepts of “wind direction” and “wind rose” and developing the ability to work with the “Wind Rose” chart. This lesson is closely related to the subsequent topic - “Water in the atmosphere.”

Lesson type- lesson - workshop

Didactic teaching principles used in the lesson:

  • objectivity, scientific character;
  • connections between theory and practice;
  • consistency, systematicity;
  • accessibility with the required degree of difficulty;
  • clarity, variety of methods.

Technologies used in the lesson:

1. Information and communication technologies (ICT). Most students need more visual representation educational material, which will allow for better assimilation of the information received, as well as the development of their creative abilities. During the lesson, a presentation was shown in Power Point.

2. Project-based learning technology. Properly organized work will have a positive impact on students and will contribute to independent acquisition of knowledge and experience from direct communication with real life, developing their skills to work with constantly changing information, independence, critical thinking, and initiative. If the student constantly studies project activities V school years, then in the present adult life he will be more adaptable, will be able to plan his own activities, navigate in a variety of situations, work together with by different people, that is, adapt to environmental conditions.

Required equipment and materials:

1. Computer, projector.

2. Handouts, pens of two colors (red and blue), ruler.

Forms of work used in the lesson - frontal, individual, practical, group work.

Teaching methods, used e at the lesson - practical (this technique involves active practical activity of students); visual (implies application in the learning process visual aids or other means that reflect the essence of the objects, processes or phenomena being studied): P problematic (learning that takes place in the form of solving problem situations. The problem should activate the students’ thought processes and encourage them to active search solutions).

Pedagogical techniques:

“Ranking” is the arrangement of concepts in the desired order.

“Environmental task” - requires solving problematic problems.

“Wind Direction” is an experimental game.

“Building a graph” - building a “Wind Rose”.

“Tree of self-esteem” - implementation of self-assessment and mutual assessment of work in the lesson.

The structure of the lesson complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and includes the following stages: updating knowledge - it was proposed to establish a cause-and-effect relationship reflecting the reason for the formation of the wind in order to prepare them for the perception of new material.

Motivation stage - the children were offered an environmental problem, in solving which the students were faced with the problem of the influence of wind direction on the level of pollution of the territory. The solution to the problem situation was facilitated by an experimental game, during which the children determined the direction of the wind. The game is at the same time a stepping stone to becoming familiar with the concept of “Compass Rose”.

Trial construction graphics are carried out using the algorithm proposed in the textbook.

After the problem is solved, I suggest to the children formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

At the stage of initial consolidation of the material, students were asked to complete a mini-project - to build a wind rose and determine which wind prevailed in our city in January 2017.

At the reflection stage The guys assessed themselves and the group members using a form and rating scale of a meta-subject nature, authored by me.

During the lesson the planned results were achieved:

Subject UUD- build a wind rose; classify winds; transform geographic information from one type of representation to another;

Metasubject UUD- make assumptions; choose means to achieve goals in a group and individually; plan your activities; evaluate and adjust your activities in the lesson; express your opinion, giving reasons and supporting it with facts; understand the position of the other;

Personal Controls D - began to understand the pattern of wind formation, its impact on human life and health.

The project-based learning technology and working methods used in the lesson helped me arouse interest in the topic of the lesson.

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“Construction of the “Wind Rose””

Workshop on GEOGRAPHY in 6th grade

SUBJECT: Construction of the “Wind Rose”

Target: Teach students to build a graph reflecting the prevailing wind direction and use the information obtained.


educational: form the concept of “wind rose”; idea of ​​wind direction; constructing a “wind rose” chart;

developing: promote the development of cognitive interest in the study of geography; develop the ability to highlight the main thing, analyze, and think independently; teach how to build a wind rose and read it;

educational: environmental, the formation of students’ ideas about the nature of the wind, the reasons for its occurrence.



Teacher: I suggest you play a game. Invite 1 representative from each group. Distribute sheets of statements. Read the text. Offer to consider them and determine what topic they relate to.

Teacher: Can we connect all the statements with each other? Form a logical chain.

(Children are lined up)

Teacher: What does this chain represent?

(Children's answers)


Group work

Teacher: Guys, just yesterday I received information from the Security Department environment. This is a response to the letter. It came from Yablonka from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. I suggest you meet her too (Appendix No. 1).

Text of the letter

“... I, Apple Tree from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans,” ask you to sort out the current situation. I am dying: spots appear on young leaves, first near the base of the leaf, forming a yellow stripe, and then along the entire leaf, flowering and fruit set worsen, the apples are small and ugly. Help me establish the reason for the deterioration of my condition. I am attaching a plan of the area where I grow.”

Text of the response from the Department of Environmental Protection:

“The commission examined the area where you grow and came to the conclusion that the soil contained excess soot, oxides of sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen and heavy metals, and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the air. This is possible with close utilization of ash obtained from coal combustion. Look for the source of contamination in the area in your immediate vicinity. The contamination zone is marked with a red area.”

Teacher: What can be a source of pollution for an apple tree? Why? Where should the stove be located? What did the stove builders not take into account?

(children's answers)

Teacher: How can you determine the direction of the wind? Let's have a little


(Experimental game “Wind Direction”) akaPHYSICAL MINUTE

Teacher: Will the direction of flight of the ball be the direction of the wind? Yours


(The assumption can be checked in the textbook p. 121)



Teacher: The results of observations of wind direction can be depicted using a special graph - “Wind Roses”. What kind of graph this is and how it is built can be found in the textbook. Turn to page 121 and read about it.


Teacher: And now I suggest you build a “Wind Rose” for Yablonka using the following data and find out the prevailing wind direction (Appendix No. 2) .

Direction of the wind

Amount of days

(Work in a group. Plotting a graph. Comparison with the standard)


Teacher: What was the topic of our lesson?

Children: Construction of the “Wind Rose”.


Teacher: State the purpose of our lesson?

Purpose of the lesson (for children): learn to build a “Compass Rose”


Teacher: What problems did we solve in class?

Lesson objectives (for children): 1) Find information about the schedule;

2) Build a “Wind Rose”;

3) Learn to use it.



Teacher: I suggest you complete a mini-project in the “Building the Wind Rose” group

Target: build a wind rose and determine which wind prevailed in our city in January 2017.


1). Get acquainted with the weather data in the Diary.

3). Build a “Wind Rose”.

4). Determine what wind prevailed in Novouralsk in January 2017.


    Introduction to the Weather Diary (Appendix No. 3) .

    We count the number of days with the same wind direction and fill out the table.

Direction of the wind

Amount of days

    Building the “Wind Rose” (Appendix No. 4)

    Put aside on the diagram, which shows the main and intermediate sides of the horizon, starting from the center, how many days the winds blew in different directions.

    Scale of 1cm – 1 day

    Connect the ends of the postponed segments.

    We determine the prevailing wind direction in Novouralsk in January 2017 - SW


“Group work evaluation form”

F.I. student


Number of points







2 points – the criterion is fully demonstrated

10 - 8 points– “Hurricane” (a source of knowledge and skills for the entire group) Rating “5”.

7 – 6 points– “Storm” (your work in the group was significant and meaningful) Score “4”.

5 – 4 points -“Breeze” (your work was short, but bright) Rating “4”.

3 – 2 points– “A Light Breeze” (we saw only one side of your activity) Rating “3”.

1 point- “Quiet breeze” (your presence in the group was felt) Rating “3”.

0 points– “Calm” (we know that you are in the group, but we haven’t seen your work)

Check if geography is on your schedule!

Teacher: Guys, let's get back to the goal and objectives of our lesson. Have we achieved our goal? Did you manage to solve the tasks? Evaluate your work in class (Self-Esteem Tree)

I felt comfortable in the lesson. I learned information that was new to me. Learned how to build a graph.

I didn't feel comfortable in the lesson. I didn't understand anything from the new material. I still don’t understand how to build a graph.

    SCORING (0.5 MIN)

    HOMEWORK (0.5 MIN)

§ 18 , page 123 “From theory to practice”


    Find 5 proverbs about the wind;

    Find information about the most strong winds on the planet;

    Find information about what local winds are.


It is worth starting to compose a wind rose from the coordinate axes. In this case, there are not 2 of them, as usual, but 8: for all cardinal directions and their combinations. From the coordinate center, you need to set the axes in all directions horizontally, vertically and diagonally at an angle of 45 degrees. Label the axes as S (south), N (north), W (), E (), as well as SE (southeast), SW (southwest), NW (northwest) and NE (northeast) . Now you can proceed directly to building the rose.

Write down a series of wind observation results for a certain period in a certain period, for example, for 20 days in Moscow. This data can be easily obtained from any meteorological website. The results should look like: 1st day of observation - direction NW, 2nd - NW, 3rd - N, etc. before last day measurements. The easiest way is to write out the data in the form of a two-line .

Group the results by wind direction. So, for example, it turns out that in 20 days the wind direction was northwest (NW) in Moscow for 7 days, west (W) for 4 days, etc. There should be 8 digits for the number of directions, among which there may be 0 if there was no wind in a given direction during the selected period. The sum of all numbers must be the number of days of measurements. Check - if this is not the case, you have calculated incorrectly somewhere.

Now start building. To do this, select and label a unit segment on each axis. Now along each axis you need to plot the calculated number of days of wind in a given direction, for example - along the SW - 3 units, along the S - 5 units. etc. Once all the points on the 8 axes are plotted, simply connect them with segments until you get a closed polygonal path. The resulting diversified "" with sharp rays will look like a rose - this will be the case for the given area for the selected period. It should be noted that for each region there are wind roses typical for the seasons, which largely characterize the area.

A wind rose is a circular vector diagram that reflects the direction of wind movement over a certain period. Such graphs are widely used in meteorology, climatology, as well as in the construction of airfield runways, residential areas and industrial zones. A stylized image of a compass rose is often used in heraldry. Today it can be seen on NATO symbols or ancient geographical maps. But unlike real diagrams, the stylized image has all the rays of equal length.

You will need

  • "Weather calendar", observation diary, squared lined paper, ruler, pencil, Excel tables


In order to build your own wind rose, you will need data on the daily wind direction for a month or more. This information can be obtained independently through daily observations of the weather, or you can also take it from the “Weather Calendar” for the period under study.

A diagram base is then constructed to organize the observations. To do this, draw a coordinate system in which the main axes will reflect the four main cardinal directions - , south and . Then, draw additional two axes through the coordinate center and mark the intermediate cardinal directions on them: northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest. On each axis, place even divisions symbolizing the conditional number of days. If a monthly period is considered, the coordinate intervals may reflect one day.

After the preparatory work has been completed, you can proceed directly to constructing a wind rose. To do this, count the number of days during which the wind blew in a certain direction and plot them on each of the axes. Mark the number of days for each direction with a dot. Then carefully connect the resulting points with straight lines to form a closed polygon. Mark the number of calm days (calm) in the circle in the center of the diagram. If during the studied period of time there was no wind in any of the directions of light, the connecting line at this place should be interrupted.

You can also build a wind rose diagram automatically in Excel. To do this, create a file in which you enter in the form of a table the available data on the number of days and the direction of the winds. You should get two columns: directions of light and the number of windy days. Then, in the “Insert” - “Chart” menu, select the “Radar Chart” item and follow the advice of the Chart Wizard. As a result, you will get a graphic image of a wind rose.

Rose winds is a vector diagram that characterizes the wind regime in a specific area based on the result of long-term observations. It looks like a polygon, the lengths of the rays of which diverge in different directions and which are proportional to the repeatability winds these directions. It is often used by builders when planning various settlements, airfield runways, and when solving many agronomic and environmental problems.

You will need

  • Weather calendar, pencil, ruler, squared notebook


The first written mentions of roses winds to the 12th century This is a vector diagram characterizing the wind regime in a given location based on long-term observations. Real winds, constructed on the basis of a number of observations, can have significant lengths of different rays. It has been widely used by builders and sailors for a long time. Nowadays almost everyone draws rose in class in educational purposes, but it is often used at home, skydiving or for other practical tasks.

Draw intersecting lines in your notebook showing the main and intermediate sides of the horizon. Label the sides of the horizon. For this, both and international designations are used: North (north) - C/N, Northeast (north-east) - NE/NE, East (east) - B/E, South-east (south-east) - SE/SE, South (south) - S/S, Southwest (south-west) - SW/SW, West (west) - W/W, North-west (north-west) - NW/NW. The graph should look like a coordinate system with additional diagonals for intermediate directions: a total of eight rays.

Based on the results of observations on these lines from the center, set aside in
(1 cell (0.5 cm) - 1 day) the number of days during which a certain direction prevailed. For example, in a month the wind from the north direction blew 3 times, that is, from the center of the graph along a line directed north, you need to put aside 3 cells and put a dot. Repeat this for all directions. Mark these points bright color.

Received points winds in adjacent directions, connect with a line. For this it is better to use colored paste. In the center of the graph, write the number of calm days. By rose winds you will be able to determine the prevailing winds in your city or region.


To obtain reliable data, long-term wind observations are required.

Helpful advice

Also in heraldry, a compass rose is a symbol in the form of a stylized star. It is used in emblems various organizations: NATO (four beams), US CIA (16 beams), Department of emergency situations and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (8 rays), as well as on the coats of arms of cities, etc.


Rose winds is a circular vector diagram that shows the frequency of wind in different directions over a certain period of time. A rose is being built winds usually based on long-term average data for a year, season, month.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil or pen;
  • - “weather calendar”.


To draw it yourself rose winds, you will need daily direction data for a specific time. For example, you can monitor for one month by recording wind direction data daily in the Weather Calendar.

Draw intersecting lines on a piece of paper (based on the principle of a coordinate system), which will indicate the main sides, otherwise they are also called horizon directions (-south, -east). Then draw two more lines through the center (northwest, southwest, northeast, southeast). In total you should have eight directions (points of reference). Write their names on your drawing (N; S; W; E; N-W; N-E; S-W; S-E).

Using the data from the “Weather Calendar”, for each from the center in the direction where it blows, mark on the scale the number of days during which the wind of a certain direction prevailed. You can choose any convenient scale, for example, take 1 day as 0.5 cm. If, for example, the wind from the southwest direction blew for 5 days during the month, then you need to set aside from the center of the graph along a line directed to the southwest 2.5 cm and make a mark.

Make marks in the same way winds in each of the eight directions.


The direction of the wind is the side (point) of the horizon from which the wind is blowing. Respectively, South wind always blows to the north, west - to the east, south-west - to the north-east, etc. In meteorology, wind direction is determined by 8 or 16 points.

Helpful advice

The first written mentions of the wind rose date back to the 12th century.

Wind rose graphs are mandatory when designing construction projects in order to take into account the influence of prevailing winds in a particular region during the construction of housing, social and cultural facilities and industry.

It is believed that rose winds invented by sailors who needed to know the features weather conditions for navigation. This information helped to understand when it is better to start sailing so that the wind is favorable. The diagram in the form of a rose is still used in design and construction.

You will need

  • Observational data on wind direction during the time period under study, paper, pencil, ruler, eraser.


After calm, in the range from 1 to 74 km/h, there are gradations of wind, light, weak and moderate, then fresh, strong, strong and very strong. Below are posted: heavy storm and a storm, at the peak of the scale - a hurricane with wind speeds of more than 117 km/h. US meteorologists added five more divisions to the scale at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, describing the stages of a hurricane in more detail.

Classification of local winds

One cannot help but recall two types of winds that are characteristic of areas with mountainous terrain and elevation changes. The first of them is bora, a brutal collapse of cold air, sharply squally and rapid. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in winter on land areas separated from the sea by low mountain ranges, less often in continental depths with similar mountainous terrain.

The Croats call this wind the brown, the French call it the mistral, the Italians and Spaniards call it the tramontana (literally “across the mountain”). On Russian Baikal, a type of bora is the Sarma wind.

Dry, often very strong, descends from the mountains into the valleys and, less often, the summer foehn, sharply heating up as it falls from the peaks by 1°C every 100 m (a process called adiabatic). Just as quickly as bora, it changes the climate of the area for a period from a day to 5-7 days. By the way, the German word “hairdryer” became the name for a device used for drying hair.

Hairdryers are typical for most mountainous countries. They are called differently: in Ethiopia - gobar, in Egypt - samum, in Tunisia - chili, in Morocco - shergi. It is a mistake to think that foehn occurs only in warm areas; they are well known in eastern Greenland. On Baikal, a type of föhn is shelonik.

It is difficult to say how many names there are for winds. In every region of the planet, where there are stable human settlements, there are “names” for the winds, often with etymological roots in extreme antiquity. They can be formed from names that no longer exist, contain signs of the area, or indicate cardinal directions.

Yes, on the coast Baltic Sea blows periodically northwest wind, called “amber” by the East Prussians: it rocks the sea swell, washing out and driving bottom algae with pieces of amber entangled in them to the shore. The winds of the Pomors, the inhabitants of the northern coasts of Russia, were divided into sixteen directions: along with the north, east, west and summer (not south), the intermediate coaster, shelonik, obednik with midnight owl and eight more “mezhniks” were listed. There are twenty-four winds on Lake Baikal. These are just a minimum of examples.

History of the symbol

The history of the birth of the Wind Rose sign goes back centuries. Initially, it was a symbol of the navigation star for sailors. In the hemisphere, such a fixed star in the night sky is the North Star. Using it, sailors have long learned to determine the latitude of a place and approximately determine their location at sea. The second guideline for experienced sailors was the wind. After all, many sea ships are constant at certain periods of the year, and, knowing these patterns, the captain adjusted his course and unerringly brought the ship from a long voyage to its home harbor. So the symbol of the navigation star acquired additional meaning, and the star rays began to point to: north, south, east and west. The sign of the Wind Rose, carved on the shoulder, was a kind of amulet for sailors. He gave them confidence in the correctness and successful return to native land. Today, tattoos are more a symbol of finding a way - stars. In the eight-pointed wind rose, intermediate directions indicate northeast, southeast, northwest and southwest, their rays are shorter.

Wind rose - a sign of meteorological conditions

In addition to decorative value, it also has a purely business, applied nature, carrying within itself necessary information. First of all, the wind rose is used by meteorologists in one form or another. According to the orders of interested contractors, they build a vector diagram that shows the regime of prevailing winds in a certain area for a certain period of time - month, season, year, long-term values. After all, knowledge of the meteorological situation, directions and strength of the dominant air flow necessary in many sectors of economics and social construction. When constructing airfields, it is necessary to choose the direction of the runways so that there is less “side wind”. In urban planning there is no way to do without: you need to take into account where to place industrial enterprises so that the waste coming out of their pipes does not carry with the wind to residential areas, where to lay out forested park areas, how to orient the main avenues so as not to “throw through” the city with cold winds or, conversely, to increase “breathability” in the southern regions. Unlike the compass rose symbol, the diagram has rays of varying lengths, and their length depends on the frequency of days when the wind blows from a given direction.