(English Chinook Salmon) - View of passing fish from the genus Pacific salmon salmon families. The largest representative of the genus, the second largest fish from salmon (after the Taimen). Because of the huge sizes (can reach the mass of more than 50 kg at a half-meter length) and delicious meat, this fish on Alaska is called royal salmon (eng. King Salmon). An important object of sports and industrial fisheries.

Description: The body of the Chagold, like other salmon, long, compressed from the sides, is covered with rounded cycloid scales. Abdominal fins, compared to other freshwater fish, move back, are located in the back of the belly quite close to the anal fin. Breasts are planted relatively low. The dorsal fins are a real and located behind the fat harvesting, which is characteristic of all salmon. Folders do not have prickly rays.
Boca Chagold on the ocean phase have a bright silver color. Back and top of the head, usually greenish blue, reddish or purple color; Belubo white. A small child can be mistaken for the cozy, but for chavice both on the ocean and the river phase, black gums on the lower jaw are characterized, and small dark spots cover not only its upper body (up to the side line) and the tail stem, but both The shares of the tail fin. In addition, from other salmon Chavich is distinguished by a large (more than 15) groom rays.

On the ocean phase, the males and females of the Children and other passage salmon do not have any particular differences or they are difficult to detect at first glance. But when there comes a spawning time and salmon begins to enter the river, the fish is strongly changing in the form and color, while there are significant differences between males and females - the so-called sexual dimorphism. With each day of salmon migration up the river to spawning places, the fish is increasingly changing in color and undergoes all large physiological changes. Radically changing the color of the body - the fish rapidly loses silver color, purchasing pink, red and burgundy tones, red and black spots appear. The body of salmon is also transformed: it becomes higher and angular, the head is noticeably lengthened (especially in males). The jaws become hooked: the upper jaw bends down, the bottom is up, and the teeth are larger. These metamorphoses are especially noticeable in males who undergo much more changes than females.
The marriage outfit of the challenge is expressed weaker than that of other salmon, such as Keta, Nerock or Gorbow. Fish, like other salmon, changes in color, drawn and acquires bright red, pink or burgundy color. However, the body of male Chagold, although it becomes higher and angular, but the horses characteristic of many other Pacific salmon is not formed. In addition, the jaws of the male never acquire the degree of hooks, which is observed in other species, and in the championships in the female may not be noticeable at all. In addition, the females of the challenge, usually, do not completely lose their silver color and often have a steel tide even during spawning.

The size: Chalch can grow to huge sizes. The largest feet caught on the sports tackle of Fish weighed slightly more than 44 kg in length about 1.5 m. The largest salmon caught by a fishing manner, weighed 57 kg. Often, they found dead challenging, which, according to estimates, could weigh more than 60 kg. Of course, in the catch of sports fishermen predominate individuals in beds, the average weight of which ranges from 4 to 8 kg. Frections of catching instances of more than 12 kg.

Habitat: Since the challenge is a passing fish, its main habitats are freshwater rivers, brassing mouths and the open sea.
In the Children's Rivers, he loves to hold on in rather deep places with a pebble or gravel bottom. On such sites, you need to look for fish in places with the irregularities of the bottom, on the brows, near all sorts of shelter and corpo.
The mouths are for the challenge a kind of transit zone between the sea and the river. It is noted that the more water vegetation in the mouths of the mouth, the better for salmon, because in such places the fish finds a shelter from predators, as well as the necessary food, which is needed by fish for further movement up the river or in the open sea.
In the sea, Chavchacha can hold on both in coastal waters, and migrate by thousands of kilometers deep into the Pacific Ocean. Chavika is not deep-water fish and rarely meets at a depth of more than 35 meters.
Children prefers a rather cold water saturated with oxygen. Water temperature in 10-14 degrees Celsius is the most optimal for fish development.

Lifestyle and habits: Chavika in terms of lifestyle is a typical passage fish. Salmon appears on the light of fast-growing freshwater rivers. The hatched fry, as a rule, spend in the river, depending on the river system, from several months to two years, after which they roll down in the lower husband and go to the open sea. In the sea, Chavchacha spends from 1 to 8 years. In salty water, the fish rapidly gains weight: on average, about 99% of their mass is gaining to the sea. When spawning time comes, adult individuals are knocked down in flocks and begin to go to the river, moving upstream precisely to those places where the fish appeared on the light. Self timing at salmon is hereditary. As soon as the adult chavice enters the river to spawn, it practically stops feeding and finishes its sexual maturation, moving up the river to spawning. On spawns, the female embraces the so-called "spawning pits" in large pebbles and cobblestones, where it is postponing up to 14,000 large eggs, after which they fertilize the male. Within one or two weeks after the spawning, the Chavik dies.
On the territory of Eastern Russia, the spawning of Chavita begins in June and lasts almost all summer. In America, they allocate at least 4 seasonal "stroke" challenge: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The move is indicated by time when salmon enters into the mouths of rivers for further migration to spawning. Often, even within one river system, there are several different "moves" of challenges with interruptions in several months. Thus, often the situation occurs when there are salmon in some river all year round.
In addition, real residential freshwater forms are also in the rivers and lakes of America.

Food: Young challenging in the river feeds on insects, larvae, booplas and other crustaceans, and, of course, young fish. In the sea, the basis of the nutrition of adults is fish. Also in its diet includes planktonic crustaceans and squid.
Sports Fisheries: Sports Fishing for Changing occurs in the overwhelming majority of cases in fresh reservoirs, when adult individuals go out of the sea in the river and migrate upstream to spawning sites. Although at this time the salmon is practically not feeding, there is still a needle to catch both animals of nozzles and artificial bait.
Among the animals of nozzles, a red caviar is most popular among American fishermen, which is placed in special transparent bags (English Spawn Sack), shrimp, saardine and herring (slices or whole). Catch the animals of the nozzle predominantly float, less often a bottom tackle.

Paches with red caviar (English SPAWN SACK) used for salmon fishing

Catching spinning is carried out on heavy spacing, which are well held by the horizon in the conditions of rapid flow, turntables, wobblers and soft plastic bait. It is noticed that the challenge is not indifferent to the color of the bait, so correctly selected by the color of artificial fish, can very positively affect the results of fishing.
Huge popularity among fishermen who catch salmon, all sorts of equipment with a lean leash are enjoyed. Thus, American fishermen successfully use such a snap as Spin-N-GLO, which is an installation with a lean leash, where the so-called "winged float" or "winged wobbler" is used as the bait. For course, this winged non-lying bait held on the desired horizon with heavy loads, under the pressure of the water spins around its axis, thereby attracting the salmon floating past. This is a very effective bait, especially in a rapid flow.

The highest pilot fishing in fishing is considered to catch this noble and large fish fly fishing. As a rule, bells, catching a child, use rather large "tailed" frauds of irritating colors of type COMET, BOSS and CLUSER.
In the sea, Chavochu is basically caught by trolling on a dead fir fish, large spool flashes and wobblers, as well as jig to silicone bait. The most important in fishing in salt water is the right choice of time and depth of fishing. Having determined at what depth is the flocks of the challenge in this water area, you can count on a large catch.

Distribution in the USA: Natural Chavita Area is the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Migration salmon routes go along the Kamchatka Peninsula, Chukotka, the North of Japan and the West Coast of the United States and Canada from Alaska to Southern California. Applying to spawning in the River of America, Chavchacha often penetrates deep into the continent, removing hundreds of kilometers from the mouth. Especially far migrates the chally to spawning sites in Alaska, in the state of Washington and in the north of Oregon. On the territory of the United States, Chavik was also successfully universe by a man to the Great Lakes.

With a major representative of the extensive kind of Pacific salmon, the ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha), which in dimensions many times exceeds close relatives - the pinkish, Kizhić, Sime, Nerk. Even a meter ketch weighing 14-15 kg looks small on the background of the "older sister", growing up to 180 cm with a mass of more than 61 kg. The only distant relatives capable of competing with it is Taimen (Hucho Taimen), which grows up to 2 meters at a weight of 75-80 kg.

For the outstanding dimensions of the Food (at the ITELEN DIALECT - "Ch'SU") are often called prince, or royal salmon, which is displayed in the official American names of Takson - King Salmon. Excellent gastronomic qualities and active resistance when digging, made it a popular object of commercial, sports and amateur fishing. This fish of the salmon family leads through the (anaratromic) lifestyle with a pronounced river and oceanic phases.

The only spawning, the development of caviar, the yield of the fry (motley) and the growing of Metrels (from 3-4 months to 1-2 years) occur in fresh water. Full growing, the formation of reproductive function and feeding the bulk is already carried out in the conditions of the marine environment. But there are exceptions - some males do not leave the rivers, forming a residential dwarf subspecies, which acquires the ability to reproduce in 2-3 years at small sizes 12-45 cm.

The life expectancy of the challenge is quite insignificant, only 4-8 years. This is due to the fatal hormonal restructuring of the body in the presenter period. For 1-2 weeks, all manufacturers who took part in the process of throwing caviar are completely died.

Where dwells

The original areas of residence of the Royal Salmon in Russia - the North Ocean Pool, the Barents and the Sea Okhotsk, the Commander Islands, Amur, Anadyr, Chukotka, Kamchatka Peninsula. In the US, Canada and Japan, the species in the Sacramento pools and Coppermine, near Northern Hokkaido, Aleuta Islands, Alaska, Cape Kruzhenstern, Kent Peninsula. Fresh reservoirs in this area are distinguished by low temperatures, scarce vegetation, poor plankton and benthos. The deficiency of the feed base has become the main reason that forced the fish to go into the sea.

In some books, which are devoted to the nature of the Far East, and in conversations with local residents from those edges, you can often hear completely unusual names of animals and fish. Not exception and challenge. What it is?

This is the largest representative of the Pacific family, it is believed that the average length of this salmon is 90 cm, but there are no cases of catching fish, the length of which is not a small 1.5 meter! As for the weight, the fishermen not too surprise even a huge carcass in 60 kg weighing!


Here is such she, Chavik. What is this fish, if we talk about appearance? The appearance of it is also unlikely to leave an indifferent at least one hunter or a fisherman: a powerful muscular body, in shape resembling a tarted of a submarine. Coloring - "masking", prevails olive-greenish color.

In short, Chavik (what it is, you already know) with all its appearance issues a predator in itself. And this is true, because the basis of her diet is the small fish and other feed of animal origin.

The story of the "Damage of Salmon", how to give the Japanese respectfully, it would be incomplete without a story about his marriage dress. As you know, salmon differ in this period of life is rare splendor. And what to be broken, because immediately after spawning they die ...

Its whole body becomes dark red, sometimes brick-brown, and the back and head acquire anthracite color. What do not say, but the appearance of such a fish, multiplied by its huge sizes, is not less noticeable in the river! What enjoys the great set of living beings: ranging from the pads who catch the carcasses of disassembled challenge, and ending with a man with bears, since an overlooking rival fish of salmon fish.

As the red is simply sensitive: the meat is distinguished by a rich raspberry tint, greasy and gentle. By price category, this fish is below the same salmon, but in its taste and nutritious qualities it is not inferior to her. If you once decide to go to Alaska, then you will immediately warn you: smoked on the cholesterus bricks so tasty, which can be very corrected, trying in vain, trying to divide with the corporate dish of any respected establishments in those areas!


By the way, they appreciate it far from only because of the amazing taste and high nutrition! The fact is that the salmon Chavica has an amazing property: its meat contributes to the prevention of the development of many dangerous pathologies in those who feed on them at least relatively regularly.

In a word, her useful qualities have a sea. In general, we already know) In previous years, he won with such an incredible energy that already by the 90s there was a serious danger of its extermination. Even now, when the same Japanese sometimes do not comply with any velocity, this option is not excluded.

Red salmon. Chalch. Catching challenging and nurses. Kamchatka Chavica

Nerka, or red common with us is not as wide as the pink salmon and ket. According to the Asian coast of the Pacific Ocean, Nerku comes only in the river Kamchatka, to Anadyr and to a lesser extent in the River Commander and Kuril Islands. In the American coast, it is spread much wider, especially a lot of it on Alaska, south goes to California. Nerque is a more cold-minded look and in the sea does not occur at surface temperatures above 2 ° C.

From other species of kind Oncorhynchus. It is easy to distinguish on numerous, about 30-40, densely sitting gill stamens. Narki meat is not pink, like other salmon, but intensively red and excellent taste. In the sea, a hundred is silver, and only the back is painted in a dark blue color. The marriage outfit is very spectacular. The back and sides become bright red, the head is green, the bloody color is stained with dorsal and anal fins. Black, usual in the wedding dress of Kets and Gorbushi, is only a little, only at the half-plant male. Narki at the end of the tailfold black specks appear, and the females sometimes on the body are dark transverse stripes, however, the color is very volatile. In the rivers of the island of Bering, there is a golden-bronze society. Going to the pool to the pool Olya Tuyan lips of the Okhotsk Sea, the Red Al also does not deserve this name, since her color is greenish and only belly is slightly pink.
In the length of the society reaches 80 cm. It is absolutely preferably in the lakes, in the fields of groundwater. The caviar of the bus is smaller, up to 4.7 mm, intensely red. This fish in the river is pretty early, in Kamchatka at the end of May - June. Narki spawning is dragging until the end of summer, on the island of Bering - until December.
Young busy leaves caviar in the middle of winter, but remains in the fights until March. Unlike Keta and pink salts, the fry live in fresh water for a long time. Most rolls into the sea only the next year after hatching, reaching 7-12 cm long, some are delayed by 2 or 3 years, only a few go to sea pastures at the same summer. Half source becomes most often on the 5-6th year of life.
In the sea, the squad is powered mainly with crustaceans. From all salmon, it especially prefers relatively small, but very fat caalion racks painted in red carotenoid pigments. These pigments are moving from swallowed crochets in smoke meat.
There are a large river and a number of others on Kamchatka two forms of society - spring and autumn, or summer, whose spawning time differ by 15-20 days. A similar lateness of society in the Kamchatka River is highlighted in a separate form of "Azabach". Wonderful is a wonderful ability to form residential forms, ripening in fresh water. They are widespread in America lakes, and in some cases only males are marked, but sometimes ripen and females. We have a residential society found in Kronootsky, Phalkan, far and near lakes of the Kamchatka Peninsula. According to the Soviet researchers, the number of dwarf form may increase so much that it can compete with young tramp in the struggle for food. In the years when ripening of non-rig without a skate in the sea becomes massive, salmon economy suffers significant damage, since the dwarf forms are not used. In the USA, Canada and Japan, no resident's house is often bred as an object of sports fisheries. In favorable conditions, it can reach a mass of 700 g and represents the desired prey for an amateur fisherman.

The largest and most valuable of Pacific salmon. The average size of the chassis is 90 cm, but there are also significantly larger specimens that reach the masses of more than 50 kg. The taste quality of the food meat was famous for a long time. The Americans call the King Salmon cathedral - "King Salmon", and the Japanese assigned her title "Prince Salmon".
From other salmon Chavchal is distinguished by a large, more than 15 gastric rays. The spin, the dorsal and tail fins are covered with small round black spots. The marriage outfit is weaker than that of Kets, humpbacks and nurses, only the male during spawning becomes black, with red spots.
Like Narki Chavica, in its distribution to the American coast of the Pacific Ocean, where it goes south to California. According to the Asian coast, it is not enough, although it is one of it enters many rivers from the North Hokkaido in the south to Anadyr in the north. We have the most of all in the river Kamchatka, and it goes to spawning before other salmon, since the middle of May. "Ploty joy" by the Aborigines of Kamchatka when capturing a challenge is clear - the appearance of her in the rivers spoke about the occurrence of spring, about the end of the hungry winter. Nest serve lasts all summer. Mighty fish is not afraid of a rapid flow and knocks off the tail spawning pits in large pebbles and cobblestones. The female postpones up to 14 thousand and larger, like Keta, Ikrink. Falls from caviar for quite a long time, like fir red, remain in the river. Some of them, especially males, are ripening there, reaching a length of 75-175 mm. In American rivers there are also real residential forms. In the River Columbia Chavica is represented by two forms - spring and summer. The timing of the spawning in these forms is hereditary.
In the sea, Chavchacha lives from 4 to 7 years. Like a nurse, it is rather cold-minded look and fell preferably in the waters of the Bering Sea, adjacent to the ridge of the Commander and Aleutian islands. Food in the Sea Castle is mainly small fish. Its commercial importance for us in view of the rarity is slightly.
Catching Chags and Narki
Chavik - the largest of Pacific salmon, achieves weight 57 kilograms. An unrigible child can be confused with the quiz, but for chalks are characterized by black gums on the lower jaw, and small dark specks cover not only her back and tail stem, but both blades of the tail fin. The marriage outfit of the challenge is monophonic, pink and brown, without stripes and spots.
Young remains in fresh water one or two years, but some of the fish, like a ketch and hunchback, can roll into the sea immediately after leaving the nests. In the sea, Chavchacha lives up to 5 years, then returns to the river for spawning. In fresh water, she begins to go in May, the peak of the move falls on the second half of June, and individual specimens are caught up to September. Along with large fish in the spawning flock there are Cayurks - males 22-47 cm long and dwarf males. The latter can ripen with a length of 10 cm in the first year of life in the river.
The main Screw Rivers of Asian Chagold are located in Kamchatka and Koryak Highlands, there are small herds on Chukotka. Single instances of the challenges come across the Okhotsk coast, in the Magadan area.
Chavika is an excellent sports object. Her catch on licenses is organized in Kamchatka. The usual weight of the challenge on the license site on the river is large - from 5 to 12 kilograms, but some manages to catch fish up to 20-30 kilograms. Like the Kizhuch, the chapter greedily enough gloss.

Only rotating, rather large, petals of polished metal 40-55 and 25-35 millimeters long and 25-35 millimeters wide, the rod is made of durable steel wire, the tee is not less than No. 14, the rod is made of durable steel wire, the tee is more noticeable for fish. Decorate with bright beads, and the tee put a color plumage. Apply only Kamchatka spinning equipment with a shipping weight of 50-100 grams on a separate leash. The fishing line should withstand the load at least 20-30 kilograms.
Food catch requires patience. It is necessary to carefully reassure the deep splas of the river, make a lot of empty postings to feel at least one bite. Kamchatka fishermen believe that having one or two bite per day - already well, and catch a child - good luck. It is especially difficult to catch that the peak of the Kamchatka Chagold usually coincides with the flood, so in Multice years, water in rivers at the end of June can be very high and muddy. Of course, in such conditions, the fish can notice gloss only at close range.
Poklevka this fish is usually felt like a short sharp push. Chavika - Fish is strong, although not very fast, and with improperly discharge can crush any tackle. Copies weighing more than 10 kilograms always have to go to 10-40 meters for 10-40 meters and again gently pull up. Especially dangerous for tackle moments when the fish begins to sharply wind his head near the shore itself. Chavik, especially large, rarely jumps out of the water entirely, it only shows the back. The strong flow of Kamchatka Rivers makes it difficult to buy this large fish. Experienced fishermen who are not at all ceremony with Kizhim - pull him to the coast with the wolf or right behind the fishing line are thrown through the boat, the child is always taken by Bagory. It is reasonable - she sometimes simply comes into frenzy on the shore and can break the line with a diameter of 0.8-0.9 millimeters.
Nerka, or red, unlike other Pacific salmon, most often spawn in lakes, be sure to go out the keys. Suitable for breeding reservoirs This fish is not in all pools. In particular, in the area of \u200b\u200bMagadan, it in small quantities comes only in the Ola River and Tuyu. Many busies in the river hunting and in some pools of Kamchatka Peninsula, large herds of this species also live in the lake systems of Koryak Highlands and Chukotka. Young busy fell in lakes - usually from one to three years old, then she rolls into the sea, most often for two or three years. Homing in a busy is expressed quite clearly - most of the fish returns not only at the same lake, but also the same spanner, where they were born. Occasionally there is a river society, its spawns are located not in the lakes, but on river Ples and in the stall.
Silver Nerki dimensions and shape of the body resembles Ketu, distinguish these species is the easiest of all by the number of gill stamens at the first gormal arge - they have them from 18 to 28, and at night - there are always more than 30. There is a witty "folk" way to distinguish these types . Fresh-permanent ketu can be easily lifted by the tail with one hand, and at the bush, the faded rays are softer, and it will definitely slip out.
The marriage dress is bright red, only the head is green, hence the second name - red. Her arrival in the river begins in May - earlier than other salmon, and continues until the end of July. On the territory of the Magadan region, the amateur wisdom of the night is allowed only on licenses in the first half of summer. Compared to other salmon, she takes less actively. Like the qizhuch and the cholar, there are minor passage males of the Narki - Cayurki, as well as the dwarf males living in fresh water, spawn with passing females. Some lakes, for example, Kronotsky on Kamchatka, inhabit the residential uniform of the bush - Cokani. This is a small fish up to 30 centimeters long, males and females are dying after the first spawning. Residential society is well caught on flies and small brilliants. As an object of sports catch and feed for large predatory fish, it was united to many lakes and reservoirs in the west of North America.

Kamchatka Chavica
Chalch. King Salmon. Royal salmon. Kamchatka, June, big water. One of the largest and most powerful salmon is a trophy fish. Two rivers, famous in large choices, is large and kid.
Tackle for catching challenging should be durable and reliable. Here it is necessary to pay attention to heavy loads when buying and catching in water, carrying a lot of suspension, and more confidence with him. A rod is 2.7-3 m long with a test of up to 40-60 g as for catching salmon or a timeline and a corresponding coil. It is better to use high-quality 50 LB cord 0.2, as the mouth of the chalit rigid and fishing is carried out at a depth.
Turntables. This type of salmon bait is checked. In some cases, it works trouble-free. But at high depths and fishing in the lower horizon, only the front-beaded and so-called "rocker", or Kamchatka equipped, - a wire corner, at one end of which heavier loaded was fixed, and the rotating brilliance without a core is attached to the leash, the main fishing line is attached for angle. You can catch both relief and use as a donkey, i.e. I scored in the pit and sit wait to bump, the main thing is to continue to fix spinning. The option is not very sporty, but effective.
Several models with a petal type Long No. 3-4, homemade with a heavy core and proven Blue Fox from 3 to 5th rooms, various colors and heavy "Muenans", with a mandatory replacement of tees - Europe does not know such large fish, or just saves All manufacturers are equipping brilliantly tees of very low quality. They are in the pit. It is necessary to use only high-quality Japanese tees from the thick wire.
Basically, everyone catch on the oscillating flashes. Despite the seeming simplicity, these bait are not simple, each requires its individual approach. But if you choose the right type of brilliance and the desired wiring rhythm, you can catch any fish with them almost in any conditions.
Different sizes and weight ranges are possible, as well as their combinations - on the fishing slang "sandwich": two identical spanners are connected to each other through some plane rings, and a compact heavy bait is obtained. "Sandwiches" often get out when fishing large representatives of a noble family. Another indisputable plus of this type is glittered - effective fishing in conditions of a very strong flow. Finally, low cost, i.e. The ability to choose an effective bait from inexpensive manufacturers.
The bait works are well from 25 to 45 g - oblong, such as "crocodile", and narrow with a 5-shaped bend, both branded Japanese and Polish. And salmon Finnish oscillates.
Basically caught on the spacing. A few fish were caught on the turntable, mostly in calm places. About half of the more than twenty caught fish were pecking on a "sandwich" of two 15-gram Finnish spacing. It also managed to catch the largest fish - 18-kilogram silver male chavit. A few sim.
In the first days, the course of Chavochi was weak, and she was not very active, but by the end of the journey, Klev improved. Almost all the fish was caught by flaying flashes. There were no bile on the wobblers, although they specifically drove the "slaughter" models at the places of the Food Releases. The turntables were caught in places with a calm current and in the bays, where he likes to go for the sludge of the Channel. Consumption glittered was decent, as they caught a stepped wiring to demolition at the bottom. The main weight of the bait of 35-40 g.

Chavich is a large fish belonging to the salmon family. She can gain a big weight. Dwells in the water of the Pacific Ocean and in the rivers. Distributed in Russia (Kamchatka, Curiles, Amur River Pool, Anadyr), British Columbia, USA. Food meat has beneficial health properties. It is delicious and is an excellent product for the preparation of various restaurant dishes. And the caviar is large and is considered a delicacy.

Fish Chavik: Description

Camely call the royal, and prince, and red fish ("King of Salmon" or "Duke Salmon"). Distinguish it from other salmon representatives You can external signs. She has a big head and body that resembles a torpedo. The spin is dark with a greenish tint, and the sides with a stubborn silver. A distinctive feature of this fish are small stains of dark color on the sides and fins, a strip on the transition to the head. In length, the person can reach 2 meters, the weight can reach up to 60 kg. On average, you can catch such a fish weighing 12 kg.

Russia is caught up to 400 tons of royal fish per year. But in the US, this indicator is exceeded several times.

Spawning and nutrition of individuals

During the ikromet, the Chavika acquires a bright marriage color. All representatives of the salmon family change the appearance. The body acquires a red-brown tint, the back becomes black, and the transverse strips on the back disappear. Body proportions do not changeBut there is curvature of the jaws in males and the appearance of teeth among fish of both sexes.

Compared to other salmon, the marriage challenge color looks so bright and expressive. Young individuals of small size can be confused with a quiz.

For spawning, a person comes into the river, can overcome up to 4 thousand km. Search for a suitable breeding place Fish begins in May. Spa is carried out from June to August. The female is digging a pit in pebbles, till the flow of eating caviar, where and fertilizes by males. After that sails into a prepared nest. Later, the hole falls asleep, but the firows are within about about half a year. At one time, the cup can postpone up to 14 thousand eggs.

The first 2 years, young people live in fresh water, then goes into the ocean or the sea and only after 5 years it returns to the river. Before going out, they are knocked in flocks. Feed on insect larvae, fine fish and small crustaceans. And in sea and ocean depths, squid, plankton crustaceans, cephalovogol, krill, as well as small fish.

Adults that are departed to spawn, stop feeding. They use reserves clugged in the ocean, but first of time they have a grasping reflex.

Food Catching: Features

To catch such a fish is not easy. To do this, you need to have strong tackle, a good bait and have experience in fishing. Fishing Fabric - this is not only an opportunity to improve health, but also earn money. The cost depends on its billet (fresh, weakly salting or ice cream), season and terrain, where it is sold. On average, Kilo File costs 650-750 rubles.

The food and industrial value of the fish possesses at the stage of approach in the mouth before spawning, since it is not yet exhausted by a long movement up the river against the flow. But the catch at such a stage on an industrial scale or poaching means is prohibited to preserve the population of individuals. Challenging is pretty cautious and tricky fish, she chooses parking spaces that are difficult to reach for fishing.

Today there are many ways to increase the catch. One of these options is an activator of Kleva, which attracts fish from far distances, affects its appetite and behavior with pheromones. These are biologically active natural substancesthat allocate live organisms, fish including.

Useful properties and contraindications

Depending on the age and floor of the fish, the chemical composition of the meat is changing. It also depends on the conditions of habitat, nutrition and time of catch.

Royal Fish is rich in the following useful elements:

  • Proteins.

They are contained about 20 grams per 100 grams. Eaten 0.5 kg of "Princely Salmon" - the daily rate of proteins per day, which is necessary for a person. Calorie fish small (150 kcal).

  • Fats.

In any fish contain a large number of useful fats. Fatty acids, for example, omega-3, are needed by a person, since they are not synthesized in the body. They can only be obtained through food. Thanks to these substances, the normal functioning of the brain, heart, nervous activity and many other functions are ensured.

  • Eicho-seated and docosahexaenic acids.

These acids support immune and cardiovascular systems, protect against many diseases, provide normal operation of the nervous system, eye analyzers, remove toxins and more. Thanks to these substances, Chavchacha is a strong preventive agent, warning infarction, stroke, the development of arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, dementia.

  • Tryptophan (contained in any fish).

This is an amino acid transforming in the body in serotonin (hormone of joy). It increases the mood and fights with depression.

  • Vitamins (A, B, C, E, K) and Minerals (copper, selenium, zinc, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium).

A caviar helps strengthen bone tissue, reduces the risk of thrombov, improves eyesight and stimulates blood circulation.


  1. allergy to caviar or the meat of chalks;
  2. with caution, you need to use pregnant women and those who have such ailments as diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, chronic colitis or enteritis, since the meat of red fish is quite fat;
  3. the older the fish, the more harmful substances accumulate.

Challenge in cooking

Chavika is a red fish, her raspberry shade meat, the taste of something reminds of salmon, but more appreciated. Gourmet diverge in opinions, which is tastier - a challenge or salmon. Their taste is very close. But the cholar contains less fat and significantly superior to the taste most salmon. With the right cooking, the chalk can be much tastier salmon.

No less valuable is the caviar. It has a large size of iconic, which can reach 6 mm in diameter. The taste of caviar calf is bitter. It is advisable to eat no more than 5 teaspoons. Sodium contained in salty caviar delays water, therefore, constant use in large quantities will lead to a violation of metabolism.

The dishes from a low-headed challenge are appreciated. To do this, use a shock freezing that preserves the most useful substances. Fish is immediately separated, let's burst and frozen. Also, the fish is marinated, smokyat, knit, prepare on the grill, etc. It is easier in preparation.

It is necessary to take into account that the championship in the store can fake and sell its analogues more expensive. The taste can not understand the difference, but the nutritional value will be different.

Recipe for cooking fried tea

First you need to get rid of scales, cut the carcass on the ridge, removing the inside. Fish fillet cut into pieces of small sizes, salt and pour half lemon juice, sprinkle with seasonings. Further, the fish marina in the refrigerator. On the frying fry onions. After that, add buckwheat to it, pour water (in the ratio of 1 to 3) and cook on medium heat. Remove the refrigerator pickled fish. Red Children is drawn in a frying pan from 2 sides in vegetable oil.

A ready buckwheat, fish and green canned peas are superimposed on a plate as decoration.

Challenge is considered a valuable product, useful substances make it indispensable. Such a product must be present in human nutrition.