
The republic's topography is a ridged plain with a well-developed network of ravines and gullies. Uvalistaya flat surface Udmurtia has a general decrease from north to south and from east to west. The territory north of the line Krasnogorye - Starye Zyattsy - Yakshur-Bodya - Sharkan is located within the Upper Kama Upland with absolute elevations of 200 - 300 meters. The relief here is the most complex, which causes frequent soil changes. The rest of the territory is more leveled, the ridges have gentle slopes and lower heights (100-200 meters). The Kama zone, called the Sarapul Upland, as well as the interfluve area of ​​Vyatka and Izh, called the Mozhginskaya Upland, are distinguished by some complexity of the relief in the southern half of Udmurtia. The most depressed areas are: the central territory of the republic with fluvioglacial (ash) sandy and sandy loam deposits common here, as well as the alluvial plains of Cheptsa, Kama, Izha, Kilmezi and Vali.

Highly plowed territory, steep terrain, the predominance of slopes with a steepness of 2 - 6°, and in some places up to 10° or more, contribute to the development of planar and linear water erosion. In the zone of distribution of light soils formed on fluvioglacial sands and sandy loams, wind erosion occurs.

The relief, in combination with the characteristics of the soil-forming rocks, had a great, and often decisive, influence on the formation of the soil cover in Udmurtia.

Soil cover

Continuous forest cover in the past, leaching type water regime and the predominance of non-carbonate soil-forming rocks led to the widespread occurrence of the podzolic process in the territory of the republic. According to the soil-geographical zoning, the main land area The Udmurt Republic is assigned to the Vyatka-Kama province of the southern taiga subzone soddy-podzolic soils, and its southern regions - to the Pre-Ural province of gray forest soils northern forest-steppe.

In Udmurtia, the main types of soils are sod-podzolic (predominant), gray forest podzolized and sod-carbonate. The main features of the geographical distribution of soils: in the northern and central-eastern parts of the republic, among the predominant sod-podzolic loamy soils, sod-carbonate and gray forest podzolized soils are ubiquitous; In the central-western part, soddy-podzolic sandy and sandy loam soils predominate, and in the southern part, gray forest podzolized, soddy-carbonate and in some places soddy-podzolic soils predominate. In addition to these soils, throughout the entire territory of the republic there are floodplain sod alluvial-layered and granular, gully-beam soils and small areas of sod-gley, bog and bog-podzolic soils.

The soil and climatic conditions of the Udmurt Republic are generally favorable for the cultivation of all agricultural crops included in the State Register, and therefore it is possible to effectively use phytomelioration when carrying out reclamation work; it is only necessary to select the appropriate crops and varieties for early ripening for different agroclimatic regions.

Soil-forming rocks play a major role in the formation of soil cover; they determine the mineralogical and chemical composition soils, their physical and physicochemical properties.

In the Udmurt Republic, the following soil-forming rocks are most widespread: fluvioglacial sands and sandy loams, reddish-brown and yellow-brown clays and loams, Permian carbonate clays, alluvial and deluvial sediments.

Characteristics of soil cover along the main directions of highways from the capital of Udmurtia, Izhevsk

Yakshur-Bodinsky direction

Mostly soddy-podzolic soils of light mechanical composition (sands, loams) are common here. But there are heavy loamy and clayey varieties. According to their agrochemical indicators, they are characterized by high acidity, low content of mobile forms of nutrients (phosphorus, potassium), and low humus content.

Sandy soils are the poorest in nutrients. They are low in humus, phosphorus and potassium. They are loose and do not retain moisture and nutrients well.

In low-lying areas, closer to the floodplains of the Izh and Maly Izh rivers, there are significant areas of marshy soils, including peat bogs.

Areas located in lowlands, as a rule, have groundwater close to the soil surface, which does not allow plants to develop normally due to damage to the root system. In water, without air, the roots rot and the plants die. To such areas it is necessary to import fertile soil, sand, clay, manure (depending on soil type) to raise the soil.

Votkinsk direction

To the northeast of Izhevsk the terrain is calmer, with occasional slopes of 5-7° steepness. The soil cover is represented by soddy-podzolic soils, mainly of light mechanical composition. In the floodplains of the Kama, Siva, and Pozim rivers, alluvial loamy soils are common. They also need organic and mineral fertilizers.

If in old gardens the soils are well humified, with a high content of phosphorus and other nutrients, then new areas are infertile and poor in nutrients. They lack nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They are acidic, making it difficult to absorb nutrients.

Golyansko - Sarapul direction

Here, soddy-podzolic loamy soils are most widespread, but gray forest soils, as well as soddy-carbonate ones, are also found.

Gray forest soils are common, as a rule, in the middle and lower parts of the gentle slopes of ridges. Their main difference from soddy-podzolic soils is their higher humus content and better structure. But, due to their location on low relief elements, they are often waterlogged, especially in the autumn and spring periods. Therefore, measures to remove excess moisture are necessary.

Soddy-carbonate soils lie on elevated elements of the relief, on the bends of the slopes of ridges, and on hilly elevations. They are characterized by a reddish-brown color of the arable layer and a lumpy-grained structure. Outcrops of calcareous bedrock are rare and occur in small areas. In terms of mechanical composition, they are mainly heavy loamy and clayey.

On steep slopes, so that water does not flow into the lowlands and nutrients are not washed out of the soil during rains, irrigation and snowmelt, horizontal terraces are arranged.

In the floodplain of the Kama River, alluvial soils are widespread, among which there are both floodplain swamp and floodplain turf varieties.

Mozhginsky direction

The soil cover in the southern direction from Izhevsk is quite diverse and is represented by various soils. These are mainly soddy-podzolic loamy soils, but compared to northern part In Udmurtia, gray forest soils are more widespread here. These soils contain more humus and nutrients, are less acidic, and are better structured.

In areas of this region there are heavy loamy and clayey soils. They are rich in minerals, have good viscosity, but do not allow water and air to pass through well, which interferes with the normal functioning of microorganisms and inhibits the growth and development of plants. In addition to the application of organic fertilizers, river sand, and sawdust, constant loosening of the arable layer is necessary.

There are also floodplain soils here, some of which are significantly waterlogged.

Uva direction

To the west of Izhevsk, soddy-podzolic soils of sandy loam and sandy mechanical composition are widespread. Wetlands are also common. Soddy-podzolic sandy loam soils are very poor in mineral nutrition elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen), microelements, they have little humus, and have high acidity. They are loose, do not retain moisture and nutrients well, and are easily washed out of the soil.

The total area of ​​forest fund land is 2016.3 thousand hectares. There was an increase in their area due to the transfer of forest lands from the agricultural category by 405.8 thousand hectares.

Mineral resources:

The mineral resource potential of the Republic is characterized by the presence on its territory of oil, as well as mineral non-metallic materials - peat, limestone, clay, sand, etc.

As of January 1, 2000, the initial total recoverable oil resources on the territory of the Republic amounted to 891.7 million tons; of which, for category A+B+C1 - 356.5 million tons, for category C2 - 56.3 million tons, C3 - 110.5 million tons, D1+D2 - 123.5 million tons.

There are 104 oil fields in Udmurtia (including the Vyatsky section of the Arlanskoye field and part of the Zolotarevskoye field, most of which is located within the Republic of Bashkortostan and Kirov region respectively).

The mineral resource base of common minerals of the republic is represented mainly by clay rocks for the production of bricks and expanded clay gravel, construction sands and for silicate products, sand and gravel materials for all types of construction, concrete and asphalt concrete, carbonate rocks for limestone flour and crushed stone, peat for Agriculture and fuel. There are also isolated industrial deposits of local importance of molding and glass sands, fluxing limestones and clays - for the production of mineral wool, carbonate rocks - for the production of low-grade magnesia building lime, sapropel

Land resources:

Distribution of land fund by land (thousand hectares): agricultural land, total - 1892.8; land under surface waters- 53.6; swamps - 14.5; land under forests and trees and shrubs - 2079.9; other lands - 165.3.

Earth forest fund.

The total area of ​​forest fund land is 2016.3 thousand hectares. There was an increase in their area due to the transfer of forest lands from the agricultural category by 405.8 thousand hectares.

Agricultural land.

The total area of ​​land in this category - 1871.1 thousand hectares - is made up of lands of agricultural enterprises, organizations and citizens engaged in the production of agricultural products. Agricultural lands decreased due to the transfer from this category of 405.8 thousand hectares of forest lands used by agricultural enterprises to forest fund lands and increased by 211.2 thousand hectares due to the transfer of redistribution fund lands from reserve lands to this category lands.

State of land resources. The peculiarities of the structure of the soil cover of the republic are as follows: in the northern and central-eastern parts of the republic, which belong to the taiga forest zone, among the predominant sod-podzolic loamy soils, sod-carbonate and gray forest podzolized soils are ubiquitous; in the central-western part, sod-podzolic soils predominate sandy and sandy loam, and in the southern forest-steppe - gray forest podzolized, sod-carbonate and, in places, sod-podzolic soils.

A consequence of the agricultural use of soils was a decrease in the humus content in them. This is due to the low level of use of organic fertilizers, which did not even compensate for the natural loss of humus from the soil during the process of its mineralization. In addition, about 78% of arable land is affected by water erosion. Over the past 20 years, the absolute content of humus in the arable layer of soddy-podzolic soils has decreased by an average of 0.4%, in gray forest podzolized soils - by 0.6%, in soddy-carbonate soils - by 0.9%, although for normal flows biological soil processes when cultivating agricultural crops on soddy-podzolic soils, the humus content in sandy varieties should be maintained at 1.6-2.0%, sandy loam - 2.0-2.5%, loamy - 2.5-3.0%.

More than 36% of the republic's arable soil areas are acidic (with pH>=5.5), which negatively affects agricultural yields. There are many acidic soils (more than 40% of the area) in the Yukamensky, Krasnogorsky, Yarsky, Glazovsky, Sharkansky and Zavyalovsky districts. In the republic, it is necessary to maintain the pH value of exchangeable acidity in soils at an optimal level - 5.5-6.0, which makes it possible to use mineral fertilizers with higher efficiency.

The gross reserves of nitrogen in the arable soddy-podzolic soils that predominate in area are small, especially in sandy and sandy loam varieties (total nitrogen 0.1-0.2%).

The amount of mobile phosphorus in the arable layer of soil is not enough to obtain good crop yields (in the conditions of Udmurtia, it is necessary that the mobile phosphorus in the arable layer contain at least 120-130 mg P2O3/kg of soil). The best in terms of the amount of available phosphorus are the soils of six regions (out of 25), which have 40-54% of the area of ​​arable land with a P2O3 content of more than 100 mg/kg of soil.

The weighted average indicator of the content of exchangeable potassium in the soils of the republic for last years decreased to 106 mg/kg of soil and tends to further decrease due to underestimation of the use of potash fertilizers.

In general, in the soils of Udmurtia, the weighted average values ​​of heavy metal concentrations are below the background (for Russia) and significantly below the maximum permissible concentration (MAC), with the exception of Cd, the content of which, although lower than the MAC, is 3-4 times higher than the background.

Soil contamination with pesticides is alarming. In some areas of Udmurtia their content exceeds the MPC by 1.5-4.5 times.

The area of ​​anthropogenically disturbed lands in the republic amounted to 6.4 thousand hectares, including: from geological exploration - 0.07 thousand hectares, mining - 1.8 thousand hectares; At the same time, the area of ​​restored land amounted to 1.1 thousand hectares. Thousands of hectares have been degraded due to contamination and littering.

One of the active exogenous processes on the territory of Udmurtia is gully erosion. With intensive gully formation, valuable agricultural land is alienated; ravines cause damage settlements, enterprises, communication routes, various communications, etc.

As a result of the heterogeneity of soil formation factors, including relief, soil cover Udmurtia has significant diversity. Relevant studies have established that on the territory of Udmurtia there are soils of the following types of soil formation: sod-podzolic, sod-carbonate, gray forest, sod dark-colored swampy, swamp, floodplain sod, floodplain swamp, as well as gully-gully. The mechanical composition ranges from sands and sandy loams to heavy loams and clays.

Before developing a plot of land, it is necessary to study local conditions, topography, soil, level groundwater, the direction of the prevailing winds.

Let us consider the characteristics of the soil cover along the main directions of highways from the capital of Udmurtia, Izhevsk, as well as brief recommendations for soil cultivation.

  • Yakshur-Bodinsky direction.
  • Mostly soddy-podzolic soils of light mechanical composition (sands, loams) are common here. But there are heavy loamy and clayey varieties. According to their agrochemical indicators, they are characterized by high acidity, low content of mobile forms of nutrients (phosphorus, potassium), and low humus content. These soils require the application of organic fertilizers and liming.

    Sandy soils are the poorest in nutrients. They are low in humus, phosphorus and potassium. They are loose and do not retain moisture and nutrients well. Before growing plants on them, it is necessary to fill the soil with organic and mineral fertilizers, and to increase viscosity add freshwater silt (sapropel) or clay. Among organic fertilizers, rotted manure and compost are preferable. You can sow the area with lupine, clover or alfalfa for 1-2 years. In summer, these grasses need to be mowed and dug up with soil. It is more profitable to mix organic fertilizers with mineral ones. It increases them nutritional value. On sandy soils, fertilizers must be applied annually.

    In low-lying areas, closer to the floodplains of the Izh and Maly Izh rivers, there are significant areas of marshy soils, including peat bogs. In this regard, deep drainage and the introduction of sand, wood ash, lime, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are necessary here.

    Areas located in lowlands, as a rule, have groundwater close to the soil surface, which does not allow plants to develop normally due to damage to the root system. In water, without air, the roots rot and the plants die. Fertile soil, sand, clay, manure (depending on the type of soil) have to be brought to such areas in order to raise the soil. Or you need to make mounds and high beds.

  • Votkinsk direction.
  • To the northeast of Izhevsk the terrain is calmer, with occasional slopes of 5-7° steepness. The soil cover is represented by soddy-podzolic soils, mainly of light mechanical composition. In the floodplains of the Kama, Siva, and Pozim rivers, alluvial loamy soils are common. They also need organic and mineral fertilizers.

    If in old gardens the soils are well humified, with a high content of phosphorus and other nutrients, then new areas are infertile and poor in nutrients. They lack nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They are acidic, making it difficult to absorb nutrients. Most garden plants require slightly acidic, neutral or slightly alkaline soils for normal development. Get good harvest on poor and acidic soils it is not possible without fertilizing, liming and improving their structure. Therefore, liming and enrichment of soils with nutrients are mandatory.

    In the floodplain of the river. In winter there are swampy soils where drainage measures and deep drainage are necessary.

  • Golyansko - Sarapul direction.
  • Here, soddy-podzolic loamy soils are most widespread, but gray forest soils, as well as soddy-carbonate ones, are also found.

    Gray forest soils are common, as a rule, in the middle and lower parts of the gentle slopes of ridges. Their main difference from soddy-podzolic soils is their higher humus content and better structure. But, due to their location on low relief elements, they are often waterlogged, especially in the autumn and spring periods. Therefore, measures to remove excess moisture are necessary.

    Soddy-carbonate soils lie on elevated elements of the relief, on the bends of the slopes of ridges, and on hilly elevations. They are characterized by a reddish-brown color of the arable layer and a lumpy-grained structure. Outcrops of calcareous bedrock are rare and occur in small areas. In terms of mechanical composition, they are mainly heavy loamy and clayey. These soils do not need liming.

    On steep slopes, so that water does not flow into the lowlands and nutrients are not washed out of the soil during rains, irrigation and snowmelt, horizontal terraces are arranged. The structure of heavy clay soils is improved by the addition of river sand, sawdust, and slightly decomposed peat.

    In the floodplain of the Kama River, alluvial soils are widespread, among which there are both floodplain swamp and floodplain turf varieties. Wetlands require mandatory drainage.

  • Mozhginsky direction.
  • The soil cover in the southern direction from Izhevsk is quite diverse and is represented by various soils. These are mainly soddy-podzolic loamy soils, but compared to the northern part of Udmurtia, gray forest soils are more common here.

    These soils contain more humus and nutrients, are less acidic, and are better structured. But it should be taken into account that with the harvest it is removed from the soil. significant amount batteries that need to be constantly replenished. Therefore, on these lands, the application of organic and mineral fertilizers, lime, and microelements is a mandatory measure.

    In areas of this region there are heavy loamy and clayey soils. They are rich in minerals, have good viscosity, but do not allow water and air to pass through well, which interferes with the normal functioning of microorganisms and inhibits the growth and development of plants. In addition to the application of organic fertilizers, river sand, and sawdust, constant loosening of the arable layer is necessary.

    There are also floodplain soils here, some of which are significantly waterlogged.

  • Uva direction.
  • To the west of Izhevsk, soddy-podzolic soils of sandy loam and sandy mechanical composition are widespread. Wetlands are also common. Soddy-podzolic sandy loam soils are very poor in mineral nutrition elements (phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen), microelements, they have little humus, and have high acidity. They are loose, do not retain moisture and nutrients well, which are easily washed out of the soil. Therefore, a mandatory condition here will be the introduction of organic fertilizers (manure, compost, peat, humus, bird droppings, sapropel, vermicompost, turf soil), mineral (nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sulfur, magnesium) and microelements (zinc, copper, cobalt , boron, molybdenum). Soils are in dire need of liming.

    Manure is the main organic fertilizer, slow acting. It contains all the nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, lime, sulfur. After applying manure, the soil should be dug up, otherwise there will be a large loss of nutrients. It is better to apply it in combination with mineral fertilizers in the form of humus and composts, since few plants need fresh manure.

    Liming is a very important technique; it eliminates excess soil acidity. Increased acidity has a pH of 3-5, neutral and close to neutral - pH 6-7, overly alkaline - pH 8-9. Excess lime is harmful to garden plants; the plants develop chlorosis. In each specific area, it is necessary to determine the acidity level (pH) and only then apply lime fertilizers.

    The acidity of the soil can be determined using various instruments, litmus paper, or by the plants that grow on the site. The following grow well in acidic soil: chickweed (woodlice), caustic and creeping buttercup, speedwell, mint, plantain, horsetail, sorrel, sedge, Ivan da Marya. On the neutral (and close to it) there is a lot of wheatgrass, chamomile, field bindweed, thistle, nettle, coltsfoot, clover, quinoa, and rose hips.

    Each site is characterized by its own characteristics and requires an individual approach. Over the years, the content of basic nutritional elements may change in one direction or another. Agrochemical analyzes provide more detailed information about the soil, which allows you to correctly and timely respond to soil fatigue.

According to geographical zoning, Udmurtia is included in the vast Western Cis-Urals. But based on its relief it cannot be classified as mountainous countries. Five hills (Verkhne-Kamskaya, Krasnogorskaya, Tylovaiskaya, Mozhginskaya and Sarapulskaya) although they occupy a significant part of the territory of the republic, their height is no more than 200-300 meters above sea level. And near the village of Luchenki, in the northeast of the republic, there is the most high point Udmurtia - 331 meters. In some areas, for example in Sharkansky, there are areas resembling Mountain landscape. Here, in a relatively small area, there is a picturesque combination of high hills and lowlands with a height difference of 100-120 meters.
In the western part of Udmurtia there is the Kilmez Lowland. It occupies the main part of the territory of the Kilmezi and, partly, Vali river basin.
Due to the significant geomorphological dissection of the territory, the roads crossing the republic in all directions represent a chain of long descents and ascents. The climate of Udmurtia is temperate continental with average annual temperature+ 1.0°C in the north and + 2.5°C in the south. The most warm month is July. In Izhevsk at this time average daily temperature equals + 18.9°C. There are years when the summer is really hot, but temperatures above + 38 "C (in the shade) have not yet been recorded in Udmurtia. Spring and autumn are characterized by difficult to predict weather conditions. Frosts can begin as early as September, and in the spring there will be a temporary return of cold temperatures with temperatures below zero.

Celsius may occur at the end of May or even in the first ten days of June. Temperature vagaries quite significantly affect the growth and development of fruits, vegetables and field crops. The coldest month is January. In Izhevsk, the average daily temperature in January is - 14.1°C. Some years are characterized by particularly cold winters with temperatures of -30 °C, and in 1978 the column mercury thermometer dropped to -52°C. The snow cover has an average thickness of 50-60 cm, and in some years - 80 cm. The ground freezes to a depth of 60-100 cm. Precipitation falls 450-600 mm per year. But throughout the year they are distributed extremely unevenly. Heavy rains during harvest and dry days in spring and early summer, when crops especially need moisture, are not considered a rare occurrence. It is no coincidence that Udmurtia is included in the zone of risky agriculture. Winter days are short. On December 22, for example, the light part of the day is 6 hours 45 minutes, but in the summer (June 22) sunset is separated from dawn by only 7 hours
Podzolic soil varieties predominate in Udmurtia. They were formed in conditions coniferous forests on non-carbonate source rocks, are acidic and require liming. The most fertile are gray and dark gray forest soils. Their genesis took place in ecosystems of broad-leaved and coniferous-deciduous forests on cover loams and clays and in conditions of shallow groundwater. Unlike soddy-podzolic soils, they contain more humus. The remaining soils - soddy-carbonate, floodplain, marsh and others - occupy insignificant areas. Gray and dark gray soils are common in the southern part of the republic, mainly in the territory occupied by the Mozhginsk and Sarapul uplands, as well as in the Kama regions. Sod-podzolic
soils are typical for the lowland part of Udmurtia. As for soddy-carbonate soils, they are found sporadically throughout the territory with elevated relief. Alluvial soils are adjacent to river floodplains, and marsh soils are adjacent to places with excess moisture.
There are many mineral resources in Udmurtia. Some of them are used quite intensively - petroleum, natural Construction Materials, peat. Deposits of hard and brown coal, copper ores are not yet included in economic turnover. The republic is rich in healing mud and mineral water resources.
In the Alnashsky district, on the basis of local medicinal mud, the famous Russian resort "Varzi-Yatchi" operates, in the sanatorium "Metallurg" (Izhevsk) for treatment gastrointestinal diseases use mineral water from the Novo-Izhevsk source. Mineral springs With healing properties They are also found in other regions of the republic, for example in Kiznersky, Glazovsky and Malopurginsky, but they are only partially used. The uniqueness and beauty of landscapes is given by the world of living organisms. By vegetation cover Udmurtia belongs to taiga zone. In the southern part of the republic, the zonal type is broad-leaved-coniferous, and in the northern part - coniferous (spruce, fir) forests. Species sensitive to soil richness and sudden frosts, such as oak, maple, elm, hazel (walnut), north of latitude Izhevsk are extremely rare. The territory of Udmurtia runs through the contact zone between European and Siberian taiga, therefore, in the local flora you can find many representatives of both European and Siberian vegetation. For example, os
The new forest-forming species are Siberian and Finnish spruce. They easily form hybrids with each other. Siberian fir is also a representative of the Ural-Siberian floristic complex.
In the past, forests covered almost the entire territory of Udmurtia. Now the forested area is approximately 44 percent. In the structure of the tree stand, the first place is occupied by spruce (51 percent); the share of so-called secondary species, that is, spreading in the place of primary forests, is also very significant. Such species in Udmurtia include birch (21 percent) and aspen (9 percent). The share of pine is expressed as 10 percent, other species (linden, oak, maple and others) -
9 percent.
Udmurtia is poor in natural forage areas. IN land cadastre In the republic, meadows and pastures account for only 10 percent of the area. The best meadows are located in the floodplains of rivers. In connection with the construction of the Botkin and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs, a significant part of the excellent hayfields and pastures of the floodplain of the Kama River and some of its tributaries was under water. Udmurtia was once considered the land of swamps, but nowadays there are few of them left. Reclamation works, peat mining and deforestation are the main reasons for their reduction. Cultivation of agricultural crops began in Udmurtia during the Bronze Age (2500 - 3000 years ago). The first crops were spelt, millet and barley. Currently, significant areas are occupied by winter rye, oats, barley, flax, peas, clover, potatoes and others. Weeds are found on cultivated lands, along roads, and in waste areas. There are more than 500 species of them in Udmurtia. IN last decade there is an influx of plants alien to the local flora. Among them there are quite a few species from
North and South America, Mediterranean, southwest Asia, Africa, China. Of the 1,743 species that make up the flora of Udmurtia, approximately 140 need protection. Among them are many unique plants included in the Red Book of Russia.
The fauna of Udmurtia has not been studied enough. But the materials that scientists have at their disposal allow us to believe that animal world The republic is rich and diverse. On its territory, 42 species of fish, 190 birds, 49 mammals, 800 beetles, 74 spiders, 500 butterflies, 224 bees were discovered, of which one species, the Udmurt bee, was first described to science.
The composition of game animals is also diverse (elk, bear, beaver, hare, squirrel, marten, fox and others). Experts have calculated that in 1993, 12 thousand elk, 1.2 thousand wild boars, 600 bears, and 200-250 wolves lived in the forests of the republic. But, like plants, many animals are on the verge of extinction (European mink, Siberian weasel, wolverine, black stork, peregrine falcon, beluga, Russian sturgeon, brook trout, grayling, rhinoceros beetle, swallowtail butterfly and others (58 species in total). The most common domestic animals are cow, sheep, goat, pig, horse, goose, duck, chicken, rabbit, dog, cat, and bee. In conclusion, we list the main features of the nature and natural resources of Udmurtia. On the territory of the republic one of the large rivers Europe - Kama.
In count sunny days per year in the forest zone of the European part of Russia, Udmurtia takes first place.
Udmurtia is one of the most floristically rich regions in the taiga zone. The main natural resource is the forest. Udmurtia is rich in oil and large deposits coal, there are a number of deposits of medicinal mud and mineral waters.


Izhevsk 2017


Literature review

experimental part

Table 1 - Agrochemical characteristics of the arable horizon of soddy-medium-podzolic medium-loamy soil (JSC "Uchkhoz Iyulskoe IzhGSHA", 1979)

The soil of the experimental plot is characterized by a low humus content, a slightly acidic reaction of the soil solution, a low amount of exchangeable bases, and an average supply of mobile forms of phosphorus and exchangeable potassium.

The territory of JSC "Uchkhoz Iyulskoye IzhGSKhA" belongs to the eastern part European territory Russia - Middle Urals. The Middle Urals is part of the Central Russian province of the southern taiga forest zone [Kovrigo V.P., 2008].

The climate is temperate continental, characterized by cold, snowy winters and quite hot short summer, therefore the amplitude of temperature and precipitation fluctuations throughout the year is large. Difference between average temperature July and January is -32.9 0 C. Frosts in winter sometimes reach -40 0 C or more, and in summer - Maximum temperature+35…+38 0 C.

The sum of active temperatures is in the range of 1700...2000 0 C. The hydrothermal coefficient is in the range of 1.1-1.3. On average, about 500 mm of precipitation falls throughout the republic annually, and 250-300 mm during the growing season. Cold times account for 30-35% of precipitation, and warm seasons (with temperatures above +5 0 C) account for 65-70%. According to the nature of moisture, the territory belongs to a zone with unstable moisture. The dry period is observed from the second half of May to mid-June, and sometimes in July. There is a 25% chance of drought conditions.

Average height snow cover is 50-60 cm, and the water reserve in the snow is 130-150 mm. The disappearance of snow cover from the fields is observed at the end of the second - beginning of the third ten days of April, and in some years before April 10, or in the first ten days of May. Snow melting occurs with the formation of strong field runoff, which causes the development of erosion processes.

Spring frosts end at the end of May. Autumn frosts begin in the second and third ten days of September, and sometimes in the third ten days of August. This has a corresponding effect on the duration of the frost-free period, which is 114-122 days [Agroclimatic reference book..., 1961].

Agrometeorological conditions of the growing season 2013-2014. are given in tables 2 and 3.

Table 2 - Temperature conditions growing season 2015

(according to the Izhevsk weather station)

Table 3 – Precipitation during the growing season 2015

The amount of precipitation in the soil after sowing was sufficient to create seedlings and further development. In general, there was enough moisture in the soil to form the barley yield.




Department of Agrochemistry and Soil Science

Report on pre-graduation practice on the topic of:

"The impact of application different systems fertilizers on the agrochemical properties of the subarable horizon of sod-podzolic medium loamy soil"

Izhevsk 2017


1. Literature review……………………………………………………………..

1.1 The influence of fertilizer systems on the agrochemical properties of the subarable layer of soddy-podzolic loamy soil………………………………………………………………………………………

1.2 Biological features barley………………………………………………………

1.3 Conclusion of the literature review…………………………………….

2. Experimental part…………………………………………………………………….

2.1 Place and conditions of research…………………………….

2.2 Research design and methodology……………………………………………………………

2.3 Barley cultivation technology……………………………………………………….


Soils are the most important component ecological environment, their formation in nature occurs over tens and hundreds of thousands of years. Man turned part of the virgin lands into arable land and interrupted the flow of natural soil processes. Now the fate of arable soils, their development, fertility and productivity completely depends on his agronomic activities.

To carry out measures to increase soil fertility, you need to know their chemical composition, physical, physicochemical, air, water, thermal and other properties, the composition of soil solutions, various types of regimes and processes occurring in soils, their combination in soils of different natural zones, the necessary optimal combination to obtain high yields and ways to create these conditions in agronomic practice. High stable yields can only be obtained by carrying out a set of agricultural measures to regulate all parameters of soil fertility, since they are interdependent, equivalent and irreplaceable [Kovrigo V.P., 2008].

Soils have a special organo-mineral composition. During the process of soil formation, the accumulation of humus and other organic compounds. Soils are also enriched with biogenic and secondary aluminosilicate minerals, biophilic elements and, thus, acquire a special property - fertility. As a consequence of fertility, the soil cover has the ability to ensure the growth and productivity of plants, that is, to produce a crop. This property of the soil is one of the conditions for human existence and the emergence of agriculture with all its branches [Valkov V.F., 2012].

It is known that main factor fertilizers have an impact on the nutritional regime of the soil. The dependence of yield growth on an increase in fertilizer rates is not straightforward, but is expressed by a damping curve that gradually reaches a plateau, when an increase in fertilizer doses not only ceases to produce positive results, but, on the contrary, leads to a negative effect. Therefore, the high rate of chemicalization of agriculture in the country requires a more in-depth and comprehensive study of the effect of the systematic use of fertilizers in crop rotation on crop productivity, crop quality and soil fertility. The complex of these indicators can only be studied in long-term stationary experiments with fertilizers. The task is to obtain high yields of agricultural crops with the help of fertilizers, not only to maintain, but also to gradually increase soil fertility, which is emphasized by many scientists [Lykov A. M., 1982; Mineev V. G., 1990; Adaptive-landscape..., 2002; Kholzakov V.M., 2006; Effect of fertilizers on..., 2013].

Purpose of the research: to study the effect of long-term use of fertilizer systems on the agrochemical properties of the subarable layer of sod-podzolic medium loamy soil.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks must be solved:

1. To study the effect of long-term use of fertilizers, as well as their combinations, on the agrochemical properties of the arable and subarable layer of soddy-medium-podzolic medium-loamy soil;

2. To study the influence of long-term use of fertilizer systems on the elements of the yield structure and the yield of barley;

3. Give an economic and energy assessment of fertilizer systems for barley.

Literature review

general characteristics soddy-podzolic soils of the Udmurt Republic

Soddy-podzolic soils are predominant in Udmurtia, occupying 68%, they are most common in the southern taiga subzone, some of their tracts extend into the northern part of the forest-steppe. Among soddy-podzolic soils, the most common in the northern and central parts are soddy-podzolic loamy soils, occupying 50% of its territory and 66.1% of all arable land.

Soddy-podzolic soils are characterized by the development of the soddy process and the separation of the soddy horizon in the profile. The turf process is combined with podzolization, lessivage and, to a certain extent, with eluvial-gley processes during periods of waterlogging. These soils have an unfavorable structure of the soil profile, which is represented by a thin humus-eluvial horizon, an extremely depleted and structureless podzolic and compacted illuvial horizon [Kovrigo V.P., 2008; Kiryushin V.I., 2013].

Among the soddy-podzolic soils, strongly and moderately podzolic soils predominate, and less frequently, weakly podzolic soils. Among soddy-medium podzolic virgin forest soils have a continuous podzolic horizon up to 15 cm thick, strongly podzolic soils - more than 15 cm. Arable soddy-medium podzolic loamy soils have a continuous podzolic horizon up to 10 cm thick in their profile, because its thickness decreased due to the development of forest soils for arable land by plowing the podzolic horizon, with the deepening of the arable layer or the development of planar water erosion. Soddy-weakly podzolic soils do not have a continuous podzolic horizon, podzolization is expressed in the form of siliceous powder in the subhumus layer, strongly podzolic soils have a thickness of the podzolic horizon within 10-20 cm [Kovrigo V.P., 2004].