Summer, hot, thirsty... We have all been waiting for this blessed time for so long, dreaming of sundresses, sandals, and walks in the forest. But heat brings with it many dangers, one of which is heatstroke.
How to deal with the heat? First of all, you need to protect yourself from dehydration. Pure water- the best assistant in hot weather. If the air temperature is above 26 degrees, it is advisable to drink a glass of water every hour. Elderly people should also drink water often and not expect thirst. Particular care must be taken to monitor water consumption by people who cannot care for themselves (bedridden patients, children, patients with reduced mental function). You can also drink mint decoctions. Dry white wine diluted with mineral water quenches your thirst. It’s better not to think about alcoholic drinks on hot days.

At least temporarily replace coffee green tea. Military doctors recommend eating a piece of black bread with salt before starting the working day, which always helped soldiers on the march. During hot weather, consume little food. This applies to breakfast and lunch. But you can have dinner, as they say, from the heart. However, the menu should contain as little protein and fat as possible. In hot weather, it is necessary to reduce salt intake and increase the amount of intake vegetable oil. It is known to help combat heat in cellular level thanks to the vitamin E content. In addition, you can include life-saving dishes in your diet: okroshka with kvass or liquid kefir, cold greens and potato soup, cold beetroot soup.
People with hypersensitivity in case of heat, they should be in cool rooms during the entire time when the sun is in its most active phase - from 12.00 to 16.00. It is advisable to choose the right clothes. It should be spacious, made of natural fabrics, preferably light color. Don't forget about hats, blazers, and panama hats. It’s good to start the morning with a contrast shower: first douse yourself with cool water, and then with warm water. If possible, it would be good to repeat the procedure several times a day.
On the beach, lying in the sun, cover your face and put something under your head. From 11 to 12 and from 16 to 17 hours Sun rays the most dangerous and active. Therefore, it is better not to carry buckets of water to the beds and flower beds at this time and not to run after trolleybuses: physical exercise will not be of any use at this time. Children should be especially taken care of, and babies should always remain in the shade.
While outdoors great danger is sunstroke. It occurs when the head overheats from direct exposure to the sun's rays. As a result, brain swelling may occur. It manifests itself as dizziness, headache, increased (sometimes slowed) pulse, short-term disorientation in the environment, and photophobia. All this can be accompanied by unreasonable actions, confusion, and then loss of consciousness. Increased sweating and other manifestations of overheating of the body may not occur. In severe forms, twitching of individual muscles, sometimes convulsions, involuntary twitching of the eyes, and dilation of the pupils are noted. A person who has experienced sunstroke or heatstroke on the street must be taken to the shade and given access to fresh air, moisten your head (if possible, the whole body) with water. You can’t pour cold water on it: a sharp change in temperature will make it even worse. You definitely need to give him something to drink, preferably mineral or regular water with a pinch of salt. Antipyretic medications will not harm you. If the victim does not feel better, call an ambulance.
So, what should you do to protect yourself from the heat:

At home
. Keep your home warm. Stick a special light-repellent film on the windows, thick white paper, packaging mirror film (flowers are packed in it for sale). They reflect light and heat. IN as a last resort- draw the night curtains all day long.
. Humidify the air. Spray flowers and curtains more often, wipe the floors. Hang wet sheets on the door. Open the bathroom door and fill it a quarter full with cold water. Your tailed pets will be most happy about this - they will immediately scurry under the bath.
. Don't sit in front of a fan. It’s better to direct the air stream to the side - there is a high risk of catching a cold.

On the street
. Try not to go outside between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m., when the sun is at its strongest. If this cannot be avoided, choose the shaded side of the street. Don't go outside without a water bottle. Take a sip - this way you won’t be thirsty.
. You should not buy food that is sold in stalls on the street. Meat and dairy products quickly deteriorate under such conditions, and the risk of poisoning increases.
. If you take it for a long time medications, consult a doctor so that he can adjust the treatment regimen - in the heat this is necessary, especially for heart patients. Carry validol and ammonia with you.
. It is highly undesirable to use cosmetics in the heat, especially powders and foundations. Firstly, they make it difficult for the skin to breathe and, secondly, as a result, the face sweats more, so the effect of makeup turns out to be exactly the opposite of the desired one.
. Given the high levels of ultraviolet radiation these days, it is recommended to wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen with a high protective factor. If you sweat a lot, wear large sunglasses that do not touch your cheeks.
. Do not leave it in the car even for very long a short time children or animals! In a stationary car, the temperature can reach 90 degrees, which very quickly leads to overheating of the body and death.
. Do not leave gas cans or gas lighters in the car - they may explode.
. Try to minimize exposure to public transport. Hot and stuffy in confined space can cause dizziness and fainting, and infections in such conditions spread much faster and live much longer than in the autumn slush or winter cold.
. Try not to do physical work.

G.I. Nazarova,
regional health center.

Air conditioners are not only expensive, but also harmful to health (they dry out the air and collect a lot of dust and bacteria). In addition, air conditioners consume a lot of energy, which has a negative impact on the environment as a whole. It turns out that you can live without air conditioners (our parents and grandparents lived without them). 40 tips on how to escape the heat at home, at work and in the car.

How to escape the heat at home?

    Hang curtains or blinds on the windows. If light enters a room, it raises the temperature of the home by 3-10 degrees, while also creating Greenhouse effect.

    Windows can be covered with reflective film and removed in the fall. This film is inexpensive, but produces an effect. As an option, you can sew the film to the curtains from the window side.

    Buy a fan (it is several times cheaper than an air conditioner). Place several frozen water bottles or a plate of ice under or in front of the fan. This will create an air conditioning effect (cold air will blow). The disadvantage of the fan is that it consumes a lot of electricity.

    Close the windows of the premises during the day, and early in the morning or in the evenings, create a draft. This cools the room. At night, sleep with the balcony open or the windows wide open.

    Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs. They emit 80% less heat than incandescent lamps.

    The easiest way to cool down is to drink drinks with ice (you can use water from the refrigerator). Drink in small portions, this will help you avoid not only hypothermia, but also excess sweating.

    If possible, take cool or warm showers regularly. A cool shower will lower your body temperature, while a warm shower will give you the illusion that the temperature in the room is lower than it actually is. In addition, a shower will moisturize the skin, which is very important in the heat.

    During the hottest part of the day, wrap a wet towel around your head or neck.

    Avoid using the stove and oven. In the heat, as a rule, you don’t feel like eating; this is a natural reaction. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits or snack on cold snacks.

    Take the example of pets, they are inactive in the heat. Try to reduce your activity during hot times of the day, get up earlier or do things in the evening.

    If the heat makes it difficult to sleep, a couple of hours before bedtime, fold your bed linen in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Over time, of course, the bed will warm up, but falling asleep will be much more pleasant. In addition, bed linen and pillows should be made of light and natural fabrics.

    Keep a bottle of cold water near your bed so you can wet your throat and wipe your face at night without getting out of bed.

How to escape the heat at work?

    Dress wisely - in summer it is easiest to cope with the heat in loose, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics, ideally cotton.

    If you have a long commute to work, stock up on cold water by placing a bottle of water in the freezer overnight. The water will slowly freeze, and you will be able to drink cold and then cool water for a long time, albeit just a sip at a time.

    It’s a good idea to carry a fan and a handkerchief with you when it’s hot. You can moisten a handkerchief with water and wipe your face and hands in stuffy transport. Well, the breeze from the fan will please both yourself and your neighbor.

    In summer, try to avoid makeup, creams and antiperspirants. It's already hard for your skin to breathe.

    Place a small aquarium on your desktop, not necessarily with fish. The water will evaporate and cool the air slightly.

    Keep a small spray bottle near you and periodically spray your face, hands and surrounding area.

    Drink green tea, it regulates heat exchange well.

    It's good to have plants in the office large leaves(begonia or ficus), by sprinkling them with water, you will enjoy the moisture around you for a long time.

    During your lunch break, try to eat less heavy food (meat, cakes), limit yourself to salad or fruit.

    Try to do all important things in the first half of the day, while the sun is not so hot.

    As an option, you can put a small fan under the table, it will blow your feet, thereby cooling the whole body, and there is almost no noise from it.

How to escape the heat in a car?

    Hang sunshades with suction cups on all car windows. They will help reduce the temperature in the cabin by 5-7 degrees.

    Buy a refrigerator for your car and keep ice cubes and water in it at all times. With a cube you can easily wipe your face and neck, and cold water take it with you to the office.

    Install the “mirror” screen on the windshield (press the edges with the doors). If you install the screen inside (as many do), then the heat reflected by it and sunlight remain in the cabin.

    The cleaner your car is, the better it reflects sunlight. Wash and polish your car often.

    Place a bag with plastic bottles with frozen water or rubber heating pads with ice, the air in the car will be cooler.

    Use essential oil inside your car coniferous trees. When inhaled it gives a refreshing effect.

    Walk barefoot on the ground, grass and houses.

    Replace water with vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon). They will not only quench your thirst, but also saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

    Persimmons or bananas, as well as green and white fruits and vegetables, have a cooling effect.

    Try to spend more time near the water. But remember, when high temperature It is not recommended to dive into the water, because... Due to temperature changes, there may be a spasm of the heart vessels.

    In the heat, give up alcohol, including beer (it dehydrates) and coffee - this is an extra load on the blood vessels. Lemonade is highly undesirable, because... it contains a lot of sugar and increases blood pressure, which is undesirable in the heat.

    In hot weather it is better to drink water with lemon, mineral water, fresh juices, compotes.

    If possible, go outside before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m.

    Always in summer high level ultraviolet radiation. Wear a hat, such as a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and open areas Lubricate your body with sunscreen.

    When taking a shower, try not to use detergents, they dry out the skin. A shower will perfectly wash away sweat and cleanse your skin.

    Try not to turn on your computer or other energy-consuming devices during the day. This will help keep your room cooler.

    Any heat is easier to bear outside the city. If possible, go to the village to relax, eat natural vegetables and fruits.

    Adapt. After all, people lived without air conditioning for hundreds of years, and many still continue to do so. Lead healthy image life, keep it good physical fitness, and in any weather you will feel comfortable.

When the thermometer does not drop below +30, when the asphalt melts, and the air seems viscous and thick, like jelly? Many people feel summer period extremely uncomfortable. Try using the tips below - and long-awaited relief will definitely come.

How to beat the heat at home

First of all, you should pay attention to the windows. Curtains or blinds hung on them will already reduce the temperature inside the room by 3-10 degrees. Additionally, reflective film glued to windows or sewn to curtains for the summer will help. Windows should only be opened wide in the early morning and late evening. If possible, sleep with the windows and balcony open.

You can get rid of an expensive air conditioner if you buy a fan and make sure that, when working, it blows on a container with ice or cold air flows into the apartment. And to reduce energy losses from fan operation, say goodbye to old incandescent lamps and replace them with energy-saving ones. Which, in addition to their intended purpose, emit 4/5 less heat than those we are used to.

The diet on hot days is fresh vegetables and fruits, cold snacks, in general, foods that do not require cooking on the stove or in the oven. You can drink hot tea or cold water (only in small sips, so as not to get a cold in your throat).

It is better to take a warm shower, with a water temperature above 20 degrees - then the blood will not rush to the skin to compensate for its cooling. If it becomes completely unbearable, a remedy from India will help, where people can escape the heat by wrapping a turban made of a wet towel around their head.

2-3 hours before bedtime, you should place bed linen folded in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. When choosing it for the summer, by the way, give preference to light and natural fabrics. And at night, there should be a bottle of cold water next to the bed for drinking and wiping your face.

How to beat the heat at work

Clothing - spacious, light colors, cotton or other natural fabrics. Makeup, cream, antiperspirants - to a minimum: women, take pity on your skin, it’s not easy for it anyway.

Saviors who are always with you: a bottle of water that spent the night in the freezer, a handkerchief and a fan. However, you will have to drink the water as it thaws, one small sip at a time. The handkerchief is useful for wetting and wiping your face and hands.

Try to move all important and necessary tasks to the first half of the working day, while it is not so hot. Then it will be much more difficult for your head to think.

To humidify the air in the work area, you can use a small spray bottle, a houseplant with large leaves, small aquarium(possible without fish).

During your lunch break, just like at home, give up heavy food and coffee in favor of vegetable salad, fruit and green tea.

How to beat the heat in a car

The easiest way is to wash and polish it regularly. A perfectly clean car perfectly reflects the scorching rays of the sun.

Protect the car's interior with sunshades on each window (inside) and a reflective screen on the windshield (outside, the edges of the screen need to be closed by the doors).

To keep the air in the cabin cooler, place containers of ice or frozen water (in reasonable quantities and appropriately packaged) in the rear seat.

Take advantage essential oil coniferous trees, known for their refreshing effect when inhaled.

How to escape the heat in general

Walk barefoot.

Quench your thirst with mineral water, water with lemon, compotes, fresh juices.

You can quench your thirst, and with benefit for the body, with cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and other fruits that contain a lot of water.

Don't quench your thirst with beer and other things alcoholic drinks(dehydration), coffee (increased load on blood vessels), lemonades ( a large number of sugar increases blood pressure).

Try not to go outside from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., when it’s really hot.

Do not turn on household appliances that heat the air during the day.

Get out of the city and into nature, to a natural body of water (stream, lake, river, sea, ocean).

Lead a healthy lifestyle all year round (not just in summer) - it will help you easily adapt to any time of year and any weather.

Up-to-date tips on how to beat the heat indoors and outdoors.

Along with the long-awaited summer comes abnormal heat. Many people simply cannot stand the heat, they feel sick and heavy. Even those who love the heat are not always ready to endure temperatures below 30°.

Important: The most the right way To avoid heat in an apartment or house - install air conditioning.

But if for certain reasons you do not have air conditioning in your apartment or house, you will have to look for other ways to solve a problem such as heat.

How to avoid heat in an apartment or house?

  • Open windows and balconies at night. During the daytime, when the sun appears, be sure to close all windows and the balcony. At night, on the contrary, open it. This method will help prevent heat from entering the room.
  • Cover your windows with reflective film. This is especially good to do in those rooms that are on the sunny side. Reflective film is not very expensive, but it works effectively. Regular foil will do.
  • Cover the windows with blinds or curtains. The less light that enters the room, the better. The sun can raise the temperature in a room by 10°C or more. Therefore, it is better to create twilight in the rooms using thick curtains or blinds.
  • You can use a fan instead of an air conditioner. A fan costs much less than an air conditioner, but can be very useful in hot weather. Cooling from a fan will be especially effective if you place a couple of bottles of frozen water in front of it. You can also install a fan near open window, it will disperse the air coming from the street.
  • Limit the use of ovens and stoves. This in no way means that you should completely switch to eating in cafes and canteens, but it is worth preparing simpler food, since heating stoves and ovens leads to unbearable stuffiness, especially if the apartment is small.
  • Do wet cleaning regularly. Make it a habit to wet-clean your entire apartment every day. This is not only useful, but also cools the room by several degrees in the hot summer.
  • If you have a hot heated towel rail in your bathroom, just wrap it in foil.

How to make an air conditioner from a fan?

Video: How to survive the heat in an apartment?

Important: There is a lot of talk about the rules for staying outside in the summer, but most people forget about them. They remember only when the sun is already preventing you from feeling normal. We will remind you of these simple rules.

How to survive the heat?
  • Before going out take a refreshing shower. There is no need to take a cold shower; sharp temperature contrasts are not beneficial. Simply freshen up with lukewarm water.
  • Headdress required. A hat is especially useful if you are outside at the peak of the heat. The choice of headwear is large - hats, bandanas, baseball caps. Choose the options that best suit you, but don't get sunstroke.
  • Sounds corny, but desirable stay home during the midday heat wave. If there is no urgent need, it is better to resolve matters before the peak occurs solar activity, namely from 12 to 14 o'clock.
  • Wear cotton clothes. Loose cotton clothing makes you feel much more comfortable in the heat. If you don't want to receive sunburn, choose clothes that cover your body as much as possible. Synthetics are not the best the best choice in general, and even more so in hot weather, you will be even hotter in such clothes.
  • Take it with you outside cooling drinks- water, green tea, homemade lemonade. In the heat, it is unacceptable to indulge in beer, coffee, or cocktails with vodka. This leads to dehydration of the body.
  • Women can put it in their purse small fan. This simple device will help you escape stuffiness in public transport and in crowded places.
  • If you're outside during the peak of the heat and you have an extra minute, eat ice cream in the shadow. Just don’t get carried away with ice cream; in the summer, people often get a sore throat due to hypothermia in the throat.

Important: Many doctors recommend walking barefoot on the grass in the summer. There are many points on the soles of the feet that stimulate the functioning of internal organs. As a result of walking barefoot on the grass, biologically active points are stimulated and blood circulates, which leads to an increase in the tone of the body.

Summer heat

The sweltering heat often keeps you awake at night. What to do? The answer is to look for simple but effective ways cooling.

  • If you have in your room houseplants, spray them with water from a spray bottle. Moisture in plants will last a long time and thereby make your breathing easier.
  • Place it near the bed water bottle so that you can always freshen up at night.
  • Bed sheets It should be made of natural fabric, it won’t be so hot to sleep on. Some people chill their laundry in the refrigerator before going to bed. We do not recommend doing this. This method of cooling can lead to inflammatory diseases.
  • Do it at night slight draft in the apartment. A draft is something that many people are so afraid of, but in the heat it helps a lot. If the layout of the apartment does not allow for a draft, open the windows wide. Mosquito nets protect you from mosquitoes and other insects flying at night.
  • Install fan to minimum or average speed, placing it at your feet. From a thermoregulation point of view, this is best way cooling.

How to keep a room cool?

How else can you help your body cope with the summer heat:

  • Apply minimal makeup to your skin.
  • Collect long hair in a bun.
  • The heat is easier to bear if you are on the beach.
  • Eat light foods, limit heavy and fatty foods, and sweets.
  • Sweet sodas do not help quench your thirst, drink better plain water, green tea, mint tea, water with lemon and mint, lemonade.
  • Reduce active physical activity (running, weight training, cardio exercises), temporarily switch to calmer sports (walking, swimming, gymnastics with elements of yoga).

Summer heat is the perfect time for homemade cooling drinks

If you approach the issue of heat correctly, you can endure this time calmly and without suffering for the body. Until the thermometer mark begins to smoothly fall down. It would be useful to know what to do if a person suddenly experiences heat and sunstroke. You will learn about this by watching the video.

Video: Heatstroke and sunstroke, what to do?

So far the sun in the Dnieper is not particularly hot. However, summer will soon become much hotter. In a couple of weeks, weather forecasters promise temperatures of up to 35 degrees. Let's not wait until it's ready and take all the precautions in advance. We'll tell you how to protect yourself from abnormal heat.

Good bad air conditioner

On the one hand, if this miracle of technology is in your home, you are very lucky. On the other hand, half an hour under direct air currents guarantees a cold. Keep this in mind if you decide to install air conditioning in a one-room apartment.

If it's cool air currents from the air conditioner will be directed directly at you, this can cause a cold, or even fever. Keep this in mind when installing an air conditioner in the living room or bedroom.

Also, do not forget that the air conditioner dries the air, “taking” water vapor from it in the form of condensation. Therefore, it is better to purchase an air humidifier along with the air conditioner.

On the street

There is a risk of sunstroke or heatstroke. The difference is that you get the first one from direct sunlight, and the second one - in a closed, stuffy room, for example, in a crowded minibus. Check in periodically shopping centers or supermarkets - the air conditioning is always working there.

If in such weather you are forced to constantly move around the city, you will need a special “arsenal”:

  • headdress - hat, cap, at least a bandana or scarf;
  • half liter bottle of water. Carry it with you constantly and periodically take at least a couple of sips;
  • facial spray with thermal or mineral water. If you think that all these “cosmetic things” are not for you, you can periodically wipe your face with a damp cloth.

As soon as possible, you should take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Of course, not on asphalt or paving stones, but on grass. It turns out that there are many points on the feet that are responsible for internal organs. Walking barefoot massages them, improving blood circulation. This can be done, for example, during lunch break, if there is a green area near your place of work.

At home

Close the curtains before it gets hot

And you shouldn’t keep the windows open at all. It is through them that it comes from the street most of heat.

In the mornings, you should close the windows tightly and draw the curtains. This will protect the apartment from penetration warm air from the street.

At night - windows wide open

Just remember to use a mosquito net. As an option - a fumigator. But burning pills or coils – you know, is not an option. It's already stuffy.

Turn off unnecessary lights

Especially during the day. Incandescent lamps provide cleaner heat summer sun. By the way, no one has canceled energy saving either.

Reflective film on windows

On forums, many aesthetes complain that from the street the shiny “addition” looks unnatural, like iron teeth in the mouth. Be that as it may, in combination with a single fan and on time closed windows allows you to reduce the temperature in the room from +28 to 24 degrees (tested by a MistoNews correspondent).

Don't forget about the hood

In the summer, even cooking a simple omelet will turn your stove into an infernal machine. Don't let your kitchen get to this point.

A little trick: an air conditioner in a small room can be replaced by several ice containers

In the absence of air conditioning, ice heating pads successfully perform its functions. Just freeze a few plastic bottles of water in the freezer and then place them in your room.

In the office

Doctors tell city residents every summer about office colds and the dangers of sitting under air conditioning. However, the insidious household appliances There are quite harmless analogues.

Spray bottle with water

Spray bottle with water: spray around yourself and it immediately becomes easier to breathe. A wonderful thing, it’s a pity that the effect does not last long.

Aquarium with fish

You can place a small aquarium at your workplace. Even without fish, the water evaporating from it will be quite enough for you.


Everyone knows that indoor plants produce much-needed oxygen. And if you keep “green pets” with large leaves (for example, ficus or begonia) in the office and periodically spray them with water, the air in the room will remain humidified for a long time.

Drink water

Don't forget to hydrate your body from the inside. Try to drink more water(on average 2-3 liters per day). And no coffee - it only dehydrates the body. Give preference to green tea without sugar.

Flowers and an aquarium on the table work well as an air humidifier

  • FACT

In hot weather, the load on the blood vessels increases significantly, the blood vessels dilate, the pressure decreases, and the heart has to work at a higher frequency. Heavy physical activity increases heat transfer five times, which can cause dehydration. In such weather, you need to refrain from overexertion. As for mental work, the most difficult issues should be solved in the first half of the day.

In the car

When the temperature “overboard” is above 30 degrees, driving a car turns into a test of strength. Drivers have a particularly difficult time in traffic jams.

By summer, car enthusiasts should take care of air conditioning in the cabin.

During rush hour there is a risk of heatstroke. Therefore, standard tricks like a water bottle or spray will come in handy here. Besides:

Additional cooling

The best option is, of course, air conditioning. If the funds or car model do not allow you to install it, you can simply place a small battery-powered fan on the front panel.

Protect your car with a cover

Park in the shade or place a reflective screen on your windshield. High temperatures can destroy the plastic of the dashboard and overheat the sensors.

Cleanliness comes first

At high air temperatures, the engine old car It might just “boil.” To avoid this, before each trip you need to check whether debris is clogged in the radiator cells ( Poplar fluff or dust). Also, in hot weather, discs and pads overheat twice as quickly.

How to dress in the heat

If possible, avoid synthetic clothing - they only create a “greenhouse effect” for the body. By the way, putting on a wet T-shirt or T-shirt for greater freshness is also not an option. Moisture perfectly transmits the sun's rays, so the body heats up even faster.

The more the body is ventilated, the better.

Ideal outfit for hot weather - skirts, sundresses, jackets and pantsuits loose-fitting from natural fabrics - for example, linen or cotton.