Taimen belongs to the genus of large salmon fish. It is widespread in rivers and lakes of Siberia, Far East, it exists in Altai and Kazakhstan. Taimen is a predator; it grows throughout its life and reaches one and a half meters in length and a body weight of 60 kg. There is a possibility that more powerful individuals exist, but there is no official evidence of this. The only anadromous species of this genus is the Sakhalin taimen. It lives in the Sea of ​​Japan and spawns in the rivers of Hokkaido, Primorye and Sakhalin.

If you look at the photo, the body of the fish is elongated and narrow, the head is slightly flattened, the mouth is large with large teeth. The structure of the head is similar to the head of a pike. It’s not for nothing that in the Urals they call it red pike. The bright silver color of the taimen has dark inclusions, the caudal fin is red with a small notch, the anal fin has the same shade, the back is dark gray, the fins located on the chest and abdomen have a lighter tone. During the spawning period, taimen acquires copper red color, pay attention to the photo.

In the spring, fish spawn, and the spawning grounds become clean, non-silted pebble soils located in the upper reaches of small tributaries. The female digs a nest near the pebbles, where she lays eggs, see photo. Often, spawning grounds are located hundreds of kilometers from feeding grounds, where taimen tend to spawn in the spring, making long migrations.

After spawning, taimen moves to deeper parts of rivers, where it lives all summer, and by autumn it goes to its wintering place. Most often it is located in big rivers swimming pool If there are deep and flowing depressions in the tributary that are not clogged with slush, then some individuals remain here for the winter.

What does it eat?

Taimen is the owner of a reservoir that knows no competition. The predator's diet includes not only fish, it is not averse to feasting on those swimming across the river mice, squirrels, rats. It even attacks dogs, not counting ducks and geese. By the way, exciting night fishing “with a mouse” is based on this ability to grab everything moving. Stones and sticks are often removed from the stomach of taimen. He grabs a piece of wood, probably thinking that it is something living, moving along the water surface. The stones in his menu appear by pure chance during his attack on the prey at the bottom.

Where does he like to live?

Large specimens of taimen live in areas basin of the Yenisei, Lena, Amur rivers, as well as in Lake Baikal. Unfortunately, the Altai, Sayan and other mountainous regions of southern Siberia are densely developed by humans, so large individuals are not found here. Surrounded by large cities such as Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Yakutsk, Mirny and others, taimen fish cannot live, and therefore cannot be found hundreds of kilometers away.

Moving in a northerly direction, the fish becomes more and more comfortable. She prefers cold, fast, clean northern rivers. But deeper into the Arctic Circle this species is becoming less and less abundant, and there are no taimen fish in areas of the Arctic Ocean coast. Since in the conditions of the short polar summer of open water, the fish does not have time to stock up on the fat it needs for the wintering period.

The most Famous places with an increased number of taimen are difficult to reach and remote areas Yakutia and Evenkia. Here fish live even in small reservoirs, but still prefer rivers length about 400 – 600 km.

When a period of summer heat sets in in Siberia, the taimen's defense mechanism is triggered and it determines from which side the cold is blowing. Most often this happens from the upper reaches, so he rushes there. But this is a deception, because the sources of the cold breeze are springs and melted ice in permafrost swamps. If the fish does not manage to get into the tributary, then it will somehow be at the mouth of the cold stream.

Such a love of taimen for cold water can end disastrously for him. After all, the original method of fishing is based on this attachment. The fisherman ascends the river and stops at the main mouth of the river and a side tributary, measuring the water temperature twice. But you can do without a thermometer, just by putting your hand in the water, you can understand whether to throw a spinning rod or not. If the temperature difference is significant, then you can try, but if not, it’s better not to waste time, because the taimen fish is clearly in a different place.


Large specimen does not move in a pack, but lives alone or in pairs in holes and deep channels, which makes it very vulnerable to an ordinary spinning fisher. This fish It is quite large and therefore needs a lot of food. He finds himself on the hook precisely because of his insatiable hunger. It is exterminated not only by poaching; spinning rods also cause considerable damage to the species.

The neighbors of this type of fish are a small genus of salmon - grayling, different kinds whitefish He lives in places, where its future production is concentrated, namely near obstacles in the form of:

  • whirlpools,
  • thresholds,
  • sudden changes in depth,
  • underwater ridges.

It has also been observed that the fish are concentrated where the river has something outstanding and different:

  • big rapids,
  • rock outcrops,
  • bottomless pit
  • an arrow with a scythe at the place where the largest tributary flows, etc.

Despite the fact that the fish is aggressive and has no competitors in the reservoir, it is still easily vulnerable to humans, and destroying it is not at all difficult. Therefore, in Lately More and more often there are fishermen who understand that if you do not treat it with care, then in a decade it will disappear forever.

Therefore, the “catch and release” principle in relation to this species must be strictly observed. And if in your arms fishing license, then only small individuals or wounded ones should appear on your account. Although the license is issued without taking into account the size of the future caught fish, you must understand that the damage from catching a large specimen will be many times greater, since it spawns eggs much larger than the average or small ones, and it takes a long time to grow.

All fish of the salmon family are of commercial importance. Therefore, fishing for taimen by any method, including spinning, should be carried out only with the special permission of local authorities regulating fishing or carried out only in designated areas where fishing is carried out using the sport method. Remember that fishing for this fish is prohibited in most regions of Siberia. Taimen is included in the Red Book of Russia.

The attitude of the inhabitants of Mongolia towards fish, where taimen, in particular, lives, is instructive. Locals do not catch or eat fish, according to their beliefs, this brings trouble.

Description and lifestyle of taimen fish

Taimen predatory fish salmon family. Lives in large lakes and rivers of the Far East, Siberia, Altai, and Northern Kazakhstan. It weighs less than salmon. The ideally streamlined body is covered with small scales.

Narrow, with a flattened head, with a powerful mouth and large teeth. Bright silver color. The back is dark, with green tint, abdomen is light, off-white. There are numerous dark spots on its elongated body, more in front than in the back.

There are also spots on the head, where they are larger. The tail and rear fins are red, the rest are gray; The chest and belly are slightly lighter. Weight taimen varies depending on age. Seven-year-old individuals, weighing 3–4 kg, grow up to 70 cm.

During the breeding season, it changes color and becomes reddish-copper. bright color. Life expectancy is usually 15-17 years. It grows all your life. Reaches a length of up to 200 cm and a weight of 90 kg. One of the largest taimen was caught in the Yenisei River.

Habitat of taimen fish

People living in Siberia from time immemorial considered the taiga to be the master, and the taimen to be the master taiga rivers and lakes. This valuable one loves clean fresh water and remote, untouched places; it especially likes deep rivers with large, rapid whirlpools, with whirlpools and holes.

These are the impenetrable thickets of the Yenisei River basin, where the taiga nature is very beautiful. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, taimen reaches the largest sizes. Taimen lives: Kemerovo, Tomsk regions - the Kiya and Tom rivers, the Republic of Tuva, Irkutsk region - river basins: Lena, Angara, Oka. In the Altai Territory - in the tributaries of the Ob.

Siberian taimen (common)- most major representative salmon family. One of freshwater species. Occupies a significant territory of Europe and Northern Asia. The largest predator.

Found in rivers of Siberia and the Amur basin. In the spring, when the water level rises, it begins to move against the current to the spawning grounds. Taimen chooses rocky and pebble soil, down from the rapids, where groundwater comes out.

Taimen is a strong and resilient swimmer, with a powerful body and a wide back. In summer it lives in deep holes under rapids, in reaches with an uneven bottom, and in quiet bays. It can live in groups of several individuals in the middle reaches of the river.

Knows his section of the river well. Twilight Predator. In the mornings he rests after hunting. Into the gloomy rainy weather hunt around the clock. Strong and agile, can easily jump over thresholds and other obstacles.

To preserve this beautiful fish as a species, restrictive measures are being introduced. All fishing for taimen carried out according to the “catch and release” principle. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to observe its development and growth in its natural environment.

Behavior and character of taimen

Lives at the bottom of the river, in the depressions of the underwater relief. At dawn and dusk it hunts close to the surface. During the cold period - under the ice. Young representatives form groups.

The adult prefers solo swimming, occasionally joining in pairs. Salmon activity increases as temperatures drop. If the water is warm, the fish loses mobility and is inhibited.

The highest activity occurs in the month of September, when taimen gain weight. They are not afraid of shallows and rapids; they can easily jump over a small waterfall or blockage. They can move through shallow water when their backs are visible above the water.

He likes rainy, windy weather. It is believed that one floats faster in the fog, and the thicker the fog, the faster the movement. Fishermen claim that taimen can make sounds that can be heard from under the water.

Taimen nutrition

By the end of the second summer month The fry grow up to 40 mm, the first food of the fry is the larvae of their relatives. In the first 3-4 years, the taimen fish feeds on insects and juveniles of other fish, then, mainly.

Adults - fish: perches, minnows and other freshwater creatures. Also interested in waterfowl and other mammals (ducklings, shrews, mice).

Small land animals can become its prey if they find themselves near water. He will emerge from the water and get the animal on land. He loves mice, and even geese, but most of all - young fish.

Taimen feeds all year round, excluding the spawning period, most actively after spawning. Grows quickly. By the age of ten it reaches one hundred cm in length and 10 kg in weight.

Reproduction of taimen fish

In Altai it spawns already in April, in the Northern Urals in May. Taimen caviar amber-red, pea-sized (5 mm or more). It is believed that it spawns more than once a year, but less often.

After spawning they return home to their old place of “residence”. The usual number of eggs of one individual is 10-30 thousand. The female lays her eggs in a hole at the bottom of the river, which she makes herself.

Males are good in breeding plumage; their body, especially at the bottom of the tail, turns orange-red. The unforgettable beauty of nature - the mating games of taimen fish!

Fishing for taimen

This type is not commercial. The attachment can be a mouse (dark at night, light during the day). For small taimen it is good to use a worm. According to fishermen's reviews, reacts to prey in different ways: it can hit its tail or swallow it and go to depth.

The fishing line may break or break while being fished out of the water. In order not to damage it, you need to quickly pull it towards the shore, pulling it by the back with a hook.

Fishing with a spinning rod or other method requires special permission from local authorities, since taimen fish is protected by law. Types of taimen: Sakhalin (in the Sea of ​​Japan, only fresh and sea salt water is perfect for it), Danube, Siberian - freshwater.

Taimen - decoration Siberian nature

Due to habitat disturbance, population decline, taimen price is high. Spawning stock in upper reaches Obi has only 230 individuals. In 1998, taimen was included in the Red Book Altai Territory.

To date catching taimen prohibited! Nowadays, a program is being developed to restore and protect the species’ numbers.

One of the representatives of salmon fish is taimen, a resident of mountain rivers with clear and clean water. In terms of size, it can only be compared with its salmon relative, the Chinook salmon, an inhabitant of the Kamchatka coast; with a length of up to one and a half meters, its weight is up to 60 kilograms. Whereas taimen can reach a length of up to two meters and weigh up to 80 kg.

It has an elongated and beautiful streamlined body with small scales. The head is slightly reminiscent of a pike, for which in the Urals it is called the red pike. The mouth is large, it would be more correct to call it a mouth, the size of half a head. The jaws are powerful, densely furnished with large teeth with curved sharp tips.

Fish Taimen - appearance and habits of a predator

Taimen is an inhabitant of fast mountain rivers and moves very quickly in aquatic environment thanks to special structure of his body: the fins are large and shifted towards the tail, and the the tail is powerful and strong. Externally, in color and body shape, it is very similar to sea ​​trout- trout. It also has another name indicating its origin: salmon-taimen.

The color of all fish depends on their habitat and the colors of bottom vegetation and landscape. Often taimen - silver colored fish, but individuals with red and brown tones are often found, but in any case, small black spots are observed on its sides and back, and the lower part of the body is usually light.

The tail and the fins closest to it are red, dorsal dark colored, and the pectoral and pelvic fins are grayish. During spawning periods, salmon-taimen turns red copper

All external signs indicate that the salmon is taimen is an obvious predator, who has no equal opponents in the aquatic environment, his reputation as the owner of the river has been established. It feeds on all living creatures that live in water or find themselves in it by chance.

It can be aquatic life– fish, water rats and frogs, waterfowl – waders, pochards and geese, small rodents crossing the river – mice, chipmunks and squirrels. It can even attack a dog caught in water.

As mentioned above, taimen can grow up to one and a half to two meters and gain weight up to sixty to eighty kilograms. Of course, fish of this size are extremely rare.

Although this predator grows without ceasing, its life is rarely long. The largest salmon-taimen in length 2.1 meters weighing 105 kg was caught on the Yenisei River. And for a fish to weigh 45 kg, it will take at least 55 years of life. Most often, fish up to seven years old and weighing up to four kilograms are caught.

Gallery: taimen fish (25 photos)

What does a predator eat?

Taimen needs food all year round, excluding the spawning period, after which an increased desire to consume food begins. This happens in June and lasts a short time.

In summer, the water warms up and the predator loses its activity, becomes passive - its element is cold water of mountain rivers. Therefore, to escape the warm water, he goes to the confluence of cold streams.

In the fall, he begins to increase his mass, hunting very aggressively for any living creature. This happens in September, preparations are underway for wintering, when there will be no abundance, and fat reserves will provide support for the body during a difficult period.

This predator is a resident of lakes and rivers; juveniles gather in schools, but large fish lead a solitary lifestyle, sometimes teaming up together. Juveniles feed on those living creatures whose size makes them accessible for ingestion:

  • worms, caddisfly larvae, beetles;
  • small fish - chebak, gudgeon, sculpin, etc.

The diet of an adult predator is discussed above; it should be noted that taimen in some cases is likened to a crocodile, and attacks small animals, which are on land near water, unexpectedly emerging near the shore.

Where do taimen salmon live?

Taimen never enters the sea. Its habitat is determined by the fish’s preference for cold and fast fresh waters of lakes and rivers:

Once upon a time this predator was in great river Volga (swimmed from the Kama), but that was a long time ago, before human intervention in natural water resources through the construction of dams and reservoirs.

To him I like cold water, but in the Arctic it is not observed, and there is an explanation for this - it simply does not have enough time to create sufficient fat reserves for a long winter period, since reservoirs are free of ice for a very short time.

The most densely populated by this predator are rivers of medium length - about 500 kilometers, but the likelihood of encountering unique specimens is highest in inaccessible water areas of Yakutia.


When the fish reaches a length of a little more than half a meter, it reaches sexual maturity - taimen caviar ripens. The fish go to spawning grounds, in the upper reaches of rivers, at the end of winter.

The spawning site is selected on sand and pebble beds rivers in places where there are no silt deposits.

Having chosen a specific place on the river bottom, the female moves her tail makes a nest for himself in the form of a depression in the pebbles up to half a meter in depth, where it lays its eggs. One female can lay from ten to thirty thousand eggs with a diameter of up to five millimeters.

After that the male fertilizes a clutch of eggs, the fry will emerge from the eggs in about a month - the timing of their appearance is influenced by the water temperature. During the spawning period, the color of taimen takes on an iridescent shade of red copper.

Spawning grounds are hundreds of kilometers away from the permanent habitats of fish, and along this path one has to overcome many barriers and obstacles. Having spawned, taimen rafting to deep sections of the river.

In deep holes and pools they spend summer time in the hunt for food sources, they regain strength and acquire fat reserves. In the fall, the fish moves to a place where it will wait out the winter period.

Features of catching taimen

There was never a commercial fishery; fishing was carried out only in an amateur way. But time passes, people's morals change, fishing gear keeps pace with technological progress.

The result is the disappearance of taimen from the European region, a decrease in the number of individuals in eastern regions. In some areas it is already included in the Red Book endangered species.

It is becoming increasingly rare to obtain information about the capture of particularly large specimens of this fish. Some responsible fishermen, having captured this unique specimen of taimen in the photo, they release him back into the water element. And this is right if we strive to preserve this beautiful and strong fish for posterity.

In some regions, fishing for taimen is only allowed under specially issued permits, and those wishing to obtain such permission do not decrease every year, because catching taimen is an incomparable pleasure to experience the feeling of satisfaction from victory in a fight with an equal opponent. And the journey itself to its habitats is already an event, since inhabited places are not found in such taiga tracts.

The salmon family has many remarkable representatives, one of which is the taimen fish. In Russia, the giant is found in large reservoirs of Siberia, Altai, and the Far East. Taimen is not only a valuable catch for fishermen, but also a predator with in an interesting way life and habits. Massive catches of this beautiful fish have led to the extinction of the species, and there is a good chance that in ten years the taimen will completely disappear, remaining only in the memory of fishermen. What is so special about the behavior of fish, where do giant fish live and how can you catch them?

The peculiarity of taimen is its size, because the predator grows throughout its life, reaching one and a half meters in length. The weight is also impressive - often a handsome fish caught in a large reservoir, where there were all conditions for living, has a body weight of more than 60 kg. Fishermen claim that this is far from the limit, but, alas, there is no evidence.

Taimen has a long powerful body, the head is slightly flattened on the sides, description appearance a giant can be finished with a big mouth. The main threat to other inhabitants of the reservoir is large, numerous teeth. Thanks to them, the predator acquired another name - red pike.

The color of the handsome man is silver, with small dark patches. The anal and caudal fins are bright red, on the belly, back, and chest - gray. the fish changes color, acquiring a reddish color with a copper tint.

A relative of the common taimen is the Sakhalin taimen. The fish are similar, but there is a difference - the Sakhalin giant lives only in the vast expanses of the Sea of ​​Japan, robbing the Hokkaido River or the reservoirs of Sakhalin for spawning. They are also distinguished by their shade - fish from Sakhalin reservoirs have a darker color.

Giant's habitat and main diet

Where is the giant beauty found? Most often you can find taimen in the Yenisei or Amur basin; Lake Baikal is another haven of the giant. The south of Siberia cannot boast of large specimens, since the areas are densely developed by people, which has led to the small number of the family. The predator prefers cold and powerful northern rivers, where you can find lenok, which has similar habits. It is impossible to find representatives of taimen near the Arctic Ocean - cold waters prevent the accumulation of fat, which taimen need so much for wintering.

What is important for taimen in a river reservoir? The predator prefers rivers that contain:

Taimen have no competitors in any body of water - the predator feels like the absolute master of the ichthyofauna. He feasts on more than one fish; the prey can also be one that overcomes water obstacle mouse or squirrel. In search of food, it will not be afraid to attack a dog; the four-legged animal has almost no chance of surviving.

Interesting! Taimen attacks everything that moves within its reach, without even trying to distinguish nutritional value. A stick floating by, geese and ducks naively considering themselves safe, even stones - there is a place for everything in the stomach of a predator.

Spawning of taimen and behavioral characteristics in different seasons of the year

The onset of summer heat in Siberia coincides with cold air flows moving from the upper reaches. Taimen is sensitive to temperature changes and immediately goes up the river to look for colder places. Often his instinct turns out to be wrong - the sources of such flows are melting ice or awakening springs. It is not always possible to get into the icy waters of the tributary; the giant hunts all summer at the mouth, waiting for the autumn cold.

Important! The desire of taimen to get into icy waters can end sadly for the fish, because experienced fishermen are well aware of this feature. By checking the water temperature in the side tributary and main estuary, you can determine the likelihood of fish presence. If the temperature changes sharply, the fishing will end successfully, fluctuations are not felt - it is better to try your luck in another place.

In autumn, taimen go to winter. The ideal option for a giant is deep-sea rivers. If the tributary is full of ridges or holes, then it is likely that it will remain there throughout the winter.

In spring, taimen go upstream to spawn. The spawning ground is chosen to be comfortable - the bottom should be free of silt, with big amount pebbles. The female independently prepares the nesting site by digging a deep hole in the pebbles. There are usually fewer males, so before mating games, fierce fights can take place, the winners of which rightfully receive a reward - a female.

After laying eggs, predators return to their permanent habitats. Often you have to travel hundreds of kilometers to spawn, but in the summer the fish certainly return.

Fishing for taimen - what you should know when going fishing

Before you go after the coveted prey, you should know that taimen is one of the representatives of the Red Book, and you can catch it only after agreement with local authority or in places specially designated for sport fishing methods. Another rule is to release large specimens, leaving small or wounded ones. Thanks to this, it is possible to save the population, because big fish will produce much more offspring than a small one.

Interesting! In Mongolia, despite the large number of taimen in the rivers, giants are not caught or even eaten. Ancient belief states that eating an aquatic predator brings misfortune to the house.

Preparing gear

When choosing tackle for taimen, you should choose a two-handed spinning rod with a length of at least 3.5 m. The rod will withstand large predator, but even without hoping for a trophy specimen, it is better not to take smaller tackle - even small representatives of this family strongly resist.

Photo 2. Reliable spinning rod with a multiplier.

It is better to take a thick fishing line, at least 0.7 mm, otherwise just one bite is enough for the desired prey to calmly break loose and go in search of more suitable food. A similar tackle is also suitable for fishing lenka, but in this case the fishing line can be taken a little thinner.

When assembling fishing tackle for taimen or lenka, you should carefully choose a reel - it’s good if it is no less powerful and reliable than the rod. Another important point– the line on the reel must be at least one hundred meters. Even if you don’t manage to catch taimen or lenok, there is a possibility of starving them out.

Thanks to the gluttony and greed of the predator, there are no problems with bait. You can use these:

  1. "Pig."
  2. "Kem."
  3. "Kola".
  4. "Baikal".

Important! The gear for catching taimen for an experienced fisherman going on a night hunt for a giant will certainly include a popper. Most often this is an artificial mouse, which a predator will certainly be attracted to.


It is better to go fishing immediately after spawning; the predator actively feeds until it appears. If the gear allows you to fish even in winter, you can continue fishing until spring. An active bite of taimen or lenok can be observed before severe frosts - the inhabitants of the reservoir strive to stock up on fat.

Photo 3. A mouse is the best bait for taimen.

Despite its gluttony, sometimes taimen refuses to grab the bait. The main reasons for this behavior are harsh. The fish tries to shift its activity to the night or morning hours - that’s when you should go hunting for the giant.

The beautiful taimen is the coveted catch of every fisherman, but we should not forget that the more we take from nature, the less remains. Sometimes it is better to send a valuable trophy back, thereby increasing the opportunity for descendants to admire the river giant, the number of which decreases every year.

Taimen is not just a fish of the salmon family. This is its largest representative, reaching a length of up to 2 meters. Such a fish can weigh up to 80 kilograms. There is an opinion that there are larger taimen, but there is no officially confirmed evidence for this.

Taimen has a slender and beautiful body. Its shape is perfectly streamlined. Narrow and elongated body, covered with small scales. The head of the taimen is similar in structure to the head. After all, it was not without reason that it received the name in the Urals - "red pike" From the sides and top, the head of this fish seems to be slightly flattened. The mouth is large, simply huge, powerful, taking up exactly half of the head. The entire jaw is strewn with sharp large teeth, the ends of which are curved inward.

Taimen is capable of moving very quickly. And its own structure helps it in this - the fins are offset and located near the tail, and their blades are very large. The tail is powerful and strong.

In general, taimen has similarities with salmon and. This fish took its enormous size and lifestyle from salmon, and the taimen owes its body structure to trout.

The color of taimen directly depends on its habitat. In general, it is usually silver in color, but can take on brownish-red shades, as well as greenish and grayish. But at the same time, its abdomen is always light, and there are always black spots on its back and sides.

The tail fin is very beautiful - red, with a small notch. The anal fin is the same color. But the dorsal is dark gray, the pectoral and ventral fins are light gray. During spawning, taimen acquires a copper-red color. And young individuals have transverse dark stripes in their coloration.

It is clear that the whole appearance of this fish suggests that taimen is an ideal predator. Large, with a huge toothy mouth and a powerful tail - he knows no competition. No wonder they call him "master of the rivers". After all, he eats not only fish. It devours mice and squirrels swimming across the river, waterfowl - ducks, geese, etc. Taimen can even grab a dog, not to mention water rats and other small mammals.

It happened that even stones and sticks were found in the taimen’s stomach. Apparently, this fish doesn’t really know who to hunt. He grabs sticks, confusing them with something living, floating on the surface, but grabs stones, perhaps by accident. Nobody knows.

These fish, as mentioned at the beginning, are of impressive size. They can grow up to 1.5-2 meters in length, and their weight can vary between 60-80 kilograms. But it is clear that such instances - very rare. Only adult individuals grow to such enormous sizes.

Taimen grows throughout its life, but their life is not always that long. The largest taimen was caught in the Yenisei - 210 cm in length and 105 kg in weight. But this is rather an exception. To gain 45 kg, taimen must live 55 years. A the average size taimen 7 years old - 60-70 cm, and weight up to 4 kg. These are usually caught. And until the age of 7, we also need to manage to live with our human needs.

Among salmon fish, taimen can truly be called a giant. It is extremely difficult to catch even a 10-kilogram monster. And taimen weighing more than 10 kg is already considered a piece product.

Taimen is a very strong fish. Large taimen can knock a person out of the boat with one blow of their tail, so be careful, because even experienced fishermen cannot always cope with them.

habits of taimen

Taimen feeds all year round, even in winter, except during the spawning period. After spawning, the time of intense feeding begins. This usually happens in June. But it doesn't last long. For the rest of the summer, the taimen behaves passively and goes to those places where cold tributaries flow and springs flow from the bottom. Because taimen feels better in cool water. IN warm water taimen becomes lethargic and less active.

In the fall, it again begins intensive fattening. This period occurs in September. During this month, taimen behaves very defiantly. It is at this time that he quickly gains weight so that in winter, when food is scarce, he can eat from his fat reserves.

Taimen lives in lakes and rivers. Young fish gather in small schools, while large adult fish prefer solitude, but sometimes form pairs.

Taimen - "water tiger", that’s what fishermen also call it. And, perhaps, there is a reason for it. Of course, their main diet is fish. These are perches, minnows, roaches, graylings and others. But this is not the entire list of his diet. Squirrels, mice, frogs, ducks, and geese become its victims. It is dangerous for small animals to be even near water, because at any time a “water tiger” can attack on land, unexpectedly abruptly emerging from the water, like a crocodile.

Young individuals feed on invertebrate animals - for example. They also eat sculpins and others. Large taimen will not disdain even their own young.

Taimen lives in fresh water. He is more comfortable in northern regions where rivers flow with cold and clear water. Loves cold-water lakes and fast current. Never goes to sea. In Russia, taimen are caught over a vast territory - from the Urals (the Pechora and Kama river basins) to the eastern outskirts of Yakutia and the south of the Far East (the Yana, Aldan, Tugur, Uda, Amur rivers with their tributaries).

Taimen is distributed along all significant rivers of the Asian part of Russia, in lakes Baikal and Zaisan, it is found in small quantities in the upper Kama, but much more of it in the tributaries of the Kama - Vistula, Kosa and others, in the Ufa River and its tributaries - Ai, Krasnaya and others , in the upper reaches of the Belaya River with its tributaries, in the upper reaches of the Ob River and its tributaries - Biya, Katun, Veikara, Sobi and others, in the Lozva, Type, Tavda rivers and their tributaries. Taimen is found in the Chusovaya, Vishera and their tributaries.

Quite common in Siberian rivers - Angara, Malaya and Bolshaya Belaya, Onot, Urik, Oka (but in smaller quantities).

In Transbaikalia, taimen is preserved in the Onon and Vitim rivers, but it is noteworthy that on the territory of Mongolia there is much more taimen in the same river.

On the territory of Russia, taimen is also found at the source of the Biya River (Lake Teletskoye, Altai Republic).

In Buryatia, taimen lives in the Uda River. Also caught in the rivers Turka, Barguzin, Maksimikha.

In the Primorsky Territory, it is quite widespread in rivers flowing into the Sea of ​​Japan - Avvakumovka, Margaritovka, Milogradovka, and is also found in Lake Khanka.

Interesting fact - local residents Mongolia does not fish where taimen are found. According to local beliefs, if a fisherman catches taimen, he is doomed to disaster.

Taimen are distributed over a wide area from the Urals to Yakutia. These fish live in all large rivers Siberia and their basins.

There are no taimen only in Indigirka and Kolyma.

The original home of these fish is the Lena, Amur, Yenisei, Podkamennaya and Nizhnyaya Tunguska rivers.

The fish is found in the Lake Baikal basin, in Altai, Sayan Mountains, and in mountainous areas belonging to the South Siberian region. But these places are well developed by humans, so you won’t be able to catch a trophy there. Hundreds of kilometers from major cities taimen is not found at all.

Taimen also lived in the Volga, which it entered from the Kama. But that was until people built reservoirs and dams.

Taimen loves the cold, but you won’t see this fish outside the Arctic Circle either, even if there are no people there. The fact is that beyond the Arctic Circle the period of open water is very short. During this time, taimen does not have time to accumulate fat in order to feed on accumulated fat reserves in the winter if there is a lack of food. The largest number of individuals live in rivers with a length of 400 to 600 kilometers. And trophy specimens can most likely be found in hard-to-reach places in Evenkia and Yakutia.

Taimen is a sports object, but in many regions of Russia its removal from a reservoir is illegal. Taimen is included in the Red Book of Russia, the Red Book of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and the Red Book of the Irkutsk Region. Also in Bashkiria and Komi, this miracle fish is listed in the Red Book.

Sexual maturity in taimen occurs when it grows to 65 cm in length. begins in the spring.

At the beginning of spring, after a long winter, fish swim to the upper reaches of the river in which they live. Taimen spawning grounds are established on clean pebble soils without any silt. On the river bottom, the female taimen digs a hole in pebbles up to 50 cm deep. This is the so-called nest, into which the fish lays eggs. The eggs are usually very large and reach up to 5.5 mm in diameter. Lays approximately 10-30 thousand eggs. And the fry usually appear in about a month. It depends on the water temperature.

Spawning grounds are generally always very far from feeding areas. This distance can reach hundreds of kilometers, and taimen in the spring make spawning migrations of enormous length. During their journey, they have to overcome great difficulties and considerable obstacles.

Immediately after spawning, taimen swim to deeper parts of the river. They can stay in pools or holes all summer, until autumn. There they gain strength and gain weight.

And by autumn, taimen leaves these places and begins to move to wintering places.

The color of taimen during spawning is copper-red with tints.

Do not forget that during the breeding season it is prohibited to catch taimen fish.

Taimen never appeared commercial fish. Since time immemorial, it has been caught only by amateur fishermen. But over time, skills and fishing equipment improve. Human needs are also changing, and not for the better.

People have become so skilled at catching this fish that it has completely disappeared from the western habitats. In other areas, the number of taimen has decreased significantly. And large taimen, where they were found, are said to disappear completely. Therefore, conscious and conscientious fishermen, having caught their trophy, film their feat so that they have something to show their friends and loved ones, or just as a keepsake, and release their catch, having experienced, in their words, extraordinary pleasure. After all, you give life to someone almost equal to you in strength and remain the winner.

Catching taimen without permission is strictly prohibited. Fishermen manage to obtain a permit, which is issued by the relevant authorities, but not in all regions.

Nevertheless, fishing for taimen is very exciting and exciting, because it is the most noble species of salmon, the meat of which is very valuable, pink or red.

Catching taimen is a very exciting activity. This fish will occupy a worthy place of honor in any fisherman’s trophy collection.

Fishing for taimen is one of the most labor-intensive and expensive, but there is little that can compare with it, because it brings amazing sensations.

Nowadays, going for taimen is a real feat, because this fish lives in places where no human has ever set foot.

It is best to catch such a giant in May-June or from late August to November. Fishing is excellent during the post-spawning period, as well as from September until the ice covers the river. These days, taimen feed intensively.

according to fishermen
  • It has long been noted by fishermen that best time- these are morning and evening dawns. Frequent bites occur throughout the day, but in cloudy, gloomy, but calm weather, usually in the fall. In sunny weather, taimen take bait much worse.
  • When the water becomes cloudy or decreases, the bite usually worsens.
  • It has also been noticed that if, when fishing, small taimen (up to 1 kg) are chased and pecked by the lure, then you will not be able to catch a large fish in this place. Because, according to experienced fishermen, large individuals usually travel in pairs, less often alone. And the young animals unite in small flocks. Therefore, the fishing sign that if you catch one fish, then in a short amount of time another of approximately the same size will appear, operates and is based on the lifestyle of this fish.
  • Fishermen also believe that during the waning moon, taimen fishes worse than during the new and full moon.
  • The most convenient cool time for catching taimen is the morning hours - from 9 to 10 o'clock and evening hours- from 17 o'clock.
  • If the taimen begins to jerk briefly and often float up, then this means that the tee is not inserted well. The fish can easily get away from you. In this case, it is necessary, albeit at risk, to make a second vigorous strike.

Basically, the fish stays at the bottom, so you need to catch taimen from the bottom. On the surface of the water or from the middle, taimen are found less often. Taimen often indicates its presence itself.

Every dawn, with the noise and splash of water, it floats to the surface, can suddenly fly out of the water, and then go back into the depths.

A stunning unforgettable spectacle! It may float up once or twice.

And also on fine days, the taimen gives itself away with deafening blows of its powerful tail on the water surface - this is how it chases fish at dawn in calm weather. Where you saw or heard him, you need to catch him.

There are quite enough ways to catch taimen - fly fishing or live bait, spinning with spinners, wobblers and of course with an artificial mouse.

Taimen are caught using spinning rods mainly with the onset of spring.

Since fishing for taimen involves overcoming long hikes along mountain rivers, the spinning rod should be light and comfortable. Nowadays, light and ultralight class rods are often used. But this is already extreme, it is better to use a mid-class rod. The fishing line is better than “braided”, a time-tested company. The diameter of the line is approximately 0.18 - 0.28 mm.

Experienced fishermen advise using a rod 2.7 m in length or more - you have to cast the bait over a considerable distance. It is better to use a multiplier or inertialess power reel on a spinning rod. And the use by classics lovers of an inertial reel with a large drum of the “Nevskaya” type often leads to serious hand injuries.

You shouldn’t take any tricky modern novelties with all sorts of intricacies. According to fishermen, they often fail at the very peak of fishing.

The material of the spinning rod's passage rings must also be durable, for example, made of silicon carbide (SiC), aluminum oxide (Al2O3).

Please note that there is no need for a leash when fishing for taimen, since this fish is not able to bite through the fishing line, this is the peculiarity of the structure of its teeth.

Also, the success of fishing can largely depend on the carbine. Try to use brass or iron frame molds. This also applies to fishing for taimen in winter.

Use rounded and elongated weights. The bait should be chosen after studying the body of water where you are going to fish. When the river flows intensely, it is preferable to use heavy oscillating spoons. At greater depths, where the current is less strong, large castmasters are suitable. The color of the bait should be natural. You can't fool Taimen. Mostly brass spoons with a yellow tint are used.

spinner for taimen

In summer, it is best to fish with spinners in the early morning or evening before dusk. When the taimen is in its feeding period, it is not at all picky and not very picky about lures; it takes almost everything. But still, the fisherman must have a varied supply of spinners ready. Because taimen, like all fish, can behave in such a way that you can’t figure it out right away. It happens that taimen ignores oscillating spoons, but willingly takes rotating ones. It happens that they bite only on white or only on yellow or two-color baits.

Beginning fishermen often believe that only large spoons are preferred to taimen. But fishing experience shows that even for solid trophies, small “spinners” with a petal length of 40-45 mm can be suitable. Example - Mepps Lusox.

Or oscillating spoons with a length of no more than 90-110 mm. For example Mepps Syclops, Abu Garcia Toby and the like.

The jaws of taimen are very strong and powerful, so carefully check the strength of the tees.

Large spoons, 10-12 cm, should be used closer to autumn. Many experienced spinning fishermen use homemade spinners.

For example, Irkutsk fishermen use “Devons” to catch taimen, which are made of tin and painted greenish-brown, with one tee in the tail, which is built in motionless. Now they have started producing industrial enterprises Devons are of excellent quality. In the photo on the left is a Devon made by the company "Russian Blesna".

Catching taimen with wobblers gives good results. See about fishing with wobblers. In the fall, they are caught using a tackle, with local fish - char. When catching large specimens, you must have a hook.

taimen "on the mouse"

Taimen feeds not only on fish, but also likes to hunt all sorts of small rodents. Witty fishermen have come up with a bait that imitates a mouse. Previously, such bait was made from ordinary wood, which was covered with sandpaper. But over time, new lightweight materials were invented that are currently being successfully used.

The size of such an artificial mouse for taimen is 10-12 cm and about 50-60 g. The diameter is approximately 5 cm. The “mouse” can be smaller or larger. The shape should be streamlined so that it can glide easily and beautifully through the water, and in principle it is not necessary to imitate whiskers, paws and a tail. You can make a “mouse” with your own hands from cork, hard foam, or sponge rubber. And the blank can be sheathed with the skin of some animal or, in extreme cases, with fabric. To ensure that the “mouse” flies further when casting and does not rotate when moving in the water, a thin lead plate is attached to its abdomen.

They usually catch taimen “with a mouse” in the dark, although during the feeding period he can grab this bait during the day. The “mouse” leaves behind itself a small, but attracting the predator’s attention, groove in the water in the form of a “whisker.” She must stay afloat. The “mouse” is carried through the water more slowly than the spoon.

At the moment of impact, winding should be stopped for a while. As soon as you feel a push (and you will understand it immediately), you need to quickly hook. You need to quickly bring the taimen to the shore and grab it by the back using a hook.

When planning to catch taimen “with a mouse”, it is still necessary to choose the smoothest bank (to the extent possible), a place where quiet current and there are no overhanging plants or bushes.

“On a mouse” taimen goes better on dark nights. In moonlight, bites are uncertain and by no means frequent and may stop altogether.

fishing for taimen

The taimen bite, despite its size and menacing appearance, is cautious. And the grip is sharp. Beginning fishermen often confuse biting taimen with hooking. Then comes the jerk.

You need to hook the fish right away and take the fish out slowly. If the taimen pulls to the side, then you need to slack the line in time, and if the fish goes to the shore, you need to rotate the reel as soon as possible.

Fishing for some trophies can last several hours, taking all the strength and nerves from a satisfied fisherman. The fish rushes madly from side to side, rushing against the current with all its might. And, according to the fishermen, it happens that it sinks to the bottom and, having pulled the fishing line, quickly rushes to the surface of the water and, soaring into the air, strikes with its powerful tail with all its might. Amazing picture! Basically, the fighting area is always limited to the place where it bites.

Taimen often uses a rather cunning technique. It goes to the bottom and lies between the stones. In this case, fishermen drive it to the surface by hitting the rod, but not hard. Or they throw stones, thereby scaring the fish.

An adult taimen, which came off a spoon or was pulled ashore and released, soon usually doesn't take it anymore.

catching taimen in winter

In general, it is generally accepted that taimen are an exclusively heat-loving fish, and therefore there is no chance of fishing in winter. But everyone knows that the main thing is the desire. Fishermen have proven that taimen bite, albeit not so well, but still take the bait throughout the cold period of the year.

During winter, taimen are more likely to be caught in northern regions- this is the main condition that must be remembered.

Finding taimen is a simple process, because in Russian reservoirs the water in winter is clean and transparent, and observing fish becomes much easier than in summer.

Tackle for taimen must be chosen based on the experience of professional fishermen who already know everything about such fishing, disappointments and tears of happiness from catching have passed, and who have many kilometers behind them in search of this fish.

For catching taimen in the winter, a girder is well suited; the tackle does not necessarily have to have any special design.

A suitable girder design consists of a strong fishing line and a tee, which is wound on a reel. The bait must be secured on the ice as best as you can, otherwise all the previous efforts put into catching taimen may be in vain. You can also tie the reel to a wooden block, and place it in the hole in a transverse position. Look at the designs of the vents.

For live bait when catching taimen in winter, large fish, grayling, or lenok are well suited. But fishermen have long noticed that lenok remains active much longer than other fish, so draw your own conclusion.

Remember that the tackle must be checked once a day.

Artificial baits, spinners, and balancers can also do an excellent job. After all, experienced fishermen claim that large taimen are caught well with artificial baits, only for such fishing you will need very strong, reliable and proven hooks.

Beware of hand contact with the fishing line, otherwise serious injury may occur, because taimen bite extremely sharply and powerfully. You need to dampen taimen jerks either with a fishing rod or with the help of a reel brake, which will also come in handy for winter fishing.

You need to drag taimen onto the ice not with the help of a reel, but simply by retreating from the hole. And so that the edge of the ice does not cut the fishing line, the edging of the holes must be rounded. All this, of course, is troublesome. But one wrong step can put your entire fishing trip in jeopardy. If you managed to bring the taimen to the surface of the water, that is, to the hole, carefully pull out the fish using a hook.

where to catch taimen?

You need to look for taimen near the mouths of small rivers and streams that flow into the river. He can also go into the rivers themselves if they are suitable for his life.

Taimen can stay below the islands on the merging streams that wash the island. Also, this fish stands in front of the pits and after them, behind the stone slabs lying at the bottom of the reservoir, behind big stones, behind many artificial structures, near riffles or a stormy and strong stream of water, along the banks below and above holes, if they are located in the river bed.

Taimen are caught in quiet but deep currents, as well as in places where reverse current. You rarely see it in a shallow backwater, but during periods of intense feeding, taimen also enter places unusual for it, actively chasing prey.

The most famous modern habitats of large individuals of taimen are the basin of the Yenisei, Lena, Amur, and Lake Baikal. Unfortunately, the areas of Sayan, Altai and other mountain systems the south of Siberia is densely developed by humans, and therefore large taimen are unlikely to be found in these places. And around such large cities as Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Ulan-Ude, Yakutsk, Mirny, etc. For hundreds of kilometers, taimen are absent as a species.

The further north you go, the better it is for taimen, as it loves clean, cold and fast northern rivers. But north of the Arctic Circle, taimen are found less and less often. And although many areas of the Arctic Ocean coast are not inhabited by humans, there is no taimen there, since short period There is not enough open water for this fish to accumulate fat, without which it simply will not survive the winter.

In the northern regions there are well-known places where there are a lot of taimen, including large specimens. But they are located in the most remote and inaccessible places of Yakutia and Evenkia. Moreover, taimen can live in rivers of any size, but no less than 400-600 km long.

During the heat, which can come quite unexpectedly in the climate of Siberia, taimen rushes to those parts of the river where there is cold. And these are springs and waters of melted swamps on permafrost. Taimen also stays near the mouth of a cold stream.

Taimen is a large and powerful fish and, according to the law of nature, it requires a large amount of food. And the larger the trophy, the higher the food requirements. Therefore, where is good reserves small salmon species such as grayling and many types of whitefish, this is where you should look for taimen. Where potential food lives - near obstacles in the form of rapids, whirlpools, underwater ridges, sharp changes in depth - there is also taimen.

It has also been noticed by fishermen that if there is something outstanding on the river, for example, a large rapid, a reach, an exposed rock or something similar, then there may be taimen there.

composition and benefits of taimen fish

The composition of taimen is not as rich as we would like. But it contains something for which all types of salmon are valued. These are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including Omega-3, as well as protein, which is much easier for us to digest than meat protein.

Taimen also contains vitamin PP, macroelements sulfur and chlorine, microelements nickel and molybdenum in small quantities, more chromium and fluorine, and taimen is quite rich in zinc. Despite the fact that salmon are famous for their rich in calories, there are very few calories in taimen - only 88 kcal per 100 g of fish.

The fisherman needs to know that during spawning, taimen meat does not taste great. It contains almost no fat, which is consumed very quickly during this period. The most nutritious middle-aged taimen is not old, but not young either.

taimen recipes

Many fishermen believe that the most The best way cooking taimen involves salting it moderately. With such meat you can even have appetizers, even salads, or even eat it just like that. The main thing is not to spoil it. Do not over-salt or under-salt. But everything comes, as they say, with experience.

There is a dish of Siberian fishermen called “Crystal”. This is a broth for which only heads and fins are taken. This is usually cooked over high heat until done, about 15 minutes. Then cool, filter, add raw chicken protein and a little pressed caviar. After this, the broth becomes clear, like crystal. Then add a couple of hot pepper pods and dill. This broth is not eaten, but drunk with crackers as a bite. If desired, you can also cook “royal” fish soup using this broth, adding pieces of taimen, salmon, sterlet or other noble fish into it.

Between the muscles of taimen there are layers of fat, which is why its meat is so tender. It is this fat, rich in PUFAs, that makes taimen a healthy product.

In Siberia, taimen heads are also eaten, and in their entirety. Usually we throw away the fish offal, and they eat them there too. But they, like the heads, can only be consumed if the fish is very fresh and there is no doubt about it. When the taimen is gutted, the heart, liver, cleansed stomach and bladder are thoroughly washed. And then all this is fried in a frying pan with the addition of a sufficient amount of oil, as well as seasonings and salt until crispy.

Taimen can be bought frozen. It is better to cook this with the addition of carrots, onions, parsley, black peppercorns and allspice. Cut the fish into large pieces and add salted water, add all the other ingredients and cook for about 20 minutes. Usually eaten hot, with potatoes or salad. But if someone likes cold fish, then please, cold taimen goes well with table horseradish and fried porcini mushrooms.

Grilled taimen is good. Taimen is also fried on a spit in large pieces, with salt and ground allspice; it is a good idea to drizzle it with melted butter. You can serve with wild garlic, green onions and in general with any fresh vegetables!

Taimen is delicious baked in the oven. It is baked with mustard seeds. Fish fillets are cut into steaks approximately 3 cm thick and weighing less than 100 g. Thickly coat the pieces with mustard seeds, and then breadcrumbs with chopped parsley. Then place in a mold, spread butter on top and place in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. It is recommended to bake for about 10 minutes.

You can also smoke taimen. Smoked taimen is truly considered a delicious delicacy.

taimen fish

Taimen... This “master” of the rivers of the Yenisei, Lena, Amur and other basins is a desirable and prestigious prey for the fisherman.

The law of nature is well known - the larger the animal, the more food it needs. Taimen is very voracious. A predator that keeps all living things in a body of water in fear, because of its instinct, itself becomes vulnerable.

And in this case, sometimes it is important to preserve taimen. After all, it is always pleasant to release a predator into its native element when the winning fisherman gives life to an equal but defeated opponent.

Fishing for taimen is the stuff of legends. From year to year, the taimeniad is replenished with new pages.