There is a lot of unknown and unexplored things in the world. One of the controversial topics for scientists is big Foot, there is debate about who he is and where he came from. Various opinions and versions are expressed, and each of them has its own justification.

Does Bigfoot exist?

Yes and no, depends on who and by what characteristics are classified as this category of living organisms:

  1. There are several names for it, for example, Sasquatch, Yeti, Almasty, Bigfoot and a number of others. Lives high in the mountains in the central and northeast asia, as well as in the Himalayas, but there is no reliable confirmation of its existence;
  2. There is an opinion of Professor B.F. Porshnev that it is the so-called relict (preserved from ancient times) hominid, that is, it belongs to the order of primates, which includes humans as a biological genus and species;
  3. Academician A. B. Migdal in one of his articles cited the opinion of an oceanologist regarding reality Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot. Its essence was that there is no reason to believe in it, despite the fact that we would very much like to: the basis scientific approach consists in its proof;
  4. According to paleontologist K. Eskov, this subject, in principle, can live in certain natural habitats. At the same time, according to the zoologist, the location of the creature in this case should be known and studied by professionals.

There is also a point of view that snow man is a representative of an alternative branch of the evolution of the human race.

What does Bigfoot look like?

Descriptions of the Yeti are not very diverse:

  • The creature looks like human face with dark skin, rather long arms, short neck and hips, heavy lower jaw, pointed head. The muscular and dense body is covered with thick hair, which is shorter in length than hairline on the head. Body length varies from the usual average human height to approximately 3 meters in height;
  • Greater dexterity is noted when climbing trees;
  • The length of the foot is reported to be up to 40 cm in length and 17-18 and even up to 35 cm in width;
  • In the descriptions there is information that the yeti’s palm is also covered with hair, and they themselves look like monkeys;
  • In one of the regions of Abkhazia in the second half of the 19th century, there lived a wild, hairy woman named Zana, who had children from men from the local population.

Stories about encounters with Bigfoot are accompanied by descriptions of huge, fur-covered creatures that instill fear and horror, which can even cause people to lose consciousness or get a mental disorder.

Who are cryptozoologists and what do they do?

The term is derived from the words “cryptos”, which is translated from Greek as hidden, secret, and “zoology” - to everyone famous science about the animal world, which includes humans:

  • At the end of the 80s of the last century in our country, enthusiasts created a society of cryptozoologists, engaged in the search and study of Bigfoot as a special branch of humanoid creatures that have survived from ancient times and exist in parallel with “homo sapiens”;
  • It is not part of academic science, although at one time it was “assigned” to the Ministry of Culture Soviet Union. One of the most active founders of the society was the doctor M.-J. Kofman, a participant in the expedition to the Pamirs to search for Bigfoot, organized through the Academy of Sciences in 1958, and a member of a special commission, which included famous scientists in the field of geology, botany, anthropology, physics;
  • A huge role in developing the issue of relict hominids was played by Professor B.F. Porshnev, who considered this problem not only from the point of view of paleontology, but also included a worldview approach based on social role modern man, as opposed to its purely biological functions.

This society still exists today, and its members publish their works.

What is the correct name for hominids?

The name “Bigfoot” appeared in the 20s of the last century, and according to one version, it is due to inaccuracy of translation:

  • It does not at all indicate that the creature constantly lives in the snows of the highlands, although it can appear there during its movements and transitions. At the same time, it finds food below this zone, in forests and meadows;
  • Boris Fedorovich Porshnev believed that given creatures, belonging to the hominid family, not only cannot be associated with snow, but, by and large, there is no reason to call him a man in the sense as we understand it. Residents of the areas in which the research was conducted do not use this name. The scientist generally considered this term random and not corresponding to the essence of the subject of study;
  • Professor-geographer E.M. Murzaev mentioned in one of his works that the name “Bigfoot” was a literal translation of the word “bear” from some languages Central Asia. Many people understood it in the literal sense, which introduced a certain confusion of concepts. This is quoted by L. N. Gumilyov in his work on Tibet.

It has many local “names” in different regions of the country and the world.

Bigfoot theme in art

He is present in various traditions and legends, and is the “hero” of feature films and animated films:

  • As Bigfoot in folklore northern peoples Siberia performed the semi-fantastic “Wandering Chukchi”. Indigenous and Russian population believed in his existence;
  • About wild people called chuchunami And mulens, says Yakut and Evenki folklore. These characters wore animal skins and had long hair, tall stature and slurred speech. They were very strong, ran fast, and carried bows and arrows. They could steal food or deer, or attack a person.
  • Russian scientist and writer Peter Dravert in the 30s, based on local stories, published an article about these, as he called, primitive people. At the same time, his reviewer Ksenofontov believed that this information refers to the area of ​​ancient beliefs of the Yakuts, who believed in spirits;
  • Several films have been made on the theme of Bigfoot, ranging from horror to comedy. These include Eldar Ryazanov’s film “The Man from Nowhere,” a number of American films, and the German cartoon “Trouble in the Himalayas.”

In the state of Bhutan, a tourist route called the “Bigfoot Trail” has been laid through the mountains.

Just like in Marshak’s poems about an unknown hero whom everyone is looking for but cannot find. They even know his name - Bigfoot. Who he is - it’s just not possible to determine for sure, and whether he exists in principle.

6 rare videos about Yeti

In this video, Andrei Voloshin will show rare footage proving the existence of Bigfoot:

Bigfoot is a creature that has become almost a legend. He has many names - Yeti, Sasquatch, Bigfoot. Carl Linnaeus called it Homo troglodytes - “cave man”. Who was the first to tell the world that Bigfoot really exists? Michel Nostradamus also said that there is a creature on earth, appearance which is something between a huge man and a monkey. The first to mention the Yeti in passing was the traveler Colonel Wendell, who made an excursion to the Himalayas in the 19th century.

Appearance of Bigfoot Yeti

Photos of Bigfoot do not give a clear idea of ​​what Yeti looks like. Its appearance is based only on hypotheses and assumptions. They say that the yeti has a very dense physique, long arms, a pointed skull with a protruding frontal part and a very massive jaw. This is roughly how Carl Linnaeus described it.

Bigfoot Yeti is much taller and more massive than the average man, his height reaches 2 m or more

The body of the yeti is covered with fur. In some areas, people encountered a yeti whose hair was black, according to other eyewitnesses - red, while others claim that Bigfoot people are covered with gray (white) hair.

Interesting fact. All researchers and eyewitnesses agree that Bigfoot has a beard and mustache. Comes from Yeti, Sasquatch and Bigfoot bad smell, they live in caves and are great at climbing trees. Although, there is an opinion that snow people build their nests among the crowns. A contradictory portrait, you will agree.

However, there is some pattern. , claim that relict hominids, as scientists call the snowy yeti, move on two limbs. Their growth varies depending on the area of ​​residence. Thus, in Central Asia, where Homo troglodytes bears the name Yeti, and in North America, where Bigfoot is called Sasquatch, their height does not exceed 1.5-2 m. Larger individuals live in the Himalayas and Tibet - up to 2.5 m. But African yeti - “babies” - up to 1.5 m.

Are there photos and videos about Yeti?

When approaching snowy yetis, people become dizzy and their blood pressure rises. Plus, the creatures act on a person’s subconscious, forcing them to simply not notice their presence. Bigfoot people inspire fear. When yetis appear nearby, the birds become silent and the dogs stop barking, and some simply run away in fear.

The Yeti Bigfoot allegedly hypnotizes all those who meet him

Attempts to shoot a video of the Yeti or take a photo were very numerous, but the equipment stopped working as usual, and this is what the researchers note poor quality pictures and videos about Bigfoot people. Yeti move very quickly, and this despite quite dimensions, some researchers tried to catch up with him, but to no avail.

Many eyewitnesses who tried to take a photo of the yeti claim that when he looks into a person’s eyes for a long time, he falls into a semi-conscious state, ceasing to be aware of his own actions. Maybe this is why many people simply forget to take out and connect the equipment to take photos and videos about Bigfoot people?

Interesting fact. All eyewitnesses claim to have seen a male yeti and a female yeti. Moreover, in different corners planets. So, Bigfoot not only exists, but reproduces? Where do yetis actually live?

So who exactly is the snowy yeti? An alien or the progenitor of the human race, who somehow managed to survive while retaining primitive features? Perhaps the Yeti is the result of a failed experiment in crossing a primate and a human? It is known that similar experiments were carried out by the Third Reich, but no documentary evidence has survived.

The habitat of the yeti is Africa or Asia?

In the chronicles Buddhist temples Tibet has preserved ancient records of meetings of monks with mysterious creatures of enormous stature, completely covered with hair. It was in this part of Asia that Bigfoot, the Yeti, was first discovered. By the way, yeti is translated as “a creature that lives among the stones.”

Interesting fact. The first reports of snowmen appeared in the world press in the mid-50s of the last century. Their authors were climbers who were trying to climb the peak of Everest and were looking for suitable paths among the Himalayan rocks. The adventurers were replaced by groups of scientists, intrigued by the stories of the athletes. So, the hunt for the legendary Yeti has begun.

Plaster cast of the Yeti footprint found in Tibet

The prerequisite for the first serious study of the yeti was a series of fairly clear photographs taken by Eric Shipton during an expedition to the Himalayas (1951). The photographs were taken in the town of Menlung Glasir, which is located at an altitude of 6705 m. The photo shows the footprints of the Yeti, their size is 31.25 by 16.25 cm. From that moment on, scientists from all countries where the presence of huge monkey people had previously been recorded began to undertake very serious attempts to understand the origins of Sasquatch and Bigfoot.

Bigfoot Yeti in Russia

The Yeti phenomenon was also studied in Russia, namely in the Caucasus region. This was done by the historian B. Porshnev, and later by D. Kofman. Numerous stories from local residents about encounters with snowmen, covered with hair and having enormous growth, were confirmed by the food supplies found by the researchers. Caucasian bigfoots are shy; when they see a person, they instantly disappear. According to eyewitnesses, a haze appears before the eyes, and when it disappears, the yetis seem to evaporate.

Interesting fact. Back in the 19th century, Przhevalsky, who was researching the Gobi, also encountered Bigfoot. However Russian government I was afraid to allocate money for an additional expedition. Fear was fueled by statements from clergy who spoke of yetis as creatures from hell.

Meetings with Bigfoot Yeti also took place in Kazakhstan, where they were even named Kiik-Adam - “ wild man", and in Azerbaijan, local residents called snow people Biabanguli.

Presumably a site of Bigfoot people in northern Russia

A hunter in the Chelyabinsk region almost collided head-on with a snowman. In 2012, in Chelyabinsk, a local huntsman had to meet a humanoid creature, in which the hunter immediately recognized the legendary Bigfoot. According to the hunter, he “got goosebumps,” but that didn’t stop him from filming a video of the Yeti on his mobile phone.

Since then, Bigfoot's visits to Chelyabinsk region have become more frequent. It is noteworthy that they are not afraid to go out, and come very close to places inhabited by people. Perhaps there are so many yetis that they are trying to expand the boundaries of their habitat?

In contact with

The Himalayas stretch for more than 2400 km along northern border India. In the spring of 1925, photographer N. Tombasi was there with a group of climbers. They reached the Zemu glacier, located at an altitude of 4575 m. There was only snow around. Except for a few small bushes. Suddenly one of the conductors stopped. He pointed to a spot about 300 m away.

At first Tombasi couldn't see anything. The sun reflected from white snow, blinded my eyes. Then he saw a figure. The unknown creature walked straight, sometimes stopping to grab onto the bushes. According to Tombasi, it appeared as a dark spot on the white snow, although it was not wearing any clothing.

Soon the creature disappeared into dense thickets bush. A few hours later, Tombasi specifically decided to change the route: he wanted to go through the place where they saw the unknown person. Footprints were clearly visible in the snow. They were shaped like Bigfoot footprints.

Tombasi was a member of the British Royal Geographical Society an organization well known throughout the world. He was certainly trustworthy. The photographer had no doubt that he had seen Bigfoot, or Yeti, as the locals call him.

Yeti's Habitat

People call the Himalayas the “roof of the world.” At an altitude of 4575 meters all year round there is snow; the word “Himalaya” means “house of snow.” There are 96 mountain peaks in the Himalayas with a height of more than 7,000 meters, and the highest of them is Mount Everest, its height is 8,848 meters.

Mount Everest, or Chomolungma, is located on the border between China and Nepal. Nepal is a small country in the Himalayas, located between northern part India and China. The Sherpas live in the foothills of Everest. Sherpas believe that two types of creatures live among the snow-capped mountain peaks. They call one of the types dzutech. Scientists believe it could be a common Himalayan black bear. The second type is the yeh-tech, or Yeti.

According to Sherpa descriptions, the Yeti is about the same height as a person. It has a pointed head, long arms and a body covered with reddish fur. He walks upright on two legs. The Yeti lives in high mountain areas where there is no vegetation and there is snow all year round.

Sometimes the Yeti comes down the mountainsides to steal food from the village. It happens that he kills yaks, which local residents use for milk and wool, as well as for plowing fields.

Europeans observed the Yeti even before N. Tombasi. In 1889, while climbing Everest, English Major L. Weddell, at an altitude of 5185 meters, discovered large footprints in the snow, similar to the footprints of Bigfoot. He wrote that, according to some of his group, “these footprints belong to a hairy, wild man living among the eternal snows.”

But Weddell decided that these were bear tracks. For more than 30 years, no one paid attention to his message. Then the Yeti received a new name, which made him world famous.

Hunting Bigfoot

In 1921, a man named Kenneth Howard Bary accompanied the British expedition to Everest. At an altitude of 6100 meters, he and his team saw dark figures moving through the snow.

When he got there, Howard-Bary discovered huge footprints. According to the Sherpa guides, they could have been stopped by the Metoh-Kangmi. This is what the Sherpas call any unknown animal living in the mountains. Reporting what he saw, Howard-Bary translated this name into English language like "Bigfoot".

Bigfoot attracted the attention of newspaper publishers around the world. At that time, many climbers sought to be the first to conquer highest peak peace Mount Everest. Now they have another goal to find Bigfoot.


In 1938, Captain Auvergne told amazing story. According to him, he was traveling unaccompanied in the Himalayas. One day he became weak and almost blind from the bright shine of the snow. Then a huge yeti, almost 3 meters high, picked him up and carried him into the cave. There he fed him and looked after him until the captain was able to set off.

The next time the Yeti was seen was in 1942. Pole Slawomir Rawitz was captured Soviet troops During the Second World War. He and six prisoners managed to escape. They walked about 3200 km, crossed the Himalayas and ended up in India.

On the way, they met two huge Yetis: “They were almost 2.5 m tall. They had square heads, sharp shoulders, a powerful chest and long arms almost to the knees.” Ravitz said they observed the Yeti for two hours. One yeti was slightly larger than the other, and Ravitz decided that they were male and female creatures. They seemed to have no interest in people at all.

In 1951, English climbers Eric Shipton and Michael Ward discovered footprints of Bigfoot while climbing Everest. They walked along them for about 1.5 km. One track was very clear. They took a photo of him. Ward placed his ice ax nearby so that he could judge the size of the footprint. The length of the track was 33 cm and the width was 20 cm.

Eric Shipton described the discovered tracks as follows: “There was no doubt that some huge creature had passed here quite recently. Whatever it is, one thing is clear that it is not a person, not a bear, and not one of the species of monkeys existing in Asia.”

Five fingers were visible on the trail. The two inner fingers seemed longer than the others. The heel was very wide and flat. The photographs were carefully studied by a group of zoological scientists. In their opinion, the tracks could also have been left by a bear or large monkey. However, many refused to believe that the tracks were left by an animal.

On top of the world

Two years later, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became the first to conquer the world's highest peak, Everest. At the same time, a report appeared in the press that they had seen footprints of the Yeti. Moreover, Tenzing stated that he often saw similar tracks. He told Hillary that his father was once chased by a huge creature on a large slope.

In 1954, the English newspaper "Daily Mail" equipped its own expedition to search for Bigfoot. However, it was not successful: only traces of Bigfoot were found. The expedition was led by journalist Ralph Izzard. He photographed what the Tibetan monastery called the Yeti scalp. In 1961, Edmund Hillary showed this scalp to specialists. They announced that the scalp was made from the skin of a wild goat native to the area!

The mystery still exists

After the boom of the 1950s, new reports of Bigfoot were few and far between. However, they still continue to arrive. High in the Himalayas, of course, lives some kind of creature that leaves huge footprints in the snow and sometimes scares the local Sherpas.

Interestingly, reports of a mysterious creature come not only from the Himalayas. In particular, “wild man” lives in China, Almas lives in Central Asia, Bigfoot lives in North America; There are, besides them, other unusual humanoid creatures. Bigfoot footprints remain an interesting topic for research

Bigfoot - unknown to science humanoid creature. IN different cultures they gave him different names. Among the most famous: Yeti, Bigfoot, Sasquatch. The attitude towards Bigfoot is quite ambiguous. There is no officially confirmed data on the existence of Bigfoot today. However, many claim that there is evidence of its existence, but official science does not want or cannot consider it as physical evidence. In addition to numerous videos and photos, which, frankly, are not 100% proof, since they can be ordinary fakes, cryptozoologists, ufologists and researchers of the Bigfoot phenomenon have casts of footprints, Sasquatch hair, and in one of the monasteries of Nepal The entire scalp of this creature is supposedly kept. However, such evidence is insufficient to confirm the existence of this hominid. The only evidence that official science cannot argue with will be Bigfoot, so to speak, in person, who will allow himself to be examined and experiments carried out on himself.

According to some scientists, yeti are miraculously preserved to this day, who were expelled by the Cro-Magnons (the ancestors of people) into forests and mountains, and since then they have lived far from people and try not to show themselves to them. Despite the rapid flourishing of humanity, the world remains great amount places where Bigfoot can hide and exist undetected for the time being. According to other versions, bigfoot is a completely different species great apes, which do not belong to either the ancestors of humans or the Neanderthals, but represent their own branch of evolution. These are upright primates that can have a fairly developed mind, since throughout large quantity time, they skillfully hide from people and do not allow themselves to be discovered. In the recent past, yeti were often mistaken for feral people who went into the forest, grew hair and lost their usual human appearance, but numerous witnesses describe clearly not feral people, since people and unknown creatures, judging by the descriptions, they differ strikingly.

In the bulk of evidence, the Sasquatch was seen either in forested areas of the Earth, where large forested areas, or in high mountain areas where people rarely climb. In such regions, which have been explored very little by people, various animals may live that have not yet been discovered by science, and Bigfoot may be one of them.

Most descriptions of this creature, and descriptions from different regions planets coincide. Witnesses describe Bigfoot, How large creature, reaching a height of 3 meters, with a strong, muscular physique. Bigfoot has a pointed skull and a dark-colored face, long arms and short legs, a massive jaw and short neck. The Yeti is completely covered with hair - black, red, white or gray, and the hair on the head is longer than on the body. Sometimes witnesses emphasize that Bigfoot has a short mustache and beard.

Scientists have suggested that yetis are very difficult to find because they hide their homes very carefully, and people or people who approach their homes begin to scare away with crackling noises, howls, roars or screams. Such sounds, by the way, are also described in the mythology of the past, in particular, in the mythology of the ancient Slavs, where they were attributed to Leshem and his assistants, for example, the forest spirit Squealer, who pretends to knock to scare away a person or, on the contrary, to lead him into a swamp or quagmire. Researchers claim that forest yetis can build nests in the dense crowns of trees, and so skillfully that a person, even passing by and looking at the crown of a tree, will not notice anything. There are also theories that yetis dig holes and live underground, which makes them even more difficult to spot. Mountain yetis live in remote caves that are located in hard-to-reach places.

It is believed that it was these wild creatures of great stature and covered with hair that became the prototypes of various characters in the mythology of the peoples of the world, for example, Russian Leshy or ancient Greek Satyrs, Roman Fauns, Scandinavian Trolls or Indian Rakshasas. Just think about it, because they believe in the Yeti almost everywhere: Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan (Yeti), Azerbaijan (Guley-Bani), Yakutia (Chuchunna), Mongolia (Almas), China (Ezhen), Kazakhstan (Kiik-Adam and Albasty) , Russia (bigfoot, goblin, shishiga), Persia (div), Ukraine (chugaister), Pamir (dev), Tatarstan and Bashkiria (shurale, yarymtyk), Chuvashia (arsuri), Siberian Tatars (pitsen), Akhazia (abnauayu) , Canada (Sasquatch), Chukotka (Teryk, Girkychavylin, Myrygdy, Kiltanya, Arynk, Arysa, Rackem, Julia), Sumatra and Kalimantan (Batatut), Africa (Agogwe, Kakundakari and Ki-lomba) and so on.

It is worth noting that today the issue of the existence of the Yeti is considered only by separate, private and independent organizations. However, in the USSR the problem of finding the Yeti was considered state level. The amount of evidence of the appearance of this creature was so large that they simply stopped doubting its existence. On January 31, 1957, a meeting of the Academy of Sciences was held in Moscow, the agenda of which included only one single item, “About Bigfoot.” They searched for this creature for several years, sent expeditions to various regions countries where evidence of its appearance had previously been recorded, but after fruitless attempts to find mysterious creature, the program was curtailed, and only enthusiasts began to deal with this issue. Enthusiasts to this day do not lose hope of meeting Bigfoot and proving to the whole world that these are not just myths and legends, but real creature, which perhaps needs human support and help.

A real reward has been announced for the capture of Bigfoot. The governor promises 1,000,000 rubles to the lucky winner Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev. However, it is worth saying that if you meet the owner of the forest on a forest path, then first of all you need to think about how to get away, and not make a profit from it. Maybe it’s for the better that people didn’t put Bigfoot on a chain or in one of the cages at the zoo. Over time, interest in these creatures has disappeared, and now many simply refuse to believe in it, mistaking all evidence for fiction. This is undoubtedly beneficial forest people, and if they really exist, then they should not yet meet curious people, scientists, reporters, tourists and poachers who will definitely ruin their quiet existence.

Big Foot. Latest eyewitnesses

Bigfoot - myth or reality? Billions of people on Earth want an answer to this question.

Are you interested in the topic? bigfoot photo or Bigfoot video film? This article is exactly about that! Bigfoot or, as he is also called, bigfoot, hominoid, sasquatch is a humanoid creature that is believed to be found in highland and forested areas around the world. There is an opinion that this is a mammal that belongs to the order of primates and to the genus humans, preserved from the time of human ancestors. Swedish naturalist, creator unified system animal classification and flora Carl Linnaeus identified him as Homo troglodytes or, in other words, caveman.

Descriptive Characteristics of Bigfoot

There is no exact description of Bigfoot. Some say that these are huge four-meter animals that are distinguished by their mobility. Others, on the contrary, say that his height does not exceed 1.5 meters, he is passive and swings his arms wildly when walking.

All Bigfoot researchers are inclined to conclude that the Yeti is a good creature if you don’t make him angry

According to unconfirmed data, the yeti differs from modern humans in its pointed skull shape, denser build, short neck length, longer arms, short hips and massive lower jaw. Its entire body is covered with red, gray or black hair. The hair on the head is longer than on the body, and the beard and mustache are very short. It has an unpleasant strong odor. Among other things, he is an excellent tree climber.

It is believed that the habitat of Bigfoot is the snowy edge that separates forest areas from glaciers. At the same time, forest populations of Bigfoot people build nests on tree branches, and mountain populations live in caves. They feed on lichens and rodents, and they butcher the caught animals before eating them. This may indicate a close relationship with a person. In case of hunger, yetis approach people and thus behave carelessly. According to villagers, in case of danger, the humanoid savage makes a barking sound. loud noise. But Chinese peasants say that snow people weave simple baskets, and also make axes, shovels and other basic tools.

Descriptions suggest that the Yeti is a relict hominoid that lives in married couples. However, it is possible that some people with excessively developed unnatural hair are mistaken for these creatures.

Early mentions of Bigfoot

The very first historical evidence of the existence of Bigfoot is associated with the name of Plutarch. He talked about how Sulla's soldiers captured a satyr, which according to the description corresponded to the appearance of a yeti.

In his story “The Horror,” Guy de Maupassant describes the meeting of the writer Ivan Turgenev with a female snowman. There is also documentary evidence that in the 19th century in Abkhazia there was a woman named Zana, who was the prototype of the Yeti. She had peculiar habits, but this did not prevent her from successfully giving birth to children from people who, in turn, were distinguished by their powerful strength and good health.

In the West in 1832, reports appeared of a strange creature living in the Himalayas. Hodtson B.G., an English traveler and researcher, settled in the highlands in order to study this mysterious creature. Later Hodtson B.G. in his works he talked about a tall humanoid creature, which the Nepalese called a demon. It was covered with long thick hair and was distinguished from the animal by the absence of a tail and walking upright. Local residents told Hodtson about the first mentions of Yeti. According to them, snow people were first mentioned in the fourth century BC.

Half a century later, the Briton Lawrence Waddell became interested in the savages. At an altitude of 6,000 meters in Sikkim, he found footprints. After analyzing them and talking with local residents Lawrence Waddell concluded that yellow predator bears, which very often attack yaks, are mistaken for humanoid savages.

Interest in Bigfoot grew in the 1920s and 1930s, when one reporter called the hairy savage the “terrible bigfoot.” In means mass media It was also reported that several Bigfoot people were caught and imprisoned, after which they were shot as Basmachi. In 1941, Colonel of the Medical Service of the Soviet Army Karapetyan V.S. inspected the Bigfoot caught in Dagestan. Soon after this, the mysterious creature was shot.

Theories and a film about Bigfoot

Today, scientists do not have sufficient data to make an official confirmation of the validity of one of the theories. However, scientists have voiced rather bold hypotheses about the emergence of the yeti, which have a right to exist. Their opinions are based on the study of hair and footprints, on photographs taken, audio recordings, sketches strange creature, as well as video recordings that are not of the best quality.

For a long time, a short film made by Bob Gimlin and Roger Patterson in 1967 in Northern California was the most convincing evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. According to the authors, they managed to capture a female Bigfoot on film.

This happened in the fall, when Bob and Roger rode horses along a densely forested gorge in the hope of meeting a yeti, whose traces had been repeatedly seen in these places. At one point, the horses got scared of something and reared up, after which Patterson noticed a large creature squatting on the bank of a stream near the water. Looking at the cowboys, this mysterious creature stood up and walked away towards the steep slope of the gorge. Roger was not taken aback and, taking out a video camera, ran to the stream after the creature. He ran after the savage, shooting him in the back. However, he realized that it was necessary to fix the camera and follow the moving creature, after which he knelt. Suddenly the creature turned and began to walk towards the camera, but then, turning slightly to the left, it walked away from the stream. Roger tried to rush after him, however, thanks to his fast walking and large size, the mysterious creature quickly disappeared, and the film on the video camera ran out.

The Gimlin-Patterson film was immediately rejected by specialists from the most important US scientific center, the Smithsonian Institution, as a fake. American experts said that such a hybrid with a hairy chest, a gorilla's head and human legs simply cannot exist in nature. At the end of 1971, the film was brought to Moscow and shown to a number of scientific institutions. Specialists from the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics assessed it positively and were very interested in it. After a detailed study of the film, a professor at the Academy made a written conclusion physical culture D.D. Donskoy, who noted that the gait of the creature on the film is completely atypical for a person. He regarded it as a natural movement, in which there were no signs of artificiality, and which is characteristic of various deliberate imitations.

The famous sculptor Nikita Lavinsky also undoubtedly considered the Gimlin-Patterson film to be authentic. Based on the footage of this film, he even created sculptural portraits of a female Bigfoot.

Participants in the seminar on hominology, Alexandra Burtseva, Dmitry Bayanov and Igor Burtsev, undertook the most in-depth study of this film. Burtsev made a photographic reproduction with various exposures of frames from the film. Thanks to this work, it was proven that the head of the creature on the film was not a gorilla, as the Americans claimed, and not ordinary person, and paleoanthropa. It is also clear that the hairline is not a special suit at all, since the muscles of the back, legs and arms are clearly visible through it. The difference between the yeti and the human is also the elongated upper limbs, the absence of a visible neck, the carriage of the head and the elongated barrel-shaped torso.

The arguments on which Patterson's film is based are:

  • The ankle joint of the mysterious creature, captured on film, has exceptional flexibility, which is unattainable for humans. The dorsal direction of the foot is more flexible than in humans. Dmitry Bayanov was the first to draw attention to this. Later, this fact was confirmed and described in his publications by Jeff Meldrum, an American anthropologist.
  • The Yeti's heel protrudes much more than a human's heel, which corresponds to the structure of the Neanderthal foot.
  • The then head of the department of biochemistry at the Academy of Physical Culture, Dmitry Donskoy, who studied the film in detail, concluded that the gait of the strange creature on the film is completely not inherent in Homo Sariens, which, moreover, cannot be recreated.
  • In the film, the muscles on the limbs and body are clearly visible, which in turn excludes speculation about the costume. All anatomy distinguishes this mysterious creature from a human.
  • Comparison of the frequency of hand vibrations with the speed at which the film was shot proved quite tall hairy creature, approximately 2 meters 20 centimeters, and if you take into account the build, then heavy weight– more than 200 kilograms.

Based on these considerations, Patterson's film was considered authentic. About this at scientific publications reported in the USA and USSR. However, if the film is recognized as authentic, therefore, the existence of living relict hominids, which are considered extinct tens of thousands of years ago, is recognized. Anthropologists cannot do this yet. Hence the endless number of refutations of the authenticity of an excellent film certificate.

Among other things, ufologist Shurinov B.A. Contrary to popular opinions, he claims that Bigfoot is of alien origin. Other researchers of the Yeti mysteries insist that the origin is associated with interspecific hybridization on anthropoids, thus putting forward the theory that Bigfoot was the result of crossing a monkey with a man in the Gulag.

Bigfoot photo is real. Yeti-Bigfoot family in Tennessee (USA)

Real photo of a frozen yeti

In December 1968, two famous cryptozoologists, Bernard Euvelmans (France) and Ivan Sanderson (USA), examined the frozen corpse of a hairy hominoid found in the Caucasus. The survey results were published in a scientific collection of cryptozoologists. Euvelmans identified the frozen yeti as a "modern Neanderthal."

At the same time active search Bigfoot were carried out in former USSR. The most significant results were obtained from the studies of Maria-Janna Kofman in the North Caucasus, and Alexandra Burtseva in Chukotka and Kamchatka. Scientific expeditions in Tajikistan and the Pamir-Altai under the leadership of Igor Tatsl and Igor Burtsev ended very fruitfully. On Lovozero ( Murmansk region) and in Western Siberia Maya Bykova successfully conducted the search. Vladimir Pushkarev devoted a lot of time to searching for yetis in Komi and Yakutia.

Unfortunately, the last expedition of Vladimir Pushkarev ended tragically: due to lack of funds for a full-fledged expedition alone in September 1978, he went to Khanty-Mansiysk District in search of Bigfoot and went missing.

Janice Carter has been friends with the Bigfoot family for decades!

IN last years interest in the yeti is being revived, new regions of distribution of modern Neanderthals have appeared. In 2002, Janice Carter, the owner of a farm in Tennessee, said in a television interview that an entire family of bigfoots had lived near her farm for more than fifty years. According to her, in 2002, the father of the “snowy” family was about 60 years old, and their first acquaintance took place when Janice was a seven-year-old girl. Janice Carter has met Bigfoot and his family many times in her life. This drawing was made from her words and clearly shows the proportions of the yeti and his peacefulness.

Recently, Russian hominologists (Bigfoot researchers) found information that in 1997, in France, in the small town of Bourganeff, a frozen body of a Bigfoot, allegedly found in Tibet and smuggled from China, was displayed. There are many inconsistencies in this story. The owner of the refrigerator truck in which the Yeti corpse was transported disappeared without a trace. The van itself, along with its sensational contents, also disappeared. Photos of the body were shown to Janice Carter, who confirmed that she does not rule out that this is not a falsification, but real body Bigfoot.

Bigfoot video. Speculations and falsifications on the topic of Yeti

In 1958, Ray Wallace, a resident of the American town of San Diego, published a sensation about Bigfoot, who is a relative of the Yeti living in the mountains of California. It all started when, in August 1958, an employee of Wallace's construction company came to work and saw huge footprints around the bulldozer that looked like human ones. The local press called mysterious creature Bigfoot, and America thus got its own species of Bigfoot.

In 2002, after the death of Ray Wallace, his family decided to reveal the secret. At Ray's request, the 40-centimeter-long footprints for marking the soil were cut out of boards, after which he and his brother put the feet on their feet and walked around the bulldozer.

He was so captivated by this prank for many years that he could not stop and periodically delighted the media and communities of mystery lovers either with a recording of him making sounds or with photographs of blurry monsters. But the most interesting thing was that the relatives of the deceased Wallace declared that the film made by Patterson and Gimlin was falsified. Many experts assumed that the footage was genuine. However, according to relatives and friends, this filming was a staged episode in which Wallace’s wife starred, dressed in a specially tailored monkey costume. This statement was a major blow to enthusiasts who are trying to find a humanoid mysterious creature.

But back in 1969, John Green, in order to determine the authenticity of the film, consulted with specialists from the Disney film studio, who created monkey costumes for the actors. They said the creature was wearing living skin and not a costume.

I would like to note that hundreds of volumes are devoted to hominoid observations scientific literature. But there is still no concrete answer to the question of its origin and existence. On the contrary, the longer the research and search last, the more pressing the questions are raised. Why can't you catch Bigfoot? Can small populations of these creatures survive in unconnected areas? And there are many more questions that have no answers yet...

I bring to your attention an excellent film about the Yeti with good video quality, dedicated to all aspects of this most interesting topic, which has been exciting the minds of people around the world for many years.