Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (1921-1989) - Russian physicist and public figure, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953). One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb (1953) in the USSR. Proceedings on magnetic hydrodynamics, plasma physics, controlled by thermonuclear synthesis, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity. A. Sakharov, together with the Russian physicist-theorist Igor Evgenievich Tamm, proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnetic retention of high-temperature plasma. Since the end of the 50s, actively performed for termination of tests nuclear weapons. From the late 60s - early 70s, Andrei Dmitrievich is one of the leaders of the human rights movement.

In the work of "reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom" (1968), Sakharov considered the threat of humanity related to its disunity, the confrontation of socialist and capitalist systems: nuclear war, hunger, environmental and demographic catastrophe, dehumanization of society, racism, nationalism, dictatorial terrorist regimes. In democratization and demilitarization of society, the approval of intellectual freedom, social and scientific and technological progress leading to the rapprochement of two systems, Sakharov saw an alternative to the death of humanity. The publication of this work in the West served as a reason for the removal of Sakharov from secret works; After protest against the entry of troops in Afghanistan Sakharov in January 1980, all state awards were deprived of all state awards (Hero of Socialist Labor (1954, 1956, 1962), Leninist Prize (1956), USSR State Prize (1953)) and Soslated in the city of Gorky, where continued Human rights activities. Returned from reference in 1986.

In 1989, Andrei Sakharov was elected by the People's Deputy of the USSR; Suggested a draft new Constitution of the country. "Memories" (1990). In 1988, the European Parliament was established by the International Prize named after Andrei Sakharov for humanitarian activities in the field of human rights. Nobel Prize Peace (1975).

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was born May 21, 1921, in Moscow. Russian physicist and public figure, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), Laureate of the Nobel Prize of Peace (1975), one of the authors of the first work on the implementation of thermo nuclear reaction (h-bomb) and the problem of controlled thermonuclear synthesis.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Family I. school years HELL. Sakharov

Andrei Sakharov took place from an intelligent family, according to his own words, quite high intact. Father, Dmitry Ivanovich Sakharov (1889-1961), Son famous lawyer, was a musical gifted person, got musical and physical and mathematical education. He taught physics in Moscow universities. Professor Moscow pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin, the author of popular books and a teacher in physics.

Mother, Ekaterina Alekseevna, nee Sofiano (1893-1963), noble origin, was a military daughter. Andrei Dmitrievich inherited from her not only exterior appearance, but also some traits of character, for example, persistence, nonconptact.

The childhood of Andrei Dmitrievich passed in a large, crowded Moscow apartment, "impregnated with a traditional family spirit." For the first five years he studied at home. This contributed to the formation of independence and the ability to work, but led to the impairment, from which Sahars suffered almost all his life.

Oleg Kudryavtsev who had learned deep influence on him, who made a humanitarian beginning to the world of Sakharov and who discovered entire industries of knowledge and art for him. In the next five years of study at school, Andrei, under the leadership of the Father, the physics was in-depth, did a lot of physical experiences.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

University. Evacuation. The first Sakharov invention

In 1938, Sakharov entered the physical faculty of Moscow state University. The first attempt of independent scientific work in the second year ended unsuccessfully, but the disappointments in their own powers did not experience. After the start of the war, he together with the university was evacuated to Ashgabat; Seriously engaged in the study of quantum mechanics and relativity theory. At the end in 1942, with honors from Moscow State University, where he was considered the best student who had ever studied at the Faculty of Faculty, refused to offer Professor Anatoly Alexandrovich Vlasov to remain in graduate school.

Having received the specialty "Defense Metal Studies", was sent to a military plant first to the city of Kovrov Vladimir Region, and then to Ulyanovsk. Working conditions and life were very heavy. However, the first invention of Sakharov appeared here - the instrument to control the hardening of armor-piercing cores.

Marriage Andrei Sakhrova

In 1943, Andrei Dmitrievich married Claudia Alekseevna Vigiryova (1919-1969), a native of Ulyanovsk, a laboratory checker of the same plant. They had three children - two daughters and son. Because of the war, and then the birth of children Claudia Alekseevna did not complete higher education and after moving the family to Moscow and later on the "object" was depressed by the fact that it is difficult for her suitable work. To some extent, this uconstitution, and possibly, the warehouse of their characters was caused by some separation of sugar from families of colleagues.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Postgraduate Studies, Fundamental Physics

Returning to Moscow after the war, Sakharov in 1945 entered the graduate school of the Physical Institute named after Peter Nikolayevich Lebedev to famous theoretical physicist Igor Evgenievich Tammu to engage in fundamental problems. In her candidate thesis on non-radically nuclear transitions presented in 1947, he proposed a new selection rule for charging parity and a method for taking into account the interaction of an electron and positron at the birth of steam. At the same time, he came to the thought (without publishing his research on this problem) that a small difference between the two levels of the hydrogen atom is caused by the difference in the interaction of the electron with its own field in the associated and free states. A similar fundamental idea and calculation were published by the Physico theorient Hans Albrecht Bethe and were awarded in 1967 by the Nobel Prize. The idea and calculation of the Mu-meson catalysis of the nuclear reaction in the deuterium proposed by Sakharov and were published only in the form of a secret report.

Sakharov work over a hydrogen bomb

Apparently, this report (and to some extent and the need to improve housing conditions) were the basis for the inclusion of Sakharov in 1948 into a special group of Tamm on checking a particular project of the hydrogen bomb, which worked on the Physician-theorist Jacob Physicist B. Borisovich Zeldovich. Soon Andrei Sakharov proposed his own bomb project in the form of layers of deuterium and natural uranium around an ordinary atomic charge.

I ... forced to record attention on negative phenomena, since it is precisely the state propaganda that is silent, and since they are the greatest harm and danger.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

When an atomic charge explosion, ionized uranium significantly increases detection density, increases the rate of thermonuclear reaction and is divided under the action of rapid neutrons. This "first idea" - the ionization compression of the deuterium - was significantly supplemented by the Physico-theorist Vitaly Lazarevich Ginzburg "the second idea", consisting in the use of deuteride lithium-6. Under the action of slow neutrons from lithium-6, tritium is formed - very active thermonuclear fuel.

With these ideas in the spring of 1950, the Tamm Group almost in full force was aimed at the "object" - a super secret atomic enterprise with a center in the city of Sarov, where it increased significantly due to the inflow of young theoretics. The intensive work of the group and the entire enterprise ended with a successful testing of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb on August 12, 1953. A month before the test of Sakharov, he defended his doctoral thesis, in the same year he was elected an academician, awarded the medal of the hero of the Socialist Labor and Stalinist (State) Prize.

In the future, led by Andrei Dmitrievich, the Group worked on the implementation of the collective "third idea" - the compression of thermonuclear fuel by radiation from an atomic charge explosion. Successful test Such an improved hydrogen bomb in November 1955 was overshadowed by the death of a girl and a soldier, as well as serious injuries of many people who were away from the landfill.

Awareness of danger nuclear tests

This circumstance, as well as a massive removal of residents from the landfill in 1953, forced Sakharov seriously think about the tragic consequences of atomic explosions, about the possible output of this terrible force due to control. A tangible impetus for such thoughts was the episode on a banquet, when in response to his toast - "so that the bombs exploded only over the polygons and never over the cities" - he heard the words of the prominent commander of Marshal Mitrofan Ivanovich, the meaning of which was that the task of scientists was "Strengthen" weapons, and "send" it (military) and will be able to themselves. It was a whisk blow to Sakharov's pride, and at the same time on his hidden pacifism. Success in 1955 brought Sakharov to the second medal of the hero of socialist labor and the Leninist Prize.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Controlled thermonuclear synthesis

In parallel with the work on the bombs, Andrei Sakharov, together with Tamm, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnetic retention of plasma (1950) and conducted fundamental calculations of the installations on the controlled thermonuclear synthesis. It also owns the idea and calculations for the creation of super-high magnetic fields with compression magnetic flux conductive cylindrical shell (1952). In 1961, Sakharov offered to use laser compression to obtain a controlled thermonuclear reaction. These ideas marked the beginning large studies Thermonuclear energy.

In 1958, two sense of Sakharov appeared about the harmful effects of radioactivity. nuclear explosions on heredity and, as a result, reducing the average life expectancy. According to a scientist, each megaton explosion leads in the future to 10 thousand victims of oncological diseases. In the same year, Sakharov unsuccessfully tried to influence the extension of the moratorium on the USSR atomic explosions. The next moratorium was interrupted in 1961 by testing the heavy duty 50 megaton hydrogen bomb rather than a political than military destination, for the creation of Sakharov was awarded the third medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor. This contrary to the development of weapons and prohibiting its tests, which led in 1962 to acute conflicts with colleagues and state authoritiesI had in 1963 and a positive result - the Moscow Agreement on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Testing in three environments.

Start open public speeches

The interests of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov was already not limited to nuclear physics. In 1958, he opposed the plans for Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev to reduce secondary education, and several years later, he was able to save Soviet genetically from the influence of Trofim Denisovich Lysenko with other scientists.

In 1964, Sakharov successfully performed at the Academy of Sciences against the election of the biologist N. I. Duddykov Academician, considering it, as well as Lysenko responsible for "shameful, heavy pages in the development of Soviet science." In 1966, he signed a letter "25 celebrities" to 23 CPSU Congress against Stalin's rehabilitation. The letter noted that any attempts to revive the Stalinist politics of intolerance to dissent "would be the greatest disaster" for the Soviet people. Acquaintance in the same year with a public and politician, historian and publicist Royal Alexandrovich Medvedev and his book about Stalin noticeably influenced the evolution of the views of Andrei Dmitrievich.

In February 1967, Sakharov sent the first letter Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev in defense of four dissenters. The answer to the authorities was to deprive him of one of the two posts occupied on the "object".

In June 1968, a large article was a big article - Manifesto Sakharov "Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom" - about the dangers of thermonuclear destruction, environmental self-defense, dehumanization of humanity, the need to bring the socialist and capitalist systems, the crimes of Stalin and the absence of democracy in the USSR . In his manifest, Sakharov made the abolition of censorship, political courts, against the content of dissidents in psychiatric hospitalsoh.

The reaction of the authorities did not make himself wait: Andrei Sakharov was completely removed from work on the "object" and dismissed from all posts associated with military secrets. On August 26, 1968, he had a meeting with Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, which revealed the difference between their views on the necessary public transformations.

I am for the pluralism of power, for the convergence, for the economy of mixed type, for " human face Societies ", but how it will be called, is not so important for me.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Death of his wife. Return to Fian. Barium asymmetry of the world

In March 1969, Andrei Dmitrievich's wife died, leaving him in a state of despair, replaced by a long soul empty. After the letter I. E. Tamma (at the time of the head of the theoretical department of Fian), the President of the An Mstislav Vsevolodovich Keldyshu and, apparently, as a result of sanctions, over Sahars was enlisted on June 30, 1969 at the Department of the Institute, where his scientific work began to senior researcher - the lowest thing that could occupy soviet academician.

From 1967 to 1980, Andrei Sakharov published more than 15 scientific papers: on the baryon asymmetry of the Universe with the prediction of the colon of the proton (according to Sakharov, this is its best theoretical work, which influenced the formation of scientific views in the next decade), on the cosmological models of the Universe, about the connection with the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum, on mass formulas for mesons and baryons, etc.

Activation of social activities

During the same years, Sakharov's socialism intensified, which was increasingly dispersed with official circles policies. He initiated appeals to liberation from psychiatric hospitals of human rights activists Petpa Gpigigyevich Grigorenko and J. A. Medvedev. Together with the physicist V. Turchin and R. A. Medvedev wrote a "Memorandum of Democratization and Intellectual Freedom". I went to Kaluga to participate in the picketing of the courtroom, where he passed the process over dissidents R. Pimenov and B. Web.

In November 1970, together with Physicists V. Chalidze and A. Srotchichlebov organized the human rights committee, which was to embody the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In 1971, together with Academician Mikhail, Alexandrovich Leontovich actively opposed the use of psychiatry for political purposes and then - for the right to return crimean Tatars, freedom of religion, freedom to choose a country of residence and, in particular, for Jewish and German emigration.

Science establishes the truth, more precisely, strives to an increasingly complete, accurate and universal knowledge of it. In this sense, it is one. The use of science is ambiguous.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Second marriage. Further social activities

In 1972, Andrei Sakharov married Elena Georgievna Bonnere (born in 1923), which met in 1970 in the process in Kaluga. Stroll true friend and a husband of her husband, she focused Sakharov's activities to protect rights specific people. Software documents Now they were considered as a subject for discussion. Nevertheless, in 1977, Andrei Dmitrievich signed a collective letter to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on amnesty and cancellation death penaltyIn 1973, he gave an interview with the correspondent of the Swedish Radio W. Strocholm about the nature of the Soviet system and, despite the prevention of the Deputy Prosecutor General, held a press conference for 11 Western journalists, during which he condemned not only the threat of persecution, but also called " Discharge without democratization. " The response to these statements was a letter of 40 academics published in the newspaper "Pravda", which caused an evil campaign with the condemnation of Sakharov's social activities, as well as performances on his side of human rights defenders, western politicians and scientists. A. I. Solzhenitsyn made a proposal to award Sakharov Nobel Prize of the World.

Intensifying the struggle for the right to emigration, in September 1973, Andrei Sakharov sent a letter to the US Congress in support of Jackson's amendment. In 1974, during the stay of President Richard Milghaus Nixon in Moscow, held his first hunger strike and gave a television interview to attract the attention of the world community to fate of political prisoners. On the basis of the E. G. Bonnere received by the Sahah Republic of the French Humanitarian Award, the fund of assistance to children of political prisoners organized.

In 1975, Sakharov met with the German writer G. Belle, together with him he wrote an appeal to protect political prisoners, in the same year published a book "About the country and the world" in the west, in which the ideas of convergence (see the theory of convergence), disarmament, Democratization, strategic equilibrium, political and economic reforms.

Scientists ... should be able to stand on a universal, global position - higher than the egoistic interests of the "their" state ... "of their" social system and its ideology - socialism or capitalism - anyway.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Nobel Peace Prize

In October 1975, Dmitry Andreevich was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which he received his wife, who was treated abroad. Bonnere announced the spent spectacle of Sakharov, which was called to "true discharge and genuine disarmament", to the "universal political amnesty in the world" and "liberating all prisoners of conscience everywhere." The next day, Bonner read the Nobel lecture of her husband "Peace, Progress, Human Rights", in which Sakharov argued that these three goals were "inextricably linked one on the other," demanded "freedom of conscience, existence of informed public opinion, pluralism in the education system, freedom Print and access to information sources ", and also put forward proposals to achieve discharge and disarmament.

In April and August 1976, December 1977 and early 1979, Andrei Sakharov went to Omsk, Yakutia, Mordovia and Tashkent to support human rights defenders. In 1977 and 1978, the children and grandchildren of Bonnere, whom Andrei Dmitrievich considered the hostages of his human rights activities, emigrated to the United States.

In 1979, Sakharov sent a letter to Leonid Brezhnev in defense of the Crimean Tatars and removal of secrecy from the case of an explosion in the Moscow metro. 9 years before deportation to the city of Gorky, he received hundreds of letters with a request for help, accepted more than a hundred visitors. The lawyer S. V. Kalistratova helped him in drafting the answers.

Whatever high targets are the terrorists as an exclusion ... - Their activities are always criminal, always destructive, throwing humanity to the times of lawlessness and chaos ...

Despite the open opposition to the Soviet regime, Sakharov did not file official accusations until 1980, when he sharply condemned the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. On January 4, 1980, he gave an interview to the New York Times correspondent on the situation in Afghanistan and his correction, and on January 14, the television interview of the company Ey Bi-si.

Sakharov was deprived of all government awards, including the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and on January 22, without any trial, he was expelled in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), closed to foreigners, where he was placed under house arrest. At the end of 1981, the hunger strike of Sakharov and Bonnere for the right to leave E. Alexeva in the United States to the bridegroom, son Bonnere. Departure was allowed by Brezhnev after a conversation with the President of the Academy of Sciences A. P. Alexandrov. However, even close Andrei Dmitrievich believed that "personal happiness cannot be purchased by the price of the sufferings of the Great Man."

In June 1983, Andrei Sakharov published a letter to famous physics S. Drelel in the American journal "Forin Affers" about the danger of the thermonuclear war. The reaction to the letter was the article of four academics in the newspaper Izvestia, depicting Sakharov a supporter of thermonuclear war and the arms race and caused a noisy newspaper campaign against him and his wife.

In the summer of 1984, Sakharov conducted an ineffective hunger strike for the right of his wife for a trip to the United States to meet with family and treatment (terminated on August 6). The hunger strike was accompanied by violent hospitalization and painful feeding. The motives and details of this hunger strike of Sakharov told autumn in the letter A. P. Alexandrov, in which he asked to assist in obtaining permission to travel his wife, and also stated a release from the Academy of Sciences in case of refusal.

April - September 1985 - the last hunger strike of Sakharov with previous goals; Again the room in the hospital and violent feeding. The permission for the departure of Bonnere was issued only in July 1985 after the letter of Sakharov to Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev with a promise to focus on scientific work And stop public speeches if the wife's trip will be resolved. In a new letter, Gorbachev on October 22, 1986, Sakharov asks to stop his deportation and the link of his wife, again promising her social activity.

On December 16, 1986, M. S. Gorbachev announced Sakharov by telephone about the end of the reference: "Return and proceed to your patriotic activities." A week later, Sakharov, together with Bonnare returned to Moscow.

Modern international terrorism trying to destroy democratic legal states - To a large extent, the generation of ideology, strategy and tactics of totalitarianism, and in some cases - direct support for the secret services of totalitarian states.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

last years of life

In February 1987, Andrei Dmitrievich spoke at the International Forum "For the Non-Free World for the Survival of Humanity" with a proposal to consider the reduction of the number of eurobaste separately from the problems of soybeans, about the reduction of the army, the safety of nuclear power plants. In 1988, he was elected Honorary Chairman of the Memorial Society, and in March 1989 - People's Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Many reflecting on the reform of the political structure of the USSR, Sakharov in November 1989 presented the draft of the new Constitution, which is based on the protection of the rights of the individual and the right of all peoples to statehood.

Sakharov was a foreign member of US Academies, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and the Honorary Dr. of many universities in Europe, America and Asia.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov died December 14, 1989, in Moscow, after a busy day of work at the congress people's Deputies. His heart, as the autopsy showed, was completely worn out. Hundreds of thousands of people came to say goodbye to a great man. A great scientist is buried in the Vostrivsky cemetery in Moscow.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov - Quotes

The disunity of humanity threatens him with death ... In the face of danger, any action that increases the disunity of mankind, any preaching of the incompatibility of world ideologies and nations - madness, a crime.

Speaking in defense of the victim of lawlessness and cruelty ... I tried to reflect the whole of my pain, concern, indignation and persistent desire to help suffering.

I believe that some kind of sense exists in the universe, and in human life also.

I ... forced to record attention on negative phenomena, since it is precisely the state propaganda that is silent, and since they are the greatest harm and danger.

I feel in non-demand debt before bold and moral peoplewhich are prisoners of prisons, camps and psychiatric hospitals for their struggle in defense of human rights.

Father, Dmitry Ivanovich Sakharov, - Teacher of physics, author of the famous task, Mother Ekaterina Alekseevna Sakharov (Ur. Sofiano) - the daughter of the hereditary military Alexey Semenovich Sofiano - housewife. Grandmother from the mother of Zinaida Evgrafovna Sofiano - from the genus of Belgorod Yukhanovsky.

The godfather is a famous musician Alexander Borisovich Goldenveyor.

Childhood and early youth passed in Moscow. Primary education Sahars got at home. To school went to learn from the seventh class.

At the end of the secondary school in 1938, Sakharov entered the physical faculty of Moscow State University.

After the start of the war, in the summer of 1941 he tried to enter military AcademyBut was not adopted by health. In 1941 evacuated to Ashgabat. In 1942 he graduated from the university with honors.

In 1942, it was distributed to the Arms People's Commissar, from where he was directed to the Patron Plant in Ulyanovsk. In the same year, I made an invention to control armor-piercing cores and a number of other proposals were made.

Scientific work

From 1943 to 1944, he made independently several scientific works and sent them to the physical institute. Lebedev (Fian) by the head of the theoretical department Igor Evgenievich Tammo. In early 1945, he was called there for graduate studies, after delivery was enrolled in the graduate school of the institute.

In 1947 he defended his dissertation.

In 1948, he was enrolled in a special group and until 1968 he worked in the development of thermonuclear weapons, participated in the design and development of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb according to the scheme called "Sakharov's puff". At the same time, Sakharov together with I. Tamm in 1950-51. Pioneer works on a controlled thermonuclear reaction. In the Moscow Energy Institute, read courses nuclear physics, theories of relativity and electricity.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1953). In the same year, at the age of 32, he was elected a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1955 he signed a "letter of three hundred" against the infamous activities of Academician T. D. Lysenko.

Tried to stop the ruinage arms race, created the project effective use Technologies to create heavy duty nuclear warheadsBy proposing the project Placing heavy duty nuclear warheads along the American sea borderBut I had a quarrel with Khrushchev N. S. Regarding the tests, these discrepancies and quarrels of Khrushchev weakened the continuation of reforms [no in the source]. His contemporary Valentin Falin writes: "A. D. Sakharov generally offered not to serve the Washington Strategy for the Observation of the Soviet Union Race Arms. He played the placement along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States nuclear charges 100 megaton each. And with aggression against us or our friends, press the buttons. It was said to them to a quarrel with Nikita Sergeyevich in 1961 due to disagreements about the test thermonuclear bomb With a capacity of 100 megatons over the new earth. "

Human rights activities

Since the late 1950s, he actively advocated the termination of the tests of nuclear weapons. Contributed to the conclusion of the Moscow Treaty Prohibition Treaty in three environments. His attitude to the question of the justification of possible victims of nuclear tests and - wider-generally human victims in the name of a more optimal future A. D. Sakharov expressed this way: "... Pavlov [General of the State Security] somehow told me: - Now there is no struggle in the world For life, but to death between the forces of imperialism and communism. The future of mankind depends on the outcome of this struggle, the happiness of tens of billions of people over the centuries. To defeat this fight, we must be strong. If our job, our tests adds forces in this fight, and this is in high degree So, then no victims of the tests, no victims at all can have meanings here.

Was this crazy demagogue or Pavlov was sincere? It seems to me that there was an element and demagogue, and sincerity. More is important. I am convinced that such arithmetic is wrong with principle. We know too little about the laws of history, the future is unpredictable, and we are not gods. We, each of us, in every case, and in "small", and in "big", should proceed from specific moral criteria, and not abstract arithmetic history. The moral criteria categorically dictate us - not to death! "

Since the late 1960s, he was one of the leaders of the human rights movement in the USSR.

In 1968 he wrote a brochure "Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom", which was published in many countries.

In 1970, he became one of the three fundamental members of the Moscow Committee of Human Rights (together with Andrey Herdichlebov and Valery Chalidze).

In 1971, he filed a "memorable note" to soviet government.

In the 1960s - early 1970s, traveled to processes over dissidents. During one of such trips in 1970 in Kaluga (Process B. Wail - R. Pimenova) met Elena Bonnere, and in 1972 he married her. It is believed that the departure from scientific work and switching to human rights activities occurred under its influence. He indirectly confirms this in his diary: "Lucy suggested me (academician) a lot that I would not understand and did not. She is a big organizer, she is my brain center. "

In 1966 he signed a letter of 25 cultural and science figures secretary-General Central Committee KPSS L. I. Brezhnev against the rehabilitation of Stalin.

In 1974, he collected a press conference on which he reported on the bottom of the political prisoners in the USSR.

In 1975 he wrote a book "About the country and the world." In the same year, Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Prize of the World. The Soviet newspapers publish collective letters of science and culture figures with the condemnation of the political activities of A.Saharov.

In September 1977, he applied to a letter to the Organizing Committee on the problem of the death penalty in which he made it to cancel it in the USSR and throughout the world.

In December 1979 and January 1980 spoke with a number of applications against input soviet troops In Afghanistan, which were printed on the editors of Western newspapers.

Link to Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod)

On January 22, 1980, on the way to work was detained and with his second wife, Elena Bonnere, without a court, was exiled to the city of Gorky. At the same time, for the anti-Soviet activity by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the title of three times of the Hero of Socialist Labor and the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR - the title of Laureate Stalinist (1953) and Leninsky (1956) premiums (also the Order of Lenin, the title of Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences was not deprived) .

In bitter sugars spent three long hunger strikes. In 1981, he, together with Elena Bonnere, withstands the first, seventeen-day, - for the right to leaving her husband abroad L. Alekseeva (Sakharov's daughter-in-law).

In the late 70s - early 80s, a campaign against Sakharov was held in the Soviet press. In big soviet encyclopedia (released in 1975) and then in 1976 encyclopedic reference books The article about Sakharov ends with the phrase "In recent years, departed from scientific activity" According to some data, the formulation belonged to M. A. Suslov. In July 1983, four academicians (Prokhorov, Scriabin, Tikhonov, Dorodnitsyn) signed a letter "When they lose honor and conscience" with the condemnation of A. D. Sakharov.

In May 1984, he spent the second hunger strike (26 days) in protest against the criminal prosecution of E. Bonnare. In April-October 1985 - the third (178 days) for the right E. Bonnere to go abroad for an operation on the heart. During this time, Sakharov was repeatedly hospitalized (for the first time - forcibly for the sixth day of the hunger strike; after his statement about the cessation of the hunger strike (July 11), he was discharged from the hospital; after her renewed (July 25), two days later, he was again forcibly hospitalized) and forcibly Fed (tried to feed, sometimes it was possible).

Throughout the time of the Gorky reference, A. Sakharov in many countries of the world was a campaign in his defense. For example, a five-minute walk from the White House, where the Soviet Embassy was located in Washington, was renamed Sakharov Square. In various world capitals, regularly since 1975, Sakharov hearings were held.

Liberation and recent years

He was released from the Gorky reference with the beginning of perestroika, at the end of 1986 - after almost a seven detention. On October 22, 1986, Sakharov asks to stop his deportation and a link of his wife, again (earlier he applied to M. S. Gorbachev with a promise to focus on scientific work and stop public speeches, with a reservation: "In addition to exceptional cases", if the wife's trip will be Allowed) Promising to complete its social activities (with the same reservation). On December 15, the phone was unexpectedly installed in his apartment (during the entire telephone link he did not have), before leaving the KGB officer said: "Tomorrow you will call you." The next day, M. S. Gorbachev, permitting Sakharov and Bonnere, was really rang, allowed to return to Moscow.

At the end of 1986, along with Elena Bonnere Sakharov returns to Moscow. After return, he continued to work in the physical institute. Lebedev.

In November-December 1988, the first trip of Sakharov abroad was held (meetings with Presidents R. Reagan, J. Bush, F. Mitteran, M. Tatcher).

In 1989, he was elected by the People's Deputy of the USSR, in May-June the same year participated in the congress of People's Deputies of the USSR in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses, where his speeches were often accompanied by slamming, shouting from the hall, whistling from the part of the deputies, which later leader MDG, historian Yuri Afanasyev and the media were characterized as an aggressive-obedient majority.

In November 1989, the draft of the new Constitution was based on the protection of the rights of the individual and the right of all peoples to statehood. (See European-Asian Union)

December 14, 1989, at 15:00 - the last speech by Sakharov in the Kremlin at the meeting of the Interregional Deputy Group (II Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR).

He was buried on the Vostrikovsky cemetery in Moscow.

A family

In 1943, Andrei Sakharov married Claudia Alekseevna Vigiryova (1919-1969), a native of Simbirsk (died of cancer). They had three children - two daughters and son (Tatiana, Love, Dmitry).

In 1970, he met Elena Georgievna Bonnere (1923-2011), and in 1972 he married her. She had two children, by that time there were already enough adults. As for the children of A. D. Sakharov, they were quite adults at that time were two senior. Younce, Dmitry, hardly turned 15 years old when Sakharov moved to Elena Bonnere. About Brother began to take care of him elder sister Love. There were no common children from spouses.

Contribution to science

One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb (1953) in the USSR. Proceedings on magnetic hydrodynamics, plasma physics, controlled by thermonuclear synthesis, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity.

In 1950, A. D. Sakharov together with I. E. Tamm was put forward by the idea of \u200b\u200bimplementing a controlled thermonuclear reaction for energy purposes using the principle of magnetic thermal insulation of plasma. Sakharov and Tamm considered, in particular, a toroidal configuration in stationary and nonstationary versions (today it is considered one of the most promising - see Tokamak).

Sakharov Author of original work in the physics of elementary particles and cosmology: according to the baryon asymmetry of the universe, where he knocked the baryon asymmetry with a possible collapse of the proton and with the effect of sr parity disservation - a very important phenomenon experimentally detected during the breakdown of long-lived LD-mesons, according to unconventional cosmological models and gravity theories.

Prediction of the development of the Internet

The date of the birth of the Internet is considered on October 29, 1969; The concept of the World Wide Web was nominated in the year of the death of Sakharov - 1989. However, in 1974, Sakharov wrote:

The Internet has become a socially significant phenomenon in the early 1990s, after Sakharov's death, but much earlier than 50 years after writing this article.


  • Yu. I. Krivonosov. Landau and Sakharov in the development of the KGB. TVNZ. August 8, 1992.
  • Vitaly Rocko "Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov: Fragments of biographies" 1991
  • Memories: at 3 tons / comp. Bonnere E. - M.: Time, 2006.
  • Diaries: at 3 t. - M.: Time, 2006.
  • Anxiety and hope: in 2 T.: articles. Letters. Performances. Interview (1958-1986) / Sost. Bonnere E. - M.: Time, 2006.
  • And one in the field of the Warrior 1991 [Collection / Compiled by A. Karapetyan]
  • E. Bonner. - Volny notes to the pedigree Andrei Sakharov

Awards and Prize

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1953, 1956, 1962) (in 1980 "For Anti-Soviet Activities" deprived of title and all three medals);
  • Stalin Prize (1953) (in 1980 deprived of the title of the laureate of this premium);
  • Leninsky Prize (1956) (in 1980 devoid of the title of the laureate of this premium);
  • Order of Lenin (August 12, 1953) (in 1980 he was also deprived of this order);
  • Nobel Prize of the World (1975);
  • Awards of foreign countries, including:
    • Big Cross of the Orden Cross of Vitis (January 8, 2003, posthumously)

Evaluation of activities

A. I. Solzhenitsyn, in general, highly appreciating Sakharov's activities, criticized him for misses the "possibility of living in our country national Forces"For excessive attention to the problem of freedom of emigration from the USSR, especially the emigration of the Jews.

A. A. Zinoviev, in a number of his books, ironically referred to his "great dissident".

The negative assessment of Sakharov is found in the communist, ultra-right and Eurasian press. Some publicists (for example, A. G. Dugin) consider A. D. Sakharov the enemy of the USSR and the US Assistant in geopolitical confrontation.


  • In 1979, the asteroid was named after A. D. Sakharov.
  • In August 1984, in New York, the Crossroads of the 67th Street and the 3rd Avenue receives the name "Angle Sakharov-Bonnere", and in Washington - the area where the Soviet embassy is located, is renamed to Sakharov Square (Eng. Sakharov Plaza) (appeared in protest of the American public against retention of A. Sakharov and E. Bonnere in the Gorky link).
  • At the main entrance to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem are located "Sakharov" gardens; Its name is the streets in some cities of Israel.
  • In Moscow, there is a prospectus of Academician Sakharov, and the museum and community Center His name.
  • In Nizhny Novgorod, there is a Sakharov Museum - an apartment on the first floor of a 12-storey building (Sherbinki microdistrict), in which Sakharov lived for seven years of reference. Since 1992, the city has been held at the city of Sakharov International Art Festival. In 2011, part of Gagarin Avenue and the beginning of the Arzamas highway was named after avenue of Academician Sakharov.
  • In St. Petersburg, the name A. D. Sakharov was named the area at which the monument is established, and the Park named after Academician Sakharov.
  • In Belarus, the name of Sakharov is called the International State Ecology University. HELL. Sakharov
  • In 1988, the European Parliament established the Prize "For Freedom of Thought" by the name Andrei Sakharov, who is awarded annually for "achievements in the protection of human rights and its fundamental freedoms, as well as for respect for international legislation and the development of democracy."
  • In 1991, the Mail of the USSR issued a brand dedicated to A. D. Sakharov.
  • In Schwerin (Germany) there is Street Andrei Sakharov (it. Andrej-Sacharow-Strasse).
  • In Nuremberg (Germany) there is an area named after Andrei Sakharov (it. Andrej-Sacharow-Platz).
  • In the center of Barnaul there is Sakharov Square, where the annual day of the city and other urban mass events are held.
  • In Yerevan, the name A. D. Sakharov was named Square, on which he was established a monument. The High School No. 69 is also named after A. D. Sakharov.
  • In Vilnius (Lithuania) there is an area named after Andrei Sakharov (lit. Andrejaus Sacharovo AIK? T?), Composite is not decorated.
  • In December 2009, in the twentieth anniversary of the death of A. D. Sakharov, the RTR channel was shown documentary "Exceptionally science. No politics. Andrei Sakharov. "
  • In Fian them. Lebedev before entering the bust of Sakharov.

In the encyclopedia of the world

  • The American Heritage Dictionary. Based on the New Second College Edition., Laurel, 1989
  • Le Robert Micro Poche. Dictionaire de Nommes Propres, Red. Par Alain Ray, Paris XIII, 1994
  • Dic? Ionar Enciclopedic Ilustrat, ED. Cartier, Bucure? Ti- chi? In? U, 2004
  • Calendar Na? Ional., Chi? In? U, Biblioteca Na? Ional? A Republicii Moldova, 2006, p. 161.
  • Big Russian encyclopedic Dictionary. Reprint edition. M., Scientific Publishing Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2009.

Sakharov archive

In culture and art

Academician of Sakharov is mentioned in the computer game S.T.A.L.K.R.R.: Shadow Chernobyl, where the chance of sugars in the bunker near Lake Yantar is one of the important plot characters. Accordingly, it is present in some books of the S.L.L.K.E.R series ..

The personality of Academician Sakharov is devoted to the picture "Saharov" of the Italian artist Vinzel (Vinzela).

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

(1921-1989), physicist theorist, public figure, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953). One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb (1953) in the USSR. Proceedings on magnetic hydrodynamics, plasma physics, controlled by thermonuclear synthesis, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity. Suggested (jointly with I. E. Tammom) the idea of \u200b\u200bmagnetic retention of high-temperature plasma. From the late 50s. Actively advocated the cessation of tests of nuclear weapons. From the late 60s - early 70s. One of the leaders of the human rights movement (see dissidents). In the work of "reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom" (1968), Sakharov considered the threat of humanity related to its disabond, the confrontation between the socialist and capitalist systems: nuclear war, hunger, environmental and demographic catastrophes, the dehumanization of society, racism, nationalism, dictatorialism Terrorist modes. In democratization and demilitarization of society, the approval of intellectual freedom, social and scientific and technological progress leading to the rapprochement of two systems, Sakharov saw an alternative to the death of humanity. The publication of this work in the West served as a reason for the removal of Sakharov from secret works; After protest against the entry of Soviet troops in Afghanistan Sakharov in January 1980, the title of the Hero of Socialist Labor (1954, 1956, 1962), the State Prize of the USSR (1953), Lenin Prize (1957) and other state awards and Soslated in Gorky. Returned from reference in 1986, in 1989 he was elected by the People's Deputy of the USSR; Suggested a draft new Constitution of the country. "Memories" were published in 1990. In 1988, the European Parliament was established by the International Prize. Andrei Sakharov for humanitarian activities in the field of human rights. Nobel Prize of the World (1975).

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Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich (1921-89), Russian physicist and public figure, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953). One of the creators of the hydrogen bomb (1953) in the USSR. Proceedings on magnetic hydrodynamics, plasma physics, controlled by thermonuclear synthesis, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity. Suggested (jointly with I. E. Tammom) the idea of \u200b\u200bmagnetic retention of high-temperature plasma. With con. 50s. Actively advocated the cessation of tests of nuclear weapons. From the end of the 60s - Nach. 70s. One of the leaders of the human rights movement (see dissidents (cm. Dissidents)). In the work "Reflections on the progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom" (1968), Sakharov considered the threat of humanity related to his disunity, the confrontation of socialist and capitalist systems: nuclear war, hunger, environmental and demographic catastrophe, dehumanization of society, racism, nationalism, dictatorialism Terrorist modes. In democratization and demilitarization of society, the approval of intellectual freedom, social and scientific and technological progress leading to the rapprochement of two systems, Sakharov saw an alternative to the death of humanity. The publication of this work in the West served as a reason for the removal of Sakharov from secret works; After a protest against the entry of troops in Afghanistan Sakharov in January 1980, all state awards were deprived of all state awards (Hero of Socialist Labor (1954, 1956, 1962), Leninist Prize (1956), USSR State Prize (1953)) and Soslated in Gorky, where he continued Human rights activities. Returned from reference in 1986. In 1989 he was elected by the USSR national deputy; Suggested a draft new Constitution of the country. "Memories" (1990). In 1988, the European Parliament has established an international premium to them. Andrei Sakharov for humanitarian activities in the field of human rights. Nobel Prize of the World (1975).
* * *
Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov (May 21, 1921, Moscow - December 14, 1989, ibid.), Russian physicist and public figure, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), Winner of the Nobel Prize of Peace (1975), one of the authors of the first work on the implementation of thermonuclear reaction Bomb) and the problem of controlled thermonuclear synthesis.
A family. School years
Sakharov came from an intelligent family, according to his own words, quite high intact. Father, Dmitry Ivanovich Sakharov (1889-1961), the son of a famous lawyer, was a musical gifted person, received a musical and physical and mathematical education. He taught physics in Moscow universities. Professor of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. V. I. Lenin, the author of popular books and a teacher in physics. Mother, Ekaterina Alekseevna, nee Sofiano (1893-1963), noble origin, was a military daughter. From her Andrei Dmitrievich inherited not only the appearance, but also some character traits, for example, persistence, nonconptact.
The childhood of Sakharov passed in a large, crowded Moscow apartment, "impregnated with a traditional family spirit." For the first five years he studied at home. This contributed to the formation of independence and the ability to work, but led to the impairment, from which Sahars suffered almost all his life. Oleg Kudryavtsev who had learned deep influence on him, who made a humanitarian beginning to the world of Sakharov and who discovered entire industries of knowledge and art for him. In the next five years of study at school, Andrei, under the leadership of the Father, the physics was in-depth, did a lot of physical experiences.
University. Evacuation. First invention
In 1938, Sakharov entered the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow State University. The first attempt of independent scientific work in the second year ended unsuccessfully, but the disappointments in their own powers did not experience. After the start of the war, he together with the university was evacuated to Ashgabat; seriously engaged in the study of quantum mechanics (cm. QUANTUM MECHANICS) and relativity theory (cm. Relativity theory). At the end of 1942 with honors from Moscow State University, where he was considered the best student who had ever studied at the physical faculty, refused to offer Professor A. A. Vlasov (cm. Vlasov Anatoly Alexandrovich) Stay in graduate school. Having obtained the specialty "Defense Metal Studies", was sent to a military plant first in the city of Kovrov Vladimir Region, and then to Ulyanovsk. Working conditions and life were very heavy. However, the first invention of Sakharov appeared here - the instrument to control the hardening of armor-piercing cores.
In 1943, Sakharov married Claudia Alekseevna Vigiryva (1919-1969), a native of Ulyanovsk, a laboratory checker of the same plant. They had three children - two daughters and son. Because of the war, and then the birth of children Claudia Alekseevna did not complete higher education and after moving the family to Moscow and later on the "object" was leaning to the fact that it is difficult for her to find a suitable job. To some extent, this uconstitution, and possibly, the warehouse of their characters was caused by some separation of sugar from families of colleagues.
Postgraduate Studies, Fundamental Physics
Returning to Moscow after the war, Sakharov in 1945 entered the graduate school of the Physics Institute. P. N. Lebedeva ( cm. ) to famous theoretical physics I. E. Tammam (cm. Tamm Igor Evgenievich)To engage in fundamental problems. In his candidate thesis on non-radically nuclear transitions, presented in 1947, he suggested a new selection rule for charging parity and a method for taking into account the interaction of an electron and positron at the birth of steam. At the same time, he came to the thought (without publishing his research on this problem) that a small difference between the two levels of the hydrogen atom is caused by the difference in the interaction of the electron with its own field in the associated and free states. Such a fundamental idea and calculation were published by H. Bethe (cm. Bethe Hans Albrecht) And awarded in 1967 Nobel Prize. The idea and calculation of the Mu Meson Catalyan proposed by Sakharov (cm. CATALYSIS) nuclear reaction in deuterium (cm. DEUTERIUM) They saw the light and were published only as a secret report.
Work on a hydrogen bomb
Apparently, this report (and to some extent and the need to improve housing conditions) were the basis for the inclusion of Sakharov in 1948 in a special group Tamma on checking a particular hydrogen bomb project (cm. H-BOMB)Over which the group J. B. Zeldovich worked (cm. Zeldovich Yakov Borisovich). Soon, Sakharov offered his own bomb project in the form of layers of deuterium and natural uranium around an ordinary atomic charge. When an atomic charge explosion, ionized uranium significantly increases detection density, increases the rate of thermonuclear reaction (cm. Thermonuclear reactions) and shares under the action of rapid neutrons (cm. Quick neutrons). This "first idea" - ionization compression of deuterium - was significantly supplemented by V. L. Ginzburg (cm. Ginzburg Vitaly Lazarevich) "The second idea", consisting in the use of deuteride lithium-6. Under the action of slow neutrons (cm. Slow neutrons) From lithium-6, tritium is formed - very active thermonuclear fuel. With these ideas in the spring of 1950, the Tamm Group almost in full force was aimed at the "object" - a super secret atomic enterprise with a center in Sarov, where it increased significantly due to the influx of young theoretics. The intensive work of the group and the entire enterprise ended with a successful testing of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb on August 12, 1953. A month before the test of Sakharov, he defended his doctoral thesis, in the same year he was elected an academician, awarded the Hero Medal of Socialist Labor and Stalinist (State) Prize.
In the future, the Sakharov led the group worked on the implementation of a collective "third idea" - the compression of thermonuclear fuel by radiation from an explosion of an atomic charge. Successful testing of such an improved hydrogen bomb in November 1955 was overshadowed by the death of a girl and a soldier, as well as serious injuries of many people who were far from the landfill.
The awareness of the danger of nuclear tests
This circumstance, as well as a massive removal of residents from the landfill in 1953, forced Sakharov seriously think about the tragic consequences of atomic explosions, about the possible output of this terrible force due to control. A tangible impetus for such thoughts was the episode on a banquet, when in response to his toast - "so that the bombs exploded only over the polygons and never over the cities" - he heard the words of the prominent commander of Marshal M. I. Nedin (cm. Disposable Mitrofan Ivanovich), the meaning of which was that the task of scientists is to "strengthen" the weapon, and "send" it (military) and they themselves. It was a whisk blow to Sakharov's pride, and at the same time on his hidden pacifism. Success in 1955 brought Sakharov to the second medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor and Lenin Prize.
Controlled thermonuclear synthesis
In parallel with the work on the bombs of the Sahars, together with Tamm, put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnetic retention of plasma (cm. PLASMA) (1950) and conducted fundamental calculations of installations for controlled thermonuclear synthesis. It also owns the idea and calculations for the creation of super-high magnetic fields with a magnetic flux with a conductive cylindrical shell (1952). In 1961, Sakharov offered to use laser compression to obtain a controlled thermonuclear reaction. These ideas marked the beginning of large-scale research of thermonuclear energy.
In 1958, two sense of Sakharov appeared about the harmful effects of radioactivity of nuclear explosions on heredity and, as a result, reducing the average life expectancy. According to a scientist, each megaton explosion leads in the future to 10 thousand victims of oncological diseases. In the same year, Sakharov unsuccessfully tried to influence the extension of the moratorium on atomic explosions announced by the USSR. The next moratorium was interrupted in 1961 the test of the heavy duty 50 megaton hydrogen bomb rather political than military destination, for the creation of which Sakharov was awarded the third medal of the Hero of Socialist Labor. This contrary to the development of weapons and prohibiting its tests, which led in 1962 to acute conflicts with colleagues and government authorities, had in 1963 and a positive result - the Moscow Testing Treaty for Nuclear Tests (cm. Treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons tests) Weapons in three environments.
Start open public speeches
The interests of Sakharov were already not limited to nuclear physics. In 1958, he opposed the plans to N. S. Khrushchev to reduce secondary education, and a few years later, he was able to save Soviet genetics with other scientists from the influence of T. D. Lysenko (cm. Lysenko Trofim Denisovich). In 1964, Sakharov successfully performed at the Academy of Sciences against the election of a biologist N. I. Duddykov Academician, considering it, as well as Lysenko responsible for "shameful, heavy pages in the development of Soviet science." In 1966, he signed a letter "25 celebrities" to 23 CPSU Congress against Stalin's rehabilitation. The letter noted that any attempts to revive the Stalinist politics of intolerance to dissent "would be the greatest disaster" for the Soviet people. Acquaintance in the same year with R. A. Medvedev (cm. Medvedev Roy Alexandrovich) And his book about Stalin was noticeably affected by the evolution of the views of Andrei Dmitrievich. In February 1967, Sakharov sent the first letter to L. I. Brezhnev in defense of four dissenters. The answer to the authorities was to deprive him of one of the two posts occupied on the "object".
In June 1968, a large article appeared in foreign press - Manifesto Sakharov "Reflections on progress, peaceful coexistence and intellectual freedom" - about the dangers of thermonuclear destruction, environmental self-defense, dehumanization of humanity, the need to bring the socialist and capitalist systems, the crimes of Stalin and the absence of democracy in the USSR. In his manifesto, Sahars made the abolition of censorship, political courts, against the content of dissidents in psychiatric hospitals. The reaction of the authorities did not make himself wait: Sakharov was completely removed from work on the "object" and dismissed from all posts associated with military secrets. August 26, 1968 there was a meeting with A. I. Solzhenitsyn (cm. Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich), Introducing the difference in their views on the necessary public transformations.
Death of his wife. Return to Fian. Barium asymmetry of the world
In March 1969, the wife of Andrei Dmitrievich died, leaving him in a state of despair, which was then replaced by a long soulfulum. After the letter I. E. Tamma (at the time of the head of the theoretical department of Fian), the President of the An M. V. Keldyshu (cm. Keldysh Mstislav Vsevolodovich) And, apparently, as a result of sanctions, over Sahars was enrolled on June 30, 1969 to the Department of the Institute, where his scientific work began, to the post of senior researcher - the lowest, which Soviet academician could occupy. From 1967 to 1980, he published more than 15 scientific papers: On the baryon asymmetry of the Universe with the prediction of the colon decay (according to Sakharov, this is its best theoretical work that influenced the formation of scientific opinions in the next decade), on the cosmological models of the Universe, about the connection with quantum Vacuum fluctuations, mass formulas for mesons (cm. Mesons) And Barionov (cm. Barioni) and etc.
Activation of social activities
During the same years, Sakharov's socialism intensified, which was increasingly dispersed with official circles policies. He initiated the appeals for liberation from psychiatric hospitals of human rights defenders P. G. Grigorenko (cm. Grigorenko PPP GPigigyevich) and J. A. Medvedev. Together with the physicist V. Turchin and R. A. Medvedev (cm. Medvedev Roy Alexandrovich) Posted by the "Memorandum of Democratization and Intellectual Freedom". I went to Kaluga to participate in the picketing of the courtroom, where he passed the process over dissidents R. Pimenov and B. Web. In November 1970, together with Physicists, V. Chalidze and A. Srotchichlebov organized the human rights committee, which was to embody the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (cm. Universal Declaration of Human Rights). In 1971, together with Academician M. A. Leontovich (cm. Leontovich Mikhail Alexandrovich) Actively opposed the use of psychiatry for political purposes and then, for the right to return the Crimean Tatars, the freedom of religion, the freedom to choose the country of residence and, in particular, for Jewish and German emigration.
Second marriage. Further social activities
In 1972, Sakharov married E. G. Bonnere (cm. Bonnere Elena Georgievna) (R. 1923), from which he met in 1970 on the process in Kaluga. Becoming a true friend and a companion of her husband, she focused Sakharov's activities to protect the rights of concrete people. Software documents were now considered as a subject for discussion. Nevertheless, in 1977 he signed a collective letter to the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the amnesty and the abolition of the death penalty, in 1973 he gave an interview with the correspondent of the Swedish Radio W. Stengolm about the nature of the Soviet system and, despite the warning of the Deputy Prosecutor General, held a press conference for 11 Western journalists, during which condemned not only the threat of persecution, but also what he called "discharge without democratization." The reaction to these statements was a letter of 40 academics published in the Pravda newspaper, which caused an evil campaign with the condemnation of Sakharov's social activities, as well as performances on his side of human rights defenders, Western politicians and scientists. A. I. Solzhenitsyn made a proposal to award Sakharov Nobel Prize of the World.
Strengthening the struggle for the right to emigration, in September 1973, Sakharov sent a letter to the US Congress in support of Jackson's amendment. In 1974, during the stay of President R. Nixon (cm. Nixon Richard) In Moscow, he spent his first hunger strike and gave television interview to attract the attention of the world community to the fate of political prisoners. On the basis of the E. G. Bonnere received by the Sahah Republic of the French Humanitarian Award, the fund of assistance to children of political prisoners organized. In 1975, Sahars met with the German writer G. Belle, together with him he wrote an appeal to protect political prisoners, in the same year he published a book "About the country and the world" in the West in the West, in which the ideas of convergence developed (see convergence theory (cm. Convergence theory)), disarmament, democratization, strategic equilibrium, political and economic reforms.
Nobel Peace Prize
In October 1975, Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which he received his wife who was treated abroad. Bonnere announced the spent spectacle of Sakharov, which was called to "true discharge and genuine disarmament", to the "universal political amnesty in the world" and "liberating all prisoners of conscience everywhere." The next day, Bonner read the Nobel lecture of her husband "Peace, Progress, Human Rights", in which Sakharov argued that these three goals were "inextricably linked one on the other," demanded "freedom of conscience, existence of informed public opinion, pluralism in the education system, freedom Print and access to information sources ", and also put forward proposals to achieve discharge and disarmament.
In April and August 1976, December 1977 and early 1979, Sahars and his wife went to Omsk, Yakutia, Mordovia and Tashkent to support human rights defenders. In 1977 and 1978, the children and grandchildren of Bonnere, whom Andrei Dmitrievich considered hostages of his human rights activities, emigrated to the United States. In 1979, Sakharov sent a letter to L. Brezhnev in defense of the Crimean Tatars and removal of secrecy from the case of an explosion in the Moscow metro. 9 years before deportation in Gorky, he received hundreds of letters with a request for help, accepted more than a hundred visitors. The lawyer S. V. Kalistratova helped him in drafting the answers.
Link to Gorky
Despite the open opposition to the Soviet regime, Sakharov was not filed official accusations until 1980, when he sharply condemned the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. On January 4, 1980, he gave an interview to the New York Times correspondent about the situation in Afghanistan and his correction, and on January 14, the television interview of the company EY-BI. Sakharov was deprived of all government awards, including the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and on January 22, without any trial, he was expelled in the city of Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod), closed to foreigners, where he was placed under house arrest. At the end of 1981, the hunger strike of Sakharov and Bonnere for the right to leave E. Alekseeva in the United States for the bridegroom, son Bonnere. Departure was allowed by Brezhnev after a conversation with the President of the Academy of Sciences A. P. Alexandrov (cm. Alexandrov Anatoly Petrovich). However, even close Andrei Dmitrievich believed that "personal happiness cannot be purchased by the price of the sufferings of the Great Man." In June 1983, Sakharov published a letter to famous physics S. Drelel in the American journal "Forin Affers" about the danger of the thermonuclear war. The reaction to the letter was the article of four academics in the newspaper Izvestia, depicting Sakharov a supporter of thermonuclear war and the arms race and caused a noisy newspaper campaign against him and his wife. In the summer of 1984, Sakharov conducted an unsuccessful hunger strike for the right of his wife for a trip to the United States to meet with family and treatment. The hunger strike was accompanied by violent hospitalization and painful feeding. The motives and details of this hunger strike of Sakharov told autumn in the letter A. P. Alexandrov, in which he asked to assist in obtaining permission to travel his wife, and also stated a release from the Academy of Sciences in case of refusal.
April - September 1985 - the last hunger strike of Sakharov with the previous goals; Again the room in the hospital and violent feeding. Permission to leave Bonnere was issued only in July 1985 after the letter of Sakharov to M. S. Gorbachev (cm. Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich) With the promise to focus on scientific work and stop public speeches if the wife's trip will be allowed. In a new letter, Gorbachev on October 22, 1986, Sakharov asks to stop his deportation and his wife's link, again promising to complete his social activities. December 16, 1986 M. S. Gorbachev announced Sakharov on the telephone about the end of the reference: "Return and proceed to your patriotic activities." A week later, Sakharov, together with Bonnare returned to Moscow.
Last years
In February 1987, Sakharov performed at the International Forum "For the Naudedny World, for the survival of mankind" with a proposal to consider the reduction of the number of Eurobette separately from soybean problems (cm. Soy), On the reduction of the army, the safety of nuclear power plants. In 1988, he was elected Honorary Chairman of the Memorial Society, and in March 1989 - People's Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Many reflecting on the reform of the political structure of the USSR, Sakharov in November 1989 presented the draft of the new Constitution, which is based on the protection of the rights of the individual and the right of all peoples to statehood.
Sakharov was a foreign member of US Academies, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway and the Honorary Dr. of many universities in Europe, America and Asia. He died on December 14, 1989, after a busy day of work at the congress of people's deputies. His heart, as the autopsy showed, was completely worn out. Hundreds of thousands of people came to say goodbye to a great man. Sakharov is buried on the Vostrikovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Sakharov Andrei Dmitrievich short biography Academician, physics, politician And the laureate of the Nobel Prize in the field of the world is set out in this article.

Sahars Andrei Dmitrievich Brief biography

The future academician appeared in 1921 in the family of physics teacher. Primary education boy got at home. To school went only in grade 7. Andrei loved to attend a circle of mathematics, but soon decided to devote himself to physics.

After graduating from school, he entered Moscow State University. With the beginning of the war, Andrei Sakharov wanted to become a listener at the Military Academy, but because of the weak health, he was refused. His family was evacuated to Ashgabat, where Andrei and finished his studies.

After studying, the young man was distributed to the People's Commissariat of Arms. From there he was transferred to the cartridge factory, where he showed himself as an inventor.

Working on scientific works, Sakharov sends them to the Institute of Physics. In 1945 he was invited to the institute for graduate school, and after 2 years he received a degree of candidate of science. Andrei Dmitrievich begins to work on the development of the thermonuclear bomb along with other researchers. In parallel, he began to lecture in MEI.

In 1952, he became a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences and a member of the Academy of Sciences. Also in the late 60s he was a famous Soviet human rights activist. Thanks to this new profession, I got acquainted with E. Bonner, his future wife.

Sakharov had conflicts with power - he opposed Khrushchev's race with America, against the input to Afghanistan Soviet troops. In 1980, he was sent to his wife to the city of Gorky, taking all deserved titles. Having held a year in the link, the scientist began to hold hunger strikes.

Twice Hero of Socialist Labor.

Andrei Sakharov was born on May 21, 1921 in the city of Moscow. After school, the future scientist in 1942 with honors ends the physical faculty of Moscow State University named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

At the front during the Great Patriotic War, he did not come under the state of health and was evacuated from Moscow. After the war, Sakharov begins to work with a famous specialist in quantum physics Igor Tamm at the Lebedev Institution.

In November 1947, Andrei Dmitrievich defended his dissertation ahead of schedule. Success scientist brings his greatest work: a hydrogen bomb, after which it becomes an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences.

Among his works: Proceedings on magnetic hydrodynamics, plasma physics, controlled by thermonuclear synthesis, elementary particles, astrophysics, gravity. In July 1953, Sahars defended his doctoral dissertation.

Since 1953, for fifteen years, he worked on improving nuclear weapons. In December of the same year, Sakharov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and the State Prize was awarded. I received the second star Hero in 1956 with the Lenin Prize, and the third in 1962. During this work, two feelings were fought in his soul all the time: a sense of debt in front of the fatherland and a feeling of protest against nuclear testing. The scientist made attempts to achieve the prohibition of tests, but unsuccessfully.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov is known not only as a physicist - a tidwner, but also as an ardent supporter of liberalization in the communist world. He performed with manifestos, called for the unification of Soviet and American resources, advocated the abolition of censorship and political courts, for which it turned out to be dismissed from all posts, deprived of all awards and sent to the link to Nizhny Novgorod.

In 1974, he collected a press conference on which he reported on the bottom of the political prisoners in the USSR. A year later, wrote the book "About the country and the world." In 1975, Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Prize of the World. Released from the reference only with the beginning of restructuring, in December 1986, after almost a seven-year conclusion.

Returning to Moscow, the scientist did not change his views and defended the world and human rights before the death. In the late 1980s, Andrei Dmitrievich was elected a deputy from the Academy of Sciences and at the I Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR was introduced to the Commission on the development of a new Constitution of the country. The scientist once began to work on the draft constitution, embodying his ideas about the appropriate state and economic structure of the USSR.

Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov died in the evening of December 14, 1989 from cardiac attack. This happened during the public reading of the draft constitution on the meat street in Moscow. He was buried on the Vostrikovsky cemetery of the capital.

Awards Andrei Sakharov

Three times the hero of socialist labor (04.01.1954; 09/10/1956; 07.03.1962);
Stalin Prize (12/31/1953);
Lenin Prize (09/07/1956);
Order of Lenin (04.01.1954,11.09.1956, 07.03.1962);
Prize Tinel Del Duka (1974);
Nobel Prize of the World (1975);
Leo Derevda Prize (1983)
Tomalla Prize (1984);
Medal Elliot Cressee (1985);
Big Cross of the Orden Cross of Vitis (January 8, 2003, posthumously)

Bibliography Andrei Sakharov

A. D. Sakharov. Memorandum of Academician A. Sakharov: Text, responses, discussion. - Frankfurt / Main: Sowing, 1970. - 102 p.
A. D. Sakharov. About the country and the world. - New York, 1976
A. D. Sakharov. Anxiety and hope. - M., SP "Inter-Verso", 1990
A. D. Sakharov, memories (1978-1989). New York, 1990 HTM
A. D. Sakharov, "Gorky, Moscow, then everywhere", New York, 1990 HTM
A. D. Sakharov. World, progress, human rights. - L., Soviet writer, 1990
A. D. Sakharov. For and mind: 1973: Documents, Facts, Events. - M.: Peak, 1991. - 303c.
A. D. Sakharov. Scientific works. - M.: Tserkom, 1995. - 524 p.
A. D. Sakharov, memories in two volumes. Moscow, human rights 1996 HTM
Memories: at 3 tons / comp. Bonnere E. - M.: Time, 2006
Diaries: In 3 T. - M.: Time, 2006
Anxiety and hope: in 2 t. Articles. Letters. Performances. Interview (1958-1986) / Sost. Bonnere E. - M.: Time, 2006

Memory of Andrei Sakharov

In 1979, the asteroid was named after A. D. Sakharov.
In Nizhny Novgorod, there is a Sakharov Museum - an apartment at the address of Gagarin Avenue, 214, apt. 3, on the first floor of a 12-storey building (Sherbinki microdistrict), in which Sakharov lived for seven years of reference. In 2014, a monument was installed near the house. Since 1992, the city has been held at the city of Sakharov International Art Festival.
Moscow has a museum and public center of his name.
In Belarus, the International State Ecological Institute of BSU is named after Sakharov.
The Norwegian Helsinki Committee has established Andrei Sakharov Freedom Award andrei Sakharov Freedom Award (Prize of the Freedom of Andrei Sakharov) with the support and harmony of Andrei Sakharov himself to help those people who, because of their opinions and beliefs, are pursuing or imprisoned.
In 1988, the European Parliament established the Prize "For Freedom of Thought" by the name Andrei Sakharov, who is awarded annually for "achievements in the protection of human rights and its fundamental freedoms, as well as for respect for international legislation and the development of democracy."
In 1991, the USSR post released a brand dedicated to A. D. Sakharov.
Since 2006, American Physical Society has been handing Andrei Sakharov Prize (Andrei Sakharov Prize)
In December 2009, in the twentieth anniversary of the death of A. D. Sakharov, the documentary film "Exclusively science is shown. No politics. Andrei Sakharov. "
In Fian them. Lebedev before entering the bust of Sakharov.

In the names of streets and squares

In Russia

The name of Sakharov is 60 streets in the cities and villages of Russia

In Moscow, there is a prospect of Academician Sakharov.
In St. Petersburg there is an area of \u200b\u200bAcademician Sakharov, which has been established by a monument to A. D. Sakharov, and the Park named after Academician Sakharov.
In the center of Barnaul there is Sakharov Square, where the annual day of the city and other urban mass events are held.
Sakharov Street is in Dubna and Yekaterinburg, Street Academician Sakharov - in Abakan, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Sarov, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl.

In other countries

In August 1984, in New York, the south-western corner of the Crossroads of the 67th street and the 3rd Avenue receives the name "Angle of Sakharov - Bonnere", and in Washington - an area where the Soviet embassy is located, is renamed Sakharov Square (Engl . Sakharov Plaza) (appeared in the protest of the American public against retention of A. Sakharov and E. Bonnere in the Gorky link).
In Yerevan, the name of A. D. Sakharov was named secondary school No. 69 and an area on which he was established a monument.
In the city of Arnhem (Netherlands) there is a bridge Andrei Sakharov (Notherl. Andrej Sacharovbrug).
Lyon has Avenue Andrei Sakharov (FR. Avenue Andrei Sakharov)
Andrei Sakharov's Square is in Vilnius (lit. Andrejaus Sacharovo aikštė), Los Angeles (English Andrei Sakharov Square), Nuremberg (it. Andrej-Sacharow-Platz)
In Sofia, he is named Boulevard (Bulge. Bulhard Academician Andrei Sakharov)
Sakharov Street is in Amsterdam, Hague, Yerevan, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chisinau, Kolomy, Krivoy Rog, Lviv (see Article), Odessa, Riga, Rotterdam, Stepanakert, Sukhum, Ternopol, Utrecht, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Schwerin ( It. Andrej-Sacharow-Strasse), Kokshetau [Source is not specified 1368 days], Frejus. Varna (Bulgaria).
At the main entrance to the capital of Israel, Jerusalem is located "Sakharov" gardens.

In the encyclopedia of the world

The American Heritage Dictionary. Based on the New Second College Edition., Laurel, 1989
Le Robert Micro Poche. Dictionaire de Nommes Propres, Red. Par Alain Ray, Paris XIII, 1994
Dicţionar ENCICLOPEDIC ILUSTRAT, ED. Cartier, Bucureşti- Chişinău, 2004
Calendar Naţional., Chişinău, Biblioteca Naţională A Republicii Moldova, 2006, p. 161.
Large Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary. Reprint edition. M., Scientific Publishing Large Russian Encyclopedia, 2009

In culture and art

The personality of Academician Sakharov is devoted to the picture "Saharov" of the Italian artist Vinzel (Vinzela).
In 1984, American director Jack Gold removed the biographical film "Sakharov" (in the main role of Jason Robards).
In 2007, the English Channel BBC released the television "Nuclear Secrets", where young Sakharov played Andrew Scott.
In honor of the scientist, one of the main characters in a series of computer games S.T.A.L.K.R.R.