Let's remember the most beautiful trees on our planet. Tell me what we missed?

1. 125-year-old rhododendron, which has earned its own name “Tree” in Canada

From a botanical point of view, this huge one hundred and twenty-five year old rhododendron is not a tree at all - most consider it a shrub.

2. 144-year-old wisteria (wisteria) in Japan

Spread over an area of ​​almost two thousand square meters, this giant wisteria is the most big plant this species in Japan

3 Trees "leaning in the wind" in New Zealand

These trees on Slope Point, the southern tip of New Zealand, grow at such an unnatural angle due to the fact that they are constantly exposed to the pressure of the monstrous arctic wind throughout their lives.

4. Amazing Japanese Maples in Portland, Oregon, USA

5. Antarctic beech draped with hanging moss in Oregon

It must be said that Chile and Argentina are considered the birthplace of the Antarctic beech (Nothofagus), but this grandiose specimen grew in the northern part of the Pacific coast of the United States.

6. Blooming cherry trees in Bonn, Germany

This delightful tunnel of cherry blossoms can be seen in April on one of the old streets in the center of Bonn, Germany.

7. Angel Oak on Johns Island, South Carolina, USA

The angel oak in South Carolina rises twenty meters and its age, according to various estimates, is from four hundred to five hundred years.

8. Flowering tree in Brazil

The flowering trees are native to Madagascar, but have become well established in many tropical regions around the world.

9. Dragonblood Tree in Yemen

The dragon's blood tree gets its scary name from its crimson-red sap, which is used as a dye and was previously often used to make violin varnish. In addition, it found a place in alchemical laboratories, and local peoples use “dragon blood” to treat various ailments.

10. The world's third largest sequoia named "President", California, USA

The growth of the "President", located in national park sequoias in California are seventy-three meters, and the circumference at the base is twenty-eight meters. This is the third largest giant sequoia in the world (or even the second, if in addition to the trunk we also take into account the branches)

11. Maple Alley in Oregon, USA

12. Rainbow eucalyptus trees in Hawaii

Rainbow eucalyptus trees, which grow all along the South Pacific coast, are not only beautiful, but also very useful. They are loved and revered for their picturesque spots of color under the huge shady crown, as well as for valuable wood, used as raw material for paper production.

13. Flowering rosewood trees in Cullinan, South Africa

These beautiful jacarandas (rosewood trees), with their soft purple flowers and truly precious wood, grow abundantly in South Africa.

14. Oak Avenue at Dixie Plantation, South Carolina, USA

The majestic "avenue" formed by giant oak trees at Dixie Plantation in South Carolina was laid out around 1790.

14. Baobabs in Madagascar

These giant baobabs of Madagascar have an extraordinary ability to accumulate moisture in their thick trunks and, due to it, successfully withstand long-term droughts.

And we have already discussed in detail such a tree as

15. Dark beech alleys in Northern Ireland

These alleys, formed by dark hedges, were planted back in the eighteenth century. Amazing tunnels beech trees were used in the making of the film War of Thrones.

16. Tulip tree.

The African tulip tree or Spathodea campanulata is considered one of the most beautifully flowering plants in the world. Collected in lush inflorescences, the flowers of this tree are orange-red in color and resemble tulip flowers in shape.

People call Spatodeya the “Fire Tree” because it blooms all year round, and its buds look very expressive against the background of dark green foliage.

And here's something else for you unusual trees: here, and here. Look what it looks like and what it is, but it even exists

Blue jacaranda, Australia

Bombax, Cambodia

Giant bombaxes are a landmark of the Cambodian ancient temple of Ta Prohm in Angkor. These trees amaze first of all not with their branches, but with their huge roots that intricately entwine the temple.

American elm, USA

Thanks to these trees, Central Park in New York once became famous: every year in the fall, their leaves turn from lush green into a dazzling mosaic of all shades of yellow and red.

Fan maple, Japan

Today it is not known exactly how many varieties of this maple there are in the world. But all of them, without exception, are beautiful - and relatively small, just right for small gardens.

Giant sequoia, USA

The most a big tree In the world, the giant sequoia, or mammoth tree, lives for thousands of years and can reach more than 90 m in height. At one time, these trees were on the verge of extermination, but the US authorities began to protect the centenarians in time.

Guiana curupita, South America

Unlike ordinary trees, Curupita Guiana fruits do not grow on the branches, but directly on the trunk. But unusual “appearance” is not everything. It is not for nothing that this plant is nicknamed the “cannonball tree”: the fruits have a habit of suddenly breaking off and falling to the ground with a deafening roar.

Fire tree, Madagascar

The birthplace of this “hot-blooded” tree is Madagascar, but its seeds have spread to some countries subequatorial belt. The fire tree thrives wherever it is hot enough - there it will bloom with amazing red flowers, like a fire.

Blue jacaranda, Australia

This tree got its name because of the blue-violet flowers, which were nicknamed bells. The jacaranda is often called the “Australian cherry tree” and is considered a tree that brings good luck.

Dragon's blood tree, Yemen

Existing only in the Sokotro archipelago Indian Ocean, which belongs to Yemen, these trees, reminiscent of huge mushrooms, got their name because of the berries: they produce juice of a bright scarlet color.

Rainbow eucalyptus, Indonesia

The trunk of this unusual tree is like a kaleidoscope of red, green, blue and orange colors against the background of brown bark, and this is not the result of selection. We don’t even know which spectacle is more fascinating: one rainbow tree among ordinary ones or a whole multi-colored grove!

Wisteria, China

Instead of growing upward over the years, wisteria trees spread “broadly”, occupying new and new territories. Sitting in the shade under their branches strewn with purple flowers, it is easy to imagine yourself in a magical land of fairies.

Sagano Bamboo Forest, Japan

This is one of the most amazing sights in Japan: an alley consisting of rows of bamboo trees, located in Kyoto, not far from the Tenryu-Ji Temple. Not only does it look very beautiful, but the wind makes the bamboo stems make sounds reminiscent of music, so walking through this grove is a pleasure.

Sakura, Japan

Perhaps the most famous tree in the world for its beauty, the Japanese cherry tree blooms for only 7-10 days. White and pink flowers are traditionally considered harbingers of the coming spring.

Baobab, Africa

There are 8 different types baobabs, each with its own characteristics, but they all have big trunk almost without branches and with a crown of leaves high above the ground. Due to their size, baobabs can store enough water to survive in the arid climate of the savannah.

Swamp Cypress, USA

If you see a tree that is bald and skeletal with roots like a helicopter rotor growing straight out of a lake, it is most likely a swamp cypress. His main feature- it sheds its leaves soon after the start of the spring season.

Dancing forest, Russia

At the 37th kilometer of the Curonian Spit nature reserve in the Kaliningrad region there is a place where pine trees are bizarrely bent, twisted or even twisted into a ring. Scientists still cannot clearly explain what makes the pines in this area dance. There are many theories - from biological to geomagnetic and even mystical.

It cannot be argued that beauty is a very relative concept, but there are some plants whose superiority everyone will agree on. We have prepared a list of the 12 most beautiful trees according to most people.

Sakura - this is the name of one of the most beautiful trees with pink flowers. Its beauty is admired by many peoples of the world, but most often it is found in Japan. That is why the inhabitants of this country made sakura their symbol.

Belongs to the Pink family, Plum subfamily. The type of sakura is finely serrated. Japanese tree They are kept not for the sake of the fruits, but for the sake of its bright flowers. In total there are more than 20 types of sakura.

The big disadvantage is the fact that the flowering period is only 7 days a year. However, this time is many people's favorite: hundreds of tourists flock to Japan to watch the cherry blossoms.

The fruits of the tree are black drupes. Their size is only 6-7 mm. In Japan, sakura can be found literally everywhere: it grows in cities, towns, and along roadsides.

Did you know? Japanese weather forecasters create a separate cherry blossom forecast, telling residents exactly when to expect the flowers to begin to bloom.

It can rise up to 10 m. The diameter is often about 5 m. The branches grow rapidly, so the shoots overloaded with flowers begin to sag.

In summer the leaves are glossy green color, in the spring they acquire a bronze tint. IN autumn period the foliage turns yellow, some areas become bright orange. However, such color changes also depend on the type of sakura.
It adapts well to new places, but you need to choose a site for planting carefully. Sakura loves slopes or hills that receive sunlight.

Delonix regalis is called the fire tree. According to some ratings, it is one of the five most beautiful trees in the world. It acquired this title thanks to its bright branches, the flowering of which can be seen from afar.

WITH different languages The name of the plant is translated differently: peacock flower, Krishna's crown, Phoenix's tail. However, people always call it the fire tree, red flame or flaming tree.
The plant's homeland is the dry forests of the island of Madagascar. IN wildlife it is practically never found and today belongs to the class of endangered species. However, there is no need to worry, as the tree is being actively planted in cities around the world. In particular, they love to plant it in America.

These are low plants (on average they reach 9 m), but their crown is very wide. Often the crown width is greater than the height. Thanks to this feature, delonix creates a dense shadow that saves city dwellers from the heat on hot days.

It does not tolerate cold, it can survive a period of severe drought, but the leaves will begin to turn yellow at this time. Flowers on the tree consist of 4 identical petals 5-8 cm long, which are spread apart from each other in different directions.
Delonix can also be grown at home, but as a tub plant or as a plant.

Did you know? Bonsai is the art of growing exact copy tree in miniature.

The Japanese often compare gardens with blooming wisteria to a walk through real paradise. This comparison is understandable: for a long time you can watch a rainbow of pink, purple and lilac flowers growing on a tree.
In the wild, wisteria grows in subtropical areas. There are 9 types of plants in total, but the most famous and most blooming are the Chinese and Japanese ones.

At home, it is used to plant trees in vertical areas (walls or fences). It takes up little space, but at the same time has enormous aesthetic potential.

The woody deciduous plant has drooping branches with purple flowers that can reach 18 m in length. The abundance of such branches is what makes it so attractive to passersby. The odd-pinnate leaves of the tree are approximately 30 cm long.
The flowers bloom at the end of March and can bloom all summer until the very end. In the garden, the plant is shaped into vines on the walls of buildings or grown as a separate tree. At home, the plant blooms in containers and does not reach large sizes.

Albizia is a deciduous tree that belongs to the Mimosa family. Distributed in Australia and Africa. Albizia reaches 8 m in height, has feathery leaves and capitate inflorescences. The tree is considered beautiful precisely because of its fluffy and delicate flowers.
Light green openwork leaves give the plant a bright decorative look. Usually their length is 20 cm. This is not evergreen tree, late autumn leaves fall off.

The flowering period is from July to October, and it is at this time that you should come to admire the albizia. In total, the tree lives about 100 years, but much depends on the living conditions.

Important! Albizia does not tolerate drafts or frost, this causes brown dark spots to appear on the leaves. In the future, he may even die.

This plant usually does not take root in indoor culture. But it grows well in the garden, in sunny areas. It is planted abundantly in the Crimea, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea coast.

Belongs to the Vereskov family. The heat-loving tree grows mainly in the Mediterranean. IN northern latitudes it does not take root well, as it does not tolerate cold well.

The name speaks for itself; it is translated into Russian in two words: and tree. Flowers growing on a tree are very similar to real ones.
Very often it is grown indoors. In nature, they reach 30 m in height, but some species are short. The flowers themselves can grow up to 20 cm in diameter.

They are very whimsical to conditions environment: normal growth is influenced by proper lighting, soil, access to water, and proximity to other plant species.

The flowers look very impressive if you plant rhododendron in groups. They are often placed mixed with other species of the same family. Multi-colored bunches of flowers stand out well against the background of the rest of the greenery in the garden.
The flower is very popular all over the world. It takes root well in many places on the planet, and its bell-shaped, funnel-shaped or wheel-shaped flowers have already become a favorite of many people.

Cassia is a close relative of the famous Chinese brown tree. The second name of the plant is aromatic cinnamon. Family - Laurels.
Cassia reaches about 15 m in height. Small oval leaves that have a glossy surface grow on the branches. The flowers are painted in a pale yellow hue. They are small in size, but there are so many of them that they practically cover the crown of the tree.

Did you know? Cassia bark is often sold under the guise of cinnamon. It is written on the packaging that this is so-called “fake cinnamon”.

The difference between cassia and cinnamon is as follows:
  1. She's darker.
  2. There is a certain graininess at the fracture.
  3. The taste is more tart, there is some pepperiness.
  4. The sticks are less twisted.

Most often, the tree is grown in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Cambodia for the production of spices. However, the tree also grows simply on city streets as a decorative decoration. Spices are made from the bark of the plant.

Important! Spices made from cassia contain the substance coumarin. It can cause headaches and dizziness.

Because of the yellow flowers that grow on cassia, it is often called the golden shower tree. The branches are filled with bright petals around the end of spring. The diameter of one flower is about 15-20 cm. All of them are collected in numerous inflorescences, each of which reaches 40 cm in length.

A beautiful flowering tree called Canadian lives in the Mediterranean, Afghanistan, and Iran. The genus Cercis includes only 7 species of different deciduous trees and shrubs.
Plants love warmth; you can watch them bloom in nature only in warm areas of the country. It is the Canadian species that can most often be found on the street, since it is the most frost-resistant compared to others.

This large tree, which reaches 12 m in height. Small ones grow on the branches pink flowers, which are taken not by their size, but by quantity: one bunch consists of 6-9 pieces. A tree with large, broadly oval or heart-shaped leaves that have a smooth structure.

By the end of August, the beans ripen on the tree. They can easily hang on a tree for up to 2 years. Cercis does not grow very quickly: the shoots alone will grow 20 cm in three years.
The Canadian species has two decorative forms, which can be purchased in the store, are white and terry.

The genus includes about 80 plant species. In the wild, it is most common in Asia, as well as in Northern and South America.
Rightfully called very beautiful plant: It has large unusual flowers and leaves that have a shiny, fleshy texture. There are many variations of petals, each of which is unusual and attractive in its own way.

Flowers can have up to 15 elongated or small star-shaped petals. The color palette is very extensive: you can find white, pink, lilac, purple shades. At the same time, the flowers emit a pleasant soft aroma.
If you have seen such a plant in your city, then most likely it is an Asian species. It is considered one of the most frost-resistant. You may also encounter types such as magnolia kobus, nude or lily-flowered. All of them can withstand a climate that is unfriendly for heat-loving trees.

It reaches a height of about 5 m. It blooms most brightly from late April to mid-May. The plant has its own fruits: cone-shaped leaflets.
Inside are seeds that are ovoid in shape and have a glossy structure. When the fruits open, the seeds begin to hang from there on thin threads.

Lagerstroemia - this is the name of the Indian lilac, so nicknamed because of its amazing resemblance to the common lilac. It became Indian because it grows mainly in India.
There it grows literally everywhere: right on the highways, along streets and houses. The plant propagates by seeds; gardeners say that this is a fairly easy process. That is why you can easily grow it not only in your dacha, but even just in your room.

The flowering period begins quite quickly: no later than six months after sowing. If you grow it at home, it will bloom in the summer, but it will delight you with its petals throughout the fall, and sometimes even later.

In the wild, flowers bloom in December, but it is worth considering that this only happens in warm countries.

Did you know? In 1924 and 2002, Indian lilac became the winner of world exhibitions of beautiful flowering trees.

In the Philippine Islands, the plant is considered sacred and many magical properties are attributed to it. The tree has a slender trunk covered with bark, which easily separates from it and forms long strips.

Pyracantha is probably the only one of the above plants that easily tolerates the cold season. So, in winter on snowy days it looks very impressive: the fiery berries stand out colorfully against a white background.
It is chosen by many gardeners who want to add even more charm to the winter garden through the flowering of an evergreen shrub. Pyracantha is beautiful at any time of the year: in winter it turns red with bright berries, in spring it is covered with white-cream fragrant flowers, and in autumn it is covered with berries that turn an orangish hue.

World Travel


17.06.16 11:56

Nature has created many amazing things. Among them are trees, of which there are more than three trillion on Earth. Alas, their number decreases every year: people need pulp, fuel, furniture, new houses, household items. Do not forget that trees are the lungs of the planet, without them we would suffocate in a cloud of carbon dioxide, in addition, many types of trees are simply charming. Let's admire the most beautiful trees in the world. Our rating includes both individual specimens and entire species with particularly luxurious flowers, as well as unusual tree tunnels.

Wind Worshipers and the Patriarchal Oak

In the south of New Zealand there is a picturesque headland called Slope Point. The peculiarity of the trees there is that they grow at an angle. Fantastic spectacle! Antarctic winds often rage here, so the trees had to “bend” to survive their onslaught.

One of the oldest trees on Earth is the Angel Oak, growing in South Carolina. Its height reaches 20 meters, and its age (according to experts) is 1400-1500 years. The patriarch's crown occupies incredible large area. Now there is a park around it, owned by the Charleston City Hall. Tourists definitely want to take pictures with this wonder.

Veterans in impressionistic style

Rhododendron is, strictly speaking, not a tree, but a shrub. But we couldn’t pass by such a handsome man (located in Vancouver, Canada), especially since he is a real veteran who celebrated his 125th anniversary. Despite its advanced age, rhododendron is still beautiful in bloom - like an impressionist masterpiece painted with generous strokes.

Wisteria (also not a tree, but a vine, but very powerful) is a decoration of many gardens, including city ones, the most famous of which is the Japanese Kawachi Fuji. But this wisteria is more than 140 years old - it is considered the largest in the Country Rising Sun(wisteria spreads its branches over 0.5 acres).

"Residents" of Oregon

Nature lovers have long noticed this Japanese maple growing in Portland (Oregon) and include it in ratings of the most beautiful trees. Bright orange, almost red, leaves, intricately curved branches and trunk give the tree a mysterious look - it seems that this is an illustration for some kind of fairy tale.

This Antarctic beech (also an Oregon “resident”) seems even more mysterious. This species is common in Argentina and Chile, but not all such beeches can boast such a lush coat of hanging moss. In this frame, he resembles some kind of fantastic creature.

Dragon's blood and experiments with paints

This variety of dracaena is called " dragon tree"due to the rich crimson color of the juice ("dragon's blood"), which is widely used in medicine and in everyday life (as a dye and varnish for violins). Our ancestors considered the sap of the tree to be a powerful alchemical ingredient. The Socotra archipelago in Yemen is full of such giants. Amazing trees! And some of the most beautiful in the world.

When you look at the rainbow eucalyptus trees, it seems that some child played around with paint and applied it to the trees - chaotically and generously. In fact, nature itself intended this coloring of the bark. Trees grow all along the southern coast Pacific Ocean, in particular in Hawaii.

Riot of flowering

If we return to flowering trees, there is little that can compare with the charm of the flamboyant ( Latin name– Delonix Regia). It is considered endemic to Madagascar, but has gradually spread to tropical areas around the world. This tree was photographed in Brazil - admire the colorful flowers!

In South America and South Africa there is another luxurious type of tree - the evergreen jacaranda, characterized by a lush crown covered with purple (or lilac) inflorescences. This is a fairly rich genus, including fifty species of trees. Each of us would dream of such a miracle in our garden, but the most beautiful jacaranda tree is very whimsical and grows in the tropics and subtropics.

Unusual tunnels: from bright and joyful to mysteriously gloomy

In April, the street of the German city of Bonn Herstrasse magically transforms and seems to glow pink - dozens of cherry blossoms bloom, once planted along the highway and growing wildly. Now their “tents” almost touch, forming a unique cherry tunnel.

We're talking about Oregon again! This American state famous for its tunnel made of Japanese maples. This place is especially beautiful in autumn, when falling leaves completely cover the ground, but the crowns still glow with a frantic red “fire”.

Ancient oak alley in Dixie ( South Carolina) will also make us remember ancient fairy tales, the enchanted castle of Sleeping Beauty. Moss hanging from the branches, branches resting on the ground, crooked trunks - these oak trees were planted as young seedlings at the end of the 18th century, but are still quite strong.

Our ranking of the most beautiful trees in the world ends with an incredibly attractive, but superstitiously fearful place near the village of Amroy in Northern Ireland– Dark Hedges. They say that the ghost of the Gray Lady lives here. These beeches were planted in the 18th century and later intertwined their upper branches to form an arch.

The Irish beech tunnel served as a location for filming the series “Game of Thrones”, very unusual corner nature!

The natural world amazes us with its diversity. And sometimes any trip to an ordinary forest ends with interesting discoveries for some. However, if for some lindens, oaks or spruces are ordinary trees that grow right next to the house, then for others these trees are a real discovery from the natural world. Sequoias, baobabs or silk trees may also appear to us. Therefore, in order to show all the tree diversity of our planet, the site contains a selection of ten of the most incredible and amazing trees.

Amazing dragon tree

This unusual tree is common in subtropical climatic zone on islands near Africa and in Southeast Asia. This plant is an unusual form known to many indoor dracaena. However, unlike its indoor counterparts, it is truly gigantic in size.

Amazing dragon tree

The tree has a characteristic thick trunk unusual shape, due to which it has such an impressive appearance. In appearance it can be described as a hypertrophic cactus. All its branches grow upward and it is at the top of the dragon tree that you can see pointed tufts of leaves. Moreover, their trunk can reach four meters in girth and rise twenty meters in height.

The tree gets its unusual name from the resinous sap released when the bark is damaged. For its unusual properties - at first it has no color, and then acquires a bloody color, due to the large amount of dracorubin and dracocarmine pigments in the resin - it received the name “dragon’s blood”. This resin has medicinal purposes And for a long time It was the sale of this “blood” that was the main source of income for the inhabitants of the islands on which the tree grew.

Interesting feature. The tree does not have traditional growth rings and its age is determined by its flowering, which occurs approximately once every fifteen years. The oldest dragon tree grows in Tenerife. Its age is about 400 years.

African fat baobab trees

Baobabs are perhaps one of the most famous trees on the African continent. Almost anyone can recognize these fat men. However, most often they have a sloppy and unaesthetic appearance. And only in Madagascar did they acquire original forms and become real symbols of the island, by which it is recognized throughout the world.

Looking at this tree, anyone can understand its unusualness - Madagascar baobabs, like all their representatives, seem to grow with their roots upward. An ordinary tree reaches 20-30 meters in height and up to 10 meters in trunk girth. However, some representatives of this species can reach up to 80 meters.

An interesting feature of these trees is their dryness. The baobab bark is very thick and does not allow moisture to evaporate. And during the rainy season, it produces the opposite effect - it absorbs streams of water like a sponge and then retains them throughout the dry period.

Another one interesting feature These trees are that they are able to take root in almost any condition and, after being cut down, can easily “reborn from the ashes.” Thanks to such vitality, scientists are still unable to accurately determine their life expectancy - some analyzes show only a thousand-year period, while according to others it can reach up to five thousand years.

New version of baobab - bottle tree

bottle tree from Australia

On the Australian continent, which is also known for its arid climate, its analogue of the baobab - the bottle tree - could not help but appear. Here its name sounds more modest - boab. By its very name you can understand that it looks like a pot-bellied bottle. All its varieties, regardless of their height, have a single, similar appearance - a trunk increasing towards the roots.

However, due to its inconspicuousness, it is worth talking about another representative of this genus, bottle trees from the island of Socotra. It is here that endemic trees grow, that is, species that cannot be found anywhere else on earth. The island itself is equidistant from the Arabian Peninsula and the African coast, so it has an arid climate. And just like their baobab counterparts, they retain any liquid in their thick base.

These trees are much lower than their Australian counterparts, but have the same trunk part that lengthens towards the bottom. I would call them “pyramidal” because, unlike African boabs, they have a smoother transition from the bottom of the trunk to the top.

It is especially interesting to watch them during the flowering period - pink flowers appear on the branches, and the bark is filled with an incredible bronze tan. This period the trees begin to fall in February, so those who want to see this extraordinary picture should fly to the island at the end of winter.

Giant Aloe - Quiver Tree

This tree-like evergreen grows in the Southwest African continent and is a tall thick trunk with branches branched at the end. This relative of the domestic aloe known to us reaches a height of nine meters.

Currently, it is most often seen in Namibia. It is in this country that this funny tree grows among a pile of stone boulders. It acquired its second name, quiver tree, due to the fact that African tribes used its trunks to create quivers for arrows.

The uniqueness of this tree is that only this type of tree can be found only where there are stones and severe drought. And these umbrella-shaped crowns and gnarled trunks have a rather picturesque appearance.

The oldest centenarians on Earth are Bristlecone pines.

Bizarre twists of nature

In California, unusual trees grow that “time itself is afraid of.” It's about about Bristlecone pines. This group of trees whose age older than age any other organism known to scientists on our planet is now listed in the Red Book. According to scientists, these amazing trees are about four thousand years old and they are the same age as the famous pyramid of Cheops.

Finding yourself in a forest like never before, you realize how short human life. After all, even the youngest of these trees is almost a thousand years old. The oldest tree in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest is the Methuselah pine, which is already 4,723 years old.

The amazing beauty of Bristlecone pine

These trees grow in amazing place, which is more than ever suitable for this - at an altitude of more than three thousand meters above sea level and in conditions of poor soil layer and low humidity. Moreover, this type of pine has one more rare feature. Due to the very low rate of regeneration and reproduction, the spread of this species is very difficult.

The most positive tree is the rainbow eucalyptus

Positive tree - rainbow eucalyptus

IN large family There is one variety of eucalyptus trees, looking at which you can instantly get a charge of positivity. We are talking about rainbow eucalyptus. This majestic tree, which can rise, like all its fellows, to a height of up to seventy meters, has one undeniable advantage - its bark can play with all the colors of the rainbow from yellow and orange shades to green and purple.

These positive trees grow in the Southeast part of the Asian continent, and their homeland is the Philippine island of Mindanao. Such unusual beauties that nature writes on the trunk rainbow eucalyptus, is explained by the process of peeling of the bark, which occurs at different periods of time. And this variety of colors seems to serve as an indicator of the time scale of bark loss.

For example, the bark that a tree has recently removed will have a bright greenish tint. Over time, the bark begins to gradually darken and change its color, gradually becoming purple, then maroon, and eventually gets an orange camouflage.

The fire tree, surprising with its royal beauty

Delonix royal has long been considered one of the most beautiful views trees. And this is no coincidence, since this, as it is also called “fire tree” in the world, attracts everyone with its bright colors. This tree, like the baobab, which was already written about above, comes from Madagascar.

Until the 17th century, only lemurs in the wilds could admire it deciduous forests Madagascar. However, the curiosity of botanists led to the fact that it began to be actively developed in America. As a result, it can now be found throughout the American continent, but in Madagascar itself it has practically disappeared. This was due to the fact that, in addition to its unusual yellow-red flowering, it has another valuable property - crafts are made from its dense wood local residents especially valuable. And it was they who were responsible for the fact that the Fire Tree is practically unknown in its homeland.

Delonix regalis is a tropical plant and cannot withstand long periods of drought. That's why it became widespread on tropical islands Caribbean and in South American countries. However, if suitable conditions are created for it, it can be grown in other parts of the world. And, for example, in the southern part of China it has already become a symbol of several cities.

Surprisingly bright Wisteria

Wisteria, or wisteria as it is also called, is a woody deciduous vine. This perennial plant reaches a height of 15-20 meters and has profusely flowering shoots with leaves up to thirty centimeters long.

Now the most famous are two types of wisteria - Japanese and Chinese. It is these two species that have the most vibrant deciduous vines, differing in color from each other.

So, if Chinese wisteria has all sorts of lilac shades, then Japanese representatives have white and pink flowers. And it is the latter that, during flowering, form the most vivid and impressive pictures.

Amazing mangrove trees

In the process of evolution, appeared on earth amazing trees, which are very different from all their relatives. The thing is that this type of tree is practically the complete opposite Most of the trees presented above, and unlike the bottle tree or baobab tree, do not need water at all, since they literally live in it.

All these trees can be related to various types, but due to their specific distribution area they were combined into a single species - mangrove forests. This group of forests includes representatives of 24 species tropical plants. They grow in small tropical lagoons, where they stretch for tens of kilometers in a small strip along sea bays.

The beauty of mangrove trees is most clearly visible underwater

Mangrove trees also look original respiratory system. These trees have developed peculiar adventitious roots, through which the plant is supplied with oxygen.

They look especially beautiful during high tides. At this time, on the water, they seem like a single leafy ocean, nomadic on the water. However, the main beauties can only be observed by lovers of underwater diving - it is under water that picturesque pictures appear, proving that it is not for nothing that mangrove forests are included in the list of the most beautiful trees on Earth.