In the modern civilized world, military conflicts are rare, but if they arise, then a huge advantage will be on the side of the country that has more power aerial technology . This is not at all strange, because flying combat vehicles are capable of causing irreparable damage to the enemy. It is for this reason that the military aviation of each country equips its arsenal with aircraft capable of destroying ground threats instantly.

Millions aircraft designers compete with each other who will create the best fighter in the world, paying great attention even to the smallest details. In order to understand which of the fighter aircraft existing today really deserves the title of best, you should pay attention to the criteria, which are put in front of the ideal combat aircraft.

Criteria for modern fighter aircraft

The decisive step in military operations, as the practice of the wars in Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq and other countries shows, is aviation. In order to determine which fighter is capable of bringing victory to its country, it is necessary to take a more detailed look at the operational characteristics and features of each of the contenders.

It is possible to understand which fighter is better only by observing a real collision between them, but such a development of events is unlikely, since all problems and disagreements are resolved peacefully. There are, of course, a number of criteria that, according to experts, are the main ones. So, the important features of aircraft are:

  • fighter speed;
  • its survivability;
  • set of weapons;
  • maneuverability in the air;
  • detection protection;
  • flight length and duration.

The criteria that an ideal military aircraft must have are constantly changing, as each new model is modified and re-equipped. Unfortunately, in order to gain experience and understand what exactly is needed to create a powerful fighter, you have to pay - the size of human lives.

Features of the most famous cars of our time

As you know, each “air fighter” has several of its own characteristics, which we will now try to figure out, and at the end we will sum up the results and make assumptions about who can really be among the top 10 best fighters in the world. For comparison, we selected representatives of various manufacturing countries, but Russian and American developers are still in the lead in the top.

  • F-22 raptor;
  • Su-35S;
  • F-35 Lightnig;
  • T-50;
  • Messershmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe";
  • Mig 25;
  • British Aerospace Sea Harrier;
  • Mitsubishi A6M;
  • F-16 Fighting Falcon;
  • German Typhoon;
  • Gripen;
  • Rafale;
  • F-15 Eagle.

F-22 Raptor

Let's start with the development of a well-known company called Lockheed Martin - the F-22 Raptor.

F-22 Raptor

This model is the most expensive fighter worldwide. A total of 145 such combat vehicles were produced. This is the only multi-role aircraft of its kind that can reach speeds greater than Mach 1.5 without afterburner. It is equipped with two engines, so it has a large . As the saying goes: “Whoever finds the enemy faster wins the fight.” Thanks to the Stealth technology the fighter is equipped with, it is less noticeable in the air.

Video about the F-22 Raptor aircraft:

We identified the Su-35S as the second contender for the title of best.

This fighting machine, which most consider the most powerful development belonging to the 4++ class.


The only factor that separates the Su-35 from the fifth generation of aircraft is the lack of Stealth technology. But despite this, the fighter includes several types of weapons:

  • guided air-to-ground missile bombardment;
  • unguided rocket;
  • controlled rocket type"air-to-air";
  • small arms and cannon bombardment;
  • bomb.

In order for the fighter to operate autonomously in situations in which there is no connection with satellite navigation systems, and for the pilot to maintain contact with ground services, it is equipped with an inertial electronic navigation system BINS-SP2. A feature of this model, as experts note, is its maneuverability. It is capable of making a turn in a horizontal plane without significantly reducing flight speed. Maximum speed at high altitude is 2500 kilometers per hour. Flight range - 3600 kilometers.

Video about the Su-35S aircraft:

F-35 Lightning

This is a fifth-generation combat air vehicle, which is equipped with one Pratt & Whitney engine.

F-35 Lightning

The power plant for this model was developed by Rolls-Royce employees. There are three types of modifications to the F-35 Lightning fighter:

  • F-35A - standard development;
  • F-35B - a version of the fighter with a vertical landing and a significantly shortened takeoff;
  • F-35C is a version designed for carrier-based aviation, catapult-type takeoff, landing - aerofinisher.

A special feature of the F-35 Lightning is its unique pilot helmet. It is still under development, but its functionality is simply amazing. Thanks to modern innovative technologies, the pilot can see through the cockpit of the fighter even in the infrared range. The crew's visors receive the most necessary information navigation for combat. Capable of reaching speeds of 1900 km per hour.

Video about the F-35 Lightning aircraft:


It can claim a place in the line of the best, it is still in development, the start of its production is planned for 2015.


The main thing should be a large radius of destruction. The fighter's combat arsenal will include high-precision weapons and a radar with a phased array antenna. The take-off weight of the fighter is 20 tons. It reaches speeds of up to 2.5 M. average speed- 2600 kilometers per hour.

Video about the T-50 aircraft:

Messershmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe"

This is the world's first combat fighter that was capable of reaching 900 km per hour.

Messershmitt Me.262

Its onboard weapons include four 30-mm cannons with hundreds of shells, as well as 24 unguided missiles.

Video about the Messershmitt Me.262 “Schwalbe” aircraft:

Mig 25

The development of Soviet scientists, which has come a long way to perfection and now belongs to the fifth generation.

Mig 25

This supersonic interceptor at one time set 29 records. In reconnaissance mode, the aircraft becomes much lighter and accelerates to 2.8 M. A special feature of the fighter is its ability to catch more than 2 tons of bombs in flight.

Video about the Mig 25 aircraft:

British Aerospace Sea Harrier

A vertical takeoff and landing fighter.

This aircraft has been in service for a long time now. Marine Corps in USA.

British Aerospace Sea Harrier in the sky

The secret to the development was the creation of a lifting rod, on which British aircraft designers worked for many years. The developers used a single power unit - Rolls-Royce Pegasus with deflectable thrust vector.

Video about the British Aerospace Sea Harrier aircraft:

Mitsubishi A6M

They call it a “mystery plane”, since the Mitsubishi developers managed to combine the incongruous - maneuverability and a record flight range for a fighter, amounting to 2600 km when equipped with 2.5 tons.

Mitsubishi A6M

Mitsubishi A6M is the embodiment of the samurai spirit, which with its appearance despises everything connected with it. This can be understood by the fact that the Japanese-made fighter is completely devoid of armor.

Video about the Mitsubishi A6M aircraft:

F-16 Fighting Falcon

It has a huge advantage in optical visibility, as it is equipped with a non-binding flashlight.

F-16 Fighting Falcon

The fighter's turn speed is 21.5 degrees per second. In a second, the fighter gains a height of 294 meters. This is a pretty good indicator. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is equipped with a huge set of weapons; it is capable of using unguided and guided missiles, as well as anti-radar missiles in combat.

Video about the F-16 Fighting Falcon:

F-15 Eagle

According to the BBC, this is a real “killer”; during its history, it brought 104 victories without a single defeat.

F-15 Eagle

No one managed to shoot down this air machine. None of the existing fighters today can boast of such a performance as the F-15 Eagle. The fighter model is capable of conducting active combat even in extreme conditions- in the daytime or at night, in any unforeseen meteorological conditions, at low altitudes and high ones.

Video about the F-15 Eagle aircraft:


It should also not be ignored, since Chinese aircraft designers did their best.


This fighter is called the "duck" because of its specific design. The horizontal rudder of the fighter is moved more forward and is located almost in front of the wing. When the pilot needs to point the plane upward, instead of the usual lowering, the aircraft's layout raises its nose and thereby increases its rate of climb. The tailless system of the J-10, with all its features, is aerodynamically unstable, especially when it comes to supersonic speeds. The crew of a fighter can consist of one or two people. There is a refueling function in flight mode.

Video about the J-10 aircraft:

German Typhoon

It amazes with the variety of materials from which it is made.


Carbon composite ribs, carbon composites, titanium, and even aluminum-lithium alloys took part in the production. Stealth technology makes the aircraft visually invisible even at a short distance from the enemy. Armed with a Mauser VK27 cannon, as well as air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles.

Video about the Typhoon aircraft:

Gripen - Swedish fourth generation fighter

Today it is one of the main air combat vehicles of the country.


This fighter is capable of flawlessly performing several combat missions simultaneously, namely, being an attack aircraft and a reconnaissance aircraft. Equipped with a Volvo Aero RM12 turbofan, thanks to which it is capable of a flight range of 2800 kilometers.

Video about the Gripen aircraft:


It is a French combat aircraft that can perform a wide range of missions at short and long distances from the enemy, including flawlessly hitting its enemy both at sea and on land.


The French government allocated 3 million euros for the development of this fighter. In March 2007, NATO adopted this fighter. It is equipped with a two-circuit turbojet engine. It develops a speed of 1900 kilometers per hour, the combat radius is 1800 kilometers.

Video about the Rafale aircraft:

Each war and air combat conflict introduces its own rules and features of combat operations, therefore, reading the characteristics of all the above air fighters, it is quite difficult to determine at first who is the leader among them. So far, the F-22 raptor takes the lead, but each of the fighters is constantly undergoing modifications and updates, so it changes very quickly. Today there are five generations of aircraft, the sixth generation, which will have even greater innovations, is still under development and completely classified. How the sixth generation fighter will surprise the world, we can only guess.

Beginning with World War II, and perhaps also during the armed conflicts that preceded it, such as the wars in Spain and Abyssinia, the decisive role of aviation in the outcome of military operations became obvious. Air superiority determines success. Then there were Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq, the Middle East, Iraq again and many other local clashes that confirmed great importance aircraft in combat. Without the ability to effectively counter the actions of enemy attack and bomber aircraft, there is no chance of victory. And for this we need air defense systems and special types of aircraft that have a number of special qualities, such as speed, maneuverability and low vulnerability.

Ideas about what the best fighter should be have changed over the years. The metamorphoses of this type of military equipment were influenced by both developing technologies and experience gained at the cost of great sacrifices.

Thirties-forties, era of propeller-driven fighters

The I-16 performed well in the skies of Spain. As of 1936, it was perhaps the best fighter in the world. In its design, engineers from Polikarpov's bureau used the latest technical solutions, revolutionary for that time. It was the first production model with retractable landing gear, a powerful engine and weapons (including the possibility of installing unguided rockets). But the dominance of “Chatos” (“Snub-nosed” - as the Republicans called it for its wide hood profile) did not last long. The German Messerschmitt 109 appeared in the sky, which underwent several modifications throughout the Second World War. Only a few aircraft similar in class and engine power could compete with it, including the English Spitfire and the American Mustang, developed somewhat later.

However, despite all the outstanding technical specifications, it is very difficult to find a comprehensive criterion in order to determine the best aircraft. A fighter, it turns out, can also be different, and it needs to be assessed according to many parameters.

Fifties, Korea

In the post-war period, the countdown of generations of fighter aircraft began with the advent. The first of them includes the initial developments of engineers around the world, created back in the mid-forties. For us it was a MiG-9, whose parameters were not far removed from the Messerschmitt-262. Already during this time, the Americans were shocked by an unpleasant surprise for them.

Swift, compact and very maneuverable, the MiG-15 crushed seemingly unshakable power strategic aviation USA. The second generation began with this MiG. At that time it was the best fighter in the world, and it took time to create a worthy rival for it, which was the Saber.

Sixties, Vietnam and the Middle East

Then there were two lifelong rivals, the Phantom and the MiG-21, circling in the sky in “dog fights.” These planes were very different in size, weight, and level of armament. The American F-4 weighed twice as much as the Soviet interceptor, was less maneuverable, but had a number of advantages in long-range combat.

It is difficult to determine which of the best fighters fought in the skies of Vietnam, but the overall score was in favor of the MiG. One should also take into account the fact that at comparable prices the Soviet aircraft was much (several times) cheaper, moreover, in the event of an unfavorable outcome of the battle, the Americans lost two pilots, not one. Both of these aircraft belonged to the third generation of aircraft. Meanwhile, progress continued, and increasingly stringent requirements were placed on interceptors.

Fourth generation, starting in the seventies

Since 1970, the development of fighter aircraft production has followed new main lines. Avionics has become not just a means to help the pilot detect enemies and solve navigation problems; it has taken on a number of control functions. Visibility has become extremely important aircraft for enemy radars. Engine parameters have changed, and the thrust vector has become variable, which forced us to radically reconsider the concept of maneuverability. Determining which is the best fighter of the fourth generation is not so easy; opinions on this matter are divided. The American F-15 has its supporters, especially in the West, and they have their own arguments, the main one of which is successful experience combat use"Orla". Others believe that the fourth generation of the best fighter in the world is the Russian-made Su-27.

Generation after generation

Generations of jet interceptors are separated from each other by several criteria: development time, shape and type of wing, information richness and some other criteria, but it is not always easy to draw a clear line between them; it remains conditional. For example, a deep modification of the MiG-21 has improved its characteristics so much that it can be approximately considered a fourth generation aircraft in almost all indicators of combat effectiveness.

Direction of design thought

Fifth generation interceptors today form the backbone of Russia and other technologically advanced countries. They are able to perform various combat missions, protect the airspace of their states, and are sold within the framework of military-technical cooperation to strategic partners. But work on new projects is ongoing. Promising examples of the latest aircraft technology have some features that distinguish them from previous models, which gives reason to believe that the turn of the fifth generation has come. Its features include low radar signature, expressed in the desire to remove all types of weapons previously placed on external slings and the technology of radar-absorbing surfaces, which has received light hand American name "Stealth". Besides this, everything latest achievements in the field of aircraft engine construction, rudders and control systems also indicate that the aircraft belongs to the latest generation. It is also important to use composite materials in the design, which reduces weight and, again, increases stealth. This is exactly what the best fighter in the world should be today. The photo of such an aircraft is recognizable, the outlines of the fuselage and planes are somewhat angular, the engines leave an inconspicuous contrail, and the injectors have a fairly high angle of possible rotation.


In some ways they are subtly similar, although they have common layout schemes, and technical specifications differ significantly. These include, first of all, the Raptor F-22. Experts, mainly American, believe that this is the best fighter in the world. The main argument in favor of this opinion is the fact that the Raptor is the only mass-produced and adopted vehicle in the world that meets the requirements for a fifth-generation interceptor. All other similar models, including Russian ones, are under development and refinement. There are also important factor, allowing one to doubt the correctness of this opinion. The fact is that the F-22 has never participated in combat operations, and how it will behave in a real battle is unknown. At one time, the American military-industrial complex widely advertised the Bi-2 stealth bomber, and then it turned out that even outdated Soviet radars, which were in service with the Yugoslav army, were quite capable of detecting it.

What about us?

Russia, of course, does not ignore US attempts to achieve military hegemony. We are planning to create an aircraft capable of fighting the most advanced interceptor probable enemy. They planned to “put it on the wing” back in 2005, but difficulties, mainly of an economic nature, prevented it. IN developed countries It usually takes a decade and a half to create a similar model and put it into service, and the Sukhoi Design Bureau received the technical specifications in 1999. Simple calculations suggest that the date when the Russian Air Force will receive the best fighter in the world is 2014 or 2015.

Little is known about him. They called the project not just an airplane or an interceptor, but a Complex Frontline Aviation. (PAKFA - “P” stands for promising, “A” - aviation, some tautology is forgivable for aircraft designers.) Take-off weight is approximately 20 tons, like the American F-22 and the F-35, which has not yet been adopted for service. Tactical characteristics allow the vehicle to be used from small airborne areas; low radio signature technology is used. Naturally, the electronic equipment is the most modern. It is likely that this will be the best fighter in the world. T-50 is another name for the PAKFA platform; it is possible that these working codes will give way to the classic designation “Su” with some number.


Our Chinese friends for a long time did not bother with the task of developing their own aircraft. Usually in the PRC they chose a good Soviet model that had gained good reputation, purchased technical documentation and produced it under their own index, consisting of the letter Y (for civilians) or J (for military) and a number. However, the economic boom last decades, which turned China into a global universal workshop, pushed the people's aircraft industry to start working on their own projects. Perhaps the J-10 is not the best fighter in the world, but all known technical specifications for this aircraft indicate that it is a machine on the verge of IV and V generations with the possibility of further modification. The original solution to the general layout scheme (delta-shaped canard without a classic tail) eloquently says that this time Chinese aircraft manufacturers did without external borrowings, showing their own approach.

Top hit parade

The history of world aviation is rich in outstanding achievements. Just listing the interceptor aircraft, which became masterpieces of engineering, would take up too much space. How to choose the best fighter from them? Among the successful models, one cannot help but recall the La-5 and La-7, the Airacobra, on which I.N. Kozhedub and A.I. Pokryshkin fought, the French Mirage, the Swedish Saabs, the English Lightning and many other powerful and beautiful cars. The task is complicated by the fact that no matter how perfect he was, there was almost always a worthy opponent. Therefore, it makes sense to present the conditional rating of the most outstanding interceptors in pairs:

  1. Messerschmitt 109 and Spitfire. During the Second World War soviet planes were good, but they lacked powerful engines, so they ended up outside the top list.
  2. MiG-15 and Saber F-86. They fought a lot with each other in Korea.
  3. "Phantom" F-4 and Mig-21. Vietnam, the Middle East and other military conflicts have indicated strong and weak sides these very different aircraft.
  4. "Eagle" F-15 vs Su-27. The Eagle has a very good reputation for its successful deployment in modern theaters of war. The Sukhoi is not inferior to it in most technical and tactical indicators, and in some it is superior, but its combat experience is not enough for an absolute victory in the competition for the title of “the best fighter in the world.” 2014 was marked by the acceptance into combat units Russian Air Force dozens of Su-35S aircraft, which are a deeply modernized version of the Su-27.
  5. T-50 and Raptor. The opponents appear to be quite worthy. It would be better for them not to meet in air battles, but if this does happen in the future, there is a high probability that our car will not fail.

What will be the best fighter in the world of the 21st century? One can only guess what new concepts the aircraft design engineers of the future will come up with. The century has just begun, and by all indications it will be turbulent...

The Messerschmitt Bf.109 took off for the first time on May 28, 1935. It was he who was destined to become not only the most popular winged aircraft of the Second World War, but also to acquire the status of a legend. And although the countries that were opponents of Germany, of course, had their own planes, not every one of them could even fight on an equal footing with the “German”. Most often, they performance characteristics could not be compared with the Messerschmitt Bf.109.

Before the start of the war, the design bureau of Alexander Yakovlev produced mainly only sports winged cars. Only in 1940 did the Yak-1 fighter go into serial production. In addition to aluminum, canvas and wood were also used in its design.

The Yak-9 competed on equal terms with the Messers

When the war broke out, the Yak-1 showed itself with the best side. It could not compete only with the Messerschmitt Bf.109. Therefore, the question of modernization arose. And in 1942 Soviet army The Yak-9 appeared, which could already adequately resist the Messers. It is curious that the Soviet fighter was better in close combat at low altitudes. But at high altitudes the Bf.109 “won back.”

The Yak-9 became the most popular Soviet fighter. Until 1948, about 17 thousand of these winged machines were produced in 18 different variations.

Willy Messerschmitt's starting position was far from ideal. He was in a strained relationship with the Secretary of State of the German Aviation Ministry, General Erhard Milch. Therefore, when a competition was announced to create a promising fighter, Messerschmitt had no false illusions. He understood that he needed to create an ingenious winged machine so that even the biased attitude of the commission could not influence the result.

Willie, as expected, was not allowed to participate in the competition. Perhaps another person would have given up, but not him. Messerschmitt signed a contract with one of the Romanian enterprises to create the aircraft. When they found out about this, a terrible scandal broke out. The designer was accused of treason, and the Gestapo became interested in him. Only the personal intervention of Rudolf Hess allowed Willy to take part in the competition.

Messerschmitt created the best fighter at the beginning of World War II

It is interesting that the terms of the competition included a technical specification that the new fighter had to meet. But Messerschmitt decided not to pay attention to it, because he considered that Germany did not need such an aircraft. And he created the fighter exactly the way he wanted to see it.

The designer was not mistaken. His Bf.109 turned out to be the best, especially at the beginning of the Second World War. At the time of Germany's defeat, just under 34 thousand fighters were produced in thirty different modifications. Therefore, the 1945 model aircraft was significantly superior to its 1937 counterpart.

Of course, the British also succeeded in flying. And although Reginald Mitchell was a self-taught designer, this did not stop him from creating a worthy aircraft.

His first creation, the Supermarine Type 221, appeared back in 1934. During the test flight, the plane managed to accelerate to 562 km/h and climb to 9145 meters in just 17 minutes. None of the winged machines of that time could boast of such outstanding results. The “Englishman” had no competitors in firepower either.

In 1938, mass production for the British Royal Air Force Another brilliant “child” of Mitchell was identified - the Supermarine Spitfire. But the designer himself did not live to see this moment. He died in 1937 from cancer.

Supermarine was constantly experiencing, so to speak, “restylings”. The company's designers worked to improve the fighter.

Thus, the most popular fighter in Britain was the Supermarine Spitfire MkI variation. In total, over 20 thousand of these winged machines were created. This aircraft demonstrated all its power in the Battle of Britain.

The Americans were not far behind. In 1942, at the request of the British government, North American created the P-51 Mustang fighter. Only his purpose was somewhat different. Unlike other winged vehicles, the Mustang was entrusted with escorting bombers long-range aviation. Accordingly, the designers worked thoroughly on the practical range of the aircraft, increasing it to 1,500 kilometers. But the distillation distance was as much as 3,700 kilometers.

The P-51 Mustang was nicknamed the "flying Cadillac"

This phenomenal range was achieved due to the fact that the P-51 was the first to use a laminar wing. And for high level comfort, the fighter was nicknamed the “flying Cadillac.”

There was something to brag about about the Japanese too. But unlike other countries participating in the war, their most popular fighter was the carrier-based one. And it was called Mitsubishi A6M Reisen, nicknamed “Zero”. At the end of World War II, the Japanese managed to produce about 11 thousand zeros.

The massive popularity of the carrier-based fighter is explained simply - Japan had an impressive aviation fleet. There is a second reason. It was the “Zero” that began to be used as a kamikaze aircraft. Naturally, their “population” was constantly declining.

Mitsubishi created Japan's most popular fighter

Mitsubishi A6M Reisen could accelerate to 500 km/h at an altitude of 4000 meters. The duration of his flight was approaching 8 hours, and the take-off run was 70 meters.

By the way, it was “Zero” that took part in the attack on the American base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

And the fighter is a showcase of advanced technologies of any power. Aircraft of this class are not only the best in all performance characteristics among other types of aviation, but they are also superior to each other. Fighters are the most formidable aircraft in the whole world. There are very few countries in the world that create aircraft of this class. That is why those countries that create such machines are among the most advanced in military affairs. Below, you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the five best Russian fighters from the USSR.

1. I-16 “Donkey”

The creation was carried out by the Polikarpov Design Bureau, and the first flight of the fighter took place in 1933. The main feature of the aircraft is aerodynamic instability in flight. The hypothesis states that with this feature the I-16 fighter received better maneuverability, which significantly helps in air combat. The aircraft was produced until 1942, behind the Donkey wing Civil War in Spain, the Finnish War and the Patriotic War. In 1944, when the I-16 was completely obsolete as a fighter of that time, it could give a worthy rebuff to the Nazis.

In 1943 Golubev. V.F. in one battle I was able to shoot down two German aces on the new FW-190A. The I-16 went through all the years of its service with dignity, was one of the leading aircraft during the Spanish campaign, went through a harsh war with Finland and gave a worthy rebuff to the German Luftwaffe aces. It was also with the I-16 that the first domestic aircraft began its existence. aerobatic team"Red Five"

2. La-5

The legendary aircraft created at the Lavochkin Design Bureau, one of the symbols of victory during the Great Patriotic War. Appeared in 1942, the most difficult year for Russia. One of the main features is the use of the new M-82 engine. Slats appeared on the wing, and the armament consisted of two 20-mm cannons. The car had good handling, went into a spin predictably, and came out of it just as easily. It was not difficult for young pilots to master the La-5. Luftwaffe pilots initially thought that the La-5 was a modernization of the I-16, which German pilots nicknamed Ratte (rat). But they were soon forced to take a closer look at the new Soviet car, “Attention, you have La-5 on your tail,” such short phrases heard more and more often from German pilots.

La-5, in its design, layout, capabilities, and new engine, gave a worthy rebuff to the Wehrmacht aces. La-5FN, La-7, La-9 and La-11, the glorious family of Lavochkin fighters not only helped to win great victory, appearing at such a critical time for the country, but they could equally fight for several years after Patriotic War, showing already in the jet era of aviation that piston fighters had not yet outlived their usefulness.

3. MiG-15

The first domestic fighter, becoming the most popular jet aircraft. Developed by the Mikoyan Design Bureau, the fighter became an “icon” for our pilots for many years to come; it was the MiG-15 UTI (fighter trainer) that took to the skies more than one generation of future pilots. It was with the MiG-15 that the real jet era of aviation in Russia began. MiGs took part in the Korean and Arab-Israeli conflicts, acting as the main fighter. The MiG-15 was intended as a front-line fighter for combat against enemy fighters and enemy bombers, conducting reconnaissance and striking ground targets. The Red Five, the first aerobatic team of the USSR, also flew the MiG-15.

Mikoyan's fighter appeared in the country after a terrible war, millions of dead, a war-torn country, enterprises, plants, factories. In these conditions and in the conditions of the beginning Cold War Mikoyan created the MiG-15, which in the Guinness Book of Records is the most massive jet machine in the history of mankind and aviation. Having been in service with many countries and taking part in wars around the world, it rightfully won the title of the best jet fighter of the initial period.

4. MiG-31

Supersonic all-weather strategic interceptor fighter, created at the Mikoyan Design Bureau. The MiG-31 was created in the 1970s, its first flight took place in 1975. The main feature of this fighter is its operating mode, flying at supersonic speeds in the stratosphere. The MiG-31 does not belong to the Air Force; it is an air defense aircraft. There is no analogue to this 50-ton monster in the whole world, its task is to patrol, guard and intercept all unidentified targets, it is the country’s shield, a shield that can intercept not only aircraft, but also missiles and low-flying enemy satellites. The enemy detection distance is almost 230 km.

The MiG-31 can be not only a fighter-interceptor, but also a flying headquarters for air defense and the air force; in this mode, it can target not only similar MiG-31s, but also other air force aircraft, as well as ground stations. 4 MiG-31 aircraft can control up to 900 km of airspace. At the moment, the MiG-31 fighter, which in Russia became one of the first 4th generation aircraft, is superior to the US 5th generation fighters F-22 and F-35.

5. Su-27

The best 4th generation fighter ever created in the world. The development was carried out by the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Root influx, flaperon, aerodynamic instability, fly by wire, all this was an innovation of that time. The Su-27 became not just the best, it turned the entire pilot training school upside down; using old textbooks it was no longer possible to train to fly the Su-27. The plane has become “smarter” than the pilot.

The plane flew almost independently, only allowing the pilot to help it a little, and the Su-27 itself observed the entire situation. The fighter is still in service all over the world, orders for the aircraft are multi-billion dollar, the aircraft itself is considered by almost all world experts to be the standard of the present time, and the best fighter in the world was born in Russia.

From the first steps of mankind in conquering the sky, the world has constantly observed the evolution military aviation. Fighters have always come to the rescue in military and local conflicts, performing complex operations. Today, this type of aircraft has reached incredible levels of development. high point progress. Nowadays, no one can be surprised by the ability of a person to stay in air element, but the high technology, colossal combat equipment of combat fighters and the mass of opportunities that open up before them really amaze the mind and excite the imagination. The wealth of power and variety of these combat vehicles encourages the creation rating of the best fighters in the world.

10. Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

Opens the top 10 best Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighters. It is in service with the US Army and is a carrier-based fighter-bomber and attack aircraft. Combat vehicles of this type are very popular for placement on aircraft carriers. This fighter is equipped with a 6-barreled cannon that is capable of firing at a rate of 6,000 rounds per minute. Nine external mounts allow the aircraft to be equipped with a wide range of different weapons, including: missiles - simple and laser-guided, many types of bombs, as well as weapons that allow effective fight against enemy ships, and a system that prevents the aircraft from being tracked on radar.

9. Saab JAS 39 Gripen

The Swedish army has been in service with the Saab JAS 39 Gripen combat fighter for thirty years now, which ranks 9th in our ranking. Its first demonstration flight took place in the 88th year of the last century. Today, this combat vehicle is equipped with some of the best technologies peace. The fourth generation fighter was created specifically for effective combat operations in the Scandinavian terrain - limited plains and harsh weather. The armament of the Saab JAS 39 Gripen is: 30 mm cannon, Various types bombs (depending on need), several types of missiles (guided and unguided).

8. MIG-35

Russian military genius air weapons– MIG-35 fighter. This aircraft is planned to be put into service only this year (2018), but it has already established itself as one of the best fighters, although it has not yet shown itself in combat. The MIG-35 surpassed its predecessor in many respects. Thus, this fighter consumes less fuel, the oxygen station produces more oxygen, and the duration of the autopilot during aiming is extended so that the pilot has more ability to accurately fire at the enemy. Among other things, Russian engineers managed to reduce the cost of producing a fighter; for comparison, the French side spends 2–3 times on creating aircraft of this type more funds.

7. F-16 Fighting Falcon

The seventh place in the fighter rating is occupied by the American F-16 Fighting Falcon. At one time, this combat vehicle was among the most popular in the world - the low cost of its production and high quality characteristics allowed US military factories to produce these vehicles in large quantities for export to other countries. There are currently over 4,700 F-16 Fighting Falcons worldwide. These combat vehicles have proven themselves in more than a hundred combat operations around the world.

6. Eurofighter Typhoon

The Eurofighter Typhoon combat fighter is the brainchild of four EU countries, which has proven its effectiveness in real armed conflicts. One of the main advantages of this aircraft is the ability to interfere with enemy radars, which allows for flight adjustments guided missiles. This, first of all, influenced the fact that the Eurofighter Typhoon became very “survivable” - getting into a fighter with such a system is quite difficult. The Typhoon also surpasses its counterparts in firing range (by as much as 100 km). Today there are about five hundred such fighters in the world, and each combat vehicle is manufactured using unique technology.

5. Dassault Rafale

The list of the most powerful fighters also includes the pride of the French armed forces - the Dassault Rafale. The creators claim that the only factor that hinders the incredible rise of this combat vehicle is its high cost. The Dassault Rafale has been in service with the French army for 50 years; it has shown itself excellently in armed conflicts several times. However, today this fighter is used only for training and demonstration flights. Also, its name often appeared in plane crashes, but the French side claimed each time that the reason for this was human factor.

4. Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

Another development of the US Air Force was the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II, designed to replace outdated aircraft of this generation. The fighter entered service as navy USA and ground forces– it is actively used on fleet aircraft carriers due to the short takeoff run during takeoff and braking during landing. Also, the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is capable of vertical takeoff. After the fighter was developed and entered into mass production, it was exported to other countries of the world, the first of which was Great Britain. The aircraft is equipped with advanced electronics and powerful weapons.

3. Su-35S

One of the best Russian fighters is in third place in the rating. The Su-35S made its first combat flight in 2008. Based on its qualitative characteristics, the fighter can be classified as the 5th generation. US analysts have dubbed the Su-35S the most dangerous and deadly model ever created in the USSR and Russia. Today, some of the characteristics and combat capabilities of the fighter are kept in the strictest secrecy by the armed forces, so it is not yet possible to fully assess its combat potential.

2. Su-57

A completely new achievement of the domestic military industry is the Su-57. The fifth generation fighter is recognized by domestic designers as the best fighter Russian aviation. Today, this combat vehicle is on the same level as the American Raptor. Main feature The Su-57 is capable of fighting several opponents at once, who can be both in the air and on the ground. Currently, designers are working on improved camouflage for the fighter. The aircraft is equipped with world-leading electronics and incredibly lethal weapons.

1. Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

On the first line of the rating " best fighters World" is the American Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. In fact, it shares the palm with the Russian Su-57. Raptor is a 5th generation fighter, presented to the public in the second half of 1990. It is capable of performing many purposes and combat missions. At the moment, the Raptor is recognized as an advanced development by American designers in this area. Among the advantages of the combat vehicle is complete invisibility from enemy radars. The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor is characterized as a fighter with high maneuverability, low fuel consumption and a relatively low weight. Only two cases of loss of these fighters in combat operations have been recorded.