Life in the harsh conditions of the North, the hard work of fishermen, endless wandering on the tundra with herds of deer, risk on the hunt - All this put people dependent on the natural forces of nature. The man turned out to be defenseless before illnesses, hunger, earthquakes. But classes in fishing, reindeer herding, hunting and gathering allowed people to divert in nature. At the same time, the person was not delivered from the feeling of powerlessness before her formidable phenomena, could not explain them. All this generated fantastic ideas about the world around. Animals, plants, natural phenomena have ended with supernatural properties and spiritualized by people. Fishermen, hunters, reindeers believed that good and evil creatures live in the mountains, tundra, forests, rivers and seas. According to the ideas of Itelmen, for example, in the volcanoes inhabited perfume - gamulaAnd smoke from Zherel Volcanov meant that they prepare their food.

At Itelmen, Koryakov, Chukchi was similarity in the ideas about the world and its creation. In addition to the earthly world, in which people lived, there were still the upper and lower worlds. In the top there was a "heavenly creature" (near Koryakov - naynenen), Which watched people, the coverings, but they rarely intervened right in their business. "Heavenly Being" seemed similar to the sky, with the Sun, that is, with the "riding". It contributed to good, harmony, world order.

The peoples of Kamchatka believed in the existence of benevolent creatures, the hosts of the sea, forests, mountains, rivers, earth and marine animals, birds, fish. Itelmen worshiped the owner of the sea Utleigan. We respect the fishery God MITG., the owner of the fish, settled them in the rivers. The "marine owner" in the representation of Koryakov and Chukchi seemed to be a half-lived-receiving. The owner of the owner of the Earth Beasts of Pily Schau, a small little man living in the clouds, which carries a park from Wolverine and flies on birds. Koryakov and Chukchi also had a deity corresponding to Pilya-chound- the patron of animals, first of all deer, Pisvusyn. It is also a little growth, drives on the core or mice.

People asked for successful hunting, fishing, pastures for deer, and in gratitude "treated" sacrificial food. The images of some perfume protectors they wore with them, kept in housing.

Next to good, which was manifested in the well-being of a person, in equilibrium of all the forces of nature (light, warmth, sun, day), was present and evil - all that caused any pain, hunger, death (death of animals, internship fish, cold , Darkness, eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes). Evil starts, evil spirits were called in ITERmen - ditch, Koryakov - cala, ningvitu, kamaku, Chukchi - caele. They live under the ground or in desert places, capable of penetrating into human dwellings through the smoke hole, to climb the hearth from the left side, kidnap the souls of people, to send diseases and even death.

Nothing good promoted to the appearance of lizards accepted by them for the suspension of the Lord of the MerBrying Underground World Gaechard. Earthquake, according to the ideas of ITELEN, produced Tuilwhen his dog Kozhe Shake, dropping snow off. Unsafe considered meetings with dwarfs - pichlachi.

Evil spirits also had to bring sacrifices. They were protected with the help of brass-guard figures in the form of figurines-amulets from stone, tree, bones, in each village there were their guardians in the form of a wooden pillar with rudely chopped images of a human face. The guard can be a wooden device for the extraction of fire, there were guardians of boats, networks. The boat itself could also save themselves from the unknowing perfumes, and the logs with scubons who served as a staircase in the dwelling-sonord.

The defenders of the families were the ancestors of patrons. Some of them are probably more ancient origin, called Koryakov illapil (grandma), others - later- appapil (Grandpa). Ancestors patronized to descendants in all their affairs. In families and villages, legends about the ancestors were preserved, they said and remembered them with respect.

If people were not able to fight with evil beings themselves, they resorted to the help of shamans, believing that they could communicate with spirits and even command them. It was assumed that the shamans are able to help hunters and fishermen, can drive diseases, pacify the bad weather, drive out evil spirits. Along with fantastic ideas about the universe, Shamans used experience gained by people, knowledge of nature. Often the shamans were deep connoisseurs of mental experiences of a person, his inner world.

If you take into account the difficult living conditions of the peoples of Kamchatka, their beliefs in good and evil creatures will become clear. But it did not exclude the active activities of people, hopes for their own will and strength.

The main character of the mythology of Itelmen, Koryakov, Chukchi is the first Voron. Itelmen called it Kutch, Koryaki - Kutkynnyaku (Kuyknnyaku), Chukchi - Kurkyl. Probably initially image Voron-Kutha. It originated at the ITELENO B. Then Raven appeared in the myths not only Koryakov and Chukchi, but also in the legends of the Eskimos and the Indians of the North-West of America.

In ITelemen's myths Kutch worked the world: descended from the sky from the sky; Mountains and valleys are also traces of his actions. In the Koryak myths, Raven does not create the world, but wins evil spirits. Chukchi believed that Voron Created dogs, deer, whales, birds.

Becoming after the creation of the Kamchatka its inhabitant, Kutch Gave wife Mity. (Mita). From their children in Iliamen's fairy tales is more often mentioned about the Son Ememkut And daughter Sinanevt. People have not experienced fear Kuthoma, they could even reflect it for the fact that he was not too successful, in their opinion, created Kamchatka. Kutch Good-natured, sometimes capable of prank, funny, but innocent leprosy, often turns out to be in a comic position. IN Cuth Combined features and crow, and man. Having created life, he himself became her participant.

Of great interest is the oral creativity of the indigenous population of Kamchatka - historical traditions of long-standing and relatively recently, household fairy tales, fairy tales about animals endowed with human traits. Much in fairy tales is explained by the proximity of the person to nature. Therefore, the heroes are easily reincarnated in animals, and vice versa. In fairy tales, the phenomena of nature and objects are spiritualized. Man and beast are in friendly relations, because the beast is the source of existence and can not be a human enemy. Animals in fairy tales are endowed with human qualities, they can quarrel and be friends, cook food, hunt, build housing.

In many fairy tales, people have to deal with malicious spirits ( ningtites, caele) And to win them not only with the help of miracles, but also due to their own strength, smelting, resourcefulness. In some ITELEN fairy tales, the boys Reel, protecting his people from enemies. Each of the storytellers "incent" Tulvala In the terrain that was close to himself and listeners. All this attached a special reliability of legends. In the legends of O. Tallvale There is nothing fabulous, magical.

Fairy tales contain many domestic details, allowing you to better submit the past of the nations of Kamchatka.

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Explanatory note.

Goal and tasks.


Preliminary work.

Musical accompaniment.

Travel course.



Photo report

Applications: (disc)

Presentation "Love and know your native land!".

Photo preparation and event.

Music Communication "Zarya", phonograms of the songs "Anthem Vilyuchinsk", "My House -Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky".

Methodical piggy bank for events: Presentation of Kamchatka species.

Open lesson (video)

Methodical development of an extracurricular event "Love and know, native land"

Sweet Kutch

At the indigenous people of Kamchatka - there are a lot of legends fairy tales, about how their country appeared. A long time ago it was, so long ago, that no one remembers when ... Freed once Raven Kuth over a large water - over the sea, flew and tiredly. And where to relax? Circle water. Then Kutch folded the wings and fell into the sea. He dived deeply deep and pulled a huge stone from the bottom. I sat down at him, rested, looked at it. What? Great land-stone pulled a cute from a large water. Whole country. I decided to Raven Kuth stay here forever. It is the mountains of the mountains to build fires, the bed for the rivers to dwell. Inwiddled in the forest of animals, fish and birds of any. And in order not to froze all the living on the ground born, breathed in the mountains in the mountains of high hot spirits .. and people created Kutch, so that in agreement with nature lived. The crafts were taught, and they had fun in the cheerful moral, so that life and sadness were kept with life.


This fragment of my extracurricular event "Love and know my own land!"

Currently, an increased interest in the study of the national history of the native land is noted. Small homeland gives a man much more than he is able to realize. You can agree that children know little about their native land, are not familiar with his past and present. But folk wisdom says that it is impossible to build a future without studying and not knowing the past. And in order to increase the cognitive interest in the history of the region, his past, present and future, that is, the use of the national-regional component in extracurricular activities has a huge educational potential and requires awareness of awareness in matters of history, art, literature, traditions that make up the ethnic medium of students. After all, in our hands the most important thing is the future of a big country.

This topic is especiallyactual nowadays, since we live in a multinational state and our school is multinational. Therefore, in extracurricular activities in elementary school, it is necessary to study not only national culture and art, but the culture and art of the peoples living in Kamchatka (Chukchi, Koryakov, Itelmen, Evenov).

Slide "National Museum"

The event includes students on Wednesday National People's Culture. It was held in the form of a game in the real national museum with exhibits.

Before you Itelman Doll - Woman's toys sewed with their own hands and gave their children.

Mat- with national ornaments and exquisite decorations, such products in each family were very valuable and passed from generation to generation.

Previously, photographs were not and therefore the family portraits did their own hands.

Before you koryak National a family.

And you look at what beautiful chukchi girl, dressed in luxury fur, and there are dear decorations from bead around it.

You see Shaman- In each settlement, the wise shaman lived, to which they were treated for advice, chambers, talismans, and also to correct their health.

Museum exhibits are made by the hands of children attending the circle "I'm doing miracles."

At the extracurricular event, theatrical techniques are used when the hero of fairy tales and legends of the Raven Kutch himself in the National Itelmen Costume, dancing with a tambourine, are unexpectedly comes to occupation.

So the guys get acquainted with oral folk creativity, they learn everyday wisdom, they do not get tired to surprise the beauty of their native language and try to write fairy tales themselves, poems.

Slide - novelty and significance b

Orientation on the regional component causesnovelty and meaningful the approach of such extracurricular activities at school, as well as in the system of additional education, is an appeal to popular culture, monuments of antiquities, traditions, the study of fairy tales and legends, visiting the local lore museum, participating in them, students implement their knowledge. Now we celebrate the period of the revival of spiritual culture, when special attention is paid to the formation of a growing personality.


For the younger generation, the restoration of cultural and historical ties with the native edge, with his small birthplace is very important. It is necessary to start this process since childhood, from the most accessible for children - the identity of the child himself, his family, getting acquainted with the biography of their parents, grandmothers, children begin to understand the connection of the times, the continuity of generations, begin to understand their involvement in historical events.

Slide is an unconventional approach

The true efficacy and fruitfulness of the perception of folk culture occurs when children themselves are directly involved in the search work. Immersion in the history of the native land by reading literary works, library events, it helps not only to study and understand the native land, but also deeper to realize their involvement in the history and fate of their people.

Nearby approach - subjectively new creative product in the use of the regional component. It gives positive results in a wide variety of aspects: Schoolchildren who study folklore and ethnography, show activity at various competitions, Olympiads, and in morally children become kinder and more attentive to each other.

Slide - Combination

Methodical development lies in the relationship of the use of modern ICT, multimedia presentation of musical videos. This P.sumbles more brightly form in children a cognitive interest in the world around the world, native nature, to bring up an emotional, positive attitude towards nature, the ability to see excellent.

Slide - Methods and forms

Z. annyatia is drawn up taking into account the age characteristics of children.To facilitate the understanding of the material by children in the process of all extracurricular activities, gaming forms are offered. The following are applied in the forms : Exhibitions, contests, theatrical presentation, as well as during the event are usedmethods : Story, conversation, game, quiz, local history stories and folk tale legends, which is easily perceived by children and makes them think, draw conclusions.

This event uses the earned earnings. In special occupations of extracurricular activities, during walks, excursions aimed at general development, as well as the development of observation and attention.

In the federal state educational standard of primary general education, one of the main requirements is extracurricular activities. The extracurricular occupation I thought was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GEF.

Each stage is aimed at the formation of certain universal academic actions, i.e. personal, meta-concrete results.

Slide - forms.

This allows you to more brightly form in children a cognitive interest in the world around the world, native nature, to raise the love of people of various nationalities, the ability to see beautiful.

Slide - goal

The purpose of my methodological development is the formation of elementary knowledge aimed at the awareness of the need to study local history, concern for the region; Contribute to a conscious attitude to historical and cultural monuments; Answer a cognitive interest in the city and its natural environment, to give ideas about the life of the population of Kamchatka in the context of historical conditions.

Slide - tasks

At the same time, the following tasks are solved:

expand knowledge about the world;

develop and train memory (when learning songs, mysteries, poems), motor activity of schoolchildren, emotional sphere (deliver joy to children from communication);

develop self-control in the behavior of children;

bring up goodwill in relation to both society;

to form the ability of children to listen and hear;

act according to the algorithm.

Slide rule

When selecting local lore information for classes, the rules should be followed:

Events of local history and culture must be important for this edge, pleasant and accessible, emotionally saturated;

Represent students the opportunity to make small "discoveries;

To form the ability to observe the surrounding reality and look for an unknown in the famous, unfamiliar in a familiar;

Call interest in native places, city, street, home, school, promote the formation of patriotic feelings.

Slide - Stages of Event

This scenario is based on the age-related features of children, therefore consists of two parts: theoretical part It is proposed in the form of intelligent games "Collect the Word - the name of indigenous peoples", "Compare a picture with a mystery", Blitz - Polls: "Name the biggest volcano on Kamchatka", "What is the form of the peninsula?"

At the same time, knowledge of the environment is expanding, the readiness and ability of students to self-development are being prepared.

The second part of - practicalwhich includes a theatrical performance, a concert is songs, dances, mobile games. As a result, the children receive knowledge of their people about the beauty of the Kamchatka nature, historical data of the city in an interesting and entertaining form, where communication skills are formed, emotional openness, liberty, self-confidence, as well as students receive a positive emotional charge, since in this All children are successful.


An extracurricular event "Love and know, native land" has been developed and conducted in the form of an introductory part of the integrated lesson with a teacher of additional education for elementary school students.

The material of this methodological development can be used by primary school teachers and educators of pre-school organizations, educators of additional education, as in the urgent and outside of the urban activity.

Making a conclusion, it is safe to say, extracurricular activity allows a school student to find yourself, self-funds and approach the standard of a graduate. A modern child should not only be able to use and assimilate the finished information today, he must become an active participant in the learning process, to be able to apply the knowledge gained. So, at present, extracurricular activities are most relevant, because It involves a variety of organizational forms and accounting for the individual characteristics of each student, it ensures the growth of the creative potential of the child, creates the basis for independent successful learning.


Stern but unique.

White indifference volcanoes

And even though your beauty is silent,

But wash the shore of the wave,

And only sometimes, for many days,

3) Equipment :

a computer;


basket for berries;

couplings (National Head Decorations from Berestov);

museum exhibits made on the circle "I'm doing";

cutting patterns (volcano, shape of the peninsula of Kamchatka, Raven Kutch);

cards, depicting berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, honeysuckle, rowan, rosehip);

berries' riddles;

animal riddles;

entrance tickets to the museum;

Class design:

the class is decorated in the form of museum exhibits (ITELMENSKY FAMILY, Fur doll, portraits, shaman, dog sledding races, underwater world of Kamchatka)

place for team competitions;

Form of holding: extracurricular event.

Type of methodological development: combinatorial.

Methods of carrying out : verbal, visual, game.

Location: Class or small room for viewing a presentation and playing games.

4) Preliminary work: a visit to the local history museum, a tour of the city, literature is being studied on the topic "Love and know my own land" Kamchatka, the poems, songs, dance with Kutch are in advance, are listening to songs and musical works of little-known composers.

5) musical accompaniment : Musical composition with the national traditions of the indigenous residents of Kamchatka "Zarya", the song "My house is Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", the song "Anthem Vilyuchinsk".

6) Travel course:

Teacher: Today we have an unusual occupation, I invite you to " National Museum",where you learn a lot of interesting things about the indigenous people of Kamchatka.

All visitors we distribute entrance tickets, depicting national ornaments. Start them to the end of the excursion. (Shake tickets)

so , Please go to our museum exhibits.

Excursion is held:

Museum exhibit "At the River Bystroy"

Teacher: You see the ITERMENSKY family, which is located at its dwelling on the banks of the River FAST. Move brought from fishing and hunting prey, and women gifts of nature

ITERMENSKY DOLL - Women's toys sewed with their own hands and gave their children.

The mat with the national ornament and exquisite decorations, such products in each family were individual.

Previously, photographs were not and therefore the family portraits did their own hands. Before you, the Koryak National Family.

And this look, what a beautiful Chukch girl, dressed in gorgeous fur, and there are dear decorations from bead around it.

You see Shaman- In each settlement, the wise shaman lived, to which they were treated for advice, chambers, talismans, to improve their health.

Museum exhibit "Beringia"

Teacher:Indigenous people moved on dog and deer sledding. They arranged competition games, in front of you race on dog sledding, which is managed by Cayur, sitting on a nonta. When the dogs were tired, and they were very difficult for them to escape, Cayur himself pushed narts and helped his pets.

Every year there are such races in Kamchatka, which are called Beringia, the beginning of the start of Beriniumbets from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and goes far away, far to the north.

Workshop "I'm doing miracles"

Teacher: In our museum there is a workshop "I'm doing miracles", before you the product of our school students.

This is an exercise - the Kamchatka Peninsula, made of natural material.

The underwater world of our seas is rich and beautiful, you see marine animals, fish.

Before you, the picture, where the conferences celebrate the holiday. At Itelmen, each autumn celebrates his national holiday Alghalalay, maybe someone from you had on such a holiday, what did you like he?

Game "Rewrite from the letter name of the people"

Teacher: We are in the National Museum. What kind of people did you hear from my story now?

You can check it out by 3 commands according to the ornament, which is depicted on the ticket. (Share on the team)

Teacher:Tell the rules of work in groups.

From the envelope of yellow, get the letters and assemble the name-name of the indigenous inhabitants of the Kamchatka. For work - 1 min.

Ilicate Chukchi Koryaki

W. chieler: And what do you know or heard from your parents about such people Itelmen?

Student(prepared) : I used to live on the coast of Kamchatka and I know that the name of this nation is "resident", "living here." The actually confidence, descendants of Russian Cossacks and peasants, resettled in Kamchatka in the XVIII century.

W. chieler:This was indeed a mixed Russian-Itelman population.

With the task, I coped great, for it to you these wonderful jewelry that are worn by Itelmen, in the darot of our museum. (Dispaying) Look at yourself, what are you beautiful, elegant!

W. chieler:We go in "Historical Hall" Our museum. The true wealth of our region are legends and legends created by indigenous people: koryaks, conferences, chukchi and aine. These legends are transmitted from generation to generations, from mouth to mouth, and only of them can be understood as local peoples lived, what they did how their land appeared.

W. chieler:Pride of our " National Museum " - this is Kutch, hero from legends and fairy tales about the creation of peace and man, very honored among the peoples of Kamchatka.

A fabulous hero of Cutch appears.(to music dancing with a tambourine).

Teacher:It happens only in our museum when the legend itself comes to life, we are very lucky guys!

Kutch tells legend: (National melody sounds)

For a long time - it was long ago, so long ago, that no one remembers when. One day was flying Cutch over a large water - over the sea, flew and tiredly tired. And where to relax? Circle water. Then Kutch folded the wings and fell into the sea. He dived deeply deep and pulled a huge stone from the bottom. I sat down at him, rested, looked at it. What? Great land-stone pulled a cute from a large water. Whole country.

I decided to Raven Kuth stay here forever. He became the mountains to build fires, the bed for rivers to dwell. Inwiddled in the forest of animals, fish and birds of any. And in order not to froze all the living on the ground born, breathed in the mountains in the mountains of high hot spirits .. and people created Kutch, so that in agreement with nature lived. The crafts were taught, and they had fun in the cheerful moral, so that life and sadness were kept with life.

Kutch: And now it's time for me to fly away, my mountains, rivers, seas and oceans are waiting for me, but we will meet with you (rings a bubble, goes out)

Teacher: Go to the next museum hall " Geographical"

You told you Kutch that he pulled out the land-stone out of the big water, so it was for the land?

Teacher: What does our peninsula look like? Fish. The name of the peninsula comes from the surname Cossack Surpower Ivan Ivanovich Kamchatov . At first it was called river - KamchatkaShe is the longest and proceeds in the midst of the peninsula, and then the Kamchatka Slot is called the peninsula itself. Do you know the poems about the native land?

Pupil: Kamchatka - the land of native, beloved,

Stern but unique.

Many you are in the distance with your greatness

White indifference volcanoes

And even though your beauty is silent,

But wash the shore of the wave,

And only sometimes, for many days,

Slightly shudder, you will tell you about her.

Teacher: (Melody sounds) In the geographical room there is a beautiful picture gallery with scenery about our region, see what beauty! Kamchatka is one of the richest and most beautiful places in the world. Thermal and mineral springs, volcanoes and glaciers, the famous Valley of Geysers. The peninsula is unique and distinctive, he still remains a mysterious edge for most people.

Teacher: In this hall you must show your knowledge and skills.

Teacher:You need to collect a picture. You will work in groups. We repeat the rules of work in groups. Remove orange envelopes. To perform the task 3 min.

Volcano Raven Kutch Kamchatka Map

Presentation of paintings:

1 Team: - What volcano on Kamchatka is the biggest? What is his height?


Klyuchevskaya Natka

2 Team: What made the legend of Raven Kutch? Who is Kutch?

Earth (peninsula Kamchatka)

3 Team: - What is the form of the peninsula like? What is the longest river flows on the peninsula?


6. Teacher: Covered with mountains and volcanoes, surrounded from all sides with water, Kamchatka amazes the wealth of his flora and fauna, many travelers from around the world. Go to " Local history hall.

In this room you know more about what was the indigenous inhabitants in everyday life? What did Itelmen do?

Pupil:The conferers were engaged in fishing, caught fish with nets woven from the nettle fibers, beat it with risks, built pancake traps on rivers.

Teacher: In the seas and rivers Kamchatka a lot of fish.

Teacher:Guess what fish are we talking about?

Fish riddles:

Life in fish short

She floats in the sea.

And how to swim in the river

All the fry (salmon)

This is how the fish is just a miracle!
Very flat, like a dish.
Both eyes on the back
And lives at the bottom.
Very strange things.
This is a fish - ... (Kambala)

Teacher: The hunt was also a long-time order of ITELEN, although not so significant as fisheries. The inhabitants of the coasts hunted on a silence, seals, marine calanov.

Animal riddles:

Two powerful has a fang,

Two lashes and two fins,

But this uncle is not trying,

Parish to relax fat ...


He loves to eat raspberry

And in the Berorga to sleep all winter.

It may be scary to roar,

And the name is it ... (Bear)

He has a horn branches,

And Boca a little bit.

Everyone rolls him not too lazy

Having sumps ... (deer)

Teacher : Women and children in Iliamen families were engaged in collecting mushrooms, berries, edible plants and roots, harvesting them for the winter.

I suggest teams to go to the forest and take up the collection of berries.

Get out of the envelope of pink color and poems, read the riddle and find a picture-to-comment on it.

Do not forget the rules of work in groups. To perform a task 3 min.

Teacher: All berries that you called very tasty and useful!

Teacher: I invite you to the next hall " Vilyuchinsky.

More than 250 years ago, the researcher of Kamchatka Stepan Petrovich Krashinnikov visited iliamennoe settlementunder the name "Ostrog Tarein". Hence the name - Taria. And more than 110 years ago, Ferrian Bay, built the first fish conservation plant on Kamchatka.

Our city was formed from 5 villages in 1968.. At first, he was called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky -2, then Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky -50 and for 20 years - Vilyuchinsk.Talented holders compose poems and songs about their wonderful city. Listen to the poems that the teacher of our school Marandich V.N.

Speeches of students:

There are on the land of Kamchatka our

Favorite heart corner.

It is decorated with ridges

And from the big land is far away.

Go roots, deep into centuries,

The bailies settled here when

Now, the outpost of military sailors.

Where only birch was noisy

The village grew up, combine,

Fisherman collective farms

Changed life lifestyle.

Near the snow-covered volcanoes,

Tarurning Coven is surrounded,

In the country of cyclones and fogs

Vilyuchinsk city is erected.

Persistently coast accepted

Romance of other latitudes,

And gradually our edge turned

In civilization, the stronghold ...

Vilyuchinsk - Glory! In it live grace

And in the leg with progress forward to advance.

So that our city could be equal to the capital.

So that everyone says, not a cry, he could have a soul.

Vilyuchinsk, native, we are proud tobot (together)

8. Teacher:Our excursion came to an end. Guys, what room did you like best? What is remembered?

The National Museum recently opened the workshop "I'm doing miracles", I invite you to visit her, and you will again meet with the heroes of fairy tales and legends. And I am saying goodbye to new meetings.

7) Conclusion

A modern child should not only be able to use and assimilate the finished information today, he must become an active participant in the learning process, to be able to apply the knowledge gained. So, at present, extracurricular activities are most relevant, because It involves a variety of organizational forms and accounting for the individual characteristics of each student.

The true efficacy and fruitfulness of the perception of folk culture occurs when children themselves are directly involved in the search work. A variety of excursions, visiting museums, meetings with interesting people help learn the history of the hometown. Immersion in the history of the native land by reading literary works, library events, excursions to the local lore museum helps not only to study and understand the native land, but also deeper to realize their involvement in the history and fate of their people.

The regional component gives positive results in a wide variety of aspects: schoolchildren who study folklore and ethnography, show activity in various competitions, Olympiads, and in morally children become kinder and more attentive to each other.

8 ) Bibliography:

Sergeev V.D. Pages of the history of Kamchatka: educational and methodical manual. / V.D. Sergeev. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Far Eastern Book Publisher: Kamchatka Branch, 1992;

Kamchatka. XVII-XX centuries. : Historical and geographical satin / ed. N. D. Zhdanova, D.I.N. B. P Field - M.: Federal Surveying Service and Cartography of Russia, 1997;

Love and know your edge: Atlas / Ot. ed. S. V. Savina. - M.: Federal Surgical Service and Cartography of Russia, 1995;

Kostija A.V. Pounding developments to the program "History of Kamchatka". 8-9 classes. Book for teacher. In 2-kN. / A.V. Crutch. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Holding company "New Book", 2008.

Kostija A.V. The story of Kamchatka from ancient times until the end of the XIX century. Workbook. / A.V. Crutch. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Holding Company "New Book", 2008.

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Volcanoes of Kamchatka are an unforgettable spectacle. On the Kamchatka There are approximately 30 acting and about 1000 extinct volcanoes (numbers in different sources differ), which employs about 40% of the territory of the peninsula. Under the current volcanoes, not only active emitting magbeans are meant, but also showing fumaroid activity. In general, for the historic period there were not so many eruptions dangerous to the life of people. Volcanoes and territories around them are constantly changing.

In total, about 600 and many thousands of extinct volcanoes are currently on Earth. No one can call the exact number.

The Kamchatka Peninsula is part of the Pacific Volcanic Ring. East of him passes the subduction area - the dive of the Pacific Plate under continental. In Kamchatka, seem to be transferred to the geological past of our planet - similar processes went everywhere millions, billions of years ago. However, the subsoil of the geologically young peninsula.

During the geological history, volcanic activities in Kamchatka shifted from the west to the east, as a result of which two volcanic belts were formed, reaching almost each other: more ancient median and young East Kamchatsky. The middle volcanic belt was formed in Pleistocene (2.5 million - 11.7 thousand years ago), and East-Kamchatsky - in Pleistocene and Holocene (11.7 thousand years ago - to the present). Most volcanoes are concentrated in the East Kamchatka belt. In Kamchatka, volcanoes are called "hills", and sometimes - just the mountains.

In 1996, Kamchatka volcanoes were included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site, in 2001 he was supplemented. The "Kamchatka volcanoes" are attributed not only directly volcanoes, but also the territories adjacent to them, as well as more than 150 mineral and thermal sources. "Camchatka volcanoes" are divided into 6 sections with a total area of \u200b\u200b3.7 million hectares.

Small seed - Volcanic ridge, which stretches for 3 thousand meters. It contains three crater. The southern (trinitsky crater) is filled with sour lake - sulfur and hydrochloric acid solution. The temperature of the solution from + 27 ° C to + 42 ° C.

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, view of "home" volcanoes

Volcano Koryaksky (Koryak Sopka) - One of the most beautiful stratovulkanov, the height of which is 3456 m above sea level. Its slopes cut through Barrancos, and even in the summer glaciers do not melt. It is just 35 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The last eruption occurred at the end of December 2008.

Avachinsky Volcano, Avacha - Symbol of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The height of this acting volcano is 2751 m. Previously, it was crater, which after the eruption of 1991 was filled with Loo. Active processes continue: fumarols, deprunching sulfur.

Kamchatka, Nalychevo, Travertines on the hot river

Along the vilyuchi goes the road to the Mutnov geothermal station. Then there are two interesting volcanoes -. Vulcan Gorely It is a chain of 11 crater. There are lakes, fumarols, side cones.

Kamchatka, Vulcan Gorely and Caldera in front of him

Mutnovsky volcano Called the "small valley of geysers", because fumurol fields, deposits from sulfur focused in it. When I was on Kamchatka, the volcano showed activity, the top covered the cloud of steam.

At the foot of Mutnovka - dangerous canyonwhere the waterfall is lowered from a height of 100 meters.

I told about the small part of Kamchatka volcanoes - only those that I personally happened to see, and then, not all. Each of them has its own nest. Volcanoes give us the opportunity to look at our planet's depths, understand which processes go into the mantle, under the thin layer of the earth's crust. Volcanoes We are obliged to appear life on Earth: they are the creators of the continents and the ocean, the creators of the air. Volcanic gases containing carbon are the starting material for the formation of coal, oil and combustible gas. The basis of all living organisms - carbon, the initial source of which volcanoes are on the surface of the earth. Ultimately, we are children of volcanoes.

I would like to complete my story about Kamchatka volcanoes, I would like a quotation from the book E.K. Makhinin "Pluton Chain" (Moscow, 1973. p.324):

... We cannot but come to the following conclusion: the entire geochemical evolution of the current land lips - lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, as well as the emergence and development of life, there are ultimately transforming of primary volcanic products.
Mighty Pluto - the Lord of the Underground Kingdom - appears before us as a great creator. And they receive a new sound of the word of the great philosopher of ancient Greece Heraclit Efesse, spoken by him almost 2500 years ago: "Initially, the entire existing - fire."

If you have the opportunity, be sure to go to Kamchatka. On how to save on flight, I told in the article "".

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Every people during their existence managed to accumulate rich experience and reflect it in traditional legends and legends. People have long been reflected in fairy tales the life of their people. It was not an exception and the distinctive people, once living in Kamchatka.

How did Kamchatka fairy tales appear?

People lived in the harsh northern conditions. At the same time, it was necessary to find a daily food, getting a fish, kicking out a deer pasture, collecting gifts of northern tundra. One way or another, the inhabitants of the Kamchatka were dependent on the forces of nature. Gathering, hunting, fishing - all this gave the opportunity to people gradually recognize their native land. However, the hunger, diseases, natural disasters, people could not resist. People felt their impotence over nature. The inability to resist and explain the natural forces forced people to invent truly fantastic explanations of the environmental phenomena. Trees and plants and even some people could then be endowed with supernatural properties. So, the locals were represented that the inhabitants of volcanoes were actually perfumes who were named hamulars. It was believed that when the spirits prepare lunch for themselves, the smoke came out of the volcano.

Tales of evil spirits of Kamchatka

The ancient residents of Kamchatka believed in the existence of evil spirits, which had to be needed to drop. For this they were sacrificed. Each hostess knew that in order to protect the family and the house from the influence of evil spirits, it is necessary to have on hand, amulets made of wood or stone. In each settlement there were their perfumers, they were inhabited in wooden pillars with human faces. Such pillars were put at the beginning of each village. Then there were even the guardians of networks and boats.

Families defended the perfume of patronence ancestors. The most ancient spirit of the ancestor of the patron - Grandma (Helpil). A little later, mentions of Kamchatka emerged about another patron scene - grandfather (Allapil). Ancestors always remembered with great respect.

However, people could not always independently fight evil spirits. In such cases, they walked for help to local shamans. It was believed that it was the shamans that had the ability not only to communicate with spirits, but also to command them. People believed that in the forces of the shamans to help fishermen and hunters, pacify the forces of nature, cast out evil spirits, because of which all misfortunes occurred. Shamans, like ordinary people, had a rather fantastic picture of the universe. However, along with this in their practice, they used already accumulated human experience, knowledge of nature. People have always walked for help to shamans also because they had knowledge and about the inner world of man, his mental torments.

How was the daily life of the peoples of Kamchatka reflected in local fairy tales?

It is worth considering that living conditions in Kamchatka were not too favorable. This explains the fact that local willingly believed in the existence of evil and good spirits. People believed that everything that happens around them is directly related to the actions of these spirits. At the same time, people always tried to believe in their own strength.

Almost all local peoples (Chukchi, Itelmen, Koryaki) have a similar idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe. They believed that the world was divided into three parts. In the upper world there was a "heavenly creature", which the koryaks called "Nynen". It constantly watched humanity. The creature who lived in the sky was associated with the Sun, "riding". It did not want evil to people, but on the contrary, contributed to the world harmony and patronized good deeds.

Residents of Kamchatka always believed that there are good creatures that are owners of the forest, the sea, rivers, animals, mountains. So, the ITELEN was her owner of the sea, which was called Utlyigan. Particularly respected was the patron of fish - a fishery God named Mitt. Respect for this deity was explained by the fact that the locals lived mainly due to fishing. Interestingly, the owner of the sea, according to the ideas of local residents, was receiving a half-life. In the respect of the inhabitants of Kamchatka there was a host of earth animals named Pily Schach. Itelmen even knew how this divine creature looks like. God of animals lived in the sky and moved on the birds. He wore a chic collar from Wolverine and did not differ in greatest growth. Chukchi Koryaki worshiped another deity, patronizing beasts - Pisvusyn. He was a master of deer, traveled on mice, and flew to the bridges.

To the patrons of animals, rivers, mountains, forests, the seas people treated in cases where they gathered for hunting, fishing. To achieve the arrangements of evil spirits and when the deer is pastured in the pasture. To please the gods, it was necessary to bring them sacrificing food. Ancient inhabitants of Kamchatka even sketched some gods, and images have always worn with them, which is always under the auspices of divine creatures.

In the Lower World - evil spirits lived underground. They caused people suffering, pain and even death. It was the evil spirits that were the perpetrators of earthquakes, eruptions of volcanoes, the innaint of fish, cold. The conferences called the evil spirits of Kana, and Koryaki - Cala, Kamaku. Chukchi was called the perpetrators of all troubles - Cale. Evil spirits have always dwell on earth either in abandoned deserted places. They penetrated the chimneys to the people, made their way to the hearth. Evil spirits could send diseases, death and hunger on people.

What were the ancient inhabitants of Kamchatka were afraid? The bastards of most were afraid of the appearance near their dwellings of lizards. They were accepted for the assistants of the host of the afterlife of the city. The culprit of earthquakes was the evil spirit of Tuil, who always accompanied the dog of the goats, which was constantly shaking, shaking off the snow. Locals also feared meetings with dwarfs, who were called Pichlas.

The main characters of the fairy tales of local peoples

The main characters of the legends of the inhabitants of Kamchatka include the first ancestor of Chukchi, Koryakov and Itelmen - Raven. Everyone called him differently. At Itelmen, the first time was called Kutch, Koryakov - Kutkynnia, Chukchi - Kurkyl. The first about Voronene Cutch began to mention the confidence. After him spoke chukchi and koryaks. Interestingly, the raven is said not only in the fairy tales of the inhabitants of Kamchatka. It is mentioned in the myths of Indians and Eskimos.

The ITELEN believed that Kutch was a creator of the world. He was able to lower mountains from the sky, the land. He created the rivers and valleys. At Koryakov, the first time was not the creator of the world. He fought with evil spirits. Chukchi believed that Raven created deer, dogs, whales.

Kutch created Kamchatka, and after and himself became a local resident. Then he married Mitya. Soon they had children about whom they also say in Kamchatka fairy tales. The coctator of Kamchatka became the father of the son of Ememkut and the daughter of Sinanev. Interestingly, the locals were not afraid of coronary kitchen. They could even tear over him in a comic form. After all, life in Kamchatka did not differ in good conditions, so some inconvenience could be dumping the creator of Kutha. Yes, and Kutch himself was considered pretty good-natured, he could have joke. He created his own hands, and then began to take part in it. Externally, Kutch was the embodiment of man and crow.

Oral creativity of the inhabitants of Kamchatka

Separately, it is worth highlighting the oral creativity of the inhabitants of Kamchatka. It was transferred from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. At the same time, fairy tales are narrated by both at all ancient times and about the events of the recent past. In fairy tales, much attention is paid to nature and animals. This is largely due to the fact that the ancient residents of Kamchatka were especially close to nature. The main characters of fairy tales are quickly reincarnated in plants and animals. Nature phenomena and non-residential items are spiritualized. In local fairy tales, a person is friendly with animals. It is easy to explain the fact that animals are a source of existence for a person, and therefore cannot be enjoyed with it. Animals are always endowed with human traits in local legends. They know how to think and speak, build houses, prepare food.

In local fairy tales, people always go to the fight against evil spirits and defeat and, thanks to their own entrance and strength. The famous hero of Kamchatka fairy tales is a bogatyr named reel. He goes into battle with the enemies, helps his own people, saves him from hunger and disease. At the same time, every local resident, telling a tale about Tallvale, will set him in the terrain where he lives himself. This gives local fairy tales a special accuracy, intriguing and captures the listener. In fairy tales of local boys, there is no place for magic, and the inhabitants assure that everything that happens with the reelhead was and in reality.

Fairy tales of Kamchatka is a kind of reflection of events that came in this area. Indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka and now willingly share the legends about their native land.

Look our new video from a unique tour "Legends of the North"

Among the volcanoes there are a lot of acting, the eruption of which causes admiration and fear at the same time. Every year volcanoes collect hundreds of thousands of tourists. Kamchatka volcanoes are not so bloodthie as some describe them. The eruptions here practically does not happen. And those that are still happening, do not carry any danger to local residents. If the volcano in the morning has a dark shade, it does not mean that the trouble will soon come, on the contrary, it is a sign of good weather throughout the day. It is clear that almost every tourist who is about them is in a state of anxiety, although in fact no danger they represent. Volcanoes are an amazing spectacle, it seems as if you are in a completely different world with your laws and the worldship.

Which volcano can be called the most beautiful on Kamchatka

No one can give objective assessments, since they are all special and beautiful in their own way. But the Volcanoes of Klyuchevskaya, Koryaksky and Kronotsky will all be allocated, pretending to the title of symbols of the Kamchatka Peninsula. All three stand out by their sizes and an unusual form of cone. In general, all Camchatka volcanoes are unique and have their own special history.

Caldera Uzon.

In such an unusual name, ring-shaped failure on the territory of the Vyon volcano were dyed. It was formed 40 years ago on the place of a huge volcano destroyed by a terrible eruption. The last natural disaster created a funnel in the caldera with a diameter of one kilometer. Finally, for several decades, an amazing natural education was formed, which was recently attributed to the protected zone.

The diameter of the entire caldera is 10 kilometers. The whole of its territory is simply sleeping with numerous riches of Kamchatka: mineral springs, mud baths, lakes, tundra and beautiful birch forest. Many scientists and researchers want to get to the von. Hot springs are rich in minerals that have become a favorable medium for amazing algae and microorganisms. In the forests on the territory of the volcano, the terrible bears are roaming, and swans swim in the lakes. Amazing landscape, you do not find?

I doubt that there is another similar place in the world. The autumn landscape on the volcano is an amazing spectacle. Birch and the whole tundra is painted in unusual shades of gold, red and other autumn colors. Each morning in a birch grove, the music of nature, created by the rusty of leaves and singing birds, is heard.

Vulcan Klyuchevsky

Vulcan Klyuchevskaya Sopka is considered the most famous natural education in Russia. It was formed about 7 thousand years ago in Holocene. The volcano is a huge cone created with the layering of basalt lava. All tourists amazed precisely this clarity of the lines and the correct form created by nature. If you look at it from the outside, it seems that the Klyuchevskaya Sopka is towers in proud loneliness. However, this is not so. When approaching, you can see the smallest stone, flat, close and flat long-distance struck with a great formation.

The volcano has a Barrancossos - small furrows, which focusing the whole cone Klyuchevsky. Its feature is considered to be constantly rising from the stump of smoke. It is connected with numerous explosions within the volcano.

Scientists have established that its height is 4750 meters. But it can vary depending on the power of explosions. The foot of the Klyuchevsk Sopka is covered with coniferous forests, in which it grows in the main fir tree and the Okhotsk larch.

The first residents here appeared during the Stone Age. These were koreas and conferences. According to some data, the first people appeared in the era of Neolith. For many centuries, the main way to survive was a fishing and hunting.

The 17th century was marked by the beginning of the development of Kamchatka. It all started with the detection of springs with clean water. Then the researchers created the settlement of the keys here and called the same name volcano.

The first to mention the volcano Russian traveler Vladimir Atlas in 1697. The first conqueror of the top was Military Daniel Gauss, who arrived on the territory of Kamchatka as part of the Russian expedition. According to historical data, he and two of his comrades (the names are unknown) climbed to his peak without special equipment. The idea was very risky, but everything went well. Some time after the climb, the National Park together with the Klyuchevskaya Sopa was brought to UNESCO World Heritage Site.

To date, this is one of the few volcanoes operating in Russia. His foot is located station of the Institute of Wolcanology. The local population is called the volcano of the dwelling of the dead. In their opinion, when he is erupting, it means that the dead whale whales caught in the underground sea.

Scientists have long investigated the volcano and found out that he erupts about once every 6 years. More large-scale and destructive eruptions happen every 25 years. For three millennia, 50 lava emissions were recorded. At this point, huge pillars of dust and smoke are dissipated throughout the surrounding area, and the flame is kept during the week. There is a case when the week turned into three years.

Near the volcano and remained one settlement of the keys. Local residents are engaged in agriculture, breed cattle and catch fish. The most common life, despite the proximity to the huge existing volcano. Every year, he collects thousands of tourists who attracts an unusual phenomenon in addition to his history: Sometimes a strange cloud is formed over the volcano, fully covered with a crater like a mushroom hat.

Volcano Karymsky

This volcano is the most active among all others. In a century, more than twenty eruptions occurred. Moreover, many of them continued, replacing one by one. The eruptions here have explosive. In 1962, the strongest one of them occurred, which are lasting for three years. For one explosion, more than 3000 cube crashed. Meters of dust and gases. In just a day, about nine hundred such emissions could occur. Before climbing the top, it is worth staying on the ridge a small seed, since it offers a delightful view of the surrounding area.

Unusually looks like an eruption at night. Glowing smoke clubs, fire and ash rip up, illuminating everything around. With particularly strong explosions, the spectacle looks even more exciting.

The history of its occurrence is quite complex, but it should be understood in order to understand the entire specificity of mining education. Karymsky here was a volcano yard. He stopped developing after the strongest eruption that destroyed it almost completely. In Calder, which appeared immediately after the explosion, a Carym volcano eventually formed over time. But he has been comprehended by a sad outcome. Because of the similar eruption, the central part of the volcano was destroyed. Over time, a new cone has been raised on the new caldera, which has been preserved so far. At his foot, a volcanic station was rebuilt to preserve the security.

Volcano small seedychik

This volcano stretches for three kilometers and is famous for its three crater. In one of them, the acidic lake was formed over time. Its temperature ranges from 27 to 45 degrees. A large number of salts and other minerals made its composition similar to sulfuric acid. The lakes are also surprised by a marker in almost a kilometer. For assumptions, the lake was formed relatively recently during one of the eruptions.

To date, the volcano is considered one of the wonders of Kamchatka. If you still got to him, they simply must climb to the top. There you will see a huge acid green lake. In sunny weather, you can go straight into the crater to the beach and already more carefully examine the water of the lake. But soon you will have to go back, as it will begin to spit out its waters.

Vulcan Gorely

It is more appropriate to call the volcano burner ridge. This name most accurately describes its structure. It is pulled out in the western direction, and is considered a typical volcano formed from the caldera. Gorely towers at 1829 meters and has 11 crater. They are so interesting intersect, which is created a fun picture. Those crater in which the eruption ever have ever have a rings shape and filled with acidic lakes. In one of his parts, the caldera fell due to faults and formed on his walls like a gate. In these places, Lava flowed freely beyond the limits of the volcano. Later, these holes were closed by Loo.

Avachinsky volcano

It has a complex structure similar to Vesuvi's volcano. He rises at an altitude of 2751 meters. The Avachinsky crater has a diameter of 350 meters and a depth of 220. But at the end of the 20th century, during a strong eruption, the crater funnel was filled with almost completely lava with the formation of fumarols deploying sulfur.

Volcano Koryaksky

It is stratovolcan with an amazingly right level cone, towering 3256 meters. Numerous glaciers descend from his top. Furollas are formed near the vertices, warming the inner part of the crater. Amazing volcano with an abundance of numerous mountain and volcanic rocks.

Vulcan Zenzur

Vulcan Zenzur has long been destroyed. A glacier formed in his crater. In the south-east of Zenzur is a fumarol focus with an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters. meters. Due to it, the temperature of the inland water is almost 100 degrees.

Vilyuchsky volcano

It is located near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The volcano is considered to be extinct. Its peak as it were cut, forming small areas filled with ice. Lava, which flowed from the volcano, in favor of Fumarol became multicolored. Volcanic slopes are completely covered with Barrancos filled with ice and firms.

Volcano sharp Tolbachik

It has an acute roof formed by the glacier. Its height is 3682 meters. The foot of the tobach is covered with glaciers. The most outstanding of them is considered the Schmidt glacier. From here, the Barrancossies Cutting the protrusions of the Tobach are clearly seen. In the West, they have unusual dikes of basalt origin. They are of interest both researchers and ordinary tourists. Dipes from the side very much resemble the gears and rods.

Vulcan Xudach

The volcano is a cropped cone, the craters of which are filled with acidic lakes. They have a small height constituting only 1000 meters. The volcano formed during Pleistocene and had the then height of 2000 meters. Volcanic activity continued with some stops. In this regard, numerous caldera of different ages and size were formed.

Xudach is considered the most unusual volcano on Kamchatka. And all because there are lakes with clean water on its territory, Olkhovy forests grow, and from the caldera takes their origins of the waterfall.

Volcano Mutnovsky

This is a complicated volcanic array of 2323 meters high, surrounded by fumarole zones. It has several crater, next to which the hot mineral source is located, which is famous for its boiling boilers and warm reservoirs. There is also a Vulcannaya River, which forms a huge waterfall.