Since ancient times, people have considered tarantulas to be one of the most dangerous and poisonous creatures on Earth. These animals have always been treated with distrust. To this day, the tarantula spider evokes fear with its mere appearance. But much about him is exaggerated and unfounded. Let's figure out who tarantulas are and how dangerous they are.

Exotic threat

The spider tarantula owes its name to the city of Taranto in Italy. It is in its vicinity that the largest of all their relatives live, reaching a length of 6 centimeters. The name of the famous Italian dance tarantella has the same roots. Since it was previously believed that a tarantula bite made a person insane, in order to be cured, people danced to the frantic rhythm of the tarantula. In general, the tarantula spider is not very poisonous; in any case, for humans, its bites can end tragically only if a severe allergic reaction. Thus, for people it does not represent mortal danger and never attacks first, but can bite only in self-defense.

Where does he live?

The habitats of tarantulas are steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. These arachnids are thermophilic, therefore they are found in Italy (Apulian), Spain, Portugal and in the south of the European part of Russia (South Russian tarantula spider, photo below).

Tarantulas living in Russia are called Mizgir. Their color varies depending on their habitat and is intended to serve as a good camouflage for them. That is why the color scheme of Mizgiri begins with light brown tones, matching the color of the soil, and ends with dark shades.

Spider life

On the slopes of mountains, the tarantula spider tends to dig holes, the depth of which reaches fifty centimeters. There he rests during the daytime, and goes at night hunt insects. Winter time The tarantula spider spends time in its burrow, having previously insulated its entrance with dry plants and cobwebs.

These dangerous arthropods are very beautiful in their own way. No wonder they have so many fans. They fascinate and attract the eye thanks to their long and bright colors. These are practically the largest spiders. Moreover, female tarantulas are much larger than males and reach a length of 4 cm.

Spider weddings

Female tarantulas are very tough. After the act of mating, which traditionally occurs at the end of summer and lasts about ten hours, the male must quickly retreat to avoid being eaten. At the end of spring, the female lays eggs in a cocoon made of cobwebs and closely guards it. As soon as the offspring are born, the female carries the young spiders on her back for some time. Then they begin to live independently and separately, digging a separate hole for themselves, and the circle of life repeats again.

Who are spiders afraid of?

Enemies of tarantulas are wasps of the genus Pompilus, praying mantises, scorpions and centipedes. Among domestic animals, sheep are dangerous for tarantulas, since they can eat a tarantula without experiencing any discomfort. In addition, spiders often engage in battle with each other, sometimes both fighters die.

Thus, the tarantula spider is a prominent representative of the wolf spider family. It lives in warm climates, leads night image life, is a poisonous predator.

The main reason why people decide to have a pet is the pleasure of communicating with it. Moreover, sometimes communication consists only of the opportunity to observe a beautiful and dexterous animal, study its habits and have round-the-clock access to it. Perhaps, these are the motives that every amateur or arachnophile recognizes. If you're considering getting a spider for the first time, a tarantula would be a good candidate. Thanks to horror films of the 90s, everyone knows this species, even those not versed in zoology. Let's take a closer look at this famous and very cute animal and figure out how to care for it and what the future owner needs to prepare for.

Description and price of insect

Tarantulas belong to the family of so-called wolf spiders (Lycosidae). They do not weave nets, but dig holes and hunt from ambush. Such behavioral features, characteristic of a number of species, gave the name to the family.

The spider's body consists of the following segments:

  • cephalothorax, from which 8 limbs extend, two pairs on each side of the body. In the head area there are eyes and a pair of fangs;
  • abdomen that contains internal organs spider.
The surface of the body is covered with thick soft pile, which is why the spider is very pleasant to the touch - plush. Some owners even compare these animals to small ones. Tarantulas have very pronounced sexual dimorphism - females are twice as large as males and live incomparably longer.

The average lifespan of a male is 1.5-2 years, while females live about 30 years.

The most common type in the CIS, which will be offered to you first of all, is South Russian tarantula or misgir. Adult females reach 3 cm in length.

This species cannot be called one of the most prominent representatives families, but they are completely unpretentious and are well suited for beginners.

Did you know? Tarantulas can produce claws that are located on the tips of their legs. Claws are needed in order to climb trees, and at home they are mainly used when the owners take spiders in their hands for better grip.

From 2 to 28 dollars - this is the price for these animals. Despite its exotic appearance, the tarantula is quite inexpensive. A young 3-4 month old spider can be purchased for 1-2 dollars, and how much the breeder will ask for a grown animal depends on the following parameters:

  • age;
  • size;
  • color;
  • degree of domestication;
  • temperament.

Temperament refers to the spider’s attitude towards a person, the degree of its aggression, and the desire to “communicate.” The maximum price stated on the Internet is around $28.

Types of tarantulas

According to a scientific source, the genus of tarantulas includes 200 species. They all have different temperaments and look completely different, but the following five species have taken root next to humans more than others:

  • Apulian tarantula. This species is one of the largest, the body length of adults reaches 7 cm. Females look more representative and larger than males - they have a red abdomen, a dark cephalothorax and lighter spotted paws, while males are colored light gray with dark markings all over the body. The life of representatives of this species is very short and is 2-3 years for males and 3-4 years for females;

  • South Russian tarantula. This 3.5-centimeter spider inhabits the steppes of Russia and Ukraine and is popularly nicknamed “mizgir.” In addition to its accessibility, the spider is distinguished by its ease of care, so it is often chosen by those who have not previously had experience with such animals. The color depends on the region where they live and varies from light brown to reddish-brown, and their head is decorated with a dark “cap”. Life expectancy - 4-5 years;

  • Spanish tarantula. The body length is about 7 cm. The abdomen of females is colored red, with dark and light stripes running along the abdomen. Males are colored dark gray. The lifespan of females is more than 5 years, while males live only 2 years and participate in reproduction only once;

  • Brazilian tarantula. Lives in South America, Uruguay, Paraguay. The length of the body excluding the legs is 3 cm, the body is colored a rich brown color, and along, from the head to the end of the abdomen, there is a lighter stripe;

  • Antillean pink-footed tarantula. The body length reaches 6-8 cm, the paw span is 16-18 cm. Throughout life, the spider changes color: young spiders before puberty are painted in a light blue color, which, as they grow older, changes to brown, and over time - to purple. This species has a very calm and friendly temperament, but is quite finicky to care for. Among other advantages, this spider is a long-livers - females live about 15 years. Life expectancy for males is 2-3 years.

Spider at home: pros and cons

I immediately want to make adjustments and replace the word cons/pros with features. After all, hardly anyone chooses between a spider and, for example, . Below we will collect the subjective impressions of tarantula owners who told us what they like about their pets and what annoys them.

All for

  1. They are not tied to a place. Perhaps you already know that the initiator of “communication” in a relationship between a man and a spider is always the first. A spider can do just fine without your company even for the rest of its life;
  2. They don't take up much space. The spider's terrarium should be twice the size of the spider's body. Large containers force animals to seek additional shelter inside the terrarium, in which they spend all the time, depriving their owners of the pleasure of admiring them;
  3. Eating once every 1.5-2 months. Adult tarantulas need to be fed exactly at this frequency.
  4. Undemanding to conditions. The necessary equipment for properly keeping a spider is a small terrarium and orchid substrate for bedding.
  5. Cheap. It costs an average of $3-5 every two months to maintain a spider. Depending on the cost of the insects you will feed it.
  6. Plush, pleasant to the touch.
  7. Can be done cool photos for avatars.

Everyone is against

  1. Sometimes they run away. It happens that spiders get out of their boxes and travel around the house, risking being crushed.
  2. Bad character. Some spiders outright refuse human hands. This must be taken into account from the very beginning and the animal’s contactability must be checked.
  3. Sometimes they bite. Such cases also occur, but, according to breeders, all this is due to inept handling. So go through the training.
  4. Poisonous. All tarantulas are poisonous, the only difference is the strength of the toxin. The bite of some species is more like a wasp and is not dangerous to humans, while the bite of others can cause loss of consciousness and convulsions.

Did you know? Tarantulas never attack humans on their own, since the strength of their poison is not enough to kill a large animal. Spiders know this, so even if a person acts incorrectly, they prefer to hide.

We create conditions in the terrarium

To satisfy the modest needs of tarantulas, you don’t even have to go to a pet store. Household and floral will be enough. For a full life, a spider needs boxing, bedding and food.

Dimensions and volume

The terrarium should imitate the spider's natural shelter. Therefore, first we need to decide what exactly we are going to imitate - the mink itself or open space with mink. In the first case, the size of the terrarium should be twice the body of the spider itself, no more. If the box is too spacious and there is no additional shelter in it, the spider will feel uncomfortable and be in constant stress. If you decide to choose a large terrarium, make sure that there is another, smaller shelter inside where the animal can hide.

Speaking about the materials from which the box will be made, plastic and glass are equally suitable. It is worth noting that tarantulas live well even in lunch containers. Breeders especially love this option for its reliable latches that will not allow the spider to escape from the box.

Climatic conditions

Tarantulas are also suitable for an average room temperature of +23...+25 °C. But with more high temperature(+25...+30 °C) spiders grow more intensively and reach large sizes, become sexually mature earlier.

Important! You can understand that the spider is aggressive by a certain pose: the front legs are raised up, the abdomen is lowered. Also, in case of danger, the animal “shoots” at the enemy with lint, which, falling into Airways predator, causes their irritation.

Additional accessories

Spiders feel great in the most spartan conditions - a substrate for orchids as bedding and periodic spraying to maintain humidity, but you can arrange the “apartment” in more interesting ways:

  1. Hygrometer. Problems with temperature conditions usually does not occur, but air humidity is no less important. To monitor this parameter, you can purchase a hygrometer; the device will measure the temperature and humidity in the terrarium. This device costs 7-8 dollars.
  2. Lock for the terrarium. Solution for escape spiders. Cost about 4-5 dollars.
  3. Sprayers. Used to maintain humidity in the terrarium.

What do they eat and what to feed the tarantula?

Tarantulas are predators that feed large insects. At home, spiders are fed with live crickets, cockroaches, and larvae. When choosing food, you need to make sure that the prey is not larger than the predator itself, since spiders are very voracious and, trying to absorb too much food, can harm themselves, for example, their abdomen can burst. The younger the animal, the more often it eats. At the age of 1-2 years, the spider molts every 3 weeks, so it needs to be fed just as often. Subsequently, growth slows down and it is enough to feed 3-5 year old animals once every 1.5-2 months.

Important! Despite their terrifying appearance, these are very fragile animals. Their exoskeleton easily cracks when dropped from a height or handled carelessly.

Is the bite dangerous?

All species of tarantulas are poisonous to one degree or another, but the level of toxicity of their venom varies greatly depending on the type of spider, age, gender and season. Adult, sexually mature females (over 5 years old) are considered the most poisonous. large species during mating and oviposition. In all tarantulas, the toxicity of the venom increases between March and June and rapidly decreases starting in September. Typically, tarantula venom is not harmful to humans. more dangerous than poison wasp or hornet - redness and swelling appear at the site of the bite, the symptoms disappear on their own, there is no specific antidote.

In especially severe cases, there may be dizziness, nausea, and weakness. Such manifestations also go away on their own or are accompanied by symptomatic treatment. An isolated case- allergy to the toxin - in such a situation, you must urgently consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

Is it possible to reproduce

Sexual maturity in females occurs 1.5-2 years later than in males. If for males this is 1.5-2 years, then for females it is 4-5 years. The mating period begins at the end of summer. After mating, the male usually dies, and the female begins to prepare for the winter. Female tarantulas lay eggs and place them in a silk cocoon, which is attached to the outside of the abdomen. “Gestation” lasts 40-50 days. During this period in natural conditions the female tries to be in the sun more often to speed up the incubation process; at home, it is worth increasing the temperature in the terrarium to +30...+32 °C.

A clutch can contain from 50 to 500 eggs. After finishing incubation period small spiderlings remain with their mother for another month, sometimes covering her entire body. After the expiration of a month, the babies leave the female and begin to lead an adult lifestyle. There are cases when the female herself drives away the young or even eats some part of it, so the babies need to be weaned on time.

Well, now you have the necessary knowledge on how to properly keep a tarantula at home, let this knowledge be useful to you, and remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Why is the tarantula called a tarantula? May 23rd, 2015

It is unlikely that anyone does not know the tarantula spider. Here we have his widely known dance - the tarantella. What do they have in common? This is despite the fact that one of the names of tarantula spiders - tarantula (tarantula) is a doubly incorrect use of the term.

Now we will find out why everything is so...

There is a spider belonging to a very distantly related group which fell into disrepute during the fifteenth century. This spider, named after the Italian city of Taranto (or Tarantum for Renaissance people), is credited with being the cause of a strange disease called Taran-tism (Gertsch 1979). According to legend, the bite of this spider led to illness, and anyone bitten was doomed, and the only cure was: passion for madness - the passionate dance of the tarantella. Now, several centuries later, in calmer times, authorities suspect that the tarantella was a mere excuse for some private revels, at a time when fun was mercilessly suppressed. And as a result, a superstition regarding tarantism, any big spider was suspicious and instilled fear in the peasantry.

When Renaissance explorers explored the far corners of the world, they returned from scary stories O giant spiders- tarantulas “tarantulas”, living in the tropics, subtropics, and warmer climates temperate zones. Gradually, English-speaking people, especially North Americans, applied this name to a group of much larger and more showy spiders than European ones, forgetting almost entirely about the city of Taranto and tarantism. This myth about big and dangerous spiders still continues to exist even today.

In a number European languages, particularly in English, the word tarantula is often used to refer to tarantulas (the family of the largest spiders), and sometimes to all large spiders of any species. In this regard, confusion often arises when texts are translated incorrectly. In modern biological systematics the taxa “tarantulas” and “tarantulas” do not overlap; Tarantulas are mygalomorphic spiders, and tarantulas are araneomorphic.

Apulian tarantula

Very often people are mistaken and consider the tarantula to be a large spider. Mainly due to misconceptions, tarantulas are called this way. This creates confusion.

These spiders live in steppes or deserts, in arid areas. During daylight hours, tarantulas sleep in their burrows. The burrows are vertical holes that go almost a meter into the ground. During the night, spiders emerge from their hiding places and go hunting. Prey most often are insects. These spiders are also unique in that they do not use webs to weave webs; they use webs to cover the walls of their shelter, or to build an egg cocoon.

As a member of the spider tribe, the tarantula has characteristics their relatives. Namely: their legs are not equipped with a full set of muscles, only flexor muscles. They bend under the pressure of hemolymph. This is why wounded spiders become lethargic.

South Russian tarantula

They breed in late July and August. The female looks for a hole that is more suitable in her opinion, lays eggs there, which she later entwines with cobwebs. After that, she carries them on the so-called spider warts until they hatch. And even after this, she carries them on her belly for a certain time.

Tarantula venom is lethal, but only to some animals. For a person, it is nothing more than a simple hornet sting. Swelling appears, but it is not fatal. The blood of this spider contains an antidote to its poison. It is for this reason that fights between tarantulas almost never end in death. But there are exceptions when the cause of death is blood loss.

IN this moment The most famous of the genus of tarantulas are two species. Apulian tarantula and South Russian tarantula.

By the way, here’s who they are and what they look like. Here's how you can The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Grammostola pulchra, known as the Brazilian black tarantula, is prized for its long life in the terrarium, as well as for its reputation as an obedient spider. Its bites do not cause itchy black blisters. The spider has a deep black color. The most important thing is that tarantulas can be kept in a terrarium, just like, say,. It is important to consider that the tarantula must live alone, as it will eat any creature that ends up in the same small space with it.

Caring for a black tarantula at home

The tips given are general in nature. Every spider's needs must be met, this supports healthy image life. The owner must control the temperature and humidity in the tank in which the tarantula lives. In the wild they adapt to rapidly changing weather conditions in a matter of hours.

  • Spreading in the wild: Brazil and Uruguay (grasslands).
  • Type: terrestrial arthropods.
  • Size Brazilian black tarantula: 6-8 cm (adult).
  • Growth rate: can reach 4 cm in the first year, after which growth slows down.
  • Temperament: obedient and calm.
  • Diet: These exotic spiders eat small insects. 1-2 individuals per day are enough.

Adult black tarantulas feed on crickets and other large insects (for example, various types of cockroaches - like). The number of victims per month varies from 3 to 8 depending on their size. Usually the victim does not exceed the body size of the spider itself. It is recommended to feed tarantulas with specially prepared insects, after sprinkling them with vitamins - this will ensure good health and good health pet. There is no need to catch crickets or other insects yourself and use them as food; they may contain pesticides that are dangerous to the spider. To feed the tarantula Grammostola pulchra, you should take the cricket with tweezers and place it in the terrarium. If the spider is nearby, then you need to push it away a little. After closing the lid, your instincts will do their job.

A temperature of 18-30° Celsius will provide the spider with a comfortable existence. It should be borne in mind that in nature the temperature fluctuates greatly, and tarantulas adapt well to changing conditions. Room temperature between 24 and 30 degrees will be pleasant enough for them.

Humidity/water requirements. While the Grammostola pulchra spider is small, a moist substrate should be placed in the terrarium. When he grows up, he will be able to use other containers. Spiders obtain water from their victims, but must have access to clean water. A saucer of water and a slightly wet substrate will provide the moisture necessary for the spider's health.

Terrarium lighting. There are no special lighting requirements, but there is no need to create shadows. Spiders, on the other hand, like to bask in the sun. Best to use fluorescent lamp With a power of 15 W, the tarantula will really like it.

Terrarium for black tarantula and other spiders

As a rule, for ground spiders the length and width of the terrarium should be 2-3 times more width legs; The diameter of a round terrarium is approximately 3 leg spans. Make sure the distance between top part terrarium and substrate surface are sufficient.

Juveniles. In general, a young spider can live in transparent plastic container with air holes. You need to make a backing in the container, its size is 3-4 cm. It can be made from peat, coconut fiber or a mixture of both. The base should be sufficiently moist. This is easy to check: you need to squeeze the substrate, if a lump forms well, but no water flows, the humidity is sufficient.

While the spider is small, you need to spray water on the wall of the terrarium once a week. When it grows, you can put a saucer; a plastic cap from a regular bottle is perfect. A small stone should be placed in it to prevent the crickets from drowning. As the tarantula grows, you need to make sure that it has enough water and that the diameter of the saucer is slightly smaller than the span of its paws. Spiders must hide to maintain fluid in the body and feel safe.

Adults. For an adult spider, there is no humidity of great importance, even semi-arid conditions will be acceptable. It will require a large terrarium with a durable and safe lid.

It should be remembered that spiders strong jaws, they can dig through compacted soil and chew materials: plastic, nylon, aluminum. The area of ​​the terrarium for an adult tarantula is much more important than the height.

Usually black tarantulas do not go far from their home, but there is evidence that they can move long distances.

Peat, humus, coconut fiber or a mixture of these can be used as a substrate. The substrate must be moistened (the correct degree of moistening was discussed above). If the spider digs holes, then the thickness of the substrate should provide this opportunity.

Adults of Grammostola pulchra do not need as much moisture as young ones, so you can allow the top layer of the substrate to dry out, but you need to make sure that the bottom is sufficiently moist. You can put a piece of oak bark or part of a coconut, clay pot or similar thing in the terrarium to serve the tarantula refuge. No additional decorations are needed, unless for yourself. Before placing a spider in a terrarium, you need to make sure that all objects placed there are safe for it, and it cannot be injured when climbing into its shelter.

Tarantulas needed keep apart from each other to prevent cannibalism.

The content of the article:

Most residents big planet The earth, having heard about such a living creature as a tarantula, does not experience some kind of fear. In this not so large representative of the living world of the planet, many see a dangerous “predator”, but there is another category of people, they are increasingly bringing this spider into their home as a pet.

When it comes to choosing a friend for your little one, it’s up to you to decide whether it will be a familiar cat or dog or an unfamiliar tarantula. Many believe that these insects do not live in our world in vain and, no less than others, deserve love and attention from people.

By purchasing such a companion, you will undoubtedly amaze with your new pet most circle of your friends. Someone may judge you, but someone will decide that you are an extraordinary and courageous person who is not afraid of criticism from others and even in such a matter as choosing a pet, you are guided by your personal feelings, tastes and preferences.

In fact, keeping such an extraordinary creature in your home is an amusing and interesting thing, but it cannot be said that it is elementary. Therefore, in order not to encounter unpleasant circumstances, you should get to know your future tenant better and how to properly care for him, so that both he and you feel good and comfortable.

Generic affiliation of the tarantula and its native places

Tarantulas (Latin: Lycosa) - these interesting living creatures originate their ancestry from a large friendly family, which is known as wolf spiders (Latin: Lucosidae). Scientists also classified them as arachnids and the infraorder of araneomorphic spiders.

The natural distribution area of ​​these poisonous arthropods is quite wide. It seems possible to meet them in different parts of our planet and in a wide variety of climatic conditions: from forest-steppe to deserts, which are located in the southern part of Europe, America, Asia and even in northern territories Africa. It is quite possible to see them in Austria, Italy, Ukraine and Russia, Spain, Greece and Portugal, Belarus, Romania and Argentina, Uruguay and Morocco, Egypt and many other countries of the world.

In open nature, tarantulas are predominantly nocturnal. During the daytime, they can very rarely be seen on the surface of the earth; most often at this time they rest and gain strength in their homes, which they construct independently. Their house is quite long vertical burrows; they can reach a depth of over 70 cm. With the onset of night, the arthropod leaves its home and sets off on a journey to meet various spider goodies.

Description of varieties of tarantulas

If speak about various types representatives of the genus of these arachnids, then in nature they number approximately 210–220 individuals. This number also includes those considered extinct. The most popular and studied wolf spiders are presented to your attention.

Apulian tarantula

Lycosa tarantula. It is also sometimes called a true tarantula. He considers such countries as Egypt, Morocco, Sudan, Libya, Italy, Spain and Portugal to be his Fatherland. Favorite places habitat in open nature Various mountain slopes are considered suitable for this arthropod.

Concerning appearance these creatures, they differ from each other depending on the sexual characteristics of the individual. The female spider is endowed by nature with a complex combined coloration, which is presented as follows: her head and chest have darker tones, which end in a lighter contrasting line, the main color of the abdominal surface is red, but there is also some ornament consisting of several stripes placed transversely, the stripes, in turn, have a beautiful white and red border. The male, perhaps, does not look so impressive. His body has a more uniform color scheme, which, compared to the female gender, looks more modest. The entire body of the spider is covered with fairly thick hairs.

The sizes of these arthropods also differ depending on gender. Females are larger and their length ranges from 22 to 28 mm, while males, in turn, are much smaller, they grow to only 17–19 mm.

This spider has four pairs of eyes, of which there are main and secondary ones. The main pair has a dark brown color, but the side eyes have a bright shine. This is due to the fact that their inner shell serves them as a light reflector. The presence of such a number of visual organs provides these creatures with a fairly wide field of vision, which helps them in searching for food.

The limbs of tarantulas also have some features. Their muscular system consists only of flexor muscles, and extension occurs due to optimal hemolymph pressure.

They go hunting only at night, but if the spider is lucky and its prey is near its burrow, it will never miss the opportunity to feast on it. When the tarantula manages to catch its food, which is most often various insects, it immediately grabs onto it with its chelicerae and begins to inject its poison. If the prey is quite large in size, he skillfully rotates it so that toxic substances fell on all sides of the insect. It also feeds on beetles and other orthoptera.

The process of procreation in these arachnid creatures usually begins at the end of summer. After mating, the expectant mother lays eggs in some cozy burrow and makes a cocoon for them from cobwebs. After which she attaches it to herself and wears it all the time, waiting for the baby spiders to appear. After babies are born, they remain on their mother’s body for some time and travel with her. Later they spread throughout the area and begin their independent existence. The litter of one female is quite large and amounts to approximately 250–300 individuals.

South Russian tarantula

Lycosa singoriensis. It is also called mizgir. Area natural habitat This South Russian spider is quite large; it can be seen in various gardens, fields, orchards, steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, which are located in the territories of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and some countries of Central Asia.

Adult representatives of the family of wolf farts are not large in size, which differ slightly in females and males. The female can grow to approximately 35–40 mm, but the males are more miniature and the dimensions of their body do not exceed 23–25 mm.

Body color may change, this phenomenon depends on the conditions external environment the habitat of spiders, namely the color of the soil on which it lives. Therefore, black, black-brown, brown and even reddish tarantulas are found in nature. The main color of their outer shell is usually diluted with specks, which can have very diverse shapes and sizes.

A characteristic feature of this representative of predatory insects is the presence of a “headdress” - this is a large dark spot that adorns the head of the arachnite.

Its home is also a vertical burrow, up to 50 cm deep, the entrance to which is protected by a certain layer of soil, grass and plant remains. If there is heavy rain outside or the spider is going through the process of molting, then the defense of its home is strengthened with a small amount of earth and cobwebs.

Mizgiri also hunt without using webs, but simply wait for their prey to appear in the radius they need.

Their average lifespan is approximately 3–5 years; there is evidence that females live slightly longer than males.

Lycosa narbonensis. Spiders of this species are considered natives of countries such as Italy, France, Malta, and they are also found in northern Africa. The color of the body of this arthropod is black with a certain brownish tint. Their long limbs are densely covered with hairs. This specimen grows to approximately 50–60 mm.

Spanish tarantula

Lycosa hispanica. This obligate predator has recently acquired the right to take its place in arachnology, as separate species, just since 2013. Until this time, it was known to everyone as a subspecies of the Apulian tarantula. This arachnid creature lives in North Africa and in southern Europe. They use the smallest invertebrates as food, but, according to some sources, these insect predators also eat their relatives. So in the family of the Spanish tarantula, cannibalism is quite common.

Orange tarantula

Lycosa erythrognatha. It is also known to the world as the Brazilian red tarantula. This representative of arthropods is distinguished by its rather large dimensions compared to its relatives, and can grow up to 150–170 mm. The body of this spider is painted in dark brown colors, its entire surface is covered with thick hairline. Its diet includes not only insects, but also crickets and newborn mice.

If we talk about this arthropod as pet, then special care should be taken here. The thing is that this tarantula is very capricious by nature, in an excited state it can not show any aggression, for this reason people who have never encountered keeping spiders at home before should better refrain from this idea and choose a more friendly arachnite.

Growing a tarantula at home

If you have decided that you want to have such an unusual companion at home, then you can be completely calm - caring for him requires a minimum of effort. For this reason, if you are a busy person, but want to make a little friend, you have done right choice. By providing him at the very beginning of your friendship the necessary conditions accommodation, we can assume that the hardest part is over.

Typically, small terrariums serve as a home for arthropods indoors. A prerequisite for your comfortable living together will be the presence of a lid for the terrarium. After all, we must not forget for a second that this is still a spider. And he tends to weave a web, which can serve as a ladder from his house to yours, and also that this poisonous creature and its bite, although not fatal, is, nevertheless, not very pleasant.

It is also recommended to arrange his home so that he can sometimes retire. Natural materials, such as tree crowns or various branches, are best suited for constructing shelters. And you won’t have to spend money, and your student will feel almost like in their native lands.

The flooring should be prepared from moss, sand, earth and clay. We must remember that this spider is a hard worker and loves to build houses for himself, so the flooring layer should allow the terrarium inhabitant to dig at least a small hole for himself.

A necessary attribute in his house will be a container that will always be filled with clean drinking water and a small swimming pool. It is in the pool that he will swim. After all, the most common reason The death of tarantulas is due to dehydration. To prevent such an unpleasant situation, it is also necessary to carry out regular spraying of its territory.

The temperature in his “apartment” should always be within 24–28 degrees, and the air humidity should be at least 50%.

  1. Menu for the big-eyed pet. The diet of a domestic tarantula is not much different from this process in conditions wildlife. Its food list should include a variety of living creatures that fit the size of your pet arachnite, such as cockroaches, crickets, small worms and grasshoppers. The regularity of eating varies depending on the age category of your arthropod. If it is a young individual, then it needs to be fed twice a week, but if we're talking about about an already adult spider, the optimal frequency of food intake is once every 8–10 days. It is necessary to immediately remove any leftovers from your companion’s “table”. It would be a very good idea to feed your tenant with various vitamin complexes from time to time, which will have a very positive effect on his health, and, accordingly, on the duration of his life period.
  2. The right neighborhood. It is not recommended to place several individuals in one terrarium; this can not only provoke their aggression towards each other, but in a fit of anger they will simply eat each other.
  3. Dealing with a toxic friend."Everything has its time!" - this saying, by the way, is perfect for tarantulas. After some time, he will get used to you and will not perceive you as an object that poses a threat to him. You should pick up this unique pet carefully and carefully, avoiding sudden movements.

Danger of arthropods to humans

Tarantulas are by nature poisonous creatures, but the toxic substances they release when they bite are not particularly dangerous for humans, and the bite itself is not very painful. Many people say that when bitten, a person experiences the same sensations as when bitten by a bee or bumblebee.

Some swelling, hyperemia, numbness of the affected area of ​​the skin may form at the site of the lesion, and pain may also be present. But in our world there is another category of people - people with a history of allergies. It is in them that a spider bite can provoke an allergy attack, which can lead to the development anaphylactic shock. For this reason, it is better to see a specialist after contact with insect venom.

There is one more feature of these obligate predators, it is, of course, less dangerous, but also not very pleasant - this is the hair on the spider’s legs. If he feels that he is in danger, he begins to intensively comb them. Therefore, after contact with your poisonous friend, you should immediately wash your hands so that these hairs do not accidentally get into your eyes.

Distinctive characteristics of tarantulas and tarantulas

Unfortunately, we often notice that many people call tarantulas tarantulas and vice versa, and with absolute confidence that they are right. There is a very significant difference between them. Firstly, this is their size; tarantulas are much larger than miniature tarantulas in comparison. Secondly, the direction of movement of their oral appendages - chelicerae - also differs: in tarantulas, like all wolf spiders, they move towards each other, and in tarantulas they move in a parallel direction. And the most impressive difference between these arthropods is their family affiliation. Tarantulas are wolf spiders, but tarantulas are tarantula spiders.

Purchase and price of a spider

Despite the fact that keeping spiders at home is not very common, buying one is not particularly difficult. Every day the demand for them is growing more and more, for this reason these many-eyed creatures are already displayed in the windows of most pet stores. The price for them directly depends on the type of tarantula, on average it is 500–800 rubles.

For more information about tarantula spiders, watch this video: