
1. Form a caring attitude towards environment.
2. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
3. Develop students’ horizons using examples of fiction.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.


Remember how we answered the question: “What surrounds us?” in the lessons of the surrounding world. (We are surrounded by trees, air, water, soil, sun, clouds - this is nature. A book, a building, a desk, cars are made by man and do not belong to nature.)

Everything that surrounds us is called the environment.

3. Develop a caring attitude towards the environment. Continue to cultivate respect for nature.


Listen to the poem by I. Maznin:

Let's be
To strive for this
So that they love us
Both the beast and the bird.
And they trusted
Everywhere to us
As the most faithful
To my friends!
Let's be
Save the planet
Throughout the Universe
There is no similar one:
Throughout the Universe
All alone,
What will it do
She without us?...


In the environment lesson we talked about careful attitude to nature. We put together rules for behavior in nature. Remember them.

Rules of behavior in nature.

1. To love nature means to protect it. Protect the trees, shrubs, and herbs that grow in your yard.
2. Don’t hurt birds and small animals. Observe their behavior.
3. Help birds survive in winter: make feeders, pour food.
4. In the forest, on the banks of a river or lake, do not leave garbage behind.
5. Protect the forest from fire: do not light fires.
6. Participate in tree planting, take care of the plantings.


The environment is not only nature. These are both people and things made by human hands. We have already talked about relationships between people, about caring for things in previous lessons. Let's briefly recall what we talked about.

Attitude towards people and yourself. We must treat elders with respect, help older people, and take care of loved ones. You also need to love and respect yourself: wash your face, comb your hair, keep your clothes neat, look after your things, watch your speech.

Attitude towards what is made by human hands. It is necessary to take care of school things, school furniture, that is, public property. It will serve other schoolchildren after you. You also need to take care of household items and furniture, since your parents’ work and the money they earned were invested in them.


There is a science of ecology. According to S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, ecology is the science of the relationships of plant and animal organisms to each other and to their environment. People who study ecology are called ecologists. They study connections in nature, human influence on nature. Environmentalists say: “We need to take care of the environment, the Earth, because this is our home. And the house must always be taken care of and protected.”

Who knows examples of environmental problems?


For example, Sweden is threatened by “acid rain”. How many of you know what this “acid rain” is? Sweden is a small country - the birthplace of Astrid Lindgren, the author of the book about Carlson. This country of pine trees and spruce forests, and therefore there is almost always clean air there. But one day people noticed that the trees in the forests began to dry out and the fish in the lakes were dying. What's the matter? Scientists analyzed air, soil and water. It turned out that a lot of air with caustic, dangerous sulfuric acid had accumulated above the forests. But there are no factories in Sweden. How could sulfuric acid get there?

This air has moved from other countries where there are many factories that emit toxic sulfuric acid. After all, we have the same air all over the Earth, and if people spoil it in one place, then nature will begin to die in another place, everything in nature is interconnected.

This is what happened in Sweden. This is a national problem. When danger threatens nature—animals, plants, and the health and lives of people—they say it is an “ecological disaster.”

What other problems are called “ecological disasters”? (Children's reasoning).


For example, a ship was sailing at sea, carrying oil in its holds to heat a large city throughout the winter. The disaster happened before dawn. The ship crackled from the impact, hitting underwater rocks. The sailors escaped in boats. The sea smelled not of salt, algae or fish, but of oil; it spread like a film over a large area. Birds and fish began to die first. The birds could not take off from the water because the oil glued their feathers together. Because oil covered the sea like a shroud, air (oxygen) did not penetrate into the depths, and the belly of the sea fish suffocated. People living in the coastal strip lost clean air. This is an “ecological disaster”.

But all the people stood up to save the life of the sea; cleanup ships and animal rescuers came out. This disaster made people think: how easy it is to hurt nature and how difficult it is to heal it.


(Shows illustration).

What is shown in the picture?

Plants and factories are smoking. Because of them, more and more carbon dioxide accumulates in the air. A carbon dioxide forms, as it were, a fur coat of the Earth. It is called Greenhouse effect. The earth is getting hotter and the climate is changing. This could turn into an environmental disaster. The heat will cause the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic to melt. This means that the seas and oceans may overflow their shores, which is why many countries are in danger of finding themselves under water. And in some places deserts will appear.

How can children help fight for a cleaner environment? (Do not litter, do not throw garbage into water bodies, do not burn grass, remove garbage near your workplace, in your room, in the entrance, near the house in which you live.)

There is one planet - a garden
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy
Birds, calling migratory ones.
Only on her alone will you see -
Lilies of the valley in green grass,
And dragonflies are only here -
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other one in the world.

Creative task “We are ecologists.”

The teacher divides the children into five teams - brigades. Gives each environmental team a card with a task. Children must remember, from the course “The world around us”, grade 1, why this can happen ecological problem, how to solve it.

1st brigade.

The fish are dying! Help! Why might a fish die? How to save her?

2nd brigade.

There is garbage all around! Help! Why does garbage appear? How to deal with it?

3rd brigade.

It's hard to breathe in the city! Help! Why can it be difficult to breathe in the city? How to maintain clean air?

4th brigade.

The butterflies have disappeared from the meadow! Help! Why might butterflies disappear? How to protect them?

5th brigade.

Birds and animals have disappeared in the forest! Help! Why can birds and animals disappear in the forest? How to save them?



There was a Christmas tree in the snow -
Green bangs,
Resinous, healthy,
One and a half meters.
An event occurred
In one of winter days:
The forester decided to cut it down
So it seemed to her.
She was noticed
Was surrounded...
And only late in the evening
She came to her senses.
What a strange feeling!
The fear has disappeared somewhere...
Glass lanterns
They burn in its branches.
Jewelry sparkles -
What an elegant look!
At the same time, without a doubt,
She is standing in the forest.
Uncut! Whole!
Beautiful and strong!..
Who saved her, who undressed her?

(S. Mikhalkov)

1. Why was the Christmas tree decorated?
2. What would happen if this Christmas tree was cut down?


Majestic, rich, powerful, beautiful is the nature of our Motherland.
- Listen to D. Vseslavin’s poem “The Winter’s Tale.”

Winter's Tale.

Snow flickers in the light
Delicate fluff snowflakes,
The creaking of white birch trees
In the silence of the forest,
And the frost is not strong -
Everything around is calm,
Like in a wonderful fairy tale,
On a clear winter day.

Slender and silent
The forest is in a clean outfit,
In a snow-white shawl -
Snow lace,
And in the rays - like pearls
Sparkling snowflakes -
Silvery scattering
Winter beauty.

Proud elms,
Pine trees:
Ash trees and giants,
Sun in the sky
In the fluffy clouds -
Wonderful moment, wonderful,
Winter face of the forest.

(D. Vseslavin)


Shouldn't we protect such beauty of nature?

4. Summary of the lesson.


So how should we treat the environment?

5. Homework.


Prepare a story about your pet according to the plan:

1. Name of the animal, breed.
2. Nickname.
3. Appearance(color features).
4. Characteristics.
5. Your attitude towards the animal.

Today - thousands, tomorrow - millions!

Open letter to the editors of the magazine “Around the World”

A new youth movement was born in the Astrakhan region - “For Lenin’s attitude towards nature.” It is based on the ideas of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin about the education of a new, communist attitude of man to nature.

Our time, when the development of technology allows a person to change his appearance large territories, and progress natural sciences opens up prospects for the use of new, previously unknown forces of nature, makes us especially careful about the wealth that the earth gives to man. Nowadays you can no longer just exploit nature - you need to help it, take care of it.

We all imagine communism as an era of general abundance, as a time of combination of powerful industry and prosperous Agriculture with beautiful and generous nature. Therefore, restoration and expansion of reproduction natural resources must be considered as one of the most important economic problems.

Behind short term The Astrakhan youth movement achieved noticeable success. This is explained by the fact that it was closely connected with the solution of national economic problems.

The movement “For a Leninist attitude towards nature” should become all-Union. Our Motherland will be even more beautiful, even richer if all youth take an active part in great job on greening cities and villages, preserving forests, cleaning rivers and lakes, increasing soil fertility.

On the eve of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, natural scientists, members of the Moscow Society of Naturalists, call on the youth of our country to follow the example of their Astrakhan comrades and join the movement “For a Leninist attitude to nature.” There is no doubt that the initiative of Astrakhan Komsomol members will be taken up by millions!

Sukachev V.N., academician;
Varsanofyeva V.A., corresponding member
Academy of Pedagogical Sciences;
Zenkevich L.A., Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences;
Yanshin A.L., academician;
Efron K.M., scientific secretary of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists;
Giller A.G., Scientific Secretary of the Nature Conservation Section

The name that is most dear to us.
Every year the multifaceted genius of Lenin is revealed to the whole world more and more clearly, the power of Lenin’s revolutionary thought and his wise foresight are revealed more and more fully. On all continents, people of all races and nations say with deep respect: Lenin.

Time can do a lot. It is changing the face of our planet beyond recognition. But the feeling of gratitude to the founder of the world’s first socialist state, who showed humanity the path to a bright future, will never disappear from people’s hearts.

“We have material both in natural resources, and in the reserve of human strength, and in the wonderful scope that has given folk art great revolution, - to create a truly powerful and abundant Rus'.” This is what Lenin wrote in 1918.

Lenin's dreams came true. The people, led by the Communist Party, created a powerful state of workers and peasants.

We are moving along the path forward indicated by the great Lenin - towards communism. Lenin's ideas, as before, lead us to the desired goal. They live in business Communist Party, which the people proudly call Leninist.

There is no area of ​​creative work of the Soviet people where Vladimir Ilyich’s instructions on building a new society would not be reflected. We owe the outstanding successes of electrification, the glorious victories of agricultural workers, the feat of the invasion of space, as well as many other achievements, to Ilyich.

That is why what is associated with the activities of Vladimir Ilyich, his behests, what is - at every stage of our construction - the most perfect expression of communist ideas, bears the name of the great leader. In construction sites, which were marked soviet people their first steps towards socialism, and in those technical structures, magnificent in design and execution, which seem to open the door to a communist tomorrow, in the bright and elegant streets of our cities and in the names of collective farms created according to what Ilyich developed cooperative plan, a name dear to everyone is captured: Lenin.

The name of Lenin is also associated with the remarkable movement of communist labor brigades.

The glorious Komsomol also bears the name of the leader - faithful assistant parties. Young builders of communism strive to live and work as Lenin taught.

The tasks set for the country by the great seven-year plan require exceptional attention to issues correct use natural resources. The involvement of natural resources into the orbit of the national economy must rest on a comprehensive, well-thought-out scientific basis. To implement this requirement, it is especially important to turn to Leninist principles rational use nature, carefully implement the instructions of Vladimir Ilyich, developing them in relation to the needs of today.

The classics of Marxism have always linked the building of communism with the scientific organization of the use of natural resources. IN AND. Lenin, when creating the Soviet state, immediately paid attention to this great attention. In the summer of 1918, a subordinate to the Main Science Department was organized State Committee on nature conservation. His duties included monitoring compliance with national interests by all organizations and individuals operating in nature. With the personal participation of Vladimir Ilyich, a system of laws on the rational use of natural resources was developed, a network was founded state reserves, special scientific institutions, intended only to perform tasks related to general issues of the study and use of nature. They were engaged, in particular, in researching the relationships that exist in nature, as well as studying methods of nature conservation and developing a zonal system of nature reserves.

How much attention V.I. Lenin paid to these problems can be seen from the fact that even in the exceptionally difficult year for the country in 1919, he pointed out to the representative of the Astrakhan provincial executive committee N.N. Podyapolsky on the need for the urgent creation of a reserve in the Volga delta. Vladimir Ilyich said that the implementation of such tasks is of great importance for the republic.

In conditions of fuel hunger, V.I. Lenin considered it unacceptable to resolve difficulties through an ill-considered increase in forest cutting; he emphasized the absolute need for proper forest management, and paid primary attention to the conservation and restoration of the forest. At the same time, he pointed out that forests, like natural wealth, represent a nationwide fund, which should be used only in the interests of the state as a whole and cannot be distributed either between individual departments or between administrative-territorial units. In May 1918, V.I. Lenin signed a decree in which the responsibility to care for forests was assigned to the Soviet authorities and the public.

Having learned that predatory fishing in the lower reaches of the Don threatens the restoration of fish stocks that has begun, V.I. Lenin wrote an angry letter to the RKI, in which he noted that simply removing the culprit from office is a completely insufficient measure in such cases, and demanded his strict punishment.

Supporting the initiative of scientists, on May 14, 1920 V.I. Lenin signed a decree on the creation of Southern Urals The Ilmen Mineralogical Reserve is one of the richest corners of the earth in terms of diversity of minerals. And some time later, in 1921, Vladimir Ipyich signed a decree on the protection of natural monuments. These two Leninist decrees laid the foundations for the system of state reserves and formulated essential principles nature conservation for scientific and economic purposes.

Particular attention to V.I. Lenin paid constant attention to ensuring a scientifically correct and comprehensive approach to nature and its resources.

The further development of our country not only completely confirmed the correctness of Lenin’s principles of planned organization of the use of nature, but also set before the Soviet state the task of implementing them even more widely.

The further we go along the path of building communism, the more new ones arise important issues environmental management. Old forms of using nature are dying out, new ones are being born. This process affects agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and hunting, etc., as well as relevant branches of science. Among many other tasks posed by the development of our economy, one should highlight as one of the most important the task of determining the most appropriate directions and systems for using newly developed lands in local conditions.

For example, in some climatic conditions the areas most fertile for agriculture will be the worst for forestry, and, conversely, in other conditions this contrast does not exist. Land unsuitable for grain crops is often better for some forms of fruit growing. Other conditions the best way provide not plant products, but meat, milk and furs. In other cases, it is most appropriate to use the land for industry or for scientific research (reserves). Sometimes cost-effective complex use land for many sectors of the economy, sometimes only for one.

The proper use of land is determined not only by the properties of the land itself, but also by the economic situation. For example, cutting down forests in the headwaters of rivers may sometimes seem very reasonable from the point of view of purely local interests, but may cause disturbance water regime in thousands of kilometers distant: lower reaches. Great importance The problem of preserving certain species of plants and animals has now become an issue. No matter how useless or even harmful they may seem this moment any animals or plants, we may need them in the future. The harmful wheatgrass weed served to breed wheat-wheatgrass hybrids. Snake venom, venom of stinging insects, and gopher fat heal a number of diseases. Many hundreds of species of animals and plants are now under threat of complete extinction and must be preserved and studied in nature reserves from the point of view of the needs of industry, agriculture, and medicine.

Along with this, the fight against animals - agricultural pests and disease carriers - consumes huge amounts of money in many parts of the country. Often these funds can be saved and, in addition, receive additional economic benefits. In many cases, it is possible to reduce the number of harmful animals so much that they can no longer practically cause harm by organizing the coordinated and correct use of lands and forests belonging to different organizations and departments.

To accomplish all these big tasks, it is necessary to launch a broad campaign to disseminate practical knowledge of natural history among the population and, first of all, increase attention to these issues in the public education system.

Nature conservation must be approached from a Leninist position, always remembering the deep understanding of its tasks that was inherent in V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich demanded the rational use of nature and the preservation of the integrity of individual areas of nature for scientific research and economic purposes. At the same time, he proposed to conduct work in such a way as to influence cultural development exploited nature and technical development of the socialist economy. Nature protection in this sense should be considered as part of our communist construction.

F.N. Petrov, professor, member of the CPSU since 1896

  • Take all your trash with you!
  • Do not spoil nature with inscriptions and ribbons!
  • Don't cut down living trees!
  • The place where you were should look exactly the same as it looked before you!

Before going out into nature

To avoid problems associated with waste disposal, take care of this at home:

  • We unpack all the new equipment, throw out the wrappers and labels, carefully read the instructions for use and leave it at home. Don't laugh, I find this kind of trash in parking lots all the time!
  • It is very important to prepare provisions - the main source of waste in nature. Under no circumstances do we take glass; pour the contents from glass containers in plastic. Because, firstly, it will be easier for you to carry all this, and secondly, it is virtually impossible to recycle glass in nature - you can only carry it back with you. Try to get rid of any excess packaging, even if you do not intend to litter, some kind of label or plastic box it will still fly away from the wind, roll under a bush, and you won’t notice it.
  • Don't take disposable tableware! Not only does it scatter all over the neighborhood from any breeze, but it is also impractical: it is inconvenient to eat from it, and forks and spoons break even from the most delicate kebab. Buy cheap aluminum plates from a travel store: they are light, quite durable and can be used to heat food. Advanced tourists can buy sophisticated folding plates, spoons and even pots, fortunately this stuff is now in bulk!
  • Take more garbage bags. They will help you avoid the inconvenience of collecting garbage, and can always come in handy to protect your things from moisture and dirt.

Cooking outdoors

Friends, it’s the twenty-first century, it’s time to start taking advantage of technological progress and using gas burners for cooking outdoors instead of the primitive fire!

The use of burners not only preserves the forest and nature, but will also make your trips easier and more comfortable.

Pros of using burners instead of a fire:

  • We spend less time on preparation.
  • We spend less energy on cooking: we don’t have to look for and chop wood, light and maintain a fire.
  • We are not dependent on the weather: even in the heaviest rain, in a forest soaked through, a small shelter is enough to cook a delicious lunch.
  • There is no need to wash the boilers of soot and figure out how to carry them during the hike. Soot from a fire is very difficult to wash off and if you don’t put the pot in a thick bag, it will stain all your equipment.
  • Less weight We carry it on ourselves for a short duration of departure. You may say that you need to carry a torch and fuel, but even the heaviest folding torch will be lighter than the lightest good ax.
  • Autonomy. You are not tied to places with firewood, which means you can pitch a tent anywhere and build a route as it suits you, and not as dictated by the flora of the area. In addition, it is often prohibited to make fires in nature reserves and on trekking routes, but you can use a burner everywhere.
  • The smell of a fire will not permeate all your clothes and equipment. This is important if after a hike you cannot immediately change all your clothes, for example, during long trips. It just so happens that taxi drivers, neighbors in a reserved seat or compartment, hotel administrators and other people whom you meet after the hike will snort at you with displeasure when they smell that very aroma of burnt wood.

Of course, a campfire has one compelling argument: a campfire is the romance of a hike, the crunching of firewood, the dance of flames and the aroma that permeates camp food. Therefore, no one is saying that it shouldn’t be lit at all, you just need to do it carefully and only where there are already fire pits, however, let’s talk in more detail.

Bonfires in nature

If there is still a need to make a fire, then we we adhere to several rules:

  • We make a fire on the old fire pit. There is no need to create such places, there are already enough of them. If there is a lot of garbage in the fire pit, then do a good deed - burn it before you set up in the parking lot or collect it in a bag and do it before leaving. If there is an emergency stop and you have to make a fire in a new place, then try to remove the top layer of soil along with the grass, and put a piece of turf back for care. This will not only give the grass a chance to grow again in this place, but will also prevent anyone from stopping here again.
  • We collect firewood correctly. Oddly enough, the best materials for starting a fire and cooking food on it are small branches that have fallen naturally - brushwood and “drift wood” (dry pieces of wood that can easily be found on the banks of reservoirs). Both of them emit a lot of heat when burning, easily ignite, and are easy to assemble. It is much easier to go further into the forest and bring an armful of brushwood than to cut down dry wood nearby, which will still need to be sawed and chopped. In addition, real “dry wood” is not so easy to find: a tree that seems dry can be completely wet inside; the presence of even one green leaf on the trunk indicates that the tree died not so long ago and should not be felled. If you are sure that the tree is dry, cut it as close to the ground as possible, so that no one runs into the remaining stump. A wet tree will cause you a lot of trouble, so I repeat: it is much easier and more effective to bring a few armfuls of brushwood, even from afar, than to suffer with damp, thick firewood. And please, do not tear off birch bark for ignition from living trees; birch bark collected from rotten dead wood burns just as well as from a fresh tree!
  • Let's put out the fire after ourselves! You've probably seen signs warning you against careless handling of fire? And for good reason. Unextinguished fires very often become the cause of terrible forest fires! And not only fires, one unextinguished cigarette can burn an entire region! What about a cigarette, a piece of glass lying in dry grass can start a destructive fire. And this applies not only to the protection of nature: such fires can destroy entire villages and small towns, remember this and watch what you leave behind in nature.

What to do with trash while hiking

If we lived in an ideal world, we would take absolutely all the garbage with us to the city, throw it away sorted there, and special factories would process it and reuse it. But let's return to reality, our cities are not yet ready for this and all the garbage is in landfills. Of course, there are already initiative groups working on this problem, and we fully support them, however, for now let’s talk about how we can minimize the harm caused by tourists to the environment.

  • We burn what can be burned. While paper can be burned without a second thought, there is disagreement about plastic. The fact is that when plastic burns, they release harmful substances. This is a big and controversial topic that you can read about on the Internet (), but the point is that there is no single the right decision. If possible, take the plastic with you; in other cases, it is still better to burn it than to leave it lying around for tens, even hundreds of years. Just don’t burn old tires with holes rubber boats and huge pieces of polyethylene; If you can’t do anything with them, leave them to those who can or drag them to the nearest signs of civilization (a forest hut, a railway station, etc.).
  • It is also better to take away the cans, but if this is problematic, then at least burn them thoroughly in the fire. This way you will burn the top layer that protects tin can from corrosion. After firing, the jar needs to be compressed and buried, or placed under a large stone where no one will see it. Burnt tin decomposes within one to two seasons.
  • Anyuta and I try to pick up trash lying along the trail, burning it in the parking lots on long hikes, and taking it to civilization on short hikes. This is what we advise you, plus the addition to karma is guaranteed, and the chances of good weather are significantly increased - verified!

Washing dishes, toileting and other hygiene while camping

Toilet in nature is a sensitive topic, but there is nothing to worry about, just remember a few rules:

  • If there is an organized toilet, then use it. I understand that sometimes they look like nightmare, but such toilets are installed in places where the entire area is beginning to turn into a nightmare. Be reasonable, let it be disgusting only in these toilets, and not throughout the area! Besides, it’s not all that scary: at paid parking lots they try to keep an eye on this, and if not, then you have every right to demand that those who collect money from you leave.
  • If there is no toilet, your task is to make sure that no one sees and falls into your traps. There are many ways, you just need to show a little ingenuity: for example, imagine yourself as Archimedes and, having found a fulcrum, move a large stone using a lever, and after your secret operation return it to its place, so that all the pieces of paper also remain under the stone. Or you can cut off the layer of turf using a sharp branch and then lay it back. I think you can come up with an interesting maneuver yourself, imagine yourself as Bear Grylls alone with nature, use the means at hand, and no one will know about your adventures. In addition, there is a special tool for disguising dirty deeds -
  • Toilet paper although not so quickly, it still decomposes, but some hygiene products can last for ages. This applies to girls and couples in love, everyone understands perfectly well what I mean, and precisely because everyone knows everything, you should not be embarrassed to go to the fire where your comrades are sitting and burn what does not rot. IN as a last resort wrap your trash in a napkin, ask everyone to turn away, throw it into the fire and put some wood on top. It’s much more shameful to pollute the forest than to find yourself in a slightly awkward situation around a fire!

Washing dishes in nature is also worth caring for nature. Try not to use detergents; heavy stains can be washed off with sand, moss, grass and other available means. Some tourists use ordinary mustard powder to wash dishes. But if you still cannot do without chemicals, buy a special eco-friendly product from a travel store.

Eco-friendly hair shampoos, hand soaps and clothes washing products are also on sale. All this, of course, works worse than evil chemicals, but it does not pollute the water bodies from which you drink water!

Anyuta long ago came up with a way not to wash dishes in bodies of water: she always takes with her paper napkins, after a meal, they are very easy to wipe plates and cutlery with, and napkins remove grease better than when rinsing in water. And the used paper can be burned immediately.


I think, general principle You already understand well the caring attitude towards nature on the part of tourists. The main thing is to leave nature in the form in which it existed without us. Why all this is needed is a rhetorical question; we don’t ask ourselves why a person needs health. So, caring for the environment is caring for the health of the planet; if we let it get sick, then you and I will get sick too.

Finally, folk wisdom: if you think that your wishes will come true after beautiful place If you leave your garbage (be it a tied ribbon, an abandoned shoe, a hat, a piece of a tent, etc.), then you are very mistaken - nature will only be angry with you. There is a true sign: take some of other people's garbage with you from sacred place and all your wishes will be fulfilled. The sign works, we have tested it many times!

Travel friends and love nature, because it truly loves you!

Annex 1.

Class hour in ecology on the topic:

"People's caring attitude towards nature"

Target: To form in children elements of an ecological worldview and education, to develop a positive emotional and value attitude towards the natural environment.

Tasks: - to form children’s knowledge about nature, about a careful and caring attitude towards it;

Develop children's creative abilities, ingenuity and ingenuity, their erudition;

To cultivate in children love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to the beautiful in natural surroundings.

Equipment: ICT, didactic material, colored pencils, coloring books about nature, presentation, handouts, glue, paper, magnetic board and magnets.

Progress of the lesson.

    Psychological mood.(slide No. 3)

There are no miracles! There are no miracles!

But the morning flies through the windows like a swan!

And with a white wing it disperses the fogs!

And the sky turned from white to ruddy!

2. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Everyone sat down correctly. Guess what we will talk about in our lesson!

Look, my dear friend,
What's around?
The sky is light blue,
The sun is shining golden.
The wind plays with the leaves,
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and foliage.
Birds, animals and forests,
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season -
It's all around... (Nature)

3. He came to visit us at our lesson today... And who is it you will find out by guessing the riddle:

In summer he walks without a road (slide No. 4)
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hides your nose from the frost.

Today a bear came to our lesson. He asks us to explain to him what nature is and how it should be protected? Shall we tell him?

Listen to the bear's poem.

We love the forest at any time of the year (slide No. 5, 6)
We hear the rivers speaking slowly...
All this is called nature,
Let's always take care of her!

In the meadows there are sunny-colored daisies,
Such that it is brighter to live in the world...
All this is called nature,
Let's be friends with nature!

Raindrops are flying, ringing, from the sky,
Smoke swirls at the dawn of fog...
All this is called nature,
Let's give her our hearts!

Student 4.
The farewell waltz dances with the summer wind,
The evening star is trembling in the window...
All this is called nature,
Let's love her always!

Guys, everything that surrounds us is called nature.

    Game moment: "Hungry Bear"» (slide number 7)

Target : develops attention, focus on completing a task, arbitrariness; consolidates knowledge about food connections between animals and plants using the example of a bear; broadens one's horizons about species diversity plants and animals.

For example, animals and plants are connected to each other through food. Some feed on others, and therefore cannot exist without each other. Let's see what such a mighty beast like a bear eats.

In the spring, hungry after hibernation, it eats various animals: roe deer, fish and even ants, and in summer and autumn it likes to feast on acorns, various root vegetables and other plants.”

A “bear” and a breeder are selected. The rest of the players come up with the names of animals and plants from what the bear eats. "Bear" doesn't hear this. When the roles are determined, everyone except the bear crouches down and pretends to sleep.

At this time, the “bear” approaches the breeder and says “Knock, knock!” The breeder wakes up and asks:

Who is there?


Why did you come?

I am hungry.

What exactly?

The bear names what he wants to eat, for example, “acorns.”

If the required food is available, the breeder says: “There is such food, take it!”

The player with the name of the required food runs away, and the “bear” catches him. The caught player becomes a "bear". The uncaught player remains in the same role, changing the name.

Note :

    The player must run to a predetermined place, for example, into a circle or beyond the line.

    The player who was touched by the “bear” with his hand until he reached the designated place is considered caught.

    Creative work. The child assembles the “Nature” applique from the given parts

    Nature can be “living” or “non-living”.(I show everything on the application.)

(slide number 8)

What about living nature? (Everything that grows, breathes, eats, reproduces: humans, plants, animals.)

What applies to inanimate nature? (Air, water, earth, stones, natural phenomena.)

5.Let's play: I name the word, and you show the picture and say: does this apply to “living” nature or to “nonliving” nature. (Thunderstorm, rain, snow, tree, animal, insect, sun, slave)

6. Finger gymnastics: “Rain,” they tapped their fingers on the table, like rain. (slide No. 9)

7. Articulation gymnastics: Tongue twister “A hedgehog has a hedgehog, a hedgehog has a horror” (slide No. 10, 11)

8. Learning new material. Everyone knows what a tidy room or sparkling clean apartment should look like. But to establish and maintain order in our environment, we need well-trained environmental specialists. “Ekos” in Greek means “house”, “logos” means “learning, science”. Ecology is the science of our common home. The term "ecology" was coined in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel. But only from the second half of the twentieth century did humanity begin to seriously study the interaction of organisms with each other and with the environment. All life on Earth is interconnected. The ecologist tries to determine what influence man and nature have on each other and how to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation between them. Nature is going through considerable upheavals today. The words most often heard are: unfavorable ecology, ecological crisis, ecological catastrophy, a new environmental disaster.

Problematic question:

What needs to be done to prevent trouble from happening? (Children's answers) (slide number 12)

To avoid disaster, nature must be protected.

9. Physical exercise “Fish” (slide No. 13)

The fish swam and splashed in the clean, warm water.

They will come together, they will separate, and then they will bury themselves in the sand.

Listen to the poem. Do children behave correctly when relaxing in nature? (slide number 14)

We came to the river to spend Sunday,

And you can’t find a free place near the river!

They sit here and sit there!

They sunbathe and eat

They rest as they want

Hundreds of adults and children.

We walked along the shore

And they found a clearing.

But in a sunny meadow

Here and there are empty cans,

And, as if to spite us,

Even broken glass!

We walked along the shore

We found a new place.

But they sat here before us too;

They burned a fire, they burned paper -

They also drank, they also ate,

They messed up and left!

Of course we passed by...

Hey guys! - Dima shouted -

What a place!

Spring water!

Wonderful view! Beautiful beach! Unpack your luggage!

We swam, sunbathed,

They burned a fire, played football,

We had as much fun as we could!

We drank kvass, ate canned food,

Choral songs were sung...

Relax and leave!

And they stayed in the clearing

At the extinguished fire:

Our two broken bottles,

Two soggy bagels -

In short, a mountain of garbage!

We arrived at the river

Spend Monday

Only a clean place

You won't find it near the river!

What would you guys do?

Rules of behavior in nature.

You can’t pick flowers, destroy birds’ nests, trample mushrooms, or make noise. In the woods.

Endangered species of animals, birds and plants are listed in the Red Book!(slide number 15)

On the board there is an application “Nature”, we attach piles of garbage to it - we compare,

“clean” nature and “dirty” nature. Which is better?

Student: Tree, flower, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.

10.Result of the lesson. Tell the bear what nature is and how it should be protected! (slide 16)

10. Relaxation.

Take care of the Earth. Take care

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves.

There are sun glares on the paths...

A hawk soaring over a field

A clear moon over the river calm,

A swallow flickering in life.

Take care of the Earth. Take care!...

Well done! (slide number 17)

Our attitude towards the world

Answers to pages 16 - 17


1. Look at the pictures. Think and tell us what a person’s attitude might be: to himself, to other people and their opinions, to nature, to the man-made world.

A person must treat himself with care: take care of himself, his health, be clean, eat right, dress in accordance with the time of year, take care of his things. You need to treat people around you with respect, help older people, not offend younger people, and take care of your loved ones. What is made by people must be treated carefully and with care. After using food and other necessary items a lot of garbage remains. Let's not throw trash anywhere. We will throw it in a trash can, trash can or container. To help the birds in winter, you need to make feeders for them and feed the birds with suitable food.

2. What can you say about your attitude towards the world around you?

This year, our whole class planted rowan trees, which we continued to care for all summer. And rowan trees, as you know, are a natural food source for birds. We learned to protect nature and care for it.

3. What attitude towards nature does the science of ecology, which we learned about in 1st grade, teach?

The word “ecology” itself is formed from two Greek words: “ekos”, which means “house”, and “logos” - science. Therefore, we can say that ecology is the science of the home. For humanity, our entire huge and at the same time small planet Earth is home. Now our natural home is in danger. To save it, every person must become at least a little environmentalist. Then the whole society will live in harmony and community with nature.
Ecology teaches us to take care of the environment, to home planet Earth.


1. What is nature?

Nature is what surrounds us, but was not created by man. The sun, air, water, plants, animals - all these are objects of nature.

2. What is it customary to call something that is created by people?

What is created by people is usually called the man-made world. Various things, cars, houses are objects of the man-made world.

3. Which attitude towards the world around us can be called good and which – bad?

Good attitude: take care of the planet, take care of animals, feed and care for them, water plants, make bird feeders, do not leave garbage behind, build wastewater treatment plants.

Nikolay Starshinov

We live in the same family,
We should sing in the same circle,
Walk in the same line
Flying on the same flight...
Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow
Water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature
Tolerant and kind!..
But so that
I didn’t suffer a cruel fate,
Let's save
There is sturgeon on the rods,
Killer whale in the sky,
In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

If you are destined to breathe
We have only air,
Let's all go
Let's unite forever.
Let's save our souls
Then we are on Earth
And we will save ourselves.