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Tips - where to go on vacation abroad in June 2019 inexpensively. Resorts, photos and videos of tourists

With the onset of summer, everyone wants to relax and have fun on the seashore. If you live in an area where there is a lot of water, then you have nothing to worry about. Every sunny day you can enjoy relaxing, sunbathing and swimming. And if you live where rivers are very rare, then a reasonable question arises: where to go on vacation abroad in June 2019 inexpensively, so that the sea is nearby and the sun shines from morning to evening. The question is interesting, and we will definitely look into it. After reading the article, you will be able to choose your holiday resort and go there in the first month of summer.

To be honest, in the summer great amount countries where you can go. Firstly, this is all of Europe, where it is hot up to +30 even in the most northern countries. In Scandinavia, for example, there is no hint of snow or frost, and Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway are enjoying the warmth.

In these countries, residents and tourists spend time on lakes and local rivers. Of course, the Scandinavian countries are surrounded by seas, but the water temperature in them is not suitable for swimming even in summer. It is better to come here on an excursion holiday, admire nature, swim along the river along huge rocks. There are gorgeous and huge bridges here, which are in no way inferior in beauty to the sights of Italy. And the ancient Viking villages that have survived to this day are also worth visiting and seeing how they live modern descendants great Vikings.

The cities of Scandinavia are very beautiful. They are neatly built. Everything fits harmoniously into them. Even benches along rivers and in parks are positioned so that everyone will definitely want to sit on them. But let us repeat once again - in the Scandinavian countries you cannot swim in the sea in the summer, only in lakes and rivers.

To Europe by sea.
In addition to the Scandinavian countries, there are other countries in Europe where you can go not only on excursions, but also on the sea. The first step is to pay attention to countries closer to Russia. Firstly, this is Cyprus. Cyprus - long ago favorite place for the relaxation of our tourists.

At the beginning of summer in this island state the air temperature reaches +30 degrees. The nights are warm, not lower than +22 degrees. And the sea will delight you with water at +25 and above. And with such indicators, holidays in Cyprus are one of the cheapest!

Cyprus' neighbors Greece also happily welcomes tourists to its shores. Temperatures here are approximately the same, but prices are slightly higher. As you know, holidays in Greece at sea take place on the islands.

There are not very many vacationers on mainland Greece. The most famous and popular holiday islands that are part of Greece are Crete, Rhodes and Kos. The remaining islands, about twenty more, are not so popular among tourists.

It is also worth mentioning Italy, where tourists can choose not only a resort, but also the sea for relaxation. The choice here is the Mediterranean Sea, or the Adriatic, which is cooler. And don’t forget about the Italian islands, where it’s simply wonderful to spend your holidays.

Let's remind you of the name of the islands and you will immediately want to go to them. These are Sicily and Sardinia. It is not easy to choose between them, and tourists often divide their vacation into two parts, spending it alternately on two islands.

On the other side of the Adriatic are the beautiful countries of the Balkans. The most popular among Russians is Montenegro. Next comes Croatia and Albania. By the way, it is Albania that has greatly improved in terms of tourism. Over the past five years, many modern resorts, luxury hotels and incredible beaches have appeared here. The nature of the country will also delight all tourists. Albania is confidently moving in the right direction and proof of this is that the annual increase in tourist flows in the country is more than 120%, and this says a lot.

Spain is a distant country with an incredible climate, beautiful nature and the most beautiful beaches. In the country you can also choose a holiday in the Akdeniz Sea or on the Atlantic Ocean. Plus Spain also has its own islands. Where millions of tourists from all over the world fly to vacation every year. The most famous island is Ibiza. Next come Mallorca and the Canary Islands.
Next door to Spain is Portugal. The country is beautiful and popular among tourists all over the world. But for Russians it is too far away. The flight alone will cost you an amount that will be more than what you will spend on a holiday in Cyprus. But if you are still going here on vacation, then the island of Madeira, in the Atlantic Ocean.

They rest here famous people, here you can meet movie stars, music stars and politicians. And many celebrities own hotels and plots of land on the island.

Perhaps that's all for Europe. Of course, if you wish, you can choose any of more than fifty European countries, the choice is yours. We looked at the best options in our opinion.

In June to Africa.
Of course, what would summer be without African countries? True, there are not many countries here that are recommended to visit, but they are beautiful, with a very rich history.

Tunisia is first on this list. Almost five years have passed since the uprising and war in the country. During this time, everything here has changed dramatically. New resort areas, luxury hotels and huge sandy beaches. Tourists are so fond of excursions to ancient places that many fall in love with Tunisia once and for all.
Morocco is also popular with tourists from Russia. The Canary Islands are located not far from the coast of the country, and if you have a Schengen visa, you can sail to them by boat. Morocco is much larger than Tunisia, here more desert, and safari tours are very popular among tourists. When they go on a journey through the endless sands in jeeps.

The third and perhaps last African country on the list is Egypt. There is no point in talking about it; every third tourist from Russia has visited the country. And if you take those who travel independently without a travel agency, then you get every second tourist. The country has many attractions, magnificent beaches and nature. But at the beginning of summer it is too hot, so it is better to fly here in autumn or spring.

Holidays in June in Asia.
But to Asian countries beach holiday At the beginning of summer it is better not to fly. It’s the rainy season here, the heat is hellish up to +44 and above. The only exception is Bali. In some areas of the islands the weather is dry, and here you can relax on the beaches.
If you are considering Asia as an excursion country, then you can choose Japan or South Korea.

Holidays in June in South America.
The weather here is almost the same as in Southeast Asia. True, it doesn’t rain everywhere. And in many countries it costs good weather. But in the summer, few Russians fly here. It’s still far away, and there are countries much closer with excellent weather.
Cuba is a great place to vacation. The country is not very expensive, but very beautiful. The Seychelles and Maldives are nearby. They are also a favorite place to relax. The entire coast is made of white sand, palm trees grow and the nature is simply marvelous.

June is the beginning of vacation time. Where can you go at this time to make your trip a success and make your vacation memorable? Of course, a lot depends on the purpose for which you are planning the trip. We will tell you where it is better to go in June and what places you should go to at other times of the year.

Weekend getaway: an interesting weekend in June

If at the beginning of summer you only have weekends free, and a full-fledged vacation is planned for another time, you can plan your vacation for the weekend. At this time, magnolias bloom in Abkhazia, presenting an unforgettable sight. The mountains are no longer covered with snow, and rhododendrons are blooming in the meadows. The trip can be combined with a beach holiday, as the sea at this time warms up to 25 °C.

Budget holiday at sea in June the coast of Crimea offers. At the beginning of the month, the sea is considered cool, although you can already swim in it. But the season starts towards the end of the month. Accordingly, at the beginning, prices for accommodation and food are still low. The air temperature is comfortable, which does not interfere with exploring local attractions and amazing nature.

At this time, you can already plan a vacation on Lake Baikal. The air temperature remains at 18 – 20 °C, and few tourists gather. The waters of the lake at this time are the clearest, the underwater currents are weak, so it is recommended to go here for a weekend of diving.

Only seasoned tourists will be able to swim in the lake. The water temperature in summer barely reaches 20 °C and only closer to August. But there are no mosquitoes on the coast.

A great place for a trip is Karelia. At this time, sunny weather and white nights set in. We recommend visiting the Ruskeala mountain park, where the marble canyon is located, and the Ladoga waterfalls.

A weekend is enough to explore Kaliningrad with a sightseeing tour. Part of the time is worth setting aside for a trip to Svetlogorsk and the village of Yantarny.

Excursion tours in June

If you are planning a vacation in early June, you can combine a trip to the coast with excursion holidays. Not hot weather allows you to explore the sights in detail and get acquainted with the characteristics of other countries. Many people choose bus excursion tours to European countries for their holidays. This allows you to inexpensively inspect several European countries literally in a couple of weeks. As a rule, these are neighboring countries. For example, Germany, Austria and Hungary, or Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Popular offers for trips to the capitals of neighboring countries: Prague, Budapest, Vienna. An economical option for the tour is accommodation in Budapest with daily excursions to neighboring countries.

Fans of Scandinavian countries can also plan a trip. In most cases, the weather there at this time is sunny, but light rain may occur.

The best festivals and holidays of June

Where is the best place to go in June for fans of active and fun pastime? Again to Scandinavia and Europe, where the season of music festivals begins. At this time, major festivals are held almost every weekend in Austria, Germany, Sweden, and Finland. Most of of which is organized under open air and lasts several days.

In June, a pride parade starts in Germany, which takes place alternately in different cities of the country.

If you want to witness a real royal celebration, go to the UK. This month marks the day royal family, so the whole country is plunged into celebrations for almost a month. Particularly colorful celebrations take place in Windsor, where the Queen Mother was born, and the capital of the kingdom. At the end of June the British celebrate the day summer solstice. During the Golowan celebration, torchlight processions take place through the streets, bonfires are lit at night, and ritual dances are performed.

If you are a fan of classical and jazz music, head to Brussels at the end of July. These days, open-air events are held on the main square. summer festival music of these directions. And in the city of Mons this month they celebrate the holiday of the Golden Chariot and the victory over the dragon. According to legend, once a terrible animal tried to capture the city, but St. George drove it away.

If you were planning a holiday abroad in June to take part in national holidays, go to Malta in the last week of the month. At this time, the day of Saints Peter and Paul - Mnarja - is celebrated here. In all villages, bonfires are lit, torches are set up, theatrical performances are held in the streets, and street musicians play.

Ski holidays in June

If you didn’t have enough snow in winter, in June you may well find places where you can easily cover the missing kilometers. You can search for them in North America. So, in the Mammoth Mountains in California you can ski until the beginning of July, and if the winter has a lot of snow, then the Colorado resorts are waiting for tourists until the end of June.

Where is even better to go abroad in June for ski holiday? Of course, to Canada! For example, in Whistler-Blackcomb the trails are suitable for skiing right up to August. And in Europe, it turns out, there are resorts that operate all year round. At any time of the year you will find the snowy slopes of Sölden, Kaprun, Tux, Stubai, as well as the Italian Passo Stelvio.

Oddly enough, Chile and Argentina also have good ski resorts, where it is best to relax in June. These are Argentina's Cerro Castor and Las Leñas, as well as Portillo in Chile. If you like Asian snow, head to the Gassan resort in Japan or Chimbulak in Kazakhstan. In the latter case, the lifts may already be closed, but there is still enough snow for freeriders to ride.

In Japan, it is not customary to make direct eye contact or actively gesticulate when speaking. The restrained Japanese perceive this as an act of aggression in their direction.

Ideal countries for ski holidays in summer - New Zealand and Australia. As soon as the season closes in Europe, it is just beginning here. The largest concentration of resorts is in Australia in the states of New South Wales and Victoria. Names such as Falls Creek, Mountain Buller, Perisher Blue, Thredbo excite the imagination of real skiers and snowboarders. They officially open in mid-June and are immediately filled with vacationers. New Zealand resorts are opening towards the end of the month. The most popular resort is Huakapapa.

Beach holiday in June

Perhaps the most burning question will be “Where to go on a seaside holiday in early June?” Usually at this time the nearest seaside resorts are not pampering warm waters, but foreign beaches have long been ready to receive tourists.

A traditional holiday in Turkey at this time will not be hot, but warm weather. At this time the sea warms up to +23 °C, but there are still very few tourists. Accordingly, prices for accommodation and food are low compared to the peak months of July and August.

But in Greece it is already noticeably hot, as for a domestic tourist. During the day, the air temperature averages +30 °C and there is practically no precipitation. True, the mainland and the island parts have slightly different weather patterns. In any case, Greece has the most comfortable beach holiday abroad in June.

It's hot at this time in Israel. During the day, the thermometer reaches +37 °C, and the sea warms up to +31 °C, although it is still far from real heat. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to go to the Dead Sea in June, it is better not to miss it.

The same hot weather sets in at this time in Morocco, but it is easier to bear thanks to the cool wind. Besides Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Morocco it is much cooler Mediterranean Sea Israeli coast, so swimming in it is more pleasant.

But in Cyprus at this time it also warms up to +24 °C at the beginning of the month, so if you have a vacation in early June and don’t know where to go, go to this island in the Mediterranean Sea. By the end of the month it gets hot here.

If you were planning to visit Tunisia, then best time for the trip - exactly June. Although it is quite hot here at this time, the air temperature can reach +40 °C, the real heat is yet to come.

Fans of the Mediterranean coast can spend their holidays on Italian beaches, where at this time it is relatively cool, the sea is warm, and the excursion program is extensive. Spain also looks attractive, especially the Canary Islands. During this period no strong winds, precipitation is extremely rare, and the flowering vineyards are mesmerizing.

The question of where to go inexpensively in June is easily resolved - to Montenegro! Mild climate, warm sea (+23 °C) and pleasant temperature air (+25 °C) make your vacation pleasant, despite possible precipitation.

We are planning a family holiday with children in June

The beginning of summer is the time for school holidays. Therefore, the question of where to take a child on vacation is also acute. In the first month of summer, all kinds of thematic camps open: music, language, sports. They work throughout Europe, but most of them are in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany. After sending your child to camp for a couple of weeks, you can stay nearby for a vacation. And at this time your child will improve his health, learn new skills and meet peers from other countries.

Another question is where it is cheaper to fly in June with a small child who cannot be sent to camp. Or with an older person who doesn’t want to go to camp. A great place for such a holiday is Bulgaria. The gently sloping sandy beach of Sunny Beach is safe even for the little ones. You can stay not only in luxury hotels, but also in inexpensive boarding houses, villas, and private houses with all amenities. But we must take into account that in the first half of June the weather here is still cloudy and windy, and the weather will clear up towards the end of the month.

Bulgaria is a great place to holiday with children

Few people remember, but Bulgarians shake their heads from side to side in agreement. Disagreement is expressed by throwing the head up, which is similar to our usual affirmative head nods.

You can save money if you stay at any hotel in Turkey at this time. Children will always be entertained here, the restaurants will offer a special menu, and the beginning of the month does not yet “bite” with high season prices.

Not less entertainment for children in the resorts of Spain, where the season begins in numerous amusement parks and water parks. A trip to Scandinavian countries will be amazing and memorable. Theme parks based on the fairy tales of Astrid Lindgren and Tove Jansson are open here.

Best places to shop in June

A real shopaholic is not interested in the question of where to go to the seaside at the end of June. It is more important for him to get to a place where he can spend time from morning to evening in endless trips to various stores. Milan is considered the capital of this part of fashion life. Just the names of the stores will make every fashionista’s head spin: Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Tiffany&Co, Hermes, Fendi, Armani, D&G, Prada, Versace, Gucci and much more. A must-visit place is Italy's largest outlet, Serravalle, where you can find everything from perfume and nail polish to fur coats and expensive accessories at affordable prices.

IN Lately London is trying to challenge the title of world fashion capital. Just walk along Oxford Street, look at Piccadilly or Bond Street - and you will see for yourself that these statements are not unfounded. Here you will find not only stores of the best European brands, but also designer boutiques, gift shops, and antique salons.

One more shopping center New York is considered the world's largest city. Tourists who have heard about its shopping offerings tend to flock to Manhattan, but few people know that there are many other equally worthy places scattered throughout the city. Unique showrooms, outlandish salons - all this can be found even in disadvantaged areas of the city. In addition, sales are held here every season.

If you think that shopping is about clothes, shoes, perfumes and accessories, you are deeply mistaken. Today, various gadgets have taken their place among shopaholics. And you have to go to Tokyo to get them. Only here can you find such huge electronics supermarkets, where technical innovations are sold at ridiculous prices. In addition, Japan is the birthplace of the brands Kenzo, Yohji Yamamoto and amazing pearl jewelry. To make sure you don't miss a thing, head to the Ginza shopping district.

Exotic destination in June

When thinking about where to go in June, the first thing that comes to mind is a trip to the sea, and the best sea in June can be found in exotic countries. Thus, in the northern regions of Vietnam, as well as in the resort of Nha Trang, hot but dry weather sets in. Temperatures of +30 °C are easily tolerated due to the low humidity, which is uncharacteristic for this country. During this period, the dry season begins. The water in the sea stays at a comfortable +26 °C.

Fans of trips to Thailand should go to the coast of Malacca, where the most favorable conditions for relaxation are established at this time. The weather is also good in the area of ​​the popular resorts of Pattaya. But it is better not to fly to the western part of the country: during this period, heavy winds and storms occur there.

Holidays on the island of Mauritius look attractive Indian Ocean. Fans of kite and sailing go here on vacation. There are almost always winds blowing here that are suitable for these sports. But in summer time the force of the wind subsides a little, making the rest more comfortable. And if you find a cozy bay, even a beginner can master the art of sailing.

There are luxury hotels, gourmet restaurants, high level service, extensive excursion program. But all this, of course, is beyond the means of a person with an average income.

Where can you vacation without visas in June?

If your vacation suddenly overtakes you, and you do not have time to apply for a visa to your favorite country for vacation, you can reorient yourself to one where a visa is not required. The list of such countries is wide enough to have plenty to choose from. The weather is excellent at this time in Montenegro, but warm sea It’s still worth going to Israel, Turkey, Cyprus, Morocco, Egypt. From exotic countries, you will be welcomed without a prior visa in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. From Asian countries you can choose South Korea, Macau, Hong Kong. And, of course, don’t forget about the neighboring countries - Ukraine and Belarus will always offer excellent holiday options.

Where not to go in June

In June, the weather is not the same everywhere, and in some popular resorts in the world it is very changeable. Tempted by pleasant memories of a previously spent vacation at another time of the year, you can ruin your vacation by arriving at your favorite resort at an inopportune time.

So, you should not go to Croatia in early June, unless you are a fan of cold and piercing winds. If you can’t wait to come to the local coast, you should postpone your trip until the end of the month and take some warm clothes with you for evening walks by the sea.

Also, pleasant weather sets in only towards the end of the month in Bulgarian resorts. Until then it stays here overcast, periodic rains. The only joy is the low prices for tours.

The warm air temperature in Portugal in June is also very deceptive. At +27 °C, the water warms up no higher than +16 °C, so you can’t count on a luxurious beach holiday. Although, if swimming is not the main purpose of the trip for you, then a holiday in Portugal in June may be successful.

As you can see, if you have a vacation planned for June, you can always find options for any vacation: beach or skiing, with children or for shopping. Even if you have a very limited budget, you can find Amazing places, Where time will pass with maximum positive emotions. At any time of the year, you can find a geographical location that will meet your requirements for a pleasant holiday.

There are many options for where to fly to the seaside with a child in June 2019. The choice is not easy. We offer an overview of 9 countries where it is better to vacation with children at the beginning of summer. Find out about the weather at resorts and places where you can have an interesting vacation.

Holidays with a child by the sea in June have many advantages. Coastal resorts are just starting to fill up, and the beaches are not very crowded. In June, prices for accommodation and excursions are lower than in July and August, so you can save a little. In addition, at the beginning of the high tourist season there is no such sweltering heat as at the end of summer, and the sea water is already warm enough for swimming.


At the beginning of summer, the water temperature in the Mediterranean Sea is 2-3 degrees higher than in the Aegean. If you haven’t yet decided where exactly to go to Turkey with your child in June 2019, then choose , and . In coastal resorts it is very warm +28...+31°С, and the temperature sea ​​water reaches +23...+24°С.

Holidays with children are especially good in June. Almost every hotel has animation and separate children's pools. Due to proximity high mountains and the fresh sea breeze, the heat here is much easier to bear than in other resorts of the Turkish Riviera. Thanks to the clean small pebbles, the sea water is very clear. Along the shore in shallow water the sea warms up to a comfortable +25...+26°C and is suitable for swimming even for the smallest children.

If you want to relax with your child on sandy beaches, you should pay attention to. In addition to beach holidays, the Turkish resort is popular for boat trips on yachts, trips to the Manavgat Falls and Koprulu Canyon, as well as visits to Manavgat Discovery Park, Troy Water Park and Sealanya Sea Park.

(Photo © Steven Tan (maethlin) / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


A good decision is to fly to Croatia with your children in June 2019, because it won’t take long to get to the Adriatic coast. Transparent warm sea, green pine forests, healing mineral water And thermal springs very good for health. Two weeks by the sea significantly improves a child’s immunity and relieves him of the consequences of lingering colds.

At the beginning of summer, the weather on the Croatian coast is warm, sunny - there are 6-8 days with rain per month. Children who do not tolerate heat well feel great here.

The choice of Croatian resorts is so wide that it can be difficult to decide where to go to the sea with a child. According to reviews from tourists, it is best to relax with children in Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik or in resort villages near large coastal cities.

Some parents prefer the Istrian peninsula. In June, the Istrian coast is a little cooler and drier than other Croatian resorts. Just keep in mind that almost all Istrian beaches are natural pebble lagoons, piles of rocks or artificial concrete platforms.

It’s easy to diversify your holiday with children at sea in June! In Croatia, it’s nice to take a child to walk through medieval cities, travel to picturesque national parks and take part in local festivals.

At the beginning of summer, Poreč hosts a folklore festival, and knightly dances called Moreška are held on the island of Korcula. In Croatia, Summer Solstice Day is celebrated on a grand scale. In every resort town and the village on June 21st they organize concerts, colorful processions and fairs.

(Photo © christoph_sammer / / Licensed CC BY 2.0)


Fans of Israeli resorts know the answer to the question of where to go to the sea with a child. Tourists believe that June in Israel is the most comfortable of the summer months. At the beginning of June, the air in coastal cities warms up to +29...+33°C, and the sea water temperature reaches +23...+24°C. Whereas in July and August the heat in Israeli resorts is unbearable.

Israelis have a warm attitude towards young travelers. This country loves children and does everything to make them feel happy. Children are welcomed with pleasure in any cafe and hotel. Family hotels have shallow pools, games rooms, children's clubs and a variety of entertainment programs.

Parents on vacation in Israel take their children on excursions to local attractions and children's museums. It is interesting to visit Israeli zoos with a child of any age: the Safari Zoological Center in Ramat Gan, Hamat Gader Park, the Park HaKofim monkey nursery and the Biblical Zoo in southwest Jerusalem.

Tourists who are planning to fly to Israel with a child in June 2019 should keep in mind that not all resorts are suitable for children's holidays. It can be very hot on the shores of the Red Sea in early June, so it is not recommended for a summer holiday with small children. If your child is under 6 years old, there is no need to plan a trip to the Dead Sea. The water in a large inland reservoir is oversaturated with salts and, if it comes into contact with the baby’s mucous membranes, can cause a severe burning sensation.

(Photo © xiquinhosilva / / License CC BY 2.0)


The picturesque resorts of Cyprus are one of the best places where you can have a good rest with your child at sea. It happens on the island in June, but before temperature maximums July and August are still far away. At the beginning of summer the air warms up to +22...+27°C, and at the end of June during the day the temperature already exceeds +30°C. There is practically no rain, and you don’t have to think about umbrellas and windbreakers.

Many Germans and English vacation in Cyprus, so the white sand beaches and playgrounds are equipped according to international standards, and in any hotel tourists can expect high-quality service of the European level. for a comfortable family vacation in Paphos, Limassol, Nicosia, Larnaca, Kyrenia and Famagusta. Ayia Napa is traditionally considered a youth resort, so this resort is too noisy for families with children.

In addition to swimming in the sea, in June it is good to go on excursions around the island with your child. Children really like the Cypriot water parks, aquariums, the donkey park near Limassol and the singing fountain show in Protaras.

Get a discount of 2000 rubles by coupon UAF2000make-trip for tours to Cyprus. Hurry before April 20, 2019!

(Photo © dimitrisvetsikas /


Going to Greece to the sea with a child in June 2019 is a great idea! The flight takes little time and is inexpensive.

(Photo © kishjar / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

In June, the sea with a child is good on the beaches of Morocco, which are famous for their fine, clean sand. They are wide and have a gentle entry into the water. The seabed near the shore is clean and level, and there are no algae or sea animals on it.

June in Morocco is not as hot as July and August. The air temperature on the coast rarely exceeds +29...+30°С. The water in the ocean is a little colder than in the Mediterranean Sea, but quite suitable for swimming (+22...+23°C). It is hot during the day, so it is better to wait out the middle of the day with your child at the hotel or devote this time to a walk in the beautiful shady parks.

In June, cherries ripen, and Moroccans hold a colorful festival dedicated to this berry. Fairs open in cities where you can buy a lot of inexpensive cherries, pastries with cherry filling and jam.

Keep in mind that a trip to Morocco is more suitable for older children who do not need animation and attractions as much. Schoolchildren will be interested in getting to know the beauty of the desert. They will be able to appreciate the exoticism of ancient Moroccan cities, ride ATVs, visit water parks and go on safari.

(Photo © joaoa / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Tourists who are not afraid of it prefer to fly on holiday with their children to the north East Coast Africa. Until the 20th of June, the air temperature in Tunisia does not rise above +27°C. The sea is quite warm +23...+24°C, and a lot of fruit ripens. To holiday in an African country, you do not need a visa, and the flight from Russia to Tunisia lasts only a few hours.

For parents who decide to go to Africa, it is important to decide where to go to the sea with their child. There are no special places for family holidays in Tunisia, but at any Tunisian resort there are hotels aimed at children. Comfortable conditions easy to find on the island of Djerba, Sousse, Mahdia, Monastir and Hammamet. Vacationers will enjoy wide sandy beaches, excellent infrastructure and services.

Yasmine Hammamet is famous for its great entertainment complex"Carthage Land" with attractions designed for children of different ages. Schoolchildren love the New Medina and the Crossroads of Civilizations and Cultures Museum. Those who come to the sea with a child should check out the horseback riding ranch, the zoo and botanical garden of the Tunisian resort of Sousse, as well as the crocodile farm in Djerba.

(Photo © neufal /

June is the height of summer, an ideal month for a vacation. Tourists from all over the world are starting to pack their luggage and buy trips to hot countries. It’s better to do this in advance, because the high season is about to arrive.

Of course, in the first month of summer, most tourists prefer the beaches. The most budget option is a classic holiday in. Despite the fact that the sun is not fully warm, the temperature is comfortable enough for swimming in the sea. will show a real sultry summer, the thermometer will not drop below 30 degrees. It is worth considering that the weather on the islands is slightly worse. There is also real sultry summer weather with daytime temperatures up to 37 degrees. You can visit spas and try for yourself the healing salts and mud extracted from the Dead Sea. In the evenings, when it gets a little cooler, you can go for walks around the city. You can sunbathe under the scorching rays of the sun at snow-white beaches However, in June, cool winds still sometimes give free rein.

You won’t find sweltering heat at the beginning of summer, so your vacation will be pleasant and comfortable. Tours must be booked in advance; in the second half of summer the thermometer will begin to creep up. The real hell will happen in. And these are still flowers compared to July and August. Moderation will reign during this period warm climate with a temperature of about 25 degrees. It's time to combine a beach holiday and excursions. Wine lovers will be able to enjoy fresh drinks at. June is the time of ripening of grape plantations. The weather is pleasant and the amount of precipitation is kept to a minimum.

If you want to lie on a sun lounger, but don’t like a bunch of annoying tourists, you should pay attention to the modest one. The first half of the month is characterized by the absence of crowds on local beaches. But keep in mind a small minus - rare rainy days. - a place where the green expanse of the ocean and city skyscrapers meet, is it not exotic? The island will delight tourists with a three-kilometer beach of white sand.

Exotic in June

Not all exotic countries will be able to please tourists with the heat. For example, the western part is characterized by the presence of stormy winds, so it is better to bet on the east coast. In , Tau and Nan Yuan there is a very clean sea and good summer weather. If you are going to, do not forget about the umbrella, this period is characterized by short-term, but heavy rains. Another one hot country- where the thermometer does not drop below 30. But the water in the ocean is not yet so warmed by the first rays of the summer sun. Therefore, a holiday in these lands is ideal for those who do not like sweltering heat.

Residents of Russia, its central zone, in warm month will be able to visit the cultural page. Peter - amazing beauty a city often compared to "Venice". Get the chance to look at the bridges, the palace square, and stroll through the halls of great rulers. France and Holland can surprise you with their floral splendor.

Active recreation is becoming increasingly popular in wide circles. Still, not everyone wants to spend their first summer days, lying on the beaches. Those who want to escape the scorching rays of the sun should visit fresh air V . There are several small but cozy guest houses on the shores of local lakes. Great news - accommodation here in summer is much cheaper than in winter. This is due, first of all, to the decline in trips to ski resorts, which at this time are losing their relevance. By paying an additional amount of money, you can go for a horseback ride or take equestrian lessons from professionals. You can also rent a bicycle.

The demand for trips to our country is also growing. For example, it offers great opportunities for rafting, as well as thematic rafting on local rivers. You can also go rafting in Nepal and India. Many people go to Crimea to explore various tourist routes. You will be offered hiking in the mountains, horseback riding and on the open sea on a boat, yacht, boats or ship.

That's the end of the hard one academic year, and many parents are in a hurry to please their children with a vacation outside the country. If in cold weather winter months If you had to fly to distant hot countries, then at the beginning of summer the choice is practically unfettered. At the beginning of summer, bus tours become popular. A huge advantage of such a vacation is the inexpensive price and the opportunity to travel around several cities at once. Moreover, along the way you can explore the beauty of foreign nature. Such tours involve visiting other countries - the choice is great. and still occupy a leading position. These countries know a lot about children's recreation and entertainment.

Today, demand for the countries of Southeast Asia continues to grow, in particular for and. There is still a large flow of tourists heading to the shores. attracts people from all over the world with its historical places and hot beaches. Holidays are especially in demand on the islands, where new restaurants and hotels appear every year, aimed at family vacations.

Children will enjoy swimming in the ecologically clean, green, sandy shores of the island in Spain. More married couples people come here to relax from the bustle of the city. Among the Italian resorts we can recommend. This is a calm and safe resort in all respects close to. The air warms up to 22 degrees, and hotels are located near the coastal strip of the Adriatic Sea. The bottom of the beaches is soft and flat, which is what children need. But this resort has one drawback - the rather high cost.

Lovers of non-standard and romantic travel will be delighted with the cruise package. But it will be tedious to be prepared for a not entirely cheap price for such pleasure. A cruise along the waters of the Mediterranean Sea involves visiting Egypt and. If your vacation is limited in time, it is better to purchase a cruise tour to Scandinavia and the Baltics. Of course, it will be somewhat shorter, but the program is no less rich and exciting.

River cruises occupy a special place; they are more soulful. Shores immersed in greenery, towns, settlements, meadows will float by - this has its own charm. You can go on such a trip along rivers such as the Volga, Danube or Rhine. You just have to decide on the route. Recently, entry into the city has become accessible. Today you have the opportunity to purchase a cruise ticket and go exploring the waves South Bank peninsula from to Feodosia.

Tours in June in Russia

Our country can be crossed length and breadth, but even then it is impossible to see all its beauty. Therefore, many remain in Russia and travel to different parts of it. Undoubtedly, the leaders of the first month were Black Sea coast. The main advantages of local holidays are low prices, lack of extreme heat and crowds of annoying tourists. By the way, the sea is already warming up.

At the same time, it is worth taking medical procedures in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories; it is not for nothing that these places are considered a Russian health resort. Wonderful resorts: Anapa, Kabardinka, Gelendzhik and Lazarevskoye. The city of Sochi would be a suitable option. You won’t have to spend much on travel; in the first month of summer, fares are budget-friendly.

Holidays and festivals in June

With the arrival of June, the season of music festivals opens in the Scandinavian countries and throughout Europe. Finland, Sweden, Germany are ready to offer a holiday for every taste. Whom you will meet here: rock musicians, performers classical music and world pop culture stars. Traditionally, UK residents honor the royal family throughout June. Horse races are held, where the lady should come to best outfit with a playful hat. Among other things, the Queen was born this month, so English cities, in particular London and Windsor, will surprise you with their celebrations. Ibiza is a youth resort where the night is not meant for sleeping. In June, the parties are just beginning, but what happens in the middle of summer, when golden youth from all over the world flock to one point and begin to rock until the morning.

In Malta, it is especially beautiful and colorful at the end of the month, at which time the holidays in honor of St. Peter and St. Paul begin. More than a thousand bonfires and torches light up the city, and the streets are filled with live music and theatrical performances. Germany is famous for its rock festivals, which take place on the first weekend of the month and last for three days. Sweden is proud of its children's holidays at the beginning of summer. France is rich in cultural events during this period. The province of Champagne hosts a celebration of aristocratic art and street theater. Paris invites you to visit the music festival.

Trips to parks and reserves in June

If you are a flora and fauna lover and are in a hurry to explore protected places other countries, then the following regions are ideally suited for this. Estonia is famous for its national parks, to which 1/3 of the state land is allocated. "Endla" is a nature reserve of European significance. Here you can take a boat ride or walk along intricate paths through the dense forest. Voorem will surprise you with its landscape, lakes with fish and glaciers. In exotic Mexico there are more than fifty different parks, whose total area reaches almost 900,000 hectares. The secrets of mountain pine forests, volcanoes and rare species birds.

If you are not afraid of crocodiles, go to Crocatoon Park. Recreation center "Eshkaret" will invite you to the zone tropical fauna with a beach, zoo and water attractions. Malaysia has the deepest limestone caves, where there is a chance to scuba dive. Gunung Ecopark boasts the longest cable cars in the world. In this country, you will be able to see live deer, exotic birds, more than 100 species of snakes and lizards reaching a length of more than 3 meters, as well as the hornbill.

Top destinations where you can go to the sea in June 2019. How not to make a mistake with the water temperature, and how much money to put aside for your vacation?

We say June, but we mean summer. However, not all countries for beach holidays have time to warm up properly. You can sunbathe and even hide from the sun at noon, but not everyone will like the sea (especially at the beginning of the month). That’s why tours/tickets for beach resorts in June they are still inexpensive.


In June you can inexpensively sunbathe, go on excursions and eat fruit and berries in Bulgaria. Yes, these are the types of activities available to tourists arriving at the seaside in early summer, because... with swimming you can, as they say, fly by. The weather in June is too unstable and the water is not warmed up.

According to reviews, a beach holiday is fully worth going to after the 20th , when the season opens and the Black Sea reaches the required +21°С…+22°С (air temperature +24°С…+26°С). But before these dates, Bulgaria is beautiful - sparsely populated, delicious strawberries and cheap housing.

Where is the best place to relax? Of course, the southern resorts are Elenite, Sunny Beach, Sozopol. A little later - Albena.

  • A holiday in Bulgaria in June on a package tour for two will cost from 45,000 rubles for 7 days. Great option fly away for the holidays!


Holidays at the Marhaba Beach Hotel (Sousse)

A seaside holiday in June in Tunisia can pass for an economy option, but you need to approach the issue thoughtfully. Unfortunately, the level of service in hotels is not high, and therefore it is advisable to choose 4- and 5-star hotels, and ideally add an all inclusive option - local food is specific.

Where to relax? The warmest month in June is on the island of Djerba. They don’t promise a wild steam room, usually the air during the day is +29°С…+30°С, but the winds blow. Water +21°С…+22°С at the beginning of the month and up to +24°С at the end. A maximum vacation (with swimming) in Sousse and Hammamet, beloved by tourists from Russia, is only possible in the second half .

  • An all-inclusive holiday in Tunisia in June 2019 starts from 60,000 rubles for two for 7 nights


Where to fly for a 100% swimmable sea? Definitely to Cyprus. Reviews of vacations on the island in June confirm that you can safely go into the water from the first of the month . For this and for its good sandy beaches, Cyprus is chosen by tourists traveling with children.

The beginning of summer is pleasing with weather at +27°С…+30°С and calm sea with a temperature of +24°C (and this is the highest temperature on Mediterranean coast). The most popular resorts are Limassol, Larnaca, Protaras and Ayia Napa. Among the entertainments, in addition to typical beach ones, are fishing, a sea safari, and a visit to an ostrich farm. Excursions are conducted to the capital Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, to holy and historical places.

Note that Cyprus is more expensive than, for example, Greece or Turkey. Not so much in terms of tours, but in terms of food, travel, etc.

  • A package holiday at sea in June 2019 in Cyprus starts from 50,000 rubles for 7 nights for 2 adults. All-inclusive prices – from 80,000 rubles

Greece (Crete)

Crete is the largest Greek island / We are in Rhodes in June, as you can see,
there are ALREADY a lot of tourists

Beach holidays in June in Greece are just one of the most controversial. In the first month of summer, the sun is hot, but not so hot as to immediately turn the sea into “fresh milk”. The situation has been gradually improving since the second half of June.

Where is the best place to go? Early summer – to the southern islands of Greece – Crete and Rhodes. The weather during the day is +26°С…+28°С, and the water is +22°С…+23°С. It may not seem the most comfortable for swimming, but there is nothing else to choose from within the country. From mid-June, the mainland joins the islands - the indicators in Chalkidiki approach +27°C in the air and +22°C in the sea.

Holidays in Greece in June, as in other periods, from the cultural and educational part involve visiting places related to its history, diving, cruises, etc.

  • You can go to the seaside in Greece in June on a package tour from 55,000 rubles for two for a week with departure from Moscow

View of the Mediterranean Sea from the Tel Aviv promenade

You might think that abroad there is a true beach holiday in June in Israel - up to +30°C on the Mediterranean coast and +38°C on the Red Sea. But this is not “cheap” and is not suitable for everyone for a vacation with children, because... the weather is very hot .

Holidays in Israel in June are the only opportunity to visit the country in the summer, because... Then the hellish heat will begin (and it feels like it will begin in June). Tel Aviv and the border cities of Bat Yam and Netanya (Mediterranean Sea) attract with warm water - up to +25°С...+26°С - but the climate itself is humid. Excursions to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other shrines are torture. Plus, the annual jellyfish invasions by July.

The Red Sea in Israel in June (Eilat) is refreshing with its +24°C after the hot dry air, but any activity from 10 pm to 4-5 pm will also have to be stopped. The Dead Sea is not even fresh milk, but boiling milk, +30°C in the water and +35°C outside.

  • Tours to Israel in June cost from 85,000 rubles for two for 7 nights. But we advise you to go to Israel on your own, look for air tickets yourself >> and book apartments >>


You can fly abroad without a visa to Montenegro. To some it will seem elusively native, and there is an explanation for this - Montenegro is similar to Crimea.

A from June 15-20 Russians here are like on the Black Sea. Until the middle of the month, Montenegro is actively absorbing Sun rays(air temperature +17°С…+23°С), and the weather may break out into rain or storm. Afterwards, relatively calm days set in (up to +27°C), and the sea allows swimming (+21°C...+23°C), but sometimes it can disturb the cold current.


Beaches in Barcelona are sandy, wide, more or less clean

The golden rule for a seaside holiday in Spain in June: organize it as close as possible by the end of the month .

Descending from the observation deck in Bergamo


Contrary to the belief that Southeast Asia is visited exclusively in winter, beach holidays in June in Vietnam are the place to be.

Rains bypass the middle part of the country in summer, where the seaside resorts of Danang, Hoi An and Nha Trang are located. In the air +33°C, in the water +28°C, typical “Thai” temperatures. The sea, by the way, is very calm, without waves. But in weather conditions The downside is high humidity, which makes the heat especially noticeable.

  • Prices for holidays in Vietnam in June – from 80,000 rubles for 10 days for 2 persons

Dominican Republic

Where to go on vacation in June 2019 without a visa? The Dominican Republic is, in fact, a place where it is warm all year round, and they don’t bother with seasonality.

It's hot and humid here the sun doesn't spare : +30°C…+32°C outdoors and +28°C in water. A few cloudy days and rainy nights are perceived as at least some relief. It should be noted that there are much fewer tourists during this period; they are sure that the island is mercilessly watered, and there is nothing to do here. In fact, the conditions for beach relaxation are, as always, excellent.

Where to holiday in the Dominican Republic in June? The most famous resorts are Punta Cana and Boca Chica.

  • Tours in June cost from 130,000 rubles for 2 people, 10 days