
Length in km

Basin area in thousand km

Amazon (with Ucayali)

Amazon (with Marañon)

Paraná (with Rio Grande and La Plata Estuary)

Madeira (with Mamore)

San Francisco

Zhapura (with Kaketa)


Paraguay, river

Rio Negro

Uruguay, river


Amazon river

The largest river in South America is the Amazon. Most of its basin lies south of the equator. The area of ​​this most extensive river basin world over 7 million km 2, the length of the river from the main source (Marañon River) is 6400 km. If we take Ucayali and Apurimac as the source of the Amazon, then its length reaches 7194 km, which exceeds the length of the Nile. The water consumption of the Amazon is several times higher than that of all largest rivers peace. It is equal to an average of 220 thousand m 3 /s (the maximum flow rate can exceed 300 thousand m 3 /s). The average annual flow of the Amazon in its lower reaches (7000 km 3) accounts for most of the flow of all South America and 15% of the flow of all rivers on Earth!

The main source of the Amazon - the Marañon River - begins in the Andes at an altitude of 4840 m. Only after merging with the first major tributary - the Ucayali - within the plain the river receives the name Amazon.

The Amazon collects its numerous tributaries (more than 500) from the slopes of the Andes, Brazilian and Guiana highlands. Many of them exceed 1500 km in length. The most numerous and major tributaries The Amazons are the rivers of the southern hemisphere. The largest left tributary is the Rio Negro (2300 km), the largest right tributary, and the largest tributary of the Amazon, is the Madeira (3200 km).

Some of the tributaries, eroding clayey rocks, carry very muddy water(“white” rivers), others, with clear water, - dark from dissolved organic matter(“black” rivers). After the Rio Negro (Black River) flows into the Amazon, light and dark waters flow in parallel, without mixing, for about 20-30 km, which is clearly visible on satellite images. South America river waterfall

The width of the Amazon channel after the confluence of Marañon and Ucayali is 1-2 km, but downstream it quickly increases. Near Manaus (1690 km from the mouth) it already reaches 5 km, in the lower reaches it expands to 20 km, and at the mouth the width of the main channel of the Amazon, together with numerous islands, reaches 80 km during the flood. In the western part of the lowland, the Amazon flows almost at the level of the banks, without actually having a formed valley. In the east, the river forms a deeply incised valley, which presents a sharp contrast with the watershed areas.

The Amazon Delta begins approximately 350 km from the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its ancient age, it did not move into the ocean beyond its original shores. Although the river carries huge masses hard material(on average 1 billion tons per year), the process of delta growth is hampered by the activity of tides, the influence of currents, as well as the subsidence of the coast.

In the lower reaches of the Amazon big influence Its regime and the formation of the shores are influenced by ebbs and flows. The tidal wave penetrates upstream for more than 1000 km, in the lower reaches its wall reaches a height of 1.5-5 m. The wave rushes against the current with enormous speed, causing strong waves on sandbanks and banks, destroying the banks. Among the local population, this phenomenon is known as “pororoka” and “amazunu”.

The Amazon is full of water throughout the year. Twice a year the water level in the river rises to a significant height. These maximums are associated with rainy periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. The highest flow in the Amazon occurs after the rainy period in the southern hemisphere (in May), when the bulk of the water is carried by its right tributaries. The river overflows its banks and in the middle reaches floods a huge territory, creating a kind of gigantic inland lake. The water level rises by 12-15m, and in the Manaus area the width of the river can reach 35 km. Then comes the period gradual decline water flow, the river enters the banks. The lowest water level in the river is in August and September, then there is a second maximum associated with the period of summer rains northern hemisphere. In the Amazon it appears with some delay, around November. The November maximum is significantly lower than the May one. In the lower reaches of the river, two maxima gradually merge into one.

From its mouth to the city of Manaus, the Amazon is accessible to large ships. Vessels with a fairly deep draft can penetrate even as far as Iquitos (Peru). But in the lower reaches, due to the tides, the abundance of sediments and islands, navigation is difficult. The southern branch is deeper and more accessible to ocean-going vessels - Para, which has a common mouth with the Tocantins River. It is home to a large ocean port in Brazil - Belem. But this branch of the Amazon is now connected to the main channel only by small channels. The Amazon with its tributaries is a system of waterways with a total length of up to 25 thousand km. The transport significance of the river is great. For a long time it was the only route connecting the interior of the Amazonian lowland with the Atlantic coast.

The rivers of the Amazon basin have large reserves of water energy. Many tributaries of the Amazon, when entering the lowlands, cross the steep edges of the Brazilian and Guiana highlands, forming large waterfalls. But these hydro resources are still very little used.

Since South America is the wettest continent in the world, the river network here is very dense. The longest and deepest rivers on the planet flow on the mainland.

The main watershed in South America is the Andes. Since the mountains lie in the extreme west of the continent, most of the rivers in South America belong to Atlantic Ocean basin 90% of the territory. Only short rivers flow from the Andes into the Pacific Ocean. Because of humid climate continent and the features of its relief, the area of ​​the internal drainage basin, in contrast to Africa and Australia, is small (5% of the territory).

Figure 110. River basins of South America

Most big river South America is Amazon (Fig. 111). Queen of rivers, a miracle of nature, mysterious, unique - no matter what they call her. It originates high in the Andes in the west and, having covered a path of 6,400 km, flows into the Atlantic Ocean in the east. On its way to the ocean, the Amazon receives about 500 tributaries, 17 of which are over 1,500 km long. The area of ​​its basin is the largest in the world and exceeds 7 million km2 (like the whole of Australia!). This area can fit 11 countries such as Ukraine. At the same time, it is the deepest river in the world. It carries 15% of all water into the ocean river water planets. For such an amount of water, 130 rivers such as the Dnieper would be needed.

Rice. 111. Amazon

The Amazon is also the widest and deep river planets. It is formed by the confluence of two rivers - Ucayali And Marañona. Already at the confluence, the width of the river reaches 2 km. In the Amazonian lowland it is divided into many branches and channels. Not every pilot, even a very experienced one, can understand this water “lace”. In its lower reaches, the width of the Amazon reaches 20 km. At its mouth there are many islands, of which the largest is Marajo. The river is so wide and deep that ocean-going ships ascend 1,700 km along it.

Because Amazon for the most part flows through the equatorial climate zone, it is rain fed and full of water all year round. But in summer and winter it overflows its banks even more, as it is fed by tributaries originating in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In December-February, a lot of water comes from the tributaries of the Southern Hemisphere, where there is a rainy period at this time, and in June-August - from the Northern Hemisphere, when it rains there. Since there are more right tributaries, at the end of summer in the Southern Hemisphere there is a “peak” of the river’s full flow: it overflows the banks and overflows 80-100 km. There are tides in the lower reaches of the Amazon. Twice a day, so much water flows from the ocean into the mouth that a wave up to 4 m high occurs, the so-called “ amazuna", which moves up the river with great speed and noise.

In the waters of the Amazon and its tributaries there are many fish (predatory piranha, gigantic piraruka, electric eel , small guppy - decoration of home aquariums, etc.), turtles, dolphins and crocodiles live. Material from the site

The second longest river on the mainland is Parana(“big river”), her local residents called "mother of the sea". The total length of the river is 4,700 km, which is twice the length of the Dnieper. The origins of the Paraná are located at Brazilian plateau. Flowing into the Atlantic Ocean, the river forms a wide mouth La Plata. Crossing the hard crystalline rocks of the South American plate, Parana created picturesque waterfalls. The most famous among them is Iguazu (Fig. 112), 72 m high, and perhaps the widest in the world - 4 km. Surrounded by tropical forests full of amazing plants and animals, this waterfall is the most exotic place in South America.

The great river of South America is also Orinoco. The length is a little more than the Dnieper 2740 km. Tributaries of the Orinoco, originating in the Andes, leave fertile silt in the valley. The mouth of the Orinoco is a complex network of small branches and numerous islands. On a tributary of the Orinoco river Churun— in 1935 the highest waterfall in the world was opened — Angel(1054 m) (Fig. 113).

Paraná and Orinoco, which, due to their considerable extent, cross the subequatorial climate zone, are predominantly fed by rain and have sharp fluctuations in water levels throughout the year. During the rainy season (remember when this happens) Vast areas of their valleys are flooded with water. During the dry season, the small tributaries of these rivers turn into a chain of small stagnant lakes.

The rivers of South America are rich in energy resources that are not actively used. In some areas of the Amazon, rivers are the only means of communication. In dry areas, river waters are used for irrigation. Fishing is developed on all rivers.

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The most famous river in South America, of course, the Amazon. It is the most abundant source of fresh water on our entire planet. The flow of water in it is so strong that another 300 kilometers of ocean water change their chemical composition. In this layer, the salt balance of water and its color change. We hear about the Amazon, a river that in many respects is the best in the world, in school. However, the information in your head needs to be refreshed periodically.

The river is located in South America on the northern side of the continent. A small spring originates in Peru, and near the Brazilian coast a wide delta flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The length is about 5 thousand km. The Amazon basin is huge, it includes fields, forests, other tributaries, and valleys. The mouth of the river is formed by three branches that formed the islands of Caviana and Mexiana. The river does not have deltas at its mouth, because the land washed away from the banks does not linger in the strong current powerful river. But when it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the river has the largest internal delta, the size of which exceeds 100 thousand square meters. km.

The name itself translated means Amazon - a river that destroys boats. It is named after the mythical tribe of warlike women who lived along the banks of a mighty spring. The name of the river was given by the Spanish conquistadors who fought with the tribes that lived here in the 14th century. There is a legend that the rage of the local women amazed the Spaniards so much that they remembered ancient myth. The combatants managed to notice in modern women echoes of ancient legends. The unusual endurance and fearlessness of the population served as a prerequisite for the river to be named after the mythical Amazon tribe.

The Amazon basin covers an area of ​​7.2 million square meters. m. The river was formed as a result of the confluence of Marañon and Ucayali. The waters of the river in South America account for 20% of the world's fresh water reserves. 10 most long rivers in the world are located in the Amazon basin. Most of the river flows in Brazil and in Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. Waters rush through the Amazonian lowlands along the equator.

Why is the river so powerful and deep? This is simple geographical explanation. The northern and southern tributaries of the Amazon, the Jurua, Isa and some others, are located in different hemispheres. There's always different time year, therefore, floods do not form simultaneously. The right tributaries supply the Amazon with water from October to April, and the left ones summer season in the Northern Hemisphere they give it away from April to October.

Even during dry periods, the Amazon reaches a width of 11 km, distributing the volume over 110 thousand sq. km. The rainy season increases the size of the river at least three times, the Amazon basin expands by 40 kilometers or more. After seasonal floods, the river can even change its course.

Powerful ocean tides have moved a river delta in South America deeper into the continent. The mighty river flows are in constant battle with strong tides. Sea water begins to influence the fresh water, driving it into the mouth. Thanks to the resistance of the Amazon, a four-meter wave of water rushes to the shores of the mainland. The initial speed of the flow reaches 25 km/h, but then it decreases until the height of the waves is equal to the surface.

Due to the abundance of fresh water in the Amazon Delta, sharks that like fresh water but live in oceanic conditions are common.

The flora and fauna here is extremely diverse. Representatives grow in the Amazon basin flora, which have a unique chemical composition. A quarter of all medicines in the world are produced using substances obtained by squeezing from these plants.

More than one and a half thousand species of birds and 250 species of mammals densely inhabit the surrounding areas. One and a half thousand species live in water various fish. Pink dolphins and bull fish live here - a huge carcass weighing half a ton. The Amazon is a river that has a bad reputation as a favorite place of residence. dangerous piranhas. The pink dolphin is found in fresh water, but you won’t find it in other rivers. Nature made sure that her child could survive in the forested Amazon basin. She supplied pink dolphin the ability to bend its neck 90 degrees, making it convenient for the animal to hunt during flooding of nearby forests.

The Amazon is mainly jungle and wetlands that lie parallel to the equator. Hence, climatic conditions throughout the entire river they are approximately the same. The temperature here remains stable at 25-28 degrees Celsius. At night, temperatures below 20 degrees were not recorded.

There are many surprises hidden in the forests of the Amazon Basin. Until now, thousands of birds, fish and animals have not been studied and classified. There are about 15 thousand species of animals in total, of which there are many rare individuals. Among the unique animals you can name a jaguar from the order of panthers, a tapir, a sloth, an endangered Caiman crocodile, an anaconda and others. Anaconda is an animal whose existence is surrounded by various legends. A powerful boa constrictor is indeed capable of killing a person in a matter of seconds, but most of the stories are still unconfirmed. It has been scientifically proven that an anaconda can strangle a large caiman in just one leap.

There are many endangered bird species. These are parrots, macaws, hummingbirds and toucans. About 1,500 species of insects, butterflies and mosquitoes are classified as rare. The ant fauna is considered especially remarkable. Fish is found in abundance, how to identify it species characteristics Even experienced biologists do not always succeed. Manatee lives here ( sea ​​cow). Amazon forests need to be protected and studied.

Among unusual plants exotic world The largest water lily in the world stands out in particular. Victoria amazonica is named after Queen of England. Can stand quietly on the leaves of an emergent plant Small child weighing 30-40 kg. Beautiful flowers bloom only once a year for two or three days. You can only see them at night.

Fishing in the Amazon is thriving. They also eat turtles here, which are prepared very skillfully. Red fish, which reaches two and a half meters in length, is also often the main dish on the native table. Together with the gifts of thick tropical forests The table of real Amazons is varied and very unusual for a European resident.

The Amazon is a navigable river. From the mouth to the Andean slopes, ships, including the largest, can navigate it. Sailing ships and boats often float down rivers in South America. The waterway is more than 13 meters deep, making it ideal for the movement of civilian and commercial vessels. The development of maritime affairs began here back in the era of the Great geographical discoveries and became especially popular in the 19th century. The mouth of the river was discovered in 1500 by Pinzon, and the Spaniards reached the source 37 years later to inform the local population that they were now in their power.

Along with the Amazon, a river called the Hamza moves deep underground. This is an underground source with a flow rate of 3 thousand cubic meters/s. Hamza is located 4,000 meters below the Amazon. It also begins in the Andes and extends to the Atlantic Ocean. In most areas, the Hamza flows under the Amazon. Scientific discovery was made in 2011 by an Indian scientist who had been exploring a river in South America for almost his entire life.

Apart from the direction of the flow, the underground source is in no way similar to its own. older sister. The Hamza is about 200 km wide, the Amazon is half that size. But the flow speed of a land river is several times higher. The Hamza flows slowly underground, overcoming porous soils, in much the same way as the Amazon. It is quite difficult to call it a river, since the speed of the current does not even reach the speed of the glacier.

The Great River is the longest body of water on the planet. This discovery was confirmed thanks to images from space. From the photographs it became clear that the river crosses Brazilian and Peruvian forests and only then flows into the ocean. It turned out that the total length of the Amazon River is 140 km longer than the Nile.

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June 4, 2015

The continent of South America is the richest in terms of water resources. Of course, there is not a single sea on the mainland, but the rivers of South America are very deep and so wide that in a weak current they resemble huge lakes. According to statistics, there are about 20 large rivers here. Since the continent is washed by the waters of two oceans, the rivers belong to the basins of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Moreover, the natural watershed between them is the Andes mountain range.

The largest river on mainland South America. The Amazon is one of the greatest rivers on the planet

From school course In geography, we all know that one of the largest rivers not only on the South American continent, but also in the world is the Amazon. It, together with its numerous tributaries, carries a quarter of the world's river water reserves. The Amazon flows directly through the territories of nine countries and is important for them water artery, especially in terms of transport links. River navigation is one of the most developed industries on the entire continent of South America. The Amazon River in some parts reaches 50 km in width (why not the sea?), and its depth in some areas is as much as 100 meters. It is not surprising that in terms of diversity of flora and fauna, the Amazon also holds the palm. Its waters are home to more than 2,000 species of fish, including piranha, eel, stingray, etc. In fact, there is no such thing on the entire globe rich nature like on the mainland of South America. The Amazon and its tributaries annually attract tourists from all over the world. Among them are many scientists (entomologists, ornithologists, zoologists, etc.)


Like the rest of the largest rivers in South America, the Parana passes through the territory of several countries: Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina. It received its name from the Indian tribes living on its banks. “Parana” is translated from Indian as “big”. This river has many tributaries. Some of them have beautiful waterfalls. Their formation is associated with the topography of the basin of these rivers, as well as their full flow, which is explained by the fact that they receive food from many small channels and streams. They carry theirs water flows resulting from loss huge amount precipitation. This is why almost all deep rivers in South America form waterfalls. Parana has four of them, with the most famous of them being Iguazu. But on a tributary of La Plata is located one of the most beautiful cities in South America - the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo.

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In the list of “The Largest Rivers of South America,” the Orinoco ranks third. It flows through the territories of two southern African countries, namely Venezuela and Colombia. This river differs not so much in width as in length, being one of the longest on the continent. Coast of Orinoco - favorite place for tourists from various countries. Here you can see beautiful natural landscapes.


Several geographical features can be found under this name in South America. Translated from Indian, this word means “horned”. Paraguay flows through the territories of two large countries- Brazil and Paraguay, and in some areas it represents a natural border between these states. And in other areas it is a watershed between the two parts of Paraguay - the South, undeveloped, and the North, where more than 90 percent of the country's total population lives. By the way, some rivers in South America also serve as natural boundaries separating the territories of two or even three neighboring countries.


This river is also one of the largest. It is formed as a result of the confluence of many small rivers. Its name is Portuguese and means “forest”. Is it true, strange name for the river? However, the fact is that the bark of trees growing on the banks constantly floats on it. This river was first described at the beginning of the 18th century by the Portuguese Francisco de Melo Palleta. It was he who named it Madeira. Later, Landrad Gibbon, a lieutenant in the US Navy, studied it quite well. By the way, this river serves as the border between Brazil and Bolivia.


As noted above, the largest rivers in South America flow through several states at once. But the basin of this river is entirely located on the territory of one country - Brazil. It is the central water artery of this state. Residents of the states of Goiás, Maranhão, Tocantins and Pará use the water of this particular river. Its name translates as “toucan beak.”


The Araguaia is a tributary of the Tocantins and also claims to be one of the largest Brazilian rivers. Depending on the time of year, it can be either calm or stormy. In the area of ​​Bananal Island, Araguaia forms two branches and smoothly goes around it.


Uruguay merges with the Paraná, and these two fairly large rivers of South America form the La Plata Bay-estuary, maximum width which is 48 km. It stretches 290 km to the Atlantic coast and has a funnel-shaped depression. When it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the river forms many waterfalls. Its power is also used in the energy sector.


“Big River” is what the local Indians call it. It is a right tributary of the Amazon. As already mentioned, the entire pool itself mighty river is different great variety flora and fauna and is of considerable interest to biologists, zoologists, etc. The same can be said about the Pare River.

Rio Negro

And the name of this river is translated as “black”. It originates in Colombia, but flows mainly through Brazil. In its upper reaches it is very stormy and swift, but when it descends to the Amazonian lowland, it becomes real “quiet”. Her main tributary- Rio Branco.


This river was named this way because of its full flow. After all, its name is translated from Indian as “big water.” This river forms a whole cascade of waterfalls, and such a beautiful sight is simply breathtaking. The banks of this magnificent river are considered protected and are included in the territory National Park Argentina and Brazil.


After reading this article, you learned which rivers in South America are the largest and deepest. There are many such rivers on the mainland, but the largest are the legendary Amazon, named after the Greek warriors, as well as the Paraná and Orinoco.

Inland waters of South America

The features of the relief and climate of South America predetermined its exceptional wealth of surface and groundwater, a huge amount of flow, the presence of the deepest river globe- Amazons. Occupying 12% of the Earth's land area, South America receives approximately 2 times more (1643 mm) average precipitation per unit of total area. The rivers between the ocean basins are also extremely unevenly distributed: the Pacific Ocean basin is 12 times smaller than the Atlantic basin (the watershed between them runs mainly along the Andes ridges); in addition, about 10% of the territory of South Africa belongs to the area of ​​internal drainage. Rivers predominate rain power, in the far south - also snow and glacial.

A large amount of precipitation brought from the Atlantic, extensive plateaus, gently sloping down to huge lowlands and plains that collect runoff from the adjacent slopes of the Andes, contributed to the formation of large river systems in the east of South Africa: the Amazon, Orinoco, Parana and Paraguay. Uruguay; in the Andes the largest is the river system. Magdalena flowing in a longitudinal depression of the humid Northern Andes. Only lowland rivers are suitable for navigation. Mountain rivers of the Andes and plateaus, replete with rapids and waterfalls (Angel, 1054 m, Caietur, 226 m, Iguazu, 72 m, etc.), as well as deep watercourses of constantly wet plains, have enormous hydroelectric potential (over 300 million kW).

Large lakes, mainly of glacial origin, are concentrated mainly in the Patagonian Andes (Lago Argentino, Buenos Aires, etc.) and in southern Central Chile (Llanquihue, etc.). In the Central Andes lies the highest of the Earth's large lakes - Titicaca, there are also many residual lakes (Poopo and others) and large salt marshes; the latter are also typical for the depressions between the Pampinsky sierras (Salinas Grandes and others). Large lagoon lakes are located in the north - Maracaibo and in the southeast of SA - Patus, Lagoa-Mirin.

The most big rivers South America


Length in m

Basin area in thousand km

Amazon (with Ucayali)



Amazon (with Marañon)


Paraná (with Rio Grande and La Plata Estuary)



Madeira (with Mamore)







San Francisco


Zhapura (with Kaketa)








Paraguay, river


Rio Negro


Uruguay, river




Amazon river

The largest river in South America is the Amazon. Most of its basin lies south of the equator. The area of ​​this largest river basin in the world is over 7 million km2, the length of the river from the main source (the Marañon River) is 6400 km. If we take Ucayali and Apurimac as the source of the Amazon, then its length reaches 7194 km, which exceeds the length of the Nile. The water flow of the Amazon is several times higher than the flow of all the largest rivers in the world. It is equal to an average of 220 thousand m 3 /s (the maximum flow rate can exceed 300 thousand m 3 /s). The average annual flow of the Amazon in its lower reaches (7000 km 3) accounts for most of the flow of all South America and 15% of the flow of all rivers on Earth!

The main source of the Amazon, the Marañon River, begins in the Andes at an altitude of 4840 m. Only after merging with the first major tributary, the Ucayali, within the plain does the river receive the name Amazon.

The Amazon collects its numerous tributaries (more than 500) from the slopes of the Andes, Brazilian and Guiana highlands. Many of them exceed 1500 km in length. The most numerous and largest tributaries of the Amazon are rivers of the southern hemisphere. The largest left tributary is the Rio Negro (2300 km), the largest right tributary, and the largest tributary of the Amazon, is the Madeira (3200 km).

Some of the tributaries, eroding clay rocks, carry very muddy water (“white” rivers), others, with clear water, carry dark water from dissolved organic substances (“black” rivers). After the Rio Negro (Black River) flows into the Amazon, light and dark waters flow in parallel, without mixing, for about 20-30 km, which is clearly visible on satellite images.

The width of the Amazon channel after the confluence of Marañon and Ucayali is 1-2 km, but downstream it quickly increases. Near Manaus (1690 km from the mouth) it already reaches 5 km, in the lower reaches it expands to 20 km, and at the mouth the width of the main channel of the Amazon, together with numerous islands, reaches 80 km during the flood. In the western part of the lowland, the Amazon flows almost at the level of the banks, without actually having a formed valley. In the east, the river forms a deeply incised valley, which presents a sharp contrast with the watershed areas.

The Amazon Delta begins approximately 350 km from the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its ancient age, it did not move into the ocean beyond its original shores. Although the river carries out huge masses of solid material (on average 1 billion tons per year), the process of delta growth is hampered by the activity of tides, the influence of currents, and the subsidence of the coast.

In the lower reaches of the Amazon, the ebb and flow of the tides have a great influence on its regime and the formation of the banks. The tidal wave penetrates upstream for more than 1000 km, in the lower reaches its wall reaches a height of 1.5-5 m. The wave rushes against the current with great speed, causing strong waves on sandbanks and banks, destroying the banks. Among the local population, this phenomenon is known as “pororoka” and “amazunu”.

The Amazon is full of water throughout the year. Twice a year the water level in the river rises to a significant height. These maximums are associated with rainy periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. The highest flow in the Amazon occurs after the rainy period in the southern hemisphere (in May), when the bulk of the water is carried by its right tributaries. The river overflows its banks and in its middle reaches floods a vast area, creating a kind of giant internal lake. The water level rises by 12-15m, and in the Manaus area the width of the river can reach 35 km. Then comes a period of gradual decrease in water flow, the river enters the banks. The lowest water level in the river is in August and September, then a second maximum is observed, associated with the period of summer rains in the northern hemisphere. In the Amazon it appears with some delay, around November. The November maximum is significantly lower than the May one. In the lower reaches of the river, two maxima gradually merge into one.

From its mouth to the city of Manaus, the Amazon is accessible to large ships. Vessels with a fairly deep draft can penetrate even as far as Iquitos (Peru). But in the lower reaches, due to the tides, the abundance of sediments and islands, navigation is difficult. The southern branch, Para, which has a common mouth with the Tocantins River, is deeper and more accessible to ocean-going ships. It is home to the major ocean port of Brazil - Belém. But this branch of the Amazon is now connected to the main channel only by small channels. The Amazon with its tributaries is a system of waterways with a total length of up to 25 thousand km. The transport significance of the river is great. For a long time it was the only route connecting the interior of the Amazonian lowland with the Atlantic coast.

The rivers of the Amazon basin have large reserves of water energy. Many tributaries of the Amazon, when entering the lowlands, cross the steep edges of the Brazilian and Guiana highlands, forming large waterfalls. But these hydro resources are still very little used.

Rivers Parana and Uruguay

The second largest river system in South America includes the Paraná rivers with Paraguay and Uruguay, which share a common mouth. The system received its name (La Plata) from the giant estuary of the same name in Parana and Uruguay, reaching 320 km in length and 220 km in width at the mouth. The basin area of ​​the entire system is more than 4 million km 2, and the length of the Parana, according to different sources, ranges from 3300 to 4700 km. The sources of the Paraná - Rio Grande and Paranaiba - are located in the Brazilian Highlands. Many other rivers of the system also begin there. They are all in upper reaches rapids and form several big waterfalls. The largest waterfalls are Guaira with a height of 40 m and a width of 4800 m on the Parana and Iguazu with a height of 72 m on its tributary of the same name. A network of hydroelectric power stations has been created on them.

In the lower reaches of the Paraná - typical lowland river. The main maximum flow occurs in May due to summer rains in the Brazilian Highlands. The navigable importance of the rivers of the La Plata system and La Plata itself is very great.

Orinoco River

The third largest river in South America is the Orinoco. Its length is 2730 km, the basin area is over 1 million km2. The Orinoco originates in the Guiana Highlands. Its source was discovered and explored by a French expedition only in 1954. The Casiquiare Orinoco River connects with the Rio Negro, a tributary of the Amazon, where part of the water of the upper Orinoco flows. This is one of the most significant examples of river bifurcation on Earth. When it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, the river forms a large delta, the length of which reaches 200 km.

The water level in the Orinoco depends entirely on the rainfall that falls in the northern part of its basin in the summer (from May to September). The maximum for the Orinoco, which occurs in September-October, is very pronounced. The difference between summer and winter water levels reaches 15 m.


Lakes in South America are few and far between. The main genetic groups of continental lakes are tectonic, glacial, volcanic, and lagoonal. There are small glacial and volcanic lakes in different parts Andes. The largest glacial and glacial-tectonic lakes are concentrated in the west of the Southern Andes.

The most large lake mainland - Titicaca - located on the Andean plateau at an altitude of more than 3800 m, on the border between Peru and Bolivia. Its area is 8300 km 2, and maximum depth— 281 m. There are terraces on the shores of the lake, indicating a repeated decrease in its level. The lake has a drainage into another, shallower tectonic lake - Poopo . The water in Lake Titicaca is fresh, while in Poopo it is highly saline.

On the interior plateaus of the Andes and on the Gran Chaco plain there are many lakes of tectonic origin, shallow, drainless and saline. In addition, salt marshes and salt marshes (“salares”) are common.

Along the low-lying shores of the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea there are large lakes-lagoons. The largest of these lagoons is located in the north, in a vast depression between the Andes ridges. It is called Maracaibo and is connected to the Gulf of Venezuela. The area of ​​this lagoon is 16.3 thousand km 2, length -220 km. The water in the lagoon is almost fresh, but during high tides its salinity increases noticeably.

Lagoons that have almost lost contact with Atlantic Ocean, located in the southeast of the mainland. The largest of them are Patus and Lagoa Mirin .

A significant part of the continent, especially the Extra-Andean East, has large reserves of groundwater. In the sandy strata of syneclises not only in the Amazon, but also in the Guiana Lowland, Llanos Orinoco, Gran Chaco, Pampa, and also in other areas, up to 40-50% of the flow comes from groundwater.


Waterfall Angel or Salto Angel- the world's tallest free-falling waterfall with a height of 978 meters.
Angel Falls is located in mountainous area Guyana, one of the five topographic regions of Venezuela, in South America. It is located on the Carrao River. The Carrao River is a tributary of the Caroni River, which eventually flows into the Orinoco. Getting to the waterfall is not easy as it is located in a dense tropical forest. There are no roads leading to the waterfall.
Angel Falls cascades from the top of a flat mountain called tepui by the natives. The flat mountain called Auyan Tepuy (Devil's Mountain) is one of more than a hundred similar ones scattered across the Guiana Highlands in southeastern Venezuela. These slumbering giants are characterized by their massive heights that soar into the sky, with flat tops and completely vertical sides. Tepuis, also called "table mountains" (which accurately describes their shape), were formed from sandstone billions of years ago. Their vertical slopes are continuously destroyed under the influence of heavy rains falling on the Guiana Highlands.

The natives of Venezuela have known about "Salto Angel" since time immemorial. The falls were originally discovered in 1910 by a Spanish explorer named Ernesto Sanchez La Cruz. However, it was not known to the world until its official discovery by American aviator and gold prospector James Crawford Angel, after whom it was named. Angel was born in Springfield, Missouri in 1899.

This enterprising experienced pilot flew over the area in 1935 and landed on the top of a lonely mountain in search of gold. His Flamingo monoplane was stuck in the swampy jungle at the top, and he noticed a rather impressive waterfall extending down thousands of feet. He had little luck on the 11-mile excursion back to civilization, and his plane remained chained to the mountain, a rusting monument to his discovery. Soon the whole world learned about the waterfall, which became known as Angel Falls, in honor of the pilot who discovered it.

Jimmy Angel's plane remained in the jungle for 33 years until it was recovered by helicopter. It is currently housed in the Aviation Museum in Maracay. The one you can now see on top of the tepui is its exact copy.

The official height of the waterfall was determined by an expedition of the National Geographic Society in 1949. The waterfall is the main attraction of Venezuela.

Waterfalls Iguazu- a wonder of the world, consisting of 275 different cascades of water, total area which are 2700 sq.m., and the fall height reaches 82 meters! The width of the waterfall is about 3 km. The largest waterfall is the Devil's Throat, a U-shaped cliff 150 meters wide and 700 meters long, marking the border between the countries of Argentina and Brazil. The name "Iguazu" comes from the Guarani words for "water" and "big".

Many islands separate the waterfalls from each other. Approximately 900 meters out of a total width of 3 km. not covered with water. About 2 km. The bridges connecting the islands help to better see all the streams. Most of the waterfalls are located within the territory of Argentina, but from the side of Brazil it opens good view on "The Devil's Throat".

Iguazu Falls are considered the largest in the world in terms of the number of falls. During the rainy season in November - March, the water flow speed can reach 750 cubic meters per second. The roar of falling water creates an impressive roar that can be heard even several kilometers away.

Smaller waterfalls are formed by ledges of durable rock, turning the water falling on them into clouds of fog and spray. sunlight adds the finishing touch to create shimmering rainbows. Below, in the middle of the water, an island covered with trees miraculously rose up. On one side of the island, where the water flows calmly, there is a beach with yellowish sand.