Representatives of this species reach 80 cm in length, usually weigh 1.5-3.5 kg, with a maximum recorded weight of 7.7 kg. Sockeye salmon resembles chum salmon in size and body shape; the easiest way to distinguish these species is by the number of gill rakers on the first gill arch: chum salmon have from 18 to 28, and sockeye salmon always have more than 30. They most often become sexually mature at 5-6 years of age. Unlike other Pacific salmon, they most often spawn in lakes, always in places where springs emerge. Homing in sockeye salmon is expressed quite clearly: most fish return not only to the same lake, but also to the same spawning ground where they were born. Its entry into rivers usually begins in May and continues until the end of July. The mating plumage of sockeye salmon is bright red (only the head is green), hence its second name - red. Young sockeye salmon emerge from eggs in mid-winter, fry for a long time live in fresh water, some stay for 2 or 3 years, only a few leave for sea pastures in the same summer. Spends from 1 to 4 years at sea. The meat is not pink, like other salmon, but an intense red color. Of all the salmon, she especially prefers the relatively small, but very fatty calanid crustaceans, colored red with carotenoid pigments. These pigments pass from swallowed crustaceans into sockeye salmon meat. It is widespread along the American coast, especially in Alaska, and goes south to California. In Asian waters it is distributed from Hokkaido in the south to the Anadyr River in the north. It is most numerous off the coast of western and eastern Kamchatka. Less common in the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and eastern Sakhalin. There is also a self-reproducing lake resident form of sockeye salmon - kokanee. In some rivers, in addition to the migratory species, there is a dwarf residential form of sockeye salmon. Dwarf fish are found in lakes in Japan, North America, Kamchatka. They do not migrate to the sea, reach sexual maturity in fresh water and participate in spawning together with the migratory redfish. This form is formed from part of the offspring of migratory fish when favorable conditions food in lakes.



  • Kenai River, Alaska Red Salmon Fact Page

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


See what “Sockeye salmon” is in other dictionaries:

    Fish of the Pacific salmon family. Dictionary of culinary terms. 2012… Culinary dictionary

    Sockeye Salmon, an anadromous (sometimes freshwater) fish (salmon family). Length up to 65 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. The meat is intensely red. Lives in the basin of the northwestern Pacific Ocean; spawning in lakes and spring waters of North America, Kamchatka, ... ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (red) migratory (sometimes freshwater) fish of the salmon family. Length up to 65 cm, weighs up to 3.5 kg. In the bass. northwestern part of the Pacific region; spawning in lakes and spring waters of the North. America, Kamchatka, Kuril Islands and about. Hokkaido. Valuable object... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Red (Oncorhynchus nerka), anadromous fish of the family. salmonids. Dl. up to 65 cm, weight up to 3.5 kg. The meat is bright red. Lives in the north. parts of the Pacific approx. Puberty by 5-6 years of age. It goes to the Amer rivers to spawn. coast from Alaska to California, into the rivers... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

The salmon family is a very large group, which includes a considerable number of species of commercial fish. Not all of them are well known to consumers, despite the fact that they are by no means rare in stores. But this is a gourmet product that is most often purchased for festive table. Therefore, few people know, for example, which is better: sockeye salmon or coho salmon, although both of these fish deserve attention. Their meat and caviar have excellent taste, and they also contain many useful substances. And yet there are some differences between them.

What is the difference between coho salmon and sockeye salmon?

Which fish is fattier - sockeye salmon or coho salmon?

Both representatives of the salmon family have an average calorie content. For sockeye salmon it is 140 kcal per 100 grams, for coho salmon it is a little more - 157 kcal per 10 grams. There is quite a lot of fat in the meat of both fish: sockeye salmon - 40% (from 100 grams), coho salmon - 48%. This means that the latter is still a little fatter.

Which is better - sockeye salmon or coho salmon caviar?

General conclusion about which fish is better, sockeye salmon or coho salmon

Coho salmon costs almost three times more than sockeye salmon. Therefore, it is not surprising that when choosing fish, many people wonder which is better: sockeye salmon or coho salmon. Nutritionists are confident that in terms of their beneficial properties they do not differ much from each other, although the content of valuable substances in coho salmon meat and caviar is still slightly higher.

Caviar (red and black) - benefits and harms of consumption

Red caviar

So, red caviar is a generalized name for the caviar of salmon fish. This caviar got its name for its attractive color. Currently, this caviar can be bought in any supermarket, but not every resident of our country can afford the cost of this product. The cost of red caviar, depending on its quality, type of fish and producer, ranges from 140 to 300 rubles per 100 grams.

In ancient times, this product did not cause much excitement among residents Far East, Scandinavia and Pomerania. Red caviar was then fed to sled dogs so that they could quickly restore their strength, due to its nutritional properties.

Types of caviar

Red caviar, or “fish eggs,” is given to us by: chum salmon, coho salmon, salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, and salmon.

  • The most popular and widespread is pink salmon and salmon caviar. The size of the eggs is about 5 millimeters, the color is from bright amber to orange.
  • The largest caviar is Chinook salmon eggs, but for more than 10 years this fish has been listed in the Red Book. The size of the eggs sometimes reaches 1 centimeter in diameter, and the color is bright red.
  • Chum salmon caviar is rightly called king caviar, since these eggs have a uniform size - up to 6 millimeters, and the shape is a regular ball. It has a peculiar taste and orange color.
  • The smallest caviar of trout. Its eggs are up to 2 millimeters in size, and the color ranges from yellow to orange. IN last period It was this caviar that began to be in greatest demand.
  • Slightly larger than coho salmon caviar, it has a bright red or burgundy color and a slightly bitter taste.
  • Sockeye salmon caviar appears less and less often in mass sales, as this fish is increasingly less common in mass fishing. Its caviar has a pleasant taste, similar to pink salmon caviar, but drier and crumbly.
  • Red salmon caviar is increasingly rarely seen in use. This is a delicacy among red caviar, as it has the most nutritional value, beautiful appearance and delicate taste. Salmon caviar is often called “apricot pearls.”

Do not confuse real red caviar with caviar used in Japanese cuisine for making rolls and sushi. They use dyed caviar flying fish, but it does not have the beneficial properties that red caviar carries.


The benefits of red caviar are obvious, as evidenced by the biochemical composition of red caviar. Contains all types of caviar salmon fish includes:

  • Protein (up to 32%),
  • Fats (up to 13%, fish oil analogues),
  • Polyunsaturated acids,
  • Group of vitamins B,
  • Vitamins C, D, E, A,
  • Lecithin,
  • Micro- and macroelements: manganese, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron,
  • Folic acid.

All this forms the beneficial properties of red caviar. Based on this, doctors often recommend their patients to eat red caviar. But, of course, in order for the product to be beneficial, it is necessary to choose the right caviar of the appropriate quality.

The benefits of salmon caviar are determined by nature itself, since the egg is the embryo of the fish, and its development requires useful substances. But you should always remember that the benefits of red caviar do not depend on its huge consumption. The norm is to consume red caviar in an amount of no more than 5 teaspoons per day.. Doctors recommend this product for the treatment and prevention of the following conditions and diseases:

  • Low level of immunity,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • Visual impairment
  • Thrombophlebitis,
  • Phlebeurysm,
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • Low hemoglobin level,
  • Diets,
  • Disorders of activity in the hematopoietic system,
  • Postoperative period
  • Viral diseases
  • Hypertension,
  • Superficial wounds of various etiologies,
  • Elderly age.


There are legends about the benefits of red caviar, however, the benefits of caviar lie in regular dosed consumption, and not in one-time gluttony. This approach can be harmful.

The harm of red caviar lies in its high salt content. People with kidney and genitourinary system diseases should avoid eating this delicacy. Allergy sufferers should be careful with red caviar. Often this product can cause allergic rashes on the body. People suffering from obesity and gastrointestinal problems should not eat sandwiches with caviar and butter.


But, as already mentioned, the quality of red caviar must comply with GOST. This means that only approved substances and preparations should be involved in the processing and preparation process, in the process of salting and canning. Many unscrupulous manufacturers use utropine, a preservative banned throughout the world. The half-life products of this preservative produce formaldehyde, which poisons the human body. This substance is usually used by illegal manufacturers.

To prevent red caviar from harming your health, you need to know how to choose the right product. It is better to give preference to caviar packaged in glass or cans. The container must indicate:

  • Batch marking and packing date, applied by pressing or laser,
  • An inscription indicating the product, variety and manufacturer, with its legal address and contacts,
  • List of ingredients. In addition to salt and caviar, preservatives are indicated (no more than 2),
  • Reference to the standard based on which the product was manufactured,
  • Indication of the type of fish whose caviar is preserved.

The jar should not be deformed, and should not “gurgle” when shaken. The caviar should not stick together, and the shell should not be hard. The product must not have any foreign odors or inclusions.

Coho salmon, what kind of fish is it, its benefits and harms

When it comes to healthy and wholesome food, one cannot help but think of seafood in general and fish in particular. Salmon have always been highly valued, but even among them coho salmon stood out especially - this fish is simply a storehouse of vitamins and needed by the body microelements. Coho salmon meat has an unsurpassed taste, is easily digestible and benefits everyone without exception. It is not surprising that fishing for this representative of the water element has long been considered a profitable activity. Now its commercial importance is low - the population has become small.

Sockeye salmon belongs to the salmon family and is very numerous commercial fish, living exclusively in the Pacific Ocean. Being an anadromous salmon, it is born from eggs and grows up in lakes, after which it goes into the ocean waters in search of food.

What does it look like

Externally, sockeye salmon can only be confused with a female pink salmon, because Before entering fresh water, these individuals are similar in both size and color (silver). Sockeye salmon itself is not big fish, relative to other salmonids. Average dimensions are about 40 cm, with a weight of 3 kg (pictured).

In the sea:

The main differences are an elongated body, slightly widened in the area of ​​the upper fin, a rounded head without a pronounced jaw. Silver color.

In a river:

When entering fresh water, irreversible processes are triggered in the sockeye salmon’s body. Her body turns scarlet-red, for which she received the nickname “red,” her head darkens and acquires a greenish tint. The jaws elongate and become beak-like with teeth. The scales begin to shine, the fish slowly dies.

Where does sockeye salmon live?

This type of salmon is widespread throughout the Pacific Ocean. Throughout the entire period adult life, sockeye salmon feeds on small zooplankton (crustaceans - calanids), as a result of which pigments from the food pass into the meat and give it a bright red color. Sockeye salmon spends about 4 years in the ocean and after that, each individual moves to spawn in the lakes where it emerged from the eggs. In Russia, this species of red fish lives only off the coast of Sakhalin and Kamchatka.


Sockeye salmon spawn from late April to November, but if at the beginning and end of this period you can see dozens of individuals, then during the rune run in August, the water in the lakes boils from an armada of millions.
Sockeye salmon approaches the shores of Kamchatka in June; huge schools of fish gather along the shore, at depth, and wait for the right moment to enter the river. So she can stand for several weeks, teasing the hungry bears, who have already begun to eat grass and everything that moves.
But the moment still comes and, having waited for the tide, huge clouds of fish pour into the small mouth of the river. The depth of which is approximately 30 cm, the width is about 3 meters. Within an hour, thousands of sockeye salmon pass through this funnel.

When it gets into fresh water, sockeye salmon changes color, the shape of its jaw changes, a toxin that poisons the meat is activated, and the fish stops eating. Its main and only goal is to rise alive to the upper reaches of the river and leave offspring.
Sockeye salmon have highly developed homing; this ability allows it to accurately return not only to the lake of birth, but also to find exactly the place where it emerged from the egg.
Once at the spawning site, sockeye salmon are in no hurry to spawn; they form a school and circulate along the shore. With each push, the number of fish in the lake becomes more and more, as well as predators wanting to feast on easy prey.

The spawning process itself is a cruel spectacle. The female, sometimes wounded by bears, without eyes that were torn out by seagulls, in the crush tries to dig a hole and sweep away eggs. The male is immediately nearby, sometimes they also help dig the nest, but more often they drive away competitors and loaches trying to devour their offspring. The male, with his mouth open, pours milk into the eggs. After fertilization, the female clings to pebbles with her teeth and tries to die next to the eggs. The male fights with the loaches to the last, bites the swans, which, having stretched out long necks, trying to taste caviar. As a result, the swans kill him and then he dies next to his offspring, in the same place where he himself was once born. And when the fry hatch, the bodies of their parents will become their first meal.

Nature is cruel, but it is in the DNA of salmon to give birth and die. Watching them try to complete their mission, no matter what, is sometimes scary.

Useful properties and calorie content of sockeye salmon

The calorie content of 100 grams of this red fish is approximately 160 kcal. Low fat content: 8 grams – 70 kcal, approximately the same as pink salmon. There is no need to be afraid of gaining weight by eating red fish. fish fat easy to digest, it is better to pay attention to how you prepare the dish.

Despite the low fat content, sockeye salmon meat is very tasty, in my opinion, much tastier than that of chum salmon and pink salmon. Another advantage is that it does not fall apart when salted and does not lose its attractiveness. Take the same pink salmon, on the 2nd day of salting the meat becomes whitish and loose like pate, but the sockeye salmon remains red. For these properties, sockeye salmon meat is very popular among Kamchatka producers; smoked and salted products are the most popular in the markets. How can you not love it when it looks great in all its forms and at the same time is very fragrant and healthy.

Sockeye salmon caviar is very small, sometimes smaller than the stated 3mm. It is quite “fragrant”, and the point is not in the method of salting, but in its properties. Although not everyone likes this specific fishy taste, I love it very much, probably due to the interesting taste and aftertaste, this caviar is a favorite among large number connoisseurs of delicacies.

In Kamchatka, the size of the egg does not matter as much as on the mainland; here people value the beneficial properties and excellent taste of the product, regardless of appearance. When properly salted, sockeye salmon caviar turns out incredibly tender, because... small eggs are easier to salt and acquire a unique salty-bitter taste. Sockeye salmon caviar also contains the most iodine among all salmon. Undoubtedly, everyone’s tastes are different, but I would recommend trying the caviar of this particular red fish.

Harm to sockeye salmon

I think every resident of Kamchatka either has a friend or has been poisoned by this red fish. Moreover, poisoning from it is quite serious, often resulting in hospitalization. Many people eat it without proper processing out of ignorance, but there are also those who simply do not believe others and, in order to prove that they are right, eat it and then hold their stomachs.

Just recently, my friend, an avid fisherman, who flew from the mainland, not believing in these properties, argued that salmon cannot cause harm. I fried fish over a fire, resulting in 2 days in the hospital. So if you are offered fresh sockeye salmon, play it safe and freeze the carcass. And if you buy its caviar not from a factory, check whether it is made in accordance with GOST standards.

I want to sum it up. Sockeye salmon is a wonderful fish, has excellent taste properties, both meat and caviar. With good “utility indicators” and calorie content. With a remarkable appearance, probably the most presentable in comparison with any red fish. But when eating food, you will have to make a choice “benefit or harm”, and decide whether to follow a number of the rules described above.


Madeleine Higher Intelligence (131720) 6 years ago Sockeye salmon meat is not pink, like other salmon, but intensely red in color and has excellent taste. Sockeye salmon meat is tastier than the meat of pink salmon and chum salmon. Sockeye salmon meat is much richer in taste than the meat of other salmon fish, such as chum salmon and pink salmon. No other salmon fish has such attractive, rich red meat. The mineral and vitamin composition is also impressive. Sockeye salmon contains vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B12, it has a lot of potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, iodine, copper. Since sockeye salmon meat has a higher fat content than other salmon meat, it is excellent for preparing balyk and other smoked meats. Sockeye salmon is also often steamed; it is great for cold appetizers and saladsSockeye salmon 100g

Sockeye salmon fish. Calorie content and benefits of sockeye salmon

Calorie content: 157 kcal.

Energy value of the product Sockeye salmon (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 20.3 g (~81 kcal) Fats: 8.4 g (~76 kcal) Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 52%|48%|0%

Sockeye salmon: properties

How much does Sockeye salmon cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.370 rub.

Sockeye salmon belongs to the Pacific salmon family. By the way, sockeye salmon meat is considered even tastier than pink salmon or chum salmon meat, while taste qualities This fish is much richer than other representatives of salmon fish. Due to the high fat content of the meat, sockeye salmon serves as an ideal basis for the production of smoked products, in particular excellent balyk. Steamed sockeye salmon is very tasty and is also used for cooking fish salads, as well as cold snack dishes.

Sockeye salmon can be prepared according to the most different recipes- for example, with moderate salting, its rather fatty meat is a delicious gastronomic product with a special, specific taste. Sockeye salmon makes an excellent choice for both everyday and holiday dishes. And gourmets often use sockeye salmon to prepare exotic dishes.

It is worth noting that sockeye salmon is most popular not for its caviar, but for its delicious meat. Although sockeye salmon caviar is also distinguished by its rich red color, the eggs are relatively small in size. By the way, due to the fact that in last years natural stocks of sockeye salmon have decreased significantly; its caviar can be found on sale quite rarely.

Benefits of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon has not only unique bright red meat, but also a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which is so necessary for the full functioning of the human body. When consumed regularly, the benefits of sockeye salmon include normalizing metabolic processes and restoring the balance of nutrients and microelements.

This fish contains vitamins A, group B, E, PP, C, D, K, along with important microelements - iron, fluorine, zinc, chromium, molybdenum, nickel - and macroelements - magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine and phosphorus. The calorie content of sockeye salmon per 100 grams is about 157 kcal.

Fluorine and phosphoric acid are considered very important components of sockeye fish, which are directly involved in the construction of many enzymes (phosphatases) - the main engines chemical reactions on cellular level. Phosphorus salts, in turn, are an essential element of human skeletal tissue.

The benefits of sockeye salmon are beneficial due to the preservation of the health of the mucous membranes and skin, the normalization of nervous and digestive systems. The tasty meat of this fish is an excellent natural antioxidant and also a blood sugar regulator.

However, with all its beneficial properties Fatty fish, and sockeye salmon is one of them, are not recommended for consumption in the presence of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as in certain diseases associated with the hematopoietic system.

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 piece contains 2500 grams

The nutritional value

Sockeye salmon is a representative of the Salmon family; its taste is superior to the meat of chum salmon, pink salmon and other salmon.

It is important to note that, due to the significant depletion of natural fish stocks, sockeye salmon and its caviar are quite rare on sale. Despite the high value of caviar, sockeye salmon is especially popular for its meat, which is distinguished by its bright red color and rich vitamin and mineral composition (calorizator). And its regular use in food allows you to normalize metabolism and restore the balance of microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Calorie content of sockeye salmon

The calorie content of sockeye salmon is 157 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon contains B vitamins, vitamins A, E, PP, C, D, K, iron, fluorine, zinc, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine and phosphorus.

Useful properties of sockeye salmon

Of significant importance is the content of fluorine and phosphoric acid, which are involved in the formation of enzymes and are an essential element of human skeletal tissue.

Consumption of sockeye salmon meat, an excellent natural antioxidant, helps normalize the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, and regulates blood sugar levels.

Sockeye salmon in cooking

The high fat content of sockeye salmon makes it possible to make smoked products from it, including balyk. Steamed sockeye salmon has an excellent taste. The meat of this fish is used to prepare salads and cold appetizers. Moderately salted sockeye salmon meat is considered a delicacy (calorizer). Thus, the variety of dishes that can be prepared from sockeye salmon will delight any buyer from a regular to a gourmet.

Contraindications for use

However, it should be especially noted that the fatty meat of sockeye salmon is not recommended for consumption by people suffering from stomach ulcers, duodenum having some diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Red salmon

Sockeye salmon is a fish belonging to the salmon family, living mainly in Pacific Ocean. The main population of sockeye salmon lives off the coast of Kamchatka (western and East End), it is also common in Alaska and, to a lesser extent, in the eastern part of Sakhalin and the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Sockeye salmon is capricious in choosing a reservoir for breeding; preference is given to lakes with clean springs. This fish has a very strongly developed instinct for procreation, most likely the fish will return to the place where it was born, this phenomenon is called “homing”, from English word"home" - house. Sockeye salmon begins to spawn earlier than all salmon - in May, ending in July. The first spawning period for sockeye salmon occurs from July to August, the second - from August to October. Sockeye salmon that have not reached the age of three usually live in lakes, and when they grow up, they move to the seas, and after 4 years they return to the lake again.

What kind of fish is sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon is a very large fish, its length can be about 80 centimeters and weighs about 4 kilograms, especially large individuals can reach up to 7 kilograms. Sockeye salmon may resemble chum salmon, but sockeye salmon have more gill rakers.

Today, several varieties of this fish are known, the most common and famous is the silverfish; only experienced fishermen can distinguish it from chum salmon. Depending on the periods, sockeye salmon acquires different shades: during the mating season, it acquires a bright red color, but the head remains green. Typically, sockeye salmon feed on calanids - fatty crustaceans that have a red tint (due to the high content of carotenoid pigments).

According to many people, sockeye salmon is famous for its excellent taste properties, which are higher than those of pink salmon and chum salmon. Sockeye salmon meat is very tender and pleasant to the taste, and due to the high fat content of this fish, it makes excellent smoked dishes, for example, balyk. Great solution will steam sockeye salmon, thereby preserving all the beneficial substances. It has also become quite popular to make salads and cold appetizers from this fish.

Composition and calorie content of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins beneficial to human health. It contains vitamins A, D, E, PP, B vitamins, as well as elements such as iron, zinc, fluorine, nickel, potassium, chromium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Sockeye salmon is quite high in calories; 100 grams of its meat contains about 150 calories.

Useful properties of sockeye salmon

Eating sockeye salmon dishes has a positive effect on the human body. Such dishes should be included in children's diets. Eating this fish helps improve the condition and maintain the health of the mucous membranes. It helps improve the condition of hair, nails, skin, and also strengthens bones. The most valuable substances in sockeye salmon are phosphoric acid and fluorine.

It should be noted that people with diseases gastrointestinal tract If you are overweight, you should not overuse this fish, as its meat is very fatty.

Sockeye salmon can be included in the diet; with regular consumption of the meat of this fish, the processes occurring in the human body are normalized. Sockeye salmon can be prepared as everyday dishes, as well as dishes that will surprise and delight even the most severe skeptics at the holiday.

Cautions and contraindications

To avoid deterioration of health, sockeye salmon should not be abused by people who have diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

We must also remember that sockeye salmon, like any other fish, especially red fish, is a highly allergenic product.

Encyclopedia of fish

Sockeye salmon: composition, benefits and properties, sockeye salmon in cooking

Red salmon is a fish of the Pacific salmon family. The shores of eastern and western Kamchatka are distinguished by a particularly large population of sockeye salmon. Sockeye salmon is also common in Alaska and is less common in eastern Sakhalin and in the northern waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The length of representatives of this species can reach 80 cm, and the average weight is generally 2-4 kg, the largest recorded individual weighed 7.7 kg. Sockeye salmon is very similar in size and shape to chum salmon, but differs from it big amount gill rakers.

As a spawning area, sockeye salmon choose those lakes in which springs emerge. This fish cannot find a reservoir suitable for sockeye salmon in every pool. For example, in Magadan, sockeye salmon enters exclusively the Tauy and Ola rivers, and even then in small quantities. There are quite a lot of sockeye salmon in some basins of the Kamchatka Peninsula, especially in the Okhota River. A significant population of this red fish also lives in the lakes of Chukotka and the Koryak Highlands. In the Magadan Region, recreational fishing for sockeye salmon is allowed only in the first half of summer and only with licenses.

Sockeye salmon have a very strongly developed natural instinct to reproduce, and most fish return to the same spawning place where they were born; this phenomenon in nature is called homing. Sockeye salmon begins to enter the rivers in May, earlier than other salmon, and ends in July. Sockeye salmon is divided into autumn and summer according to the timing. The first spawning occurs in rivers and lakes in July-August, the second in August-October.

Typically, young sockeye salmon feed in lakes from one to three years, after which they slide into the sea, where they live for another 2-3 years and return to their native spawning ground. It is rare to see river sockeye salmon; it spawns not in the lake, but in a backwater or non-river reach.

Varieties of sockeye salmon

The most popular is the silver sockeye salmon, which is similar in shape and size to chum salmon, and these two fish can be distinguished by the number of gill rakers located on the gill arch; chum salmon has 18-28 such rakers, while sockeye salmon has at least 30. Fishermen know a special way to distinguish between chum salmon and sockeye salmon; freshly caught chum salmon can be lifted by the tail with one hand without much effort, which cannot be done with sockeye salmon, since its fin rays are so soft that the fish will definitely slip out.

IN mating season Sockeye salmon has a bright red color, except for the green head, which explains the other name of this fish - red.

Just like other salmon fish, chinook and coho salmon, there are also small migratory male sockeye salmon called mullets. There are also dwarf males living in fresh waters, which spawn with migratory females.

In some lakes, for example, in Kronotsky Lake in Kamchatka, kokanee is found - the so-called residential form of sockeye salmon. This small fish no more than 30 cm in length, the females and males of which die after the first spawning. Interestingly, as a trophy for sport fishing, as well as food for large predatory fish it was introduced into reservoirs and lakes in western North America.

Taste qualities of sockeye salmon

The diet of sockeye salmon includes mainly fatty crustaceans - calanids, the bright red color of which is due to carotenoid pigments. It is from the crustaceans swallowed by sockeye salmon that these pigments pass into the fish meat, which is why it acquires such a bright red color, although salmon usually have pink meat, and not such a rich red color and excellent taste.

Sockeye salmon meat is considered tastier than the meat of chum salmon and pink salmon; its taste is much richer than that of other representatives of salmon fish. The high fat content of sockeye salmon meat makes this fish an ideal raw material for preparing smoked meats, in particular excellent balyks. Sockeye salmon is very tasty when steamed, and is also used to prepare cold appetizers and fish salads.

Useful composition of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. It contains vitamins A, E, PP, D, B1, B2, B12, as well as important microelements: iron, fluorine, zinc, chromium, molybdenum, nickel and macroelements: magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus.

The calorie content of sockeye salmon is 157 kcal per 100 g of fish.

Useful properties of sockeye salmon

The benefits of fish for the health of the human body are indisputable; it is not for nothing that the percentage of fish dishes on the menu of children's institutions is very high.

Sockeye salmon meat is useful for maintaining the health of mucous membranes and skin, for normal functioning of the digestive and nervous system, it is an excellent antioxidant and helps regulate blood sugar.

A very important component of sockeye salmon meat is fluorine, as well as phosphoric acid, which is involved in the process of building numerous enzymes (phosphatases), which are the main drivers of chemical reactions in cells. Phosphorus salts are part of human skeletal tissue.

For all their usefulness, fatty varieties of fish, and sockeye salmon is one of them, are contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as for some blood diseases.

Sockeye salmon in cooking

Sockeye salmon is a truly unique dietary product. And if the meat of this fish is regularly included in the diet, it helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, restore the balance of microelements and nutrients necessary for the coordinated functioning of all important life systems.

Sockeye salmon not only has unique meat of bright red color and excellent taste, but also a rich composition of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of the body.

Sockeye salmon can be prepared in the most different ways, its fatty meat with moderate salting turns into a delicious gastronomic product that has a special specific taste.

Sockeye salmon meat makes an excellent choice for both holiday and everyday dishes. And gourmets enjoy using sockeye salmon to prepare exotic dishes.

Sockeye salmon is more popular for its delicious meat than caviar. Although sockeye salmon caviar also has a rich red color, although the eggs are relatively small in size. Due to the fact that natural stocks of sockeye salmon have noticeably decreased in recent years, red sockeye salmon caviar can rarely be found on sale.

Romanchukevich Tatyana

Sockeye salmon is a fish belonging to the salmon family, a genus of salmon that lives exclusively in the Pacific basin. This is a very valuable commercial fish species, which is also an object of amateur and professional fishing.


Sockeye salmon has an appearance similar to that of chum salmon. Therefore they are very often confused. In the first photo you can see what sockeye salmon looks like, and in the second photo - chum salmon. Are they really very similar to each other?

Sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon differs from chum salmon in the number of gill rakers located on the first arch of the gill. If chum salmon cannot have less than 18 and more than 28, then sockeye salmon always has more than three dozen of them. Moreover, adult individuals of this fish species are smaller compared to chum salmon. Maximum length the body of the fish is at least 80 centimeters, and the maximum recorded weight was 7 kilograms and 700 grams (average weight ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 kilograms). Chum salmon can have a body length of up to 1 meter and a weight of 17 kilograms or more.

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Distribution and habitats

Sockeye salmon represents the genus of Pacific salmon: that is, this type of fish lives exclusively in reservoirs belonging to the Pacific Ocean basin. In Russia, sockeye salmon is found in rivers flowing on the Kamchatka Peninsula and on Sakhalin Island. The number of sockeye salmon is large in the Kamchatka River, in its tributaries, as well as in streams that flow into Ozernaya Bay. Within the American mainland, this type of fish is found in the reservoirs of the Alaska Peninsula, as well as in rivers up to California. In Asian waters it is found from the Anadyr River to the island of Hokkaido.

The passing form is also called krasnitsa, or red. There is also a residential lake form called kokanee: this is a self-reproducing fish. There is also a dwarf residential form of sockeye salmon, which is found in the lakes of Kamchatka, North America and Japan. It does not migrate to the sea, and its spawning occurs simultaneously with the redfish, and dwarf individuals share spawning grounds with it. Sockeye salmon transitions from an anadromous to a residential form, provided that there is enough food in the lake for permanent residence in its waters.

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Diet and reproduction

During the spawning period, sockeye salmon changes its usual appearance, acquiring the so-called mating plumage, a photo of which you can see below. In this form, sockeye salmon cannot be confused with anyone else: the body color becomes bright red. According to one version, this is due to dietary habits. She uses very fatty crustaceans called calanids for food. They contain a red pigment, which colors the body of sockeye salmon.

Sockeye salmon's mating outfit

Sockeye salmon crawling over rocks in shallow water

Polovo mature age individuals usually reach age at 5 or 6 years. During the spawning period, sockeye salmon in schools rise up the rivers to the places where they were born. The path to their native places is very difficult: sockeye salmon have to crawl over sharp stones in the shallows. This is used by predators: birds, bears and other animals. They wait for fish in convenient places and, catching them from schools, immediately eat them, as in the photo.

The bear caught a sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon begins to enter the rivers in May; the spawning period lasts from 2 to 3 months. Individuals are divided into pairs, and then they look for a place ideal for building a nest: the built nest has a round or oval shape with a recess of up to 15–30 centimeters. Only at depth is the caviar safe, as waterfowl, bears and other representatives of the ichthyofauna love to feast on it. A photo of caviar is presented below.

Sockeye salmon caviar

Females lay large, bright red eggs in the amount of 3000–4000 eggs. Then the male waters her with milk, and the female buries the nest with sand. After spawning, the individuals die, and the larvae begin to hatch only 7–8 months after spawning. This happens towards the end of winter. The fry live in the lake for several years, feeding on zooplankton and benthos.

Sockeye salmon meat

Sockeye salmon's meat is bright red. It is highly valued for its taste and high nutritional value. Sockeye salmon is a fishery object. The annual global catch is approximately 150–170 thousand tons, and the catch within Russia is 15–30 thousand tons.

Video about sockeye salmon spawning under ice

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Red salmon

Sockeye salmon belongs to the salmon family, primarily found in the Pacific Ocean. Its most numerous population is on the shores of western and eastern Kamchatka. Sockeye salmon is also widespread in Alaska, and is also occasionally found in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and in the eastern part of Sakhalin.

Sockeye salmon can reach eighty centimeters in length, and its average weight is from two to four kilograms. Larger specimens can reach seven kilograms. In its shape and size, sockeye salmon is in many ways similar to chum salmon, but sockeye salmon contains many more gill rakers.

Not all reservoirs are suitable for breeding sockeye salmon; most of all, it prefers lakes with springs. The instinct to produce offspring in sockeye salmon is very strongly developed, and in most cases this fish returns to the place where it was born - this phenomenon is called “homing”. Among all salmon fish, sockeye salmon begins to enter rivers the earliest - in the month of May, and finishes in July. The period of the first spawning of sockeye salmon falls on July-August, and the second - on August-October. Young sockeye salmon, which have not yet reached the age of three, mainly live in lakes, then move to the seas, and after three to four years return to their homeland.

Currently, there are several varieties of sockeye salmon, the most famous and widespread of which is the silver salmon, which is very reminiscent of chum salmon. Only very experienced fishermen can distinguish between these two fish.

During its mating season, sockeye salmon acquires a bright red color, and only its head remains green.

Most often, sockeye salmon feed on fatty crustaceans - calanids, which have a bright red color due to the high content of carotenoid pigments.

Sockeye salmon is famous for its taste properties, which are even higher than those of chum salmon and pink salmon. Its meat has a very pleasant and delicate taste. Due to the high fat content of sockeye salmon, it makes excellent smoked products, including balyks. Steamed sockeye salmon is very tasty, and quite often various cold appetizers and salads are prepared from this fish.

Composition and calorie content

Sockeye salmon is rich in almost all vitamins and minerals necessary for human health. It contains vitamins A, E, PP, D, as well as B vitamins, as well as such important elements, such as fluorine, iron, zinc, chromium, nickel, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Sockeye salmon is high-calorie product- One hundred grams of this fish contains more than one hundred and fifty calories.

Beneficial features

Eating dishes prepared from sockeye salmon has a very beneficial effect on the entire human body. They must be included in the diet of children.

The meat of this delicious fish Helps maintain healthy mucous membranes. However, it should be borne in mind that due to its high fat content, this fish is contraindicated for those who suffer from various diseases gastrointestinal tract. Like many other types of fish, sockeye salmon helps improve the condition of the skin, hair, and also helps strengthen bones. The most important components of sockeye salmon meat include fluorine and phosphoric acid.

Sockeye salmon can rightfully be classified as dietary products. Regular consumption of its meat helps to normalize all important processes occurring in the human body, and also helps restore the optimal balance between nutrients and microelements contained in the body. Sockeye salmon is a universal fish, which makes not only wonderful everyday dishes, but also festive and even very exotic ones.

Harm and contraindications

Sockeye salmon is a fish that belongs to the salmon family, the genus salmon, and lives exclusively in the Pacific Ocean. This is a particularly valuable commercial fish species, which is of interest to both fishing enthusiasts and professionals.

Description of sockeye salmon

Sockeye salmon is a migratory fish. While it is young and lives in freshwater rivers, it has a gray-golden color. As she ages, she begins to turn red. This is due to the fact that it feeds mainly on crustaceans containing carotene. When moving into the sea it becomes more red. This is not the largest fish among salmon, but nevertheless, it is considered one of the most delicious.


In my own way appearance Sockeye salmon is similar to chum salmon, so inexperienced people often confuse them. They differ in the number of gill rakers; sockeye salmon have more of them. The body of sockeye salmon has angular outlines and is slightly compressed from the sides, the head is cone-shaped. The length of the fish is from 50 to 80 cm. Males are larger and brighter than females. Average weight 3.5-5 kg. Maximum dimensions sockeye salmon, which were recorded 110 cm long and weighing 7.5 kg.

This is interesting! In general, the weight and size of sockeye salmon depends on the body of water where the fish came from.

Like most salmon fish, sockeye salmon has a slightly reddish color, which becomes more intense during the mating season. Therefore, the color of such fish largely depends on its habitat and diet.

Fish behavior

Sockeye salmon, like all salmon species, is an anadromous fish species. This fish is born in lakes, sometimes in the upper reaches of rivers. After spending a certain period of life in the spawning areas and having matured a little and become stronger, juvenile sockeye salmon begins to slowly move to the mouths of rivers. There, 2-year-old sockeye salmon gather in small schools, after which they go out to the open sea to gain weight.

Flocking is important point safe, as this greatly increases the chance of survival in a dangerous marine environment. Before flocking, she leads a secretive lifestyle. In the sea, sockeye salmon lives and gains weight for up to 4 years, and upon reaching sexual maturity, which occurs at 4-5 years of age, sockeye salmon begins to move in reverse side to the river and moves to the spawning grounds.

This is interesting! Sockeye salmon is one of those fish species that have an extremely strong home instinct - the fish always returns not just to its native body of water where it was born, but directly to the exact place of its birth. After the sockeye salmon spawns, it dies.


The lifespan of sockeye salmon depends on when it goes to spawn. This usually occurs between 4 and 6 years of age. On the way, many dangers await her: these are sharp stones, the edges of which can cause fatal injuries, and numerous predators for whom the fish becomes easy prey.

After the sockeye salmon fulfills its natural duty, it dies. So, at the most ideal conditions The lifespan of this fish is 5-6 years. Sockeye salmon species that are bred in captivity live longer, up to 7-8 years. This is due to the fact that they do not have natural enemies and there is plenty of food.

Types of sockeye salmon

There are several types of sockeye salmon. Some of them do not go into the ocean at all. They spend their entire lives in the same body of water. The number of eggs they lay can be 3-5 in their entire life. The migratory, most famous variety of this fish is also called Krasnitsa, or red sockeye salmon.

There is also a resident lake form called kokanee, which is a self-reproducing species of sockeye salmon. A dwarf resident form of sockeye salmon, which is found in the lakes of Kamchatka, North America and Japan. It does not go to sea, and its reproduction occurs simultaneously with the redfish, and dwarf individuals share spawning sites with it.

This is interesting! Sockeye salmon transitions from an anadromous to a residential form, provided that there is enough food in the lake for permanent residence in its waters.

All types of sockeye salmon have important V the food chain for the inhabitants of those places. Only red sockeye salmon has commercial value for humans. The remaining species are of interest mainly to fishing enthusiasts.

Range, habitats

Red sockeye salmon are most widespread off the coast of Alaska. Also, numerous populations are found in the Bering Strait to Northern California, much less often it can be found on the Arctic side off the coast of Canada and the Commander Islands.

On the territory of Russia, this fish is found in Kamchatka, in the western and east coast. In the area of ​​the Kuril Islands, there is especially a lot of sockeye salmon in the waters of Iturup Island. In Chukotka, sockeye salmon is common in almost all water bodies. In the waters Japanese island The dwarf form of this species is widespread in Hokkaido.

Diet, nutrition

Sockeye salmon is an omnivorous fish with pronounced predatory behavior. The fry feed on zooplankton. Adult sockeye salmon is a rather voracious fish; the bulk of its diet consists of small crustaceans, mollusks and fish. They can also use insects as food. This is a fairly fatty, high-calorie food and the fish reaches large sizes quite quickly. Sockeye salmon has extraordinary endurance and can go without food for a long time. Her entire strategy is based on expending a minimum of effort when hunting.

Reproduction of sockeye salmon

Once the sockeye salmon reaches sexual maturity, it is ready to reproduce. She begins to go to her native places in May, and this period lasts from 2 to 3 months. Individuals are divided into pairs, and then they look for a place that is suitable for arranging a nest. The constructed nest has the shape of an oval with a small depression of up to 15–30 centimeters.

This is enough to protect the egg laying from those who like easy prey. At such a depth, a bear will not smell the caviar, and birds will not be able to reach it. The caviar of female sockeye salmon is bright red, the average amount of caviar is 3000 eggs. The fry are born after 7-8 months. Most often this happens towards the end of winter.

Some of the eggs are washed out and carried downstream, some of them manage to reach the sea. Of those fry that manage to be born, not all survive to adulthood.

This is interesting! During the spring and summer, the fry gain weight and go to sea, where they fatten up. After 4-6 years everything repeats itself again.