The Lena River is the largest river on the eastern side of Siberia, which flows into the Laptev Sea. And this is not the only achievement of the river in terms of scale. In addition to the mentioned fact, the place where the Lena River is located is the tenth longest river in the world and the eighth largest river in terms of flow.

The Lena River flows in Yakutia and Irkutsk region, in particular.
A distinctive feature of the river is its freezing. It freezes not as is customary with all other rivers, but in the reverse order in relation to its opening - from its lower reaches to its upper reaches.

Geographical features of the Lena River

The length of the river is 4,400 kilometers. The total area of ​​the basin ranges around 2,490 square kilometers. There are three sections of the river relative to its flow.

Current of the Lena River

Despite its great scale, the source of the river is only small swamp. This is where it originates majestic river Lena. The swamp is located twelve kilometers from Lake Baikal on one of its ridges.

The upper reaches of the Lena River are located on mountainous area Cisbaikalia. The middle course of the river is a certain segment between two rivers - Aldana and Vitim. After the Vitim River flows into the Lena River, it becomes a full-fledged deep-water river.

In some places, under such circumstances, its depth can reach twenty meters. These places are surrounded coniferous vegetation and forests. Starting from the Olekma River to the Aldan River, not a single truly large tributary flows into the Lena River. At a given length of 500 kilometers, the place where the Lena River is located is a river that flows lonely but majestically through a narrow but deep valley.

As soon as the river reaches the city of Pokrovsk, its borders expand sharply. After Lena overcomes Yakutsk, Vilyuy and Aldan immediately flow into it. After this moment, the Lena River turns into a wide, powerful river up to ten kilometers in size. In some places it can reach a width of up to twenty and even thirty kilometers.

Navigation on the Lena River

When asking yourself the question whether there is navigation in this place where the Lena River is located, you should not even think for a second about a negative answer. Of course it is! Moreover, the Lena River is one of the main transport arteries in Yakutia. Such a solution is especially relevant in the conditions of Russian roads, and sometimes even their complete absence.

Tributaries of the Lena River

The main and dominant tributaries include the rivers Chaya, Aldan, Olekma, Vitim, Vilyui, Kuta, Chuya, Molodo, Kirenga, Buotama and the Sinaya River.

To live or not to live? That is the question!

The river bank itself is completely deserted. Even if you come across any buildings and houses while crossing or traveling with a guide, you should not assume that someone lives there. All the houses on the banks of the Lena are abandoned and have been empty for a long time.

Sights of the Lena River

Of course, it is logical to assume that any person who goes to admire the river already knows that the main attraction of that area is the Lena River itself, especially when this is the case. One of the most unforgettable trips, which you will remember for a long time, is a cruise on a motor ship along the river bed where the Lena River is located.

In addition to the standard ride on a cruise ship, you can experience all the delights of life local people: fishing, hunting, as well as climbing to the famous Lenin Pillars. You can feel the joy of travel during the period from June 1 to September 25.

The Lena River is the largest in Eastern Siberia and one of the largest in Russian Federation, in terms of depth it is in 8th place in the world, and in terms of length – in 10th place. It passes through the territory of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region, some of its tributaries belong to the Khabarovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia, the river flows into. Lena in the Laptev Sea. A popular female name in Russia is in no way connected with the name of the river; it comes from the word “Elyu-Ene”, which translated from Evenki means “Big River”. This name was given to her by the explorer Pyanda (1619 - 1623), but in the Russian language it became stronger as “Lena”.

Lena River, Lensky district. Photo by A.L. (loading) Wikimedia Commons

One of the longest rivers on our planet is the mighty Lena River. The river is fed by rain and melted snow. Floods occur in the spring. Since Lena is located in the northern part of the territory of the Russian Federation, due to permafrost the river fails to recharge with groundwater. Unlike other Russian rivers, the Lena is characterized by strong ice accumulation. In spring, ice flow is especially powerful and jams often form, which is why serious floods occur. In spring, the water level can increase to almost ten meters.

It is impossible to imagine the northern expanses of the country without the beautiful river. Coniferous forests and dense taiga spread out along the banks of the Lena. It is thanks to it, and several other mighty rivers, that Russia is considered one of the richest countries in the world. The river gives its state diamonds, gold and furs.

Length of the Lena River

Lena river. Scheme // Photo

Lena begins not far from Lake Baikal. Heads towards Yakutsk, makes a big detour and moves to northern regions Russia. The Great Lena is more than 4000 kilometers long. It flows through the Irkutsk region, then goes through the Lensk and Olekminsk urban districts, as well as through the regions of Yakutia. Maximum depth– 22 meters.

Source of the Lena River

A small lake adjacent to Lake Baikal is the source of the Lena River. The small body of water that gives life to the mighty river currently has no name. The lake is located ten kilometers from Baikal and rises almost 1,400 meters above sea level. In other words, Lena takes its source in a small mountain reservoir that does not have a name, which is located on the territory of the Baikal ridge.

Chapel at the source of the Lena River/ / photo www.

A small church was erected not far from the beginning of the river. Many tourists come here to see the source of the Lena River and also enjoy the surrounding picturesque views. The Shishkinsky Mountains are the most famous places in the upper reaches of the river. Drawings have been preserved on ancient rocks to this day. primitive people that are of historical significance. Here you can see depicted scenes of sacrifices, hunting and other rock “writings” of ancient peoples. These places are the most extensive areas where you can get a broad idea of ​​the life of primitive settlements.

Tributaries of the Lena River

Lena River // Photo:

Most of the river's tributaries belong to the Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Transbaikal territories and Buryatia. The left tributaries include the Anai, Nyuya, Kuta, Turuka, Kukhta, Verkhnyaya Kytyma and others. And to the right tributaries are the Anga, Chichapta, Kirenga, Cherepanikha, Bolshoi Patom and many others. The main tributaries are Aldan, Vilyui, Vitim and Olekma. The Vilyui tributary is considered the largest and longest tributary of the river among its left tributaries.

Mouth of the Lena River

Lena River and tributaries // Photo:

Having passed its way through Yakutsk, the river receives two main tributaries - Vilyui and Aldan. Now it is not a calm river, but a powerful water element with a width of up to 21 km, and a depth of more than 20 meters. The banks of the Lena in these places are very dangerous. There are small settlements here. The water avalanche moves and flows into the Laptev Sea. About 100 km from the sea, the river transforms into a huge delta, consisting of 780 tributaries and islands of varying sizes. Three main channels of the river reach the sea - Olenekskaya, Trofimovskaya and Bykovskaya. Vessels that have important industrial significance for the entire country sail along the channels. The picturesque delta amazes with its flora and fauna. Here you can meet rare plants and more than 120 different types birds.

Cities of Russia on the Lena River

The Lena River flows // Photo

The banks of the Lena are not home to many major cities Russia. Mostly populated areas are located in the Yakutsk region. Today, many villages are empty or serve as places for rotational camps. But, nevertheless, Pokrovsk, Siktyak, Kyusyur, Chekurovka and some other settlements founded their houses on the banks of the river.

Unique natural Park Lena pillars. Lena River // Photo: www.mosturflot.

In the Haagalas region there are unique Lena Pillars. The picturesque natural park is fraught with a lot of interesting things for every visitor to this place. Two historically important settlements spread out on the banks. Sottintsy and Zhigansk. Sotnitsy is the original foundation of Yakutsk. The Lena River offers cruises, boat rides and hikes to local attractions. Lena also offers a lot of other entertainment, so many travelers prefer to relax on the banks of the mighty Lena.

Lena River in folk culture

Many historians believe that Vladimir Ulyanov named himself Lenin in honor of this powerful element. The river has great value for every inhabitant of its shores. Local residents compose songs and poems in honor of the nurturing river and paint pictures. The beauty of river landscapes has been sung by many world poets. Lena is also immortalized on some famous paintings by artists. The power and greatness of Lena also inspires our modern creators.

Length: 4400 km.
Square drainage basin: 2,490,000 km².
Pool: Laptev Sea, Arctic Ocean
Source: Lake Baikal area, slopes of the Baikal ridge.
Location: 145 km from the village of Kachug, Kachug district, Irkutsk region.
Coordinates: 54°0′51.12″N. latitude, 108°4′16.76″ e. d.
Mouth: Laptev Sea.
Location: Bulunsky district of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Coordinates: 72°36′15.1″ N. latitude, 128°23′32.79″ e. d

History of the development of the Lena River

Russian pioneers appeared on the Lena after the founding of the Yenisei fort. Already in 1619, the search for the “Big River” began. And almost simultaneously several Cossack detachments came out to great river from different sides. Already in 1632, the Lensky fort was founded. Further development of the Lena basin proceeded at a rapid pace. And during the 1630s, several Cossack forts were founded on the Lena and its tributaries.

Origin of the river's name

The name of the river has nothing to do with the popular female name. IN Soviet time There was a legend that the river was named after the leader of the world proletariat V.I. Lenin. In fact, the origin of the pseudonym Lenin has nothing to do with the great Russian river. The river received its name due to the Russian distortion of the Evenki term “Ele-Nyu”, or “Ele-Ney”, which translated from Evenki means a large river.

Source of the river - where the Lena River begins

The source of the Lena River is considered to be a wetland on the slopes of the Baikal ridge. From here it is only 10 kilometers to Lake Baikal. The absolute height of the source of the Lena is considered to be 1470 meters above sea level. Thus. The height difference that the Lena overcomes in its flow is 1470 meters. The swamp from which the Lena flows is located on one of the peaks of the Baikal ridge. A chapel was built near the source of the river and a memorial plaque was installed.

Upper Lena

The upper reaches of the Lena include the area from the source to the confluence of the Vitim River into the Lena. After the source, in its upper course the Lena flows through the mountain ranges of the Baikal region. In terms of distance, the upper reaches account for approximately a third of the river. The speed of the Lena current in the upper reaches is 3-5 m/s

Middle reaches of the Lena

The section of the river from the place where Vitim flows into the Lena, to the confluence of the Lena and Aldan, is called the middle course of the river. After the meeting with Vitim, the Lena flows only through the territory of Yakutia. After the mouth of the Vitim, the Lena changes dramatically. It becomes significantly fuller, the depth of the river in some places can reach up to 20 meters. After the city of Pokrovsk, the Lena turns into a typically flat river with slow flow. The banks of the Lena in the middle reaches are mostly taiga, with occasional flat meadows. The speed of the Lena flow in the middle reaches: to the city of Pokrovsk - 1-3 m/s, after Pokrovsk - 0.5-1.3 m/s.

Lower reaches of the Lena

The section of the Lena from its confluence with the Aldan to the mouth belongs to the lower reaches of the river. After meeting Aldan, the river’s width becomes more than 3 km, and during high water the river can overflow for 30 km. The depth of the river becomes stable and amounts to 15-21 meters. In the lower reaches, the river basin becomes narrow, it is compressed by mountain ranges approaching from both sides. From the east, Lena is supported by the Verkhoyansk ridge, and then by the Kharaulakh ridge. From the western bank of the river, the Central Siberian Plateau rises above the Lena basin, and then the Chekanovsky ridge.

Lena River Delta

150 kilometers from the confluence of the Lena into the Laptev Sea, the Lena delta begins. The Lena Delta is vast; here the river splits into many small and large branches. Huge mass fresh water, which the Lena carries into the Laptev Sea, contributes to the early freezing of the mouth and the late disappearance of the ice cover.

The mouth of the Lena is an important transport hub throughout Siberia. Below the mouth of the Lena is the port of Tiksi.

Lena River Basin

The Lena River basin occupies a vast territory of Eastern Siberia. The main part of the basin is located on the Lena Plateau. The basin area is 2490 thousand km². From Russian rivers, the drainage basin area is larger only at the Ob and Yenisei. Among all the world's rivers, the Lena ranks 7th in terms of basin area. The Lena River collects its waters from the territory of 7 regions of the Russian Federation:

Yakutia, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur region, Transbaikal region, Buryatia, Irkutsk region, and Krasnoyarsk region.

Watersheds of the Lena River

The watersheds of the Lena River basin are:

From the east – Verkhoyansk ridge and Dzhugdzhur ridge

From the south – Stanovoy ridge and Baikal ridge, Stanovoye Highlands

From the west – the Angara Ridge and the Central Siberian Plateau

Nutrition and hydrographic regime of the Lena River

The Lena River is fed mainly by snow melt water. That's why hydrological regime Lena is unstable. The maximum runoff is observed in June, the minimum before the opening of the river in April.

Floods on the Lena

The biggest flood on the Lena occurred in 2001. This year in May, as a result of severe ice jams, the city of Lensk was severely flooded. This was the largest and most destructive flood on the Lena in the entire history of monitoring the river.

Tributaries of the Lena River

Large tributaries of the Lena River

The biggest and main tributary Lena - Aldan River. The largest tributaries of the Lena River include a total of 4 rivers:

These 4 rivers differ significantly in size from other tributaries of the Lena. The remaining tributaries are much smaller.

Other tributaries of the Lena:

Big Patom


Small tributaries of the Lena

Left tributaries

On the left are Anay, Chanchur, Ilikta, Inda, Kulenga, Yamny, Rudovskaya River, Meneevsky, Ilga, Trofimovka, Fedorovka, Maly, Boty, Late, Nizhnyaya, Elovy, Nemtanka, Nizhnyaya Golovskaya, Ilinga, Bear, Nizhnyaya Sarafanikha, Atalanga, Kukhta, Upper Katyma, Lower Katyma, Selenga, Nora, Kokara, Shulaga, Mokchenikha, Turuka, Rassokha, Half, Goose, Elovka, Dry, Killed, Upper Bochakta, Melnichnaya, Baranovy, Kazimirka, Potapovka, Semiga, Chembalovka, Zakharovka, Piluda, Ichera , Stepanikha, Bobrovka, Peleduy, Tabalak, Konek, Djerba, Namana, Markha, Blue, Tyugene, Lunakha, Tympylykan, Khoruonka, Molod, Eekit, Olenekskaya.
Right tributaries

Anga, Big River, Tutura, Ziminskaya, Malaya Balakhnya, Zharkov, Distillery, Berezovka, Kovtorov, Elovenky, Beacha, Botovka, Kuzmin, Vyatkin, Zybunya, Balaganny, Talovy, Larchny, Efremkov, Chichapta, Dyadin, Verkhnyaya Sarafanikha, Suhusha, Zakobeninskaya river, Orlinga, Iga, Shapkin, Tayura, Ulkan, Chechuy, Parshinka, Yukte, Tuolba, Buotama, Belyanga, Dyanshka, Undyulung, Sobolokh-Mayan, Menkere, Jarjan, Besyuke.

Cities and towns on the Lena River

The banks of the Lena River are sparsely populated due to the harsh climate. In some sections of the river, the distance between settlements can reach several hundred kilometers. On the shores you can often find abandoned settlements. And only in the area of ​​the capital of Yakutia on the river there is a high density of settlements. In total, there are 6 cities located on the Lena River.

Cities on the Lena:


The capital of Yakutia, the largest city on the river. Population 300 thousand people


The oldest settlement in Eastern Siberia. Initially, like many Siberian cities, it was a fort. The largest transport hub in Eastern Siberia. Population – 42 thousand people.


The oldest settlement on the Lena. There is a large repair center for the river fleet in the city. Population 11 thousand people.


Large port on the Lena. Located 840 kilometers from Yakutsk. The city has diamond mining and oil industry. Population 23 thousand people.


Regional center of one of the regions of Yakutia. The city has developed logging and gold mining industry. Population 9 thousand people.


One of the regional centers of Yakutia. Located near Yakutsk. There are several small industrial enterprises. Population 9 thousand people.

Large villages and settlements on the Lena River







Ports on the Lena

Port of Osetrovo.

One of the largest river ports in Russia. Located in the city of Ust-Kut. The only port of the Lena connecting the river with the railway. This port is the starting point for northern deliveries. Sometimes this port is called “the gateway to the north of Eastern Siberia”

Port of Kirensk.

Port Lensk

Provides cargo delivery to the diamond-bearing regions of Yakutia.

Port Olekminsk

Port Pokrovsk

Sanghar Port

Navigation on Lena

The navigation period on the Lena lasts from 120 days along the entire length of the river and from 180 days in the upper reaches of the river, since freeze-up occurs there later. Usually, shipping season, depending on weather conditions, begins in May-June and ends in September. Sometimes, due to the shallowing of the river in August, the shipping season may be suspended.

Shipping on the Lena

Regular shipping in the Lena River basin is the most important part of the transport and logistics system of the north of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Yakutia. The waterway makes it possible to receive and deliver to their destinations cargo arriving by rail and imported via the Northern Sea Route.

Features of shipping conditions.

The total area of ​​the Lena basin exceeds 2 million km2. Of the 18 thousand km of waterways, 8.5 thousand km are considered navigable.
Conditions for ship traffic along the entire length of the Lena, which stretches 4,400 km from the mouth near Lake Baikal to the port of Tiksi in the Laptev Sea, are heterogeneous.

The section from the source of the river to Ust-Kut is characterized by shallow depths and the presence of shallow riffles. This distance of 3.5 thousand km is accessible only during periods of rising water levels for ships with a slight draft.

The Lena is suitable for regular navigation from the port of Osetrovo, located in Ust-Kut, to the mouth. However, the part of the waterway to Vitim has many places that are dangerous for navigation. There are areas with one-way traffic, due to the narrowing of the river bed due to high rocky banks called “cheeks”.

Peculiarities of navigation conditions on the Lena include frequent changes in the riverbed, floods, and fluctuations in the average depth level.
The river delta has a length of about 150 km and is characterized by an abundance of islands, channels, lakes, the boundaries of which are constantly changing. Of the navigable channels reaching the sea, water transport uses Bykovskaya. It leads to the sea gate of Yakutia, which is considered the port of Tiksi.

Navigable tributaries of the Lena include Vitim, Aldan, Olekma and Vilyui.

Navigation on the Lena begins in mid-May and ends in October.

Regular shipping on the Lena.

The basis of river navigation in the Lena basin is the functioning of ports and marinas that can ensure the transportation of goods and passengers along the river and its tributaries.

The port of Osetrovo is the only one on the Lena where cargo flows arrive by rail. More than 80% of the cargo that travels further by water to Yakutia and the northern regions of the Irkutsk region is transshipped here.

The port of Yakutsk serves as a transport hub, receiving cargo ships from Osetrovo, as well as from the mouth of the river.

Lensk is one of the major cargo ports, participating in transportation that supports the operation of diamond mining enterprises.

The port of Tiksi opens the gates to Yakutia for goods delivered by sea.

The ports of Kirensk, Olekminsk, Pokrovsk, and Sangar play an active role in the transport system.

Freight transportation is carried out by river-sea class vessels, dry cargo ships, tankers, tugs, and barges. In a short navigation period, they must manage to fulfill the “northern delivery” program and requests from industrial enterprises.
Passenger shipping connects Ust-Kut, Kirensk, Vitim, Lensk, Yakutsk, Olekminsk, as well as the largest ports on the tributaries of the Lena - Aldan, Bodaibo, Khandyga.

The most popular tourist cruises in the river basin are routes connected with visiting the Lena Pillars, Lena Cheeks and the port of Tiksi.

The growing scale of tasks for the socio-economic development of the north-eastern regions of Russia causes an increase in the national economic importance of shipping in the Lena River basin.

Bridges and ferries across the Lena

Road bridge in the village of Kachug

Road bridge across the Lena in the Irkutsk region near the village of Kachug

Road bridge in Ust-kut

Automobile pontoon bridge in Zhigalovsky district

Railway bridge in Ust-Kut. The only railway bridge across the Lena.

There are no more bridges across the Lena. In summer, ferries are used to cross populated areas. In winter, winter roads are laid across the Lena. Where there are no permanent bridges, during periods of freeze-up and high water, crossings across the Lena do not work.

Tourism on the Lena

Severe climatic conditions are not available for the development of tourism in the Lena River basin. However, fishing and river cruises are popular among leisure enthusiasts. Until 2004, a paddle steamer was operated on the Lena River. There are now several cruise ships on the Lena that operate river cruises during the summer months. Prices for cruises are very high and start from 60 thousand rubles. Popular tourist routes by boat:

Ust-Kut – Yakutsk


Yakutsk — Lensk

Sights on the Lena River.

Lena pillars

Location: Yakutia (Republic of Sakha), Khangalassky ulus. 104 km from Pokrovsk, 200 km from Yakutsk. The nearest settlement is the village of Elanka.

Lena pillars are sheer cliffs of a peculiar shape, which are located along the banks of the Lena River. Unusual nature education has become one of the most famous attractions of Yakutia, which can be visited at any time of the year.

The majestic beauty of rocks up to hundreds of meters high, harsh northern nature, the breathtaking views amaze visitors who arrive here. The mountain range can appear completely different to guests over the course of four seasons, so it can be rediscovered every time you visit.

The Lena Pillars are located on the territory of the national nature reserve of the same name, which is famous not only for these rocks, but also for the characteristics of its flora and fauna. Many species of plants and animals living here are listed in the Red Book.

The territory of the reserve is divided into two parts:

Directly Lena Pillars,

The Tuculan site, which includes a forested area.

Tourists are offered several route options, which may include rafting on the Lena River, visiting observation platforms, climbing rocks and exploring unique flora and fauna of this corner of the planet.

In the territory national park there are also Lagerstättetts - places in which very well preserved different kinds organisms. In addition, similar sites are found only in Canada and China.

Shishkinskie rocks

Location: Russia, Irkutsk region, Kachug village.
Shishkinskie rocks (Shishkinskie pisanitsy) is a unique archaeological site that consists of rock paintings, the oldest of which date back to the 4th millennium BC. Located in the upper reaches of the Lena River, it covers approximately 3.5 kilometers and contains more than three thousand images left by residents of different eras.
On the rocks there are preserved petroglyphs (drawings painted on a stone or carved into its thickness), illustrating various subjects. Ancient masters depicted hunting, large figures of various animals and people. Very few of the earliest drawings left by late Neolithic artists remain.

Much more interesting are the images dating back to the Bronze Age. Petroglyphs from the 3rd to early 1st millennium BC depict not only animals, but also mysterious mythical creatures.

Currently, the Shishkin writings are under threat of destruction, despite state control and protection of this object. Highest damage the archaeological site is damaged by irresponsible tourists. Therefore, not much remains of several thousand images on the rocks.

Despite this, Shishkinsky rocks still remain one of the most mysterious places planets where you can come into contact with ancient history humanity.

Lensky historical and architectural reserve "Friendship"

Location: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Ust-Aldan ulus, Ogorodtakh village, st. S.G. Okhlopkova 11/1. 70 km from Yakutsk.
The Druzhba Museum-Reserve is one of the most interesting historical exhibitions that introduces the visitor to the life of the indigenous inhabitants of Yakutia. Architectural monuments have been recreated on its territory, the oldest of which date back to the 17th century - the very beginning of the development of these places.

The Lena River overflows two kilometers from the museum, located under open air. Many unusual Yakut buildings, reconstruction of ancient burials, household items of both the Yakuts themselves and Russian pioneers will not leave any of their guests indifferent.

“Friendship” offers visitors various excursions immersing themselves in the atmosphere of life of indigenous peoples, demonstrating some customs and rituals. You can visit the reserve at any time, but in the spring season the range of entertainment expands and includes:

Roller coaster rides;


Horse rides;

In general, the Druzhba Museum-Reserve is great place to get acquainted with the history of the indigenous inhabitants of the Ust-Aldan ulus, get acquainted with their customs and way of life. Part of the exhibition is dedicated to Russian pioneers, with whom the written history of the Yakuts began.

Monument to the Lena River in Yakutsk

Location: Yakutia (Republic of Sakha), Olekminsk, embankment.

The Lena River is one of the most large rivers Russia. “Eluene” (“big river”) is reflected in the folklore of Yakutia, embodied in the image of an elderly woman.
Sculptor Nikolai Chochchasov, inspired by the drawing of an Olekma schoolgirl, created Lena as she is imagined local residents. Mighty River presented to him in the image of a beautiful young girl in light flowing clothes.

The sculpture is made of especially durable concrete, which can withstand temperature changes from -60 to +60, which is especially important in the local climate. Its height with the pedestal is almost 3 meters.

Lena's figure quickly gained popularity and became the subject of heated debate. Many were confused by the girl’s transparent clothes, which practically did not hide her nakedness; some were not happy that the image of the young girl did not correspond to the folklore grandmother. The humanized embodiment of the Siberian river left no one indifferent.

Some tourists consider this girl to be an image not only of Lena, but also of Siberia itself. A young beauty with a clear gaze, long flowing hair, so similar to the flow of river waters, delights with elegance and grandeur.

Lena cheeks

Location: Russia, Irkutsk region, Kirensky district.
Lena cheeks are a narrow winding canyon, one of the deepest in Siberia. On both sides of the bank of the Lena River there are steep cliffs, around which the river bed makes sharp turns. These are the “cheeks”.
Despite the fact that the rocks are located on the territory of the Irkutsk region, getting to them from the land side is quite problematic. Therefore, tourists are recommended to take a tour on the cruise ship “Mikhail Svetlov”, departing from Yakutsk.

The Lena River, making its way through the rock, makes sharp turns and narrows to 200 meters in the “cheek” area. Its rapid current changes with every change of direction, making this section very difficult to navigate.
The first cheek is found on the right bank of the river. Tall, monumental, with an absolutely vertical wall, it makes an unforgettable impression. Having made a turn, the river leads to the Second Cheek, located on the opposite side. The last bend of the river bed leads to the Third Cheek, even more grandiose than the First. The Lena River ends its rapid flow at the Drunken Bull rock.

Severe, dangerous beauty The canyon delights many tourists.

Lena River on the map

Lena river. Source and mouth on the map.

Lena River on the map.

The Great Siberian River Lena is one of the longest rivers on the planet. Its source is located near Baikal, then the river makes a huge bend towards Yakutsk, and then turns north and flows into the Laptev Sea, forming a wide delta.

More precisely, the Lena is the tenth longest river in the world. True, sometimes there are disputes about this, related to the definition of the starting point (source) different rivers. The length of the Lena River is 4400 km. The area of ​​the drainage basin is 2,490 thousand sq. km. The Lena River flows in the permafrost zone. The Lena is fed mainly by melting snow and rainwater. Permafrost prevents groundwater from replenishing the drainage of this river.
Flows through the territory of Yakutia in the Irkutsk region.

In North-Eastern Siberia, the Lena River is the largest water artery. Some of its tributaries bring water from Transbaikalia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as from Buryatia. The Lena River is located only on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The name of the Lena River comes from the Even word Elyu-Ene, which means “ Big River" It was discovered by the explorer Pyanda in 1619 - 1623 and recorded exactly this name. In Russian, this name has not gotten along well and it is simply called the Lena River.

Where is the source of the Lena River

The source of the Lena is a small lake near Baikal. I have not found the name of this lake. So, the greatest Siberian river has a nameless source. This source is located near Lake Baikal. Different distances to Lake Baikal are indicated from 12 to 7 km. But the coordinates of the source are given exactly: 53°56′20.4″ N. w. 108°05′08″ E. (G), and to be sure, here you will find a small chapel with a corresponding sign.

The height of the place where the Lena River originates is 1470 meters above sea level.

The nature of the flow of the Lena River

This river is divided into three sections. They are distinguished precisely by the nature of the flow:

  • the first (upper) section is located from the source to the confluence of the Vitim River,
  • second (middle) - from the confluence of the Vitim to the mouth of the Aldan,
  • third (lower) - from the mouth of the Aldan to the delta with the Laptev Sea.

The main tributaries of the Lena River are Sinaya, Vitim, Aldan, Nyuya, Olekma, Vilyui, Kirenga, Chuya, Molodo. The largest is the Aldan River.

All top part The current of the Lena is located in the mountainous Pre-Baikal region.

middle part The current has a length of 1415 kilometers. The middle reaches of the Lena River are the territory of Yakutia. After the Vitim flows into the Lena, the size of the river becomes enormous. Its depth in some places reaches 12 meters, the channel widens significantly and flows around many islands.

The width of the river valley also increases (reaches 20–30 kilometers). The left slope of the river floodplain here is gentle, and the right slope is high and steep.

The slopes are covered with coniferous forests and rare meadows. After Pokrovsk, the Lena valley expands further, as the river enters the plain. The speed of the Lena current here is significantly reduced and does not exceed 1.3 m/s, and in most cases it is no more than 0.7 m/s.

In this part of the Lena River, on its right bank, the famous Lena Pillars are located - one of the main attractions of the Lena River .

Lower reaches The Lena River receives water flows from two main tributaries: Vilyui and Aldan. Having merged with Vilyuy, the Lena River forms a huge floodplain with many swamps and lakes. The channel is 10 km wide. The depth of the river increases to 15-20 meters. In some places numerous channels have formed. The banks are lined with harsh taiga, and human settlements are very rare. The Lena Delta is very extensive and begins approximately 150 kilometers from the mouth.

Relief of the Lena River

The Lena River basin represents the border of two different landscapes. On the western side lies the Central Siberian Plateau, and on the eastern side there are the Chersky and Verkhoyansky ridges, as well as the Suntar-Hayat ridge. The most major tributaries The Lena rivers are the Olekma, Vitim, Vilyuy and Aldan rivers.

Vitim has a length of 1820 km and water regime, characteristic of all Far Eastern rivers, that is, a mountain stream passing through a narrow valley, and its bed contains a large number of rocky rapids.

The Olekma River has a length almost equal to the length of Vitim, that is, 1810 km. The river valley is sandwiched between mountains, and at the mouth there are many rapids.

The longest tributary of the Lena, as already written, is the Aldan. Its length is 2240 km. In the upper reaches of the Aldan there is a plateau on both banks, and in the lower reaches there is an intermountain plain.

The Lena River basin includes twelve reservoirs with a total volume of 36,200 million cubic meters. m.

Human use of the Lena River

The Lena River freezes entirely from the lower reaches to the upper reaches. It is opened in the reverse order, i.e. from the upper reaches. Navigation on the Lena River lasts 130-170 days. Lena is the main waterway connecting Yakutia with the rest of the country. Small vessels navigate almost the entire waterway. But large river vessels are only capable of moving along the lower reaches of the river.

High water occurs in the spring. The spill begins in the middle reaches at the end of April in the southern regions. As the snow melts, the flood moves north. It reaches the lower reaches only by mid-June. At the same time, the water level rises very significantly: by 7-8 meters, and in some places - by 10 meters.

Ice drift is always accompanied by ice jams. The river opens up gradually and naturally from south to north. It freezes from north to south. It is noteworthy that in some areas the water freezes at the bottom and then on the surface. This causes the formation of ice, which sometimes reaches a height of several meters. During the summer these ice cliffs melt.

The inhospitable banks of the Lena are sparsely populated; its bed, with rare exceptions, is bordered by impassable thickets. Here, like thousands of years ago, nature reigns, which is in no hurry to give up its place to man. In the endless expanses of Siberia, human life has always seemed as rare as an oasis in the desert.

Fishing on the Lena River

Since ancient times, the Lena River and its tributaries have attracted fishermen. There are no platinums on the Lena River and there is a rich food supply. Such circumstances create excellent living conditions for many species of fish.

The Siberian sturgeon is the largest and most valuable fish, living in Lena. People here remember the times when this fish reached a length of two meters and a weight of about 200 kilograms. However, civilized people have made certain efforts and now it is not possible to catch a sturgeon weighing more than twenty kilograms.

In addition, in Lena you can easily catch taimen and lenok. There are large individuals (0.7 m in length and weighing up to eight kilograms). You can also fish very effectively with regular whitefish, muksun, broad whitefish, peled, as well as Siberian vendace. Grayling can be a common catch. For those who love fishing predatory fish There is an opportunity to fish for pike and pike perch. A particularly experienced fisherman can try to pull out a burbot. There are also smaller predators: dace, Siberian spined loach.

Attractions in cities located on the Lena River

In Yakutsk

  • St. Nicholas Church (1852),
  • tower of the Yakut fort (1685, reconstruction),
  • former voivode's office (1707), "
  • Shergik mine" with a depth of 116.6 m (1828-1836),
  • Spassky Monastery (1664)
  • Water and mud therapy,
  • Museum of Local Lore.
  • House of the Decembrist Golitsyn,
  • ancient villages in the vicinity of the city


  • Spasskoye, Spassky Cathedral (1860),
  • Chapel of Alexander Nevsky (1891),
  • memorial places for exiles.

Nature of the Lena River

The Lena Delta contains the most important ecological territories: Baikal-Lena Reserve, Ust-Lena Reserves Deltovy and Sokol and the largest reserve in Russia “Lena-Ustye”. And of course the Lena Pillars National Natural Park. The reserves contain 402 plant species, 32 fish species, 109 bird species and 33 mammals.

The places here, as already written, are quite wild and harsh. So without a guide or serious experience independent travel There is nothing to do here, or rather it is dangerous.

Lena(Өлүөне sah, Zүлхе bxr) - a river in Russia, the largest river in North-Eastern Siberia, flows into the Laptev Sea. The tenth longest river in the world and the eighth in the world by deepness, see: List of rivers by deepest flow, flows through the territory of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, some of its tributaries belong to the Transbaikal, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk Territory and to the Republic of Buryatia. The Lena is the largest of the Russian rivers, whose basin lies entirely within the country. // The New Times, 1.11.2010. It freezes in the reverse order of opening - from the lower reaches to the upper reaches.


The length of the river is , the area of ​​the basin is . According to the nature of the river’s flow, three sections are distinguished: from the source to the mouth of Vitim; from the mouth of the Vitim to the confluence of the Aldan and the third lower section - from the confluence of the Aldan to


The source of the Lena is considered to be a small lake 12 kilometers from Lake Baikal, located at an altitude Industrial statements. At the source on August 19, 1997, a chapel with a memorial plaque was installed. The entire upper reaches of the Lena up to the confluence of the Vitim, that is, almost a third of its length, falls in the mountainous Cisbaikalia region. Water consumption in the Kirensk area - , UNESCO: Water resources.

Middle current

The middle current includes its length between the mouths of the Vitim and Aldana rivers. Near the confluence of the Vitim, the Lena enters Yakutia and flows along it to the very mouth. Having accepted Vitim, Lena turns into a very large, high-water river. Depths increase to 10-12 m, the channel expands, and numerous islands appear in it, the valley expands to 20-30 km. The valley is asymmetrical: the left slope is lower; the right one, represented by the northern edge of the Patom Highlands, is steeper and higher. On both slopes grow dense coniferous forests, only occasionally replaced

From Olekma to Aldan, the Lena does not have a single significant tributary. Cutting through the Prilenskoye Plateau, the Lena flows for more than 500 km in a deep and narrow valley cut into limestone. Below the city of Pokrovsk, Lena opens onto the plain. As a result, a sharp expansion of the Lena valley occurs, the flow speed slows down greatly - it nowhere exceeds 1.3 m/s, and for the most part drops to 0.5-0.7 m/s. The floodplain alone is five to seven kilometers wide, and in some places even 15 kilometers wide, while the entire valley is 20 kilometers or more wide.


Below Yakutsk, the Lena receives its two main tributaries - Aldan and Vilyui. Now it's gigantic water flow; even where it runs in one channel, its width reaches 10 km, and its depth exceeds 16-20 m. Where there are many islands, the Lena overflows for 20-30 km. The banks of the river are harsh and deserted. Settlements are very rare.

In the lower reaches of the Lena, its basin is very narrow: from the east, the spurs of the Verkhoyansk Range, the watershed of the Lena and Yana rivers, advance; from the west, insignificant elevations of the Central Siberian Plateau separate the basins of the Lena and the Olenyok River. Below the village of Bulun, the river is compressed by the Kharaulakh ridges coming very close to it from the east and Chekanovsky from the west. About 150 km from the sea, the vast Lena delta begins.


It is believed that the name of the river comes from the Evenki language of the Tungus-Manchu group “Elu-Ene”, which means “big river” Mostakhov S. E. Lena River. Yakutsk, 1972. P. 3, 5. The discoverer of the river was the explorer Pyanda in 1619-1623. fixed its name in the form Elyuene, which in Russian usage became fixed as Lena.

Infrastructure and settlements


Lena to this day remains the main transport artery of Yakutia, connecting its regions with the federal transport infrastructure. The main part of the “northern delivery” is carried out along the Lena River. The Kachug pier is considered the beginning of navigation, however, upstream from the port of Osetrova, only small ships pass through it. Below the city of Ust-Kut, right up to the confluence of the Vitim tributary on the Lena, there are still many difficult areas for navigation and relatively shallow places, forcing annual dredging work.

The navigation period lasts from 125 to 170 days. Main ports on the Lena Bolshaya Soviet encyclopedia(3rd ed.): Online version on the Yandex portal. Article "". (from source to mouth):

  • Osetrovo (3500 km from the mouth of the Lena, Ust-Kut) is the largest river port in Russia and the only one in the Lena basin connected to the railway, for which it is called the “gateway to the north”;
  • Kirensk;
  • Lensk (2648 km) - serves the diamond mining industry of Mirny;
  • Olekminsk;
  • Pokrovsk;
  • Yakutsk (1530 km) - plays a major role in the transshipment of goods coming from Osetrovo;
  • Sangar
  • Tiksi (0 km).

The largest ports of the Lena tributaries: Bodaibo (Vitim River), Khandyga, Dzhebariki-Khaya (Aldan River).


The banks of the Lena are very sparsely populated. With the exception of the approaches to Yakutsk, where the population density is relatively high, the distances between neighboring settlements can reach hundreds of kilometers occupied by remote taiga. Often there are abandoned villages, sometimes - temporary rotational camps.

There are 6 cities on the Lena (from source to mouth):

  • Ust-Kut;
  • Kirensk - oldest city on Lena, founded in 1630;
  • Lensk;
  • Olekminsk;
  • Pokrovsk;
  • Yakutsk is the largest settlement on the Lena, founded in 1632. With a population of 270 thousand people. is also largest city northeast Russia;

Two historical settlements:

  • Sottintsy - Lena Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve "Friendship"; the site of the original founding of the city of Yakutsk.
  • Zhigansk - founded in 1632. In 1783-1805. - county town.


Hydrological data on water flow at the mouth of the Lena in different sources contradict each other and often contain errors, R-ArcticNET V4.0 , UNESCO: Water resources. An additional source of uncertainty is the fact that the river has a large delta with many channels, which accounts for part of a 60,000 km² basin.

According to various estimates, the annual flow of the river ranges from 489 to 542 km³, which corresponds to the average annual flow at the mouth from 15,500 to 100. The main supply, as well as almost all tributaries, is melted snow and rainwater. The widespread distribution of permafrost within the watershed prevents the feeding of rivers by groundwater, with the only exception being geothermal springs.

Due to general regime Precipitation for the Lena is characterized by spring floods, several fairly high floods in summer and low autumn-winter low water levels of up to 366 m³/sec at the mouth. During the spring flood in June, 40% of the runoff occurs, and from June to October - 91%. The highest average monthly water flow at the mouth was observed in June 1989 and amounted to, the maximum water flow at the mouth during a flood may exceed.

Average monthly water flow rates in m³/sec, averaged over 1976-1994, measurements were made in the river delta at the Stolb station. , R-ArcticNET V4.0

During the winter period, 10-20 km³ of ice or 3% of its annual flow is formed on the river. In summer, its entry along with large volumes of flood water into shallow southern part The Laptev Sea leads - as in the case of other large Siberian rivers - to the phenomenon of inversion, that is, to local desalination of the sea and to the later release of ice from its nearby waters.

Changes in annual flow

The minimum annual flow recorded in 1986 was 402 km³, the change over 65 years was 326 km³ or an average value of 516 km³, a change of 63%. Like most major rivers in the world with a large basin area, the Lena is characterized by periodic changes in annual flow that follow eleven-year cycles solar activity. The first type of maximum occurs approximately the next year after the start of a new solar cycle and can be explained by the intense melting of ice and permafrost formed over the past 2-3 years, as well as the development of the Arctic Oscillation and an increase in precipitation within the basin in winter. See description of ice dams and erosion river valleys in the north of Yakutia in (Chapter 23. Eastern Siberia. a brief description of natural conditions)., 02/01/2012, Natalya Bokareva, In this case, the most noticeable increase in flow occurs - for example, in 1989, the average annual water flow was, which corresponds to the Second type of maximum is less pronounced and takes place in the middle of the eleven-year cycle, is characterized by a smaller spring flood and is achieved due to more precipitation in the summer-autumn period .

Spring opening of the river

The Lena differs from other Russian rivers in its ice regime and powerful ice jams. Strong and thick ice on the river is formed during extremely cold, long and little snowy winters. Spring ice drift is very powerful and is often accompanied by ice jams and flooding of large areas For additional information see article on the city Lensk. . The earliest, at the end of April, the spring flood begins in the Kirensk region - on the upper Lena - and, gradually moving north, advancing on the still ice-bound river, reaches the lower reaches in mid-June. During a flood, water rises 6-8 m above the low-water level. In the lower reaches the water rise reaches 18 m.


The main tributaries of the Lena: Chaya, Vitim, Aldan, Kuta, Olekma, Vilyui, Kirenga, Chuya, Molodo. The largest of them is the Aldan River with an average water flow at the mouth and basin area.

The four main tributaries of the Lena (in order downstream of their confluences) - Vitim, Olekma, Aldan and Vilyui - stand out sharply from the rest due to their size.