Truffles are the name given to the genus and family of mushrooms of the same name, which are considered elite representatives. These are some of the most valuable, and therefore expensive mushrooms, and they are used not only in preparing gourmet dishes, but also as a medicine.

Truffles are the namesake genus and family of mushrooms, which are considered elite representatives

Truffles are special mushrooms in every sense of the word. They have a delicate taste and exquisite aroma, which, along with classic mushroom notes, often smell like garlic, cheese, nutmeg, cocoa and even chocolate. In color - mostly dark shades: black, brown, sometimes light cream. The flesh is white to purple, and always darkens with age.

Another one interesting feature– it looks completely inconspicuous, resembling a potato tuber rather than real mushroom. However, the description of the mushroom does not give anything: the fruiting body is located underground. That is why they are searched for with the help of dogs and even pigs. Such an unusual role of these animals can be explained very simply: pigs willingly eat truffles themselves, and their sense of smell helps them easily find fruiting bodies hidden underground. Most often, the “hunt” is carried out in the evening, so that pigs and dogs can smell it better.


Dogs are trained to search for truffles right from infancy: mushrooms are brought to them, and those animals that smell them are selected. Then they are fed milk with truffles and undergo many other additional tests. Therefore, the cost of a trained dog ends up being about $5,000.

Truffles are one of the most valuable and therefore expensive mushrooms

Distribution of truffles

Truffle grows exclusively in mild climatic conditions.
However, contrary to popular belief that it is only a European mushroom, it can also be found in some parts of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Where do truffles grow in Russia?

Truffles grow mainly in the Black Earth region, the Volga region, the Kuban, Crimea and the North Caucasus. In Siberia and Far East practically never occur with rare exceptions.

In this case, it is more correct to list not the growing regions themselves, but precisely the trees on whose roots these mushrooms settle. They prefer to grow precisely at the beginning of the root - i.e. the area where the root shoots flow into the trunk, since this is where the greatest supply of moisture coming from the soil is observed. Here is a list of tree species in the ground next to which truffle fruiting bodies grow:

  • oak is the most best option: it is in the oak grove that good harvests can be collected;
  • Beeches and hornbeams are in second place in popularity;
  • You can find them in hazel, as well as under the roots of birch.

Mushrooms cannot be stored for too long - as a rule, they are used for food on the same day. But in extreme cases You can even increase the period to 25-30 days. To do this, freshly picked truffles are covered with sand and covered with a damp natural cloth, leaving them in a cool place.

How to look for truffles (video)

Truffle collection places in Ukraine

In Ukraine, these mushrooms can also be found in oak forests and deciduous forests beech and hornbeam. Especially a lot of truffles can be found in the forests near the coastal strip of the Black Sea.

Where to look for truffles in Belarus

On the territory of Belarus from edible species only black truffle grows. Moreover, only 2 places are known where you can meet it - Zhitkovichi district of Gomel region and Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Moreover, the collection of both species is prohibited, since they are included in the local Red Book. However, this does not stop mushroom pickers.


This mushroom can be confused with false truffle, which does not pose a particular health risk, but is less tasty and may cause allergies in some people.

Types of truffle mushrooms

About 10 species of these mushrooms are known, and all of them belong to the edible class.

Black truffle

It is also called summer or Russian. It is quite large - the diameter in the cap is up to 10 cm. The weight is usually 200-300 g, but it can reach up to 400 g. The taste has a very interesting nutty hue with sweet tones. The flesh of the mushroom changes from light to brown and gray as it ages.

This variety prefers extremely mild climates - the mushroom prefers the Transcaucasian region, and in Russia it grows only in the Crimea and the Black Earth Region. By European territory distributed closer to the south, and prefers to settle in oak and beech groves, under pine trees and hazel.

Black truffle

Burgundy truffle

Grows mainly in southern regions Europe. It is smaller in size than the previous type - the cap is no more than 8 cm. The flesh of the mushroom resembles the color of milk chocolate, and even smells like cocoa. But the taste sensations are completely different - the aftertaste is bitter.

Winter truffle

The hats are very different sizes– there are representatives both with 8-10 cm in diameter and 17-20 cm. Interestingly, some mushrooms reach 1.5 kg in weight! The aroma is musky and pleasant. This species is called winter because the fruiting bodies grow from November to February. They are collected on moist soil in linden groves and under hazel trees. Distributed throughout Ukraine, Switzerland, France and Italy.

Perigord truffle

Size up to 9 cm in diameter. The surface of the cap consists of peculiar warts, and the flesh is light pink to purple as you age. Grows in Crimea, in southern Europe. This species is also cultivated in Australia, South Africa and New Zealand.

Perigord truffle

Himalayan truffle

This species produces very small fruiting bodies, which in size do not exceed 2 cm, and in weight - within 50-60 g. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find them, and accordingly, this variety is less popular.

Oregon truffle

It is also called American white, although its color is closer to orange-brown tones. Grows only along the west coast of the United States. Medium in size - up to 7 cm in diameter. Feature of this species - fruiting bodies are found not in the ground itself, but in the deciduous layer, consisting mainly of fallen needles. Interestingly, the pulp has floral aromas.

Red truffle

This representative can be considered the most unusual in terms of aroma - it contains notes of coconut, and also gives a wine aftertaste. When cut, the flesh resembles boiled pork or smoked bacon. The sizes are small - no more than 5 cm, and is found only in Europe.

Red truffle mushroom

About the most expensive truffle in the world

This mushroom is also called Italian, since it is most often found in the north of this country. The color of the fruiting bodies, unlike most other representatives, is cream and white. Interestingly, this mushroom is the most expensive in the world. Its aroma is similar to shades of garlic and cheese, so dishes based on this mushroom are an exquisite delicacy for gourmets.

In Russian restaurants, prices are measured literally per gram and range from approximately 500 to 1000 rubles. Thus, a serving of this mushroom weighing 100 g will cost an average of 75,000 rubles. That is why they can only be eaten in elite restaurants, whose clients are most often businessmen.

Gallery: truffle mushrooms (42 photos)

Useful and medicinal properties of truffles

The mushroom pulp contains several useful components:

  • vitamins B1 and B2;
  • vitamins C and PP;
  • antioxidants that block free radicals and thus prevent cell destruction.

Since antioxidants are also believed to block the aging processes of the skin and the body as a whole, some Italian factories have launched the production of a special line of cosmetics, including mainly creams and lotions that provide benefits to the skin. They maintain elasticity and refresh the appearance, and it is believed that even 5-7 drops are enough to cope with deep wrinkles.

Also in local folk medicine it is believed that these mushrooms are aphrodisiacs (components that increase attraction to opposite sex) and support potency in men. They are also used to treat the following diseases:

  • gastritis and colitis;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • decreased immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

In local folk medicine, truffles are believed to be an aphrodisiac.

Interestingly, even pregnant and lactating women can eat truffles. The only exceptions are those cases when there is an individual intolerance to individual substances, causing allergic reaction.Here are the most common types:

  1. False truffle has red-brown or grayish tints, often strongly reminiscent of a small potato. It is very easy to distinguish by unpleasant smell– true representatives smell only of pleasant food aromas.
  2. Reindeer truffle, growing in Europe, USA and Canada. People should not take it, but hares and squirrels happily feed on the fruiting bodies.

Along with true representatives, there are mushrooms similar to truffles. All of them belong to other families and have only external resemblance to real representatives. There are both edible and conditionally edible species. You should not take them because most often they cause allergies and eating disorders.

How to properly cook truffle mushrooms

If you happen to purchase, or even more so collect, even a few truffles, you must certainly prepare them deliciously. Here are some simple and at the same time delicious recipes.

Turkey puree soup

You can prepare this soup with beef and even chicken, but it would be better with turkey. Take 300 g of meat (preferably wings or drumsticks) and boil until boiling, and then over low heat until cooked. The meat is taken out and cut. Fry celery and a small onion in melted butter in a frying pan, add salt, pepper and other spices to taste.

Add a finely crumbled baguette (preferably dried) to the broth and bring to a boil again (now along with finely chopped mushrooms), then pour in 20% cream (0.5 liters) and put back the turkey meat.

Turkey puree soup

Tagliatelli with truffle oil

This is an Italian delicacy, so you should buy Italian pasta in the store, as well as Italian peccary cheese or at least Parmesan cheese. Truffles are fried in olive oil over moderate heat, 2 minutes before they are ready, add a few finely chopped garlic cloves and 3-4 thyme leaves.

Boil the pasta exactly according to the instructions in a large saucepan with a volume exceeding the mass of the pasta at least 5 times. Add grated pecorino and mushrooms fried with butter, garlic and thyme to the hot pasta.

Rice with chicken and truffles

Chicken fillet (skinless and boneless) is boiled together with leeks and carrots until fully cooked. After cooking, the meat is cut into portions. Finely chopped truffles are boiled in the resulting broth with 2-3 tablespoons of butter. Rice is cooked separately.

And using the broth obtained after boiling the mushrooms, you can make bechamel sauce, which is also served with the dish. It is made quite simply: flour is fried in butter until brown, then broth is poured in, everything is thoroughly stirred and cooked for another 10 minutes until completely browned. Spices and herbs are added to taste.


If you keep some foods in these mushrooms, they will absorb their aroma and become very tasty. For example, truffle-scented rice is perfect for risotto.

Useful properties of truffle (video)

Growing truffles at home

These mushrooms are also unique in that they grow only in natural conditions. For example, numerous attempts to grow white (Italian) truffle on farms have failed. And there are great difficulties with growing black varieties, so farmers without experience should not take on this task without careful preparation.

It is possible to successfully grow mushrooms using special technologies, for example, Australian ones, which can be found in the relevant companies, but not for free. At the same time, you need to immediately realize that this business is very expensive, and you can get the first harvest no earlier than 6 years.

Thus, truffle is expensive, but it is a pleasure. And sometimes you can try your luck and look for this mushroom. Or at least try dishes based on it.

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The world is white truffle. In terms of price and taste, it competes only with its black counterpart. Even in past centuries, only very wealthy people could afford to eat white truffles. Nowadays, not every restaurant can boast a permanent menu of these delicious mushrooms. Besides the beautiful taste qualities, they have one more interesting property. White truffle is a mushroom that is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs in the world. Dumas also noted the miraculous properties of these mushrooms.

Truffles have a simply amazing aroma that allows animals to find them even under a layer of soil. From a culinary point of view, one can simply talk endlessly about the properties of these mushrooms. They harmonize wonderfully with various dishes and are able to turn ordinary food into a delight for connoisseurs. These mushrooms are most often consumed raw or dried. This allows you to better feel their indescribable taste and aroma.


The white truffle is an underground mushroom. Its fruiting body has several irregular shape. By appearance it resembles a tuber of Jerusalem artichoke or potato. The weight of a mature specimen can reach 1.5 kg. However, there were also individuals with greater mass. The diameter of the white truffle, as a rule, reaches 15-20 cm. At the base it has a slight narrowing. When dried, the volume of the mushroom decreases several times. Young specimens are covered with whitish, smooth skin. Over time, it darkens, becomes covered with tubercles and cracks. The flesh of the mushroom is quite dense and dry to the touch. In young truffles it is white with a marbled tint and yellow veins (they contain reservoirs with spores). Old specimens have dark flesh with brown streaks. White truffle has a very strong specific aroma. A photo of this mushroom can be seen in this article. The appearance of macromycetes may vary slightly depending on the region of growth.


Truffles grow in forests of coniferous, deciduous and mixed type. They can be found in loose, well-warmed and moderately moist soils with not very developed grass cover. Most often they are found in birch and aspen forests, near hazel bushes, as well as in young plantings of spruce and pine trees. They are collected in August-September. Only white truffles are found in Russian forests. Although there is information about the presence of blacks.

Search for truffles

Animals are used to search for truffles. As a rule, these are dogs and pigs (boars). They can smell and find a mushroom even under a layer of soil. In boars, for unknown reasons, the aroma of these mushrooms is associated with the smell of a female, and they are able to smell a target at a distance of about 10 m. However, when hunting truffles with pigs, you need to be careful. If a boar finds a mushroom, he will not hesitate to dig it up and eat it. Therefore, they are often muzzled. Truffles are also searched for with dogs (females). They are specially trained to do this from the first months of life. First they are given milk with a decoction of mushrooms. When the puppy grows up, they begin to train him in room conditions. They hide somewhere (under scraps of fabric, etc.) a piece of wood rubbed with truffle, and force the dog to look for it by smell. Success is rewarded with delicious food. As the dog gets older, training moves into the yard, into the vegetable garden, and then into the forest.

Earth mushrooms, which were found by a resident of Tomsk and then recognized by botanists as white truffles, turned out to be common rhizopogon.
Tomsk resident Yulia Shipacheva found three and a half kilograms of mushrooms in the soil at the edge of the forest, which she mistook for truffles, which are not found in Siberia. The woman took the find to TSU, and they confirmed her guess.
Experts came to the conclusion that they were indeed truffles, but found it difficult to explain the story of their appearance in the Tomsk forest. However, in the end, the scientists’ initial assumption was called erroneous.

To prevent this from happening, I will give you 10 facts about truffles.

Truffles are the best expensive mushrooms in the world. A Hong Kong businessman is reported to have paid €125,000 ($160,406 USD) for a giant and Talian white truffle Alba. This is reportedly the most expensive truffle of all that have been mentioned. The most expensive truffle weighed 1.51 kg.

1 White, Polish, or Trinity truffle has a fruiting body with light flesh,

Similar in appearance and size to potatoes; grows in the forests Western Europe, Ukraine, Belarus, also found in the Moscow region[. Edible. The most valuable are black truffles, which mainly grow in oak and beech groves in southern France and northern Italy.

2 Truffles ripen in winter.

Only at this time of year do they exude their intoxicating smell, which is how they are found underground. In appearance, these mushrooms resemble small black wrinkled potatoes.

3 Truffles have a mushroom flavor with a hint of deep-fried seeds or walnuts and a strong characteristic aroma.

Water, if you put a truffle in it and hold it, acquires the taste of soy sauce.

4 Truffles are searched for in wild groves with the help of specially trained search dogs with a phenomenally fine sense of smell.

Pigs are also used to search for truffles. Pigs are distinguished by their naturally high instinct for these mushrooms. For the search, mainly 4-month-old females are selected, which are then exploited for 10-12 years. When a pig finds a mushroom by smell, it begins to dig in the ground. Naturally, she is immediately driven away, consoled with encouragement in the form of boiled beans or peas, and then the fruiting bodies are dug up. Pigs are not the best mushroom hunters, the problem is that they get tired easily.

5 So-called truffle flies also help to find truffles.

At sunset, swarms of them circle above the earth yellow color. The flies lay eggs in the soil near the mushrooms and then their larvae feed on the tissue of the fruiting bodies. Thus, the behavior of these insects often gives away the secret of the location of the truffles.

6 Hereditary truffle hunters treat all visitors without exception as intruders,

who only think about how to plunder cherished treasures and throw them around the world.

7 Contrary to popular belief, truffles can still be cultivated.

Successful attempts were already made in 1808. It was noticed that truffles grew between the roots of only some oak trees. In 1808, Joseph Talon planted acorns from the oak trees under which truffles were found. A few years later, when the trees grew, truffles were discovered under the roots of some of them. In 1847, Auguste Rousseau planted 7 hectares with such acorns and subsequently collected a large harvest of truffles, for which he received a prize at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1855

8 At the end of the 19th century, 750 square kilometers were already planted with truffle groves,

from which up to 1000 tons of “black culinary diamonds” were collected. However, due to the decline Agriculture in France in the 20th century, many of the truffle groves became abandoned.

9 As a result, although 80% of all truffles harvested in France

comes from special oak plantations, the annual harvest drops sharply. Local farmers oppose new plantations, fearing a sharp drop in prices for this delicious mushroom

10 The Italian concern ISHI-Dafla Group produces cosmetics from truffles.

According to the company, studies have shown that a few drops of truffle extract can significantly reduce the depth of wrinkles, tighten the skin and literally dissolve

White truffle - the most expensive mushroom in the world

Two thousand dollars for a little more than a kilogram of mushrooms sounds like “unreasonably expensive.”
But these are not just mushrooms. Truffles: their very name is already synonymous with luxury.
These delicacies belong to those rare seasonal products
which can only be enjoyed for a short period of time once a year.
But it is not main reason high cost of unique mushrooms.

Truffles - genus delicious mushrooms, with underground marsupial tuberous fruits.

There are hundreds of varieties of truffles, but the most expensive are black truffles from Périgord in France and white ones from Umbria and Piedmont in Italy.

Black truffles (French, summer, Perigord) grow in the ground near oak and birch trees. Black-brown on the outside, these mushrooms are red-brown on the inside. They are distinguished by a strong, persistent, distinctive and very distinct aroma and slightly nutty taste.

White truffle (Italian, Piedmontese) - more rare view, than black, therefore it is most valued among mushrooms. Externally it is similar to Jerusalem artichoke, has a brown peel and light flesh with red veins. White truffles have an even more distinct aroma than dark ones.

Truffle harvests can vary greatly from year to year. By far the best truffles will always have high price, but in years of poor harvest the price can double or even triple.

The high cost of these mushrooms is due to the specific conditions for their growth, the method of their collection, storage and, of course, their refined taste and aroma.

When they grow

Truffles have a fairly short season. For black truffles this is from November to March, and for white truffles it is from late autumn to early winter. As a rule, the collection of white truffles in Italy begins in October.

The length of the season cannot but influence the price of the product. Accordingly, fresh truffles are most valued at this time - many restaurants announce the beginning of the season and create a special menu for tasting the delicacy.

This year, the white truffle harvest season officially opened in Italian Piedmont at the end of September. Thanks to favorable weather conditions, experts predict a large harvest of truffles of excellent quality, which should surpass the 2012 harvest.

How are they collected?

Collecting truffles is a complex process that requires great care and lengthy preparation. Truffles grow one at a time, each club is separate and must be removed from the root of the tree so as not to damage it. Looking for places with earth mushrooms pigs sensitive to their smell. Specially trained dogs are also used for this.

Preparing animals for such an activity takes considerable time, since they must not only find a place, but also carefully dig valuable mushrooms without damaging them and the tree root.

This archaic harvesting practice gives truffles their special charm. The exclusivity of the product is also due to the fact that it cannot be obtained in any other way.

Despite the fact that they are trying to grow black truffles on farms, in particular in China, such a product still does not have those exceptional qualities inherent only in wild mushrooms collected in unique conditions using a special method. White truffles cannot be grown on farms at all.

How are they stored?

At the truffles short term shelf life, therefore, in order to appreciate the uniqueness of the taste, they should be tried fresh. Because of this, during the season, truffles are sold out quite quickly, restaurants often even start a race for the freshest mushrooms, and connoisseurs flock to Italy or France at this time to enjoy the rare local delicacy as soon as possible.

Despite this, truffles can still be stored for some time. Some people store them in oil to later use to complement other foods. They are also sometimes stored in rice, which later turns into a unique risotto. In addition, they can be frozen.

How they are prepared

Gourmets and cooks around the world agree that there are few foods that can match the taste experience of fresh truffle.

Wherein unique mushrooms in cooking they are universal, they can be used to prepare many dishes. But truffles show their best qualities with a neutral addition that does not overshadow their unique aroma.

Truffles are used as a filling, for sauces, added to rice dishes, eggs, and pastas, finely chopped on a special grater.

Recipe: Ravioli with ricotta and truffle


300 g flour
- 150 g eggs (three small eggs)
- 300 g ricotta
- 50 g mint
- salt pepper
- 100 g grated pecorino cheese
- 80 g butter
- 15 g truffle


Cooking time: 30 min. Number of servings: 4

1. Knead the dough well, adding a little water to the flour and eggs. Roll out thinly and cut out circles with a mold (about 5 cm in diameter).

Use only fresh ingredients to prepare the dish. Garnish the ravioli with mint leaves and sprinkles olive oil extra-virgin

2. Combine ricotta (if it has moisture, let it drain well), pecorino, pepper and mint leaves. Spoon the filling onto the center of the dough circles and form ravioli (in the shape of a semicircle, like dumplings, but not so densely filled). Pinch the ravioli very well and place them on a floured plate. Boil salted water, place the ravioli in it and remove them as soon as they float. Let them drain well and serve immediately. butter and thin slices of truffle.

Bon appetit!

Truffles are the royal mushrooms. Truffles are the most expensive of all mushrooms consumed by humans. A kilogram of the best truffles can cost more than 4 thousand dollars - significantly more expensive than gold. In addition, these mushrooms are rare. And most importantly, truffles are very, very tasty. In autumn, truffles are collected in Périgord or Piedmont. It is in Southern France and Northern Italy that truffles grow, recognized as one of the best in the world - French black, or Perigord truffles (Tuber brumale), which are also called “black diamonds”.

The French and Italians are desperately fighting for the honor of owning the “truffle capital of the world.” The first name is the town of Grignan in Tricastan. And the Italians believe that the most truffle-rich city is Acualanya in the province of Marche. Truffles are collected there almost all year round: in autumn - white, in winter - black preciato ( late fall and winter in Southern Europe is generally considered the truffle season), in the spring - March bianchetto, in the summer and autumn - black summer ones. But the most exquisite and most fragrant of all types of truffles are white truffles. White truffles, unlike black ones, cannot be bred. And since they grow in very limited areas (truffles in Piedmont are collected only in the Langhe, some areas of Monferrato and Roero and in the hills around Turin), their price is a logical consequence of very little supply and high demand.

So what is it about them that attracts connoisseurs from all over the world? Fans of white truffles often say that they "eat the smell" - because the powerful aroma and taste of white truffles are so tightly and intricately intertwined that it is almost impossible to separate one from the other. Another property of white truffles that has contributed to their transformation into a true gastronomic rarity is their seasonality. You can try this mushroom only from October to January. This is why white truffles are the most expensive delicacy in the world.
The most expensive white truffle was sold in Italy at auction - it weighed 1.2 kg - for 95 thousand euros.