Quite common in middle lane The Russian gall mushroom (gorchak) also has the name false porcini mushroom.

There are several scientific theories about the origin of its bitterness, which cannot be destroyed by any culinary processing procedures.

The closest to the truth is the opinion that the pulp of this mushroom contains toxic substances which destroy liver cells.

In this regard, symptoms of poisoning may appear several weeks or months after eating it.

Poisonings are actually quite rare due to the fact that during exposure high temperatures When processed, the bitterness increases many times over. It is hardly possible to call such a dish edible. Most often, poisoning occurs when using false porcini mushroom for pickling and pickling.

When canned, the bitterness can be masked by various seasonings and vinegar.

Edible counterparts are the true boletus, boletus and. A distinctive feature of the gall fungus is the color of the spongy substance with reverse side hats.

Unlike edible specimens, false White mushroom has a pink tint. When cut, the leg quickly darkens and turns brown. The mesh that covers the fiber of the leg also has a brown tint.

Description of the gall fungus

You may meet false boletus in any region Russian Federation. It grows actively from late June to mid-October, depending on weather conditions. With early frosts, the growing season may end at the end of September.

It grows both in groups of 5-15 individuals and singly on the outskirts of forests with sparse planting of trees. For growth it prefers light loamy soils and sandstones, abundantly fertilized with fallen pine needles.

According to the description, the gall mushroom resembles a porcini mushroom - it is a massive, strong stalk that is filled with fibrous pulp. In diameter adult can reach 7 cm. The outer layer is fibrous, covered with a dense mesh of brown or brown color.

Its cap is a spongy formation with a thin layer at the top of a dense porous substance in the form of pulp. A spongy substance of a pinkish hue, very bitter in taste.

When hit, not even large quantity calls out on the tongue strong feeling burning. The outer surface of the cap is covered with a dense film, which during growth can change its color from pale brown to rich ocher.

As they grow older, the hemispherical shape expands and becomes saucer-like, the inside of which resembles a pillow.

A distinctive feature is that this mushroom is never damaged by insects. Due to this, it looks very attractive. But you shouldn't add it to your basket.

If even a small piece of a false porcini mushroom gets into the mycelium, the taste of the dish will be irrevocably spoiled.

Be sure to look below in our photo gallery to see what the gall fungus bitterling looks like in the photo.

How does poisoning manifest itself?

As mentioned above, some biologists classify the mustard mushroom as inedible, but not poisonous. Scientists agree that eating this forest beauty impossible only because of its unpleasant taste.

Foreign colleagues refute this theory. The pulp of the false porcini mushroom releases toxic substances that are quickly absorbed into the human blood upon any contact, even tactile contact. These substances penetrate the liver cells, where they exert their destructive effects.

On the first day after the “tongue test” while collecting this mushroom, a person may feel slightly dizzy and weak. Subsequently, all symptoms disappear. The first signs appear after a few weeks.

Bile mushroom: how to distinguish from white and not get poisoned

The gall mushroom also has other names: mustard, false white. They suggest its characteristics - the disgusting taste and resemblance to the king of mushrooms. It is important to know what the gall mushroom looks like so as not to confuse the bitter mushroom with the delicious boletus mushrooms. After all, it not only tastes unpleasant, but is also toxic.

Description of the gall fungus

Source: Depositphotos

The gall mushroom can be quite distinguished from the boletus

Gorchak really looks like boletus. It has a delicate light brown or beige cap 4–12 cm in diameter. Its underside is loose, tubular, in young fungi it is milky in color, in mature ones it is pinkish. When pressed and when broken, it acquires a pink-brown color. The spores are also pinkish-brown. There is no smell, but if you touch mustard with your tongue, you immediately feel a burning sensation.

The leg is dense, up to 4 cm in girth. It is covered with a dark mesh. When cut, the leg also turns pink. Bitterweed can grow up to 12 cm.

Main differences from porcini mushroom:

  • pink tint of the tubular part;
  • dark and coarse mesh on the leg;
  • the appearance of a pinkish-brown tint on a cut or fracture;
  • bitter taste.

And one more important difference: false porcini mushrooms are very rarely wormy. Insects also find the bitter taste unpleasant.

Is gall fungus poisonous?

Gorchaki are not considered fatal poisonous mushrooms. They even have beneficial features. Bile mushrooms serve as the basis for medicines- immunomodulatory, antibacterial, antitumor, choleretic. They are especially popular in France. But you should not treat yourself at home - it can be dangerous. After all, in pharmaceutical factories such raw materials undergo special processing.

It is unlikely that you will be poisoned by such mushrooms when boiling or frying. This dish is impossible to eat because of the bitterness, which increases many times during heat treatment. But when pickling, vinegar and seasonings can mask the unpleasant taste.

What happens if you eat bitterlings? If the portion is small, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and intestinal problems are possible. They pass quite quickly, and the body recovers. To help him, it is recommended to put the water-salt balance in order using mineral water or special drugs. Intestinal sorbents will also help.

If you have eaten a whole jar of pickled mustards, you should do a gastric lavage.

A large dose of toxins contained in the mushroom will be deposited in the liver and begin to damage hepatocytes. This will lead to disruption of the liver and gallbladder. After washing, you need to take enterosorbents and follow a gentle diet for a couple of days - without fatty, fried, fast food and alcohol. Recommended porridges vegetable stew, jelly and jelly.

The false porcini mushroom is classified as conditionally poisonous, since it is difficult to get poisoned by it. Knowing its features, you can not be afraid of poisoning and not carry useless cargo from the forest.

The dream of every true collector is a clearing with a whole scattering of this natural treasure.

Beginners should know that in the forest you can find false white mushroom, the use of which can have very unpleasant consequences.

A real boletus is distinguished by a stocky and stocky leg, an elastic brown (or slightly yellowish) cap and a subtle mushroom aroma, which an experienced collector will not confuse with anything else. The poisonous double imitates all these signs well, but there are still some “tricks” that can easily be used to figure it out. Please note that you need to be extremely careful, since false porcini mushroom (also known as mustard) if accidentally consumed in food leads to serious food poisoning.

If you have an extreme mindset, you can try a small piece of the pulp, which is very bitter in the “fake” one. But it’s better to cut it and look at the color of the cut. When cut, the leg of a real boletus will be perfectly white, while bitterling will show itself as a light pink tint.

And one more sign: the leg of a real porcini mushroom does not have any mesh pattern, which characterizes its poisonous counterpart. When in doubt, look at inner side hats. the false one is again distinguished by the pink color of the tubular layer, whereas in the boletus it is yellow.

But much worse than bitterling is its subspecies, which is known as the “satanic mushroom.” Just one gram of this unpleasant “delicacy” is guaranteed to cause severe

Unfortunately, he is also very similar to his noble relative, and therefore inexperienced mushroom pickers often find themselves victims of his satanic cunning. To avoid being one of them, you need to look carefully at the leg. Let us note that the false satanic white mushroom is perfectly camouflaged in color and appearance. But its leg, which has a red, yellow and even purple tint, can quickly alert even a novice mushroom picker. Under no circumstances should such a find be put in the basket!

It’s even more reliable to look at the color of the cut, which quickly becomes not just pink, but rich red. You also need to pay attention to it when buying mushrooms at stores (which is generally not recommended). Remember that normal boletus has a pleasant mushroom aroma. Its poisonous relative (especially the old one) has a pronounced unpleasant odor.

Another false white mushroom, the characteristics of which we would like to describe, is often called “Polish.” Unlike the varieties described above, it is completely edible. Unlike the real “king of mushrooms,” its cut quickly turns blue.

In addition, the shape of its legs is much more regular and smooth. The cap is dark red or brownish-red, which also greatly distinguishes it from other representatives of the genus. By the way, when you press on the inside of the cap, the place of pressure also turns blue.

So you have learned what a false porcini mushroom looks like! We hope that after reading our article you will no longer put it in your cart.

Gall mushroom ( Latin name tylopilus felleus) is not poisonous and belongs to inedible mushrooms. It is mistakenly taken for edible species. It has a bitter and nasty taste that cannot be removed even by heat treatment.

During the mushroom picking period, you can come across so-called doubles, which can easily confuse an inexperienced mushroom picker. Therefore, when going into the forest with a basket, you must first familiarize yourself with information on how to distinguish false mushroom from the present. Doubles have their own distinctive features. Knowing them, you can protect yourself from possible troubles.

Description and distribution area

The gall fungus is called false white or false boletus. Young individuals have a hemispherical cap of brown or brown color. Over time, it becomes cushion-shaped and acquires a yellow or gray tint. The spores are small, pale pink. The leg has the color of the cap, only lighter, and has a dark mesh pattern. At the base it is widened, similar to a tuber.

The pulp is fleshy white, elastic, without a characteristic mushroom smell, always turns pink when cut. The taste is bitter, the aftertaste is pungent. This explains another name - mustard.

To feel the bitterness of bittersweet, just lightly lick the cap from the bottom.

It grows in coniferous and deciduous forests on sandy soil, but can take a liking to a rotten stump or the base of a trunk. It grows both in groups and alone. Found between July and October.

Photo of gall fungus

External differences

Not everyone knows how to distinguish a false porcini mushroom from a real one, although in reality it is not so difficult to do. Boletus has more dark hat, its bottom is white, yellow or greenish in color (the bitterling has a pink tubular layer), the mesh pattern of the leg is light (the bitterling is dark), and the flesh does not change its color. The differences from white are more obvious, the main thing is to be careful when collecting forest mushrooms.

Another popular name is false boletus. It can be confused with boletus by the color of its cap and scaly stem. Common boletus has a mushroom smell and does not turn pink when cut.

False white is always very beautiful in appearance; because of its bitterness, animals, worms and insects do not eat it.

Some care will allow you to distinguish false white and false boletus from real ones.

The most valuable find of any lover " quiet hunt"is considered a porcini mushroom because it has dense flesh and is attractive appearance and high taste qualities. There is a misconception that he has no doubles, but this point of view is erroneous. Satanic and gall mushrooms are very similar in appearance to ordinary boletus mushrooms, but some differences still exist between them.

If you doubt your ability to distinguish real porcini mushrooms from false ones, we recommend that you read this article. It not only describes the main external differences between these species, but also provides bright colorful photos that will help distinguish edible specimens from poisonous ones. In addition, you will learn what symptoms are accompanied by poisoning with false boletus and will be able to take timely measures to eliminate them if you accidentally eat a poisonous specimen.

False white mushroom: photo and description

The most common poisonous counterpart of boletus is considered to be gall, which is popularly called bitter. It received this name because of the strong bitter taste of the pulp, which not only does not disappear, but even intensifies during heat treatment.

Picture 1. External differences fruiting body and pulp of the poisonous twin

Outwardly, it is indeed very similar to white, but there are still certain differences between them. If you know them exactly, the poisonous double will never end up in your basket (Figure 1).

How to distinguish a gall mushroom from a white one: description and photo

To learn how to correctly identify bitterweed, you need to know its external features (Figure 2).

Among the main characteristics of the poisonous twin are the following:

  1. The diameter of the cap ranges from 4 to 15 cm, and in young specimens it is hemispherical, and in mature specimens it is more prostrate and rounded.
  2. The color of the outer part of the cap can vary from light brown to brownish-yellow, and most often the color is light, which is also typical for edible boletus mushrooms.
  3. The flesh is white, but becomes pinkish as it ages. The fibers are clearly visible in it, and the pulp has practically no pronounced mushroom smell.
  4. The leg is cylindrical, slightly swollen at the base, and as it matures it becomes covered with a characteristic mesh of small gray or brown fibers.

Figure 2. External differences between bitterling (photos 1 and 2) and edible boletus(photos 3 and 4)

But the main difference is that when cut, the gall pulp immediately begins to darken, acquiring a brown tint. Some mushroom pickers advise lightly licking the flesh of the specimen that has aroused suspicion. You will immediately feel an intense bitterness. But to avoid possible health risks, it is better to learn how to distinguish poisonous specimens from edible ones. external signs.

How to distinguish gall fungus: description and photo

Gorchak is most often confused with boletus, because these species have quite a lot in common external characteristics. However, if you are careful and carefully examine the prey, you will be able to notice certain differences.

Firstly, the bitterling stem is shaped like a club or a cylinder due to the swollen base. Secondly, the color of the leg is yellowish or gray-brown, and in its upper part a dark or creamy yellow mesh is clearly visible. All these features are not typical for ordinary boletus mushrooms.

In addition, false boletus can be distinguished by the color and structure of the pulp: its fibers are not just white, but gradually turn to pink or gray-pink.

How does gall mushroom differ from boletus mushroom?

It is believed that severe poisoning cannot cause bitterness. This is due to the fact that its pulp is so bitter that it will not be possible to eat it voluntarily. But still, in order not to take risks, it is better to study in advance the external signs by which bitterling can be distinguished from boletus (Figure 3).

TO characteristic differences these types include:

  1. The bilious species has a pronounced bitter taste, which not only does not disappear, but also intensifies during heat treatment. The boletus does not have the slightest hint of bitterness.
  2. When cut, the mustard pulp quickly darkens and acquires a pinkish or brown tint. Boletus pulp does not change color. The only exception can be considered Polish mushroom, which becomes dark with any mechanical damage to the pulp.
  3. On the leg of bitterling there is always a gray or brown mesh, which is not found in ordinary boletus. The boletus has a leg covered with small scales, which make it look like a birch trunk.
  4. The pulp under the cap also has significant differences. For example, in bitterling it is white with a slight pink tint. In boletus it is white, yellowish or grayish, and in boletus it is white-gray to brown, depending on age.

Figure 3. External features bitterling

Moreover, false whites are never wormy. This is explained by the strong bitterness of the pulp, which is felt not only by people, but even by animals, birds and insects.

Where do false porcini mushrooms grow?

One of effective ways You can avoid collecting false porcini mushrooms by knowing where they are most often found.

Note: In general, bitterweed has become widespread and is found in coniferous and deciduous forests of Russia, Europe and North America.

As a rule, the bitter mycelium forms mycorrhiza with the roots of oak, birch and some coniferous species. It is noteworthy that, unlike the usual boletus, which appears in late summer and autumn, bitterlings can be found from the beginning of summer until October. In addition, unlike boletus, which is found in sunny areas protected from the wind, bitterlings prefer to grow near rotten stumps or on the roots of old trees. Like porcini mushrooms, gall mushrooms can occur either singly or in entire families.

Despite the fact that mustard is considered inedible, it is used in folk medicine for the preparation of drugs with a choleretic effect.

False white mushroom - satanic: description and photo

One more dangerous double boletus is considered a satanic mushroom, which can also cause symptoms of serious food poisoning. It has a rather large cap, the diameter of which can reach 30 cm. Its surface is smooth and velvety, but, unlike the usual boletus, whose cap is painted in different shades of brown, the satanic one can be white, grayish or have green or yellow-pink inclusions ( Figure 4).

Figure 4. Fruiting body of the satanic mushroom, whole and cross-sectioned

The flesh of the satanic species becomes red or blue when cut, and in adult specimens it also has a very unpleasant, pronounced odor. But main feature, which distinguishes this poisonous species from edible, in the color of the stem. Closer to the cap it is red-yellow, in the middle it is red-orange, and closer to the base it becomes yellow-brown. It is the color of the leg that allows you to quickly identify a poisonous specimen and avoid it.

Poisoning with false porcini mushrooms

Although false boletus is not considered deadly, it can still cause unwanted health effects. For example, satanic poisoning is accompanied by severe digestive disorders (diarrhea and vomiting), and dizziness is also observed. The first symptoms begin to appear within 30 minutes after consumption, so in most cases the person has time to get help. medical care. Fatalities from poisoning satanic mushroom are extremely rare.

It is extremely difficult to get poisoned by mustard because of its pronounced bitter taste. Even a small piece of raw, boiled or fried pulp placed on the tongue will cause an unbearable burning sensation, so it is unlikely that you will be able to eat bittersweet voluntarily. The only possible poisoning would be if the mustard was pickled or pickled with ordinary boletus, and a person simply will not feel its bitter taste due to salt, vinegar and seasonings. Moreover, the toxins contained in these poisonous doubles, cause quite characteristic symptoms. Within a day, dizziness and severe general weakness appear. This indicates that the toxin has already begun to be absorbed into the blood. These signs pass quickly, but you should not ignore them, because toxic substances will begin to be absorbed into the blood and manifest themselves even more negative consequences in a few weeks. In particular, they affect liver cells, preventing the outflow of bile. In especially severe cases, when eating a large amount gall mushrooms, a person may develop cirrhosis of the liver. To avoid such consequences, you need to carefully inspect all collected or purchased specimens, and before pickling, it is advisable to lick the flesh to make sure the harvest is safe.

The author of the video tells how to distinguish a false boletus from a real one by external signs.