We have already learned. Now it's time to study the keyboard. In order to write a letter, or the request in the Internet search engine, without the keyboard, we can not do. In addition, if you do not work the mouse, you can use the keyboard. It is enough to know a few simple commands. Real programmers and hackers do not work at all. For them, the main tool is the keyboard. Perhaps you will also ever work, but for now we will study the basics of work on the keyboard.

Location of keys

The entire keyboard, depending on the functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function keys (F1-F12) - Used to perform special tasks. If you re-press the same key, then the action is canceled. The F1 key - calls the help of the program in which you are currently at the moment;
  • Alphanumeric - These are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HomeEnd,PageUp,PageDOWN,Delete. and Insert..
  • Control keys cursor- Used to move the cursor by documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (CtrlAlt,Caps.LockWINFN.) - Used in various combinations and separately.
  • Digital keys- For quick input numbers.
  • Editing keysBackspace, Delete..

The keyboard layouts may differ slightly. Often there are still multimedia keys on modern keyboards. Such as the inclusion / disconnection of the audio, the volume control, transition to the mailbox, etc.

Keypad key destination

Each key performs a specific action:

  • SPACE KEY- The longest key on the keyboard. Located at the very bottom in the middle. In addition to its main function, do
    The gap between the words, it also removes the "dedicated" object.
  • ESC- cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).
  • PRINT SCREEN.- a "snapshot" of the screen. This screen snapshot can be inserted into Word or Paint. This screen of the screen is called a screenshot. As well as this key displays the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock.- Used, to scroll up-down information, but not on all computers this button works.
  • Pause / Break- Restore the current computer process, but also does not work on all computers.
  • Insert.- It serves to print the text over the already printed. If you click on this key, the new text will be printed erase old. To cancel this action, you need to press the INSERT button again.
  • Delete.(on the keyboard is often designated abbreviated Del.) - Delete. Removes signs on the right side of the flashing cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • HOME- Go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End.- Go to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up. - turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspase.- Removes signs to the left of the flashing cursor during text typing. And returns to the previous page in browsers and in the "Explorer" windows, replacing the arrow "Back", in the upper left corner.
  • Tab.- Tabulation fixes the cursor in a specific location of the line.
  • Caps Lock.- Switch of capital and uppercase letters.
  • Shift.- Short-term pressing of this key - gives a capital letter. In order to print the title, you must first press the Shift key and hold it down to press the desired letter. The SHIFT key can be pressed both on the left, and to the left, as you are more convenient.
  • Alt.- To go to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) - you need to press the Alt key and without releasing its SHIFT key. Pressing and holding the ALTGR key (right alt) is used to go to the second keyboard level.
  • Ctrl- Right and left. Opens additional programs.
  • Nut Look- Includes an additional digital keyboard.
  • ENTER- The information entry key confirms the "Yes" command, or go to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (left). Using these arrows, you can move not only by text that you print, but also by open pages of sites and programs.


You probably heard such an expression. " Hot"They are called because when you click on a combination of these keys, you can quickly call some kind of program or menu.

Each program has its own set of such keys. It is not necessary to memorize them. If you are constantly working in some kind of program, then there is a sense to memorize them. Gradually, we with you many of these combinations will be studied.

In many program windows, when opening any menu, opposite this or that command, the shortcuts are specified to call the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Usually such combinations are indicated by the sign + (Plus). For example, Win + E.. This means that you must first press the key WIN.and then key E..

Letters mean Latin, regardless of which layout you have at the moment.

The most necessary steps on the keyboard

  • In order to switch to another language, you must click on the key simultaneously Shift. + Alt. or Shift. + Ctrl.
  • In order to print large (title) letterneed to hold the key Shift. And click on the desired letter.
  • To print all the text only in large letters, press the key. Caps. Lock And let go. And in order to go to small letters again, press this key again.
  • In order to print a comma, you must press the key Shift. and comma key. They are usually located close to the right.
  • The point in the English layout is located near, to the left of the point of the Russian layout.
  • To quickly call the menu Start, you can press the key WIN.. It is usually drawn the window icon (Windows Logo).
  • Key FN. Designed for a laptop. If you press it and any of the keys F.1- F.10 You can enable or disable additional features. Usually on the keys F.1- F.10 A small icon is drawn, which shows that this particular key does.

While these knowledge of the keyboard is enough for you. Find each key on your keyboard and try it in action.

Hot keys lists There are many: for Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac, for Photoshop, for Word, AutoCada, etc.

But not all users of the PC use them.

Why do you need hot keys if there is? Everything happens: can be mouse, and the wireless mouse has a battery.

Sometimes there are problems with software when connecting a new mouse, and the old already "ordered a long time." Yes, and touchpad can bring, and some simply do not know how to contact him correctly, getting used to clicking the mouse.

When you need to do something urgently, and the mouse is useless, knowledge of key combinations may be very by the way. In addition, using them, it is possible to significantly increase productivity when working on a computer.

Here is a dozen most used combinations that you can also successfully apply:

1 . These combinations probably know many. Hotkeys Copy:

Ctrl + C. or

They are necessary to copy the selected fragment of the text as follows:

  • First, highlight the text (or image, table).
  • Then press the Ctrl key and, without releasing it, simultaneously press the key with the letter C (briefly write this: Ctrl + C).
  • We release the keys, now the dedicated fragment is copied to the clipboard (in the computer's RAM).

Externally, on the computer screen, the procedure does not appear in any way. To "get" from the computer's memory, what we placed there with hot keys to copy:

  • it is necessary to put the cursor to the place where the copied fragment is required, and
  • press the hot keys to insert: Ctrl + V.

With which key combination, you can copy text or objects to the clipboard?

For this, there are hot keys to copy: Ctrl + C and insert: Ctrl + V. You can call them a sweet couple. They are most often used in one bundle, that is, first with Ctrl + C copy the selected fragment, then immediately make it insert with the Ctrl + V keys.

You can use another sweet couple to copy insert - this is Ctrl + Insert and SHIFT + INSERT. Here, as they say, the case of taste.

2. Ctrl + V or SHIFT + INSERT - hotkeys Insert Text or object copied to the clipboard.

3. Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y.- Hotkeys Cancel.

With these commands, you can cancel any changes, for example, if you accidentally cut out or deleted text.

To cancel several recent changes, you need to press one of these combinations (Ctrl + Z, or Ctrl + Y) several times.

Ctrl + X -hotkeys Cut

This combination allows you to cut what is needed, and at the same time thump carved into the clipboard. Then you can insert carved into the right place.

4. Ctrl + F - Hotkeys Search.

A very useful "pair" keys, opens the search string in almost any program or in the browser.

Sometimes Ctrl + F is also called hot keys to find.

5. Alt + Tab - Hotkeys switching windows.

Convenient to quickly switch between open software windows. If it is in a novelty for you, just try. There is a chance that you prefer this method of the usual mouse.

If you add SHIFT combinations to these combinations (it turns out SHIFT + ALT + TAB), you will move in the opposite direction, that is, you can return to the program in which you were in the previous step.

Ctrl + Tab. - Hot key switching keys. With their help, you can quickly move between tabs in

6. Ctrl + Backspace - Hotkeys Delete. They will save a lot of time if you need to quickly remove the word when typing. In the notepad, these shortcuts do not work, and in the Word work perfectly.

We recruit the word and then if the word needs to be deleted, just click on Ctrl + Backspace. At the same time, the word is immediately removed.

7. Ctrl + S - Hotkeys Save. They are used to quickly save the file in many programs. Use it if you work on something important, for example, when the laptop battery sits down.

8. CRTL + HOME or CRTL + END. Moves cursor to the begining or end of document respectively.

Page Moving Keys Page Up. (up) and Page Down (down) can replace the scroll bar.

9. CRTL + P - Hotkeys Print.

Used to open the preview window of the current page in the browser or to call the print window window in text editors.

In this lesson, you will find the main Windows 7 hotkeys, after reading you will use a computer for a lot more effectively than you used before.

Hotkeys - This is the method of interaction of the keyboard with a computer. This method is to execute commands (operations) above the computer using the keys or key combination to which commands are programmed (operations).

It is very difficult to get used to the new one, so you should not start remembering all keys. To start, take 10-20 pieces for use, and then use others, so to speak, expanding your knowledge. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that each program can use their hotkeys that have programmed the developers of this program.

If you will apply the Windows 7 hotkeys daily, at least 10 pieces, you will notice how efficient work will be more efficient. List of hotkeys in Windows 7 look below.

List of hot keys

Hot keys to work with text and files

I advise you to use the hotkeys that are located in this section, be sure to learn and use them always.

CTRL + S. - Copy selected items.

Ctrl + A. - Select all. If you are in a text document, then when you press these keys, you select all the text, and if in the folder where there are other objects, you can select all files and folders.

CTRL + H. - Cut. The command cuts out the selected items (files, folders or text).

CTRL + V. - Insert. Insert copied or cut items.

CTRL + Z. - Cancel. Cancellation, for example, if the text was deleted in MS Word, then using these keys will return the source text back (cancel input and action).

Alt + Enter or Alt + double-click left mouse button - View the properties of the selected item (s) (applicable for files).

Ctrl + F4. - Close the current window in the program.

Delete files and text

Delete. - Remove the selected item (s). If you use this key in the text, putting the mouse cursor in the middle of the word and clicking on the "Delete" button, the removal will take place on the left.

SHIFT + DELETE. - Remove the element (s) bypassing the basket. For files and folders.

Backspace -Deleting text. If you work in a text editor, this key can serve to delete text, set the cursor, allow in the middle of the sentence by clicking on the "Backspace" button, the removal will take place on the right to the left.


- open the "Start" menu or Ctrl + ESC, the button is usually between the buttons Ctrl and Alt..

+F1. - Reference.

+ B. - Transfer of the cursor to the tray.

+ M. - Collapse all windows.

+ D. - Show the desktop (Collapse all windows, and when you press the windows to deploy).

+ E.- Open my computer.

+ F. - Open the search box.

+ G. - Show gadgets on top of the windows.

+ L. - Block your computer. If you move away from the computer, then be sure to use these keys to quickly lock the computer. It is very useful if you have children or ill-wishers that can read your personal information.

+ P.- control projector. If the projector is connected, then with these keys you can quickly switch between the projector and the computer.

+ R.- Open the "Run" window.

+ T. - In turn, we translate consistently focus on the icons that are located Tasquebar.

+ U.- Open the "Center for Special Opportunities" window.

+ X. - Challenge "Mobility Center" (laptops and netbooks).

+ Tab (tabulation) - Call "Flip 3D". When you click, you can use the mouse to select the window.

+ Gap - View the desktop (Aero Peak). All windows will become transparent.

+ Arrow - control of the location of the active window. Pressing the up arrow - maximize, down - roll, to the left - to attach to the left edge, to the right - to attach to the right edge.

+ PAUSE.- Open the "System Properties" window.

+ Home.- Collapse all windows, except for the active window, re-pressing will open the folded windows. + 5, the player will open.

ALT + tab (TAB) - Switch between windows and applications.

SHIFT + CTRL + N - Create a new folder.

SHIFT + F10. - output of the allocated element options.

SHIFT + Arrow -Selection . Arrows are used: left, right, down and up. Applicable for text and files.

Ctrl - Isolation of elements. Holding Ctrl you can selectively select the items. For example, while in the folder, press the left mouse button on the folders to copy or cut, after the selection release Ctrl and receive the folders you selected for further work with them.

CTRL + SHIFT + ESC- Open Task Manager.

Ctrl + Tab. - Go ahead by bookmarks.

ALT + F4. - Close the window or exit the application.

Alt + gap - Display the system menu for the current window.

F2.- Rename. Select an object and press the F2 button .

F5. - Refresh the window. It is often used in the browser if the page "fool" or you need to update the information. Applicable if you are in the folder or in the program.

F10 -Activate the menu.

ESC - cancel the operation. When opening, for example, the folder properties by pressing the ESC button, the "Properties" window closes.

ENTER - Open the selected item.

Tab. - Go forward to options.

P.S. Dessert for today, video about the hotkeys of Windows 7.

Not always the mouse is the perfect tool for the selection of text. It is difficult to highlight it the text with small font with great accuracy, or a large volume of text. And maybe there are no mice at all on your computer. This is where the keyboard comes to the rescue and comes: it has this feature. You will learn how to highlight the text using the keyboard from our low note. Make it very easy!

We highlight the text using the keyboard

How to highlight the whole text

If you need to highlight the whole text right away, press the keys simultaneously Ctrl and A..

How to highlight a part of the text

  1. First you need to put the cursor in the place where you want to start the selection of text. You can make it mouse or keyboard using arrows.
  2. Press and hold a closed magic key Shift.Simultaneously pressing or holding one of the arrows. Now the cursor will move, highlighting everything after yourself. Pressing left or right, you will highlight the symbol, and pressing down or up - on the line, which is much faster.
  3. You can also press keys Pagep. or Pagedown. With pressed Shift.. This will allow you to allocate the pages of the whole.

This picture marked all the keys that you need when the text is selected.

Still tricks when selecting text keyboard

  • If together S. Shift. press and hold the key CtrlWhile moving the cursor arrows to the left or right the whole words will be distinguished. And if you move the cursor arrows up and down, then all paragraphs will be highlighted! It is very convenient when working with large texts.
  • If when holding Shift. press the key HOMEThe text will be released before the row start. And if you press the key End., then before its end. And if in addition to Shift. Hold now I. CtrlThe text, depending on the key, is highlighted over to start or before the end of the document.
  • To remember these shortcuts, just use them more often, even if at first they will take more time from you than the usual allocation methods. Over time, you will accelerate, and your work at the computer will become even more efficient.

Now you know how to highlight the text using the keyboard without using the mouse, and some additional tricks. We wish you a fruitful work with the text!

Voice for post - Plusik in karma! :)

Windows 7 features seem limitless: creating documents, sending letters, writing programs, photo processing, audio and video materials - not a complete list of what can be performed using this smart machine. However, the operating system keeps secrets, known not to each user, but allowing optimizing work. One of these is the use of hot key combinations.

The shortcuts of the Windows 7 keys are certain combinations with which various tasks can be performed. Of course, for this you can use the mouse, but the knowledge of these combinations will allow you to perform work on the computer faster and easier.

Classic keyboard shortcuts for windows 7

  • Ctrl + C. - makes copying text fragments (which were pre-highlighted) or electronic documents;
  • Ctrl + V. - insert text fragments or files;
  • Ctrl + A. - selection of text in the document or all items in the directory;
  • Ctrl + X. - cutting parts of text or any files. This command is different from the team. "Copy" in that when inserting a cut fragment of text / files, this fragment is not saved in its original location;
  • Ctrl + S. - procedure for saving a document or project;
  • Ctrl + P. - calls the settings tab and printing;
  • Ctrl + O. - calls the tab to select a document or project that can be opened;
  • Ctrl + N. - procedure for creating new documents or projects;
  • Ctrl + Z. - Operation of the cancellation of the action performed;
  • Ctrl + Y. - operation repetition performed;
  • Delete. - Deleting an item. In the case of using this key with the file, it will be moved to "Basket". When accidentally deleted, the file from there can be restored;
  • SHIFT + DELETE. - deleting the file is irretrievably, without moving in "Basket".

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7 when working with text

In addition to the classic shortcuts of Windows 7 keys, there are special combinations that execute commands when the user is working with the text. Knowledge of these teams are especially useful for those who study or already practicing printing on the "blind" keyboard. Thus, it is possible not only to quickly type the text, but also edit it. Suite combinations can work in different editors.

  • Ctrl + B. - makes highlighted text fat;
  • Ctrl + I. - makes the selected text in italics;
  • Ctrl + U. - makes the selected text underlined;
  • Ctrl+"Arrow (left, right)" - Fits the cursor in the text or at the beginning of the current word (when arrow left), or at the beginning of the next word in the text (when pressing the right arrow). If with this command also hold the key Shift., it will not happen to move the cursor, but the selection of words to the right or to the left of it depending on the arrow;
  • Ctrl + Home. - transfers the cursor to the beginning of the document (to highlight the text for transfer is not necessary);
  • Ctrl + End. - transfers the cursor to the end of the document (the transfer will occur without selection of text);
  • Delete. - Deletes the text that was highlighted.

Keyboard shortcuts when working with "conductor", "windows", "desktop" Windows 7

Windows 7 allows you to perform various commands to switch and change the windows of windows using the keys when working with panels and conductor. All this is aimed at increasing the speed and convenience of work.

  • Win + Home. - unfolds all background windows. When repeated pressing turns into them;
  • Alt + Enter. - Switch to full screen mode. When pressed, the command returns the starting position;
  • Win + D. - hides all open windows, when you press the press, the command returns everything to its original position;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete - Causes a window in which you can perform the following actions: "Block your computer", "Change user", "Exit the system", "Change password…", "Run Task Manager";
  • Ctrl + Alt + ESC - Call "Task Manager";
  • Win + R. - opens the tab "Running program" (team "Start""Run");
  • PRTSC (Printscreen) - Starting a full screen image procedure;
  • Alt + PRTSC. - Running a picture of a snapshot of only a specific window;
  • F6 - Moving the user between different panels;
  • Win + T. - a procedure that allows you to switch directly between windows on the taskbar;
  • Win + Shift. - a procedure that allows you to switch in the opposite direction between the windows on the taskbar;
  • SHIFT + PKM. - activation of the main menu for windows;
  • Win + Home. - deploy, or roll over all windows in the background;
  • WIN.+"up arrow" - uses full screen mode for the window in which work is performed;
  • WIN.+"arrow to down" - resizing in the smaller side of the window involved;
  • SHIFT + WIN.+"up arrow" - Increases the window involved to the size of the entire desktop;
  • WIN.+"Arrow Left" - transfers the window involved in the left screen zone;
  • WIN.+"Arrow to the right" - transfers the window involved in the right screen zone;
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + N - Creates a new directory in the conductor;
  • Alt + P. - turn on the viewing panel for digital signatures;
  • Alt.+"up arrow" - allows you to move between directories for one level up;
  • SHIFT + PCM on file - launch additional functional in the context menu;
  • SHIFT + PCM on folder - Enable additional items in the context menu;
  • Win + P. - Enabling the function of the adjacent equipment or an additional screen;
  • WIN.++ or - Enabling the Loupel functional for the screen on Windows 7. Increases or reduces the scale of icons on the screen;
  • Win + G. - Start moving between valid directories.