The capital of the world film industry, the state is a natural monument, Goldmine in the US economy and the mecca of the global tourism industry - the state of unlimited opportunities - is California. American dream is performed here, because people come to California from all over the world - in search of better life, and unlimited impressions. Sunglasses will help you - California even knows how to handle the weather with dignity: the climate here is one of the most comfortable on the planet.

Not in vain famous hollywood is located right here - after all, this US state even received its name thanks to the character, the heroic Amazon Califia, from a 15th-century book.

Climate zones of California

Geographically, California stretches along Pacific Ocean for 1200 kilometers.

California is an unplowed field for seismologists. A dozen films have been made about the San Andreas Fault alone! The Californian territory is one of the most earthquake-prone zones in the world, including in terms of volcanic activity.

In the mountains Sierra Nevada Sometimes a phenomenon called “watermelon snow” occurs. Reddish flakes, reminiscent of a ripe watermelon in smell, are covered in summer period some highlands. For a long time no one could explain this phenomenon, but later scientists found the answer - in the frozen drops they found algae Chlamydomonasnivalis, which colors snowflakes with the red pigment they have.

Since the state is surrounded by mountain ranges, as well as the ocean, a special climate is formed here. Each corner of the vast territory has its own.

The only lighthouse in the world with a green light is located in California - in Los Angeles.

State climate - Mediterranean . There are several climate zones:

  • North West – temperate climate
    Central California Valley - Mediterranean climate
    Mountains – mountain climate, with desert elements (to the east of the mountain range)
    Southern California - subtropical
  • The state's landscape is unique - the highest and lowest points in the United States are located here: Whitney (4421 meters) and Death Valley (-86 meters), respectively.

    Rainy warm winter and dry hot summers are short. But there is significant differences. For example, on the Pacific coast there is often fog (due to cold currents), in the vicinity of Los Angeles there is rain - a rare event, usually leading to catastrophic consequences (landslides and destruction of buildings), since they are strong.

    As for the popular tourist centers - Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, the change of seasons is almost not felt. Spring and autumn are almost never used in California; these are calendar (nominal) seasons. Summer and winter differ in length daylight hours, amount of precipitation and temperature difference of 10-15 degrees.

    The longest rain recorded in California - more than a month in 1862, rainfall lasted, flooding a quarter of the state.

    The weather is radically different only in mountainous areas and the most low-lying ones - Death Valley, for example.

    California tourist seasons

    Absence of seasons, eternal summer, greenery and bright sun - this is almost California all year round and practically throughout the entire “inhabited” territory.

    The world's tallest sequoia, Hyperion, 115 meters high, grows in California.

    Despite the extreme comfortable weather and a picturesque coastline, California has one significant drawback - the water in the Pacific Ocean does not warm up enough for full beach holiday. The water is maximum +18°C, and you can die due to constant wind. At the same time, this is a mecca for surfers - the local waves are magnificent, but only for riders; swimming in such a constant storm is impossible. Therefore, either extreme sports and a beautiful tan, or romance on the beach (dinner on the ocean, a walk).

    The best time to travel is April-October, considered the “California summer.”

    Why go to California? For unusually beautiful beaches, high waves, selfies against the background of the inscription “Hollywood”, picturesque parks, geysers and volcanoes, ski holiday and a walk through the places of former glory of the “gold rush”.

    What clothes to take with you

    Maximum - leather jacket, minimum - bikini. California welcomes tourists with eternal summer, even in winter the temperature does not drop below +15°C. And in the rainy winter in the north of the state it is worth having an umbrella, waterproof shoes, and a raincoat. Traveling to the San Francisco area in winter time It’s worth stocking up on a hat and gloves – it can get quite chilly and also frosty – at least 5 degrees below zero. During winter in the southern part of the state, a warm sweater will suffice. There is very little rain.

    Largest quantity sunny days- in Sacramento. The capital of California has left Los Angeles and San Francisco far behind.

    Weather in California by month


    It's not until Thanksgiving, which typically falls in late November, that the weather begins to resemble something close to fall. At this time, the climatic difference between the south and north of the state becomes noticeable. In the south it is still warm, while in the north it is down to -7 degrees in mountainous areas. In the fall, “Thule fogs” descend on Northern California. November is truly the only autumn month, about +18°C.

    A relict forest, where pines and palm trees grow side by side, creates a kind of border between southern and northern California.


    There is also a ski holiday in California - for this you should go north, to the Lake Tahoe area (250 km from San Francisco), to the Heavenly resort with its hundreds of ski slopes. Another place for skiing is the Mammoth Mountains, in the south.

    The most harsh winter occurred in 1937, when it was possible to record the absolute minimum temperature - 43 degrees below zero.

    January February

    Temperatures in southern California almost never drop below 14+15°C. Temperatures are near zero or there is no snow at all.


    California spring is the optimal time to visit the state for its sights and nature. At this time, Santa Ana winds are typical, bringing heat from the eastern deserts to Southern California.

    The California coast is continuous national monument under the protection of the law.

    June August

    The best time for an active beach holiday. For $75 in Huntington Beach, the surfing capital of the world, you can master the art of catching a wave. And at Dana Point you can snorkel and dive for $105. July – average daily maximum +35°C.

    A typical picture in California is fortifying houses with sandbags during raging forest fires.

    September October

    Beginning of autumn - beautiful time to get acquainted with the winemaking traditions of California. Sonoma or Napa - you can't go wrong with a trip to any of San Francisco's historic wineries: you can catch the harvest. For 15-17 dollars you can taste up to a dozen local wines. The California summer season ends in October.

    All American almonds come from California. This state is also a leader in the production of wine and raisins (the Californian city of Fresno produces more than half of the world's total raisins).

    — what’s the weather like there today, how hot is it in Los Angeles in the summer and how cold is it in the winter? It is also very important to understand When is the best time to go to Los Angeles and is it possible to swim in the sea? I will try to answer these and some other questions in my article about the weather in Los Angeles and the climate on the Pacific coast in the US state of California.

    Let me start with what all tourists traveling to the USA need to know about the weather in Los Angeles. Thanks to the fairly warm and not too rainy climate, traveling around the largest city in the state of California will be very comfortable for almost everyone, because there is no sweltering heat with the scorching sun, as in, and it is not very cold in winter. So go to L.A. It’s absolutely worth it for everyone who wants to see not only Hollywood, but also take a walk along the Pacific coast.

    As for the weather by season, in Los Angeles the hot summer and rainy winter seasons are quite clearly expressed, and the spring and autumn seasons are rather weakly expressed, they are a continuation of summer and winter and are somewhat similar to each other. For example, the rains in Los Angeles begin at the end of October and can continue until the month of May, while the weather will be quite warm, but not hot.

    There are several other features of the roast and rainy seasons in Los Angeles, related to the nature of the weather in coastal California, about which it is necessary to warn:

    • Firstly, during the summer heat it can be more sweltering, and the air above the city stands still for several days, which is why smog accumulates in it, it becomes more difficult to breathe, and the photos are not very expressive and somewhat faded.
    • And secondly, in winter in the hilly part of the City of Angels it often blows strong wind and it's drizzling rain. Therefore, during this time the sky can be quite cloudy for several days in a row. At the same time, there are practically no frosts here, and snow falls only once every few years.

    All this is certainly worth keeping in mind when choosing a date for your trip to L.A. and packing for the trip so as not to get into trouble with the weather (be sure to check its forecast for 14 days before departure).

    Climate in Southern California and Seasons in Los Angeles

    Travelers heading to the West Coast of the United States sometimes wonder when preparing for their trip: when is the best time to go to Los Angeles? Indeed, depending on the season, the weather in Los Angeles can be very different. Some people prefer the summer heat and the opportunity to lie on the beach on a sunny day, while others prefer the coolness of winter and the opportunity to walk the streets of the city for their own pleasure. In any case, before you go on a trip, you should familiarize yourself with what seasons there are in Los Angeles and choose the most suitable one for yourself.

    Spring and autumn

    Best time to visit Los Angeles in California, spring and autumn are rightly considered to be the most good weather, no winter rains and summer smog. From March to May and from September to November, the air is not as hot as in summer, it is much easier to breathe, and the number of tourists becomes significantly less than during the summer holidays. average temperature air fluctuates from +10 to +22 degrees, which makes walking and visiting attractions quite comfortable. Best time to swim in the sea in L.A. - September, when the water temperature is about 20°C.

    You can rent a car inexpensively for a trip around the USA on the car rental website →


    The high season in the City of Angels is from May to September, due to the summer holiday season. And although it is not very hot in the city during the summer, it is difficult to breathe in the city. Average daily temperature in July, which is the most warm month in Los Angeles, it is +22°C. At night it can even be cool when a light breeze blows from the ocean, but during the day the humid sea air, saturated with smog in the city center, makes breathing much more difficult and leads city residents and tourists to the already crowded environs of the Pacific coast. In the summer, there is literally nowhere to fall on the beaches of Los Angeles, and the water temperature in the sea is quite cool - only +20 degrees. Last month In summer, August is the sunniest of the year: the sky is clear for about 13 hours a day and the sun is shining.


    If you want to travel to Los Angeles inexpensively to save your finances, you should consider travel options to California at low tourist season, starting in winter after the Christmas holidays and lasting from January to April. Don't forget to bring an umbrella as it is during the winter season (during January and February) in L.A. falls out nai large quantity precipitation is about 79 mm per month, and the weather is often cloudy and rainy, with strong winds blowing. Despite the fact that there is no snow here, you should keep in mind that January is the coldest month of the year, and the air at this time warms up to only +13°C on average. And the water temperature in the sea is only +14 degrees (not for swimming).

    When is the best time to swim in the sea and what is the water temperature on the Los Angeles beach?

    Due to the varied terrain and proximity to the ocean, as well as nearby deserts, the weather in Los Angeles is quite variable and can change quickly throughout the day (especially in winter, in early spring And late autumn). The Mediterranean climate influences the weather throughout the entire urban agglomeration, located along the coast and extending far beyond the coastal hills. Various natural phenomena, accompanied by changes in weather, such as rain, strong winds or storms, are common in some areas of the city and can manifest themselves differently depending on their location.


    On the Pacific coast of the United States in the Los Angeles area, a special climate has been established, which is called Mediterranean due to a number of characteristic features related to air humidity and temperature, winds and precipitation. It doesn't rain a lot, but it happens sometimes. Most of precipitation occurs during the winter season and early spring. However, their total usually less than in other regions with similar Mediterranean climates.

    Summer in L.A. The weather is warm and without precipitation. However, rain may occasionally fall in the summer due to monsoon thunderstorm fronts coming from the west, but this is very rare. Even more rarely, precipitation in Los Angeles is caused by dissipating Pacific hurricanes coming from the east. According to statistics, the average annual precipitation is 384 mm, and there is less precipitation on the coast than in the mountainous and hilly areas of the city.

    Usually the first rain in Los Angeles occur in the fall - in October or November, becoming regular guests from December to February. February almost always becomes the wettest month of the year, and it is quite difficult to predict the weather at this time. Starting in March, precipitation gradually stops, and in April and May it rains very rarely, no more than twice a month.

    Precipitation brings significant benefits to the entire Greater Los Angeles region (this is the city itself and its suburban areas) - the air is cleared of smog and it becomes easier to breathe in the metropolis.

    Storms, landslides and rockfalls

    As I said, despite the generally low rainfall, sometimes more serious and destructive natural events occur. Rain in Los Angeles may become heavy and intermittent storm. Since the city is surrounded by mountains, and on its territory there are hills with steep slopes, the surface of which is often scorched by frequent forest fires, which happen regularly in L.A. and next to it in late summer and autumn, then all this can cause landslides and rockfalls, especially in foothill areas.

    Thunderstorms, lightning and tornadoes

    Summer thunderstorms, formed as a result of the influx large mass rain clouds are extremely rare in Los Angeles because the air in the atmosphere above the city in summer is usually sedentary and dry. However, thunderstorms can come from nearby mountainous or desert areas, but this is extremely rare..

    Sometimes a thunderstorm can be caused by warm southern rain cyclones developing into a real storm over the coast,allowing the formation of small thunderstorms, which usually only flash terribly with lightning and dissipate quite quickly.

    During strong winds from the mainland or ocean, there may also besmall tornado, however, this is a rather rare phenomenon for Los Angeles, in contrast to the territory located further from the coast, inland.


    Snow in Los Angeles It is extremely rare, but the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains area typically experiences snowfall every winter. The biggest snowfall in Los Angeles happened a long time ago, on January 15, 1932, when about 5 centimeters of snow fell on the city.

    El Niño influence

    El Niño (or Southern Oscillation)- these are fluctuations in the temperature of the surface layer of water in the equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean, affecting the climate of the surrounding areas (this is especially noticeable on the coast), including the weather in Los Angeles. The characteristic time of the oscillation period is from 3 to 8 years, but, according to historical observations, the duration of the next cycle is poorly predictable.

    The warm phase of El Niño does not typically bring changes in rainfall across the Los Angeles area. Prior to the 2015-16 strong El Niño phase, two previous periods in 1982-83 and 1997-98 caused significant increases in precipitation in Southern California relative to the rest of the U.S. Pacific coast. However, in last time Despite the fact that El Niño in 2015-16 is considered the strongest since 1950, Los Angeles received less precipitation than scientists expected.

    Thus, forecasting the weather during the warm Southern Oscillation has proven to be more difficult for meteorologists than forecasting the weather during the Southern Oscillation. winter months when the influence atmospheric fronts may be completely unexpected. All this has become the subject of numerous studies by climate scientists who are trying to more carefully study El Niño phenomenon and it has been described scientifically for many decades, and so far it has not been successful enough.

    As is known, the Los Angeles metropolitan area (its official nameGreater Los Angeles Area) is the second largest in the United States (after), and occupies a fairly vast territory with total area about 1300 km 2 and an altitude from sea level to 3069 meters (Mount San Antonio). More than 17 million people live in the city and its many suburbs, where the weather on the same day of the week can vary greatly: somewhere there is a strong wind or bright sunshine, and somewhere it can suddenly rain a little. Therefore, when traveling to Los Angeles, it is very important to check the weather forecast for the particular area of ​​the Greater Los Angeles Area in the state of California, USA, in which you are going to spend time.

    Useful article:

    All areas on the map of Los Angeles (clickable - click to enlarge)

    Pacific Coast (Coastal Basin)

    Separated from the rest of the mainland by mountains, a narrow strip of the Pacific coast is generally a cooler place in summer season, and in winter the weather is milder. In addition, there is less rainfall here than in the surrounding valleys and mountains.

    Read also:

    LAX Airport, Santa Monica and Venice

    Los Angeles International Airport and its surrounding areas (Westchester and El Segundo, and other surrounding areas) are usually the coolest place in the entire region during the summer season due to the fact that they are constantly blown by light sea breezes. The air temperature in Santa Monica is 6-8 degrees colder than 8 kilometers further from the coast. In general, the weather in the LAX area is quite pleasant, the climate is mild, and there is not much rainfall in winter.

    Culver City and Palms Area

    Culver City, Palms and the surrounding area are located just a few miles from Santa Monica and the beaches, but temperatures are typically 8 to 10 degrees warmer in the summer. However, moderate wind penetration from the Pacific Ocean makes the weather in this area milder than in the more inland areas of Los Angeles.

    Long Beach

    The Long Beach area is located on the Pacific coast, 30 kilometers south of downtown Los Angeles and stretches for almost 14 kilometers along coastline. Coastal climate The summer is different from that of Santa Monica, the West Side, and the South Bay because it is not as cool due to more sun and less influence of the refreshing sea breezes brought by the predominantly southwesterly winds. The air temperature in Long Beach is about the same as in the heart of Los Angeles.

    San Fernando Valley

    The San Fernando Valley is well known in Los Angeles for its extremely high temperatures air, significantly higher than coastal air. Canoga Park and Woodland Hills, located in the southwest valley, are considered the hottest areas of the City of Angels. It can be as hot here as in, the famous heat record holder on the West Coast of the United States. Burbank, located west of the San Fernando Valley, is always much hotter than downtown Los Angeles, although the distance to downtown is only 14 km. In winter, the San Fernando Valley receives significantly more rainfall than other areas of the city.

    Orange County, Anaheim andSanta Ana

    The climate in Santa Ana, located in Orange County, is approximately the same as in Anaheim, located there, where it is located, and both of these areas are located from the coast inland at a distance of 16 to 24 km. The weather here is quite hot in summer, and in winter there is often strong wind and significantly less rainfall than in downtown Los Angeles. All this is due to the fact that the influence Mediterranean climate practically does not apply here.

    Santa Ana is known for its windy weather. Incredibly dry winds blowing from Southern California to northern Baja throughout late autumn and winter. It can be either hot or cold, depending on the air temperatures established in the regions Great Basin and deserts. However, winds always cause hot and dry weather due to the compression of air in lower layers atmosphere. And once every few years the wind develops into a real storm or even strong hurricane, which cause significant damage to the roofs of houses and cause trees to fall.

    We all know from Hollywood films and some American TV series that Los Angeles, with its many beaches and high waves along the coast, is a real Mecca for surfers who come here from mid-summer to the Christmas holidays from all over the world. Malibu Beach is especially good for surfing, where the atmosphere of “old” pre-Vietnamese America still exists, with vintage cars, Camel cigarettes and muscular guys, as if they, along with the entire era of the 70s, were preserved in time.

    The fall season is considered the best time for surfing in Southern California, as from September to November the air becomes cleaner, the waves in the sea are larger, and even the water temperature rises several degrees. If good winds blow from Santa Ana, it will benefit those surfers who come to Los Angeles hoping to catch high waves. Beginners will also have no time to be bored, because surf schools are opening on many beaches.

    The best surfing spots in Los Angeles are:

    • Zuma Beach
    • Malibu Beach or Surfrider Beach
    • Topanga Beach
    • Venice Beach
    • Manhattan Beach
    • Hermosa Beach

    Best Surf Beaches in Los Angeles

    Los Angeles is famous for its warm weather and mild climate, and even in films this city almost always appears in its guise as heaven on earth. And we, having visited the City of Angels a couple of times, were convinced of this, as we found the time for a visit to L.A. Right.

    On the coast of L.A. in the spring

    • At the very end of spring(May - early June) Los Angeles turned out to be the most pleasant place in the USA. It was not yet hot during the day, and in the evening a pleasant coolness gently enveloped the city. It seemed to me, late spring And early summer one of the best solutions for a trip to Southern California. The weather is beautiful, and there are not many other tourists in the city yet.
    • Another time we found ourselves in L.A. in September and October. Early autumn on the coast is also characterized by warm weather without precipitation, while the sun was shining brightly and the sky was almost cloudless. Unlike Northern California, in Los Angeles it was not so cloudy in the morning, and only in the very early hours there was a slight smog, which quickly dissipated without interfering with our enjoyment of our vacation.

    We had a great time on the beaches of Santa Monica and Malibu, as well as in Hollywood. And we recommend that you definitely go to Los Angeles late spring or early autumn to catch better weather and see the most interesting sights of this amazing city.

    Watch a video about the weather in Los Angeles and best time for a visit:

    That's basically all I wanted to tell you about the weather in Los Angeles. Choose the season that suits your climate best and go on a trip, dear readers! Enjoy your walks around the City of Angels!

    • Los Angeles weather forecast on soon(10, 14 days) see →
    • More detailed information For weather information in Los Angeles, see the official website →

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    This is the view from my balcony today. In the background is a dark ocean and low clouds.
    Thunderstorms and rains are rare for our area. Jumping on the sofa from the thunder, I decided on the occasion to talk about “our” climate.
    I live south of Los Angeles on the Pacific coast. Administratively, our town belongs to Los Angeles. It takes us about 40 minutes to get to Beverly Hills, and also to downtown LA.

    There is no change of seasons here. The weather is even and summer differs from winter in the length of daylight hours. Well, it rains in winter too. Los Angeles receives 25-35 cm of rain per year. Total! This is a desert with a small oasis on the coastline.

    Rains are always an event, they are very strong, the water flows like a river. In January of this year there were such rains that in a couple of days houses and garages were flooded and there were serious landslides with the evacuation of entire areas.
    We were in Las Vegas when all this happened, and I really remember our way home. In the mountains on the freeway, I saw snow and a temperature of 0 degrees for the first time. On the radio they were considering the possibility of closing the track due to icing. They didn't close it, but we were driving very slowly. 7 hours instead of 4.
    And then our apartment was saved by sandbags that the neighbors laid out.
    If it weren't for these bags, we would have been flooded. This is what they look like, this photo shows how high the water rose. (photo -

    Rare (2-3 times a year) rains and several dry and hot days a year are all the troubles that exist in this climate.
    According to statistics, in coastal Southern California there are only 20 days a year when the temperature rises above 32C.
    It becomes clear why air conditioners are not common here and many people don’t have them, they are simply not needed.
    The nights are always cold, even when there is a so-called heat wave.
    The Pacific Ocean in California is cold and as soon as the sun sets, it gets cool. This summer I turned on the air conditioner twice.

    Winter and summer temperatures differ by only 3-7 degrees. This is not the resort weather we are used to. The cool breeze from the ocean - sometimes pleasant, and sometimes piercing, almost never subsides here.
    The sun is always hot and bright. It doesn’t matter that it’s 21C outside, if you get in the sun you can get fried.
    Summer is usually foggy, especially June. The sun comes out of the clouds only in the afternoon.
    In winter it is clear and there are stunning sunsets and sunrises.

    The average daily temperature in January is 17-18C, in August (the hottest month) - 23-24. Moreover, in January, out of nowhere, several days under 30 can happen, and in July - 17.
    You always need a jacket, cardigan, shawl. It’s always cool in the shade and I don’t leave the house without something “for the evening.” At the same time, you can have lunch and dinner on the patio and verandas all year round.
    This is an ideal climate for life. It’s not hot - not cold, if it’s cloudy in the morning, then the sun will always come out in the afternoon!
    Whenever you visit the coastal areas of Los Angeles, the weather will be good. Cloudy days like today are rare, and it becomes nice again very quickly. After the rain the air is always clear and clean.

    In my opinion, it is a mistake to consider the California coast suitable for a beach holiday. There are amazingly beautiful beaches, lagoons, cliffs, but they are more for viewing, walking in an embrace or having dinner with a view of the sunset (note - in the famous Santa Barbara there is no view of the sunset, the sun sets behind the mountains, and not into the ocean) .
    It is (almost) impossible to swim here. First, cold water. Even if 18C doesn't seem cold, it's hard to force yourself to get into the water because you might get winded when you get out. And secondly, the waves. The height of the waves is always excellent for serious surfing; going for a “swim” in such a storm is unrealistic. A constant storm makes the water muddy, and I psychologically cannot go into muddy water.
    And there are too many living creatures in the water. Either a seal will crawl out onto the beach right under your nose, or someone else will wag its tail. Sharks are not a common sighting in California, if sharks are spotted the beaches are immediately closed, but with my imagination I can't risk it. When I lived my first summer, a 5-minute walk from the beach, I swam almost every day - along the shore at waist-deep depth. Not for everyone.

    Many begin to tire of life without a change of seasons, eternal greenery and sun.
    My Moscow friend immediately after university went to Los Angeles and lived for 15 years in Hawaii, Santa Monica and West Hollywood, and hated the sun and summer. She led a “vampire” lifestyle and left the house only at night. In the end, she went back, and not even to Moscow, but to St. Petersburg - can you imagine how this climate got to her? In St. Petersburg she enjoys the darkness, gloominess, low sky and is happy!
    Many people get tired of the breeze and move 10-20 km from the ocean, where it is immediately much warmer, and they are also happy!
    And many, like my husband, who moved to San Diego from Chicago at age 24 precisely because he was tired of the cold, rain and snow, loves California with all his soul and does not want to live anywhere other than by the ocean!
    I’m also happy here for now, although sometimes I whine out of habit.
    A few more photos from today.
    In the background is the Vincent Thomas Bridge, which is usually clearly visible!

    View from the roof of our house. The photo shows a “common area” where many people hold parties. If only you could dance with your neighbors every Saturday!

    And here you can see our part of the Los Angeles port - cranes and containers that often spoil the ocean views.

    The state of California is located in the western part of the United States, on the Pacific Ocean. California has a Mediterranean climate with dry summers and rainy winters. The influence of the ocean is reflected in the absence of a large temperature difference between winter and summer. In areas far from the coast, the climate changes, acquiring continental features, and the difference between winter and summer temperatures increases. The north-west is characterized by a predominance of a temperate climate. Southern California's weather conditions are influenced by hot winds blowing from the inland deserts. The overview below shows how the weather changes in California by month.

    Weather from December to February

    In the winter months, the average temperature during the day is +19 0 C, at night +9.3 0 C. The water temperature off the California coast is 15 0 C in December; in January and February it reaches the lowest point of the year - 14 0 C. This period accounts for the highest significant amount of precipitation in the year: 4 mm/day in December, 5 mm/day in January and February. Gusts of cold winds soften warm air masses moving towards the Pacific Ocean from the interior of the country. The number of tourists in winter is approximately halved.

    Weather in California from March to May

    The weather in March, April and May is characterized by an increase in the average air temperature by one degree: in March it is 19 0 C, in April + 20 0 C, in May + 21 0 C. Water temperature: 15 0 C in March-April and 16 0 C in May. The amount of precipitation is decreasing (from 5 mm/day in March to 1 mm/day in May). The main beach season begins in mid-spring.

    Weather from June to August

    Summer is the best time to go on vacation to California: hundreds of thousands of vacationers flock to the beaches of the coast, including many lovers of all kinds of water sports. From June to August the air continues to warm up, the average temperature reaches its highest value of 25 0 C in August (in June 22 0 C, in July 24 0 C). Over the three summer months, the average water temperature on the coast reaches a maximum value of 20 0 C. There is practically no rain at the peak of the season.

    Weather from September to November

    In the autumn months there is a slight decrease in average temperatures. If in September it is the same as in August (25 0 C), then in October it is already 1 degree less (24 0 C). The average November temperature in California is 21 0 C. The water also becomes somewhat cooler: the average sea temperature in November is approximately 19 0 C. The first rain usually falls at the end of October. In general, autumn weather in California resembles late May or early June in southern Russia.

    This state has excellent roads, reasonable hotel prices and a large number of interesting places worth visiting. You can safely plan a trip at any convenient time, because the unique climate of California allows you to fully relax here at all times of the year.

    The winter season in California is predominantly characterized by rain and snowfall in mountainous areas. The rainy season begins in California in November and lasts until March. The rains during the winter season can be very heavy and resemble rainfall in tropical forests. Heavy snowfalls and blizzards are possible in mountainous areas. The risk of landslides and floods increases in California during the winter. In winter, free access to a number of areas of the state may be interrupted.

    The air temperature in the winter season is quite warm, on average from +4 to +16 ° C.

    What to visit in California in winter?

    Lake Tahoe is a picturesque blue lake located in the middle of snow-capped mountains, perfect for a winter getaway.

    In winter, Death Valley becomes more accessible for tourist visits, thanks to the decline in the usual heat, which is very strong in the summer.

    Palm Springs continues to be an attractive vacation destination throughout.

    San Francisco is great to visit at any time of the year. However, in winter San Francisco is most attractive due to its magical sunset of the winter Sun.

    Snow in California

    Most Californians prefer to visit ski resorts on weekends, located within a few minutes' drive of a number of major cities in the state. Ski Magazine's annual list of the best ski resorts includes several resorts in California.

    Among the new and popular ski resorts, it is worth noting Mammoth Mountain, which ranks among the best places for mountain vacations in California. Built in 2005, the complex is considered a world-class ski resort. Mammoth Mountain has regular flights from San Jose, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

    If you want to admire the beauty of nature in winter, then you should take a trip to Yosemite National Park. The Badger Pass winter ski resort is located near the park.

    Natural features in winter in California

    The Central California region from Fremont to San Diego is world famous for the wintering grounds of monarch butterflies. Between November and March, coastal eucalyptus groves become home to thousands of migrating butterflies.

    The monarch butterfly isn't the only California animal that migrates during the winter. The winter season is the migration time for gray whales. Gray whales migrate from waters off the coast of Alaska to the coast of Mexico to mate and produce young. In a number of coastal cities in California, there are special winter tours for observing the migration of whales in the open ocean.

    Driving in winter conditions

    The beginning of the holiday season in the mountains brings a number of changes to transport conditions. Weekends are mainly marked by traffic jams and congestion on roads leading to mountainous areas. Winter rains also affect traffic. Roads become slippery and the risk of landslides and floods increases.

    Between November and February, heavy fog is common in California, which can reduce visibility to several meters at night.

    It is worth noting that there are a number of roads in California that are regularly closed during the winter.

    Yosemite's Tioga Pass road closes after November 1. Also, from mid-November to mid-April, the road to Kings Canyon National Park closes. Due to the danger of landslides, California Highway One may be closed for several weeks. Due to snowfalls, the located north of Los Angeles on I-5 at Tejon Pass.