The troops began to receive the latest man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS). Military personnel will be the first to learn new things anti-aircraft regiment Ivanovo formation of airborne troops. It was this unit that received the first production MANPADS of the new model 9K333 “Verba”. In the future, this anti-aircraft complex will be supplied to units of other regiments and divisions.

Last week, the Ministry of Defense announced the start of deliveries of the latest 9K333 Verba MANPADS to the troops. The new complex uses several original technical solutions, thanks to which ground forces will be able to more effectively attack enemy aircraft and carry out air defense of units. As far as is known, the Verba anti-aircraft complex uses some ideas borrowed from previous domestic MANPADS, as well as new proposals designed to improve the performance of the system.

The first reports of the development of a new portable anti-aircraft missile system "Verba" appeared in 2008. By this time, the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, which traditionally deals with the development of such systems, completed the main design work and conducted a number of preliminary tests. IN further information information about the new missile system was published infrequently and was extremely scarce. It was stated that the Verba MANPADS could be put into service in 2008-2009, but later these dates were repeatedly shifted. Thus, in 2011 it became known about the holding military tests and the upcoming adoption of the system, as well as the planned purchases of serial MANPADS. However, by the end of 2011 the army had not accepted new complex for service. The Ministry of Defense announced the start of deliveries of Verba systems only at the end of May 2014.

Fragmentary information announced in last years, allows you to get a general idea of ​​the new anti-aircraft missile system. It is known that the 9M336 missile of the 9K333 complex is equipped with a new infrared homing head (GOS). To improve performance, the missile has a tri-band seeker. This means that the seeker contains three separate photodetectors operating in different ranges. Comparison of information from them allows the automation to determine the position of the enemy aircraft and weed out thermal signals of false targets. A similar operating algorithm is used by the homing heads of Igla MANPADS missiles, but they have only two channels.

As follows from the available data, the use of a tri-band homing head provides greater resistance to interference compared to existing missiles, equipped with a dual-band seeker. Thanks to this, the 9M336 missile should be less susceptible to various optical-electronic countermeasures or pyrotechnic decoys.

According to some reports, the 9M336 rocket received a new solid fuel engine, which provides higher flight characteristics And combat capabilities in comparison with the ammunition of previous domestic portable anti-aircraft systems. According to some estimates from past years, the Verba MANPADS should have a greater range and height of engagement of targets than the existing systems of the Strela and Igla families. Thus, the firing range must exceed 6 km, and maximum height hitting the target to be more than 3.5-4 kilometers.

Along with new portable anti-aircraft systems, the Airborne Forces unit received new equipment automated system control system (ACS). It is claimed that the new automated control system for anti-aircraft units can reduce the time required to attack a target by up to ten times. The press service of the military department cites the words of the commander of the anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Ivanovo Airborne Forces A. Musienko, according to which until recently, up to 3-5 minutes could pass from the detection of a target by a senior commander to the launch of a missile by an anti-aircraft gunner. When using the new automated control system, this period is reduced by almost ten times.

The new automated control system for anti-aircraft gunners makes it possible to detect an air target, determine its speed, altitude and direction of flight, and then distribute the found targets among anti-aircraft gunners, taking into account their location. Thanks to this, the work of the anti-aircraft unit almost completely eliminates incidents related to human factor, including an attack by a friendly aircraft or helicopter. In addition, it is growing overall efficiency work air defense and, as a result, ammunition consumption decreases.

The latest 9K333 Verba man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems and automated control systems for units armed with them have so far been delivered only to the anti-aircraft gunners of the Ivanovo Airborne Forces unit. In the future, new weapons and equipment will be supplied to other branches of the armed forces.

Based on materials from sites:

The Russian man-portable anti-aircraft missile system 9K333 "Verba" is today one of the most modern MANPADS in the world, being a further development of the domestic line portable complexes, traditionally in demand on the international arms market. MANPADS "Verba" is designed to destroy airplanes, helicopters, cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles on oncoming and catch-up courses in conditions of organized optical interference with visual visibility of air targets, as well as at night. The complex can be used in any geographical areas. Currently, the Verba MANPADS is in service with the armies of Russia and Armenia.

State tests new MANPADS, developed in Kolomna by designers of JSC NPK "Design Bureau of Mechanical Engineering", was held in 2011. In 2015, the portable complex was officially put into service, at the same time the premiere of the new complex for the general public took place; it was demonstrated as part of the International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2015”. At the same time, deliveries of Verba MANPADS to military units began back in 2014. Soldiers of the 98th anti-aircraft regiment were the first to receive the new systems. guards division Airborne Forces stationed in Ivanovo. A special feature of the supplies was that, simultaneously with combat equipment, units military air defense Automated control systems, radar weapons, training aids and test equipment were also received.

According to information from the official website of the company that developed the complex, the new Verba MANPADS is 1.5-2 times more effective than the previous generation MANPADS, especially at boundaries of more than three km. The firing zone for targets with low thermal radiation was increased 2.5 times; this was achieved by increasing the sensitivity of the anti-aircraft missile seeker. The security of the complex from powerful pyrotechnic interference was increased 10 times. According to the assurances of the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, the new complex can be effectively used in the military air defense system to combat enemy drones and other air targets that weakly emit in the infrared range. The designers also returned to the practice of using a ground interrogator of the “friend or foe” system. Temperature The operation of the complex was expanded to -50 degrees Celsius. The designers also managed to reduce the weight of the complex’s combat weapons relative to the Igla-S MANPADS (from 18.25 kg to 17.25 kg).

As a successor to the Igla-S MANPADS, the new complex has surpassed its predecessor in efficiency, maintaining best advantages: implementation of the “fire and forget” principle; the ability to shoot from the shoulder by one person; simplicity of actions of the shooter-operator when aiming and launching; high reliability during operation; ensuring a high level of noise immunity in conditions of artificial and natural (background) interference; high secrecy of use, preservation of performance even with extreme conditions applications.

Composition of combat assets of the 9K333 “Verba” complex:
- 9M336 anti-aircraft guided missile in a tube;
- trigger mechanism 9P521;
- ground radio interrogator 1L229V.

The main feature of the anti-aircraft guided missile of the 9M336 MANPADS "Verba" complex was a new homing head, and the missile also received a new instrument compartment. The missile's seeker is a passive three-spectral tracking seeker, it operates in the near and mid-infrared, as well as in the ultraviolet ranges; a three-spectral small-sized seeker first appeared in domestic MANPADS missiles. The new homing head provides good selection of false thermal targets with powerful thermal radiation. Thanks to this, the missile, even while approaching the target, is able to distinguish an enemy helicopter or aircraft from the thermal “traps” they fired, making right choice. According to the manufacturer, by increasing the sensitivity of the homing head, the zone of capture and destruction of typical air targets has increased by 2.5 times compared to the previous Igla-S MANPADS. Important advantages of the new complex include a high probability of hitting air targets even with low radiation such as UAVs and cruise missiles.

The Verba complex is another step towards the creation of hyperspectral MANPADS. “Strela-2” was monospectral (the seeker operated at one wavelength), “Igla” and “Igla-S” were two-spectral, and “Verba” became three-spectral. The progress in the development of MANPADS is obvious, noted the general designer of JSC NPK KBM Valery Kashin in an interview with Independent Military Review. Kashin also noted that the Strela-2 MANPADS had one receiver (platform), the Igla had two platforms, the Verba had nine photoreceiver platforms, and there will be even more of them in the next portable complexes. The development of MANPADS is moving towards obtaining an image of the target. This will be achievable through promising monophotonic technologies, which make it possible to irradiate an aerial target with waves 0.3 microns in length and obtain not just the location of the target, but an image of the target.

Warhead SAM 9M336 - high-explosive fragmentation with a non-contact fuse. As in the Igla-S complex, a non-contact target sensor has been introduced into the missile while maintaining a contact fuse, their collaboration was optimized for the conditions of a meeting with an air target. In the anti-aircraft missile guidance system, a scheme was retained that assumed the displacement of the missile defense system when approaching an air target to the most vulnerable parts of the aircraft, as well as the principle of detonation of engine fuel residues, which had previously been used in the Igla-S MANPADS.

The Verba portable system can be used by military personnel in any geographical area of ​​the planet, including sea and mountain conditions, in a wide temperature range from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius. For greater efficiency combat use The portable complex can be equipped with recognition, detection, fire control and target designation equipment. The complex may additionally include a compact radar that is resistant to interference, we're talking about about the small-sized radar target detector 1L122 "Garmon". To use the Verba at night, the complex can be equipped with a special detachable night vision sight 1PN97M Mowgli-2M.

The Garmon radar is designed to detect various types air targets, their automatic tracking and provision of necessary information to the shooter along the routes. The use of a phased antenna array (PAA) measuring 1200x800 mm in the radar design is characteristic feature"Harmony", which has a positive effect on its operating parameters. Vertical visibility is provided by electronic scanning, and horizontal visibility is provided by the antenna rotation mechanism. Depending on the modification, this radar is able to update data on air targets at a rate of 2 to 10 seconds, which is determined by the speed of rotation of the antenna array. The 1L122 "Garmon" radar provides reliable search for air targets at a range of up to 40 km. The station provides all-round visibility in azimuth and sector tracking within elevation angles from -5 to +45 degrees. The maximum speed of detected air targets is 700 m/s. “Garmon” determines the coordinates of air targets with an accuracy of up to 100 meters in range, up to 30’ in azimuth and up to 1°30’ in elevation. It is possible for the radar to operate even when the enemy uses active and passive jamming. If used as a mobile radar systems it is equipped with a management and control system in the form of communication equipment and a secure laptop computer.

Radar 1L122 "Garmon"

Especially to equip the control center of a platoon commander of anti-aircraft gunners with portable systems, Russian developers created a portable fire control module (PMUO), which received the index 9S933. It is part of the Barnaul-T set of automation equipment (KSA), designed to automate the process of actions of a squad of MANPADS anti-aircraft gunners and increase effective management weapons. This module is made in the form of a standard army backpack, which in just a couple of minutes can be deployed into a full-fledged automated workplace commander The equipment included in this module ensures data exchange with higher command posts, tracking of air targets using information received from external radars, communication with anti-aircraft gunners, target designation, as well as receiving and generating reports on the completion of assigned tasks. The 9S933 portable fire control module provides simultaneous execution of fire missions against 15 different air targets. The module allows its operator to quickly receive information about the air situation developing in a given firing sector, displays on the computer screen all information about the trajectory of air targets, and automatically carries out target designation and assigning fire missions to MANPADS anti-aircraft gunners, taking into account their readiness to perform the task and location on terrain.

In addition to this module, Russian designers also created the Anti-Gunner Squad Automation System (KSAS), which received the index 9S935 and is also part of the Barnaul-T KSA. This complex is designed to equip squads of anti-aircraft gunners with MANPADS, improve control efficiency under any combat conditions and coordinate their actions. Elements of the complex are placed on the shooter’s protective helmet and wearable vest in order not to reduce the maneuverability of squads and platoons of anti-aircraft gunners.

The 9M336 anti-aircraft guided missile of the Verba complex can be used not only for firing from the shoulder, but also as a modern interspecific unified military equipment combat various air targets when deployed on different types of carriers: air-based, ground-based and sea-based. For example, already at the international military-technical forum “Army-2016” general public The platoon commander's reconnaissance and control vehicle (MRUK) and the squad fighting vehicle (BMV) from the Gibka-S complex were presented. The BMO of this complex can use both the latest Russian MANPADS "Verba" and MANPADS "Igla-S". The vehicle's ammunition load includes 8 anti-aircraft missiles. Four of them are placed on the launcher, the rest in the cabin. The work of the BMO was automated to the maximum extent possible. Fighting machine departments can operate both autonomously and under control command posts from the composition base complex KSA "Barnaul-T".

Squad fighting vehicle (SCV) of the Gibka-S complex

The platoon commander's reconnaissance and control vehicle is designed to automated control actions of squads of anti-aircraft gunners of Russian MANPADS. This vehicle includes a small-sized radar 1L122 “Garmon”. The capabilities of the MRUK allow it to quickly interact with higher command posts and control four squads of anti-aircraft gunners or six subordinate combat vehicles equipped with 9S935 automation systems. The guaranteed communication range of MRUK vehicles with the BMO is 8 km while driving and 17 km while parked. Both vehicles, the MRUK and the BMO, are based on the Tiger armored vehicle.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Verba MANPADS:
The range of targets hit is from 500 to 6000 (6500) m.
The height of the targets hit is from 10 to 3500 (4500) m.
The speed of the targets hit is up to 400 m/s (on a collision course), up to 320 m/s (on a catch-up course).
The diameter of the rocket body is 72 mm.
The combat weight of the complex is 17.25 kg.
The type of homing head is a tracking passive three-spectrum.
The warhead is high-explosive fragmentation.
The mass of the warhead is 2.5 kg.
The time for transferring combat assets from traveling to combat position is no more than 12 seconds.
Operating temperature range – from -50 to +50 °C.

Information sources:
Open source materials

In the coming year, as well as in the past, the Russian Armed Forces will receive the new generation Verba man-portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS). This unique product was developed by specialists from Kolomna JSC NPK Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, part of JSC NPO High-precision systems» state corporation "Rostec".

Brigades are primarily armed with the new product Ground Forces(motorized rifle and tank), as well as airborne divisions.

The complex's equipment is supplied to the troops in kits, which include not only the MANPADS itself, the equipment Maintenance, educational and training means, but also detection means with the automated control system "Barnaul-T".

"Verba" was adopted by the Russian army in 2015. And it became a sensation at the first public demonstration during the International Military-Technical Forum “Army-2015” in Kubinka near Moscow. This MANPADS in its characteristics and capabilities surpasses all similar products in service with countries around the world.

And one warrior in the field

The man-portable anti-aircraft missile system as such is designed to be fired by one person. How can one not recall the textbook: “And there is only one warrior in the field.” To better understand the essence of this unique weapon, a little history.

MANPADS with guided missiles(and this is a fundamentally new step in arming the army) were first used in 1969 in the Arab-Israeli “war of attrition.” These were the Soviet Strela-2. In one day, they destroyed three Israeli A4 Skyhawk aircraft.

And with only three missiles. The result shocked military experts. In the same battle, two missiles were fired at Mirage III aircraft, but the targets were outside the kill zone.

A few years earlier there was American complex"Red Eye". And since those years, MANPADS have been actively used throughout the world.

Portable systems fit harmoniously into network-centric and hybrid wars. They were originally created to cover ground military formations and over the half-century of their existence they have more than proven that they are equal combat units of the modern army.

They are still idolized today for their simplicity and effectiveness. Over the history of their existence, Soviet and then Russian MANPADS shot down more than 700 aircraft. Used in Egypt, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Ethiopia to protect military units in the Peruvian conflict.

The famous “Stinger” made its presence felt loudly in Afghanistan starting in 1986. These MANPADS shot down more than a hundred Soviet planes and helicopters. Our special forces groups were hunting for the Stinger. IN short time Several missiles were captured, which were subsequently taken to the USSR and used to create countermeasures systems.

Appearances are deceptive

The creators of the first domestic MANPADS were the brilliant designers Boris Shavyrin and Sergei Nepobedimy. I was lucky enough to be accompanied by KBM employees to Invincible’s apartment in a high-rise building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment several years before the death of the master of the defense industry.

I remember the majestic figure, the sparkle of a fanatic in his eyes, his magnetism. And - an incredible amount of knowledge poured onto the interlocutor like a waterfall.

MANPADS are just one of almost three dozen brainchildren of Invincible, and therefore of KBM. Among them is the operational-tactical missile system "Oka", which was replaced by "Iskander", the complex active protection"Arena" tanks, the all-weather anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthemum-S" and much more.

Today, the general designer of KBM is Valery Kashin, a student and follower of the Invincible. Under his leadership, Igla-S was created, the development of which became Verba.

Despite the external similarity of the new product to its predecessors, this is a completely different weapon, with new characteristics.

"Verba" is capable of successfully hitting not only traditional air targets - airplanes and helicopters, but also so-called low-emitting targets - cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Its differences from its predecessor are significant. For the first time in the world, a fundamentally new homing head is installed on a product - an optical three-band (or three-spectral) one: it operates in the ultraviolet, near-infrared and mid-infrared ranges. This allows you to obtain more information about the target, which makes the complex a “selective” weapon.

Three sensors constantly check each other, making it difficult aircraft, against whom the missile is directed, mislead it using false targets. The homing head automatically “selects” false thermal targets (interference) and focuses on the object, albeit not with the strongest thermal radiation, but precisely on the one that needs to be hit.

The sensitivity of the missile homing head has been increased eight (!) times. Accordingly, the zone for capturing and destroying air targets has also increased: compared to the previous generation Igla-S MANPADS - by 2.5 times. The complex is equipped with a Mowgli-2 night vision sight.

The automated control system allows you to detect air targets, including group ones, determine their flight parameters and even distribute targets between shooters.

The new rocket engine allows you to fire a shot at an object located at a distance of 6 km from the shooter. The height of the lesion is from 10 m to 3.5 km. Weight launcher with a power source and a missile inside in a firing position - only 17.25 kg.

In short, we are talking about a unique innovative technology. The rocket, according to KBM General Designer Valery Kashin, is “fully digital”, it is hermetically sealed, and materials that are insensitive to aggressive environments are used for its manufacture. During flight, the rocket is controlled autonomously.

The homing system is designed so that it can deceive the anti-missile systems of targets. The fighter is required to press start, and then the rocket will do everything itself. The friend-or-foe recognition system significantly reduces the risk of hitting friendly aircraft.

Competitors are years behind

Verba MANPADS can be used not only from the shoulder. In the future, it is possible to install turrets with the Verba missile on ships and helicopters. MANPADS "Igla-S" is used as part of shipborne installations "Gibka" and in sets of autonomous modules "Strelets" on combat helicopters.

“Verba” will go the same way,” Valery Kashin said the other day. Moreover, according to him, the Verba MANPADS from the very beginning was developed taking into account the possibility of using it, in addition to the one named, on “other movable military equipment.” Which one remains to be seen.

In terms of its characteristics, the Verba complex surpasses not only the Igla-1, Igla, Igla-S MANPADS in service with the Russian army, but also their foreign analogues- American “Stinger” Block I and Chinese QW-2. American MANPADS significantly loses to “Verba” in all respects.

The Russian government has allowed to sell the new product abroad, there is already foreign buyer. Manufacturers, however, have not yet said who exactly. The US military called the new Russian MANPADS one of the most “disturbing” types of weapons, and its export as a “potentially threatening event.” Russia has created the most dangerous anti-aircraft system in history, writes the American publication Business Insider.

The Israelis were also concerned about the prospect of selling Verba. They say: “Verba” is capable of breaking the resistance of most defensive systems of Western armies. In local conflicts of the last three decades greatest danger For military aviation They represented man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems.

The Israeli government has decided to equip its fleet of aircraft with DIRCM directed infrared countermeasures systems to protect against MANPADS. This system combines passive, optical missile detection detectors and directed, infrared countermeasures.

The developers of the system claim that the laser beam disrupts the attack of a missile fired at an aircraft and forces it to deviate from its course. Perhaps these threats apply to early-model MANPADS, but not to Verba, say Russian military experts with whom the author spoke.

Numerous exercises taking place Russian troops confirm: “Verba” confidently destroys targets simulating attack drones, helicopters and attack aircraft conditional enemy. This MANPADS works to the limit maximum ranges and altitudes, on oncoming and catch-up courses.

The quality and reliability of the complex have been significantly improved, and its operation, maintenance and training have been simplified. Gradually, "Verba" will replace all MANPADS of earlier types. This will make it possible to completely unify the arsenals of types and branches of troops according to this species weapons.

Nikolay Poroskov

"Verba"(GRAU index - 9K333, rocket - 9M336) - a Russian man-portable anti-aircraft missile system designed to destroy low-flying air targets on oncoming and catch-up courses under conditions of exposure to false thermal interference. Despite the external similarity of this MANPADS with its predecessors - the same “pipe” as the “Igla”, the same sighting mechanism that helps the anti-aircraft gunner identify the target and fire a shot - this is a completely different weapon, with different characteristics. And they are that the missile is capable of hitting not only traditional aircraft- and, but also the so-called “low-emitting targets” - cruise missiles and UAVs. Rocket 9M336 complex 9K333 equipped with an infrared three-band homing head and a solid fuel engine, allowing it to hit air targets at a range of over 6 km and at an altitude of over 4 km.

The complex includes automated control system(ACS), which detects air targets, including group ones, determines their flight parameters, as well as distributes found targets among anti-aircraft gunners, taking into account their location.

The Verba MANPADS includes:

  • Rocket 9M336
  • Trigger 9P521
  • Ground radar interrogator "one's own - someone else's" 1L229V
  • Mobile control point 9V861
  • Small-sized radar detector 1L122
  • Planning module 9S931
  • Intelligence and control module 9S932-1
  • Portable fire control module 9S933(in brigade kit), built-in installation kit 9S933-1(in divisional set)
  • Anti-aircraft gunner automation kit 9S935
  • Educational and training aids

Advantages of the Verba MANPADS over its predecessors:

  • The quality has improved significantly: now
    There is no need to carry out periodic checks with cooling of the homing head with nitrogen. This makes it possible to refuse additional equipment, from nitrogen storage facilities, save human resources
  • Improved reliability of the complex
  • At the same time, high continuity with previous MANPADS has been maintained in terms of combat work, operation, maintenance and training

Kolomenskoye KBM entered into a long-term contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the supply "Willows" and launched mass production of the new MANPADS.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the Verba MANPADS

Verba MANPADS missile

The missile of this complex is equipped with a unique three-spectral homing head operating in the ultraviolet, near-infrared and mid-infrared ranges. It is this difference in spectra that allows us to obtain more information about the target, which makes MANPADS"selective" weapon. In addition, the head "Willows" has also significantly greater compared to MANPADS "Igla-S" sensitivity. This increases the range of capture of airborne objects. Also, the homing head automatically selects false thermal targets (thermal interference) and focuses on the object with the strongest thermal radiation.

The missile's characteristics are more than optimal for portable anti-aircraft weapons on the battlefield. The new solid-fuel engine makes it possible to carry out a successful shot at an object located at a distance of over six kilometers from the shooter and flying at a speed of 500 meters per second. The mass of the missile is only one and a half kilograms, but the height of destruction varies from ten (!) to 4.5 thousand meters. The closest foreign competitor of the Russian MANPADS- American complex FIM-92 "Stinger" can only be used against air targets located at an altitude of 180 meters. That is, an enemy helicopter will be able to calmly shoot at American infantry positions from a height below this mark: hit a hovering rotorcraft from "Stinger" it will simply be impossible. The US team's performance is not the most respectable. MANPADS and according to other characteristics. So, the height of the target that the missile can reach "Stinger", cannot exceed 3.8 thousand meters, and the distance from the shooter’s location is 4.8 thousand.

Arctic test

The commander of the anti-aircraft missile regiment of the 98th Airborne Division, Colonel Andrei Musienko (as part of this unit they were also tested MANPADS "Verba") emphasizes that with the arrival of the new complex, the process of controlling air combat in airborne units accelerated more than 10 times. Previously, more than three to five minutes passed from the moment the senior commander discovered the target to the launch of the missile by the anti-aircraft gunner; now it takes just a few seconds. Such parameters, according to military officers, fully correspond to the needs of modern anti-aircraft combat - highly mobile and dynamic countermeasures of air attack, requiring the use modern weapons and operational management of it.

By the way, MANPADS "Verba", which includes elements of an automated control system, are fully compatible with the Andromeda-D automated control system used in the Airborne Forces. “Verba” performed well during one of the paratroopers’ exercises in Arctic zone. Even in abnormal conditions low temperatures There were no failures or failures in the use of these weapons and their control systems. As Valery Kashin, general designer of JSC NPK KBM, noted, sea and helicopter versions of the Verba are currently in development.

Rosoboronexport is introducing the newest Russian man-portable anti-aircraft missile system Verba to the international market. It was developed at the Kolomna research and production corporation Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau of the High-Precision Complexes holding (part of Rostec). The Verba MANPADS will be presented for the first time at the largest international exhibition of land and naval weapons, Defexpo India 2016, which will be held in South Goa from March 28 to 31

“We are convinced that Verba will be of interest to both the Indian military and our partners from South-East Asia and other regions,” - “Gazeta.Ru” in the press service of “Rosobornexport” with reference to the deputy general director of ROE Sergei Goreslavsky, who will lead the delegation at the exhibition.

For service Russian army The Verba MANPADS was adopted quite recently - in 2015. It is designed to destroy air targets, including cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles.

The special exporter explains that the light weight and high level automation of Verba combat weapons allows one anti-aircraft gunner to fire at air targets at an altitude of 10 to 3.5 thousand m, at a range from 500 to 6.5 thousand m, while developing a speed of up to 400 m/s (at when shooting towards) or up to 320 m/s (when shooting after). It is also noted that MANPADS can hit targets maneuvering with overloads of up to eight units.

The newest MANPADS are 2.5 times more effective than their predecessor, the previous generation Igla complex.

The effectiveness of defeating small targets with weak radiation in the thermal range (cruise missiles and UAVs) has been increased, as well as protection from modern powerful pyrotechnic interference has been increased.

Improving the combat capabilities of the Verba is achieved thanks to the 9M336 missile with a three-spectral highly sensitive optical homing head (OGS), new instrumentation and a unique warhead with an adaptive contact-non-contact fuse and an increased mass of explosives.

“This is a new generation of MANPADS, which is superior to the Stinger thanks to its three-spectral homing head with good opportunities, which two or three countries around the world know how to do,” weapons expert Viktor Murakhovsky told Gazeta.Ru.

In addition to the missile in the guide tube, the Verba includes a launcher, a locator for friend-or-foe recognition, a mobile control point, a small-sized radar detector, planning, reconnaissance and control modules. A portable fire control module is also supplied to the troops.

“The joint use of 9M336 missiles from the Verba MANPADS with a set of control equipment and launch modules makes it possible to create on their basis light mobile anti-aircraft missile systems for direct cover or to equip existing anti-aircraft missiles and artillery systems, says Rosoboronexport. “This option of placing the complex’s combat assets on various carriers allows for a salvo launch of missiles, which increases the probability of hitting a target by 1.5 times.” According to KBM general designer Valery Kashin, a whole set of installations for using the new MANPADS has already been developed.

“Verba” can be used not only from the shoulder, but also placed on various land, sea and air carriers.

The complex uses the 1PN97M Mowgli-2M night vision sight, which detects targets at any time of the day and fires at them at the far border of the affected area.

Russian Deputy Defense Minister for Armaments Yuri Borisov previously reported to the President that in 2015 two divisional sets anti-aircraft missile system"Verba" were staged in Airborne troops. Two more brigade sets entered the Ground Forces. According to him, the equipment passed the tests and entered the operating organizations for equipment and training of personnel.

Meanwhile, progress does not stand still and a promising MANPADS is already being developed to replace the Verba, which will be protected from laser jamming systems that are just beginning to enter service with the advanced countries of the world. According to the head of the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, Alexander Leonov, the Armed Forces will receive it “in a few years.”

Deputy head of Rosoboronexport Goreslavsky, who is taking the premiere of “Verba” to India, is sure that “today it is the best complex on the international arms market in its class in total tactical and technical characteristics and unique technical solutions."

Arms expert Viktor Murakhovsky explained to Gazeta.Ru that the export potential of Verba is good, but there are a number of international restrictions on the supply of MANPADS to some countries. “There is an agreement between leading countries on the non-proliferation of MANPADS. There is an agreed list of states to which man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems cannot be supplied at all. This list is closed, but it is known that it includes the DPRK, Somalia, some African countries where militants of the banned radical Islamist organization Boko Haram operate and others - the list is significant,” the interlocutor said. He also explained that, according to the document, it is impossible to supply MANPADS to non-state armed groups, no matter how democratic they may be, for example, the Free Syrian Army.

“For official buyers with a reliable end-user certificate from countries such as Algeria and Egypt, they will be quite interesting. Including India itself,” added the military expert.

Russia traditionally occupies a leading position among the world manufacturers of air defense systems, including man-portable anti-aircraft weapons missile systems. For example, the predecessor of the Verba, which is in service with the armies of Russia and the CIS and is designed to destroy low-flying air targets under the influence of false thermal interference, has been exported to more than 30 countries since 1994.