What are the details, which lead to the above results, is quite difficult to clarify. Attempts to establish with accuracy (at least relative), these factors led only to incomplete, dubious, sometimes contradictory results. From multiple factors included in the meteorological complex that were studied (air flows, drafts, dampness, temperature, atmospheric electricity, barometric pressure, air fronts, atmospheric ionization, etc.), most of all attention is paid to atmospheric ionization, air fronts and Atmospheric pressure that are active.

Some researchersIn their works, most of all refer to part of the above, the others are expressed widely, indefinitely, without special analysis and clarification, about meteorological factors in general. Tijevsky considers the factor-contributing epidemics - electromagnetic atmospheric disorders; Gaase believes that the drop in barometric pressure contributes to the hatching of allergic manifestations, especially anaphylactic shock; Fritish attributes atmospheric electric phenomena meteoropic beneficial effect on thromboembolic processes; The skin accuses sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, as the factors unleashing myocardial infarction, while A. Mihai claims that the fronts of the air also play a significant role and that he has not met a single infarction case outside the Nefron-day day, and Danishevsky refers to magnetic storms and T ..

Only sometimes appear clearer: this is the case of certain atmospheric flows (hair dryer, sirocco), the pathogenic effect of which is shown clearly and which cause mass disorders, real small epidemic explosions of pathology. Since in most cases the action of meteorological factors is relatively unnoticed, it is clear that it often eludes identification and especially clarification. It seems that this is a comprehensive action, multiple, multilateral, and not about the action of one of the above factors: such is the opinion of both Russian researchers (Tijevsky, Danishevsky, etc.) and Western (Picardi, etc.).

Therefore, in the works concerning pathogenic actions of methorological factors, often use various concepts; Therefore, among them there are only occasionally - common factors and identical chambers; Also for this reason, you can rarely compare the results. Hence the numerous used names and expressions, as well as certain entities and shortcuts, as sometimes the pathological echo of meteorological factors was presented: "stormy weather syndrome" (Netter), "Night's end syndrome" "(Annex Diaz). Invoor already about syndrome Sirocco or, FOHNKRANKHEIT ("Hair Disease"), actually corresponding to some more accurate conditions.

Meanwhile, it was noticed that some pathological moments, in humans, could be attributed to certain space and solar factors. It was observed, first of all, that certain atmospheric changes, riding marine, epidemics coincided and coincide with special cosmic moments: solar flares, sunny spots, etc. (Tizhevsky, Delade, Kovach, jumped, etc.).

Even some wide economic disorders coincided with such cosmic moments and were attributed to them (Baleil). More thorough studies of recent times have established that there is some parallelism between cosmic incidents and certain atmospheric disasters and disasters. It seems that the relationship is valid and that cosmic factors, indeed, have a certain influence (but imperceptible, difficult to detectable) to the atmosphere, in which magnetic storms and other disorders sometimes cause, through which they act further affect the land, the sea, people, as well as On them, the times of the year, climate, in good proportion also subordinate to space factors.

In this way from cosmic factors depend on (more or less directly) biological rhythms, the frequency of deploying the biological elements of the body, the rhythms are established, as can be seen, according to the general rhythm of cosmic phenomena (daily periodicity, seasonal periodicity etc.). Also, strange appearances, serial, some atmospheric, social or pathogenetic phenomena, who have given the so-called "series of series", apparently mysterious (fory), because of the mysterious (fory), because often the indicated phenomena are coincided with solar flares or spots and connected with them magnetic storms.

People who are called meteo-dependent, under certain weather conditions there is a deterioration in state of health. Particularly strongly susceptibility to the oscillations of air temperature or atmospheric pressure of jeep, who periodically experienced hell. If such a person constantly suffers from Meteumowers, to which his body responds to improving pressure, with time he can develop hypertension.
It would seem, there is no exit. After all, a person is not able to "establish" the optimal weather for itself. Of course, he can change the place of residence by choosing a area with a climate favorable. Ho not everyone has such an opportunity. Therefore, doctors recommend the meteurically sensitive people to "make friends" with nature. To do this, it is necessary to drastically change the lifestyle: to devote more time physical activity, comply with the correct mode of operation and recreation, competently compile a diet, that is, to lead a healthy lifestyle. After all, the reaction of the body on changes in weather is directly related to the violation of the functions of its organs and systems.
Lifting weights
Hepages are observed when lifting weights. Moreover, moderate loads are useful for the cardiovascular system, but excessive negatively affect its operation.
Professional factors
HE Last place among the risk factors for the development of hypertension occupies the area of \u200b\u200bhuman professional activity. If his work is associated with high responsibility and adoption of important decisions (managers, doctors), risk to life (servicemen, rescuers, police), processing of a huge flow of information (secretaries, dispatchers), permanent negotiations and communication with different people in nature (managers Sales, sellers), the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases significantly.
As a rule, people do not think about the influence of the profession chosen by them on health and continue to work, despite the alarming signals of the body. True, there is another extreme: a person "protects" himself, which does not work at all. Experts recommend looking for optimal option: rationally organize their career or change its focus.

High level of noise
In the past few decades, doctors have a high level of noise to one of the reasons for the development of hypertension.
In primitive society, noise was always a hazard signal. At the same time, the person has sharply activated the nervous system, the level of adrenaline increased. And it was necessary for self-defense, flight or attack.
Of course, we lost the practical significance of the perception of noise, but we did not change the body's reactions to the external stimuli. Excessive noise still causes people's emission of adrenaline and the rhythm of the heart. And this very negatively affects health, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Meteorological conditions have a significant impact on the transfer and dispersion of harmful impurities entering the atmosphere. Modern cities typically occupy the territory in dozens, and sometimes hundreds of square kilometers, therefore the change in the content of harmful substances in their atmosphere occurs under the action of meso and macroscale atmospheric processes. The greatest impact on the dispersion of impurities in the atmosphere has the mode of wind and temperature, especially its stratification.

The effect of meteorological conditions for the transfer of substances in the air is manifested in different ways, depending on the type of emission source. If there are overheated air from the gas source relative to the ambient air, then they have an initial lift; In this regard, near the source of emissions, the field of vertical velocities contributing to the rise of the torch and the impurity deposits upwards is created. With weak winds, this lift causes a decrease in the concentrations of impurities by the Earth. The concentration of impurities in the earth also happens with very strong winds, but in this case it occurs due to the rapid transfer of impurities. As a result, the greatest concentrations of impurities in the surface layer are formed at a certain speed, which is called dangerous. Its value depends on the type of emission source and is determined by the formula

where - the volume of the emissions of the gas-high mixture is the difference in the temperatures of this mixture and the surrounding air, the height of the pipe.

With low emissions sources, an increased level of air pollution is marked with weak winds (0-1 m / s) due to the accumulation of impurities in the surface layer.

Undoubtedly, the duration of the wind of a certain speed is important for accumulating impurities, especially weak.

Direct influence on the nature of air pollution in the city has wind direction. A significant increase in impurities concentration is observed when winds are dominated by industrial facilities.

The main forms determining the dispersion of impurities include the stratification of the atmosphere, including the temperature inversion, (i.e., an increase in air temperature with a height). If the temperature rise begins directly from the surface of the Earth, the inversion is called the surface, if, from a certain height above the ground, it is raised. Inversion make it difficult to vertical air exchange. If a layer of raised inversion is located at a sufficiently high height from the pipes of industrial enterprises, the concentration of impurities will be significantly less. The inversion layer, located below the emission level, prevents them from transferring them to the earth's surface.

The temperature inversion in the lower troposphere is determined mainly by two factors: the cooling of the earth's surface due to radiation radiation and the advection of warm air to the cold underlying surface; Often they are associated with the cooling of the surface layer due to the cost of heat to evaporation of water or melting of snow and ice. The formation of inversions also contributes to the downward movements in the anticyclones and the flow of cold air into the reduced parts of the relief.

As a result of theoretical studies, it was established that at high emissions, the concentration of impurities in the surface layer is growing by increasing the turbulent exchange caused by unsustainable stratification. The maximum surface concentration of heated and cold impurities is determined according to the formulas:

where; and - the amount of substances and volumes of gases emitted into the atmosphere into the atmosphere per unit of time; - the diameter of the source of emissions; - dimensionless coefficients that take into account the rate of sedimentation of harmful substances in the atmosphere and the conditions of the gas-air mixture from the mouth of the emission source; - overheating of gases; - coefficient determining the conditions for vertical and horizontal dispersion of harmful substances and depending on the temperature stratification of the atmosphere. The coefficient is determined by adverse meteorological conditions of the dispersion of impurities, with intense vertical turbulent metabolism in the surface layer of air, when the surface concentration of impurities in the air from a high source reaches a maximum. Thus, to know the coefficient value for various physico-geographic areas, information on the spatial distribution of the values \u200b\u200bof the turbulent exchange coefficient in the surface layer of the atmosphere

As a characterization of the stability of the boundary layer of the atmosphere, the so-called "mixing layer height", corresponding to about height of the boundary layer, is used. In this layer, intense vertical movements are observed caused by radiation heating, and the vertical temperature gradient approaches the dryhadiabatic or exceeds it. The height of the stirring layer can be determined according to the aerological sounding of the atmosphere and the maximum temperature of the air in the ground per day. The increase in the concentration of impurities in the atmosphere is usually observed with a decrease in the mixing layer, especially when it is less than 1.5 km. With a layer height of stirring more than 1.5 km, an increase in air pollution is practically observed.

When weakening the wind, the impurities accumulate is accumulated, but at this time the rise of superheated emissions into the upper layers of the atmosphere is significantly increased, where they dissipate. However, if inversion is observed under these conditions, then the ceiling may form, which will prevent the incidence of emissions. Then the concentration of impurities in the earth increases sharply.

The relationship between air pollution and meteorological conditions is very complex. Therefore, in the study of the reasons for the formation of an increased level of pollution of the atmosphere, it is more convenient to use not separate meteorological characteristics, but comprehensive parameters corresponding to a certain meteorological situation, for example, wind speed and thermal stratification. For the state of the atmosphere in cities, the surface temperature inversion in combination with weak winds is a greater danger, i.e. The situation of stagnation of air. It is usually associated with large-scale atmospheric processes, most often with anticyclones, in which weak winds are observed in the boundary layer of the atmosphere, surface radiation inversion of temperature are formed.

The influence of fogs, precipitation and radiation mode also affect the formation of air pollution.

The fogs on the content of impurities in the air affect the complex way: the fog drops are absorbed by the impurity, and not only near the underlying surface, but also of the overlying, the most contaminated air layers. As a result, the concentration of impurities increases greatly into the layer of fog and decreases over it. In this case, the dissolution of sulfur gas in the fog drops leads to the formation of a more toxic sulfuric acid. Since the weight concentration of sulfur gas is increasing in the fog, then with its oxidation of sulfuric acid, it can be formed by 1.5 times more.

The precipitates purify air from impurities. After long and intense precipitation, high concentrations of impurities are observed very rarely.

Solar radiation determines photochemical reactions in the atmosphere and the formation of various secondary products with often more toxic properties than substances coming from emission sources. Thus, in the process of photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, there is oxidation of sulfur gas to form sulphate aerosols. As a result of a photochemical effect in clear sunny days, photochemical was formed in polluted air.

The above review made it possible to identify the most important meteorological parameters affecting the level of air pollution.

Meteorological factors - a group of natural factors of the external environment, affecting, along with cosmic (radiation) and television (Earth), on the human body. Direct influence on man have physical and chemical atmospheric factors.

Chemical factors include gases and various impurities. To gases, the content of which in the atmosphere almost constantly includes nitrogen (78.08% by volume), oxygen (20.95), argon (0.93), hydrogen (0.00005), neon (0.0018), helium (0.0005), Crypton (0.0001), xenon (0.000009). The content of other gases in the atmosphere varies significantly. Thus, the carbon dioxide content ranges from 0.03 to 0.05%, and near some industrial enterprises and carbon dioxide mineral sources can increase to 0.07-0.16%. The formation of ozone is associated with the thunderstorms and the oxidation processes of certain organic substances, so its maintenance at the surface of the Earth is negligible and very impermanent. Mostly ozone is formed at an altitude of 20-40 km under the influence of the UV rays of the Sun and, delaying the short-wavelength of the UV spectrum (UV-C with a wavelength of 280 nm), protects the living agent of death, i.e. it plays the role of a giant filter protecting life on earth. Thanks to the chemical activity, ozone has pronounced bactericidal and deodorizing properties. In atmospheric air may be contained in minor quantities and other gases: ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, various nitrogen compounds, etc., which are mainly the result of air pollution by waste industrial enterprises. From the soil in the atmosphere, the emanation of radioactive elements and gaseous products of the exchange of soil bacteria are entered. The air may contain aromatic substances and phytoncides allocated by plants. Many of them have bactericidal properties. The air of the forests contains 200 times less bacteria than the air of cities. Finally, in the air there are suspended particles in a liquid and solid state: marine salts, organic substances (bacteria, disputes, pollen of plants, etc.), mineral particles of volcanic and cosmic origin, smoke, etc. The content of these substances in the air is determined by various factors - features of the underlying surface, the nature of vegetation, the presence of the seas, etc.

Chemicals contained in the air can actively influence the body. Thus, sea salts contained in the seaside air, aromatic substances secreted by plants (monarch, basil, rosemary, sage, etc.), phytoncides of garlic, etc. Positive affect patients with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. The volatile substances secreted by the poplar, oak, birch, contribute to the increase in the redox processes in the body, and the volatile substances of pine trees, fir away the fabric breath. Toxic effect on the body is provided by volatile substances, hops, magnolias, cherry and other plants. High concentrations of terpenes in the air of pine forests can have adverse effects on patients with cardiovascular diseases. There are data on the dependence of the development of negative reactions from increasing the content of ozone in the air.

Of all the chemical air factors, the absolute vitality is oxygen. When lifting the mountain, the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced in the air, which leads to the phenomena of oxygen deficiency and the development of various kinds of compensatory reactions (an increase in the volume of respiratory and blood circulation, the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin, etc.). Under the conditions of the plain, the relative oscillations of partial oxygen pressure are very insignificant, however, the relative changes in its density are more significant, as they depend on the ratio of pressure, temperature and humidity. Increased temperature and humidity, pressure decreases lead to a decrease in the partial density of oxygen, and a decrease in temperature, humidity and pressure increases to an increase in oxygen density. Temperature changes from -30 to + 30 ° C, pressure in the range of 933-1040 mbar, relative humidity from 0 to 100% leads to a change in the partial density of oxygen in the range of 238-344 g / m 3, while the partial oxygen pressure under these conditions hesitated within 207-241 mbar. According to V. F. Ovcharov (1966, 1975, 1981, 1985), the change in the partial density of oxygen may cause biotropic effects of hypoxic and hypotensive, with a decrease in and tonic and spastic - with increasing. The weak change in the partial density of oxygen ± 5 g / m 3, moderate ± 5.1-10 g / m 3, expressed ± 10.1-20 g / m 3, sharp ± 20 g / m 3.

Physical meteorological factors include temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, precipitation, wind.

The air temperature is determined mainly by solar radiation, and therefore, periodic (daily and seasonal) temperature fluctuations are noted. In addition, there may be sudden (non-periodic) temperature changes associated with the total atmospheric circulation processes. For the characteristic of the thermal regime in the climature, the values \u200b\u200bof average daily, monthly and annual temperatures are used, as well as maximum and minimum values. To determine the temperature changes, this value is used as the intertoon temperature variability (the difference in the average daily temperature of two neighboring days, and in operational practice - the difference between the values \u200b\u200bof the two consecutive morning measurement time). A change in the average daily temperature is considered to be a change in the average daily temperature of 2-4 ° C, moderate cooling or warming - by 4-6 ° C, sharp - more than 6 ° C.

The air heats up by transferring it heat from the earth's surface, which absorbs the sun's rays. This heat transfer occurs mainly by convection, i.e., vertical movement of the heated from the contact with the underlying air surface, whose place is lowered colder air from the upper layers. In this way, the air layer with a thickness of about 1 km is heated. Above, in the troposphere (lower layer of the atmosphere), the heat transfer is determined by the transbulence of the planetary scale, i.e., mixing the air masses; In front of the cyclone, warm air is made of low latitudes in high, in the rear of cyclones, cold air masses from high latitudes invade low. The temperature distribution in height is determined by the nature of the convection. In the absence of condensation of water vapor, the air temperature decreases to the HS with an increase of each 100 m, and when water vapor condensation is only 0.4 ° C. As the temperature is removed from the surface of the earth, the temperature in the troposphere decreases by an average of 0.65 ° C for every 100 m height (vertical temperature gradient).

The air temperature of this area depends on a number of physico-geographical conditions. In the presence of extensive water spaces, daily and annual fluctuations in temperature in coastal areas are reduced. In the mountainous areas, in addition to height above sea level, the location of the mountain ranges and valleys, the availability of the terrain winds, etc. Finally, plays the role of the nature of the landscape. The surface covered with vegetation is heated during the day and cooled at night less than the open. Temperature is one of the important factors of weather characteristics, seasons. According to the classification of Fedorov - Chubukuk, three large groups of weather based on the temperature factor are distinguished: smugmers, with the air temperature transition after 0 ° C and frosty.

The adverse effect on the person can have sharp sudden fluctuations in temperature and extreme (maximum and minimum) temperatures, causing pathological conditions (frostbite, cold, overheating, etc.). The classic example of this is a massive disease (40,000 people) with flu in St. Petersburg, when in one of the January nights of 1780. The temperature rose from -43.6 to +6 ° C.

Atmospheric pressure is measured in millibar (MBAR), Pascals (PA) or millimeters of a mercury pillar (mm Hg. Art.). 1 mbar \u003d 100 Pa. In medium latitudes at sea level, the air pressure is an average of 760 mm Hg. Art., or 1013 mbar (101.3 kPa). As the pressure is lifted, it is reduced by 1 mm Hg. Art. (0.133 kPa) for every 11 m height. The air pressure is characterized by strong non-periodic oscillations associated with weather changes, while pressure fluctuations reaches 10-20 mbar (1-2 kPa), and in sharply continental districts - up to 30 mbar (3 kPa). A weak pressure change is considered to be a decrease or an increase in its average daily magnitude of 1-4 mbar (0.1-0.4 kPa), moderate - by 5-8 mbar (0.5-0.8 kPa), sharp - more than 8 mbar ( 0.8 kPa). Significant precipitation of atmospheric pressure can lead to different pathological reactions, especially in patients.

The humidity of the air is characterized by elasticity of steam (in mbar) and relative humidity, that is, the percentage of the elasticity (partial pressure) of the water vapor in the atmosphere to the elasticity of the saturated water vapor at the same temperature. Sometimes the elasticity of the water vapor is called absolute humidity, which is actually the density of water vapor in the air and, being expressed in g / m 3, is close to the elasticity of steam in mm RT. Art. The difference between the fully saturable and actual elasticity of the water vapor under these temperature and pressure is called humidity deficit (lack of saturation). In addition, the so-called physiological saturation is isolated, i.e., the elasticity of water vapor at the temperature of the human body (37 ° C). It is 47.1 mm Hg. Art. (6.28 kPa). The physiological deficiency of saturation will be the difference between the elasticity of water vapor at 37 ° C and the elasticity of the water vapor in the outer air. In summer, the elasticity of the steam is significantly higher, and the deficiency of saturation is less than in winter. Relative humidity usually indicates the meteorologists, since its change can be directly felt by a person. Air is considered dry with humidity up to 55%, moderately dry at 56-70%, wet - at 71-85%, highly wet (raw) - over 85%. Relative humidity varies in the opposite direction relative to seasonal and daily fluctuations.

Air humidity in combination with a temperature has a pronounced effect on the body. The most favorable conditions for humans are the conditions under which the relative humidity is 50%, temperature-17-19 ° C, and the wind speed does not exceed 3 m / s. Improving air humidity, preventing evaporation, makes the heat (hardness conditions) and enhances the action of cold, contributing to greater heat loss by conducting (wet frosty conditions). The cold and heat in a dry climate is transferred easier than in wet.

When the temperature decreases, the moisture contained in the air is condensed, and fog is formed. It also occurs when mixing warm wet air with cold and humid. In industrial areas, the fog can absorb toxic gases, which, entering into a chemical reaction with water, form sulfur substances (toxic resin). This may lead to massive poisoning of the population. With wet air, the danger of an air infection is higher, since the moisture droplets in which disease pathogens may have a greater diffusion ability than dry dust, and therefore can fall into the most distant lung plots.

Cloudiness is formed above the earth's surface by condensation and sublimation of water vapor contained in the air. The clouds formed can consist of water droplets or ice crystals. Cloud is measured according to a 11-point scale, according to which 0 corresponds to the complete absence of clouds, and 10 points - solid clouds. The weather is regarded as clear and clouded at 0-5 ballast points, cloud - at 6-8 points, overcast - at 9-10 points. The nature of the clouds at different height is bottled. The clouds of the upper tier (with a base above 6 km) consist of ice crystals, light, transparent, snow-white, almost not delaying direct sunlight and at the same time, diffusely reflecting them, noticeably increasing the inflow of radiation from the heavenly arch (scattered radiation). The medium tier clouds (2-6 km) consist of supercooled water droplets or a mixture of it with ice crystals and snowflakes; They are more dense, they acquire a grayish tint, the sun shines them weakly or does not shine at all. The clouds of the lower tier have the form of low gray heavy grocery, shafts or shields covering the sky with a solid cover, the sun usually does not shine them. Daily cloud changes are not strictly natural, and its annual progress depends on the general physico-geographical conditions and landscape features. Cloudy affects the light mode and is the cause of precipitation of precipitation, which dramatically disturb the daily course of temperature and humidity. These two factors, if they are sharply pronounced, and can have an adverse effect on the body with cloud weather.

The precipitate can be liquid (rain) or solid (snow, cereals, hail). The character of precipitation depends on the conditions of their education. If the ascending air flows with high absolute humidity reaches large heights for which low temperatures are characterized, the water vapors are sublimated and falling out in the form of cereals, hail, and melted - in the form of a storm rain. The distribution of precipitation affects the physical and geographical features of the terrain. Inside the continents, the amount of precipitation is usually less than on the coast. On the slopes of the mountains addressed to the sea, they are usually more than on the opposite. Rain plays a positive sanitary role: it cleans the air, flushes dust; Drops containing microbes are lowered to the ground. At the same time, rain, especially protracted, worsens climatotherapy conditions. Snow covers, having a high reflectivity (albedo) to shortwave radiation, significantly weaken the processes of solar heat accumulation, reinforcing winter frosts. Especially high albedo snow to UV radiation (up to 97%), which increases the efficiency of winter heliotherapy, especially in the mountains. Often, short-term rain and snow improve the condition of meteolabile people, contribute to the cessation of complaints that have had before this. The weather is considered without precipitation if their total amount does not reach 1 mm.

The wind is characterized by direction and speed. The direction of the wind is determined by that side of the world, from where it blows (north, south, west, east). In addition to these major areas, intermediates, constituting in the amount of 16 Rumbers (Northeast, North-West, Southeast, etc.) are distinguished. The strength of the wind is determined by the 13-point scale of the Simpson-Beaufort, according to which 0 corresponds to the calm (speed by anemometer 0-0.5 m / s), 1-quiet wind (0.6-1.7), 2 - light (1 , 8-3.3), 3 - weak (3.4-5.2), 4 - moderate (5.3-7.4), 5 -set (7.5-9.8), 6 -Sil (9.9-12.4), 7 - strong (12.5-15.2), 8 - very strong (15.3-18.2), 9-storm (18.3-21.5), 10 - strong storm (21.6-25.1), 11 - cruel storm (25.2-29), 12 - hurricane (more than 29 m / s). A sharp short-term wind gain up to 20 m / s and more called a squall.

The cause of the wind is the pressure difference: the air moves from a high pressure area to low-pressure places. The more pressure difference, the stronger the wind. Aerial circulation are created with different periodicity, which are of great importance for the formation of a microclimate and have a certain impact on a person. Heterogeneity of pressure in horizontal directions is due to the heterogeneity of the thermal regime on the earth's surface. In the summer, the drying is heated stronger than the water surface, as a result of which the air above the drying from heating expands, rises upwards where it spreads in horizontal directions. This leads to a decrease in the total mass of air and, consequently, to a decrease in pressure from the earth's surface. Therefore, in the summer, relatively cool and wet sea air in the lower layers of the troposphere rushes from the sea to the land, and in the winter dry cold air - from sushi to the sea. Such seasonal winds (monsoons) are most pronounced in Asia, on the border of the largest mainland and the ocean. Within the USSR, they are more often observed in the Far East. The same change of winds is observed in the coastal areas during the day - this is breeze, that is, the winds that have fun on the day from the sea, and at night - from sushi to the sea, spreading to 10-15 km on both sides of the coastline. In the southern seaside resorts in the summer during the daytime, they reduce the feeling of heat. In the mountains there are mountain-valley winds, who in the afternoon upside down the slopes (valleys), and at night - down, from the mountains. They arise mainly in the warm season, in clear silent weather and have a beneficial effect on man. In mountainous locations, when mountains are located on the path of air flow between the same side of the mountain range, it is formed a peculiar warm and dry wind blowing from the mountains - Feng. In this case, when lifting the air loses moisture in the form of precipitation and is somewhat cooled, and the passing for the mountain range and dropping is significantly heated. As a result, the air temperature at Feno may increase by a short period of time (15-30 minutes) to increase by 10-15 ° C and more. Fenoa usually arise in winter and spring. Most often among the resorts of the USSR, they are formed in Tskhalturib. Strong Fenins cause the depressed, irritated state, worsen their breath. In the case of moving the air in a horizontal direction from hot and very dry locations, dry occurs, at which humidity can fall up to 10-15%. Bora is a mountain wind, which is observed in the cold season in areas where low mountain ranges are suitable close to the sea. The wind is impetuous, strong (up to 20-40 m / s), the duration of 1-3 days, often causes meteopathic reactions; It happens in Novorossiysk, on the coast of Lake Baikal (Sarma), on the Mediterranean coast of France (Mistral).

At low temperatures, the wind enhances the heat transfer, which can lead to the supercooling of the body. The lower the air temperature, the harder the wind is transferred. In the hot time, the wind increases skin evaporation and improves well-being. A strong wind has an adverse effect, tiring, annoying the nervous system, it makes it difficult to breathe, a small wind - tones and stimulates the body.

The electrical condition of the atmosphere is determined by the electric field strength, air conductor, ionization, electrical discharges in the atmosphere. The land has the properties of a negatively charged conductor, and the atmosphere is positively charged. The difference in the potentials of the Earth and the point at a height of 1 m (electric potential gradient) is an average of 130 V. The voltage of the electric field of the atmosphere has a greater variability depending on meteorological phenomena, especially precipitation, cloudiness, thunderstorms, etc., and also From the time of year, geographical latitude and height of the terrain. When clouds are passed, atmospheric electricity changes for 1 min in significant limits (from +1200 to -4000 V / m).

The electrical conductivity of the air is due to the number of positive and negatively charged atmospheric ions contained in it (aeroions). In 1 cm 3 of air, 12 pairs of ions are formed every second, as a result of which about 1000 pairs of nonns are constantly present in it. The coefficient of unipolarity (the ratio of the number of positively charged ions to the number of negatively charged) in all zones, except for the mountain, above 1. Before the thunderstorm is accumulated positive, and after a thunderstorm - negative ions. In condensation of the water vapor, positive ions prevail, with evaporation - negative.

The parameters of atmospheric electricity have daily and seasonal frequency, which, however, is very often overlapped with more powerful non-periodic oscillations of it caused by the change of air mass.

Atmospheric processes vary in time and space, being one of the main weather factors and climatography. The main form of general circulation of the atmosphere in the vneipic latitudes is cyclonic activity (occurrence, development and movement of cyclones and anticyclones). At the same time, the pressure changes dramatically, causing a circular motion of air from the periphery to the center (cyclone) or from the center to the periphery (anticyclone). Cyclones and anticyclones differ in the parameters of atmospheric electricity. When increase in pressure, especially on the ridge, which is the peripheral part of the anticyclone, the potential gradient increases sharply (up to 1300 V / m). Electromagnetic pulses propagate with the speed of light and are tracked from the long distances. In this regard, they are not only a sign of the development of processes in the atmosphere, but also a certain link in its development. Ahead of the change in the main meteorological factors when passing the fronts, they may be the first irritants, causing various kinds of meteopathic reactions to a visible weather change.

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    Meteorological factors for pollution of the atmosphere - 7. Meteorological factors of pollution of the atmosphere Meteorological factors D. Meteorologische Einflubgro Ben der Luftverunreinigung E. Meteorological Factors of Air Pollution F. Facteurs Meteorologiques De La Pollution Dair Meteorological ... ...

    Terminology GOST 77: Nature Protection. Atmosphere. Sources and meteorological factors of pollution, industrial emissions. Terms and definitions of the original document: 5. Anthropogenic Pollution of the Atmosphere Anthropogenic Pollution D. ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Factors and causes of migration - The concept of "factor" (translated from Latin making, producing) is used to indicate the driving force of any process, phenomena. It performs in two hypostasses: and as a level factor (statics), and as a development factor (dynamics). ... ... Migration: Dictionary of Basic Terms

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    conditions - (See section 1) D) Can a car be dangerous when creating or consuming certain materials? No Source: GOST R IEC 60204 1 2007: Safety of machines. Electrical equipment of machines and mechanisms. Part 1. Common Requirements ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Weather conditions are favorable - Weather state in which meteorological factors do not negative effect on the state of the road surface, speed and safety of the car movement (dry, clear, lack of wind or wind at a speed of up to 10 m / s, no ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    3.18 Source (Source): Object or activities with potential consequences. Note For security, the source is a danger (see ISO / IEC Guide 51). [ISO / IEC Guide 73: 2002, paragraph 3.1.5] Source ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation


  • Live barometers, I. F. Zyanchkovsky. The heroes of this entertaining book are animals and plants, whose behavior can be determined by the weather. The author talks about the reaction of animals and plants on various meteorological factors, ...
  • Meetability, Alla Ioffe (AMI). "Meteo-dependence" ... So I called this collection. Those who are familiar with what I write is not surprising. Meteorological factors - this is what affects us, but it does not depend on us, so I ...