Our world is fraught with many unusual natural phenomena. There are some that are easy to explain, but there are also those that modern science unable to understand. In this article we will consider their second part in more detail.

Moroccan goats grazing on trees

Interestingly, Morocco is the only country in the world in which goats, because of the small amount of grass, climb trees and graze in whole herds there, while feasting on argan fruits. This amazing picture can only be found in the Middle and High Atlas, in addition, between Agadir and Essaouira in the Sousse Valley. Shepherds walk their goats, walking between the trees. It is worth noting that such unusual ones attract thousands of curious tourists every year. With such global consumption of argans, less and less oil is collected from these nuts every year. And it is believed to contain various anti-aging microelements. An announcement campaign is underway today this place reserve.

Black sun of Denmark

Denmark also has unusual natural phenomena. Thus, in the spring, about a million European starlings flock in huge flocks from all surrounding areas an hour before sunset. The Danes call this process the Black Sun. It can be observed in early spring near the marshes of western Denmark.

Starlings fly from the south and spend the whole day in the meadows, and in the evening, after performing collective pirouettes in the sky, they settle down to rest in the reeds for the night.

Crawling stones

This amazing action that takes place in Death Valley has been troubling the minds of scientists who are trying to create a description of natural phenomena for several decades. Huge boulders crawl by themselves along the bottom of Racetrack Playa Lake. At the same time, no one touches them, but they still crawl. No one has ever seen exactly how they move. At the same time, they persistently move, as if alive, sometimes turning over on their side, while leaving deep traces behind them that stretch for several meters. Periodically, the stones draw such complex and unusual lines that they turn over, doing somersaults as they move.

Moon Rainbow

A night rainbow (or lunar rainbow) is light that is reflected from the surface of the Moon. It is much dimmer than the sun. Moon rainbow is very a rare event nature. If observed with the naked eye, it may appear colorless, which is why it is often called “white.” There are several places in the world where the phenomenon of night rainbows occurs quite often. Among them are Victoria Falls in Australia and Cumberland Falls in Kentucky,

Fish rain in Honduras

When studying unusual natural phenomena, it is worth noting that rain from animals is a very rare meteorological phenomenon, but such cases have been recorded in different countries throughout the history of all mankind. Although this is a regular occurrence in Honduras. Every year, during the period May-July, a dark cloud appears in the sky, thunder rumbles, lightning flashes, a very strong wind blows, and heavy rain falls for 2-3 hours. After it ends, thousands of living fish remain on the ground.

People collect them like mushrooms and take them home to cook. The Fish Rain Festival has been held here since 1998. It is celebrated in the city of Yoro, Honduras. One of the hypotheses for the appearance of this phenomenon is that very strong winds they lift fish from the water several kilometers into the air, since there is water off the northern coast of Honduras Caribbean Sea abound in fish and other seafood. But no one has ever witnessed this.

Annular eclipse

There are various unusual ones in the world, they are presented in this article. One of them is an annular eclipse. With it, the Moon is far from the Earth in order to completely cover the Sun. It looks like this: the Moon moves across the disk of the Sun, although it is smaller in diameter and cannot completely hide it. Such eclipses are of practically no interest to scientists.

Lenticular clouds

Considering unusual natural phenomena, it is necessary to say about this. It would seem that today it is impossible to surprise anyone with clouds. But in nature there is a rare biconvex appearance. These are round-shaped clouds that resemble more. It is not surprising that they are also called “crazy”: the bizarre shape surprises with its originality.

star Rain

We continue the description of natural phenomena. Star shower, despite its name, has nothing to do with starfall. What the human eye perceives as many small stars is a huge stream of meteors that burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere. At the same time, the amount of data celestial bodies can reach up to a thousand in one hour. Some of them, which do not have time to burn completely, end up on Earth.

Fire whirlwinds

A beautiful, dangerous and rare natural phenomenon is fire whirlwinds. They appear at a certain combination of air direction and temperature. The flame can rise up tens of meters, thus forming something like fire tornado.


We continue to consider amazing natural phenomena, examples of which are given in this article. Halo scientific language is defined as a visual phenomenon - a ring glowing around a light source, emerging from cloud crystals. To put it simply, we can say that this is a rainbow; it can be seen around the Moon or the Sun, and periodically around lights, for example, in the center of a night metropolis.


This phenomenon is atmospheric vortex, arising in storm cloud. It reaches the ground in the form of a cloud arm. A tornado can have a diameter of hundreds of meters. It looks impressive. Although, unfortunately, it can bring no less impressive disasters and destruction.

Brocken Ghosts

Considering various natural phenomena, it is worth talking about this. appear in Germany on Mount Brocken. Their occurrence is quite understandable. As it turned out, this is the most ordinary climber who is above the clouds at the top of the mountains. The sun shines on a person, and under the clouds, below, his huge shadow appears, which can scare or at least surprise anyone.

Northern lights

Now let's look at more positive various natural phenomena. We have all seen the polar, or northern lights, in pictures at one time or another, some were even lucky enough to see them with their own eyes in person. It is known that similar phenomena are observed near the Earth's poles.

Red waves

This name is given to the phenomenon that appears as a result of the bloom of various algae. Breeding freshwater or seaweed sometimes colors large areas of the beach or ocean in a rich red color. Basically, these plants are not dangerous, although there are also those that kill birds with their toxicity, also harm fish and people, but so far no deaths have been recorded.

Catatumbo Lightning

Around Venezuela you can also see rare natural phenomena. This is Katatunbo lightning. This natural phenomenon occurs continuously in one place for 160 nights per year. In one night, about 20,000 lightning strikes can be seen here. It is also interesting that their glow is practically not accompanied by a thunderclap. At night in these places the sky remains cloudless and clear, due to which they are also visible on the island of Aruba, located 500 km from here.

Ball lightning

This is a truly mysterious natural phenomenon. A dazzling fiery ball, reaching a diameter of several tens of centimeters, suddenly appears after a thunderstorm, after which it quietly floats in air currents above the ground. Ball lightning can be drop-shaped or pear-shaped, although it is energetically more advantageous for it to be in the shape of a ball.

Such a freely wandering, light charge can fall on any surface and slide along it without wasting energy. Many observers say that it tends to get into closed rooms, seeping through cracks and flying in through windows. In this case, lightning can temporarily take the form of a thin thread or cake, and then again turns into a ball. It periodically explodes when it collides with objects. Until now, the causes of natural phenomena such as ball lightning have not been fully studied. It is probably formed from oxygen and nitrogen in the channel of simple lightning and explodes when cooled to room temperature.


Such rare natural phenomena can be seen on various mountain glaciers. Penitentes received its name due to its resemblance to a number of monks dressed in white robes. It is formed due to the sun, which melts pits on the surface of the glacier. When the hole appears, sunlight It begins to reflect from it, due to which the gaps between the layers of snow increase. Soon large depressions form there, formed in the form of huge icy peaks, up to 5 meters high.


Despite their prevalence, mirages always evoke an almost mystical sense of surprise. We know the reason for their appearance - overheated air changes the optical properties, thereby causing inhomogeneities of light, which are called mirages. This phenomenon has long been explained by science, but continues to amaze the imagination of many people. It should be noted that the visual effect is based on the unusual vertical distribution of air density. This, under certain conditions, leads to the appearance of ghostly images near the horizon. But you instantly forget these boring explanations when you yourself become a witness to this miracle appearing right before your eyes!

This article presented the most unusual natural phenomena, the photos of which are simply mesmerizing. Some phenomena are amenable to scientific explanation, while others are inexplicable. Some occur quite often, while others can be expected for years. But whatever one may say, they amaze and make you think once again about how unpredictable and wise nature is!

Previously, people could not explain many natural phenomena, and therefore believed in them divine origin. Now, from a scientific point of view, almost any phenomenon can be explained, but many of them still remain very mysterious, majestic and incredibly beautiful. Photographs of similar phenomena, as well as the most unusual places on earth they are waiting for you further.

Viper-shaped clouds. Such clouds are rare, mainly in tropical latitudes, and related to education tropical cyclones.

"Magic circles" in Namibia. Researchers of the mysterious phenomenon suggest that it is the “work of the hands” of sand termites.

The Giant's Causeway. As a result of the eruption of an ancient volcano in Northern Ireland An area emerged that was covered with 40 thousand basalt pillars tightly adjacent to each other.

Lenticular clouds. Clouds in northern Georgia in the USA are a rather rare natural phenomenon.

Catatumbo Lightning. Brilliant flashes over water occur 140-160 nights a year, 10 hours per night and up to 280 times in one hour.

Christmas Island red crabs. Every year, about 43 million land crabs move en masse to the ocean shore to lay their eggs. Local authorities Most roads on the islands are closed for a week so as not to interfere with migration.

Great Blue Hole. The gigantic underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize has a diameter of more than 300 meters and a depth of 124 meters.

Asperatus clouds. Undulatus asperatus, or rough-bumpy waves. This type of cloud, which has a rather mystical image, was included in the classification relatively recently by the decision of the head of the cloud research society.

Tanzanian Lake Natron. The salt lake, fed by hot springs, is the only permanent breeding site for the lesser flamingo.

Spotted Lake. Canadian Lake Kliluk is the world's greatest reserve of magnesium, calcium and sodium sulfate.

“The Gates of Hell” in Turkmenistan. The fire in the gas mine, which broke out due to the awkward actions of researchers in 1971, has not subsided to this day.

Ball-shaped boulders of New Zealand. Under the influence of erosion, boulders with regular rounded outlines emerge from the mudstone rocks of the shore.

Flammable ice bubbles. Methane bubbles trapped in the ice of Lake Abraham in Canada.

Frozen flowers. On calm waters of lakes and seas, when the surface is just being grasped by a light crust of ice, in conditions cold snaps(about -22 Celsius) crystals appear fresh ice wonderful shape.

Mud thunderstorms. Mud thunderstorms occur when lightning appears in a volcanic plume.

Moving stones of Death Valley. In a deserted American valley they observe a unique geological phenomenon: Rock fragments move unaided across smooth ground, leaving long trails behind them.

Underwater circles. Off the coast of Japan, through the efforts of dexterous male pufferfish, perfectly smooth circles with lacy edges are created. These works of art are designed to charm and attract females.

Migration of monarch butterflies. Covering thousands of kilometers, dense flocks of butterflies move briskly from Canada towards the southern United States.

Black Sun. Up to 50 thousand starlings gather in the sky in huge chirping flocks. This phenomenon is also called "murmur".

Blooming desert. In years when Chile rains more heavily than usual, the Atacama Desert is covered with flowers and grasses.

Bioluminescent waves on Maldivian beaches. Some types of phytoplankton have the ability to luminesce.

Rainbow eucalyptus trees. This happens because the eucalyptus sheds its bark in chunks. Each piece of the trunk successively turns blue, purple, orange, and then dark burgundy.

Sardine run. From May to July, schools of billions of sardines move north along the east coast of South Africa.

- gas crater in Turkmenistan. Locals and travelers call it the “Door to the Underworld,” or the “Gates of Hell.” It was lit by scientists in 1971 and has never stopped burning since then.

It is located 90 km from the village of Erbent. The diameter of the crater is approximately 60 meters, the depth is about 20 meters.

2. Black Sun Denmark- more than a million European starlings gather in huge flocks, creating unusual models in the air and almost blocking out the sun. This amazing phenomenon can be seen in Denmark in early spring- everywhere in the marshy, western part of the country. However, the largest flocks of starlings gather in the south of Jutland. An aerial bird ballet can be seen at sunset.

3. In Morocco you can see trees “decorated” with live goats, like Christmas decorations. Dry and hot climate, as well as the sparse vegetation of these places, force goats, showing miracles of acrobatics, skillfully balancing on branches and collecting tree fruits.

4. Lifeless landscapes of Lake Natron in northern Tanzania resemble surreal alien landscapes. A lake covered with a crust of salt may change color throughout the year. As a result of the vital activity of microorganisms - halophilic cyanobacteria living in Natrona - the water acquires rich reddish and pinkish shades several times a year. When the temperature rises, the bacteria release a red pigment, coloring the lake.

5. Tidal waves (or "Boron") in the Amazon in Brazil and the Severn in England, it is a phenomenon in which the leading edge of the tide forms a wave that travels up the river against the current. Surfers often use a boron to ride their board.

6. Lenticular (lenticular) clouds- a unique natural phenomenon. These clouds usually form around hills and mountains. They look very peculiar and look like giant flying saucers or a stack of pancakes. Many famous mountains around the world have often been photographed capped by these clouds, including Mount Shasta and Mount Fuji.

Lenticular clouds appear completely motionless, as if frozen in time. Actually this is not true. The clouds appear motionless as a stream of moist air constantly replenishes the cloud on the windward side, while the moisture evaporates and disappears on the leeward side, leaving clouds with a characteristic lenticular shape.

7. Frosty flowers are ice crystals that form on young ice in cold waters. As a rule, they are formed when low temperatures and in almost complete absence of wind.

8. Richat (Guel Er Richat, also known as the Eye of the Sahara)- a geological formation located in the Mauritanian part of the Sahara Desert. The diameter of the structure is 50 km.

There are many different opinions about the origin of this amazing natural phenomenon. According to one version, the “eye” was formed as a result of a meteorite fall. Some scientists believe that it arose as a result of underground nuclear explosions. However, it is worth noting that for such a crater to form, the explosion must have a gigaton power. Currently, no country in the world possesses weapons of such incredible destructive power.

9. Catatumbo Lightning- a natural phenomenon that occurs above the confluence of the Catatumbo River into Lake Maracaibo (this is the largest salt Lake Venezuela). The phenomenon is expressed in the appearance of a glow at an altitude of about five kilometers without accompanying acoustic effects. Lightning appears at night (140-160 times a year), discharges last about 10 hours. Lightning flashes up to 280 times per hour. This adds up to about 1.2 million discharges per year.

10. Mysterious circles under water, discovered in 1995 near Japanese island Amamioshima in the East China Sea looks like something alien. The creator of these patterns is the puffer fish, which creates them to attract a female.

11. Very rarely in the sky you can observe a striking cloud, the unofficial name of which sounds like undulatus asperatus (from Latin - “wavy-lumpy”; also asperatus, asperatus). In 2009 it was proposed to classify them as the new kind clouds, however, this was impossible to do, because even today they have not yet been sufficiently studied. Despite their menacing appearance, they are by no means harbingers of a storm.

12. Flowering of the Chilean Atacama Desert. Typically, this desert experiences virtually no rainfall all year. However, this year the region experienced historically record rainfall. The rainfall was so intense that catastrophic flooding began. The rains brought to life flower seeds that had been dormant for many years. Such flowerings are very rare and occur approximately once every 5–10 years.

13. Round-horizontal arc or near-horizontal arc- an optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight passes through ice crystals in upper cirrus clouds. This is a fairly rare phenomenon, but it mostly happens on a summer day when the Sun is high in the sky. This creates a rainbow effect directly in the clouds filled with ice crystals.

14. Crawling or moving stones- a geological phenomenon discovered on the dried-up lake Racetrack Playa in Death Valley in the USA. The stones move without any human or animal participation, however, no one has ever seen or recorded the movement itself.

15. Eternal Flame Falls in the heart of Chestnut Ridge Park in New York. You can always see a burning fire inside the waterfall. The phenomenon of this phenomenon is explained by the fact that there is a natural gas leak under the waterfall, and a fire is always burning at this point. The fire is not actually “eternal”, that is, it goes out periodically. Often it is re-lit by some tourist who discovers that the flame has gone out.

16. Magic circles in the Namibian desert are one of greatest secrets nature. In the north, the circles reach a diameter of 50 meters, in the south - up to three. At first they talked about UFOs, then they blamed it all on termites, which supposedly eat the roots of plants underground. However, the evidence was never presented.

Some scientists argue that the circles arise due to the self-organization of grass. This hypothesis was proven based on a similar phenomenon discovered in Western Australia.

17. Giant's Causeway (Giant's Causeway) in Northern Ireland- a natural monument of approximately 40,000 interconnected basalt (less often andesite) columns formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption.

18. Great Blue Hole off the coast of Belize is a round karst sinkhole with a diameter of 305 meters, going to a depth of 120 meters.

The Blue Hole became famous thanks to the French explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in the list of 10 best places in the world for diving.

19. Mysterious boulders of Moeraki, scattered along Koekohe Beach near the fishing village of Moeraki in the Otago region on South Island New Zealand. In total, several hundred boulders are scattered along the Koekohe beach over an area of ​​about three hundred meters. Some of them lie on land, on a sandy shore, some in the sea.

New Zealanders have various unscientific theories regarding the appearance of these boulders. One of them says that these are fossilized dinosaur eggs. In another version, their appearance is attributed to aliens who landed on our planet, but then left it due to the harsh climate, leaving behind huge round eggs that petrified over time. And according to the legends of the Polynesian Maori people, these are baskets of food and pumpkins left after the wreck of a large sailing canoe, Arai Te Uru.

As determined by detailed analysis using optical instruments, X-ray and electron probe microscopes, the boulders are composed of sand, silt and clay cemented with calcite.

20. Millions of red crabs migrate to Australia's Christmas Island every year. from tropical forests located in the central part of the land, on the coast Indian Ocean for reproduction. Migration occurs between mid-October and January, during mating season. Exact date There is no migration, it all depends on the beginning of the wet season.

To protect the crabs, special fences are built along the roads, as well as special underground ones. During the peak of migration, certain roads are closed and signs are installed that notify about the migration.

Ancient man respected and revered nature as a deity. No wonder, because the primitive brain was often unable to explain some natural phenomena and perceived them as a miracle. Modern people They try to find a rational explanation for everything they see, but the most unusual and rare natural phenomena still amaze the imagination, delight, and even frighten.

Top most unusual natural phenomena

Saint Elmo's Fire

A unique natural phenomenon that was first noticed and described by sailors. It was they who from time to time observed beautiful luminous balls or tassels on the masts and other vertical objects of their ships. Of course, earlier this spectacle was perceived as a miracle and promised success to sailors, because Saint Elmo is the patron saint of sailors. However, in modern times, St. Elmo's Fire has an explanation.

These light sources appear due to the high voltage of the electric field. Accordingly, most often you can see these lights during a thunderstorm, blizzard or storm. Nowadays, these lights are also observed on the skin of aircraft that have fallen into a cloud. volcanic ash. Sometimes this phenomenon can even damage various electrical appliances.

Lenticular clouds

Lenticular clouds are a stunningly beautiful sight. They are most often seen around mountains and high, pointed hills. At first glance, such clouds resemble huge flying saucers, lenses or berets. Quite often this phenomenon is observed in the area of ​​Mount Shasta and Mount Fuji. The reason for this is that there is a special way that air moves in these areas.

By the way, biconvex clouds look frozen and motionless. So they can “hover” over the mountain for several days in a row, until the wind or changes weather will not cause them to scatter.

Polar Lights

Sometimes the aurora is called the “northern light”. It is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful sights in the world. You can contemplate this beauty only in northern regions, close to the poles. As a rule, the aurora has a bluish color; less often you can see auroras that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.

This effect occurs due to processes that occur in the upper layers of the atmosphere, when charged particles pass near power lines earth's geomagnetic field. The radiance is observed on average from several hours to several days.


This phenomenon can shock even a person with a strong psyche. And this despite the fact that the nature of mirages has long been scientifically substantiated. And yet, mystical meaning is still attributed to mirages. But in fact, this is just an optical illusion and a special optical effect that is achieved as a result of a vertical change in the density of heated air. When certain conditions coincide, “visions” appear on the horizon.

One type of mirage is Fata Morgana. This is a very complex optical phenomenon that is extremely rare. Fata Morgana includes several forms of mirages that are repeatedly distorted and quickly replace each other. This creates bizarre pictures that can drive any traveler crazy.


Gloria is an optical effect that can be observed if you light a fire at night in the mountains. At the same time, the weather should be with low clouds. If the conditions coincide, a kind of “halo” will appear above your head, and you will be able to see your own shadow on the clouds.

People in the East were especially sensitive to this natural effect. Here the gloria is called the “light of Buddha.” It has long been believed that the appearance of a colored halo around a person’s shadow is evidence of his closeness to the Buddha.

Ball lightning

Each of us has observed ordinary linear lightning, which is accompanied by thunder. However, it is not so often possible to “meet” ball lightning or a fireball. A very rare phenomenon, on average, only about 2-3 ball lightning falls per thousand ordinary lightning. The ball, yellow to scarlet in color, hovers in the air for several seconds along a random trajectory and disappears.

It happens that such “guests” appear in houses or airplanes. Scientists have still not been able to name the exact cause of its occurrence and characterize this phenomenon.

The most unusual natural phenomenon in the world: a fire tornado

One of the most unusual and, at the same time, deadly phenomena is a fire tornado. This is a process in the atmosphere when several separate fires combine into one powerful tornado. Wherein, air masses above the tornado they heat up and become less dense, which allows fire element rise up, burning everything in its path. The height of a tornado can reach about 5 kilometers! The pressure of hot air reaches hurricane speeds, and the temperature rises to 1000 degrees Celsius. Everything in the area is “sucked in” by the fire.

Fortunately, this phenomenon is quite rare. However, every appearance of a fire tornado remained in the annals of history. This includes the Great Fire of London of 1666, the fire in Moscow in 1812, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and other terrible cases of violent fire.

Not only can they be beautiful natural phenomena, but also creations of human hands. .
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Nature is amazing and multifaceted. Some of its phenomena are not amenable to any scientific theories and explanations. A person can only admire what he sees.

Northern lights

The Northern Lights are an unusual glow that is formed due to the interaction of the upper layers of the atmosphere with charged particles from the sun. The higher its activity, the greater the likelihood of radiance. An amazing sight can only be observed at high latitudes, near the poles. The duration of the northern lights is from two to three hours to several days.

Falling stars

At night, in clear weather, you can often observe luminous points moving quickly across the sky. And although they are called shooting stars, they are just small rocks, particles of matter. A bright flash occurs as they invade earth's atmosphere. At certain periods of the year, meteors fall in a continuous stream. This phenomenon is called “star rain”.

Ball lightning

One of the most mysterious natural phenomena. Such lightning has the shape of a ball, but sometimes its outline can resemble a pear, a drop or a mushroom. The color is most often warm shades - orange, yellow, red, but can be black or transparent. The dimensions of ball lightning also vary over a fairly wide range - from 5-6 cm to several meters. Ball lightning is characterized by unpredictable behavior and short duration of action - usually only a few seconds.


Halo is a common phenomenon. A circle of light around the sun in mid-latitudes can occur once every few days. The appearance of a halo, unlike many other unusual phenomena, has scientific explanation. The circle of light is formed as a result of the refraction of the sun's rays in ice crystals contained in the clouds. In addition to luminous circles, “false suns” may appear on either side of the sun.

Mother of pearl clouds

Mother of pearl clouds are an extremely rare phenomenon. They are formed at an altitude of 15 -25 km in the cold parts of the stratosphere. These thin transparent clouds, painted in pearlescent colors, cannot be confused with anything else. You can watch them in northern countries either just after sunset or before sunrise.

Lenticular clouds

These clouds are often shaped like a flying saucer. They look like a biconvex lens. Often formed before a hurricane. Scientists believe that unusual shape clouds are explained by ice crystals that form under the influence external factors(for example, emissions from a passing aircraft).

Fish and frog rains

Precipitation from living creatures is not such a rare occurrence. In ancient times it was explained simply - as a gift or punishment from the gods. Modern scientists tend to see the reason in tornadoes or tornadoes, which first lift living creatures into the air and then transport them over long distances. But it is not clear why frogs and fish fall in a strictly limited area.