Halibut is a name that combines five species of fish belonging to three families of flounder. They are common in cold northern seas, all five species are found in Russian territorial waters. One of them, the Atlantic white-winged halibut, is listed in the International Red Book, so there are restrictions on its industrial production.

Halibut meat contains all B vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The meat of fish from these families is considered a delicacy, and its price is relatively low. Many people love it not only for its wonderful taste, but also for its nutritional properties. Contains pulp sea ​​fish There are dozens of useful substances, and they are absorbed from it much better than from other products.

Halibuts are a source of protein and healthy fats

First of all, halibut fish are valued for their high protein content. They contain the necessary set of essential amino acids that a person should receive from food. 100 g of pulp contains about 13 g, so halibuts are especially useful for children and adolescents during the period of active growth, athletes, people weakened by long-term illnesses and operations, and anyone experiencing an increased need for proteins.

Halibuts contain a lot of fat; 100 g of fish contains about 16 g, which is quite a lot. But they are represented by unsaturated fatty acids, the benefits of which have been proven by numerous studies around the world. 100 g of halibut fish pulp contains about 200 kcal, that is, such a product still cannot be called dietary.

Omega-3 complex in halibut

Particular attention should be paid to polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in halibut large quantities and are mainly represented by the omega-3 complex (linoleic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids). They are not synthesized in the human body, but perform a number of important functions in it.

Unsaturated fatty acids are essential for the nervous system and brain; their consumption helps improve the conduction of nerve impulses. It has been proven that people who have enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diet are much less likely to suffer from diseases associated with age-related changes(senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, etc.), and on long years retain good memory.

The omega-3 complex is useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system and for their prevention. Studies have shown that with sufficient intake of these substances in the body, fat metabolism is normalized, the risk of developing coronary heart disease, and strokes is reduced. Many scientists explain good health and longevity of the inhabitants of Japan and other Asian countries namely the presence in their diet of sea fish, which is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Omega-3s, which halibut are rich in, are also necessary for building cell membranes, providing immune protection, functioning of the endocrine system, and they help improve reproductive function in both sexes.

Vitamins and minerals

You can prepare a tasty and healthy dish from halibut fillet.

Halibut meat contains a large amount of vitamins. It contains all the B vitamins; 100 g of this fish will satisfy one third of the body’s need for vitamin B12, so it is useful to eat it for anemia. There is especially a lot of vitamin D in halibut; with one serving of fish (200 g) we will get 4-5 times more of this substance than an adult needs per day. Without it, complete assimilation is impossible, so sea fish is especially needed by children during the period of active formation and growth of the skeleton, for recovery after and other injuries to bones and joints, and by elderly people who, over the years, musculoskeletal system becomes fragile.

Halibuts also boast a rich mineral composition.
The pulp of these fish contains sodium and calcium, which are necessary for muscle function, including the myocardium. They also contain phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of other macroelements. Several dozen microelements have been found in marine fish. Halibuts are rich in selenium, chromium, and other beneficial substances. Many of them have anti-cancer properties. Residents of Asian countries who consume large quantities of fish are less likely to suffer not only from heart and nervous system diseases, but also from cancer pathologies.

Harm to halibuts

It is not excluded that allergic reaction when eating this fish. If you have an individual intolerance to any seafood, halibut representatives should be tried with caution.

The waters of seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water are the habitat of many marine inhabitants. One of prominent representatives seas and oceans is halibut. Biologists distinguish several species of this fish, which differ from each other not only in habitat, but also in external features. Like all seafood, fish of the Flounder family contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on the body and can prevent the development of many dangerous diseases.

Nutritionists recommend introducing fish dishes into the diet of all family members. In culinary collections you can find recipes for delicious and unusual dishes that are sure to pleasantly surprise original taste, and professional chefs will give the necessary advice on the right choice and product processing.


Halibut (sole) is a predatory fish from the Flounder family that lives at the bottom of reservoirs. In summer, fish rise into the middle water column, and during the spawning period they move closer to the coastal spit, where the water depth is shallow. At favorable conditions environment And good nutrition The length of halibut can exceed two meters, and its body weight reaches 110 kg. American arrowtooth halibut can dive to depths of more than 1 km. Maximum age of individuals in favorable climatic conditions can reach 30 years, and in some cases – 50 years.

Distinctive feature This representative of the Kambalov family has a long body shape and the location of both eyes on the right side of the head. Color skin dark. All types of halibut have their own distinctive features and individual external characteristics, which allow you to accurately determine the name of the species. Food for fish are mollusks, capelin, pollock, cod, herring, gobies and various types of cephalopods. Young fish feed on crustaceans and small shrimp. The diet of halibut depends on the time of year, the age of the fish and its habitat.

The method of reproduction of all types of halibut is spawning. Puberty Males mature at eight years of age and females at ten years of age. Spawning begins in the first month of winter and ends in May. The most favorable water temperature for spawning is +7 degrees Celsius. To lay their offspring, fish choose deep holes and small depressions. Maximum amount One female has three million eggs. The size of one egg does not exceed 0.4 cm.

Biologists note the fact that small fish have symmetrical shapes and look like ordinary fry, but during the process of growth, one side quickly enlarges and acquires a flat shape. The oral cavity and eyes shift to the right side of the body. The main threat to the life of this type of fish comes from seals and sea lions. Other sea ​​inhabitants do not pose a threat to live halibut. International conservation organizations list halibut as endangered depths of the sea. Industrial fishing of halibut in Russian waters is strictly prohibited. To conduct underwater diving, travel companies must have licenses and permits.


Biologists distinguish several varieties of halibut.

  • Arrow-toothed species They live in the waters of Asia and have a body length of no more than 75 cm and a weight of no more than 3 kg. The body weight of some individuals can reach 10 kg. On the eye side, ctenoid scales can be seen, and on the blind side there is a cylindrical cover. IN oral cavity Above and below there are two rows of teeth in the form of arrows. There are two pairs of nostrils on both sides of the head. The anterior nostril has an unusual valve, and the upper eye is located in the middle of the head. This type leads a gregarious lifestyle and lives on muddy, sandy or rocky bottoms. IN summer period flocks move to the upper water column, and in winter they sink to the very bottom.
  • Length Atlantic halibut can reach 500 cm, and body weight exceeds 300 kg. A distinctive feature is a flat diamond-shaped body, covered with round scales, along the edges of which there are smaller scales. The fin on the eye side is much larger than the fin on the blind side. The large and wide mouth contains sharp and large teeth. There is a small depression on the caudal fin. The color range of the eyes ranges from brown to black. Shapeless light spots can be seen on the skin of young fish. The color of the blind side is white.



  • White-barked species can be found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean. The weight of a large individual can reach 370 kg. The body shape is very elongated. The jaw consists of two upper rows of teeth and one bottom row. The color of the eye part of the head can be either gray or brown with a slight greenish sheen. The skin is presented in the form of cycloid scales. A deep bend can be seen in the pectoral fin area. The high popularity of white halibut led to massive fishing, a significant decrease in its population and inclusion in the Red Book.
  • American halibut has a body length of up to 60 cm, and weight does not exceed 3.5 kg. The structure of the skin is similar Asian look, but the lateral line has a smooth and continuous appearance. The jaw consists of two rows of teeth, located both below and above.
  • Sakhalin and Far Eastern halibut– these are species of fish that are protected and are not used for industrial fishing and end up in nets by accident.

Benefits and harms

Halibut meat has high nutritional value and enriches the body with a large amount of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin composition of this product is represented by the following elements:

  • amino acids;
  • fatty acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • glutamic acid;
  • aspartic acid;
  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • alanine;
  • lysine;
  • arginine;
  • vitamins of group A, D, B, E.

Regular consumption of seafood, which contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, has a positive effect on the human body, namely:

  • rapid increase in muscle mass;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increase in life expectancy;
  • restoration of the body after physical and emotional stress;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • prevention of the development of childhood rickets and osteoporosis;
  • rapid regeneration of the skin;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • prevention of early aging of the body;
  • increasing testosterone levels;
  • improving the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • activation of the brain, memory and attention;
  • prevention of early development of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • removing excess cholesterol from the body;
  • prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalization of hormonal balance in people of different ages;
  • removing harmful and toxic substances, which provide negative impact for the work of all internal organs;
  • restoration of the body during menopause;
  • normalization of heat mass;
  • restoration of reproductive functions;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • strengthening the bone skeleton;
  • recovery of the body after long-term use medicines and past viral diseases.

Like any other product, halibut has contraindications such as:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • inflammation of the digestive system;
  • allergic rash;
  • hepatitis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • excess body weight;
  • individual intolerance.

Calorie content

There are 200 calories in 100 grams of product. The amount of protein is 13 grams, fat – 16 grams and carbohydrates – 0. The volume of organic water reaches 70 grams, and ash – 1 gram. The least amount of calories is found in the meat of the Pacific species. People who are watching their weight or on various diets should avoid fried fish, the calorie content of which can reach 800 calories. The daily serving amount for an adult is 250 grams.


The habitat of representatives of this species of fish is the northern seas, which wash the eastern and northern shores of Russia. IN northern latitudes Atlantic and Northern Oceans, near the coasts of Iceland and Greenland you can see white halibut, as well as in the waters Barents Sea. Pacific fish are found in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the Bering, Japan and Okhotsk seas, near Alaska and California. American halibut is found in southern waters Alaska, as well as in the Chukchi, Bering and Okhotsk seas.

How is it different from flounder?

Halibut belongs to the Kambalov family, all representatives of which have common external similarities. Both fish are valuable food product and are widely used in cooking in many countries around the world. Biologists also note a number of differences that you need to know when choosing seafood. A competent comparison is the key to choosing the right product. Peculiarities physical structure The halibut body is as follows:

  • very long body;
  • subtle asymmetry;
  • location of the left eye on the rib of the head.

Description of flounder is characterized by the following features:

  • location of the eyes on one side;
  • a long tail;
  • the presence of a large number of rays;
  • contains a large amount of animal protein and low level fat particles.

The difference between these fish is the level of fat in the meat. Professional chefs prefer halibut meat, which is more juicy, tasty and fatty. Nutritionists advise paying attention to flounder, which has only 100 calories.

Halibut is a versatile fish that is widely used in cooking. This product is classified as a delicacy and has a dense, juicy and tender meat structure, which has a sweetish taste and white color. Fish can not only be fried, boiled and stewed, but also pickled, smoked, salted and made into delicious fillings for pies. To prepare delicious and healthy dishes it is necessary not only to find delicious recipe, but also choose the right seafood.

Signs of a quality carcass are as follows:

  • shiny skin;
  • transparent membrane of the eyes;
  • lack of mucus on the skin and fins;
  • rapid restoration of the body surface after mechanical pressure;
  • the absence of a large amount of ice and frost in the frozen product.

When purchasing, professional chefs recommend giving preference to whole fish or large chopped pieces. The fresh product has the best taste, and fresh-frozen is in second place in the sales ranking of this group of products. Dishes prepared from frozen fillets have poor taste and low nutrient levels.

Frozen fish may contain more than 50 percent ice, which will turn into waste water when it thaws. It is strictly forbidden to use it to remove ice. hot water or microwave. The best option for defrosting – the top shelf of the refrigerator. Experienced housewives use frozen pieces for stewing, which are placed in boiling liquid.

The fins of fresh fish have a specific and pungent odor, which should not frighten young housewives. Experienced housewives advise you not to fry juicy and tasty fish, but to bake or stew. To obtain a juicy fried dish, experts recommend breading the meat in flour or breadcrumbs, and you can also use batter. To quickly prepare a juicy baked dish, simply process the fish, rub it with salt and spices, and bake in aluminum foil for 25 minutes. On the menu of many elite restaurants you can see halibut fish soup, which is popular high level popularity among clients of establishments. When forming various baked goods with fish filling, it is necessary to close all edges well to prevent tasty liquid from flowing in and compromising the integrity of the flour product. Among seafood lovers, salted, dried and smoked fish are in particular demand.

Decoration for anyone festive table Baked halibut with vegetables is a must. Each housewife can independently create a vegetable set, depending on the taste preferences of the family and the purpose of the dish. The prepared fish must be cut into small pieces, rubbed with salt, pepper and greased with any vegetable oil. Selected vegetables can be placed on a sheet along with the fish or stewed separately. The preparation period is no more than 30 minutes.

Original and unusual taste has halibut braised in white wine. This dish is included in the menu of all restaurants and is in demand and popular. Professional chefs recommend using creamy sauce for baking and share the method of preparing it, which consists of the following steps:

  • combination of mayonnaise and yolks;
  • pour into the pan and add required amount butter;
  • add salt and whipped cream.

Fish wrapped in bacon and fried over an open fire will definitely be a tasty snack in nature, and halibut baked over hot coals, sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with plenty of herbs can be a complete replacement for traditional shish kebab. In different countries of the world there are national dishes that correspond to the taste preferences of the inhabitants of a given country, but all dishes have a spicy and original taste.

Halibut... This name is familiar from childhood to everyone who managed to live in the USSR, and then buying halibut was problematic. Now this healthy fish is available in almost all hypermarkets, and it is available not only in the form of carcasses, but also live - you can easily choose the fish you like in an aquarium with ice.

This state of affairs has led to the fact that today halibut (baked in the oven, smoked, fried, boiled or otherwise prepared), as well as its caviar, are not at all uncommon even at the most ordinary feast.

By the way, the Russian Pomors, who hunted in the northern seas, considered “paltosin” the most desirable prey, because its fatty, dense meat was excellently salted and was stored salted for a long time.

Halibut Background Information

Halibut is a carnivorous bottom fish of the flounder family. This amazing fish, since its length can reach 5 meters and weight – 350 kg.

At the same time, unfortunately, due to the excessive activity of fishermen, some types of halibut have already been included in the Red Book (in particular, the white halibut), despite the fact that this fish reproduces very, very quickly.

Despite the fact that halibut prefers to live in deep waters, the fish rises to a depth of about 300-500 m to spawn, and the number of eggs can reach several million. And it is during the spawning period that it is caught greatest number halibut - mainly for the sake of obtaining valuable caviar, which in its properties is very similar to black sturgeon caviar.

Types of halibut

Halibuts are divided into several subspecies that are so different from each other that sometimes it seems that they are absolutely different type fish And yet…

Types of halibut:

  • blond
  • black or blue
  • asian arrowtooth
  • American arrowtooth

In stores we most often encounter the first two types of halibut. Moreover, they can be caught in different oceans. If this is the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, then the fish was most likely caught with violations international standards, and may be sick. But if the label says “Pacific halibut,” then the fish can undoubtedly be bought and cooked.

Composition and beneficial properties of halibut

The value of halibut lies in the large amount of unsaturated omega-3 fats in the meat of this fish, and the further north the halibut lives, the more healthy fatty acids are in its meat.

With a low calorie content (103 Kcal per 100 g of fish), halibut is one of the most healthy fish for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce arrhythmia, reduce the likelihood of blood clots, increase the human body’s resistance to the development of inflammatory processes and reduce the risk of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids can help in the treatment of cancer, as well as in their prevention. Doctors are unanimous that these acids are beneficial to the entire body, but most of all to the human brain. Omega-3 acids are used in the treatment of dystrophy macular spot and for the prevention of this disease.

Halibut itself perfectly helps in the treatment of dry keratitis (dry eye syndrome), and gives elderly people a good chance in the difficult task of preventing Alzheimer's disease, since omega-3 fatty acids nourish brain cells, preventing their death.

The more complete composition of halibut looks like this:

Contraindications for eating halibut

  • for illnesses gastrointestinal tract
  • for hepatitis
  • limiting the consumption of smoked and salted fish for children with exacerbation of liver and kidney diseases

Halibut caviar

Halibut caviar is prepared without removing the shell - this is a thin film in which the eggs are located, after which the caviar is immediately salted, aging for about 10 days in wooden barrels. Further processing Halibut caviar is even more complicated: they take the caviar out of the barrels, wash it, and put it back into barrels to age for two weeks.

Halibut caviar belongs to the partial variety due to its roe, and in appearance the caviar differs from sturgeon black caviar. Firstly, halibut roe is larger; secondly, its natural color is beige, but for sale caviar is tinted, which does not affect its taste qualities. And thirdly, everything that is in halibut is also in caviar - vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, etc.

Nutritionists recommend halibut caviar to patients with digestive and nutritional problems in general as a complete source of many substances valuable for the human body.

Of course, there are contraindications for caviar:

  • hypertension
  • duodenal diseases
  • individual intolerance to seafood and fish products


Based on all of the above, we can draw some conclusions about halibut as a very useful fish for human nutrition, the meat of which contains the necessary omega-3 fatty acids in natural form. Therefore, even a small amount of halibut in your diet will help you maintain youth and health longer.

Halibut is a sea fish of the flounder family. The peculiarity of this fish is that both eyes are located on right side heads. Its color varies from olive to dark brown or black. The average width of a halibut is approximately one-third its body length. Mouth big, located under the lower eye, the tail has a crescent shape. Length adult The length of this marine fish ranges from 70 to 130 cm, and its weight ranges from 4.5 to 30 kg.

Only in appearance can a halibut be mistaken for a clumsy creature, but when prey is nearby, the halibut turns into a swift killer. The fish is able to live at a depth of 2,000 meters. Only in summer do they rise slightly to the surface.

The habitat of this fish is distributed from the North Pacific Ocean to the coast of Japan and the Bering Sea. Halibut lives on or near the bottom great depth. The preferred water temperature for halibut is from 3 to 8 degrees. It feeds on small larvae and mollusks, which it finds on the bottom. Spawning takes place in winter. One female spawns about 500,000 - 4 million eggs, from which fry appear after 2 halibut photoweeks.

All halibuts can be divided into several categories:

  • White-skinned halibuts are the most close-up view halibuts reaching 4.5-5 meters in length and weighing 350 kg.
  • Arrowtooth halibut - one of the smallest types of halibut, has an average length of 70-75 centimeters and weighs 2.5-3 kg.
  • Black halibuts are medium-sized halibuts, rarely reaching 1.5 meters in length. Its weight, as a rule, does not exceed 45-50 kg.
  • Halibut flounder.

Useful properties of halibut

Halibut - amazing delicious fish, the meat of which is practically boneless and contains over 5% fat.

Halibut meat contains valuable Omega-3 fatty acids, which normalize metabolism in the human body. Halibut contains 7 amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, valine, leucine, lysine, arginine), which play an important role in the fight against cancer. Halibut is rich in vitamin B12, and also contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

A sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids helps preserve vision even in old age.

In addition, eating halibut can reliably protect the body from the development of central nervous system diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease.

It is believed that when frying, the calorie content of such fish can increase 4 times, since these types of fish absorb a lot of oil, which must be taken into account when planning a diet.

For those who like leaner fish, you can choose white halibut, whose meat is less fatty than other types. Halibut is good in any form - smoked, fried, salted - and will undoubtedly decorate any table.

Part of the catch is sold in fresh, some of it is prepared frozen, sometimes followed by hot smoking, the rest is salted, sometimes with additional cold smoking. Halibut liver oil contains 200 times more vitamin A than cod oil.

Dangerous properties of halibut

Halibut is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. In addition, people suffering from hepatitis and acute diseases gastrointestinal tract, doctors do not recommend abusing halibut because of its high fat content, so as not to cause an aggravation.

Halibuts(otherwise known as sole) are three genera of fish from the flounder family. Total of them individual species 5; they all live in the northern seas, including waters that territorially belong to Russia.

Description of halibuts

Halibuts, like all fish from the flounder family, have an asymmetry of the skull, but it is not as pronounced as in other species. The main differences are that they have a longer (relative to the width), slightly pointed body, close to an oval shape. The caudal fin is notched, dorsal begins just above the superior eye. There is a spine in front of the fin at the anus, and on the lateral line there is a sharp bend above the pectoral fins.

Types of halibut

Halibuts known to experts are:

  • the genus of White-barked halibut: it includes the Atlantic halibut, reaching a length of 4.7 m and a weight of 337 kg (listed in the International Red Book), and White-barked halibut;
  • genus of Arrowtooth halibut: consists of Asian (usual fish weight 2...3 kg, grows up to 73 cm) and American (usual length 83.5...45 cm, weight no more than 3 kg) arrowtooth halibut;
  • genus of Black Halibuts: includes one species - Black Halibut or Blue Halibut; its length is possible 1.2 m, and its weight is 44.5 kg.

Halibut-shaped flounders also exist in nature.

Where is halibut found?

Halibuts live in Tikhoy, Atlantic Oceans, in their northern parts. Their specific types:

  • black and common - in the Seas of Okhotsk, Bering and Barents;
  • Asian arrowtooth - in the Okhotsk Sea, also in the Bering Sea, sometimes caught in the Sea of ​​Japan;
  • American arrowtooth – in the seas located near North America(western shores from northern point California to Alaska), off the coast of Kamchatka from the east, in the waters washing the Asian shores of the Bering Sea.

Halibut fish lifestyle

All types of halibuts – predatory fish; their food consists of cod, gerbil, flounder, mackerel, herring, stingray, pollock, crustaceans, mollusks, etc. For life, the fish “prefers” water with a temperature of at least +3 °C. In boreal regions of the oceans it lives at depths of up to 200 meters; in colder regions it can be found at depths of 700 meters.

The main habitat of halibuts is bottom layers.

They live 30 years, becoming capable of producing offspring after 7...17 years of age. Halibut spawn in cold (+2 °C...+10 °C) water, usually in winter and spring, at a depth of 300...1 thousand meters. The fertility of females is 2.5...0.3 million eggs. The fry hatch on the 17th day at +6 °C. Their development occurs with transformations inherent in all flounder fish.

Halibut fishing

Halibuts are a valuable breed of fish. Especially in Russia (Barents and Far Eastern seas), in Norway halibut is harvested industrially; At the same time, mainly bottom longlines are used to catch it.

Amateur fishing has also developed in Lately. Thanks to the companies that appeared in Norway and Russia, many Russians joined it. Fishing is carried out in the seas adjacent to the coast of Norway. It is carried out mainly from boats, by vertical manipulation of the bait at the bottom. For fishing, spinning rods of appropriate power are used.

From the advice that exists, for example, on the Internet, for those who want to fish for halibut, you can formulate several general ones that will give you an idea of ​​​​catching this unusual and stubborn fish. They are as follows:

  • First, when you decide to go halibut fishing, you need to plan everything carefully. It is necessary, for example, on the Internet, to familiarize yourself with the behavior of fish, fishing techniques, and the equipment that is used. The success of the enterprise directly depends on the breadth of your knowledge.
  • Secondly, you need to be careful about finding a place suitable for catching halibut. And find exactly one where there is a high probability of catching a worthy specimen. At the same time, it is not necessary to focus on well-promoted databases, where, precisely because of their popularity, prices sometimes go through the roof. There are many other, less well-known bases in Norway where you can catch good fish without overpaying. Among these are located in the Myrfjord region (north of the country); They are more difficult to get to, but be sure to find your halibut there.
  • Thirdly, you need to catch halibut only in sea areas with a sandy bottom.
  • Fourthly, fishing tactics must be competent. Halibut fishing is generally calm and boring. It just requires patience and the ability to wait in the wings. And when it happens, you will feel it in the gear.
  • Fifth, when going out to sea, always check your halibut gear. You need to take a spinning rod that is not short for fishing, otherwise you will get continuous breaks. The rod should be light, otherwise after a few days of fishing you will not be able to lift your arms or move your neck. The cord must be strong, you need to take spare ones, otherwise you can quickly be left without fishing.
  • Sixth, the reel. This is definitely a multiplier, and a light weight one at that.
  • Seventh, the most effective way to catch halibut is by jigging, although trolling is also used. The best bait is Mieko Predator 28. Single hooks are better - there will be fewer problems when unhooking caught fish. Many people fish with live bait using a special gripping head. Naturally, the marked baits are not the only ones; you can use others.
  • Eighth, when fishing vertically, it is more rational: lower the bait to the bottom, make 2...3 lifts and lowers (within a meter); then you need to remove the bait and check its condition and the presence of algae on the hook.
  • Ninth, halibut always bite very unexpectedly - there is always a chance (from fright) of losing the spinning rod and all the gear. The hooking must be prompt; Next is fishing, which consists of dragging the fish and winding the line with a reel. And be patient - sometimes it takes more than one hour to catch a decent fish.
  • Tenth, there may be a problem when hauling the caught halibut on board. Count on the help of nearby fishermen. And if this doesn’t help, tow the prey to the base by water.
  • Eleventh, it is impossible to pull out halibut without a hook. It should always be at hand. And, most importantly, it must have a fastening rope, which should only be attached to parts of the boat (for example, to the railing).
  • Twelfth, treat fish with care. If you hurt her, always try to pull her out - otherwise she will die.
  • Thirteenth, if you are not stubborn, it is better not to go halibut fishing, but to look for something simpler.

Useful properties of halibut

The most valuable meat is white (American) halibut: it has a pleasant acidity and is considered the most delicious by gourmets. However, fishing for this type of fish is limited due to the threat of complete extinction (located in the International Red Book). The main object of the fishery today is blue-skinned halibut, the taste of which is also high. You can also find arrow-toothed species on the market: and although the benefits of halibut of this species (the taste and value of the meat) are much lower, fish production is constantly increasing due to a sharp decrease in the number of white-skinned species.

Halibut is available for sale in frozen and fresh forms. Cooks and just housewives prepare the most unusual, varied dishes from halibut: cold and hot appetizers, baked, fried, boiled, stewed, salted, smoked in various ways. In stores you can buy canned halibut or its caviar, which are good snacks, used in the preparation of salads, sandwiches, etc.

Halibut meat is distinguished by its white color and fat content (up to 1 g of fat in every 100 g of fillet); thanks to the latter, fish dishes come out tender. Liver fat contains vitamin A, which is 200 (!) times more abundant than cod. The nutritional value of halibut in the presence of a record amount of omega-3 acids is useful for people suffering from tumors and cardiovascular disorders. Halibut meat also contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, proteins and vitamins D, B, E, glutamic and nicotinic acids. All together allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.

Calorie content of halibut is ~142 kcal. Meat contains:

  • 80.34% water, 18.56% protein, 1.33% fat, 1.29% ash and virtually no carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (per 100 g): A (20 mcg), B1 (0.05 mg), B2 (0.03 mg), B3 (6.513 mg), B5 (0.343 mg), B6 ​​(0.548 mg), B9 (12 µg), B12 (1.1 mg), E (0.61 mg), D (4.7 µg);
  • trace elements: selenium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese;
  • macroelements: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium.

Along with the benefits of halibut, there are also harms to eating it. This is mainly due to the high fat content of meat, which can provoke health problems in people with hepatitis and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Smoked and salted fish consumption should be limited to small children, hypertensive patients, heart patients and those with worsening kidney and liver diseases.

Halibut Recipes

Italian halibut soup


  • kilogram of halibut fillet, bell pepper, onion, 3 stalks of celery, 3 cloves of garlic, tomato juice (glass), Apple juice(half a glass), tomatoes (0.8 kg, without skin, canned), salt (half a tablespoon), parsley (3 tablespoons), half. tsp dried basil, 8 parts tsp. black pepper and dried thyme.


  • cut: halibut fillet into cubes; finely parsley, garlic, bell pepper, onion, celery; medium tomatoes;
  • stew (until softened) garlic, bell pepper, onion, celery; add tomatoes, seasoning, apple and tomato juice and simmer for another half hour;
  • add fish to the soup, cook for about half an hour;
  • salt, pepper and skim – the soup is ready;
  • baking time 18...15 minutes.

Steamed halibut


  • half a kilogram of halibut fillet, salt (tsp, coarse), 3 tbsp. l. green onions and sesame oil, tbsp. l. ginger, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, cilantro (a quarter cup of sprigs).


  • chopped: finely chopped green onion; finely grate the ginger;
  • the fish is dried, rubbed with salt (both sides), placed in a (fireproof) bowl, sprinkled with ginger on top;
  • steam until done; drained excess water, sprinkle with green onions;
  • Heat sesame oil (medium heat) in a frying pan; pour hot over cooked fish.

Grilled halibut


  • half a kilogram of halibut fillet, 2 tbsp. l. butter, brown sugar and soy sauce, lemon juice (tbsp), 2 garlic cloves, pepper (quarter tsp).


  • heat the grill (medium heat);
  • put butter, pepper, brown sugar, garlic into the pan, add soy sauce and also lemon juice; heat (medium heat), stir until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • grease the grill grate (lightly) with butter;
  • the fish is coated with sauce and placed on the grill; fry each side (~5 minutes), constantly brushing with sauce; towards the end, pour the remaining sauce over the fillet.

Halibut with pine nuts and onions


  • halibut (2 pieces of fillet, 150 g each), 2 onions, salt, pine nuts (a third of a glass), ground pepper, tbsp. l. honey, dried marjoram (tsp), a quarter cup of vegetable oil.


  • cut: onion into half rings; fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan; add marjoram, honey;
  • Place pieces of fillet on top of the onion, salt and pepper well; then fry both sides for 5 minutes;
  • at the end add nuts and continue for 3...2 minutes. fried.

Halibut in batter


  • 600 g halibut fillet, salt, a glass of flour, pepper, beer (bottle), egg.


  • the fillet is washed, dried, cut into small pieces, salted and peppered well;
  • mix flour, egg; pour in beer, stir until you get a liquid dough;
  • heat vegetable oil in a frying pan or saucepan;
  • dip the pieces of fish into the dough, carefully place them one at a time in the oil; fry until golden brown.

Smoked halibut with savoy cabbage and potatoes


  • smoked halibut (one-third of a kilogram), 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt, one potato, 4 green onions, pepper, Savoy cabbage (half a head), parsley (tbsp).


  • chopped: finely parsley; potatoes in small cubes; onion rings; cabbage in thin strips; thinly sliced ​​fish;
  • potatoes are fried (20...15 minutes) until brown; salt and pepper a little;
  • add onion, cabbage and another 5...3 minutes. fry;
  • add smoked halibut and parsley; cook until the fish is completely heated through.

Halibut in a pan with shiitake mushrooms


  • halibut (150 g, 4 steaks) salt, shiitake mushrooms (0.25 kg), pepper, 2 garlic cloves, fresh dill (bunch), quarter cup flour, vegetable oil.


  • halibut steaks are salted, lightly peppered, and lightly dredged in flour;
  • heat the frying pan, put the fish in it;
  • the stems of the mushrooms are cut off, the caps are cut into thin slices; then spread between the steaks;
  • fry the stacks for 3 minutes, turn over; Stir the mushrooms so that they fry evenly; add garlic and fry without a lid for 3 minutes;
  • at the end sprinkle with dill.

Norwegian baked halibut


  • a kilogram of halibut, pepper, water (2 cups), salt, a quarter cup of flour, 100 g butter, lemon juice (fresh, tbsp.), half a cup of cream, two glasses of fortified wine, 2 egg yolks.


  • the fish is cut and filleted;
  • pour water over the bones and skin and cook until the water is reduced by half; strain the broth;
  • preheat the oven (200 °C);
  • Cut halibut into small pieces and roll in flour; put in a large frying pan in oil (medium heat); after the golden crust appears, transfer to a baking dish; spread in one layer, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, add pepper;
  • pour broth (one and a half glasses) into the frying pan from which the fish was taken, cook for 5 minutes, stirring; add wine, cook for another 5 minutes; add whipped yolks (into foam) with cream, mix;
  • The fish is poured over the resulting mixture and baked for up to half an hour.

Halibut fillet wrapped in phyllo dough


  • halibut (150 g, 2 fillets), salt, 4 sheets of phyllo dough, fresh dill (2 tsp), 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 30 g butter, pepper, cream (125 g, fat), 2 green onions.


  • chopped: dill finely;
  • Preheat the oven (220°C), melt the butter in a bowl;
  • lightly grease the dough sheet with butter; put another sheet on top and also grease it with oil; do the same with the other two sheets of dough;
  • each pair of prepared dough sheets is cut crosswise;
  • pepper the fish fillets and add a little salt; each piece is placed at the bottom edge of the cut sheets; sprinkle dill on top; The sides of the dough are folded onto the fillet - direction inward; then they roll it up like spring rolls;
  • The resulting blanks are placed in a baking tray, greased with butter on top;
  • bake for 15...12 minutes, until the dough is browned;
  • at the same time bring lemon juice to a boil (high heat), cook until almost completely evaporated; reduce the heat intensity (to medium), add cream and cook until thickened; add salt, pepper, and onion;
  • The fish is served with sauce poured on top.

Julienne with halibut and crabs


  • half a kilogram of halibut fillet, crab meat (a quarter kilogram), half a glass of white wine, white pepper (ground, 1/4 tbsp.), a quarter cup of onion, 4 tbsp. l. butter, champignons (half a glass), sweet peppers (a quarter glass, red), flour half a glass, salt, concentrated milk (a glass), cheese (a quarter glass).


  • cut: fillet into 8 parts; finely onion, champignons, sweet pepper; grate cheese; divide the crab meat into small pieces;
  • preheat the oven (180 °C), grease fireproof bowls (8 pcs.) with butter;
  • Place the fillet in a baking dish, pour over wine, sprinkle with white pepper (1/8 tbsp.); bake for 20 minutes. in the oven, remove, leaving the oven on;
  • heat in a frying pan until melted 2 tbsp. l. (medium heat) butter; add mushrooms, sweet peppers, and onions and simmer until tender; remove, put everything in a bowl;
  • heat in a frying pan until melted 2 tbsp. l. (slow heat) butter; add flour, cook, stirring, 1 minute (the mass should eventually become homogeneous); add milk gradually (stirring) (increase the heat to medium), bring the mixture to a boil and thicken;
  • add mushroom mixture, salt, remaining white pepper; stirring, cook, remove and set aside;
  • Remove the fish from the wine with a slotted spoon, place one piece at a time in a bowl; sprinkle crabs evenly on top, then pour in 2 tbsp. l. sauce, cheese (tsp with top);
  • bake for 5 minutes. in the oven (the cheese should melt and brown).

Almond halibut drenched in cream sauce


  • kilogram of halibut, half a glass of wine (preferably white), pepper, thyme (a sprig or a pinch of dry), 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and the same amount of onion, 1 bay leaf, a quarter cup of cream, 3 tbsp. l. green onions, lemon juice (tsp), salt, butter (piece and tbsp), 2 and 4 tbsp. l., respectively, vegetable oil and breadcrumbs, egg, peeled almonds (75 g).


  • cut: fillet (into 6 parts), dry, salt, sprinkle with pepper; finely chopped onions and green onions; melt butter (tbsp);
  • over medium heat, mix wine, bay leaf, thyme, onion, vinegar in a saucepan; cook until the liquid has partially evaporated; add cream and cook further (the volume of the sauce should be reduced by half);
  • Add butter to the sauce in small pieces (150 g, each subsequent cube after melting the previous one); the sauce is not allowed to boil;
  • strain the sauce (gauze, fine sieve) into a fireproof container; add salt, also lemon juice, green onion, pepper; keep the sauce warm;
  • Next, the recipe for halibut in the oven includes turning on the oven (grill mode) and heating;
  • Heat vegetable and butter (a piece) in a frying pan (medium heat); fry the fillet pieces (3...2 minutes per side), transfer to a baking sheet and cool (5 minutes);
  • in a bowl mix almonds, breadcrumbs, butter (pre-melted, tbsp);
  • fillet is brushed with egg and topped with almond mixture;
  • the fish is baked (2...1 min.) in the oven, on top, under the grill; remove after the appearance of a golden crust;
  • Serve on a plate with sauce poured on top.

Halibut with cheese, topped with horseradish mustard sauce


  • halibut (4 fillets, 150 g each), parmesan cheese 2 tbsp. l., half a glass of breadcrumbs, tbsp. l. margarine, horseradish (tbsp), mustard (tbsp), a quarter cup of mayonnaise, lemon juice (tbsp).


  • grate Parmesan cheese, horseradish; melt the margarine;
  • preheat the oven (180 °C), grease the mold or baking sheet;
  • mix horseradish, mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustard in a bowl; add breadcrumbs (a quarter cup), Parmesan cheese (tbsp); stir;
  • place the fillet on a baking sheet, pour the sauce evenly;
  • In a bowl, mix margarine, bread crumbs (a quarter cup), Parmesan cheese (tbsp.);
  • pour the resulting mixture over the fillet (on top of the sauce layer).

Halibut salad


  • smoked halibut (0.4 kg), salt, lettuce (1 pc.), 3 garlic cloves, 3 green onions, frozen peas (3 tbsp.), red onion (quarter pc.), 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, lemon (half), mustard (tsp), pepper, crackers (pack).


  • chop the garlic finely, fry it lightly in oil (olive); add peas, fry for further 3 minutes;
  • put lettuce leaves (chopped) in a bowl, chopped green and red onions on top; add peas;
  • pour into dishes separately olive oil, squeeze lemon juice into it, add mustard, mix everything;
  • then add the resulting mixture to the salad, stir with a fork;
  • Hot smoked halibut fillet is cut into small pieces and placed on a salad; salt, add pepper;
  • sprinkle crackers on top, mix and serve.